mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 08:32:39 +03:00
252 lines
6.1 KiB
252 lines
6.1 KiB
:: metadata-hook: allow syncing foreign metadata
:: watch paths:
:: /group/%group-path all updates related to this group
/- *metadata-store, *metadata-hook
/+ default-agent
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ versioned-state
$% state-zero
+$ state-zero
$: %0
synced=(map group-path ship)
=| state-zero
=* state -
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
hc ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
[[%pass /updates %agent [our.bowl %metadata-store] %watch /updates]~ this]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load |=(=vase `this(state !<(state-zero vase)))
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
=^ cards state
(poke-hook-action:hc !<(metadata-hook-action vase))
[cards this]
[(poke-action:hc !<(metadata-action vase)) this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
?+ path (on-watch:def path)
[%group *] [(watch-group:hc t.path) this]
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
%kick =^(cards state (kick:hc wire) [cards this])
%watch-ack =^(cards state (watch-ack:hc wire p.sign) [cards this])
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=^ cards state
(fact-metadata-update:hc wire !<(metadata-update q.cage.sign))
[cards this]
|_ =bowl:gall
++ poke-hook-action
|= act=metadata-hook-action
^- (quip card _state)
?- -.act
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
:- ~
?: (~(has by synced) path.act) state
state(synced (~(put by synced) path.act our.bowl))
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
=/ =path [%group path.act]
?: (~(has by synced) path.act) [~ state]
:_ state(synced (~(put by synced) path.act ship.act))
[%pass path %agent [ship.act %metadata-hook] %watch path]~
=/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act)
?~ ship [~ state]
?: &(!=(u.ship src.bowl) ?!((team:title our.bowl src.bowl)))
[~ state]
:_ state(synced (~(del by synced) path.act))
%- zing
:~ (unsubscribe [%group path.act] u.ship)
[%give %kick ~[[%group path.act]] ~]~
++ unsubscribe
|= [=path =ship]
^- (list card)
?: =(ship our.bowl)
[%pass path %agent [our.bowl %metadata-store] %leave ~]~
[%pass path %agent [ship %metadata-hook] %leave ~]~
++ poke-action
|= act=metadata-action
^- (list card)
?: (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
?- -.act
%add (send group-path.act)
%remove (send group-path.act)
?> (is-permitted src.bowl group-path.act)
?- -.act
%add (metadata-poke our.bowl %metadata-store)
%remove (metadata-poke our.bowl %metadata-store)
++ send
|= =group-path
^- (list card)
=/ =ship
%+ slav %p
?: (is-managed group-path) (snag 0 group-path)
(snag 1 group-path)
=/ app ?:(=(ship our.bowl) %metadata-store %metadata-hook)
(metadata-poke ship app)
++ metadata-poke
|= [=ship app=@tas]
^- (list card)
[%pass / %agent [ship app] %poke %metadata-action !>(act)]~
++ is-managed
|= =path
^- ?
?> ?=(^ path)
!=(i.path '~')
++ watch-group
|= =path
^- (list card)
?> =(our.bowl (~(got by synced) path))
?> (is-permitted src.bowl path)
%+ turn ~(tap by (metadata-scry path))
|= [[=group-path =resource] =metadata]
^- card
[%give %fact ~ %metadata-update !>([%add group-path resource metadata])]
++ metadata-scry
|= pax=^path
^- associations
=. pax
;: weld
/(scot %p our.bowl)/metadata-store/(scot %da now.bowl)/group
.^(associations %gx pax)
++ fact-metadata-update
|= [wir=wire fact=metadata-update]
^- (quip card _state)
[?:((team:title our.bowl src.bowl) handle-local handle-foreign) state]
++ handle-local
?+ -.fact ~
?. (~(has by synced) group-path.fact) ~
(give group-path.fact fact)
?. (~(has by synced) group-path.fact) ~
(give group-path.fact fact)
?. (~(has by synced) group-path.fact) ~
(give group-path.fact fact)
++ handle-foreign
?+ -.fact ~
?. =(src.bowl (~(got by synced) group-path.fact)) ~
(poke fact)
?. =(src.bowl (~(got by synced) group-path.fact)) ~
(poke [%add +.fact])
?. =(src.bowl (~(got by synced) group-path.fact)) ~
(poke fact)
++ give
|= [=path upd=metadata-update]
^- (list card)
[%give %fact ~[[%group path]] %metadata-update !>(upd)]~
++ poke
|= act=metadata-action
^- (list card)
[%pass / %agent [our.bowl %metadata-store] %poke %metadata-action !>(act)]~
++ kick
|= wir=wire
^- (quip card _state)
:_ state
?+ wir !!
[%updates ~]
[%pass /updates %agent [our.bowl %metadata-store] %watch /updates]~
[%group @ *]
?. (~(has by synced) t.wir) ~
=/ =ship (~(got by synced) t.wir)
?: =(ship our.bowl)
[%pass wir %agent [our.bowl %metadata-store] %watch wir]~
[%pass wir %agent [ship %metadata-hook] %watch wir]~
++ watch-ack
|= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip card _state)
?> ?=(^ wir)
[~ ?~(saw state state(synced (~(del by synced) t.wir)))]
++ is-permitted
|= [=ship pax=path]
^- ?
=. pax
;: weld
/(scot %p our.bowl)/permission-store/(scot %da now.bowl)/permitted
[(scot %p ship) pax]
.^(? %gx pax)