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335 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Noun.Cue.Fast where
import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude
import Noun
import Noun.Atom
import Noun.Poet
import Data.Bits hiding (Bits)
import Control.Lens
import Text.Printf
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Natural
import Foreign.Ptr
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.|.), (.&.))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr, ptrToWordPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Noun (Noun)
import Noun.Pill (atomBS, atomWords)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.TH
import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
cueBS :: ByteString -> Either DecodeExn Noun
cueBS = doGet dNoun
cue :: Atom -> Either DecodeExn Noun
cue = cueBS . view atomBS
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The decoder state.
- An array of words (internal structure of our atoms).
- A pointer to the word *after* the last word in the array.
- A pointer into the current word of that array.
- A bit-offset into that word.
data S = S
{ currPtr :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word)
, usedBits :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
, pos :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
type Env = (Ptr Word, S)
data DecodeExn
= NotEnoughSpace Env
| TooMuchSpace Env
| BadEncoding Env String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data GetResult a = GetResult {-# UNPACK #-} !S !a
deriving Functor
newtype Get a = Get
{ runGet :: Ptr Word
-> H.LinearHashTable Word Noun
-> S
-> IO (GetResult a)
type Bits = Vector Bool
doGet :: Get a -> ByteString -> Either DecodeExn a
doGet m bs =
unsafePerformIO $ try $ BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs \(ptr, len) -> do
let endPtr = ptr `plusPtr` len
tbl <- H.new
GetResult _ r <- runGet m endPtr tbl (S (castPtr ptr) 0 0)
pure r
instance Exception DecodeExn
instance Functor Get where
fmap f g = Get $ \end tbl s -> do
GetResult s' a <- runGet g end tbl s
return $ GetResult s' (f a)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative Get where
pure x = Get (\_ _ s -> return $ GetResult s x)
{-# INLINE pure #-}
Get f <*> Get g = Get $ \end tbl s1 -> do
GetResult s2 f' <- f end tbl s1
GetResult s3 g' <- g end tbl s2
return $ GetResult s3 (f' g')
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
Get f *> Get g = Get $ \end tbl s1 -> do
GetResult s2 _ <- f end tbl s1
g end tbl s2
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
instance Monad Get where
return = pure
{-# INLINE return #-}
(>>) = (*>)
{-# INLINE (>>) #-}
Get x >>= f = Get $ \end tbl s -> do
GetResult s' x' <- x end tbl s
runGet (f x') end tbl s'
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
fail msg = Get $ \end tbl s ->
badEncoding end s msg
{-# INLINE fail #-}
badEncoding :: Ptr Word -> S -> String -> IO a
badEncoding endPtr s msg = throwIO $ BadEncoding (endPtr,s) msg
getPos :: Get Word
getPos = Get $ \_ _ s ->
pure (GetResult s (pos s))
insRef :: Word -> Noun -> Get ()
insRef pos now = Get \_ tbl s -> do
H.insert tbl pos now
pure $ GetResult s ()
getRef :: Word -> Get Noun
getRef ref = Get \_ tbl s -> do
H.lookup tbl ref >>= \case
Nothing -> fail "Invalid Reference"
Just no -> pure (GetResult s no)
advance :: Word -> Get ()
advance n = Get \_ _ s -> do
let newUsed = n + usedBits s
newS = s { pos = pos s + n
, usedBits = newUsed `mod` 64
, currPtr = plusPtr (currPtr s)
(fromIntegral $ newUsed `div` 64)
pure (GetResult newS ())
-- TODO Should this be (>= end) or (> end)?
peekCurWord :: Get Word
peekCurWord = Get \end _ s ->
if ptrToWordPtr (currPtr s) >= ptrToWordPtr end
then pure (GetResult s 0)
else GetResult s <$> peek (currPtr s)
-- TODO Same question as above.
peekNextWord :: Get Word
peekNextWord = Get \end _ s ->
if ptrToWordPtr (currPtr s) > ptrToWordPtr end
then pure (GetResult s 0)
else GetResult s <$> peek (currPtr s `plusPtr` 1)
peekUsedBits :: Get Word
peekUsedBits = Get \_ _ s -> pure (GetResult s (usedBits s))
Get a bit.
- Peek the current word.
- Right-shift by the bit-offset.
- Mask the high bits.
dBit :: Get Bool
dBit = do
wor <- peekCurWord
use <- fromIntegral <$> peekUsedBits
advance 1
pure (0 /= shiftR wor use .&. 1)
dWord :: Get Word
dWord = do
res <- peekWord
advance 64
pure res
Get n bits, where n > 64:
- Get (n/64) words.
- Advance by n bits.
- Calculate an offset (equal to the current bit-offset)
- Calculate the length (equal to n)
- Construct a bit-vector using the buffer*length*offset.
dAtomBits :: Word -> Get Atom
dAtomBits (fromIntegral -> bits) =
fmap (view $ from atomWords) $
VP.generateM bufSize \i ->
if (i == lastIdx && numExtraBits /= 0)
then dWordBits (fromIntegral numExtraBits)
else dWord
bufSize = numFullWords + min 1 numExtraBits
lastIdx = bufSize - 1
numFullWords = bits `div` 64
numExtraBits = bits `mod` 64
In order to peek at the next Word64:
- If we are past the end of the buffer:
- Return zero.
- If the bit-offset is zero:
- Just peek.
- If we are pointing to the last word:
- Peek and right-shift by the bit offset.
- Otherwise,
- Peek the current word *and* the next word.
- Right-shift the current word by the bit-offset.
- Left-shift the next word by the bit-offset.
- Binary or the resulting two words.
peekWord :: Get Word
peekWord = do
off <- peekUsedBits
cur <- peekCurWord
if off == 0 then pure cur else
nex <- peekNextWord
advance 64
pure (dropLowBits off cur .|. dropHighBits off nex)
dropLowBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
dropLowBits bits wor = shiftR wor (fromIntegral bits :: Int)
takeLowBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
takeLowBits 64 wor = wor
takeLowBits wid wor = (2^wid - 1) .&. wor
takeHighBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
takeHighBits off wor = dropLowBits (64-off) wor
dropHighBits :: Word -> Word -> Word
dropHighBits off wor = takeLowBits (64-off) wor
Make a word from the next n bits (where n <= 64).
- Peek at the next word.
- Mask the n lowest bits from the word.
- Advance by that number of bits.
- Return the word.
dWordBits :: Word -> Get Word
dWordBits n = do
w <- peekWord
advance n
pure (takeLowBits n w)
-- Fast Cue --------------------------------------------------------------------
Get the exponent-prefix of an atom:
- Peek at the next word.
- Calculate the number of least-significant bits in that word (there's
a primitive for this).
- Advance by that number of bits.
- Return the number of bits
dExp :: Get Word
dExp = do
W# w <- peekWord
let res = W# (ctz# w)
advance res
pure res
dAtomLen :: Get Word
dAtomLen = do
e <- dExp
p <- dWordBits (e-1)
pure (2^e .|. p)
dRef :: Get Word
dRef = dAtomLen >>= dWordBits
dAtom :: Get Atom
dAtom = do
n <- dAtomLen
dAtomBits n
dCell :: Get Noun
dCell = Cell <$> dNoun <*> dNoun
Get a Noun.
- Get a bit
- If it's zero, get an atom.
- Otherwise, get another bit.
- If it's zero, get a cell.
- If it's one, get an atom.
dNoun :: Get Noun
dNoun = do
p <- getPos
let yield r = insRef p r >> pure r
dBit >>= \case
False -> (Atom <$> dAtom) >>= yield
True -> dBit >>= \case
False -> dCell >>= yield
True -> dRef >>= getRef