
77 lines
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TODO Close the database on uncaught exception.
TODO `Persist` should just be the thread id.
the thread should close the database when it is killed.
module Vere.Persist (start, stop) where
import UrbitPrelude hiding (init)
import Vere.Log (EventLog)
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import Vere.Pier.Types
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Persist = Persist EventLog (Async ())
-- Start and Stop --------------------------------------------------------------
start :: EventLog
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO Persist
start log inp cb = do
tid <- asyncBound (persistThread log inp cb)
pure (Persist log tid)
-- TODO: properly handle shutdowns during write
stop :: Persist -> IO ()
stop (Persist log tid) = do
void (cancel tid)
void (waitCatch tid)
-- Persist Thread --------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: We need to be able to send back an exception to the main thread on an
-- exception on the persistence thread.
persistThread :: EventLog
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO ()
persistThread log inputQueue onPersist =
forever $ do
writs <- atomically $ fmap toNullable $ readQueue inputQueue
events <- validateWrits writs
Log.appendEvents log events
atomically $ traverse_ onPersist writs
validateWrits :: [Writ [Eff]] -> IO (Vector Atom)
validateWrits writs = do
expect <- Log.nextEv log
fmap fromList
$ for (zip [expect..] writs)
$ \(expectedId, Writ{..}) -> do
guard (expectedId == eventId)
pure (unJam event)
-- Get eventhing from the input queue. -----------------------------------------
Read one or more items from a TQueue, only blocking on the first item.
readQueue :: TQueue a -> STM (NonNull [a])
readQueue q =
readTQueue q >>= go . singleton
go acc =
tryReadTQueue q >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)