mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
1053 lines
31 KiB
1053 lines
31 KiB
:: graph-store [landscape]
/+ store=graph-store, sigs=signatures, res=resource, default-agent, dbug,
~% %graph-store-top ..part ~
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ versioned-state
$% state-0
+$ state-0 [%0 network:store]
+$ state-1 [%1 network:store]
+$ state-2 [%2 network:store]
++ orm orm:store
++ orm-log orm-log:store
+$ debug-input [%validate-graph =resource:store]
=| state-2
=* state -
%- agent:dbug
^- agent:gall
~% %graph-store-agent ..card ~
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init [~ this]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= =old=vase
^- (quip card _this)
=+ !<(old=versioned-state old-vase)
=| cards=(list card)
?- -.old
%_ $
-.old %1
(~(put in validators.old) %graph-validator-link)
%+ weld cards
%+ turn
~(tap in (~(put in validators.old) %graph-validator-link))
|= validator=@t
^- card
=/ =wire /validator/[validator]
=/ =rave:clay [%sing %b [%da now.bowl] /[validator]]
[%pass wire %arvo %c %warp our.bowl [%home `rave]]
%- ~(run by graphs.old)
|= [=graph:store q=(unit mark)]
^- [graph:store (unit mark)]
:- (convert-unix-timestamped-graph graph)
?^ q q
%- ~(run by update-logs.old)
|=(a=* *update-log:store)
%_ $
-.old %2
graphs.old (~(run by graphs.old) change-revision-graph)
%- ~(run by update-logs.old)
|=(a=* *update-log:store)
%2 [cards this(state old)]
++ change-revision-graph
|= [=graph:store q=(unit mark)]
^- [graph:store (unit mark)]
:_ q
?+ q graph
[~ %graph-validator-link] convert-links
[~ %graph-validator-publish] convert-publish
++ convert-links
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn (tap:orm graph)
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [^atom node:store]
:: top-level
:+ atom post.node
?: ?=(%empty -.children.node)
[%empty ~]
:- %graph
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn (tap:orm p.children.node)
|= [=^atom =node:store]
^- [^^atom node:store]
:: existing comments get turned into containers for revisions
:^ atom
post.node(contents ~, hash ~)
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
:_ ~ :- %1
:_ [%empty ~]
post.node(index (snoc index.post.node atom), hash ~)
++ convert-publish
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn (tap:orm graph)
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [^atom node:store]
:: top-level
:+ atom post.node
?: ?=(%empty -.children.node)
[%empty ~]
:- %graph
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn (tap:orm p.children.node)
|= [=^atom =node:store]
^- [^^atom node:store]
:: existing container for publish note revisions
?+ atom !!
%1 [atom node]
:+ atom post.node
?: ?=(%empty -.children.node)
[%empty ~]
:- %graph
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn (tap:orm p.children.node)
|= [=^^atom =node:store]
^- [^^^atom node:store]
:+ atom post.node(contents ~, hash ~)
:- %graph
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
:_ ~ :- %1
:_ [%empty ~]
post.node(index (snoc index.post.node atom), hash ~)
++ maybe-unix-to-da
|= =atom
^- @
:: (bex 127) is roughly 226AD
?. (lte atom (bex 127))
(add ~1970.1.1 (div (mul ~s1 atom) 1.000))
++ convert-unix-timestamped-node
|= =node:store
^- node:store
=. index.post.node
(convert-unix-timestamped-index index.post.node)
?. ?=(%graph -.children.node)
:+ post.node
(convert-unix-timestamped-graph p.children.node)
++ convert-unix-timestamped-index
|= =index:store
(turn index maybe-unix-to-da)
++ convert-unix-timestamped-graph
|= =graph:store
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn
(tap:orm graph)
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [^atom node:store]
:- (maybe-unix-to-da atom)
(convert-unix-timestamped-node node)
++ on-watch
~/ %graph-store-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
=/ cards=(list card)
?+ path (on-watch:def path)
[%updates ~] ~
[%keys ~] (give [%keys ~(key by graphs)])
[%tags ~] (give [%tags ~(key by tag-queries)])
[cards this]
++ give
|= =update-0:store
^- (list card)
[%give %fact ~ [%graph-update !>([%0 now.bowl update-0])]]~
++ on-poke
~/ %graph-store-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
%graph-update (graph-update !<(update:store vase))
%noun (debug !<(debug-input vase))
%import (poke-import q.vase)
[cards this]
++ graph-update
|= =update:store
^- (quip card _state)
?> ?=(%0 -.update)
=? p.update =(p.update *time) now.bowl
?- -.q.update
%add-graph (add-graph +.q.update)
%remove-graph (remove-graph +.q.update)
%add-nodes (add-nodes p.update +.q.update)
%remove-nodes (remove-nodes p.update +.q.update)
%add-signatures (add-signatures p.update +.q.update)
%remove-signatures (remove-signatures p.update +.q.update)
%add-tag (add-tag +.q.update)
%remove-tag (remove-tag +.q.update)
%archive-graph (archive-graph +.q.update)
%unarchive-graph (unarchive-graph +.q.update)
%run-updates (run-updates +.q.update)
%keys ~|('cannot send %keys as poke' !!)
%tags ~|('cannot send %tags as poke' !!)
%tag-queries ~|('cannot send %tag-queries as poke' !!)
++ add-graph
|= $: =resource:store
mark=(unit mark:store)
^- (quip card _state)
?> ?| overwrite
?& !(~(has by archive) resource)
!(~(has by graphs) resource)
== ==
?> (validate-graph graph mark)
:_ %_ state
graphs (~(put by graphs) resource [graph mark])
update-logs (~(put by update-logs) resource (gas:orm-log ~ ~))
archive (~(del by archive) resource)
?~ mark validators
(~(put in validators) u.mark)
%- zing
:~ (give [/updates /keys ~] [%add-graph resource graph mark overwrite])
?~ mark ~
?: (~(has in validators) u.mark) ~
=/ wire /validator/[u.mark]
=/ =rave:clay [%sing %b [%da now.bowl] /[u.mark]]
[%pass wire %arvo %c %warp our.bowl [%home `rave]]~
++ remove-graph
|= =resource:store
^- (quip card _state)
?< (~(has by archive) resource)
?> (~(has by graphs) resource)
:- (give [/updates /keys ~] [%remove-graph resource])
%_ state
graphs (~(del by graphs) resource)
update-logs (~(del by update-logs) resource)
++ add-nodes
|= $: =time
nodes=(map index:store node:store)
^- (quip card _state)
=/ [=graph:store mark=(unit mark:store)]
(~(got by graphs) resource)
=/ =update-log:store (~(got by update-logs) resource)
=. update-log
(put:orm-log update-log time [%0 time [%add-nodes resource nodes]])
:- (give [/updates]~ [%add-nodes resource nodes])
%_ state
update-logs (~(put by update-logs) resource update-log)
%+ ~(put by graphs)
:_ mark
(add-node-list resource graph mark (sort-nodes nodes))
++ sort-nodes
|= nodes=(map index:store node:store)
^- (list [index:store node:store])
%+ sort ~(tap by nodes)
|= [p=[=index:store *] q=[=index:store *]]
^- ?
(lth (lent index.p) (lent index.q))
++ add-node-list
|= $: =resource:store
mark=(unit mark:store)
node-list=(list [index:store node:store])
^- graph:store
?~ node-list graph
=* index -.i.node-list
=* node +.i.node-list
%_ $
node-list t.node-list
graph (add-node-at-index graph index node mark)
++ add-node-at-index
=| parent-hash=(unit hash:store)
|= $: =graph:store
mark=(unit mark:store)
^- graph:store
?< ?=(~ index)
~| "validation of node failed using mark {<mark>}"
?> (validate-graph (gas:orm ~ [i.index node]~) mark)
=* atom i.index
%^ put:orm
:: add child
?~ t.index
=* p post.node
=/ =validated-portion:store
[parent-hash author.p time-sent.p contents.p]
=/ =hash:store `@ux`(sham validated-portion)
?~ hash.p node(signatures.post *signatures:store)
~| "signatures do not match the calculated hash"
?> (are-signatures-valid:sigs our.bowl signatures.p hash now.bowl)
~| "hash of post does not match calculated hash"
?> =(hash u.hash.p)
:: recurse children
=/ parent=node:store
~| "index does not exist to add a node to!"
(need (get:orm graph atom))
%_ parent
^- internal-graph:store
:- %graph
%_ $
index t.index
parent-hash hash.post.parent
?: ?=(%graph -.children.parent)
(gas:orm ~ ~)
++ remove-nodes
|= [=time =resource:store indices=(set index:store)]
^- (quip card _state)
=/ [=graph:store mark=(unit mark:store)]
(~(got by graphs) resource)
=/ =update-log:store (~(got by update-logs) resource)
=. update-log
(put:orm-log update-log time [%0 time [%remove-nodes resource indices]])
:- (give [/updates]~ [%remove-nodes resource indices])
%_ state
update-logs (~(put by update-logs) resource update-log)
%+ ~(put by graphs)
[(remove-indices resource graph ~(tap in indices)) mark]
++ remove-indices
|= [=resource:store =graph:store indices=(list index:store)]
^- graph:store
?~ indices graph
%_ $
indices t.indices
graph (remove-index graph i.indices)
++ remove-index
|= [=graph:store =index:store]
^- graph:store
?~ index graph
=* atom i.index
:: last index in list
?~ t.index
+:`[* graph:store]`(del:orm graph atom)
=/ =node:store
~| "parent index does not exist to remove a node from!"
(need (get:orm graph atom))
~| "child index does not exist to remove a node from!"
?> ?=(%graph -.children.node)
%^ put:orm
node(p.children $(graph p.children.node, index t.index))
++ add-signatures
|= [=time =uid:store =signatures:store]
^- (quip card _state)
=* resource resource.uid
=/ [=graph:store mark=(unit mark:store)]
(~(got by graphs) resource)
=/ =update-log:store (~(got by update-logs) resource)
=. update-log
(put:orm-log update-log time [%0 time [%add-signatures uid signatures]])
:- (give [/updates]~ [%add-signatures uid signatures])
%_ state
update-logs (~(put by update-logs) resource update-log)
%+ ~(put by graphs) resource
[(add-at-index graph index.uid signatures) mark]
++ add-at-index
|= [=graph:store =index:store =signatures:store]
^- graph:store
?~ index graph
=* atom i.index
=/ =node:store
~| "node does not exist to add signatures to!"
(need (get:orm graph atom))
:: last index in list
%^ put:orm
?~ t.index
~| "cannot add signatures to a node missing a hash"
?> ?=(^ hash.post.node)
~| "signatures did not match public keys!"
?> (are-signatures-valid:sigs our.bowl signatures u.hash.post.node now.bowl)
node(signatures.post (~(uni in signatures) signatures.post.node))
~| "child graph does not exist to add signatures to!"
?> ?=(%graph -.children.node)
node(p.children $(graph p.children.node, index t.index))
++ remove-signatures
|= [=time =uid:store =signatures:store]
^- (quip card _state)
=* resource resource.uid
=/ [=graph:store mark=(unit mark:store)]
(~(got by graphs) resource)
=/ =update-log:store (~(got by update-logs) resource)
=. update-log
%^ put:orm-log update-log
[%0 time [%remove-signatures uid signatures]]
:- (give [/updates]~ [%remove-signatures uid signatures])
%_ state
update-logs (~(put by update-logs) resource update-log)
%+ ~(put by graphs) resource
[(remove-at-index graph index.uid signatures) mark]
++ remove-at-index
|= [=graph:store =index:store =signatures:store]
^- graph:store
?~ index graph
=* atom i.index
=/ =node:store
~| "node does not exist to add signatures to!"
(need (get:orm graph atom))
:: last index in list
%^ put:orm
?~ t.index
node(signatures.post (~(dif in signatures) signatures.post.node))
~| "child graph does not exist to add signatures to!"
?> ?=(%graph -.children.node)
node(p.children $(graph p.children.node, index t.index))
++ add-tag
|= [=term =resource:store]
^- (quip card _state)
?> (~(has by graphs) resource)
:- (give [/updates /tags ~] [%add-tag term resource])
%_ state
tag-queries (~(put ju tag-queries) term resource)
++ remove-tag
|= [=term =resource:store]
^- (quip card _state)
?> (~(has by graphs) resource)
:- (give [/updates /tags ~] [%remove-tag term resource])
%_ state
tag-queries (~(del ju tag-queries) term resource)
++ archive-graph
|= =resource:store
^- (quip card _state)
?< (~(has by archive) resource)
?> (~(has by graphs) resource)
:- (give [/updates /keys /tags ~] [%archive-graph resource])
%_ state
archive (~(put by archive) resource (~(got by graphs) resource))
graphs (~(del by graphs) resource)
update-logs (~(del by update-logs) resource)
%- ~(run by tag-queries)
|= =resources:store
(~(del in resources) resource)
++ unarchive-graph
|= =resource:store
^- (quip card _state)
?> (~(has by archive) resource)
?< (~(has by graphs) resource)
:- (give [/updates /keys ~] [%unarchive-graph resource])
%_ state
archive (~(del by archive) resource)
graphs (~(put by graphs) resource (~(got by archive) resource))
update-logs (~(put by update-logs) resource (gas:orm-log ~ ~))
++ run-updates
|= [=resource:store =update-log:store]
^- (quip card _state)
?< (~(has by archive) resource)
?> (~(has by graphs) resource)
=/ updates=(list [=time upd=logged-update:store])
(tap:orm-log update-log)
=| cards=(list card)
|- ^- (quip card _state)
?~ updates
[cards state]
=* update upd.i.updates
=^ crds state
%- graph-update
^- update:store
?- -.q.update
%add-nodes update(resource.q resource)
%remove-nodes update(resource.q resource)
%add-signatures update(resource.uid.q resource)
%remove-signatures update(resource.uid.q resource)
$(cards (weld cards crds), updates t.updates)
++ give
|= [paths=(list path) update=update-0:store]
^- (list card)
[%give %fact paths [%graph-update !>([%0 now.bowl update])]]~
++ debug
|= =debug-input
^- (quip card _state)
=/ [=graph:store mark=(unit mark:store)]
(~(got by graphs) resource.debug-input)
?> (validate-graph graph mark)
[~ state]
++ validate-graph
|= [=graph:store mark=(unit mark:store)]
^- ?
?~ mark %.y
?~ graph %.y
=/ =dais:clay
.^ =dais:clay
/(scot %p our.bowl)/[q.byk.bowl]/(scot %da now.bowl)/[u.mark]
%+ roll (tap:orm graph)
|= [[=atom =node:store] out=?]
?& out
=(%& -:(mule |.((vale:dais [atom post.node]))))
?- -.children.node
%empty %.y
%graph ^$(graph p.children.node)
++ poke-import
|= arc=*
^- (quip card _state)
=/ sty=state-2 [%2 (remake-network ;;(tree-network +.arc))]
:_ sty
%+ turn ~(tap by graphs.sty)
|= [rid=resource:store =marked-graph:store]
^- card
?: =(our.bowl entity.rid)
=/ =cage [%push-hook-action !>([%add rid])]
[%pass / %agent [our.bowl %graph-push-hook] %poke cage]
(try-rejoin rid 0)
+$ tree-network
$: graphs=tree-graphs
tag-queries=(tree [term (tree resource:store)])
validators=(tree ^mark)
+$ tree-graphs (tree [resource:store tree-marked-graph])
+$ tree-marked-graph [p=tree-graph q=(unit ^mark)]
+$ tree-graph (tree [atom tree-node])
+$ tree-node [post=tree-post children=tree-internal-graph]
+$ tree-internal-graph
$~ [%empty ~]
$% [%graph p=tree-graph]
[%empty ~]
+$ tree-update-logs (tree [resource:store tree-update-log])
+$ tree-update-log (tree [time tree-logged-update])
+$ tree-logged-update
$: %0
$= q
$% [%add-nodes =resource:store nodes=(tree [index:store tree-node])]
[%remove-nodes =resource:store indices=(tree index:store)]
[%add-signatures =uid:store signatures=tree-signatures]
[%remove-signatures =uid:store signatures=tree-signatures]
+$ tree-signatures (tree signature:store)
+$ tree-post
$: author=ship
contents=(list content:store)
hash=(unit hash:store)
++ remake-network
|= t=tree-network
^- network:store
:* (remake-graphs graphs.t)
(remake-jug tag-queries.t)
(remake-update-logs update-logs.t)
(remake-graphs archive.t)
(remake-set validators.t)
++ remake-graphs
|= t=tree-graphs
^- graphs:store
%- remake-map
(~(run by t) remake-marked-graph)
++ remake-marked-graph
|= t=tree-marked-graph
^- marked-graph:store
[(remake-graph p.t) q.t]
++ remake-graph
|= t=tree-graph
^- graph:store
%+ gas:orm *graph:store
%+ turn ~(tap by t)
|= [a=atom tn=tree-node]
^- [atom node:store]
[a (remake-node tn)]
++ remake-internal-graph
|= t=tree-internal-graph
^- internal-graph:store
?: ?=(%empty -.t)
[%empty ~]
[%graph (remake-graph p.t)]
++ remake-node
|= t=tree-node
^- node:store
:- (remake-post post.t)
(remake-internal-graph children.t)
++ remake-update-logs
|= t=tree-update-logs
^- update-logs:store
%- remake-map
(~(run by t) remake-update-log)
++ remake-update-log
|= t=tree-update-log
^- update-log:store
=/ ulm ((ordered-map time logged-update:store) gth)
%+ gas:ulm *update-log:store
%+ turn ~(tap by t)
|= [=time tlu=tree-logged-update]
^- [^time logged-update:store]
[time (remake-logged-update tlu)]
++ remake-logged-update
|= t=tree-logged-update
^- logged-update:store
:+ %0 p.t
?- -.q.t
:- %add-nodes
:- resource.q.t
%- remake-map
(~(run by nodes.q.t) remake-node)
[%remove-nodes resource.q.t (remake-set indices.q.t)]
[%add-signatures uid.q.t (remake-set signatures.q.t)]
[%remove-signatures uid.q.t (remake-set signatures.q.t)]
++ remake-post
|= t=tree-post
^- post:store
t(signatures (remake-set signatures.t))
++ try-rejoin
|= [rid=resource:store nack-count=@]
^- card
=/ res-path (en-path:res rid)
=/ wire [%try-rejoin (scot %ud nack-count) res-path]
[%pass wire %agent [entity.rid %graph-push-hook] %watch resource+res-path]
++ on-peek
~/ %graph-store-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%x %graph-mark @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ result=(unit marked-graph:store)
(~(get by graphs) [ship term])
?~ result [~ ~]
[%x %keys ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!>(`update:store`[%0 now.bowl [%keys ~(key by graphs)]])
[%x %tags ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!>(`update:store`[%0 now.bowl [%tags ~(key by tag-queries)]])
[%x %tag-queries ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!>(`update:store`[%0 now.bowl [%tag-queries tag-queries]])
[%x %graph @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ result=(unit marked-graph:store)
(~(get by graphs) [ship term])
?~ result [~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0
[%add-graph [ship term] `graph:store`p.u.result q.u.result %.y]
:: note: near-duplicate of /x/graph
[%x %archive @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ result=(unit marked-graph:store)
(~(get by archive) [ship term])
?~ result
~& no-archived-graph+[ship term]
[~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0
[%add-graph [ship term] `graph:store`p.u.result q.u.result %.y]
[%x %export ~]
[%x %graph-subset @ @ @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ start=(unit atom) (rush i.t.t.t.t.path dem:ag)
=/ end=(unit atom) (rush i.t.t.t.t.t.path dem:ag)
=/ graph=(unit marked-graph:store)
(~(get by graphs) [ship term])
?~ graph [~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0 now.bowl
:+ %add-nodes
[ship term]
%- ~(gas by *(map index:store node:store))
%+ turn (tap:orm `graph:store`(subset:orm p.u.graph start end))
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [index:store node:store]
[~[atom] node]
[%x %node @ @ @ *]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ =index:store
(turn t.t.t.t.path (cury slav %ud))
=/ node=(unit node:store) (get-node ship term index)
?~ node [~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0
:+ %add-nodes
[ship term]
(~(gas by *(map index:store node:store)) [index u.node] ~)
[%x %node-siblings ?(%older %younger) @ @ @ *]
=/ older ?=(%older i.t.t.path)
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.t.path
=/ count=(unit @ud) (slaw %ud i.t.t.t.t.t.path)
=/ =index:store
(turn t.t.t.t.t.t.path (cury slav %ud))
=/ parent=index:store
(scag (dec (lent index)) index)
=/ graph
(get-node-children ship term parent)
?~ graph [~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0
:+ %add-nodes
[ship term]
%- ~(gas by *(map index:store node:store))
%+ turn
%- ?~ count same
|= =(list [atom node:store])
(slag u.count list)
%- ?:(older same flop)
%- tap:orm
%+ subset:orm u.graph
=/ idx
(snag (dec (lent index)) index)
?:(older [`idx ~] [~ `idx])
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [index:store node:store]
[(snoc parent atom) node]
[%x ?(%newest %oldest) @ @ @ *]
=/ newest ?=(%newest i.t.path)
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ count=@ud
(slav %ud i.t.t.t.t.path)
=/ =index:store
(turn t.t.t.t.t.path (cury slav %ud))
=/ children
(get-node-children ship term index)
?~ children [~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0
:+ %add-nodes
[ship term]
%- ~(gas by *(map index:store node:store))
%+ turn
%+ scag count
%- ?:(newest same flop)
(tap:orm u.children)
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [index:store node:store]
[(snoc index atom) node]
[%x %node-children-subset @ @ @ @ @ *]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ start=(unit atom) (rush i.t.t.t.t.path dem:ag)
=/ end=(unit atom) (rush i.t.t.t.t.t.path dem:ag)
=/ =index:store
(turn t.t.t.t.t.t.path |=(=cord (slav %ud cord)))
=/ node=(unit node:store) (get-node ship term index)
?~ node [~ ~]
?- -.children.u.node
%empty [~ ~]
:- ~ :- ~ :- %graph-update
!> ^- update:store
:+ %0
:+ %add-nodes
[ship term]
%- ~(gas by *(map index:store node:store))
%+ turn (tap:orm `graph:store`(subset:orm p.children.u.node end start))
|= [=atom =node:store]
^- [index:store node:store]
[(snoc index atom) node]
[%x %update-log-subset @ @ @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ start=(unit time) (slaw %da i.t.t.t.t.path)
=/ end=(unit time) (slaw %da i.t.t.t.t.t.path)
=/ update-log=(unit update-log:store) (~(get by update-logs) [ship term])
?~ update-log [~ ~]
:: orm-log is ordered backwards, so swap start and end
``noun+!>((subset:orm-log u.update-log end start))
[%x %update-log @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ update-log=(unit update-log:store) (~(get by update-logs) [ship term])
?~ update-log [~ ~]
[%x %peek-update-log @ @ ~]
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.t.path
=/ m-update-log=(unit update-log:store) (~(get by update-logs) [ship term])
:- ~ :- ~ :- %noun
!> ^- (unit time)
%+ biff m-update-log
|= =update-log:store
=/ result=(unit [=time =update:store])
(peek:orm-log:store update-log)
(bind result |=([=time update:store] time))
++ get-node-children
|= [=ship =term =index:store]
^- (unit graph:store)
?: ?=(~ index)
=/ graph
(~(get by graphs) [ship term])
?~ graph ~
=/ node
(get-node ship term index)
?~ node ~
?: ?=(%empty -.children.u.node)
++ get-node
|= [=ship =term =index:store]
^- (unit node:store)
=/ parent-graph=(unit marked-graph:store)
(~(get by graphs) [ship term])
?~ parent-graph ~
=/ node=(unit node:store) ~
=/ =graph:store p.u.parent-graph
?~ index
?~ t.index
(get:orm graph i.index)
=. node (get:orm graph i.index)
?~ node ~
?- -.children.u.node
%empty ~
%graph $(graph p.children.u.node, index t.index)
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ wire (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
:: old wire, do nothing
[%graph *] [~ this]
[%validator @ ~]
:_ this
=* validator i.t.wire
=/ =rave:clay [%next %b [%da now.bowl] /[validator]]
[%pass wire %arvo %c %warp our.bowl [%home `rave]]~
[%try-rejoin @ *]
=/ rid=resource:store (de-path:res t.t.wire)
=/ nack-count (slav %ud i.t.wire)
?> ?=([%behn %wake *] sign-arvo)
~? ?=(^ error.sign-arvo)
"behn errored in backoff timers, continuing anyway"
=/ new=^wire [%try-rejoin (scot %ud +(nack-count)) t.t.wire]
:_ this
[%pass new %agent [entity.rid %graph-push-hook] %watch resource+t.t.wire]~
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%try-rejoin @ *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?. ?=(%watch-ack -.sign)
[~ this]
=/ rid=resource:store (de-path:res t.t.wire)
?~ p.sign
=/ =cage [%pull-hook-action !>([%add entity.rid rid])]
:_ this
:~ [%pass / %agent [our.bowl %graph-pull-hook] %poke cage]
[%pass wire %agent [entity.rid %graph-push-hook] %leave ~]
=/ nack-count=@ud (slav %ud i.t.wire)
=/ wakeup=@da
(add now.bowl (mul ~s1 (bex (min 19 nack-count))))
:_ this
[%pass wire %arvo %b %wait wakeup]~
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def