mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
489 lines
13 KiB
489 lines
13 KiB
/- *group, metadata=metadata-store
/+ store=graph-store, mdl=metadata, res=resource, graph, group, default-agent,
dbug, verb, push-hook, agentio
~% %graph-push-hook-top ..part ~
+$ card card:agent:gall
++ config
^- config:push-hook
:* %graph-store
2 2
+$ agent (push-hook:push-hook config)
+$ state-null ~
+$ state-zero [%0 marks=(set mark)]
+$ state-one [%1 ~]
+$ versioned-state
$@ state-null
$% state-zero
:: TODO: come back to this and potentially use send a %t
:: to be notified of validator changes
+$ cache
$: graph-to-mark=(map resource:res (unit mark))
perm-marks=(map [mark @tas] tube:clay)
transform-marks=(map mark tube:clay)
+$ inflated-state
$: state-one
+$ cache-action
$% [%graph-to-mark (pair resource:res (unit mark))]
[%perm-marks (pair (pair mark @tas) tube:clay)]
[%transform-marks (pair mark tube:clay)]
%- agent:dbug
%+ verb |
^- agent:gall
%- (agent:push-hook config)
^- agent
~% %graph-push-hook-agent ..scry.hook-core ~
=| inflated-state
=* state -
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
grp ~(. group bowl)
gra ~(. graph bowl)
met ~(. mdl bowl)
hc ~(. hook-core bowl +.state)
io ~(. agentio bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save !>(-.state)
++ on-load
|= =vase
=+ !<(old=versioned-state vase)
=? old ?=(~ old)
[%0 ~]
=? old ?=(%0 -.old)
[%1 ~]
?> ?=(%1 -.old)
`this(-.state old, +.state *cache)
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?. =(mark %graph-cache-hook)
[~ this]
=/ a=cache-action !<(cache-action vase)
=* c +.state
=* graph-to-mark graph-to-mark.c
=* perm-marks perm-marks.c
=* transform-marks transform-marks.c
=. c
?- -.a
%graph-to-mark c(graph-to-mark (~(put by graph-to-mark) p.a q.a))
%perm-marks c(perm-marks (~(put by perm-marks) p.a q.a))
%transform-marks c(transform-marks (~(put by transform-marks) p.a q.a))
[~ this(+.state c)]
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ wire (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
:: XX: no longer necessary
[%perms @ @ ~] [~ this]
[%transform-add @ ~] [~ this]
++ on-fail on-fail:def
++ transform-proxy-update
~/ %transform-proxy-update
|= vas=vase
^- (quip card (unit vase))
=/ =update:store !<(update:store vas)
=* rid resource.q.update
=. p.update now.bowl
?- -.q.update
=| cards=(list card)
=^ allowed cards (is-allowed-add:hc rid nodes.q.update)
?. allowed
[cards ~]
=/ mark-cached (~(has by graph-to-mark) rid)
=/ mark
?: mark-cached
(~(got by graph-to-mark) rid)
(get-mark:gra rid)
?~ mark
[cards `vas]
=< $
~% %transform-add-nodes ..transform-proxy-update ~
++ $
^- (quip card (unit vase))
=/ transform-cached (~(has by transform-marks) u.mark)
=/ =tube:clay
?: transform-cached
(~(got by transform-marks) u.mark)
.^(tube:clay (scry:hc %cc %home /[u.mark]/transform-add-nodes))
=/ transform
!< $-([index:store post:store atom ?] [index:store post:store])
%. !>(*indexed-post:store)
=/ [* result=(list [index:store node:store])]
%+ roll
(flatten-node-map ~(tap by nodes.q.update))
(transform-list transform)
=. nodes.q.update
%- ~(gas by *(map index:store node:store))
:_ [~ !>(update)]
%+ weld cards
%- zing
:~ ?: mark-cached ~
:_ ~
%+ poke-self:pass:io %graph-cache-hook
!> ^- cache-action
[%graph-to-mark rid mark]
?: transform-cached ~
:_ ~
%+ poke-self:pass:io %graph-cache-hook
!> ^- cache-action
[%transform-marks u.mark tube]
++ flatten-node-map
~/ %flatten-node-map
|= lis=(list [index:store node:store])
^- (list [index:store node:store])
%- sort-nodes
%+ welp
(turn lis empty-children)
%- zing
%+ turn lis
|= [=index:store =node:store]
^- (list [index:store node:store])
?: ?=(%empty -.children.node)
%+ turn
(tap-deep:gra index p.children.node)
++ empty-children
|= [=index:store =node:store]
^- [index:store node:store]
[index node(children [%empty ~])]
++ sort-nodes
|= unsorted=(list [index:store node:store])
^- (list [index:store node:store])
%+ sort unsorted
|= [p=[=index:store *] q=[=index:store *]]
^- ?
(lth (lent index.p) (lent index.q))
++ transform-list
~/ %transform-list
|= transform=$-([index:store post:store atom ?] [index:store post:store])
|= $: [=index:store =node:store]
[indices=(set index:store) lis=(list [index:store node:store])]
~| "cannot put a deleted post into %add-nodes {<post.node>}"
?> ?=(%& -.post.node)
=/ l (lent index)
=/ parent-modified=?
%- ~(rep in indices)
|= [i=index:store out=_|]
?: out out
=/ k (lent i)
?: (lte l k)
=((swag [0 k] index) i)
=/ [ind=index:store =post:store]
(transform index p.post.node now.bowl parent-modified)
:- (~(put in indices) index)
(snoc lis [ind node(p.post post)])
=| cards=(list card)
=^ allowed cards
(is-allowed-remove:hc rid indices.q.update)
:- cards
?. allowed
%add-graph [~ ~]
%remove-graph [~ ~]
%add-signatures [~ ~]
%remove-signatures [~ ~]
%archive-graph [~ ~]
%unarchive-graph [~ ~]
%add-tag [~ ~]
%remove-tag [~ ~]
%keys [~ ~]
%tags [~ ~]
%tag-queries [~ ~]
%run-updates [~ ~]
++ resource-for-update resource-for-update:gra
++ initial-watch
~/ %initial-watch
|= [=path =resource:res]
^- vase
?> (is-allowed resource)
!> ^- update:store
?~ path
:: new subscribe
(get-graph:gra resource)
:: resubscribe
?~ (get-update-log:gra resource)
(get-graph:gra resource)
=/ =time (slav %da i.path)
=/ =update-log:store (get-update-log-subset:gra resource time)
[now.bowl [%run-updates resource update-log]]
++ is-allowed
|= =resource:res
=/ group-res=resource:res
(need (peek-group:met %graph resource))
(is-member:grp src.bowl group-res)
++ take-update
|= =vase
^- [(list card) agent]
=/ =update:store !<(update:store vase)
?+ -.q.update [~ this]
:_ this
[%give %kick ~[resource+(en-path:res resource.q.update)] ~]~
:_ this
[%give %kick ~[resource+(en-path:res resource.q.update)] ~]~
~% %graph-push-hook-helper ..card.hook-core ~
^= hook-core
|_ [=bowl:gall =cache]
+* grp ~(. group bowl)
met ~(. mdl bowl)
gra ~(. graph bowl)
io ~(. agentio bowl)
++ scry
|= [care=@t desk=@t =path]
%+ weld
/[care]/(scot %p our.bowl)/[desk]/(scot %da now.bowl)
++ perm-mark
|= [=resource:res perm=@t vip=vip-metadata:metadata =indexed-post:store]
^- [permissions:store (list card)]
=/ mark-cached (~(has by graph-to-mark.cache) resource)
=/ mark
?: mark-cached
(~(got by graph-to-mark.cache) resource)
(get-mark:gra resource)
?~ mark
[[%no %no %no] ~]
=/ key [u.mark (perm-mark-name perm)]
=/ perms-cached (~(has by perm-marks.cache) key)
=/ =tube:clay
?: perms-cached
(~(got by perm-marks.cache) key)
.^(tube:clay (scry %cc %home /[u.mark]/(perm-mark-name perm)))
=/ check
!< $-(vip-metadata:metadata permissions:store)
(tube !>(indexed-post))
:- (check vip)
%- zing
:~ ?: mark-cached ~
:_ ~
%+ poke-self:pass:io %graph-cache-hook
!> ^- cache-action
[%graph-to-mark resource mark]
?: perms-cached ~
:_ ~
%+ poke-self:pass:io %graph-cache-hook
!> ^- cache-action
[%perm-marks [u.mark (perm-mark-name perm)] tube]
++ perm-mark-name
|= perm=@t
^- @t
(cat 3 'graph-permissions-' perm)
++ get-permission
|= [=permissions:store is-admin=? writers=(set ship)]
^- permission-level:store
?: is-admin
?: =(~ writers)
?: (~(has in writers) src.bowl)
++ get-roles-writers-variation
~/ %get-roles-writers-variation
|= =resource:res
^- (unit [is-admin=? writers=(set ship) vip=vip-metadata:metadata])
=/ assoc=(unit association:metadata)
(peek-association:met %graph resource)
?~ assoc ~
=/ group=(unit group:grp)
(scry-group:grp group.u.assoc)
?~ group ~
=/ role=(unit (unit role-tag))
(role-for-ship-with-group:grp u.group group.u.assoc src.bowl)
=/ writers=(set ship)
%^ get-tagged-ships-with-group:grp
[%graph resource %writers]
?~ role ~
=/ is-admin=?
?=(?([~ %admin] [~ %moderator]) u.role)
`[is-admin writers vip.metadatum.u.assoc]
++ node-to-indexed-post
|= =node:store
^- indexed-post:store
?> ?=(%& -.post.node)
=* index index.p.post.node
[(snag (dec (lent index)) index) p.post.node]
++ is-allowed-add
~/ %is-allowed-add
|= [=resource:res nodes=(map index:store node:store)]
^- [? (list card)]
%- (bond |.([%.n ~]))
%+ biff (get-roles-writers-variation resource)
|= [is-admin=? writers=(set ship) vip=vip-metadata:metadata]
^- (unit [? (list card)])
%- some
=/ a ~(tap by nodes)
=| cards=(list card)
|- ^- [? (list card)]
?~ a [& cards]
=/ c (check i.a is-admin writers vip)
?. -.c
[| (weld cards +.c)]
$(a t.a, cards (weld cards +.c))
++ check
|= $: [=index:store =node:store]
writers=(set ship)
^- [? (list card)]
=/ parent-index=index:store
(scag (dec (lent index)) index)
?: (~(has by nodes) parent-index)
[%.y ~]
?: ?=(%| -.post.node)
[%.n ~]
?. =(author.p.post.node src.bowl)
[%.n ~]
=/ added
%^ add-mark resource vip
(node-to-indexed-post node)
=* permissions -.added
=* cards +.added
=/ =permission-level:store
(get-permission permissions is-admin writers)
:_ cards
?- permission-level
%yes %.y
%no %.n
=/ parent-node=node:store
(got-node:gra resource parent-index)
?: ?=(%| -.post.parent-node)
=(author.p.post.parent-node src.bowl)
++ add-mark
|= [=resource:res vip=vip-metadata:metadata =indexed-post:store]
(perm-mark resource %add vip indexed-post)
++ is-allowed-remove
~/ %is-allowed-remove
|= [=resource:res indices=(set index:store)]
^- [? (list card)]
%- (bond |.([%.n ~]))
%+ biff (get-roles-writers-variation resource)
|= [is-admin=? writers=(set ship) vip=vip-metadata:metadata]
%- some
=/ a ~(tap by indices)
=| cards=(list card)
|- ^- [? (list card)]
?~ a [& cards]
=/ c (check i.a is-admin writers vip)
?. -.c
[| (weld cards +.c)]
$(a t.a, cards (weld cards +.c))
++ check
|= [=index:store is-admin=? writers=(set ship) vip=vip-metadata:metadata]
^- [? (list card)]
=/ =node:store
(got-node:gra resource index)
?: ?=(%| -.post.node)
[%.n ~]
=/ removed
%^ remove-mark resource vip
(node-to-indexed-post node)
=* permissions -.removed
=* cards +.removed
=/ =permission-level:store
(get-permission permissions is-admin writers)
:_ cards
?- permission-level
%yes %.y
%no %.n
%self =(author.p.post.node src.bowl)
++ remove-mark
|= [=resource:res vip=vip-metadata:metadata =indexed-post:store]
(perm-mark resource %remove vip indexed-post)