/* v/http.c ** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" #include "vere/vere.h" /* _ames_alloc(): libuv buffer allocator. */ static void _ames_alloc(uv_handle_t* had_u, size_t len_i, uv_buf_t* buf ) { void* ptr_v = c3_malloc(len_i); *buf = uv_buf_init(ptr_v, len_i); } /* _ames_free(): contrasting free. */ static void _ames_free(void* ptr_v) { // uL(fprintf(uH, "free %p\n", ptr_v)); free(ptr_v); } /* _ames_pact_free(): free packet struct. */ static void _ames_pact_free(u3_pact* pac_u) { free(pac_u->hun_y); free(pac_u->dns_c); free(pac_u); } /* _ames_send_cb(): send callback. */ static void _ames_send_cb(uv_udp_send_t* req_u, c3_i sas_i) { u3_pact* pac_u = (u3_pact*)req_u; #if 0 if ( 0 != sas_i ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: send_cb: %s\n", uv_strerror(sas_i))); } #endif _ames_pact_free(pac_u); } /* _ames_send(): send buffer to address on port. */ static void _ames_send(u3_pact* pac_u) { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; if ( !pac_u->hun_y ) { _ames_pact_free(pac_u); return; } struct sockaddr_in add_u; memset(&add_u, 0, sizeof(add_u)); add_u.sin_family = AF_INET; add_u.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(pac_u->pip_w); add_u.sin_port = htons(pac_u->por_s); uv_buf_t buf_u = uv_buf_init((c3_c*)pac_u->hun_y, pac_u->len_w); c3_i sas_i; if ( 0 != (sas_i = uv_udp_send(&pac_u->snd_u, &sam_u->wax_u, &buf_u, 1, (const struct sockaddr*)&add_u, _ames_send_cb)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: send: %s\n", uv_strerror(sas_i))); } } /* _ames_czar_port(): udp port for galaxy. */ static c3_s _ames_czar_port(c3_y imp_y) { if ( c3n == u3_Host.ops_u.net ) { return 31337 + imp_y; } else { return 13337 + imp_y; } } /* _ames_czar_gone(): galaxy address resolution failed. */ static void _ames_czar_gone(u3_pact* pac_u, time_t now) { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: czar at %s: not found (b)\n", pac_u->dns_c)); if ( (0 == sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]) || (0xffffffff == sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]) ) { sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y] = 0xffffffff; } /* else keep existing ip for 5 more minutes */ sam_u->imp_t[pac_u->imp_y] = now; _ames_pact_free(pac_u); } /* _ames_czar_cb(): galaxy address resolution callback. */ static void _ames_czar_cb(uv_getaddrinfo_t* adr_u, c3_i sas_i, struct addrinfo* aif_u) { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; u3_pact* pac_u = (u3_pact*)adr_u->data; time_t now = time(0); struct addrinfo* rai_u = aif_u; while ( 1 ) { if ( !rai_u ) { _ames_czar_gone(pac_u, now); break; } if ( (AF_INET == rai_u->ai_family) ) { struct sockaddr_in* add_u = (struct sockaddr_in *)rai_u->ai_addr; c3_w old_w = sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]; sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y] = ntohl(add_u->sin_addr.s_addr); sam_u->imp_t[pac_u->imp_y] = now; #if 1 if ( sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y] != old_w && sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y] != 0xffffffff ) { u3_noun wad = u3i_words(1, &sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]); u3_noun nam = u3dc("scot", c3__if, wad); c3_c* nam_c = u3r_string(nam); uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: czar %s: ip %s\n", pac_u->dns_c, nam_c)); free(nam_c); u3z(nam); } #endif _ames_send(pac_u); break; } rai_u = rai_u->ai_next; } free(adr_u); uv_freeaddrinfo(aif_u); } /* _ames_czar(): galaxy address resolution. */ static void _ames_czar(u3_pact* pac_u, c3_c* bos_c) { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; pac_u->por_s = _ames_czar_port(pac_u->imp_y); if ( c3n == u3_Host.ops_u.net ) { pac_u->pip_w = 0x7f000001; _ames_send(pac_u); return; } time_t now = time(0); // backoff if ( (0xffffffff == sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]) && (now - sam_u->imp_t[pac_u->imp_y]) < 300 ) { _ames_pact_free(pac_u); return; } if ( (0 == sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]) || (now - sam_u->imp_t[pac_u->imp_y]) > 300 ) { /* 5 minute TTL */ u3_noun nam = u3dc("scot", 'p', pac_u->imp_y); c3_c* nam_c = u3r_string(nam); // XX remove extra byte for '~' pac_u->dns_c = c3_malloc(1 + strlen(bos_c) + 1 + strlen(nam_c)); snprintf(pac_u->dns_c, 256, "%s.%s", nam_c + 1, bos_c); // uL(fprintf(uH, "czar %s, dns %s\n", nam_c, pac_u->dns_c)); free(nam_c); u3z(nam); { uv_getaddrinfo_t* adr_u = c3_malloc(sizeof(*adr_u)); adr_u->data = pac_u; c3_i sas_i; if ( 0 != (sas_i = uv_getaddrinfo(u3L, adr_u, _ames_czar_cb, pac_u->dns_c, 0, 0)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: %s\n", uv_strerror(sas_i))); _ames_czar_gone(pac_u, now); return; } } } else { pac_u->pip_w = sam_u->imp_w[pac_u->imp_y]; _ames_send(pac_u); return; } } /* _ames_lane_ipv4(): IPv4 address/ from lane. */ u3_noun _ames_lane_ip(u3_noun lan, c3_s* por_s, c3_w* pip_w) { switch ( u3h(lan) ) { case c3__if: { *por_s= (c3_s) u3h(u3t(u3t(lan))); *pip_w = u3r_word(0, u3t(u3t(u3t(lan)))); return c3y; } break; case c3__is: { u3_noun pq_lan = u3h(u3t(u3t(lan))); if ( u3_nul == pq_lan ) return c3n; else return _ames_lane_ip(u3t(pq_lan), por_s, pip_w); } break; case c3__ix: { *por_s = (c3_s) u3h(u3t(u3t(lan))); *pip_w = u3r_word(0, u3t(u3t(u3t(lan)))); return c3y; } break; } return c3n; } void u3_ames_ef_bake(void) { u3_noun pax = u3nq(u3_blip, c3__newt, u3k(u3A->sen), u3_nul); u3v_plan(pax, u3nc(c3__barn, u3_nul)); } /* u3_ames_ef_send(): send packet to network (v4). */ void u3_ames_ef_send(u3_noun lan, u3_noun pac) { if ( u3_Host.ops_u.fuz_w && ((rand() % 100) < u3_Host.ops_u.fuz_w) ) { u3z(lan); u3z(pac); return; } u3_pact* pac_u = c3_calloc(sizeof(*pac_u)); if ( c3y == _ames_lane_ip(lan, &pac_u->por_s, &pac_u->pip_w) ) { pac_u->len_w = u3r_met(3, pac); pac_u->hun_y = c3_malloc(pac_u->len_w); u3r_bytes(0, pac_u->len_w, pac_u->hun_y, pac); if ( 0 == pac_u->pip_w ) { pac_u->pip_w = 0x7f000001; pac_u->por_s = u3_Host.sam_u.por_s; } if ( (0 == (pac_u->pip_w >> 16)) && (1 == (pac_u->pip_w >> 8)) ) { pac_u->imp_y = (pac_u->pip_w & 0xff); _ames_czar(pac_u, u3_Host.ops_u.dns_c); } else if ( (c3y == u3_Host.ops_u.net) || (0x7f000001 == pac_u->pip_w) ) { _ames_send(pac_u); } else { // networking disabled _ames_pact_free(pac_u); } } else { _ames_pact_free(pac_u); } u3z(lan); u3z(pac); } /* _ames_time_cb(): timer callback. */ static void _ames_time_cb(uv_timer_t* tim_uo) { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; u3_lo_open(); sam_u->law_w = time(0); { u3v_plan (u3nt(u3_blip, c3__ames, u3_nul), u3nc(c3__wake, u3_nul)); } u3_lo_shut(c3n); } /* _ames_recv_cb(): receive callback. */ static void _ames_recv_cb(uv_udp_t* wax_u, ssize_t nrd_i, const uv_buf_t * buf_u, const struct sockaddr* adr_u, unsigned flg_i) { // uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: rx %p\r\n", buf_u.base)); if ( 0 == nrd_i ) { _ames_free(buf_u->base); } else { u3_lo_open(); { u3_noun msg = u3i_bytes((c3_w)nrd_i, (c3_y*)buf_u->base); // fprintf(stderr, "ames: plan\r\n"); #if 0 u3z(msg); #else struct sockaddr_in* add_u = (struct sockaddr_in *)adr_u; c3_s por_s = ntohs(add_u->sin_port); c3_w pip_w = ntohl(add_u->sin_addr.s_addr); u3v_plan (u3nt(u3_blip, c3__ames, u3_nul), u3nt(c3__hear, u3nq(c3__if, u3k(u3A->now), por_s, u3i_words(1, &pip_w)), msg)); #endif } _ames_free(buf_u->base); u3_lo_shut(c3y); } } /* u3_ames_io_init(): initialize ames I/O. */ void u3_ames_io_init() { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; c3_s por_s; por_s = u3_Host.ops_u.por_s; if ( 0 != u3_Host.ops_u.imp_c ) { u3_noun imp = u3i_string(u3_Host.ops_u.imp_c); u3_noun num = u3dc("slaw", 'p', imp); c3_y num_y; if ( c3n == u3du(num) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "malformed emperor: %s\n", u3_Host.ops_u.imp_c)); exit(1); } num_y = u3r_byte(0, u3t(num)); por_s = _ames_czar_port(num_y); if ( c3y == u3_Host.ops_u.net ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: czar: %s on %d\n", u3_Host.ops_u.imp_c, por_s)); } else { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: czar: %s on %d (localhost only)\n", u3_Host.ops_u.imp_c, por_s)); } u3z(num); } int ret; if ( 0 != (ret = uv_udp_init(u3L, &u3_Host.sam_u.wax_u)) ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: init: %s\n", uv_strerror(ret))); c3_assert(0); } // Bind and stuff. { struct sockaddr_in add_u; c3_i add_i = sizeof(add_u); memset(&add_u, 0, sizeof(add_u)); add_u.sin_family = AF_INET; add_u.sin_addr.s_addr = _(u3_Host.ops_u.net) ? htonl(INADDR_ANY) : htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); add_u.sin_port = htons(por_s); int ret; if ( (ret = uv_udp_bind(&sam_u->wax_u, (const struct sockaddr*) & add_u, 0)) != 0 ) { uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: bind: %s\n", uv_strerror(ret))); if (UV_EADDRINUSE == ret){ uL(fprintf(uH, " ...perhaps you've got two copies of vere running?\n")); } exit(1); } uv_udp_getsockname(&sam_u->wax_u, (struct sockaddr *)&add_u, &add_i); c3_assert(add_u.sin_port); sam_u->por_s = ntohs(add_u.sin_port); } // Timer too. { uv_timer_init(u3L, &sam_u->tim_u); } } /* u3_ames_io_talk(): start receiving ames traffic. */ void u3_ames_io_talk() { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; uL(fprintf(uH, "ames: on localhost, UDP %d.\n", sam_u->por_s)); uv_udp_recv_start(&sam_u->wax_u, _ames_alloc, _ames_recv_cb); } /* u3_ames_io_exit(): terminate ames I/O. */ void u3_ames_io_exit() { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; // XX close wax_u instead uv_close(&sam_u->had_u, 0); } /* u3_ames_io_poll(): update ames IO state. */ void u3_ames_io_poll() { u3_ames* sam_u = &u3_Host.sam_u; u3_noun wen = u3v_keep(u3nt(u3_blip, c3__ames, u3_nul)); if ( (u3_nul != wen) && (c3y == u3du(wen)) && (c3y == u3ud(u3t(wen))) ) { c3_d gap_d = u3_time_gap_ms(u3k(u3A->now), u3k(u3t(wen))); c3_w lem_w = (time(0) - sam_u->law_w); c3_w lef_w = (lem_w > 32) ? 0 : (32 - lem_w); gap_d = c3_min(gap_d, (c3_d)(1000 * lef_w)); if ( c3y == sam_u->alm ) { uv_timer_stop(&sam_u->tim_u); } else sam_u->alm = c3y; uv_timer_start(&sam_u->tim_u, _ames_time_cb, gap_d, 0); } else { if ( c3y == sam_u->alm ) { uv_timer_stop(&sam_u->tim_u); } sam_u->alm = c3n; } u3z(wen); }