
1980 lines
52 KiB

!: :: %gall, agent execution
!? 163
|= pit=vase
=, gall
=> =~
:: +ames-response: network response message (%boon)
:: %d: fact
:: %x: quit
++ ames-response
$% [%d =mark noun=*]
[%x ~]
:: +ames-request: network request (%plea)
:: %m: poke
:: %l: watch-as
:: %s: watch
:: %u: leave
++ ames-request
$% [%m =mark noun=*]
[%l =mark =path]
[%s =path]
[%u ~]
:: +remote-request: kinds of agent actions that can cross the network
:: Used in wires to identify the kind of remote request we made.
:: Bijective with the tags of $ames-request.
++ remote-request
$? %watch
:: +move: Arvo-level move
++ move
$: =duct
move=(wind note-arvo gift-arvo)
:: +state: all state
++ state
$: :: state version
:: agents by ship
:: +subscribers: subscriber data
++ subscribers
$: :: incoming subscribers
:: outgoing subscribers
:: +agents: ship state
++ agents
$: :: system duct
:: outstanding request queue
outstanding=(map [wire duct] (qeu remote-request))
:: foreign contacts
contacts=(set ship)
:: running agents
running=(map term running-agent)
:: waiting queue
blocked=(map term blocked)
:: +routes: new cuff
++ routes
$: :: disclosing to
disclosing=(unit (set ship))
:: attributed to
:: +running-agent: agent state
++ running-agent
$: :: cache
:: control duct
:: unstopped
:: statistics
:: subscribers
:: agent core
:: update control
:: req'd translations
marks=(map duct mark)
:: +blocked: blocked tasks
++ blocked (qeu (trel duct routes deal))
:: +stats: statistics
++ stats
$: :: change number
:: entropy
:: time
. ==
=| =state
|= $: :: identity
:: urban time
:: entropy
:: activate
~% %gall-top ~
:: +gall-payload: gall payload
++ gall-payload +
:: +mo: Arvo-level move handling
:: An outer core responsible for routing moves to and from Arvo; it calls
:: an inner core, +ap, to route internal moves to and from agents.
++ mo
~% %gall-mo +> ~
$: hen=duct
moves=(list move)
++ mo-core .
:: +mo-abed: initialise state with the provided duct.
++ mo-abed
|= =duct
^+ mo-core
mo-core(hen duct)
:: +mo-abet: resolve moves.
++ mo-abet
^- [(list move) _gall-payload]
=/ resolved (flop moves)
[resolved gall-payload]
:: +mo-boot: ask %ford to build us a core for the specified agent.
++ mo-boot
|= [=term =ship =desk]
^+ mo-core
=/ =case [%da now]
=/ =wire
=/ ship (scot %p ship)
=/ case (scot case)
=/ =note-arvo
=/ =schematic:ford [%core [ship desk] /hoon/[term]/app]
[%f %build live=%.y schematic]
(mo-pass wire note-arvo)
:: +mo-reboot: ask %ford to rebuild the specified agent
++ mo-reboot
|= [force=? =term =ship]
^+ mo-core
=/ gent (~(got by running.agents.state) term)
=. hen
=* desk
:: if we're forcing a reboot, we don't try to %kill the old build
?: force
(mo-boot term ship desk)
=/ =wire
=/ ship (scot %p ship)
=/ case (scot
%. [term ship desk]
=< mo-boot
=/ =note-arvo [%f %kill ~]
(mo-pass wire note-arvo)
:: +mo-goad: rebuild agent(s)
++ mo-goad
|= [force=? agent=(unit dude)]
^+ mo-core
?^ agent
~| goad-gone+u.agent
(mo-reboot force u.agent our)
=/ agents=(list term)
~(tap in ~(key by running.agents.state))
|- ^+ mo-core
?~ agents
%= $
agents t.agents (mo-reboot force i.agents our)
:: +mo-pass: prepend a standard %pass to the current list of moves.
++ mo-pass
|= pass=(pair wire note-arvo)
^+ mo-core
=/ =move [hen [%pass pass]]
mo-core(moves [move moves])
:: +mo-give: prepend a standard %give to the current list of moves.
++ mo-give
|= =gift:able
^+ mo-core
=/ =move [hen [%give gift]]
mo-core(moves [move moves])
:: +mo-receive-core: receives an app core built by %ford.
:: Presuming we receive a good core, we first check to see if the agent
:: is already running. If so, we update its beak in %gall's state,
:: initialise an +ap core for the agent, install the core we got from
:: %ford, and then resolve any moves associated with it.
:: If we're dealing with a new agent, we create one using the result we
:: got from %ford, add it to the collection of agents %gall is keeping
:: track of, and then do more or less the same procedure as we did for the
:: running agent case.
++ mo-receive-core
~/ %mo-receive-core
|= [=term =beak =made-result:ford]
^+ mo-core
?: ?=([%incomplete *] made-result)
(mo-give %onto %.n tang.made-result)
=/ build-result build-result.made-result
?: ?=([%error *] build-result)
(mo-give %onto %.n
=/ =cage (result-to-cage:ford build-result)
=/ result-vase q.cage
=/ maybe-agent=(unit running-agent)
(~(get by running.agents.state) term)
?^ maybe-agent
=/ agent u.maybe-agent(beak beak)
=. running.agents.state
(~(put by running.agents.state) term agent)
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=our]
=/ app (ap-abed:ap term routes)
=. app (ap-reinstall:app result-vase)
=/ maybe-new-agent (mule |.(!<(agent result-vase)))
?: ?=(%| -.maybe-new-agent)
=/ err [[%leaf "{<term>}: not valid agent"] p.maybe-new-agent]
(mo-give %onto %.n err)
=. mo-core (mo-new-agent term beak p.maybe-new-agent)
=/ old mo-core
=/ wag
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=our]
=/ app (ap-abed:ap term routes)
(ap-upgrade-state:app ~)
=/ maybe-tang -.wag
=/ app +.wag
?^ maybe-tang
=. mo-core old
(mo-give %onto %.n u.maybe-tang)
=. mo-core ap-abet:app
=. mo-core (mo-clear-queue term)
=/ =suss [term %boot now]
(mo-give %onto [%.y suss])
:: +mo-new-agent: create a new agent and add it to %gall's state.
:: %gall maintains a collection of running agents. This arm creates a
:: new one with the provided name, beak, and state (held in a vase).
++ mo-new-agent
|= [=term =beak =agent]
^+ mo-core
=/ running-agent
=/ default-agent *running-agent
%_ default-agent
control-duct hen
beak beak
agent agent
%_ mo-core
running.agents.state (~(put by running.agents.state) term running-agent)
:: +mo-send-foreign-request: handle local request to .ship
++ mo-send-foreign-request
~/ %mo-send-foreign-request
|= [=ship foreign-agent=term =deal]
^+ mo-core
=. mo-core (mo-track-ship ship)
?< ?=(?(%raw-poke %poke-as)
=/ =ames-request
%poke [%m]
%leave [%u ~]
%watch-as [%l deal]
%watch [%s]
=/ wire
/sys/way/(scot %p ship)/[foreign-agent]
=/ =note-arvo
=/ =path /ge/[foreign-agent]
[%a %plea ship %g path ames-request]
=. outstanding.agents.state
=/ stand
(~(gut by outstanding.agents.state) [wire hen] *(qeu remote-request))
(~(put by outstanding.agents.state) [wire hen] (~(put to stand)
(mo-pass wire note-arvo)
:: +mo-track-ship: subscribe to ames and jael for notices about .ship
++ mo-track-ship
|= =ship
^+ mo-core
:: if already contacted, no-op
?: (~(has in contacts.agents.state) ship)
:: first contact; update state and subscribe to notifications
=. contacts.agents.state (~(put in contacts.agents.state) ship)
:: ask ames to track .ship's connectivity
=. moves [[system-duct.agents.state %pass /sys/lag %a %heed ship] moves]
:: ask jael to track .ship's breaches
=/ =note-arvo [%j %public-keys (silt ship ~)]
=. moves
[[system-duct.agents.state %pass /sys/era note-arvo] moves]
:: +mo-untrack-ship: cancel subscriptions to ames and jael for .ship
++ mo-untrack-ship
|= =ship
^+ mo-core
:: if already canceled, no-op
?. (~(has in contacts.agents.state) ship)
:: delete .ship from state and kill subscriptions
=. contacts.agents.state (~(del in contacts.agents.state) ship)
=. moves [[system-duct.agents.state %pass /sys/lag %a %jilt ship] moves]
=/ =note-arvo [%j %nuke (silt ship ~)]
=. moves
[[system-duct.agents.state %pass /sys/era note-arvo] moves]
:: +mo-breach: ship breached, so forget about them
++ mo-breach
|= =ship
^+ mo-core
=. mo-core (mo-untrack-ship ship)
=/ agents=(list [name=term =running-agent]) ~(tap by running.agents.state)
|- ^+ mo-core
?~ agents
=. mo-core
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=ship]
=/ app (ap-abed:ap name.i.agents routes)
ap-abet:(ap-breach:app ship)
$(agents t.agents)
:: +mo-handle-sys: handle a +sign incoming over /sys.
:: (Note that /sys implies the +sign should be routed to a vane.)
++ mo-handle-sys
~/ %mo-handle-sys
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?+ -.path !!
%era (mo-handle-sys-era path sign-arvo)
%cor (mo-handle-sys-cor path sign-arvo)
%lag (mo-handle-sys-lag path sign-arvo)
%pel (mo-handle-sys-pel path sign-arvo)
%rep (mo-handle-sys-rep path sign-arvo)
%req (mo-handle-sys-req path sign-arvo)
%val (mo-handle-sys-val path sign-arvo)
%way (mo-handle-sys-way path sign-arvo)
:: +mo-handle-sys-era: receive update about contact
++ mo-handle-sys-era
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%j %public-keys *] sign-arvo)
?> ?=([%era ~] path)
?. ?=(%breach -.public-keys-result.sign-arvo)
(mo-breach who.public-keys-result.sign-arvo)
:: +mo-handle-sys-cor: receive a cor from %ford.
++ mo-handle-sys-cor
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%cor @ @ @ @ ~] path)
?> ?=([%f %made *] sign-arvo)
=/ beak-path t.t.path
=/ =beak
=/ =ship (slav %p i.beak-path)
=/ =desk i.t.beak-path
=/ =case [%da (slav %da i.t.t.beak-path)]
[ship desk case]
(mo-receive-core i.t.path beak result.sign-arvo)
:: +mo-handle-sys-lag: handle an ames %clog notification
++ mo-handle-sys-lag
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%lag ~] path)
?> ?=([%a %clog *] sign-arvo)
=/ agents=(list term) ~(tap in ~(key by running.agents.state))
|- ^+ mo-core
?~ agents mo-core
=. mo-core
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=our]
=/ app (ap-abed:ap i.agents routes)
ap-abet:(ap-clog:app ship.sign-arvo)
$(agents t.agents)
:: +mo-handle-sys-pel: translated peer.
:: Validates a received %ford result and %gives an internal
:: %fact.
++ mo-handle-sys-pel
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%pel @ ~] path)
?> ?=([%f %made *] sign-arvo)
?- result.sign-arvo
[%incomplete *]
(mo-give %unto %poke-ack `tang.result.sign-arvo)
[%complete %error *]
(mo-give %unto %poke-ack `
[%complete %success *]
(mo-give %unto %fact (result-to-cage:ford build-result.result.sign-arvo))
:: +mo-handle-sys-rep: reverse request.
:: On receipt of a valid +sign from %ford, sets state to the
:: appropriate duct and gives an internal %fact
:: containing the +sign payload.
++ mo-handle-sys-rep
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%rep ~] path)
?> ?=([%f %made *] sign-arvo)
?- result.sign-arvo
[%incomplete *]
(mo-give %done `[%gall-fail tang.result.sign-arvo])
[%complete %error *]
(mo-give %done `[%gall-fail])
[%complete %success *]
(mo-give %unto %fact (result-to-cage:ford build-result.result.sign-arvo))
:: +mo-handle-sys-req: TODO description
:: TODO: what should we do if the remote nacks our %pull?
++ mo-handle-sys-req
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%req @ @ ~] path)
=/ him (slav %p i.t.path)
=/ dap i.t.t.path
?> ?=([?(%g %b) %unto *] sign-arvo)
=/ =sign:agent +>.sign-arvo
?- -.sign
=/ err=(unit error:ames)
?~ p.sign ~
`[%poke-ack u.p.sign]
(mo-give %done err)
=+ [mark noun]=[p q.q]:cage.sign
(mo-give %boon %d mark noun)
(mo-give %boon %x ~)
=/ err=(unit error:ames)
?~ p.sign ~
`[%watch-ack u.p.sign]
(mo-give %done err)
:: +mo-handle-sys-val: inbound validate.
:: Validates an incoming +sign from %ford and applies it to the
:: specified agent.
++ mo-handle-sys-val
|= [=path =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%val @ @ ~] path)
?> ?=([%f %made *] sign-arvo)
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.path)
=/ =term i.t.t.path
?: ?=([%incomplete *] result.sign-arvo)
=/ err (some tang.result.sign-arvo)
(mo-give %unto %poke-ack err)
=/ build-result build-result.result.sign-arvo
?: ?=([%error *] build-result)
=/ err (some
(mo-give %unto %poke-ack err)
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=ship]
=/ =cage (result-to-cage:ford build-result)
=/ =deal [%poke cage]
(mo-apply term routes deal)
:: +mo-handle-sys-way: handle response to outgoing remote request
++ mo-handle-sys-way
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^+ mo-core
?> ?=([%way @ @ $@(~ [@ ~])] wire)
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.wire)
=/ foreign-agent i.t.t.wire
?+ sign-arvo !!
[%a %done *]
=^ remote-request outstanding.agents.state
?~ t.t.t.wire
=/ stand
%+ ~(gut by outstanding.agents.state) [sys+wire hen]
*(qeu remote-request)
~| [sys+wire=wire hen=hen stand=stand outs=outstanding.agents.state]
=^ rr stand ~(get to stand)
[rr (~(put by outstanding.agents.state) [wire hen] stand)]
:: non-null case of wire is old, remove on next breach after
:: 2019/12
[;;(remote-request i.t.t.t.wire) outstanding.agents.state]
=/ err=(unit tang)
?~ error=error.sign-arvo
`[[%leaf (trip tag.u.error)] tang.u.error]
?- remote-request
%watch-as (mo-give %unto %watch-ack err)
%watch (mo-give %unto %watch-ack err)
%poke (mo-give %unto %poke-ack err)
%leave mo-core
[%a %boon *]
?^ t.t.t.wire
:: kill subscriptions which use the old wire format
=/ =ames-response ;;(ames-response payload.sign-arvo)
(mo-handle-ames-response ames-response)
[%a %lost *]
:: note this should only happen on reverse bones, so only facts
:: and kicks
=/ sys-wire [%sys wire]
:: TODO: %drip %kick so app crash can't kill the remote %pull
=. mo-core (mo-pass sys-wire %a %plea ship %g /ge/[foreign-agent] %u ~)
=. mo-core (mo-give %unto %kick ~)
:: +mo-handle-use: handle a typed +sign incoming on /use.
:: (Note that /use implies the +sign should be routed to an agent.)
:: Initialises the specified agent and then performs an agent-level
:: +take on the supplied +sign.
++ mo-handle-use
~/ %mo-handle-use
|= [=path hin=(hypo sign-arvo)]
^+ mo-core
?. ?=([@ @ *] path)
~& [%mo-handle-use-bad-path path]
=/ =sign-arvo q.hin
?. ?=([?(%g %b) %unto *] sign-arvo)
=/ app
=/ =term i.path
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.path)
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=ship]
(ap-abed:ap term routes)
=. app (ap-generic-take:app t.t.path sign-arvo)
=/ =sign:agent +>.sign-arvo
=/ app
?> ?=([%out @ @ *] t.t.path)
=/ =term i.path
=/ =ship (slav %p i.t.t.t.path)
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=ship]
(ap-abed:ap term routes)
=. app
(ap-specific-take:app t.t.path sign)
:: +mo-clear-queue: clear blocked tasks from the specified running agent.
++ mo-clear-queue
|= =term
^+ mo-core
?. (~(has by running.agents.state) term)
=/ maybe-blocked (~(get by blocked.agents.state) term)
?~ maybe-blocked
=/ =blocked u.maybe-blocked
|- ^+ mo-core
?: =(~ blocked)
=/ blocked (~(del by blocked.agents.state) term)
%_ mo-core
blocked.agents.state blocked
=^ task blocked [p q]:~(get to blocked)
=/ =duct p.task
=/ =routes q.task
=/ =deal r.task
=/ move
=/ =sock [attributing.routes our]
=/ card [%slip %g %deal sock term deal]
[duct card]
$(moves [move moves])
:: +mo-beak: assemble a beak for the specified agent.
++ mo-beak
|= =term
^- beak
?~ running=(~(get by running.agents.state) term)
:: XX this fallback is necessary, as .term could be either the source
:: or the destination app. ie, it might not exist locally ...
[our %home %da now]
:: +mo-peek: call to +ap-peek (which is not accessible outside of +mo).
++ mo-peek
~/ %mo-peek
|= [agent=term =routes =term =path]
^- (unit (unit cage))
=/ app (ap-abed:ap agent routes)
(ap-peek:app term path)
:: +mo-apply: apply the supplied action to the specified agent.
++ mo-apply
|= [agent=term =routes =deal]
^+ mo-core
=/ =path
=/ ship (scot %p attributing.routes)
=/ ship-desk
=/ =beak (mo-beak agent)
[p q]:beak
?: ?=(%raw-poke
=/ =schematic:ford [%vale ship-desk]
=/ =note-arvo [%f %build live=%.n schematic]
(mo-pass path note-arvo)
?: ?=(%poke-as
=/ =schematic:ford [%cast ship-desk [%$]]
=/ =note-arvo [%f %build live=%.n schematic]
(mo-pass path note-arvo)
=/ app (ap-abed:ap agent routes)
=. app (ap-apply:app deal)
:: +mo-handle-local: handle locally.
:: If the agent is running or blocked, assign it the supplied +deal.
:: Otherwise simply apply the action to the agent.
++ mo-handle-local
|= [=ship agent=term =deal]
^+ mo-core
=/ =routes [disclosing=~ attributing=ship]
=/ is-running (~(has by running.agents.state) agent)
=/ is-blocked (~(has by blocked.agents.state) agent)
?: |(!is-running is-blocked)
=/ =blocked
=/ waiting (~(get by blocked.agents.state) agent)
=/ deals (fall waiting *blocked)
=/ deal [hen routes deal]
(~(put to deals) deal)
%- (slog leaf+"gall: not running {<agent>} yet, got {<>}" ~)
%_ mo-core
blocked.agents.state (~(put by blocked.agents.state) agent blocked)
(mo-apply agent routes deal)
:: +mo-handle-ames-request: handle %ames request message.
++ mo-handle-ames-request
|= [=ship agent-name=term =ames-request]
^+ mo-core
:: %u/%leave gets automatically acked
=. mo-core (mo-track-ship ship)
=? mo-core ?=(%u -.ames-request) (mo-give %done ~)
=/ =wire /sys/req/(scot %p ship)/[agent-name]
=/ =deal
?- -.ames-request
%m [%raw-poke [mark noun]:ames-request]
%l [%watch-as [mark path]:ames-request]
%s [%watch path.ames-request]
%u [%leave ~]
(mo-pass wire %g %deal [ship our] agent-name deal)
:: +mo-handle-ames-response: handle ames response message.
++ mo-handle-ames-response
|= =ames-response
^+ mo-core
?- -.ames-response
:: %d: diff; ask ford to validate .noun as .mark
=/ =wire /sys/rep
:: agents load their code from the %home desk, including marks
=/ =note-arvo
=/ =disc:ford [our %home]
[%f %build live=%.n %vale disc [mark noun]:ames-response]
(mo-pass wire note-arvo)
:: %x: kick; tell agent the publisher canceled the subscription
(mo-give %unto %kick ~)
:: +ap: agent engine
:: An inner, agent-level core. The sample refers to the agent we're
:: currently focused on.
++ ap
~% %gall-ap +> ~
|_ $: agent-name=term
agent-moves=(list move)
agent-config=(list (each suss tang))
++ ap-core .
:: +ap-abed: initialise state for an agent, with the supplied routes.
:: The agent must already be running in +gall -- here we simply update
:: +ap's state to focus on it.
++ ap-abed
~/ %ap-abed
|= [=term =routes]
^+ ap-core
=/ =running-agent
=/ running (~(got by running.agents.state) term)
=/ =stats
:+ +(change.stats.running)
(shaz (mix (add term change.stats.running) eny))
running(stats stats)
=. agent-name term
=. agent-routes routes
=. current-agent running-agent
=. agent-duct hen
:: +ap-abet: resolve moves.
++ ap-abet
^+ mo-core
=/ running (~(put by running.agents.state) agent-name current-agent)
=/ moves
=/ giver |=(report=(each suss tang) [hen %give %onto report])
=/ from-suss (turn agent-config giver)
:(weld agent-moves from-suss moves)
%_ mo-core
running.agents.state running
moves moves
:: +ap-from-internal: internal move to move.
:: We convert from cards to duct-indexed moves when resolving
:: them in Arvo.
++ ap-from-internal
~/ %ap-from-internal
|= card=(wind neat gift:agent)
^- (list move)
?- -.card
%slip !!
=/ =gift:agent p.card
?: ?=(%kick
=/ ducts=(list duct) (ap-ducts-from-paths
%+ turn ducts
|= =duct
~? &(=(duct system-duct.agents.state) !=(agent-name %hood))
[%agent-giving-on-system-duct agent-name]
[duct %give %unto %kick ~]
?. ?=(%fact
[agent-duct %give %unto gift]~
=/ ducts=(list duct) (ap-ducts-from-paths ~)
=/ =cage
%+ turn ducts
|= =duct
~? &(=(duct system-duct.agents.state) !=(agent-name %hood))
[%agent-giving-on-system-duct agent-name]
^- move
=/ =mark
(~(gut by marks.current-agent) duct p.cage)
?: =(mark p.cage)
[duct %give %unto %fact]
=/ =path /sys/pel/[agent-name]
=/ =note-arvo
=/ =schematic:ford
=/ =beak (mo-beak agent-name)
[%cast [p q]:beak mark [%$ cage]]
[%f %build live=%.n schematic]
[duct %pass path note-arvo]
=/ =duct system-duct.agents.state
=/ =wire p.card
=/ =neat:agent q.card
=. wire
?: ?=(%agent -.neat)
:: remove `our` in next breach after 2019/12 and reflect in
:: +mo-handle-use (non-unto case)
:- (scot %p our)
[%out (scot %p ship.neat) name.neat wire]
[(scot %p attributing.agent-routes) wire]
=. wire
[%use agent-name wire]
=/ =note-arvo
?- -.neat
%arvo note-arvo.neat
=/ =task:able
=/ =sock [our ship.neat]
[%deal sock [name deal]:neat]
[%g task]
[duct %pass wire note-arvo]~
:: +ap-breach: ship breached, so forget about them
++ ap-breach
|= =ship
^+ ap-core
=/ in=(list [=duct =^ship =path])
~(tap by incoming.subscribers.current-agent)
|- ^+ ap-core
?^ in
=? ap-core =(ship
=/ core ap-load-delete(agent-duct
core(agent-duct agent-duct)
=/ out=(list [[=wire =^ship =term] ? =path])
~(tap by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent)
|- ^+ ap-core
?~ out
=? ap-core =(ship ship.i.out)
=/ core
=. agent-duct system-duct.agents.state
=/ way [%out (scot %p ship) term.i.out wire.i.out]
(ap-specific-take way %kick ~)
core(agent-duct agent-duct)
$(out t.out)
:: +ap-clog: handle %clog notification from ames
:: Kills subscriptions from .ship in both directions:
:: - notifies local app that subscription is dead
:: - gives remote %quit to notify subscriber ship
:: TODO: %drip local app notification for error isolation
++ ap-clog
|= =ship
^+ ap-core
=/ in=(list [=duct =^ship =path])
~(tap by incoming.subscribers.current-agent)
|- ^+ ap-core
?~ in ap-core
=? ap-core =(ship
=/ core ap-kill-up(agent-duct
core(agent-duct agent-duct)
:: +ap-agent-core: agent core with current bowl and state
++ ap-agent-core
~(. agent.current-agent ap-construct-bowl)
:: +ap-ducts-from-paths: get ducts subscribed to paths
++ ap-ducts-from-paths
|= [target-paths=(list path) target-ship=(unit ship)]
^- (list duct)
?: &(?=(~ target-paths) ?=(~ target-ship))
%- zing
%+ turn target-paths
|= =path
(ap-ducts-from-path `path target-ship)
:: +ap-ducts-from-path: get ducts subscribed to path
++ ap-ducts-from-path
|= [target-path=(unit path) target-ship=(unit ship)]
^- (list duct)
?: &(?=(~ target-path) ?=(~ target-ship))
%+ murn ~(tap by incoming.subscribers.current-agent)
|= [=duct =ship =path]
^- (unit ^duct)
?~ target-ship
?: =(target-path `path)
?~ target-path
?: =(target-ship `ship)
?: &(=(target-path `path) =(target-ship `ship))
:: +ap-apply: apply effect.
++ ap-apply
|= =deal
^+ ap-core
%watch-as (ap-subscribe-as
%poke (ap-poke
%watch (ap-subscribe
%raw-poke !!
%poke-as !!
%leave ap-load-delete
:: +ap-peek: peek.
++ ap-peek
~/ %ap-peek
|= [=term tyl=path]
^- (unit (unit cage))
=/ marked
?. ?=(%x term)
[mark=%$ tyl=tyl]
=/ =path (flop tyl)
?> ?=(^ path)
[mark=i.path tyl=(flop t.path)]
=/ =mark mark.marked
=/ tyl tyl.marked
=/ peek-result=(each (unit (unit cage)) tang)
(ap-mule-peek |.((on-peek:ap-agent-core [term tyl])))
?- -.peek-result
%& p.peek-result
%| ((slog leaf+"peek bad result" p.peek-result) [~ ~])
:: +ap-update-subscription: update subscription.
++ ap-update-subscription
~/ %ap-update-subscription
|= [is-ok=? =other=ship other-agent=term =wire]
^+ ap-core
?: is-ok
(ap-kill-down wire [other-ship other-agent])
:: +ap-give: return result.
++ ap-give
|= =gift:agent
^+ ap-core
=/ internal-moves
(weld (ap-from-internal %give gift) agent-moves)
ap-core(agent-moves internal-moves)
:: +ap-construct-bowl: set up bowl.
++ ap-construct-bowl
^- bowl
:* :* our :: host
attributing.agent-routes :: guest
agent-name :: agent
== ::
:* wex=outgoing.subscribers.current-agent :: outgoing
sup=incoming.subscribers.current-agent :: incoming
== ::
:* act=change.stats.current-agent :: tick
eny=eny.stats.current-agent :: nonce
now=time.stats.current-agent :: time
byk=beak.current-agent :: source
== ==
:: +ap-pass: request action.
++ ap-pass
|= [=path =neat]
^+ ap-core
=/ internal-moves
(ap-from-internal %pass path neat)
ap-core(agent-moves (weld internal-moves agent-moves))
:: +ap-reinstall: reinstall.
++ ap-reinstall
~/ %ap-reinstall
|= =vase
^+ ap-core
=/ maybe-agent (mule |.(!<(agent vase)))
?: ?=(%| -.maybe-agent)
(ap-error %new-core-not-agent p.maybe-agent)
=/ prep
=/ =agent p.maybe-agent
=/ running
%- some
~(on-save agent.current-agent ap-construct-bowl)
=/ installed ap-install(agent.current-agent agent)
(installed running)
=^ maybe-tang ap-core prep
?~ maybe-tang
(ap-error %load-failed u.maybe-tang)
:: +ap-subscribe-as: apply %watch-as.
++ ap-subscribe-as
|= [=mark =path]
^+ ap-core
=. marks.current-agent (~(put by marks.current-agent) agent-duct mark)
(ap-subscribe path)
:: +ap-subscribe: apply %watch.
++ ap-subscribe
~/ %ap-subscribe
|= pax=path
^+ ap-core
=/ incoming [attributing.agent-routes pax]
=. incoming.subscribers.current-agent
(~(put by incoming.subscribers.current-agent) agent-duct incoming)
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest %watch-ack |.
(on-watch:ap-agent-core pax)
?^ maybe-tang
:: +ap-poke: apply %poke.
++ ap-poke
~/ %ap-poke
|= =cage
^+ ap-core
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest %poke-ack |.
(on-poke:ap-agent-core cage)
:: +ap-error: pour error.
++ ap-error
|= [=term =tang]
^+ ap-core
=/ form |=(=tank [%rose [~ "! " ~] tank ~])
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest ~ |.
(on-fail:ap-agent-core term (turn tang form))
:: +ap-generic-take: generic take.
++ ap-generic-take
~/ %ap-generic-take
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^+ ap-core
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest ~ |.
(on-arvo:ap-agent-core wire sign-arvo)
?^ maybe-tang
(ap-error %arvo-response u.maybe-tang)
:: +ap-specific-take: specific take.
++ ap-specific-take
|= [=wire =sign:agent]
^+ ap-core
~| wire=wire
?> ?=([%out @ @ *] wire)
=/ other-ship (slav %p i.t.wire)
=/ other-agent i.t.t.wire
=/ =dock [other-ship other-agent]
=/ agent-wire t.t.t.wire
:: if subscription ack or close, handle before calling user code
=? outgoing.subscribers.current-agent ?=(%kick -.sign)
%- ~(del by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent)
[agent-wire dock]
?: ?& ?=(%watch-ack -.sign)
!(~(has by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent) [agent-wire dock])
%- %: slog
leaf+"{<agent-name>}: got ack for nonexistent subscription"
leaf+"{<dock>}: {<agent-wire>}"
=? outgoing.subscribers.current-agent ?=(%watch-ack -.sign)
?^ p.sign
%- ~(del by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent)
[agent-wire dock]
%+ ~(jab by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent) [agent-wire dock]
|= [acked=? =path]
=. .
?. acked
%- =/ =tape
"{<agent-name>}: received 2nd watch-ack on {<wire dock path>}"
(slog leaf+tape ~)
[& path]
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest ~ |.
(on-agent:ap-agent-core agent-wire sign)
:: if failed %fact handling, kill subscription
=? ap-core ?=(%fact -.sign)
(ap-update-subscription =(~ maybe-tang) p.dock q.dock agent-wire)
?^ maybe-tang
(ap-error -.sign leaf/"closing subscription" u.maybe-tang)
:: +ap-install: install wrapper.
++ ap-install
|= maybe-vase=(unit vase)
^- [(unit tang) _ap-core]
=^ maybe-tang ap-core (ap-upgrade-state maybe-vase)
=/ new-agent-config
=/ =term ?~(maybe-vase %boot %bump)
=/ possibly-suss
?~ maybe-tang
=/ =suss [agent-name term now]
[%.y suss]
[%.n u.maybe-tang]
[possibly-suss agent-config]
=/ next
ap-core(agent-config new-agent-config)
[maybe-tang next]
:: +ap-upgrade-state: low-level install.
++ ap-upgrade-state
~/ %ap-upgrade-state
|= maybe-vase=(unit vase)
^- [(unit tang) _ap-core]
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest ~
?~ maybe-vase
|. on-init:ap-agent-core
|. (on-load:ap-agent-core u.maybe-vase)
[maybe-tang ap-core]
:: +ap-silent-delete: silent delete.
++ ap-silent-delete
^+ ap-core
%= ap-core
(~(del by incoming.subscribers.current-agent) agent-duct)
:: +ap-load-delete: load delete.
++ ap-load-delete
^+ ap-core
=/ maybe-incoming
(~(get by incoming.subscribers.current-agent) agent-duct)
?~ maybe-incoming
=/ incoming u.maybe-incoming
=. incoming.subscribers.current-agent
(~(del by incoming.subscribers.current-agent) agent-duct)
=^ maybe-tang ap-core
%+ ap-ingest ~ |.
(on-leave:ap-agent-core q.incoming)
?^ maybe-tang
(ap-error %leave u.maybe-tang)
:: +ap-kill-up: 2-sided kill from publisher side
++ ap-kill-up
^+ ap-core
=> ap-load-delete
(ap-give %kick ~ ~)
:: +ap-kill-down: 2-sided kill from subscriber side
:: Must process leave first in case kick handler rewatches.
++ ap-kill-down
|= [=wire =dock]
^+ ap-core
=. ap-core
(ap-pass wire %agent dock %leave ~)
=/ way [%out (scot %p p.dock) q.dock wire]
(ap-pass way %arvo %b %huck !>([%unto %kick ~]))
:: +ap-mule: run virtualized with intercepted scry, preserving type
:: Compare +mute and +mule. Those pass through scry, which
:: doesn't allow us to catch crashes due to blocking scry. If
:: you intercept scry, you can't preserve the type
:: polymorphically. By monomorphizing, we are able to do so
:: safely.
++ ap-mule
|= run=_^?(|.(*step:agent))
^- (each step:agent tang)
=/ res (moku [run %9 2 %0 1] (sloy ski))
?- -.res
%0 [%& !<(step:agent [-:!>(*step:agent) p.res])]
%1 [%.n (smyt (path p.res)) ~]
%2 [%| p.res]
:: +ap-mule-peek: same as +ap-mule but for (unit (unit cage))
++ ap-mule-peek
|= run=_^?(|.(*(unit (unit cage))))
^- (each (unit (unit cage)) tang)
=/ res (moku [run %9 2 %0 1] (sloy ski))
?- -.res
%0 [%& !<((unit (unit cage)) [-:!>(*(unit (unit cage))) p.res])]
%1 [%.n (smyt (path p.res)) ~]
%2 [%| p.res]
:: +ap-ingest: call agent arm
:: Handle acks here because they need to be emitted before the
:: rest of the moves.
++ ap-ingest
|= [ack=?(%poke-ack %watch-ack ~) run=_^?(|.(*step:agent))]
^- [(unit tang) _ap-core]
=/ result (ap-mule run)
=^ new-moves ap-core (ap-handle-result result)
=/ maybe-tang=(unit tang)
?: ?=(%& -.result)
=/ ack-moves=(list move)
%- zing
%- turn :_ ap-from-internal
^- (list card:agent)
?- ack
~ ~
%poke-ack [%give %poke-ack maybe-tang]~
%watch-ack [%give %watch-ack maybe-tang]~
=. agent-moves
:(weld (flop new-moves) ack-moves agent-moves)
[maybe-tang ap-core]
:: +ap-handle-result: handle result.
++ ap-handle-result
~/ %ap-handle-result
|= result=(each step:agent tang)
^- [(list move) _ap-core]
?: ?=(%| -.result)
=. agent.current-agent +.p.result
=/ moves (zing (turn -.p.result ap-from-internal))
=. incoming.subscribers.current-agent
(ap-handle-kicks moves)
(ap-handle-peers moves)
:: +ap-handle-kicks: handle cancels of incoming subscriptions
++ ap-handle-kicks
~/ %ap-handle-kicks
|= moves=(list move)
^- bitt
=/ quits=(list duct)
%+ murn moves
|= =move
^- (unit duct)
?. ?=([* %give %unto %kick *] move)
=/ quit-map=bitt
(malt (turn quits |=(=duct [duct *[ship path]])))
(~(dif by incoming.subscribers.current-agent) quit-map)
:: +ap-handle-peers: handle new outgoing subscriptions
++ ap-handle-peers
~/ %ap-handle-peers
|= moves=(list move)
^- [(list move) _ap-core]
=| new-moves=(list move)
|- ^- [(list move) _ap-core]
?~ moves
[(flop new-moves) ap-core]
=/ =move i.moves
?: ?=([* %pass * %g %deal * * %leave *] move)
=/ =wire p.move.move
?> ?=([%use @ @ %out @ @ *] wire)
=/ short-wire t.t.t.t.t.t.wire
=/ =dock [q.p q]:q.move.move
=. outgoing.subscribers.current-agent
(~(del by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent) [short-wire dock])
$(moves t.moves, new-moves [move new-moves])
?. ?=([* %pass * %g %deal * * %watch *] move)
$(moves t.moves, new-moves [move new-moves])
=/ =wire p.move.move
?> ?=([%use @ @ %out @ @ *] wire)
=/ short-wire t.t.t.t.t.t.wire
=/ =dock [q.p q]:q.move.move
=/ =path path.r.q.move.move
?: (~(has by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent) short-wire dock)
=. ap-core
=/ =tang
~[leaf+"subscribe wire not unique" >agent-name< >short-wire< >dock<]
%- (slog >out=outgoing.subscribers.current-agent< tang)
(ap-error %watch-not-unique tang)
$(moves t.moves)
=. outgoing.subscribers.current-agent
(~(put by outgoing.subscribers.current-agent) [short-wire dock] [| path])
$(moves t.moves, new-moves [move new-moves])
:: +call: request
++ call
~% %gall-call +> ~
|= [=duct hic=(hypo (hobo task:able))]
^- [(list move) _gall-payload]
~| [%gall-call-failed duct q.hic]
=/ =task:able ((harden task:able) q.hic)
=/ initialised (mo-abed:mo duct)
?- -.task
=/ =dock p.task
=/ =ship p.dock
?. =(our ship)
~& [%gall-not-ours ship]
[~ gall-payload]
=> (mo-boot:initialised q.dock q.task)
=/ =sock p.task
=/ =term q.task
=/ =deal r.task
?. =(q.sock our)
?> =(p.sock our)
=> (mo-send-foreign-request:initialised q.sock term deal)
=> (mo-handle-local:initialised p.sock term deal)
mo-abet:(mo-goad:initialised force.task agent.task)
=/ payload gall-payload(system-duct.agents.state duct)
[~ payload]
:: reuse %wash task to clear caches on memory-pressure
:: XX cancel subscriptions if =(0 trim-priority) ?
~> %slog.[0 leaf+"gall: trim: clearing caches"]
=/ =move [duct %pass / %g [%wash ~]]
[[move ~] gall-payload]
[~ gall-payload]
=/ =ship ship.task
=/ =path path.plea.task
=/ =noun payload.plea.task
~| [ship=ship plea-path=path]
?> ?=([%ge @ ~] path)
=/ agent-name i.t.path
=/ =ames-request ;;(ames-request noun)
=> (mo-handle-ames-request:initialised ship agent-name ames-request)
=. running.agents.state
%- ~(run by running.agents.state)
|= =running-agent
running-agent(cache *worm)
[~ gall-payload]
=/ blocked
=/ queued (~(run by blocked.agents.state) |=(blocked [%.y +<]))
(sort ~(tap by queued) aor)
=/ running
=/ active (~(run by running.agents.state) |=(running-agent [%.y +<]))
(sort ~(tap by active) aor)
=/ =mass
:+ %gall %.n
:~ [%foreign %.y contacts.agents.state]
[%blocked %.n blocked]
[%active %.n running]
[%dot %.y state]
[[duct %give %mass mass]~ gall-payload]
:: +load: recreate vane
++ load
|= =all-state
^+ gall-payload
=? all-state ?=(%0 -.all-state)
(state-0-to-1 all-state)
=? all-state ?=(%1 -.all-state)
(state-1-to-2 all-state)
=? all-state ?=(%2 -.all-state)
(state-2-to-3 all-state)
?> ?=(%3 -.all-state)
gall-payload(state all-state)
:: +all-state: upgrade path
++ all-state $%(state-0 state-1 state-2 ^state)
++ state-2-to-3
|= =state-2
^- ^state
%= state-2
- %3
%- ~(run by running.agents-2.state-2)
|= =running-agent-2
^- running-agent
%= running-agent-2
agent-2 (agent-2-to-3 agent-2.running-agent-2)
++ agent-2-to-3
|= =agent-2
^- agent
=> |%
++ cards-2-to-3
|= cards=(list card:^agent-2)
^- (list card:agent)
%+ turn cards
|= =card:^agent-2
^- card:agent
?. ?=([%give ?(%fact %kick) *] card) card
%=(card path.p (drop path.p.card))
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
pass ~(. agent-2 bowl)
++ on-init
=^ cards agent-2 on-init:pass
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-save
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
=^ cards agent-2 (on-load:pass old-state)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
=^ cards agent-2 (on-poke:pass mark vase)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
=^ cards agent-2 (on-watch:pass path)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-leave
|= =path
=^ cards agent-2 (on-leave:pass path)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-peek
|= =path
(on-peek:pass path)
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
=^ cards agent-2 (on-agent:pass wire sign)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
=^ cards agent-2 (on-arvo:pass wire sign-arvo)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
=^ cards agent-2 (on-fail:pass term tang)
[(cards-2-to-3 cards) this]
++ state-2
$: %2
++ agents-2
$: system-duct=duct
outstanding=(map [wire duct] (qeu remote-request))
contacts=(set ship)
running=(map term running-agent-2)
blocked=(map term blocked)
++ running-agent-2
$: cache=worm
marks=(map duct mark)
++ agent-2
=< form
+$ step (quip card form)
+$ card (wind note gift)
+$ note note:agent
+$ task task:agent
+$ sign sign:agent
+$ gift
$% [%fact path=(unit path) =cage]
[%kick path=(unit path) ship=(unit ship)]
[%watch-ack p=(unit tang)]
[%poke-ack p=(unit tang)]
++ form
$_ ^|
|_ bowl
++ on-init
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-save
++ on-load
|~ old-state=vase
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-poke
|~ [mark vase]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-watch
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-leave
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-peek
|~ path
*(unit (unit cage))
++ on-agent
|~ [wire sign]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-arvo
|~ [wire sign-arvo]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-fail
|~ [term tang]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ state-1-to-2
|= =state-1
^- state-2
%= state-1
- %2
+.agents-1 [~ +.agents-1.state-1]
++ state-1
$: %1
++ agents-1
$: system-duct=duct
contacts=(set ship)
running=(map term running-agent-2)
blocked=(map term blocked)
++ state-0-to-1
|= =state-0
^- state-1
%= state-0
- %1
%- ~(run by running.agents-0.state-0)
|= =running-agent-0
^- running-agent-2
%= running-agent-0
agent-0 (agent-0-to-1 agent-0.running-agent-0)
++ agent-0-to-1
|= =agent-0
^- agent-2
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
pass ~(. agent-0 bowl)
++ on-init
=^ cards agent-0 on-init:pass
[cards this]
++ on-save
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
=^ cards agent-0 (on-load:pass old-state)
[cards this]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
=^ cards agent-0 (on-poke:pass mark vase)
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
=^ cards agent-0 (on-watch:pass path)
[cards this]
++ on-leave
|= =path
=^ cards agent-0 (on-leave:pass path)
[cards this]
++ on-peek
|= =path
(on-peek:pass path)
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
=^ cards agent-0 (on-agent:pass wire sign)
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
?< ?=([%d %pack *] sign-arvo)
=^ cards agent-0 (on-arvo:pass wire `sign-arvo-0`sign-arvo)
[cards this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
=^ cards agent-0 (on-fail:pass term tang)
[cards this]
++ state-0
$: %0
++ agents-0
$: system-duct=duct
contacts=(set ship)
running=(map term running-agent-0)
blocked=(map term blocked)
++ running-agent-0
$: cache=worm
marks=(map duct mark)
++ agent-0
=< form
+$ step (quip card form)
+$ card (wind note gift)
+$ note note:agent
+$ task task:agent
+$ gift gift:agent-2
+$ sign sign:agent
++ form
$_ ^|
|_ bowl
++ on-init
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-save
++ on-load
|~ old-state=vase
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-poke
|~ [mark vase]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-watch
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-leave
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-peek
|~ path
*(unit (unit cage))
++ on-agent
|~ [wire sign]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-arvo
|~ [wire sign-arvo-0]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-fail
|~ [term tang]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ sign-arvo-0
$% {$a gift:able:ames}
$: $b
$% gift:able:behn
[%writ riot:clay]
$>(%mere gift:able:clay)
$>(%unto gift:able:gall)
{$c gift:able:clay}
{$d $<(%pack gift:able:dill)}
{$f gift:able:ford}
[%e gift:able:eyre]
{$g gift:able:gall}
[%i gift:able:iris]
{$j gift:able:jael}
:: +scry: standard scry
++ scry
~/ %gall-scry
|= [fur=(unit (set monk)) =term =shop =desk =coin =path]
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. ?=(%.y
=/ =ship
?: ?& =(%u term)
=(~ path)
=([%$ %da now] coin)
=(our ship)
=/ =vase !>((~(has by running.agents.state) desk))
=/ =cage [%noun vase]
(some (some cage))
?. =(our ship)
?. =([%$ %da now] coin)
?. (~(has by running.agents.state) desk)
(some ~)
?. ?=(^ path)
=/ initialised mo-abed:mo
=/ =routes [~ ship]
(mo-peek:initialised desk routes term path)
:: +stay: save without cache
++ stay state
:: +take: response
++ take
~/ %gall-take
|= [=wire =duct hin=(hypo sign-arvo)]
^- [(list move) _gall-payload]
~| [%gall-take-failed wire]
?> ?=([?(%sys %use) *] wire)
=/ initialised (mo-abed:mo duct)
=/ =sign-arvo q.hin
=> ?- i.wire
%sys (mo-handle-sys:initialised t.wire sign-arvo)
%use (mo-handle-use:initialised t.wire hin)