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module Urbit.Vere.Ames.LaneCache (cache) where
import Urbit.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashPSQ as P
import Urbit.Noun.Time
expiry :: Gap
expiry = (2 * 60) ^. from secs
bound :: Int
bound = 1_000
-- | An "upside down" time for use as a priority.
newtype New = New Wen
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord)
new :: Wen -> New
new = New . negate
wen :: New -> Wen
wen (New w) = negate w
-- | Given a new, find an older new corresponding to `expiry` ago.
lag :: New -> New
lag n = new (addGap (wen n) expiry)
trim :: (Hashable a, Ord a, Ord b) => P.HashPSQ a b c -> P.HashPSQ a b c
trim p = if P.size p > bound then P.deleteMin p else p
cache :: forall a b m n
. (Ord a, Hashable a, MonadIO m, MonadIO n)
=> (a -> m b)
-> n (a -> m b)
cache act = do
cas <- newTVarIO (P.empty :: P.HashPSQ a New b)
let fun x = P.lookup x <$> readTVarIO cas >>= \case
Nothing -> thru
Just (n, v) -> do
let t = wen n
t' <- io now
if gap t' t > expiry
then thru
else pure v
-- Insert a key into the map, simultaneously removing *all* stale
-- entries. Since insertion is linear in the size of the map,
-- presumably it's not horrible to do it this way. The alternative
-- would be to have a thread doing a purge every 10s or something, and
-- then we'd have to be in RAcquire.
up :: a -> New -> b -> P.HashPSQ a New b -> P.HashPSQ a New b
up k n v ps = trim
$ P.insert k n v
$ snd $ P.atMostView (lag n) ps
thru :: m b
thru = do
n <- new <$> io now
v <- act x
atomically $ modifyTVar' cas $ up x n v
pure v
pure fun