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synced 2025-01-03 01:54:43 +03:00
* release/next-vere: build: update gcloud to use non-deprecated action vere: manage memory properly in _fore_import build: update GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud to 0.2.0 king: try undoing warnings in eventlog-lmdb king: diswarn tests king: more warnery king: fix warnings; more consistent warn policy vere: add -i and -o options for import and export herb/lens: add utilites for import/export build: github actions workflow configuration vere: refactors pier initialization to fix -X nix: fixes `shellFor` nix-shell helper
180 lines
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180 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
Hoon's `map` and `set` types and conversions to/from Nouns.
module Urbit.Noun.Tree
( HoonSet, setToHoonSet, setFromHoonSet
, HoonMap, mapToHoonMap, mapFromHoonMap
) where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Lens hiding (non)
import Urbit.Noun.Conversions ()
import Urbit.Noun.Convert
import Urbit.Noun.Core
import Urbit.Noun.TH
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data NounVal a = NounVal
{ non :: !Noun
, val :: !a
data HoonTreeNode a = NTN
{ n :: !(NounVal a)
, l :: !(HoonTree a)
, r :: !(HoonTree a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HoonTree a = E | Node (HoonTreeNode a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
pattern N :: NounVal a -> HoonTree a -> HoonTree a -> HoonTree a
pattern N n l r = Node (NTN n l r)
newtype HoonSet a = HoonSet { unHoonSet :: HoonTree a }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, FromNoun, ToNoun)
newtype HoonMap k v = HoonMap { unHoonMap :: HoonTree (k, v) }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, FromNoun, ToNoun)
-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Eq (NounVal a) where
(==) = on (==) non
instance Ord (NounVal a) where
compare = comparing non
instance ToNoun (NounVal a) where
toNoun = non
instance Show a => Show (NounVal a) where
show = show . val
instance FromNoun a => FromNoun (NounVal a) where
parseNoun x = NounVal x <$> parseNoun x
instance ToNoun a => ToNoun (HoonTree a) where
toNoun E = A 0
toNoun (Node n) = toNoun n
instance FromNoun a => FromNoun (HoonTree a) where
parseNoun (A 0) = pure E
parseNoun n = Node <$> parseNoun n
deriveNoun ''HoonTreeNode
-- Order -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Orders in ascending double mug hash order, collisions fall back to dor.
mor :: Noun -> Noun -> Bool
mor a b = if c == d then dor a b else c < d
c = mug $ A $ fromIntegral $ mug a
d = mug $ A $ fromIntegral $ mug b
Orders in ascending tree depth.
dor :: Noun -> Noun -> Bool
dor a b | a == b = True
dor (A a) (C _ _) = True
dor (C x y) (A b) = False
dor (A a) (A b) = a < b
dor (C x y) (C p q) | x == p = dor y q
dor (C x y) (C p q) = dor x p
Orders in ascending +mug hash order.
Collisions fall back to dor.
gor :: Noun -> Noun -> Bool
gor a b = if c==d then dor a b else c<d
where (c, d) = (mug a, mug b)
morVal, gorVal :: NounVal a -> NounVal a -> Bool
morVal = on mor non
gorVal = on gor non
nounVal :: ToNoun a => Iso' a (NounVal a)
nounVal = iso to val
to x = NounVal (toNoun x) x
treeToList :: forall a. HoonTree a -> [a]
treeToList = go []
go :: [a] -> HoonTree a -> [a]
go acc = \case
E -> acc
Node (NTN v l r) -> go (go (val v : acc) l) r
setFromHoonSet :: Ord a => HoonSet a -> Set a
setFromHoonSet = setFromList . treeToList . unHoonSet
mapFromHoonMap :: Ord k => HoonMap k v -> Map k v
mapFromHoonMap = mapFromList . treeToList . unHoonMap
setToHoonSet :: forall a. (Ord a, ToNoun a) => Set a -> HoonSet a
setToHoonSet = HoonSet . foldr put E . fmap (view nounVal) . setToList
put x = \case
E -> N x E E
Node a | x == n a -> Node a
Node a | gorVal x (n a) -> lef x a
Node a -> rit x a
rit x a = put x (r a) & \case
E -> error "bad-put-set"
Node c | morVal (n a) (n c) -> N (n a) (l a) (Node c)
Node c -> N (n c) (N (n a) (l a) (l c)) (r c)
lef x a = put x (l a) & \case
E -> error "bad-put-set"
Node c | morVal (n a) (n c) -> N (n a) (Node c) (r a)
Node c -> N (n c) (l c) (N (n a) (r c) (r a))
p :: (ToNoun a, ToNoun b) => NounVal (a,b) -> NounVal a
p = view (from nounVal . to fst . nounVal)
pq :: (ToNoun a, ToNoun b) => NounVal (a,b) -> (NounVal a, NounVal b)
pq = boof . view (from nounVal)
boof (x, y) = (x ^. nounVal, y ^. nounVal)
mapToHoonMap :: forall k v. (ToNoun k, ToNoun v, Ord k, Ord v) => Map k v -> HoonMap k v
mapToHoonMap = HoonMap . foldr put E . fmap (view nounVal) . mapToList
put :: NounVal (k, v) -> HoonTree (k, v) -> HoonTree (k, v)
put kv@(pq -> (b, c)) = \case
E -> N kv E E
Node a | kv == n a -> Node a
Node a | b == p (n a) -> N kv (l a) (r a)
Node a | gorVal b (p $ n a) -> lef kv a
Node a -> rit kv a
lef kv@(pq -> (b, c)) a = put kv (l a) & \case
E -> error "bad-put-map"
Node d | morVal (p $ n a) (p $ n d) -> N (n a) (Node d) (r a)
Node d -> N (n d) (l d) (N (n a) (r d) (r a))
rit kv@(pq -> (b, c)) a = put kv (r a) & \case
E -> error "bad-put-map"
Node d | morVal (p $ n a) (p $ n d) -> N (n a) (l a) (Node d)
Node d -> N (n d) (N (n a) (l a) (l d)) (r d)