mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 04:22:48 +03:00
307 lines
9.9 KiB
307 lines
9.9 KiB
[DOM,recl,rend] = [React.DOM, React.createClass, React.renderComponent]
[div, pre, span] = [DOM.div, DOM.pre, DOM.span]
str = JSON.stringify
Prompt = recl render: ->
[pro,cur,buf] = [@props.prompt[@props.appl] ? "X", @props.cursor, @props.input + " "]
pre {}, @props.appl+pro,
span {style: background: 'lightgray'}, buf.slice(0,cur), "\u0332", buf.slice(cur)
Matr = recl render: ->
lines = @props.rows.map (lin)-> pre {}, lin, " "
lines.push Prompt
appl: @props.appl,
prompt: @props.prompt,
input: @props.input,
cursor: @props.cursor
div {}, lines
$ ->
met = $('<pre>').text('m').css(display: 'none').appendTo(term).width()
subs = ""
# $(window).resize ->
# window.termWif = ($(term).width() / met).toFixed()
# path = "/new/#{termWif}"
# if path is subs
# return
# if subs
# urb.unsubscribe path: subs
# subs = path
# urb.subscribe {path}, (err,dat)->
# if err or dat.data.ok
# return;
# syncRev = dat.data.rev
# unless termRev > syncRev
# termRev = syncRev
# matr.setProps rows: dat.data.stak
# document.title = "Matrix" # XX debug
# $(window).resize()
flash = ($el, background)->
$el.css {background}
if background
setTimeout (-> flash $el,''), 50
bell = -> flash ($ 'body'), 'black'
matr = rend (Matr
prompt:{"": "# "}
offset:0 ), term
window.matr = matr
update = (a) -> matr.setProps a
buffer = "": new Share ""
window.buffer = buffer
choose = (appl)->
urb.appl = appl
buffer[appl] ?= new Share ""
updPrompt '', null
update {appl, cursor: 0, input: buffer[appl].buf}
print = (txt)-> update rows: [matr.props.rows..., txt]
sync = (ted,app)->
app ?= matr.props.appl
if app isnt matr.props.appl then return
b = buffer[app]
update input: b.buf, cursor: b.transpose ted, matr.props.cursor
updPrompt = (app,pro) ->
prompt = $.extend {}, matr.props.prompt
if pro? then prompt[app] = pro else delete prompt[app]
update {prompt}
sysStatus = ()-> updPrompt '', (
[app,pro] = [matr.props.appl, (k for k,v of matr.props.prompt when k isnt '')]
if app is '' then (pro.join ', ')+'# ' else null
peer = (ruh,app) ->
app ?= urb.appl
if ruh.map then return ruh.map (rul)-> peer rul, app
mapr = matr.props
switch Object.keys(ruh)[0]
when 'txt' then print ruh.txt
when 'tan' then ruh.tan.split("\n").reverse().map print
when 'pro' then updPrompt app, ruh.pro.cad
when 'hop' then update cursor: ruh.hop; bell() # XX buffer.transpose?
when 'blk' then console.log "Stub #{str ruh}"
when 'det' then buffer[app].receive ruh.det; sync ruh.det.ted, app
when 'act' then switch ruh.act
when 'clr' then update rows:[]
when 'bel' then bell()
when 'nex' then update
input: ""
cursor: 0
if !mapr.input then mapr.history
else [mapr.input, mapr.history...]
offset: 0
# else throw "Unknown "+(JSON.stringify ruh)
else v = Object.keys(ruh); console.log v, ruh[v[0]]
join = (app)->
if matr.props.prompt[app]?
return print '# already-joined: '+app
choose app
urb.bind "/sole", {wire:"/"}, (err,d)->
if err then console.log err
else if d.data then peer d.data, app
cycle = ()->
apps = Object.keys matr.props.prompt
if apps.length < 2 then return
choose apps[1 + apps.indexOf urb.appl] ? apps[0]
part = (appl)->
mapr = matr.props
unless mapr.prompt[appl]?
return print '# not-joined: '+appl
urb.drop "/sole", {appl, wire: "/"}
if appl is mapr.appl then cycle()
updPrompt appl, null
join urb.appl
window.join = join; window.part = part
pressed = []
deltim = null
#later = (data)->
# if data
# pressed.push data
# clearTimeout deltim
# setTimeout (->
# if urb.reqq.length > 0
# return deltim = later()
# urb.send data: pressed
# pressed = []
# ), 500
urb.send.mark = 'sole-action'
sendAction = (data)->
if matr.props.appl then urb.send data, (e,res)->
if res.status isnt 200 then $('#err')[0].innerText = res.data.mess
else if data is 'ret'
app = /^[a-z-]+$/.exec(buffer[""].buf.slice(1))
unless app? and app[0]?
return bell()
else switch buffer[""].buf[0]
when '+' then doEdit set: ""; join app[0]
when '-' then doEdit set: ""; part app[0]
else bell()
doEdit = (ted)->
det = buffer[matr.props.appl].transmit ted
sync ted
sendAction {det}
yank = ''
eatKyev= (mod, key)->
mapr = matr.props
switch mod.sort().join '-'
when '', 'shift'
if key.str
doEdit ins: cha: key.str, at: mapr.cursor
update cursor: mapr.cursor+1
switch key.act
when 'entr' then sendAction 'ret'
when 'up'
history = mapr.history.slice(); offset = mapr.offset
if history[offset] == undefined
[input, history[offset]] = [history[offset], mapr.input]
doEdit set: input
update {offset, history, cursor: input.length}
when 'down'
history = mapr.history.slice(); offset = mapr.offset
if history[offset] == undefined
[input, history[offset]] = [history[offset], mapr.input]
doEdit set: input
update {offset, history, cursor: input.length}
when 'left' then if mapr.cursor > 0
update cursor: mapr.cursor-1
when 'right' then if mapr.cursor < mapr.input.length
update cursor: mapr.cursor+1
when 'baxp' then if mapr.cursor > 0
doEdit del: mapr.cursor-1
#else (if key.act then console.log key.act)
when 'ctrl' then switch key.str || key.act
when 'a','left' then update cursor: 0
when 'e','right' then update cursor: mapr.input.length
when 'l' then update rows: []
when 'entr' then bell()
when 'w' then eatKyev ['alt'], act:'baxp'
when 'p' then eatKyev [], act: 'up'
when 'n' then eatKyev [], act: 'down'
when 'b' then eatKyev [], act: 'left'
when 'f' then eatKyev [], act: 'right'
when 'g' then bell()
when 'x' then cycle()
when 'v'
appl = if mapr.appl isnt '' then '' else urb.appl
update {appl, cursor:0, input:buffer[appl].buf}
when 't'
if mapr.cursor is 0 or mapr.input.length < 2
return bell()
cursor = mapr.cursor
if cursor < mapr.input.length
doEdit [{del:cursor-1},ins:{at:cursor-2,cha:mapr.input[cursor-1]}]
update {cursor}
when 'u'
yank = mapr.input.slice(0,mapr.cursor)
doEdit (del:mapr.cursor - n for n in [1..mapr.cursor])
when 'k'
yank = mapr.input.slice(mapr.cursor)
doEdit (del:mapr.cursor for _ in [mapr.cursor...mapr.input.length])
when 'y'
doEdit (ins: {cha, at: mapr.cursor + n} for cha,n in yank)
else console.log mod, str key
when 'alt' then switch key.str || key.act
when 'f','right'
rest = mapr.input.slice(mapr.cursor)
rest = rest.match(/\W*\w*/)[0] # XX unicode
update cursor: mapr.cursor + rest.length
when 'b','left'
prev = mapr.input.slice(0,mapr.cursor)
prev = prev.split('').reverse().join('') # XX
prev = prev.match(/\W*\w*/)[0] # XX unicode
update cursor: mapr.cursor - prev.length
when 'baxp'
prev = mapr.input.slice(0,mapr.cursor)
prev = prev.split('').reverse().join('') # XX
prev = prev.match(/\W*\w*/)[0] # XX unicode
yank = prev
doEdit (del: mapr.cursor-1 - n for _,n in prev)
else console.log mod, str key
Mousetrap.handleKey = (char, mod, e)->
norm = {
capslock: 'caps'
pageup: 'pgup'
pagedown: 'pgdn'
backspace: 'baxp'
enter: 'entr'
key = switch
when char.length is 1
if e.type is 'keypress'
chac = char.charCodeAt(0)
if chac < 32 # normalize ctrl keys
char = String.fromCharCode chac | 96
str: char
when e.type is 'keydown'
if char isnt 'space'
act: norm[char] ? char
when e.type is 'keyup' and norm[key] is 'caps'
act: 'uncap'
if !key then return
if key.act and key.act in mod
#[fore, aft] = (
# [sli,cur] = [mapr.input.slice, mapr.cursor]
# [sli(0, cur), sli(cur)]
eatKyev mod, key
#amod = (arr)->
# for i in arr
# unless mod.indexOf(i) < 0
# return yes
# no
# if key.str or key.act is 'baxp' or key.act is 'entr'
# termRev++
# [bot, rest...] = old = matr.props.rows
# matr.setProps rows:(
# switch key.act
# when 'baxp'
# if amod ['ctrl', 'meta']
# ['', rest...]
# else if amod ['alt']
# [(bot.replace /\ *[^ ]*$/, ''), rest...]
# else if bot and bot.length
# [bot.slice(0, -1), rest...]
# else if rest[0] and rest[0].length
# res = rest.slice()
# res[0] = res[0].slice(0, -1)
# res
# else rest
# when 'entr'
# ['', old...]
# when undefined
# if mod.length > 1 or (mod.length and !amod ['shift'])
# old
# else unless old and bot isnt null
# [key.str]
# #else if bot.length is termWif
# # [key.str, old...]
# else [bot + key.str, rest...]
# )
# document.title = "Matri" # XX debug
# later {mod, key}