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module Deppy.Core where
import ClassyPrelude
import Bound
import Data.Deriving (deriveEq1, deriveOrd1, deriveRead1, deriveShow1)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set (isSubsetOf)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Numeric.Natural
type Typ = Exp
data Exp a
= Var a
-- types
| Typ
| Fun (Abs a)
| Cel (Abs a)
| Wut (Set Tag)
-- introduction forms
| Lam (Abs a)
| Cns (Exp a) (Exp a)
| Tag Tag
-- elimination forms
| App (Exp a) (Exp a)
| Hed (Exp a)
| Tal (Exp a)
| Cas (Typ a) (Exp a) (Map Tag (Exp a))
-- recursion, flow control
| Let (Exp a) (Scope () Exp a)
| Rec (Abs a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type Tag = Natural
data Abs a = Abs
{ spec :: Typ a
, body :: Scope () Exp a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriveEq1 ''Abs
deriveOrd1 ''Abs
deriveRead1 ''Abs
deriveShow1 ''Abs
--makeBound ''Abs
deriveEq1 ''Exp
deriveOrd1 ''Exp
deriveRead1 ''Exp
deriveShow1 ''Exp
--makeBound ''Exp
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Abs a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Abs a)
deriving instance Read a => Read (Abs a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Abs a)
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Exp a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Exp a)
deriving instance Read a => Read (Exp a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Exp a)
instance Applicative Exp where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Exp where
return = Var
Var a >>= f = f a
Typ >>= _ = Typ
Fun a >>= f = Fun (bindAbs a f)
Cel a >>= f = Cel (bindAbs a f)
Wut ls >>= _ = Wut ls
Lam a >>= f = Lam (bindAbs a f)
Cns x y >>= f = Cns (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
Tag l >>= _ = Tag l
App x y >>= f = App (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
Hed x >>= f = Hed (x >>= f)
Tal x >>= f = Tal (x >>= f)
Cas t x cs >>= f = Cas (t >>= f) (x >>= f) (cs <&> (>>= f))
Let a b >>= f = Let (a >>= f) (b >>>= f)
Rec a >>= f = Rec (bindAbs a f)
bindAbs :: Abs a -> (a -> Exp b) -> Abs b
bindAbs (Abs s b) f = Abs (s >>= f) (b >>>= f)
lam :: Eq a => a -> Typ a -> Exp a -> Exp a
lam v t e = Lam (Abs t (abstract1 v e))
fun :: Eq a => a -> Typ a -> Typ a -> Typ a
fun v t u = Fun (Abs t (abstract1 v u))
fun_ :: Typ a -> Typ a -> Typ a
fun_ t u = Fun (Abs t (abstract (const Nothing) u))
cel :: Eq a => a -> Typ a -> Typ a -> Typ a
cel v t u = Cel (Abs t (abstract1 v u))
cel_ :: Typ a -> Typ a -> Typ a
cel_ t u = Cel (Abs t (abstract (const Nothing) u))
rec :: Eq a => a -> Typ a -> Exp a -> Exp a
rec v t e = Rec (Abs t (abstract1 v e))
ledt :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
ledt v e e' = Let e (abstract1 v e')
wut = Wut . setFromList
cas t e cs = Cas t e (mapFromList cs)
infixl 9 @:
(@:) = App
-- | typing environment
type Env a = a -> Typ a
extend :: (b -> Typ a) -> Env a -> Env (Var b a)
extend handleNewBindings oldEnv = \case
-- TODO can we use Scope to decrease the cost of this?
B v -> F <$> handleNewBindings v
F v -> F <$> oldEnv v
extend1 :: Typ a -> Env a -> Env (Var () a)
extend1 t = extend \() -> t
-- | amber rule assumptions
type Asm a = Set (Typ a, Typ a)
extendAsm :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Asm a -> Asm (Var b a)
extendAsm = Set.map \(t, u) -> (F <$> t, F <$> u)
-- | Remove types that mention variables that are no longer in scope
retractAsm :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Asm (Var b a) -> Asm a
retractAsm = foldMap wither
wither = \case
(cleanTyp -> Just t, cleanTyp -> Just u) -> singleton (t, u)
_ -> mempty
cleanTyp = traverse \case
F v -> pure v
B _ -> Nothing
type Typing = Maybe
-- - better errors
-- - state monad for Asm (how to handle polymorphic recursion?)
nest :: (Show a, Ord a) => Env a -> Typ a -> Typ a -> Typing ()
nest env = fmap void . go env mempty
go :: (Show a, Ord a) => Env a -> Asm a -> Typ a -> Typ a -> Typing (Asm a)
-- FIXME use a better more aggro normal form
go env asm0 (whnf -> t0) (whnf -> u0) =
if t0 == u0 || member (t0, u0) asm0
then pure asm0
else let asm = Set.insert (t0, u0) asm0 in
case (t0, u0) of
(Typ, Typ) -> pure asm
-- FIXME yeah actually I think this is wrong
-- we're comaring the type of a type variable with
-- (Var v, u) -> go env asm (env v) u
-- (t, Var v) -> go env asm t (env v)
-- following Cardelli 80something, we check the RHSs assuming
-- the putatively *lesser* of the LHSs for both
(Fun (Abs a b), Fun (Abs a' b')) -> do
asm' <- go env asm a' a
retractAsm <$>
go (extend1 a' env) (extendAsm asm') (fromScope b) (fromScope b')
(Cel (Abs a b), Cel (Abs a' b')) -> do
asm' <- go env asm a a'
retractAsm <$>
go (extend1 a env) (extendAsm asm') (fromScope b) (fromScope b')
(Wut ls, Wut ls') -> do
guard (ls `isSubsetOf` ls')
pure asm
-- TODO put into Typing errors
(Lam{}, _) -> error "nest: lambda"
(_, Lam{}) -> error "nest: lambda"
(Cns{}, _) -> error "nest: cons"
(_, Cns{}) -> error "nest: cons"
(Tag{}, _) -> error "nest: tag"
(_, Tag{}) -> error "nest: tag"
-- Special rule for the Cas eliminator to enable sums and products
(Cas _ e cs, Cas _ e' cs') -> do
guard (whnf e == whnf e')
Wut s <- infer env e
-- TODO I should thread changing asm through the traversal
-- but I can't be bothered right now. Perf regression.
asm <$ traverse_ chk (setToList s)
chk tag = case (lookup tag cs, lookup tag cs') of
(Just t, Just u) -> go env asm t u
_ -> error "the Spanish inquisition"
(Cas _ e cs, u) -> do
Wut s <- infer env e
-- TODO thread asms
asm <$ traverse_
(\tag -> go env asm (fromJust $ lookup tag cs) u)
(t, Cas _ e cs) -> do
Wut s <- infer env e
-- TODO thread asms
asm <$ traverse_
(\tag -> go env asm t (fromJust $ lookup tag cs))
(t@Cas{}, u) -> go env asm (whnf t) u
(t, u@Cas{}) -> go env asm t (whnf u)
(t@(Rec (Abs _ b)), u) -> go env asm (instantiate1 t b) u
(t, u@(Rec (Abs _ b))) -> go env asm t (instantiate1 u b)
_ -> Nothing
check :: (Show a, Ord a) => Env a -> Exp a -> Typ a -> Typing ()
check env e t = do
t' <- infer env e
nest env t' t
infer :: forall a. (Show a, Ord a) => Env a -> Exp a -> Typing (Typ a)
infer env = \case
Var v -> pure $ env v
Typ -> pure Typ
Fun (Abs t b) -> do
Typ <- infer env t
Typ <- infer (extend1 t env) (fromScope b)
pure Typ
Cel (Abs t b) -> do
Typ <- infer env t
Typ <- infer (extend1 t env) (fromScope b)
pure Typ
Wut _ -> pure Typ
Lam (Abs t b) -> do
-- TODO do I need (whnf -> Typ)? (and elsewhere)
Typ <- infer env t
(toScope -> t') <- infer (extend1 t env) (fromScope b)
pure $ Fun (Abs t t')
Cns x y -> do
-- Infer non-dependent pairs; if you want dependency, you must annotate
t <- infer env x
u <- infer env y
pure $ Cel (Abs t (abstract (const Nothing) u))
Tag t -> pure $ Wut (singleton t)
App x y -> do
Fun (Abs t b) <- infer env x
check env y t
pure $ whnf (instantiate1 y b)
Hed x -> do
Cel (Abs t _) <- infer env x
pure t
Tal x -> do
Cel (Abs _ u) <- infer env x
pure $ instantiate1 (whnf $ Hed $ x) u
Cas t x cs -> do
Typ <- infer env t
Wut ts <- infer env x
-- pretty restrictive - do we want?
guard (ts == keysSet cs)
traverse_ (\e -> check env e t) cs
pure t
-- Let e b -> do
-- -- TODO is below faster, or infer env (instantiate1 e b)?
-- t <- infer env e
-- instantiate1 e $ infer (extend1 t env) (fromScope b)
Rec (Abs t b) -> do
Typ <- infer env t
-- todo can F <$> be made faster?
check (extend1 t env) (fromScope b) (F <$> t)
pure t
whnf :: (Show a, Eq a) => Exp a -> Exp a
whnf = \case
App (whnf -> Lam (Abs _ b)) x -> whnf $ instantiate1 x b
Hed (whnf -> Cns x _) -> whnf x
Tal (whnf -> Cns _ y) -> whnf y
Cas _ (whnf -> Tag t) cs -> whnf $ fromJust $ lookup t cs
e@(Rec (Abs _ b)) -> whnf $ instantiate1 e b
e -> trace "sadface" e
= Var a
-- types
| Typ
| Fun (Abs a)
| Cel (Abs a)
| Wut (Set Tag)
-- introduction forms
| Lam (Abs a)
| Cns (Exp a) (Exp a)
| Tag Tag
-- elimination forms
| App (Exp a) (Exp a)
| Hed (Exp a)
| Tal (Exp a)
| Cas (Typ a) (Exp a) (Map Tag (Exp a))
-- recursion
| Rec (Abs a)
nf :: (Show a, Eq a) => Exp a -> Exp a
nf = traceShowId . \case
Typ -> Typ
_ -> undefined