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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Vere.Pier where
import Data.Acquire
import UrbitPrelude
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Conduit
import Vere.Log (EventLog)
import Vere.Serf (Serf, SerfState(..))
import qualified System.Entropy as Ent
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
ioDrivers = [] :: [IODriver]
data Pier = Pier
{ computeQueue :: TQueue Ovum
, persistQueue :: TQueue (Writ [Eff])
, releaseQueue :: TQueue (Writ [Eff])
, log :: EventLog
, driverThreads :: [(Async (), Perform)]
, portingThread :: Async ()
genEntropy :: IO Word512
genEntropy = fromIntegral . view (from atomBytes) <$> Ent.getEntropy 64
generateBootSeq :: Ship -> Pill -> IO BootSeq
generateBootSeq ship Pill{..} = do
ent <- genEntropy
let ovums = preKern ent <> pKernelOvums <> pUserspaceOvums
pure $ BootSeq ident pBootFormulas ovums
ident = LogIdentity ship True (fromIntegral $ length pBootFormulas)
preKern ent = [ Ovum (Path ["", "term", "1"]) (Boot $ Fake $ who ident)
, Ovum (Path ["", "arvo"]) (Whom ship)
, Ovum (Path ["", "arvo"]) (Wack ent)
This is called to make a freshly booted pier. It assigns an identity
to an event log and takes a chill pill.
boot :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Ship
-> (Serf -> EventLog -> SerfState -> IO a)
-> IO a
boot pillPath top ship act = do
let logPath = top <> "/.urb/log"
pill <- loadFile @Pill pillPath >>= \case
Left l -> error (show l)
Right p -> pure p
seq@(BootSeq ident x y) <- generateBootSeq ship pill
with (Log.new logPath ident) $ \log -> do
serf <- Serf.startSerfProcess top
(events, serfSt) <- Serf.bootFromSeq serf seq
Serf.requestSnapshot serf serfSt
traceM "writeJobs"
writeJobs log (fromList events)
act serf log serfSt
What we really want to do is write the log identity and then do
normal startup, but writeIdent requires a full log state
including input/output queues.
resume :: FilePath -> (Serf -> EventLog -> SerfState -> IO a) -> IO a
resume top act = do
with (Log.existing (top <> "/.urb/log")) $ \log -> do
traceM "But why?"
serf <- Serf.startSerfProcess top
traceM "What"
serfSt <- Serf.replay serf log
traceM "is"
Serf.requestSnapshot serf serfSt
traceM "happening"
act serf log serfSt
writeJobs :: EventLog -> Vector Job -> IO ()
writeJobs log !jobs = do
expect <- Log.nextEv log
events <- fmap fromList $ traverse fromJob (zip [expect..] $ toList jobs)
Log.appendEvents log events
fromJob :: (EventId, Job) -> IO Atom
fromJob (expectedId, Job eventId mug payload) = do
guard (expectedId == eventId)
traceM "fromJob.toNoun"
pure $ jam $ toNoun (mug, payload)
-- Run Pier --------------------------------------------------------------------
performCommonPierStartup :: Serf.Serf
-> TQueue Ovum
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> LogState
-> IO Pier
performCommonPierStartup serf computeQ persistQ releaseQ logState = do
for ioDrivers $ \x -> do
bootMessage <- bornEvent x
atomically $ writeTQueue computeQ bootMessage
driverThreads <- for ioDrivers $ \x -> do
startDriver x (writeTQueue computeQ)
-- TODO: Don't do a bunch of extra work; we send all events to all drivers
portingThread <- async $ do
forever $ do
r <- atomically (readTQueue releaseQ)
for_ driverThreads $ \(_, k) ->
for_ (payload r) $ \eff ->
k eff
Serf.workerThread serf (readTQueue computeQ) undefined
pure (Pier{..})