fang 7853c7df9b
king: improve king subsite implementation
Make KingSubsite part of ServConf, handle 404 case more gracefully, make
slog endpoint send SSE headers immediately.

Remaining work mostly revolves around the slog endpoint's slog queue. It
builds up even if nobody is listening, and only the first to pull from
the queue gets to handle/emit the slog event.
2020-10-16 14:13:07 +02:00

364 lines
10 KiB

Runs a single HTTP (or HTTPS) server for the eyre driver.
A server is given:
- A port, or a range or ports.
- Opens a socket on one of those ports.
- If this fails, try again repeatedly.
- Once a socket is opened, runs an HTTP server on the specified port.
- Once the server is up, calls a callback with the port that was opened.
- Once we have chosen a port, we commit to that port (ignoring the
original range).
- If the socket ever goes down, keep trying to reopen that port forever.
- When the server is shutdown, make sure the socket is closed.
TODO How to detect socket closed during server run?
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
module Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Serv
( ServApi(..)
, TlsConfig(..)
, MultiTlsConfig(..)
, ReqApi(..)
, ServType(..)
, ServPort(..)
, ServHost(..)
, ServConf(..)
, configCreds
, serv
, fakeServ
import Urbit.Prelude hiding (Builder)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Network.TLS ( Credential
, Credentials(..)
, ServerHooks(..)
import Network.TLS (credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory)
import RIO.Prelude (decodeUtf8Lenient)
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.KingSubsite (KingSubsite)
import qualified Control.Monad.STM as STM
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Network.Socket as Net
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as W
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Wai as E
-- Internal Types --------------------------------------------------------------
data ServApi = ServApi
{ saKil :: STM ()
, saPor :: STM W.Port
data TlsConfig = TlsConfig
{ tcPrKey :: ByteString
, tcCerti :: ByteString
, tcChain :: [ByteString]
deriving (Show)
newtype MultiTlsConfig = MTC (TVar (Map Ship (TlsConfig, Credential)))
data ReqApi = ReqApi
{ rcReq :: Ship -> Word64 -> E.ReqInfo -> STM ()
, rcKil :: Ship -> Word64 -> STM ()
data ServType
= STHttp Ship KingSubsite ReqApi
| STHttps Ship TlsConfig KingSubsite ReqApi
| STMultiHttp (Ship -> STM KingSubsite) ReqApi
| STMultiHttps MultiTlsConfig (Ship -> STM KingSubsite) ReqApi
instance Show ServType where
show = \case
STHttp who _ _ -> "STHttp " <> show who
STHttps who tls _ _ -> "STHttps " <> show who <> " " <> show tls
STMultiHttp _ _ -> "STMultiHttp"
STMultiHttps tls _ _ -> "STMultiHttps"
data ServPort
= SPAnyPort
| SPChoices (NonEmpty W.Port)
deriving (Show)
data ServHost
= SHLocalhost
| SHAnyHostOk
deriving (Show)
data ServConf = ServConf
{ scType :: ServType
, scHost :: ServHost
, scPort :: ServPort
, scRedi :: Maybe W.Port
, scFake :: Bool
deriving (Show)
-- Opening Sockets -------------------------------------------------------------
getBindAddr :: String -> W.Port -> IO Net.SockAddr
getBindAddr hos por =
Net.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just hos) (Just (show por)) >>= \case
[] -> error "this should never happen."
x : _ -> pure (Net.addrAddress x)
bindListenPort :: String -> W.Port -> Net.Socket -> IO Net.PortNumber
bindListenPort hos por sok = do
Net.bind sok =<< getBindAddr hos por
Net.listen sok 1
Net.socketPort sok
tcpSocket :: IO (Either IOError Net.Socket)
tcpSocket =
tryIOError (Net.socket Net.AF_INET Net.Stream Net.defaultProtocol)
tryOpen :: String -> W.Port -> IO (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpen hos por =
tcpSocket >>= \case
Left exn -> pure (Left exn)
Right sok -> tryIOError (bindListenPort hos por sok) >>= \case
Left exn -> Net.close sok $> Left exn
Right por -> pure (Right (fromIntegral por, sok))
openFreePort :: String -> IO (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
openFreePort hos = do
tcpSocket >>= \case
Left exn -> pure (Left exn)
Right sok -> tryIOError (doBind sok) >>= \case
Left exn -> Net.close sok $> Left exn
Right ps -> pure (Right ps)
doBind sok = do
adr <- Net.inet_addr hos
Net.bind sok (Net.SockAddrInet Net.defaultPort adr)
Net.listen sok 1
port <- Net.socketPort sok
pure (fromIntegral port, sok)
retry :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e (Either IOError a) -> RIO e a
retry act = act >>= \case
Right res -> pure res
Left exn -> do
logDbg ctx ("Failed to open ports. Waiting 5s, then trying again.", exn)
threadDelay 5_000_000
retry act
ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "retry"]
:: HasLogFunc e
=> String
-> NonEmpty W.Port
-> RIO e (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpenChoices hos = go
go (p :| ps) = do
logInfo (displayShow ("EYRE", "Trying to open port.", p))
io (tryOpen hos p) >>= \case
Left err -> do
logError (displayShow ("EYRE", "Failed to open port.", p))
case ps of
[] -> pure (Left err)
q : qs -> go (q :| qs)
Right (p, s) -> do
pure (Right (p, s))
:: HasLogFunc e => String -> RIO e (Either IOError (W.Port, Net.Socket))
tryOpenAny hos = do
let ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "tryOpenAny"]
logDbg ctx "Asking the OS for any free port."
io (openFreePort hos) >>= \case
Left exn -> pure (Left exn)
Right (p, s) -> do
pure (Right (p, s))
logDbg :: (HasLogFunc e, Show a) => [Text] -> a -> RIO e ()
logDbg ctx msg = logInfo (prefix <> suffix)
prefix = display (concat $ fmap (<> ": ") ctx)
suffix = displayShow msg
:: forall e
. HasLogFunc e
=> ServHost
-> ServPort
-> RAcquire e (W.Port, Net.Socket)
forceOpenSocket hos por = mkRAcquire opn kil
kil = io . Net.close . snd
opn = do
let ctx = ["EYRE", "SERV", "forceOpenSocket"]
logDbg ctx (hos, por)
(p, s) <- retry $ case por of
SPAnyPort -> tryOpenAny bind
SPChoices ps -> tryOpenChoices bind ps
logDbg ctx ("Opened port.", p)
pure (p, s)
bind = case hos of
SHLocalhost -> ""
SHAnyHostOk -> ""
-- Starting WAI ----------------------------------------------------------------
hostShip :: Maybe ByteString -> IO Ship
hostShip Nothing = error "Request must contain HOST header."
hostShip (Just bs) = byteShip (hedLabel bs) & \case
Left err -> error ("Bad host prefix. Must be a ship name: " <> unpack err)
Right sp -> pure sp
byteShip = fmap (fromIntegral . Ob.fromPatp) . bytePatp
bytePatp = Ob.parsePatp . decodeUtf8Lenient
hedLabel = fst . break (== fromIntegral (C.ord '.'))
:: HasLogFunc e => e -> MultiTlsConfig -> Maybe String -> IO Credentials
onSniHdr env (MTC mtls) mHos = do
tabl <- atomically (readTVar mtls)
runRIO env $ logDbg ctx (tabl, mHos)
ship <- hostShip (encodeUtf8 . pack <$> mHos)
runRIO env $ logDbg ctx ship
tcfg <- lookup ship tabl & maybe (notRunning ship) (pure . snd)
runRIO env $ logDbg ctx tcfg
pure (Credentials [tcfg])
notRunning ship = error ("Ship not running: ~" <> show ship)
ctx = ["EYRE", "HTTPS", "SNI"]
:: HasLogFunc e
=> ServType
-> ServHost
-> W.Port
-> Net.Socket
-> Maybe W.Port
-> TVar E.LiveReqs
-> RIO e ()
startServer typ hos por sok red vLive = do
envir <- ask
let host = case hos of
SHLocalhost -> ""
SHAnyHostOk -> "*"
let opts =
& W.setHost host
& W.setPort (fromIntegral por)
& W.setTimeout (5 * 60)
-- TODO build in pier, thread through here
let runAppl who = envir who vLive
reqShip = hostShip . W.requestHeaderHost
case typ of
STHttp who sub api -> do
let app = runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) sub
io (W.runSettingsSocket opts sok app)
STHttps who TlsConfig {..} sub api -> do
let tls = W.tlsSettingsChainMemory tcCerti tcChain tcPrKey
let app = runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) sub
io (W.runTLSSocket tls opts sok app)
STMultiHttp fub api -> do
let app req resp = do
who <- reqShip req
sub <- atomically $ fub who
runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) sub req resp
io (W.runSettingsSocket opts sok app)
STMultiHttps mtls fub api -> do
TlsConfig {..} <- atomically (getFirstTlsConfig mtls)
let sni = def { onServerNameIndication = onSniHdr envir mtls }
let tlsSing = (W.tlsSettingsChainMemory tcCerti tcChain tcPrKey)
let tlsMany = tlsSing { W.tlsServerHooks = sni }
let ctx = ["EYRE", "HTTPS", "REQ"]
app = \req resp -> do
runRIO envir $ logDbg ctx "Got request"
who <- reqShip req
runRIO envir $ logDbg ctx ("Parsed HOST", who)
sub <- atomically $ fub who
runAppl who (rcReq api who) (rcKil api who) sub req resp
io (W.runTLSSocket tlsMany opts sok app)
configCreds :: TlsConfig -> Either Text Credential
configCreds TlsConfig {..} =
credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory tcCerti tcChain tcPrKey & \case
Left str -> Left (pack str)
Right rs -> Right rs
fakeServ :: HasLogFunc e => ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
fakeServ conf = do
let por = fakePort (scPort conf)
logInfo (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Running Fake Server", por))
pure $ ServApi
{ saKil = pure ()
, saPor = pure por
fakePort :: ServPort -> W.Port
fakePort SPAnyPort = 55555
fakePort (SPChoices (x :| _)) = x
getFirstTlsConfig :: MultiTlsConfig -> STM TlsConfig
getFirstTlsConfig (MTC var) = do
map <- readTVar var
case toList map of
[] -> STM.retry
x:_ -> pure (fst x)
realServ :: HasLogFunc e => TVar E.LiveReqs -> ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
realServ vLive conf@ServConf {..} = do
logInfo (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "Running Real Server"))
kil <- newEmptyTMVarIO
por <- newEmptyTMVarIO
tid <- async (runServ por)
_ <- async (atomically (takeTMVar kil) >> cancel tid)
pure $ ServApi
{ saKil = void (tryPutTMVar kil ())
, saPor = readTMVar por
runServ vPort = do
logInfo (displayShow ("EYRE", "SERV", "runServ"))
rwith (forceOpenSocket scHost scPort) $ \(por, sok) -> do
atomically (putTMVar vPort por)
startServer scType scHost por sok scRedi vLive
serv :: HasLogFunc e => TVar E.LiveReqs -> ServConf -> RIO e ServApi
serv vLive conf = do
if scFake conf
then fakeServ conf
else realServ vLive conf