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Convenient Re-Exports
module Urbit.Prelude
( module ClassyPrelude
, module Control.Arrow
, module Control.Lens
, module Data.Acquire
, module Data.RAcquire
, module Data.Void
, module Urbit.Noun
, module Text.Show.Pretty
, module Text.Printf
, module RIO
, io, rio
, logTrace
, acquireWorker, acquireWorkerBound
, hark
) where
import ClassyPrelude
import Urbit.Noun
import Control.Arrow ((<<<), (>>>))
import Control.Lens hiding (Each, Index, cons, index, snoc, uncons, unsnoc,
(<.>), (<|))
import Data.Acquire (Acquire, mkAcquire, with)
import Data.RAcquire (RAcquire, mkRAcquire, rwith)
import Data.RAcquire (MonadAcquire(..), MonadRIO(..))
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint, ppShow)
import RIO (RIO, runRIO)
import RIO (Utf8Builder, display, displayShow)
import RIO (threadDelay)
import RIO (HasLogFunc, LogFunc, LogLevel(..), logDebug, logError, logFuncL,
logInfo, logOptionsHandle, logOther, logWarn, mkLogFunc,
setLogMinLevel, setLogUseLoc, setLogUseTime, withLogFunc)
import qualified RIO
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
rio :: MonadRIO m => RIO e a -> m e a
rio = liftRIO
logTrace :: HasLogFunc e => Utf8Builder -> RIO e ()
logTrace = logOther "trace"
-- | Composes a log message out of textual components.
hark :: [Text] -> Utf8Builder
hark = RIO.displayBytesUtf8 . foldMap encodeUtf8
-- Utils for Spawning Worker Threads -------------------------------------------
acquireWorker :: HasLogFunc e => Text -> RIO e () -> RAcquire e (Async ())
acquireWorker nam act = mkRAcquire (async act) kill
kill tid = do
logInfo ("Killing worker thread: " <> display nam)
cancel tid
acquireWorkerBound :: HasLogFunc e => Text -> RIO e () -> RAcquire e (Async ())
acquireWorkerBound nam act = mkRAcquire (asyncBound act) kill
kill tid = do
logInfo ("Killing worker thread: " <> display nam)
cancel tid