:: Tests for html :: /+ *test =, html =, enjs:format |% :: JSON encoding/decoding :: :: Functions for checking large lists of examples against expected values which :: also nicely format any failures. :: :: Custom types need to skip one 'tape' face due to 'tape' arm in 'enjs:format' :: +$ json-decode-spec [name=^tape input=cord expected=^json] +$ json-decode-rejection-spec [input=cord name=^tape] +$ json-encode-spec [name=^tape input=^json expected=cord] :: ++ run-decode-specs :: legend tells of a man who made the Kessel run in less than 12 :: parse-specs... |= specs=(list json-decode-spec) %- zing %- turn :- specs |= spec=json-decode-spec ^- tang =+ result=(expect-eq !>(`expected.spec) !>((de:json input.spec))) ?~ result ~ `tang`[[%leaf "in {name.spec}:"] result] :: ++ run-decode-rejection-specs |= specs=(list json-decode-rejection-spec) %- zing %- turn :- specs |= spec=json-decode-rejection-spec ^- tang =+ result=(expect-eq !>(~) !>((de:json input.spec))) ?~ result ~ `tang`[[%leaf "in {name.spec}:"] result] ++ run-encode-specs |= specs=(list json-encode-spec) %- zing %- turn :- specs |= spec=json-encode-spec ^- tang =+ result=(expect-eq !>(expected.spec) !>((en:json input.spec))) ?~ result ~ `tang`[[%leaf "in {name.spec}:"] result] :: JSON decoding test suite :: :: The following test suite is adapted from :: https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/ (Copyright (c) 2016 Nicolas Seriot) :: under the terms of the MIT license. It influenced the following tests: :: - test-de-json-invalid-input :: - test-de-json-valid-input :: - test-de-json-invalid-ambiguous-input :: - test-de-json-valid-ambiguous-input :: Note: The tests below are not 1:1 with the "JSONTestSuite"; tests have been :: added, dropped, edited, and renamed. :: :: These are all inputs that should be rejected by a valid JSON parser. :: ++ test-de-json-invalid-input %- run-decode-rejection-specs :~ ['["x", truth]' "n_array_bad_value"] ['["": 1]' "n_array_colon_instead_of_comma"] ['[""],' "n_array_comma_after_close"] ['[1 true]' "n_array_comma_missing"] ['[,]' "n_array_comma_only"] ['[1,,2]' "n_array_double_comma"] ['[,"x"]' "n_array_early_comma"] ['[\\f]' "n_array__escape_outside_string"] ['["x"]]' "n_array_extra_close"] ['["x",]' "n_array_extra_comma"] ['["x"' "n_array_incomplete"] ['[\FF]' "n_array_invalid_UTF8"] ['[\0B]' "n_array_invalid_whitespace"] ['+1' "n_number_+1"] ['+Inf' "n_number_+Inf"] ['00' "n_number_double_zero"] ['00e1' "n_number_double_zero_exponent"] ['-00e1' "n_number_double_zero_exponent_neg"] ['00.0' "n_number_double_zero_fraction"] ['-00.0' "n_number_double_zero_fraction_neg"] ['-00' "n_number_double_zero_neg"] ['1+2' "n_number_expression"] ['1e+-2' "n_number_exponent_+-"] ['1e-+2' "n_number_exponent_+-_reverse"] ['1ee2' "n_number_exponent_extra_e"] ['1eE2' "n_number_exponent_extra_E"] ['1EE2' "n_number_exponent_extra_E_double"] ['1Ee2' "n_number_exponent_extra_E_reverse"] ['1.2.' "n_number_extra_decimal_with_digit"] ['-1.2.' "n_number_extra_decimal_with_digit_neg"] ['1.2.3' "n_number_extra_decimal_without_digit"] ['-1.2.3' "n_number_extra_decimal_without_digit_neg"] ['0x1' "n_number_hex_1_digit"] ['0x42' "n_number_hex_2_digits"] ['01' "n_number_leading_zero"] ['-01' "n_number_leading_zero_neg"] ['.-1' "n_number_minus_after_decimal"] ['1e' "n_number_missing_exponent_digits"] ['-1e' "n_number_missing_exponent_digits_neg"] ['1E' "n_number_missing_exponent_digits_E"] ['-1E' "n_number_missing_exponent_digits_E_neg"] ['1.' "n_number_missing_real_fractional_digits"] ['-1.' "n_number_missing_real_fractional_digits_neg"] ['.1' "n_number_missing_real_integer_digits"] ['-.1' "n_number_missing_real_integer_digits_neg"] ['\EF\BC\91' "n_number_unicode_digit"] ['12 34' "n_number_space_between_digits"] ['- 1' "n_number_space_between_minus"] ['Inf' "n_number_text_based_value_Inf"] ['-Inf' "n_number_text_based_value_Inf_neg"] ['Infinity' "n_number_text_based_value_Infinity"] ['-Infinity' "n_number_text_based_value_Infinity_neg"] ['NaN' "n_number_text_based_value_NaN"] ['-NaN' "n_number_text_based_value_NaN_neg"] ['[1e1\E5]' "n_number_UTF8_in_exponent"] ['[1.1\E5]' "n_number_UTF8_in_fraction"] ['[1\E5]' "n_number_UTF8_in_int"] ['[1.2a-3]' "n_number_with_alpha_lower"] ['[1.8011670033376514H-308]' "n_number_with_alpha_upper"] ['{"a","b"}' "n_object_comma_instead_of_colon"] ['{"x":/*comment*/"b"}' "n_object_comment"] ['{"x"::"b"}' "n_object_extra_colon"] ['{"x":"b",,"y":"z"}' "n_object_extra_comma"] ['{[: "x"}' "n_object_key_bracket"] ['{πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­: 0}' "n_object_key_emoji"] ['{key: "value"}' "n_object_key_no_quotes"] ['{1: "value"}' "n_object_key_not_string"] ['{null: "value"}' "n_object_key_null"] ['{\'key\': "value"}' "n_object_key_single_quotes"] ['{"a" "b"}' "n_object_missing_colon"] ['{:"b"}' "n_object_missing_key"] ['{"a":}' "n_object_missing_value"] ['{"a"}' "n_object_missing_value_and_colon"] ['{"foo":"bar", "a" "b"}' "n_object_second_item_missing_colon"] ['{"foo":"bar", : "b"}' "n_object_second_item_missing_key"] ['{"foo":"bar", "a" :}' "n_object_second_item_missing_value"] ['{"foo":"bar", "a"}' "n_object_second_item_missing_value_and_colon"] ['{"id":0,}' "n_object_trailing_comma"] ['{"a": "b"' "n_object_unclosed"] ['{"a":"a' "n_object_unterminated_value"] ['"\FF"' "n_string_EOF"] ['"\\\\\\"' "n_string_escaped_backslash_bad"] ['"\\πŸŒ€"' "n_string_escaped_emoji"] ['"\\00"' "n_string_escaped_UTF8"] ['"' "n_string_incomplete"] ['"\\"' "n_string_incomplete_escape"] ['"\\u00A"' "n_string_incomplete_first_surrogate"] ['"\\a"' "n_string_invalid_escape"] ['"\\uqqqq"' "n_string_invalid_escaped_unicode"] ['"\\\E5"' "n_string_invalid_UTF8_after_escape"] ['"\\u000\E5"' "n_string_invalid_UTF8_in_escape"] ['"\\uD834\\uDd"' "n_string_incomplete_second_surrogate"] ['"\\uD800\\"' "n_string_one_surrogate_then_escape"] ['"\\uD800\\u"' "n_string_one_surrogate_then_escape_u"] ['"\\uD800\\u1"' "n_string_one_surrogate_then_escape_u1"] ['"\\uD800\\u1x"' "n_string_one_surrogate_then_escape_u1x"] ['abc' "n_string_no_quotes"] ['\'single quote\'' "n_string_single_quotes"] ['"a\00a"' "n_string_unescaped_ctrl_char"] ['"new\0aline"' "n_string_unescaped_newline"] ['"\09"' "n_string_unescaped_tab"] ['"abc' "n_string_unclosed"] ['"\\UA66D"' "n_string_UTF16_capital_u"] ['<>' "n_value_angle_brackets"] ['False' "n_value_capitalized_false"] ['Null' "n_value_capitalized_null"] ['True' "n_value_capitalized_true"] ['[][]' "n_value_double_array"] ['{}{}' "n_value_double_object"] ['1]' "n_value_close_unopened_array"] ['1}' "n_value_close_unopened_object"] ['\\n"asd"' "n_value_escape_outside_string"] ['fals' "n_value_incomplete_false"] ['nul' "n_value_incomplete_null"] ['tru' "n_value_incomplete_true"] ['\EF\BB{}' "n_value_incomplete_UTF8_BOM"] ['\0C[]' "n_value_invalid_whitespace"] ['a' "n_value_lone_character"] ['\E5' "n_value_lone_invalid_UTF8"] ['-' "n_value_lone_minus"] ['*' "n_value_lone_star"] [' ' "n_value_lone_whitespace"] ['1 "a" true' "n_value_multiple_values"] ['' "n_value_no_data"] ['\00[]' "n_value_null_byte_outside_string"] ['{"a":"b"}/**/' "n_value_trailing_comment"] ['{"a":"b"}//' "n_value_trailing_comment_slash_open"] ['[1]#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_array"] ['false#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_boolean_false"] ['true#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_boolean_true"] ['-#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_minus"] ['1#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_number"] ['-1#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_number_neg"] ['1.0#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_number_real"] ['1.0e2#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_number_real_exp"] ['-1.0e2#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_number_real_exp_neg"] ['-1.0#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_number_real_neg"] ['null#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_null"] ['{"a":"b"}#' "n_value_trailing_garbage_object"] ['{"a":#"a"}' "n_value_trailing_garbage_object_colon"] ['{"a"#:"a"}' "n_value_trailing_garbage_object_key"] ['{"a":"a"#}' "n_value_trailing_garbage_object_value"] ['"a"x' "n_value_trailing_garbage_string"] ['[\E2\81\A0]' "n_value_U+2060_word_joined_array"] ['{\E2\81\A0}' "n_value_U+2060_word_joined_object"] ['\\u0020"asd"' "n_value_UTF16_outside_string"] ['\EF\BB\BF' "n_value_UTF8_BOM_no_data"] == :: These are all inputs that should be accepted by a valid JSON parser. :: ++ test-de-json-valid-input %- run-decode-specs :~ :* "y_array_empty" '[]' [%a ~] == :* "y_array_empty_whitespace" '[ \09\0A\0D]' [%a ~] == :* "y_array_val_array" '[[]]' [%a ~[[%a ~]]] == :* "y_array_val_boolean_false" '[false]' [%a ~[[%b |]]] == :* "y_array_val_boolean_true" '[true]' [%a ~[[%b &]]] == :* "y_array_val_null" '[null]' [%a ~[~]] == :* "y_array_val_num" '[123]' [%a ~[[%n '123']]] == :* "y_array_val_object" '[{}]' [%a ~[[%o ~]]] == :* "y_array_val_string" '["abc"]' [%a ~[[%s 'abc']]] == :* "y_array_vals_heterogeneous" '[null,1,"1",{},[]]' [%a ~[~ [%n '1'] [%s '1'] [%o ~] [%a ~]]] == :* "y_array_vals_homogeneous" '[null,null,null,null]' [%a ~[~ ~ ~ ~]] == :* "y_array_vals_homogeneous_whitespace" '[ null , null , null , null ]' [%a ~[~ ~ ~ ~]] == :* "y_number_0" '0' [%n '0'] == :* "y_number_0_neg" '-0' [%n '-0'] == :* "y_number_0e0" '0e0' [%n '0e0'] == :* "y_number_0e0_neg" '-0e0' [%n '-0e0'] == :* "y_number_0e000" '0e000' [%n '0e000'] == :* "y_number_0e000_neg" '-0e000' [%n '-0e000'] == :* "y_number_0e1" '0e1' [%n '0e1'] == :* "y_number_0e1_neg" '-0e1' [%n '-0e1'] == :* "y_number_0e+0" '0e+0' [%n '0e+0'] == :* "y_number_0e+0_neg" '-0e+0' [%n '-0e+0'] == :* "y_number_0e+000" '0e+000' [%n '0e+000'] == :* "y_number_0e+000_neg" '-0e+000' [%n '-0e+000'] == :* "y_number_0e+1" '0e+1' [%n '0e+1'] == :* "y_number_0e+1_neg" '-0e+1' [%n '-0e+1'] == :* "y_number_0e-0" '0e-0' [%n '0e-0'] == :* "y_number_0e-0_neg" '-0e-0' [%n '-0e-0'] == :* "y_number_0e-000" '0e-000' [%n '0e-000'] == :* "y_number_0e-000_neg" '-0e-000' [%n '-0e-000'] == :* "y_number_0e-1" '0e-1' [%n '0e-1'] == :* "y_number_0e-1_neg" '-0e-1' [%n '-0e-1'] == :* "y_number_0E0" '0E0' [%n '0E0'] == :* "y_number_0E0_neg" '-0E0' [%n '-0E0'] == :* "y_number_0E000" '0E000' [%n '0E000'] == :* "y_number_0E000_neg" '-0E000' [%n '-0E000'] == :* "y_number_0E1" '0E1' [%n '0E1'] == :* "y_number_0E1_neg" '-0E1' [%n '-0E1'] == :* "y_number_0E+0" '0E+0' [%n '0E+0'] == :* "y_number_0E+0_neg" '-0E+0' [%n '-0E+0'] == :* "y_number_0E+000" '0E+000' [%n '0E+000'] == :* "y_number_0E+000_neg" '-0E+000' [%n '-0E+000'] == :* "y_number_0E+1" '0E+1' [%n '0E+1'] == :* "y_number_0E+1_neg" '-0E+1' [%n '-0E+1'] == :* "y_number_0E-0" '0E-0' [%n '0E-0'] == :* "y_number_0E-0_neg" '-0E-0' [%n '-0E-0'] == :* "y_number_0E-000" '0E-000' [%n '0E-000'] == :* "y_number_0E-000_neg" '-0E-000' [%n '-0E-000'] == :* "y_number_0E-1" '0E-1' [%n '0E-1'] == :* "y_number_0E-1_neg" '-0E-1' [%n '-0E-1'] == :* "y_number_0.0" '0.0' [%n '0.0'] == :* "y_number_0.0_neg" '-0.0' [%n '-0.0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e0" '0.0e0' [%n '0.0e0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e0_neg" '-0.0e0' [%n '-0.0e0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e000" '0.0e000' [%n '0.0e000'] == :* "y_number_0.0e000_neg" '-0.0e000' [%n '-0.0e000'] == :* "y_number_0.0e1" '0.0e1' [%n '0.0e1'] == :* "y_number_0.0e1_neg" '-0.0e1' [%n '-0.0e1'] == :* "y_number_0.0e+0" '0.0e+0' [%n '0.0e+0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e+0_neg" '-0.0e+0' [%n '-0.0e+0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e+000" '0.0e+000' [%n '0.0e+000'] == :* "y_number_0.0e+000_neg" '-0.0e+000' [%n '-0.0e+000'] == :* "y_number_0.0e+1" '0.0e+1' [%n '0.0e+1'] == :* "y_number_0.0e+1_neg" '-0.0e+1' [%n '-0.0e+1'] == :* "y_number_0.0e-0" '0.0e-0' [%n '0.0e-0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e-0_neg" '-0.0e-0' [%n '-0.0e-0'] == :* "y_number_0.0e-000" '0.0e-000' [%n '0.0e-000'] == :* "y_number_0e-000_neg" '-0.0e-000' [%n '-0.0e-000'] == :* "y_number_0.0e-1" '0.0e-1' [%n '0.0e-1'] == :* "y_number_0.0e-1_neg" '-0.0e-1' [%n '-0.0e-1'] == :* "y_number_0.0E0" '0.0E0' [%n '0.0E0'] == :* "y_number_0.0E0_neg" '-0.0E0' [%n '-0.0E0'] == :* "y_number_0.0E000" '0.0E000' [%n '0.0E000'] == :* "y_number_0E000_neg" '-0.0E000' [%n '-0.0E000'] == :* "y_number_0.0E1" '0.0E1' [%n '0.0E1'] == :* "y_number_0.0E1_neg" '-0.0E1' [%n '-0.0E1'] == :* "y_number_0.0E+0" '0.0E+0' [%n '0.0E+0'] == :* "y_number_0.0E+0_neg" '-0.0E+0' [%n '-0.0E+0'] == :* "y_number_0.0E+000" '0.0E+000' [%n '0.0E+000'] == :* "y_number_0E+000_neg" '-0.0E+000' [%n '-0.0E+000'] == :* "y_number_0.0E+1" '0.0E+1' [%n '0.0E+1'] == :* "y_number_0.0E+1_neg" '-0.0E+1' [%n '-0.0E+1'] == :* "y_number_0.0E-0" '0.0E-0' [%n '0.0E-0'] == :* "y_number_0.0E-0_neg" '-0.0E-0' [%n '-0.0E-0'] == :* "y_number_0.0E-000" '0.0E-000' [%n '0.0E-000'] == :* "y_number_0E-000_neg" '-0.0E-000' [%n '-0.0E-000'] == :* "y_number_0.0E-1" '0.0E-1' [%n '0.0E-1'] == :* "y_number_0.0E-1_neg" '-0.0E-1' [%n '-0.0E-1'] == :* "y_number_1" '1' [%n '1'] == :* "y_number_1_neg" '-1' [%n '-1'] == :* "y_number_1e1" '1e1' [%n '1e1'] == :* "y_number_1e1_neg" '-1e1' [%n '-1e1'] == :* "y_number_1e+1" '1e+1' [%n '1e+1'] == :* "y_number_1e+1_neg" '-1e+1' [%n '-1e+1'] == :* "y_number_1e-1" '1e-1' [%n '1e-1'] == :* "y_number_1e-1_neg" '-1e-1' [%n '-1e-1'] == :* "y_number_1E1" '1E1' [%n '1E1'] == :* "y_number_1E1_neg" '-1E1' [%n '-1E1'] == :* "y_number_1E+1" '1E+1' [%n '1E+1'] == :* "y_number_1E+1_neg" '-1E+1' [%n '-1E+1'] == :* "y_number_1E-1" '1E-1' [%n '1E-1'] == :* "y_number_1E-1_neg" '-1E-1' [%n '-1E-1'] == :* "y_number_1.0" '1.0' [%n '1.0'] == :* "y_number_1.1" '1.1' [%n '1.1'] == :* "y_number_1.1_neg" '-1.1' [%n '-1.1'] == :* "y_number_1.1e1" '1.1e1' [%n '1.1e1'] == :* "y_number_1.1e1_neg" '-1.1e1' [%n '-1.1e1'] == :* "y_number_1.1e+1" '1.1e+1' [%n '1.1e+1'] == :* "y_number_1.1e+1_neg" '-1.1e+1' [%n '-1.1e+1'] == :* "y_number_1.1e-1" '1.1e-1' [%n '1.1e-1'] == :* "y_number_1.1e-1_neg" '-1.1e-1' [%n '-1.1e-1'] == :* "y_number_1.1E1" '1.1E1' [%n '1.1E1'] == :* "y_number_1.1E1_neg" '-1.1E1' [%n '-1.1E1'] == :* "y_number_1.1E+1" '1.1E+1' [%n '1.1E+1'] == :* "y_number_1.1E+1_neg" '-1.1E+1' [%n '-1.1E+1'] == :* "y_number_1.1E-1" '1.1E-1' [%n '1.1E-1'] == :* "y_number_1.1E-1_neg" '-1.1E-1' [%n '-1.1E-1'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_e" '123e7' [%n '123e7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_e_neg" '-123e7' [%n '-123e7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_e+" '123e+7' [%n '123e+7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_e+_neg" '-123e+7' [%n '-123e+7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_e-" '123e-7' [%n '123e-7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_e-_neg" '-123e-7' [%n '-123e-7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_E" '123E7' [%n '123E7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_E_neg" '-123E7' [%n '-123E7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_E+" '123E+7' [%n '123E+7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_E+_neg" '-123E+7' [%n '-123E+7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_E-" '123E-7' [%n '123E-7'] == :* "y_number_int_exp_E-_neg" '-123E-7' [%n '-123E-7'] == :* "y_number_int_simple" '123' [%n '123'] == :* "y_number_int_simple_neg" '-123' [%n '-123'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_e" '123.456e7' [%n '123.456e7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_e_neg" '-123.456e7' [%n '-123.456e7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_e+" '123.456e+7' [%n '123.456e+7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_e+_neg" '-123.456e+7' [%n '-123.456e+7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_e-" '123.456e-7' [%n '123.456e-7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_e-_neg" '-123.456e-7' [%n '-123.456e-7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_E" '123.456E7' [%n '123.456E7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_E_neg" '-123.456E7' [%n '-123.456E7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_E+" '123.456E+7' [%n '123.456E+7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_E+_neg" '-123.456E+7' [%n '-123.456E+7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_E-" '123.456E-7' [%n '123.456E-7'] == :* "y_number_real_exp_E-_neg" '-123.456E-7' [%n '-123.456E-7'] == :* "y_number_real_simple" '123.456' [%n '123.456'] == :* "y_number_real_simple_neg" '-123.456' [%n '-123.456'] == :* "y_number_very_close_to_zero" '-0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ /00000000000000000000001' [%n '-0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ /00000000000000000000000000000001'] == :* "y_object_duplicated_key" '{"a":"b","a":"c"}' (frond ['a' [%s 'c']]) == :* "y_object_duplicated_key_and_value" '{"a":"b","a":"b"}' (frond ['a' [%s 'b']]) == :* "y_object_duplicated_key_reverse" '{"a":"c","a":"b"}' (frond ['a' [%s 'b']]) == :* "y_object_empty" '{}' [%o ~] == :* "y_object_key_empty" '{"":0}' (frond ['' [%n '0']]) == :* "y_object_empty_whitespace" '{ \09\0A\0D}' [%o ~] == :* "y_object_val_array" '{"x": []}' (frond ['x' [%a ~]]) == :* "y_object_val_boolean_false" '{"x": false}' (frond ['x' [%b |]]) == :* "y_object_val_boolean_true" '{"x": true}' (frond ['x' [%b &]]) == :* "y_object_val_null" '{"x": null}' (frond ['x' ~]) == :* "y_object_val_num" '{"x": 123}' (frond ['x' [%n '123']]) == :* "y_object_val_object" '{"x": {}}' (frond ['x' [%o ~]]) == :* "y_object_val_string" '{"x": "y"}' (frond ['x' [%s 'y']]) == =/ long=@t 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' :* "y_object_val_string_long" '{"id1": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", \ /"id2": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}' (pairs ~[['id1' [%s long]] ['id2' [%s long]]]) == :* "y_object_val_string_unicode" '{"title":"\\u041f\\u043e\\u043b\\u0442\\u043e\\u0440\\u0430 \ /\\u0417\\u0435\\u043c\\u043b\\u0435\\u043a\\u043e\\u043f\\u0430" }' (frond 'title' [%s 'ΠŸΠΎΠ»Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€Π° Π—Π΅ΠΌΠ»Π΅ΠΊΠΎΠΏΠ°']) == :* "y_object_vals_heterogeneous" '{"a":null,"b":1,"c":"1","d":[],"e":{}}' (pairs ~[['a' ~] ['b' [%n '1']] ['c' [%s '1']] ['d' [%a ~]] ['e' [%o ~]]]) == :* "y_object_vals_homogeneous" '{"a":null,"b":null,"c":null,"d":null,"e":null}' (pairs ~[['a' ~] ['b' ~] ['c' ~] ['d' ~] ['e' ~]]) == :* "y_object_vals_homogeneous_whitespace" '{ "a" : null , "b" : null , "c" : null , "d" : null , "e" : null }' (pairs ~[['a' ~] ['b' ~] ['c' ~] ['d' ~] ['e' ~]]) == :* "y_object_whitespace_newlines" '{\0A"a"\0A:\0A"b"\0A}' (frond 'a' [%s 'b']) == :* "y_string_basic_ASCII_multi" '"1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"' [%s '1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'] == :* "y_string_basic_ASCII_single" '"a"' [%s 'a'] == :* "y_string_basic_escape_multi" '"\\"\\\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t"' [%s '"\\/\08\0C\0A\0D\09'] == :* "y_string_basic_escape_single" '"\\\\"' [%s '\\'] == :* "y_string_basic_UTF16_multi" '"\\u00fe\\u0123"' [%s 'ΓΎΔ£'] == :* "y_string_basic_UTF16_single" '"\\u00fe"' [%s 'ΓΎ'] == :* "y_string_basic_UTF16_surrogate_pair_multi" '"\\uD83d\\uDe39\\uD83d\\uDc8d"' [%s 'πŸ˜ΉπŸ’'] == :* "y_string_basic_UTF16_surrogate_pair_single" '"\\uD801\\uDc37"' [%s '𐐷'] == :* "y_string_basic_UTF8_multi" '"β‚¬π„ž"' [%s 'β‚¬π„ž'] == :* "y_string_basic_UTF8_single" '"π„ž"' [%s 'π„ž'] == :* "y_string_combination_all" '"a\\"\\u00feπ„ž"' [%s 'a"ΓΎπ„ž'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_escape" '"a\\""' [%s 'a"'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_escape_reverse" '"\\"a"' [%s '"a'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_UTF16" '"a\\u00fe"' [%s 'aΓΎ'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_UTF16_reverse" '"\\u00fea"' [%s 'ΓΎa'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_UTF16_surrogate_pair" '"a\\uD801\\uDc37"' [%s 'a𐐷'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_UTF16_surrogate_pair_reverse" '"\\uD801\\uDc37a"' [%s '𐐷a'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_UTF8" '"aπ„ž"' [%s 'aπ„ž'] == :* "y_string_combination_ASCII_UTF8_reverse" '"π„ža"' [%s 'π„ža'] == :* "y_string_combination_escape_UTF16" '"\\"\\u00fe"' [%s '"ΓΎ'] == :* "y_string_combination_escape_UTF16_reverse" '"\\u00fe\\""' [%s 'ΓΎ"'] == :* "y_string_combination_escape_UTF16_surrogate_pair" '"\\"\\uD801\\uDc37"' [%s '"𐐷'] == :* "y_string_combination_escape_UTF16_surrogate_pair_reverse" '"\\uD801\\uDc37\\""' [%s '𐐷"'] == :* "y_string_combination_escape_UTF8" '"\\"π„ž"' [%s '"π„ž'] == :* "y_string_combination_escape_UTF8_reverse" '"π„ž\\""' [%s 'π„ž"'] == :* "y_string_combination_UTF8_UTF16" '"π„ž\\u00fe"' [%s 'π„žΓΎ'] == :* "y_string_combination_UTF8_UTF16_reverse" '"\\u00feπ„ž"' [%s 'ΓΎπ„ž'] == :* "y_string_combination_UTF8_UTF16_surrogate_pair" '"π„ž\\uD801\\uDc37"' [%s 'π„žπ·'] == :* "y_string_combination_UTF8_UTF16_surrogate_pair_reverse" '"\\uD801\\uDc37π„ž"' [%s 'π·π„ž'] == :* "y_string_comments" '"a/*b*/c/*d//e"' [%s 'a/*b*/c/*d//e'] == :* "y_string_double_escape" '"\\\\n"' [%s '\\n'] == :* "y_string_empty" '""' [%s ''] == :* "y_string_UTF16_ASCII_character" '"\\u0061"' [%s 'a'] == :* "y_string_UTF16_control_character" '"\\u0012"' [%s '\12'] == :* "y_string_UTF16_escape_character" '"\\u005C"' [%s '\\'] == :* "y_string_UTF16_invalid_unicode_U+10FFFE" '"\\uDBFF\\uDFFE"' [%s (tuft `@c`0xd10.fffe)] == :* "y_string_UTF16_invisible_character_U+2064" '"\\u2064"' [%s '\E2\81\A4'] == :* "y_string_UTF16_noncharacter" '"\\uFFFF"' [%s (tuft `@c`0xffff)] == :* "y_string_UTF16_null" '"\\u0000"' [%s '\00'] == :* "y_string_UTF16_zero_width_character_U+200B" '"\\u200B"' [%s '\E2\80\8B'] == :* "y_string_UTF8_1_2_3_4_bytes_as_UTF16" '"\\u0060\\u012a\\u12ab\\uD83e\\uDd80"' [%s '`ΔͺαŠ«πŸ¦€'] == :* "y_string_UTF8_invalid_character_U+1BFFF" '"\F0\9B\BF\BF"' [%s (tuft `@c`0x1.bfff)] == :* "y_string_UTF8_non_displayable_character_U+2028" '"
"' [%s '\E2\80\A8'] == :* "y_string_UTF8_reserved_unicode_U+10FFFF" '"\F4\8F\BF\BF"' [%s (tuft `@c`0x10.ffff)] == :* "y_string_with_del_character" '"a\7Fa"' [%s 'a\7Fa'] == :* "y_value_lonely_boolean_false" 'false' [%b |] == :* "y_value_lonely_boolean_true" 'true' [%b &] == :* "y_value_lonely_null" 'null' ~ == :* "y_value_whitespace_array" '\09\0A\0D [1] \09\0A\0D' [%a ~[[%n '1']]] == :* "y_value_whitespace_boolean_false" '\09\0A\0D false \09\0A\0D' [%b |] == :* "y_value_whitespace_boolean_true" '\09\0A\0D true \09\0A\0D' [%b &] == :* "y_value_whitespace_null" '\09\0A\0D null \09\0A\0D' ~ == :* "y_value_whitespace_number" '\09\0A\0D 123 \09\0A\0D' [%n '123'] == :* "y_value_whitespace_object" '\09\0A\0D {"a": "b"} \09\0A\0D' (frond ['a' [%s 'b']]) == :* "y_value_whitespace_string" '\09\0A\0D "a" \09\0A\0D' [%s 'a'] == == :: Certain input is ambiguous under the JSON standard and a parser is free to :: either accept or reject it. For jetting purposes, we need to know what the :: behaviour of the Hoon parser is for each of these inputs so that the jet :: semantics can match exactly. :: :: These inputs are ambiguous under the JSON standard, but are rejected by :: Urbit. :: ++ test-de-json-invalid-ambiguous-input %- run-decode-rejection-specs :~ ['"\FA"' "i_string_extended_ascii"] ['"\\uD888\\u1234"' "i_string_UTF16_invalid_2nd_surrogate"] ['"\\uDd1e\\uD834"' "i_string_UTF16_inverted_surrogates"] ['"\\uDADA"' "i_string_UTF16_lone_1st_surrogate"] ['"\\uDFAA"' "i_string_UTF16_lone_2nd_surrogate"] ['"\\uD800\\uD800\\n"' "i_string_UTF16_two_1st_surrogates"] ['"\\uDc00\\uDc00\\n"' "i_string_UTF16_two_2nd_surrogates"] ['"ζ—₯ш\FA"' "i_string_UTF8_invalid_sequence"] ['"\E0"' "i_string_UTF8_lone_starting_byte"] ['"\81"' "i_string_UTF8_lone_continuation_byte"] ['"\F4\BF\BF\BF"' "i_string_UTF8_not_in_unicode_range"] ['"\C0\AF"' "i_string_UTF8_overlong_sequence_2_bytes"] ['"\FC\83\BF\BF\BF\BF"' "i_string_UTF8_overlong_sequence_6_bytes"] ['"\FC\80\80\80\80\80"' "i_string_UTF8_overlong_sequence_6_bytes_null"] ['"\ED\A0\80"' "i_string_UTF8_surrogate_U+D800"] ['"\E2\80"' "i_string_UTF8_truncated"] == :: These inputs are ambiguous under the JSON standard, but are accepted by :: Urbit. :: ++ test-de-json-valid-ambiguous-input %- run-decode-specs :~ :* "i_number_big_int" '123123123123123123123123123123' [%n '123123123123123123123123123123'] == :* "i_number_big_int_neg" '-123123123123123123123123123123' [%n '-123123123123123123123123123123'] == :* "i_number_huge_exp_int" '1e987654321987654321' [%n '1e987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_exp_int_neg" '-1e987654321987654321' [%n '-1e987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_exp_lead_0s_int" '1e00000000987654321987654321' [%n '1e00000000987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_exp_lead_0s_real" '1.5e00000000987654321987654321' [%n '1.5e00000000987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_exp_real" '1.5e987654321987654321' [%n '1.5e987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_exp_real_neg" '-1.5e987654321987654321' [%n '-1.5e987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_neg_exp_int" '1e-987654321987654321' [%n '1e-987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_neg_exp_int_neg" '-1e-987654321987654321' [%n '-1e-987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_neg_exp_real" '1.5e-987654321987654321' [%n '1.5e-987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_huge_neg_exp_real_neg" '-1.5e-987654321987654321' [%n '-1.5e-987654321987654321'] == :* "i_number_real_neg_overflow" '-123123e100000' [%n '-123123e100000'] == :* "i_number_real_pos_overflow" '123123e100000' [%n '123123e100000'] == :* "i_number_real_underflow" '123e-1000000' [%n '123e-1000000'] == == :: Decoding stress-test :: :: Random twitter user profile data used as practical example; no idea who :: he is (I disavow!) :: ++ test-de-json-complex-structure %+ expect-eq !> %- some :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'data' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'user' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'result' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['__typename' [%s 'User']] ['id' [%s 'VXNlcjo4MjYyNjE5MTQ=']] ['rest_id' [%s '826261914']] ['affiliates_highlighted_label' [%o ~]] ['has_nft_avatar' [%b |]] :: :- 'legacy' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['created_at' [%s 'Sun Sep 16 01:32:21 +0000 2012']] ['default_profile' [%b &]] ['default_profile_image' [%b |]] ['description' [%s 'Not-NYT Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Against totalitarianism and supremacy of all kinds. For freedom. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²']] :: :- 'entities' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'description' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ [p='urls' q=[%a p=~]] == :: :- 'url' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'urls' :- %a %- limo :~ :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['display_url' [%s 'NewDiscourses.com']] ['expanded_url' [%s 'http://NewDiscourses.com']] ['url' [%s 'https://t.co/RDZVUxIOWN']] ['indices' [%a ~[[%n '0'] [%n '23']]]] == == == == :: ['fast_followers_count' [%n '0']] ['favourites_count' [%n '193322']] ['followers_count' [%n '284274']] ['friends_count' [%n '338']] ['has_custom_timelines' [%b &]] ['is_translator' [%b |]] ['listed_count' [%n '1867']] ['location' [%s 'Knoxville, TN']] ['media_count' [%n '11074']] ['name' [%s 'James Lindsay, pro-freedom']] ['normal_followers_count' [%n '284274']] ['pinned_tweet_ids_str' [%a ~[[%s '1238111933905190913']]]] :: :- 'profile_banner_extensions' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'mediaColor' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'r' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'ok' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'palette' :- %a %- limo :~ :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '95.91']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '33']] ['blue' [%n '41']] ['green' [%n '36']] == == :: :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '3.65']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '113']] ['blue' [%n '118']] ['green' [%n '115']] == == :: :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '0.44']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '200']] ['blue' [%n '202']] ['green' [%n '201']] == == == == == == == :: ['profile_banner_url' [%s 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/826261914/1582653360']] :: :- 'profile_image_extensions' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'mediaColor' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'r' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'ok' :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ :- 'palette' :- %a %- limo :~ :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '72.12']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '35']] ['blue' [%n '16']] ['green' [%n '22']] == == :: :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '17.13']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '146']] ['blue' [%n '100']] ['green' [%n '123']] == == :: :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '10.57']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '193']] ['blue' [%n '129']] ['green' [%n '153']] == == :: :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '2.03']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '222']] ['blue' [%n '125']] ['green' [%n '149']] == == :: :- %o %- malt ^- (list [@t ^json]) :~ ['percentage' [%n '1.58']] :: :- 'rgb' :- %o %- malt :~ ['red' [%n '131']] ['blue' [%n '55']] ['green' [%n '53']] == == == == == == == :: ['profile_image_url_https' [%s 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1459175734602350593/cW3fs5lR_normal.jpg']] ['profile_interstitial_type' [%s '']] ['protected' [%b |]] ['screen_name' [%s 'ConceptualJames']] ['statuses_count' [%n '137296']] ['translator_type' [%s 'none']] ['verified' [%b |]] ['url' [%s 'https://t.co/RDZVUxIOWN']] ['withheld_in_countries' [%a ~]] == :: ['legacy_extended_profile' [%o ~]] ['is_profile_translatable' [%b |]] == == == == !> %- de:json '{"data":{"user":{"result":{"has_nft_avatar":false,"rest_id":"826261914","affiliates_highlighted_label":{},"__typename":"User","id":"VXNlcjo4MjYyNjE5MTQ=","is_profile_translatable":false,"legacy_extended_profile":{},"legacy":{"protected":false,"pinned_tweet_ids_str":["1238111933905190913"],"entities":{"url":{"urls":[{"indices":[0,23],"display_url":"NewDiscourses.com","url":"https://t.co/RDZVUxIOWN","expanded_url":"http://NewDiscourses.com"}]},"description":{"urls":[]}},"name":"James Lindsay, pro-freedom","default_profile":true,"location":"Knoxville, TN","url":"https://t.co/RDZVUxIOWN","verified":false,"profile_interstitial_type":"","fast_followers_count":0,"description":"Not-NYT Bestselling author. 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the real work is :: done by .enjs:format :: ++ test-en-json-numbers %- run-encode-specs :~ :* "e_number_sanity_check" [%n '-123.456e789'] '-123.456e789' == == :: Encode objects :: ++ test-en-json-objects %- run-encode-specs :~ :* "e_object_empty" [%o ~] '{}' == :* "e_object_single_boolean_false" (frond 'x' [%b |]) '{"x":false}' == :* "e_object_single_boolean_true" (frond 'x' [%b &]) '{"x":true}' == :* "e_object_single_null" (frond 'x' ~) '{"x":null}' == :* "e_object_single_number" (frond 'x' [%n '123.456']) '{"x":123.456}' == :* "e_object_single_string" (frond 'x' [%s 'abc']) '{"x":"abc"}' == :* "e_object_single_array" (frond 'x' [%a ~]) '{"x":[]}' == :* "e_object_nested_object" (frond 'x' [%o ~]) '{"x":{}}' == :: the order of elements for the below two tests is determined by hash, and :: therefore "random" but consistent :* "e_object_multiple_homogenous" (pairs ~[['a' [%n '97']] ['b' [%n '98']] ['c' [%n '99']] ['d' [%n '100']] ['e' [%n '101']] ['f' [%n '102']]]) '{"c":99,"a":97,"f":102,"d":100,"b":98,"e":101}' == :* "e_object_multiple_heterogenous" (pairs ~[['a' [%b |]] ['b' ~] ['c' [%n '1']] ['d' [%s 'a']] ['e' [%a ~]] ['f' [%o ~]]]) '{"c":1,"a":false,"f":{},"d":"a","b":null,"e":[]}' == == :: Encode strings :: :: Summary of .en-json:html string encoding rules: :: - 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