:: test fine, remote-scry request and response :: /+ *test, v=test-ames-gall /* kelvin %hoon /sys/kelvin => |% ++ kelvin-roof ^- roof :: |= [lyc=gang vis=view bem=beam] ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?> =(s.bem /sys/kelvin) ?+ vis ~ %cp =/ black=dict:clay %*(. *dict:clay mod.rul %black) ``noun+!>([black black]) :: %cx ``hoon+!>(kelvin) == :: ++ etch-request-content |= [our=@p =path num=@ud] ^- @ ?> (lth num (bex 32)) =+ pat=(spat path) =+ wid=(met 3 pat) %+ can 3 :~ 1^0 :: tag byte 4^num :: fragment number 2^wid :: path size wid^`@`pat :: namespace path == -- :: |% ++ test-fine %- run-chain |. :- %| =+ (nec-bud:v life=[nec=1 bud=1] rift=[nec=1 bud=1]) :: uncomment to turn on verbose debug output ::=^ * ames.nec :: (ames-call:v ames.nec ~[/none] [%spew ~[%msg %snd %rcv %odd]] *roof) ::=^ * ames.bud :: (ames-call:v ames.bud ~[/none] [%spew ~[%msg %snd %rcv %odd]] *roof) =/ scry-path=path /c/x/1/kids/sys/kelvin =/ fine-behn-wire=wire (weld /fine/behn/wake/~bud scry-path) =/ future-path=path /c/x/5/kids/sys/kelvin =/ future-behn=wire (weld /fine/behn/wake/~bud future-path) =/ =task:ames [%keen ~bud scry-path] :: =/ request=shot:ames :* [sndr=~nec rcvr=~bud] req=& sam=| sndr-tick=0b1 rcvr-tick=0b1 origin=~ content=(etch-request-content ~nec (weld /~bud/1/1 scry-path) 1) == ~& > 'poke requester %ames with a %keen task' =^ t1 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/keen-duct-1] task] :~ :- ~[//unix] [%give %send [%& ~bud] (etch-shot:ames request)] [~[//unix] %pass fine-behn-wire %b %wait ~1111.1.1..00.00.01] == == :: ~& > 'poke requester %ames with a second %keen task' :- t1 |. :- %| =^ t2 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/keen-duct-2] task] ~ == :: :- t2 |. :- %| =/ peer=peer-state:ames (ames-scry-peer:v ames.nec [~1111.1.8 0xbeef.dead *roof] [~nec ~bud]) =/ listeners=(set duct) ?~ keen=(~(get by keens.peer) scry-path) ~ listeners:u.keen ~& > 'checks two listeners for the requested scry path' =/ t3=tang %+ expect-eq !>((sy ~[~[/keen-duct-1] ~[/keen-duct-2]])) !>(listeners) :: :- t3 |. :- %| ~& > 'gives a remote scry response to listeners' =/ [sig=@ux meows=(list @ux)] %: ames-scry-hunk:v ames.bud [~1111.1.2 0xbeef.dead kelvin-roof] ~bud [1 16.384 (weld /~bud/1/1 scry-path)] == =/ response=shot:ames :* [sndr=~bud rcvr=~nec] req=| sam=| sndr-tick=0b1 rcvr-tick=0b1 origin=~ :: we know that for /sys/kelvin its contents fit :: in one packet -- TODO multipacket response content=?>(?=([@ *] meows) i.meows) == :: =/ roar=(unit roar:ames) :+ ~ [(weld /~bud/1/1 scry-path) `hoon+kelvin] [[~bud [1 sig]] ~ ~] =^ t4 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.2 0xbeef.dead *roof] :- ~[//fine] :* %hear [%& ~bud] (etch-shot:ames response) == :~ [~[//fine] %pass /qos %d %flog %text "; ~bud is your neighbor"] [~[/keen-duct-2] %give %tune [~bud scry-path] roar] [~[/keen-duct-1] %give %tune [~bud scry-path] roar] [~[//unix] %pass fine-behn-wire %b %rest ~1111.1.1..00.00.01] == == :: :- t4 |. :- %| =/ request=shot:ames :* [sndr=~nec rcvr=~bud] req=& sam=| sndr-tick=0b1 rcvr-tick=0b1 origin=~ content=(etch-request-content ~nec (weld /~bud/1/1 future-path) 1) == ~& > 'poke requester %ames with a %keen task for a future case' =^ t5 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/keen-duct-3] %keen ~bud future-path] :~ [~[//unix] [%give %send [%& ~bud] (etch-shot:ames request)]] [~[//unix] %pass future-behn %b %wait ~1111.1.1..00.00.01] == == :: :- t5 |. :- %| ~& > 'cancel %keen task, from requester' =^ t6 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/keen-duct-3] %yawn ~bud future-path] [~[//unix] %pass future-behn %b %rest ~1111.1.1..00.00.01]~ == :: :- t6 |. :- %| ~& > 'poke requester %ames with a new %keen task for a future case' =^ t7 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/keen-duct-4] %keen ~bud future-path] :~ [~[//unix] [%give %send [%& ~bud] (etch-shot:ames request)]] [~[//unix] %pass future-behn %b %wait ~1111.1.1..00.00.01] == == :: :- t7 |. :- %| ~& > 'poke requester %ames with a second %keen task for a future case' =^ t8 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/keen-duct-5] %keen ~bud future-path] ~ == :- t8 |. :- %| ~& > 'cancel scry for all listeners (%wham)' =^ t9 ames.nec %: ames-check-call:v ames.nec [~1111.1.1 0xdead.beef *roof] [~[/wham-duct] %wham ~bud future-path] :~ [~[/keen-duct-4] [%give %tune [~bud future-path] ~]] [~[/keen-duct-5] [%give %tune [~bud future-path] ~]] [~[//unix] %pass future-behn %b %rest ~1111.1.1..00.00.01] == == :- t9 |. :- %& =/ peer=peer-state:ames (ames-scry-peer:v ames.nec [~1111.1.8 0xbeef.dead *roof] [~nec ~bud]) =/ listeners=(set duct) ?~ keen=(~(get by keens.peer) scry-path) ~ listeners:u.keen ~& > 'checks no more listeners' (expect-eq !>(~) !>(listeners)) --