mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 21:18:42 +03:00
1013 lines
30 KiB
1013 lines
30 KiB
!: :: /vane/kale
:: :: %reference/0
!? 150
:: %kale: secrets and promises.
:: todo:
:: - communication with other vanes:
:: - actually use %behn for expiring secrets
:: - report %ames propagation errors to user
:: - nice features:
:: - scry namespace
:: - task for converting invites to tickets
|= pit/vase
=, pki:kale
=, able:kale
=, crypto
=, kale
=, ethereum
=, rpc
=, azimuth
=, point=point:able:kale
:: ::::
:::: # models :: data structures
:: ::::
:: the %kale state comes in two parts: absolute
:: and relative.
:: ++state-relative is subjective, denormalized and
:: derived. it consists of all the state we need to
:: manage subscriptions efficiently.
=> |%
+$ state :: all vane state
$: ver=$0 :: vane version
pki=state-pki ::
etn=state-eth-node :: eth connection state
sap=state-snapshots :: state snapshots
== ::
+$ state-pki :: urbit metadata
$: $= own :: vault (vein)
$: yen=(set duct) :: trackers
sig=(unit oath) :: for a moon
tuf=(list turf) :: domains
boq=@ud :: boot block
nod=(unit purl:eyre) :: eth gateway
fak=_| :: fake keys
lyf=life :: version
jaw=(map life ring) :: private keys
== ::
$= zim :: public
$: yen=(jug duct ship) :: trackers
ney=(jug ship duct) :: reverse trackers
dns=dnses :: on-chain dns state
pos=(map ship point) :: on-chain ship state
== ::
== ::
+$ state-snapshots :: rewind points
$: interval=_100 :: block interval
max-count=_10 :: max snaps
count=@ud :: length of snaps
last-block=@ud :: number of last snap
snaps=(qeu [block-number=@ud snap=snapshot]) :: old states
== ::
+$ message :: message to her kale
$% [%nuke whos=(set ship)] :: cancel trackers
[%public-keys whos=(set ship)] :: view ethereum events
== ::
+$ message-response :: response from her kale
$% [%public-keys-result =public-keys-result] :: %public-keys response
+$ card :: i/o action
(wind note gift) ::
:: ::
+$ move :: output
[p=duct q=card] ::
:: ::
+$ note :: out request $->
$~ [%a %plea *ship *plea:ames] ::
$% $: %a :: to %ames
$>(%plea task:able:ames) :: send request message
== ::
$: %k :: to self
$>(%listen task) :: set ethereum source
== ::
$: @tas ::
$% $>(%init vane-task) :: report install
== == == ::
:: ::
+$ sign :: in result $<-
$~ [%a %done ~] ::
$% [%a $>(%boon gift:able:ames)] :: message response
[%a $>(%done gift:able:ames)] :: message (n)ack
== ::
-- ::
:: ::::
:::: # light :: light cores
:: ::::
=> |%
:: :: ++ez
:::: ## ethereum^light :: wallet algebra
:: ::::
++ ez
:: simple ethereum-related utility arms.
:: +order-events: sort changes by block and log numbers
++ order-events
|= loz=(list (pair event-id diff-azimuth))
^+ loz
%+ sort loz
:: sort by block number, then by event log number,
::TODO then by diff priority.
|= [[[b1=@ud l1=@ud] *] [[b2=@ud l2=@ud] *]]
?. =(b1 b2) (lth b1 b2)
?. =(l1 l2) (lth l1 l2)
:: ::::
:::: # heavy :: heavy engines
:: ::::
=> |%
:: :: ++of
:::: ## main^heavy :: main engine
:: ::::
++ of
:: this core handles all top-level %kale semantics,
:: changing state and recording moves.
:: logically we could nest the ++su core within it, but
:: we keep them separated for clarity. the ++curd and
:: ++cure arms complete relative and absolute effects,
:: respectively, at the top level.
:: XX doc
:: a general pattern here is that we use the ++et core
:: to generate absolute effects (++change), then invoke
:: ++su to calculate the derived effect of these changes.
:: for ethereum-related events, this is preceded by
:: invocation of ++et, which produces ethereum-level
:: changes (++chain). these get turned into absolute
:: effects by ++cute.
:: arvo issues: should be merged with the top-level
:: vane interface when that gets cleaned up a bit.
=| moz/(list move)
=| $: $: :: our: identity
:: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: all vane state
:: lex: all durable state
:: moz: pending actions
=* lex ->
:: :: ++abet:of
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) lex]
:: :: ++sein:of
++ sein :: sponsor
|= who=ship
^- ship
:: XX save %dawn sponsor in .own.sub, check there
=/ pot (~(get by pos.zim.pki) who)
?: ?& ?=(^ pot)
?=(^ sponsor.u.pot)
(^sein:title who)
:: :: ++saxo:of
++ saxo :: sponsorship chain
|= who/ship
^- (list ship)
=/ dad (sein who)
[who ?:(=(who dad) ~ $(who dad))]
:: :: ++call:of
++ call :: invoke
|= $: :: hen: event cause
:: tac: event data
^+ +>
?- -.tac
:: boot from keys
:: $: $dawn
:: =seed
:: spon=ship
:: czar=(map ship [=life =pass])
:: turf=(list turf)}
:: bloq=@ud
:: node=purl
:: ==
:: single-homed
?> =(our who.seed.tac)
:: save our boot block
=. boq.own.pki bloq.tac
:: save our ethereum gateway (required for galaxies)
=. nod.own.pki node.tac
:: save our parent signature (only for moons)
=. sig.own.pki sig.seed.tac
:: if we're given a snapshot, restore it
=. +>.$
?~ snap.tac +>.$
(restore-snap hen u.snap.tac |)
:: load our initial public key, overriding snapshot
=. pos.zim.pki
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto key.seed.tac)
%+ ~(put by pos.zim.pki)
[1 lyf.seed.tac (my [lyf.seed.tac [1 pub:ex:cub]] ~) `spon.tac]
:: our initial private key
=. lyf.own.pki lyf.seed.tac
=. jaw.own.pki (my [lyf.seed.tac key.seed.tac] ~)
:: XX save sponsor in .own.pki
:: XX reconcile with .dns.eth
:: set initial domains
=. tuf.own.pki turf.tac
:: our initial galaxy table as a +map from +life to +public
=/ diffs=(list [=ship =diff:point])
%~ tap by
%- ~(run by czar.tac)
|= [=a=life =a=pass]
^- diff:point
[%keys [*life 0 *pass] [a-life 1 a-pass]]
=. +>.$
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ diffs
=. +>.^$
%- curd =< abet
%- public-keys:~(feel su hen our pki etn sap)
[%diff ship diff]:i.diffs
$(diffs t.diffs)
=. moz
%+ weld moz
:: order is crucial!
:: %dill must init after %gall
:: the %give init (for unix) must be after %dill init
:: %kale init must be deferred (makes http requests)
^- (list move)
:~ [hen %give %init our]
[hen %slip %e %init our]
[hen %slip %d %init our]
[hen %slip %g %init our]
[hen %slip %c %init our]
[hen %slip %a %init our]
:: boot fake
:: [%fake =ship]
:: single-homed
?> =(our ship.tac)
:: fake keys are deterministically derived from the ship
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 our)
:: save our parent signature (only for moons)
:: XX move logic to zuse
=. sig.own.pki
?. ?=(%earl (clan:title our))
=/ yig (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 (^sein:title our))
[~ (sign:as:yig (shaf %earl (sham our 1 pub:ex:cub)))]
:: our initial public key
=. pos.zim.pki
%+ ~(put by pos.zim.pki)
[rift=1 life=1 (my [`@ud`1 [`life`1 pub:ex:cub]] ~) `(^sein:title our)]
:: our private key
:: Private key updates are disallowed for fake ships,
:: so we do this first.
=. lyf.own.pki 1
=. jaw.own.pki (my [1 sec:ex:cub] ~)
:: set the fake bit
=. fak.own.pki &
:: initialize other vanes per the usual procedure
:: Except for ourselves!
=. moz
%+ weld moz
^- (list move)
:~ [hen %give %init our]
[hen %slip %e %init our]
[hen %slip %d %init our]
[hen %slip %g %init our]
[hen %slip %c %init our]
[hen %slip %a %init our]
:: set ethereum source
:: [%listen whos=(set ship) =source]
~& [%kale-listen whos source]:tac
%- curd =< abet
(sources:~(feel su hen our pki etn sap) [whos source]:tac)
:: cancel all trackers from duct
:: {$nuke whos=(set ship)}
=/ ships=(list ship)
%~ tap in
%- ~(int in whos.tac)
(~(get ju yen.zim.pki) hen)
=. ney.zim.pki
|- ^- (jug ship duct)
?~ ships
(~(del ju $(ships t.ships)) i.ships hen)
=. yen.zim.pki
|- ^- (jug duct ship)
?~ ships
(~(del ju $(ships t.ships)) hen i.ships)
?^ whos.tac
%_ +>.$
yen.own.pki (~(del in yen.own.pki) hen)
yen.etn (~(del in yen.etn) hen)
:: watch public keys
:: [%public-keys ships=(set ship)]
%- curd =< abet
(~(public-keys ~(feed su hen our pki etn sap) hen) ships.tac)
:: seen after breach
:: [%meet our=ship who=ship]
:: XX what do
~& %meet-kale
:: restore snapshot
:: [%snap snap=snapshot kick=?]
(restore-snap hen snap.tac kick.tac)
:: sources subscription
:: [%sources ~]
~& [%kale-sources]
(curd abet:~(sources ~(feed su hen our pki etn sap) hen))
:: XX should be a subscription
:: XX reconcile with .dns.eth
:: request domains
:: [%turf ~]
:: ships with real keys must have domains,
:: those with fake keys must not
?< =(fak.own.pki ?=(^ tuf.own.pki))
+>.$(moz [[hen %give %turf tuf.own.pki] moz])
:: Update from app
:: [%new-event =ship =udiff:point]
~& [%kale-new-event ship udiff]:tac
%- curd =< abet
(~(new-event su hen our pki etn sap) ship.tac udiff.tac)
:: learn of kernel upgrade
:: [%vega ~]
:: watch private keys
:: {$private-keys $~}
(curd abet:~(private-keys ~(feed su hen our pki etn sap) hen))
%_ +>
:_ moz
^- move
:^ hen %give %mass
^- mass
:+ %kale %|
:~ pki+&+pki
:: authenticated remote request
:: [%plea =ship =plea:ames]
=* her ship.tac
=/ mes (message payload.plea.tac)
?- -.mes
:: cancel trackers
:: [%nuke whos=(set ship)]
=. moz [[hen %give %done ~] moz]
$(tac mes)
:: view ethereum events
:: [%public-keys whos=(set ship)]
=. moz [[hen %give %done ~] moz]
$(tac mes)
:: rewind to snapshot
:: {$wind p/@ud}
(wind hen p.tac)
++ take
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=sign]
^+ +>
?> ?=([@ *] tea)
=* wir t.tea
?- hin
[%a %done *]
?~ error.hin +>.$
~& [%kale-ames-nack u.error.hin]
~_ tang.u.error.hin
::TODO fail:et
[%a %boon *]
=. moz [[hen %give %done ~] moz]
=+ ;; res=message-response payload.hin
?> ?=(%public-keys-result -.res)
%- curd =< abet
(public-keys:~(feel su hen our pki etn sap) public-keys-result.res)
:: :: ++curd:of
++ curd :: relative moves
|= $: moz/(list move)
+>(pki pki, etn etn, sap sap, moz (weld (flop moz) ^moz))
:: :: ++wind:of
++ wind :: rewind to snap
|= [hen=duct block=@ud]
^+ +>
:: XX what do
:: :: ++restore-block:of
++ restore-block :: rewind before block
|= [hen=duct block=@ud]
:: %+ cute hen =< abet
:: XX
:: (~(restore-block et hen our now sub.lex etn.lex sap.lex) block)
:: :: ++restore-snap:of
++ restore-snap :: restore snapshot
|= [hen=duct snap=snapshot look=?]
:: %+ cute hen =< abet
:: XX
:: %- ~(restore-snap et hen our now sub.lex etn.lex sap.lex)
:: [snap look]
:: :: ++su
:::: ## relative^heavy :: subjective engine
:: ::::
++ su
:: the ++su core handles all derived state,
:: subscriptions, and actions.
:: ++feed:su registers subscriptions.
:: ++feel:su checks if a ++change should notify
:: any subscribers.
=| moz=(list move)
=| $: hen=duct
:: moz: moves in reverse order
:: pki: relative urbit state
=* pki ->+<
=* etn ->+>-
=* sap ->+>+
++ this-su .
:: :: ++abet:su
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) pki etn sap]
:: :: ++exec:su
++ emit
|= =move
+>.$(moz [move moz])
++ exec :: mass gift
|= {yen/(set duct) cad/card}
=/ noy ~(tap in yen)
|- ^+ this-su
?~ noy this-su
$(noy t.noy, moz [[i.noy cad] moz])
++ public-keys-give
|= [yen=(set duct) =public-keys-result]
=+ yez=~(tap in yen)
|- ^+ this-su
?~ yez this-su
=* d i.yez
=. this-su
:: TODO: stop looking at the duct
?. ?=([[%a *] *] d)
(emit d %give %public-keys public-keys-result)
(emit d %give %boon %public-keys-result public-keys-result)
$(yez t.yez)
++ get-source
|= who=@p
^- source
=/ ship-source (~(get by ship-sources.etn) who)
?^ ship-source
(~(got by sources) u.ship-source)
?: =((clan:title who) %earl)
[%& (^sein:title who)]
(~(got by sources) default-source.etn)
++ get-source-id
|= =source
^- [source-id _this-su]
=/ source-reverse (~(get by sources-reverse) source)
?^ source-reverse
[u.source-reverse this-su]
:- top-source-id.etn
%_ this-su
top-source-id.etn +(top-source-id.etn)
sources.etn (~(put by sources) top-source-id.etn source)
sources-reverse.etn (~(put by sources-reverse) source top-source-id.etn)
++ new-event
|= [=a=ship =a=udiff:point]
^+ this-su
=/ a-point=point (~(gut by pos.zim.pki) a-ship *point)
=/ a-diff=diff:point (udiff-to-diff:point a-udiff a-point)
(public-keys:feel %diff a-ship a-diff)
++ extract-snap :: extract rewind point
^- snapshot
:: :: ++feed:su
++ feed :: subscribe to view
|_ :: hen: subscription source
++ public-keys
|= whos=(set ship)
?: fak.own.pki
(public-keys:fake whos)
=. ney.zim
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos)
|- ^- (jug ship duct)
?~ whol
(~(put ju $(whol t.whol)) i.whol hen)
=/ =public-keys-result
:- %full
?: =(~ whos)
%- my ^- (list (pair ship point))
%+ murn
~(tap in whos)
|= who=ship
^- (unit (pair ship point))
=/ pub (~(get by pos.zim) who)
?~ pub ~
?: =(0 life.u.pub) ~
`[who u.pub]
=. yen.zim
%- ~(gas ju yen.zim)
%+ turn ~(tap in whos)
|= who=ship
[hen who]
=. ..feed (public-keys-give (sy hen ~) public-keys-result)
++ private-keys :: private keys
%_ ..feed
moz [[hen %give %private-keys [lyf jaw]:own] moz]
yen.own (~(put in yen.own) hen)
++ sources
%_ ..feed
yen.etn (~(put in yen.etn) hen)
%- welp :_ moz
%+ turn
~(tap by ship-sources-reverse.etn)
|= [=source-id whos=(set ship)]
[hen %give %source whos (~(got by sources.etn) source-id)]
:: :: ++fake:feed:su
++ fake :: fake subs and state
?> fak.own.pki
++ public-keys
|= whos=(set ship)
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos)
=/ passes
|- ^- (list [who=ship =pass])
?~ whol
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 i.whol)
:- [i.whol pub:ex:cub]
$(whol t.whol)
=/ points=(list (pair ship point))
%+ turn passes
|= [who=ship =pass]
^- [who=ship =point]
[who [rift=1 life=1 (my [1 1 pass] ~) `(^sein:title who)]]
=. moz [[hen %give %public-keys %full (my points)] moz]
:: :: ++feel:su
++ feel :: update tracker
:: :: ++pubs:feel:su
++ public-keys
|= =public-keys-result
^+ ..feel
?: ?=(%full -.public-keys-result)
=. pos.zim (~(uni by pos.zim) points.public-keys-result)
=/ pointl=(list [who=ship =point])
~(tap by points.public-keys-result)
|- ^+ ..feel
?~ pointl
%+ public-keys-give
(~(get ju ney.zim) who.i.pointl)
[%full (my i.pointl ~)]
=* who who.public-keys-result
=/ a-diff=diff:point diff.public-keys-result
=/ maybe-point (~(get by pos.zim) who)
=/ =point (fall maybe-point *point)
=. point
?- -.a-diff
point(sponsor to.a-diff)
point(rift to.a-diff)
%_ point
life life.to.a-diff
%+ ~(put by keys.point)
[crypto-suite pass]:to.a-diff
=. pos.zim (~(put by pos.zim) who point)
%+ public-keys-give
(~(get ju ney.zim) who)
?~ maybe-point
[%full (my [who point]~)]
[%diff who a-diff]
:: :: ++vein:feel:su
++ private-keys :: kick private keys
|= [=life =ring]
^+ ..feel
?: &(=(lyf.own life) =((~(get by jaw.own) life) `ring))
=. lyf.own life
=. jaw.own (~(put by jaw.own) life ring)
(exec yen.own [%give %private-keys lyf.own jaw.own])
++ sources
|= [whos=(set ship) =source]
^+ ..feel
?: ?=(%& -.source)
=/ send-message
|= =message
[hen %pass /public-keys %a %plea p.source %k /public-keys message]
=. ..feel
(emit (send-message %nuke whos))
(emit (send-message %public-keys whos))
=^ =source-id this-su (get-source-id source)
=. ..feed
?~ whos
..feed(default-source.etn source-id)
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in `(set ship)`whos)
=. ship-sources.etn
|- ^- (map ship ^source-id)
?~ whol
(~(put by $(whol t.whol)) i.whol source-id)
=. ship-sources-reverse
%- ~(gas ju ship-sources-reverse)
(turn whol |=(=ship [source-id ship]))
(exec yen.etn [%give %source whos source])
:: :: ++meet:su
++ meet :: seen after breach
|= [who=ship =life =pass]
:: XX rethink meet
^+ +>
:: ::::
:::: # vane :: interface
:: ::::
:: lex: all durable %kale state
=| lex/state
|= $: ::
:: our: identity
:: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: ski: namespace resolver
:: :: ++call
++ call :: request
|= $: :: hen: cause of this event
:: hic: event data
hic/(hypo (hobo task:able))
^- [(list move) _..^$]
=/ =task:able
?. ?=($soft -.q.hic)
(task:able p.q.hic)
=^ did lex
abet:(~(call of [our now eny] lex) hen task)
[did ..^$]
:: :: ++load
++ load :: upgrade
|= $: :: old: previous state
:: old/state
^+ ..^$
:: ..^$(lex old)
:: :: ++scry
++ scry :: inspect
|= $: :: fur: event security
:: ren: access mode
:: why: owner
:: syd: desk (branch)
:: lot: case (version)
:: tyl: rest of path
fur/(unit (set monk))
^- (unit (unit cage))
:: XX review for security, stability, cases other than now
?. =(lot [%$ %da now]) ~
?. =(%$ ren) [~ ~]
?+ syd
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) lyf.own.pki.lex)
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec)
:: XX use pac:ex:cub?
``[%noun !>((end 6 1 (shaf %pass (shax sec:ex:cub))))]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:: fake ships always have life=1
?: fak.own.pki.lex
``[%atom !>(1)]
?: =(u.who p.why)
``[%atom !>(lyf.own.pki.lex)]
=/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who)
?~ pub ~
``[%atom !>(life.u.pub)]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:: fake ships always have rift=1
?: fak.own.pki.lex
``[%atom !>(1)]
=/ pos (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who)
?~ pos ~
``[%atom !>(rift.u.pos)]
?. ?=([@ @ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. &(?=(%& -.why) =(p.why our))
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
=/ lyf (slaw %ud i.t.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
?~ lyf [~ ~]
=/ rac (clan:title u.who)
?: ?=(%pawn rac)
?. =(u.who p.why)
[~ ~]
?. =(1 u.lyf)
[~ ~]
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf)
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec)
=/ sig (sign:as:cub (shaf %self (sham [u.who 1 pub:ex:cub])))
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> [1 pub:ex:cub `sig]
?: ?=(%earl rac)
?. =(u.who p.why)
[~ ~]
?: (gth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex)
?: (lth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex)
[~ ~]
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf)
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec)
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> [u.lyf pub:ex:cub sig.own.pki.lex]
=/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who)
?~ pub
?: (gth u.lyf life.u.pub)
=/ pas (~(get by keys.u.pub) u.lyf)
?~ pas
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> [u.lyf pass.u.pas ~]
?. ?=([@ @ @ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
=/ lyf (slaw %ud i.t.tyl)
=/ pub (slaw %ux i.t.t.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
?~ lyf [~ ~]
?~ pub [~ ~]
?: (gth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex)
?: (lth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex)
[~ ~]
:: XX check that who/lyf hasn't been booted
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf)
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec)
=/ sig (sign:as:cub (shaf %earl (sham u.who u.lyf u.pub)))
``[%atom !>(sig)]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %atom
!> ^- ship
(~(sein of [our now eny] lex) u.who)
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> ^- (list ship)
(~(saxo of [our now eny] lex) u.who)
?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %noun !>
?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~]
?: =(~ snaps.sap.lex)
:^ ~ ~ %noun !>
|- ^- snapshot
=^ snap=[@ud snap=snapshot] snaps.sap.lex
~(get to snaps.sap.lex)
?: =(~ snaps.sap.lex)
?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~]
[~ ~ %noun !>(tuf.own.pki.lex)]
:: :: ++stay
++ stay :: preserve
:: :: ++take
++ take :: accept
|= $: :: tea: order
:: hen: cause
:: hin: result
hin/(hypo sign)
^- [(list move) _..^$]
=^ did lex abet:(~(take of [our now eny] lex) tea hen q.hin)
[did ..^$]