2019-07-19 20:00:23 -07:00

154 lines
4.4 KiB

module Main where
import ClassyPrelude
import Noun
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Vere.Pier
import Vere.Serf
import Data.Acquire
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List
import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.Directory (removeFile, doesFileExist)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
removeFileIfExists :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFileIfExists pax = do
exists <- doesFileExist pax
when exists $ do
removeFile pax
wipeSnapshot :: FilePath -> IO ()
wipeSnapshot shipPath = do
removeFileIfExists (shipPath <> ".urb/chk/north.bin")
removeFileIfExists (shipPath <> ".urb/chk/south.bin")
tryBootFromPill :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Ship -> IO ()
tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship = do
wipeSnapshot shipPath
Pier.boot pillPath shipPath ship $ \s l ss -> do
print "lul"
print ss
threadDelay 500000
shutdownAndWait s 0 >>= print
putStrLn "Booted!"
tryResume :: FilePath -> IO ()
tryResume shipPath = do
Pier.resume shipPath $ \s l ss -> do
print ss
threadDelay 500000
shutdownAndWait s 0 >>= print
putStrLn "Resumed!"
tryFullReplay :: FilePath -> IO ()
tryFullReplay shipPath = do
wipeSnapshot shipPath
tryResume shipPath
zod :: Ship
zod = 0
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny = Control.Exception.catch
tryParseEvents :: FilePath -> EventId -> IO ()
tryParseEvents dir first = do
vPax <- newIORef []
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
let ident = Log.identity log
print ident
runConduit $ Log.streamEvents log first
.| showEvents vPax first (fromIntegral $ lifecycleLen ident)
paths <- sort . ordNub <$> readIORef vPax
for_ paths print
showEvents :: IORef [Path] -> EventId -> EventId -> ConduitT Atom Void IO ()
showEvents vPax eId cycle = await >>= \case
Nothing -> print "Done!"
Just at -> do
-- print ("got event", eId)
n <- liftIO $ cueExn at
-- print ("done cue", eId)
when (eId > cycle) $ do
case fromNounErr n of
Left err -> print err
Right (mug, date, ovum) -> do
evaluate $ Job eId mug $ DateOvum date ovum
pure ()
paths <- readIORef vPax
let pax = case ovum of Ovum pax _ -> pax
writeIORef vPax (pax:paths)
-- print ("done from noun", eId)
-- print (Job eId mug $ DateOvum date ovum)
unless (eId - first > 100000000) $
showEvents vPax (succ eId) cycle
main :: IO ()
main = do
let pillPath = "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/bin/brass.pill"
shipPath = "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/zod/"
ship = zod
tryParseEvents "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/testnet-zod/.urb/log" 1
-- tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship
-- tryResume shipPath
-- tryFullReplay shipPath
pure ()
tryCopyLog :: IO ()
tryCopyLog = do
let logPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog/"
falselogPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog2/"
persistQ <- newTQueueIO
releaseQ <- newTQueueIO
(ident, nextEv, events) <-
with (do { log <- Log.existing logPath
; Pier.runPersist log persistQ (writeTQueue releaseQ)
; pure log
\log -> do
ident <- pure $ Log.identity log
events <- runConduit (Log.streamEvents log 1 .| consume)
nextEv <- Log.nextEv log
pure (ident, nextEv, events)
print ident
print nextEv
print (length events)
persistQ2 <- newTQueueIO
releaseQ2 <- newTQueueIO
with (do { log <- falselogPath ident
; Pier.runPersist log persistQ2 (writeTQueue releaseQ2)
; pure log
$ \log2 -> do
let writs = zip [1..] events <&> \(id, a) ->
Writ id Nothing (Jam a) []
print "About to write"
for_ writs $ \w ->
atomically (writeTQueue persistQ2 w)
print "About to wait"
replicateM_ 100 $ do
atomically $ readTQueue releaseQ2
print "Done"