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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Vere.Ovum (Ovum(..), Event) where
import UrbitPrelude
import Urbit.Time
import qualified Vere.Ames as Ames
import qualified Vere.Http.Client as Client
import qualified Vere.Http.Server as Server
-- Misc Types ------------------------------------------------------------------
newtype Octs = Octs ByteString
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, FromNoun, ToNoun)
newtype FileOcts = FileOcts ByteString
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, ToNoun, FromNoun)
newtype BigTape = BigTape Text
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, ToNoun, FromNoun)
newtype Todo a = Todo a
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, ToNoun, FromNoun)
instance Show (Todo a) where
show (Todo _) = "TODO"
instance Show FileOcts where
show (FileOcts bs) = show (take 32 bs <> "...")
instance Show BigTape where
show (BigTape t) = show (take 32 t <> "...")
-- Maps and Sets ---------------------------------------------------------------
data NounTreeNode a = HTN
{ ntnNode :: a
, ntnLeft :: NounTree a
, ntnRite :: NounTree a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type NounTree a = Maybe (NounTreeNode a)
deriveNoun ''NounTreeNode
newtype (NounMap k v) = NounMap (NounTree (k, v))
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, ToNoun, FromNoun)
-- Json ------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Json = Maybe JsonNode
data JsonNode
= JNA [Json]
| JNB Bool
| JNO (NounMap Text Json)
| JNN Text -- TODO @ta
| JNS Text
deriveNoun ''JsonNode
type Life = Noun
type Pass = Noun
type Turf = Noun
type PUrl = Todo Noun
type Seed = Todo Noun
type Czar = NounMap Ship (Life, Pass)
type Bloq = Atom
data Dawn = MkDawn
{ dSeed :: Seed
, dShip :: Ship
, dCzar :: Czar
, dTurf :: [Turf]
, dBloq :: Bloq
, dNode :: PUrl
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data LegacyBootEvent
= Fake Ship
| Dawn Dawn
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Nock = Nock Noun
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, FromNoun, ToNoun)
newtype Desk = Desk Text
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, ToNoun, FromNoun)
data Mime = Mime Path FileOcts
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ResponseHeader = ResponseHeader
{ rhStatus :: Word
, rhHeaders :: [(Text, Text)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HttpEvent
= Start ResponseHeader (Maybe Octs) Bool
| Continue (Maybe Octs) Bool
| Cancel
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Lane
= If Wen Atom Atom -- {$if p/@da q/@ud r/@if}
| Is Atom (Maybe Lane) Atom -- {$is p/@ud q/(unit lane) r/@is}
| Ix Wen Atom Atom -- {$ix p/@da q/@ud r/@if}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ArrowKey = D | L | R | U
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Address
= AIpv4 Atom -- @if
| AIpv6 Atom -- @is
| AAmes Atom -- @p
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToNoun Address where
toNoun = \case
AIpv4 x -> toNoun (Cord "ipv4", x)
AIpv6 x -> toNoun (Cord "ipv6", x)
AAmes x -> toNoun (Cord "ames", x)
instance FromNoun Address where
parseNoun n = do
parseNoun n >>= \case
(Cord "ipv4", at) -> pure (AIpv4 at)
(Cord "ipv6", at) -> pure (AIpv6 at)
(Cord "ames", at) -> pure (AAmes at)
_ -> fail "Address must be either %ipv4, %ipv6, or %ames"
data Belt
= Aro ArrowKey
| Bac
| Ctl Char
| Del
| Met Char
| Ret
| Txt Tour
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type ServerId = Atom
type JSON = Todo Noun
data RequestParams
= List [JSON]
| Object [(Text, JSON)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HttpRequest = HttpRequest
{ reqId :: Text
, reqUrl :: Text
, reqHeaders :: [(Text, Text)]
, reqFinished :: Maybe Octs
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Event
= Veer Cord Path BigTape
| Into Desk Bool [(Path, Maybe Mime)]
| Whom Ship
| Boot LegacyBootEvent
| Wack Word512
| Boat
| Barn
| Born
| Blew Word Word
| Hail
| Wake
| Receive ServerId HttpEvent
| Request ServerId Address HttpRequest
| Live Text Bool Word
| Hear Lane Atom
| Belt Belt
| Crud Text [Tank]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PutDel = PDPut | PDDel
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToNoun PutDel where
toNoun = \case PDPut -> toNoun (Cord "put")
PDDel -> toNoun (Cord "del")
instance FromNoun PutDel where
parseNoun n = do
parseNoun n >>= \case
Cord "put" -> pure PDPut
Cord "del" -> pure PDDel
_ -> fail "PutDel must be either %put or %del"
data RecEx = RE Word Word
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data NewtEx = NE Word
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Eff
= EHttpServer Server.Eff
| EHttpClient Client.Eff
| EAmes Ames.Eff
| EBbye Noun
| EBehn Noun
| EBlit [Blit]
| EBoat Noun
| EClay Noun
| ECrud Noun
| EDirk Noun
| EDoze (Maybe Wen)
| EErgo Noun
| EExit Noun
| EFlog Noun
| EForm Noun
| EHill [Term]
| EInit
| ELogo Noun
| EMass Noun
| ENewt Noun
| EOgre Noun
| ESend [Blit]
| ESync Noun
| ETerm Noun
| EThou Noun
| ETurf (Maybe (PutDel, [Text])) -- TODO Unsure
| EVega Noun
| EWest Noun
| EWoot Noun
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Blit
= Bel
| Clr
| Hop Word64
| Lin [Char]
| Mor
| Sag Path Noun
| Sav Path Atom
| Url Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
This parses an ovum in a slightly complicated way.
The Ovum structure is not setup to be easily parsed into typed data,
since the type of the event depends on the head of the path, and
the shape of the rest of the path depends on the shape of the event.
To make parsing easier (indeed, to allow use to use `deriveEvent` to
generate parsers for this) we first re-arrange the data in the ovum.
And ovum is `[path event]`, but the first two fields of the path
are used for routing, the event is always a head-tagged structure,
and the rest of the path is basically data that's a part of the event.
So, we take something with this struture:
[[fst snd rest] [tag val]]
Then restructure it into *this* shape:
[fst [snd [tag rest val]]]
And then proceed with parsing as usual.
data Ovum
= OBlip BlipOvum
| OVane VaneOvum
instance FromNoun Ovum where
parseNoun n = named "Ovum" $ do
(path::Path, tag::Cord, v::Noun) <- parseNoun n
case path of
Path ("" : m : p) -> OBlip <$> parseNoun (toNoun (m, tag, p, v))
Path ("vane" : m : p) -> OVane <$> parseNoun (toNoun (m, tag, p, v))
Path (_:_:_) -> fail "path must start with %$ or %vane"
Path (_:_) -> fail "path too short"
Path _ -> fail "empty path"
instance ToNoun Ovum where
toNoun o =
fromNounErr noun & \case
Left err -> error (show err)
Right (pathSnd::Knot, tag::Cord, Path path, val::Noun) ->
toNoun (Path (pathHead:pathSnd:path), (tag, val))
(pathHead, noun) =
case o of OBlip bo -> ("", toNoun bo)
OVane vo -> ("vane", toNoun vo)
type AmesOvum = Void
type ArvoOvum = Void
type BehnOvum = Void
type BoatOvum = Void
type HttpClientOvum = Void
type HttpServerOvum = Void
type NewtOvum = Void
type SyncOvum = Void
type TermOvum = Void
data BlipOvum
= BOAmes AmesOvum
| BOArvo ArvoOvum
| BOBehn BehnOvum
| BOBoat BoatOvum
| BOHttpClient HttpClientOvum
| BOHttpServer HttpServerOvum
| BONewt NewtOvum
| BOSync SyncOvum
| BOTerm TermOvum
data KernelModule
= Ames | Behn | Clay | Dill | Eyre | Ford | Gall | Iris | Jael
data VaneOvum
= VOVane (KernelModule, ()) Void
| VOZuse () Void
-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------
deriveNoun ''ArrowKey
deriveNoun ''Belt
deriveNoun ''BlipOvum
deriveNoun ''Blit
deriveNoun ''Dawn
deriveNoun ''Eff
deriveNoun ''Event
deriveNoun ''HttpEvent
deriveNoun ''HttpRequest
deriveNoun ''KernelModule
deriveNoun ''Lane
deriveNoun ''LegacyBootEvent
deriveNoun ''Mime
deriveNoun ''NewtEx
deriveNoun ''RecEx
deriveNoun ''RequestParams
deriveNoun ''ResponseHeader
deriveNoun ''VaneOvum