fang e888960370
tests: move to root, out of pkg/arvo
Including these in pkg/arvo has caused many minor problems over the
years. We don't want to include them in releases, but this often meant
excluding them manually, which was error-prone.

Here, we move them out of /pkg/arvo/tests and into /tests. CI will have
to be updated to match, since we'll still want to include tests there.
2023-01-18 16:50:42 +01:00

240 lines
4.5 KiB

:: tests for lsp JSON parsing
/- lsp-sur=language-server
/+ *test, *language-server-json
=, enjs:format
++ position
[5 3]
++ position-jon
^- json
:- %o
%: malt
['character' %n '3']
['line' %n '5']
++ range
[position position]
++ range-jon
^- json
:- %o
%: malt
['start' position-jon]
['end' position-jon]
++ change-jon
^- json
:- %o
%: malt
['text' `json`[%s `@t`'text']]
['rangeLength' [%n '3']]
['range' range-jon]
++ changes-jon
^- json
:- %a
^- (list json)
[change-jon ~]
++ text-document-item
^- text-document-item:lsp-sur
['file://' `1 'text']
++ text-document-item-jon
^- json
:- %o
%: malt
['uri' `json`[%s 'file://']]
['version' `json`[%n '1']]
['text' `json`[%s 'text']]
++ text-document-id
^- versioned-doc-id:lsp-sur
['file://' `1]
++ text-document-id-jon
^- json
:- %o
%: malt
['uri' `json`[%s 'file://']]
['version' `json`[%n '1']]
++ diagnostic
^- diagnostic:lsp-sur
[range 1 'Syntax Error']
++ diagnostic-jon
^- json
:- %o
%: malt
['range' range-jon]
['severity' `json`[%n '1']]
['message' `json`[%s 'Syntax Error']]
++ completion-item
^- completion-item:lsp-sur
['label' 1 'detail' 'doc' 'snippet' 1]
++ completion-item-jon
^- json
%: pairs
++ make-notification-jon
|= [method=@t params=json]
^- json
%: pairs
['method' `json`[%s method]]
++ make-request-jon
|= [id=@t method=@t params=json]
^- json
%: pairs
['id' `json`[%s id]]
['method' `json`[%s method]]
++ make-response-jon
|= [id=@t result=json]
%: pairs
:: Notifications
++ test-parse-did-change
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- all:notification:lsp-sur
[%text-document--did-change text-document-id [[~ [[5 3] [5 3]]] `3 'text']~]
!> %- notification:dejs
%+ make-notification-jon 'textDocument/didChange'
:- %o
%: malt
['contentChanges' changes-jon]
['textDocument' text-document-id-jon]
++ test-parse-did-save
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- all:notification:lsp-sur
[%text-document--did-save text-document-id]
!> %- notification:dejs
%+ make-notification-jon 'textDocument/didSave'
:- %o
%: malt
['textDocument' text-document-id-jon]
++ test-parse-did-close
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- all:notification:lsp-sur
[%text-document--did-close text-document-id]
!> %- notification:dejs
%+ make-notification-jon 'textDocument/didClose'
:- %o
%: malt
['textDocument' text-document-id-jon]
++ test-parse-did-open
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- all:notification:lsp-sur
[%text-document--did-open text-document-item]
!> %- notification:dejs
%+ make-notification-jon 'textDocument/didOpen'
:- %o
%: malt
['textDocument' text-document-item-jon]
:: Requests
++ test-parse-hover
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- all:request:lsp-sur
[%text-document--hover '3' position text-document-id]
!> %- request:dejs
^- json
%^ make-request-jon '3' 'textDocument/hover'
:- %o
%: malt
['position' position-jon]
['textDocument' text-document-id-jon]
++ test-parse-completion
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- all:request:lsp-sur
[%text-document--completion '3' position text-document-id]
!> %- request:dejs
^- json
%^ make-request-jon '3' 'textDocument/completion'
:- %o
%: malt
['position' position-jon]
['textDocument' text-document-id-jon]
:: to JSON
:: notifications
++ test-enjs-publish-diagnostics
%+ expect-eq
!> %- notification:enjs
[%text-document--publish-diagnostics 'file://' [diagnostic ~]]
!> ^- json
%+ make-notification-jon 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'
:- %o
%: malt
['uri' `json`[%s 'file://']]
['diagnostics' `json`[%a [diagnostic-jon ~]]]
:: responses
++ test-enjs-hover
%+ expect-eq
!> %- response:enjs
[%text-document--hover '1' `'text']
!> ^- json
%+ make-response-jon '1'
%+ frond 'contents'
++ test-enjs-completion
%+ expect-eq
!> %- response:enjs
[%text-document--completion '1' ~[completion-item]]
!> ^- json
%+ make-response-jon '1'
[%a ~[completion-item-jon]]