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/* j/5/loss.c
** This file is in the public domain.
#include "all.h"
#include "../pit.h"
/* functions
typedef struct _u2_loss { // loss problem
u2_noun hel; // a as a list
c3_w lel_w; // length of a
c3_w lev_w; // length of b
u2_noun* hev; // b as an array
u2_noun sev; // b as a set of lists
c3_w kct_w; // candidate count
u2_noun* kad; // candidate array
} u2_loss;
// free loss object
static void
_flem(u2_loss* loc_u)
c3_w i_w;
for ( i_w = 0; i_w < loc_u->kct_w; i_w++ ) {
// extract lcs - XX don't use the stack like this
static u2_noun
_lext(u2_loss* loc_u, u2_noun kad)
if ( u2_nul == kad ) {
return u2_nul;
} else {
return u2nc(u2k(loc_u->hev[u2_cr_word(0, u2h(kad))]),
_lext(loc_u, u2t(kad)));
// extract lcs
static u2_noun
_lexs(u2_loss* loc_u)
if ( 0 == loc_u->kct_w ) {
return u2_nul;
} else return u2_ckb_flop(_lext(loc_u, loc_u->kad[loc_u->kct_w - 1]));
// initialize loss object
static void
_lemp(u2_loss* loc_u,
u2_noun hel, // retain
u2_noun hev) // retain
loc_u->hel = hel;
loc_u->lel_w = u2_ckb_lent(u2k(hel));
// Read hev into array.
c3_w i_w;
loc_u->hev = malloc(u2_ckb_lent(u2k(hev)) * sizeof(u2_noun));
for ( i_w = 0; u2_nul != hev; i_w++ ) {
loc_u->hev[i_w] = u2h(hev);
hev = u2t(hev);
loc_u->lev_w = i_w;
loc_u->kct_w = 0;
loc_u->kad = malloc(
(1 + c3_min(loc_u->lev_w, loc_u->lel_w)) *
// Compute equivalence classes.
loc_u->sev = u2_nul;
c3_w i_w;
for ( i_w = 0; i_w < loc_u->lev_w; i_w++ ) {
u2_noun how = loc_u->hev[i_w];
u2_weak hav;
u2_noun teg;
hav = u2_ckd_by_get(u2k(loc_u->sev), u2k(how));
teg = u2nc(u2_ci_words(1, &i_w),
(hav == u2_none) ? u2_nul : hav);
loc_u->sev = u2_ckd_by_put(loc_u->sev, u2k(how), teg);
// apply
static void
_lune(u2_loss* loc_u,
c3_w inx_w,
c3_w goy_w)
u2_noun kad;
kad = u2nc(u2_ci_words(1, &goy_w),
(inx_w == 0) ? u2_nul
: u2k(loc_u->kad[inx_w - 1]));
if ( loc_u->kct_w == inx_w ) {
c3_assert(loc_u->kct_w < (1 << 31));
} else {
loc_u->kad[inx_w] = kad;
// extend fits top
static u2_bean
_hink(u2_loss* loc_u,
c3_w inx_w,
c3_w goy_w)
return u2_say
( (loc_u->kct_w == inx_w) ||
(u2_cr_word(0, u2h(loc_u->kad[inx_w])) > goy_w) );
// extend fits bottom
static u2_bean
_lonk(u2_loss* loc_u,
c3_w inx_w,
c3_w goy_w)
return u2_say
( (0 == inx_w) ||
(u2_cr_word(0, u2h(loc_u->kad[inx_w - 1])) < goy_w) );
#if 0
// search for first index >= inx_w and <= max_w that fits
// the hink and lonk criteria.
static u2_bean
_binka(u2_loss* loc_u,
c3_w* inx_w,
c3_w max_w,
c3_w goy_w)
while ( *inx_w <= max_w ) {
if ( u2_no == _lonk(loc_u, *inx_w, goy_w) ) {
return u2_no;
if ( u2_yes == _hink(loc_u, *inx_w, goy_w) ) {
return u2_yes;
else ++*inx_w;
return u2_no;
// search for lowest index >= inx_w and <= max_w for which
// both hink(inx_w) and lonk(inx_w) are true. lonk is false
// if inx_w is too high, hink is false if it is too low.
static u2_bean
_bink(u2_loss* loc_u,
c3_w* inx_w,
c3_w max_w,
c3_w goy_w)
c3_assert(max_w >= *inx_w);
if ( max_w == *inx_w ) {
if ( u2_no == _lonk(loc_u, *inx_w, goy_w) ) {
return u2_no;
if ( u2_yes == _hink(loc_u, *inx_w, goy_w) ) {
return u2_yes;
else {
return u2_no;
else {
c3_w mid_w = *inx_w + ((max_w - *inx_w) / 2);
if ( (u2_no == _lonk(loc_u, mid_w, goy_w)) ||
(u2_yes == _hink(loc_u, mid_w, goy_w)) )
return _bink(loc_u, inx_w, mid_w, goy_w);
} else {
*inx_w = mid_w + 1;
return _bink(loc_u, inx_w, max_w, goy_w);
static void
_merg(u2_loss* loc_u,
c3_w inx_w,
u2_noun gay)
if ( (u2_nul == gay) || (inx_w > loc_u->kct_w) ) {
else {
u2_noun i_gay = u2h(gay);
c3_w goy_w = u2_cr_word(0, i_gay);
u2_noun bik;
bik = _bink(loc_u, &inx_w, loc_u->kct_w, goy_w);
if ( u2_yes == bik ) {
_merg(loc_u, inx_w + 1, u2t(gay));
_lune(loc_u, inx_w, goy_w);
else {
_merg(loc_u, inx_w, u2t(gay));
// compute lcs
static void
_loss(u2_loss* loc_u)
while ( u2_nul != loc_u->hel ) {
u2_noun i_hel = u2h(loc_u->hel);
u2_weak guy = u2_ckd_by_get(u2k(loc_u->sev), u2k(i_hel));
if ( u2_none != guy ) {
u2_noun gay = u2_ckb_flop(guy);
_merg(loc_u, 0, gay);
loc_u->hel = u2t(loc_u->hel);
u2_noun // produce
j2_mbc(Pt5, loss)(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun hel, // retain
u2_noun hev) // retain
u2_loss loc_u;
u2_noun lcs;
_lemp(&loc_u, hel, hev);
lcs = _lexs(&loc_u);
return lcs;
static u2_bean
_listp(u2_noun lix) // retain
while ( 1 ) {
if ( u2_nul == lix ) return u2_yes;
if ( u2_no == u2du(lix) ) return u2_no;
lix = u2t(lix);
u2_weak // produce
j2_mb(Pt5, loss)(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun cor) // retain
u2_noun hel, hev;
if ( (u2_none == (hel = u2_frag(u2_cv_sam_2, cor))) ||
(u2_none == (hev = u2_frag(u2_cv_sam_3, cor))) ||
(u2_no == _listp(hel)) ||
(u2_no == _listp(hev)) )
return u2_bl_bail(wir_r, c3__fail);
} else {
return j2_mbc(Pt5, loss)(wir_r, hel, hev);
/* structures
j2_mbj(Pt5, loss)[] = {
{ ".2", c3__lite, j2_mb(Pt5, loss), Tier5, u2_none, u2_none },
{ }