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module Data.Noun where
import Prelude
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Noun.Atom (Atom)
import Data.Bits
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Data.Flat hiding (getSize)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Cell = ACell !Noun !Noun
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Noun
= Atom !Atom
| Cell !Noun !Noun
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass Flat
data CellIdx = L | R
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type NounPath = [CellIdx]
-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Show Noun where
show (Atom a) = show a
show (Cell x y) = fmtCell (show <$> (x : toTuple y))
fmtCell :: [String] -> String
fmtCell xs = "[" <> intercalate " " xs <> "]"
instance Arbitrary Noun where
arbitrary = resize 1000 go
dub x = Cell x x
go = do
sz <- getSize
(bit, bat :: Bool) <- arbitrary
case (sz, bit, bat) of
( 0, _, _ ) -> Atom <$> arbitrary
( _, False, _ ) -> Atom <$> arbitrary
( _, True, True ) -> dub <$> arbitrary
( _, True, _ ) -> scale (\x -> x-10) (Cell <$> go <*> go)
-- Predicates ------------------------------------------------------------------
isAtom :: Noun -> Bool
isAtom (Atom _) = True
isAtom (Cell _ _) = False
isCell :: Noun -> Bool
isCell (Atom _) = False
isCell (Cell _ _) = True
-- Tuples ----------------------------------------------------------------------
fromTuple :: [Noun] -> Noun
fromTuple [] = Atom 0
fromTuple [x] = x
fromTuple (x:xs) = Cell x (fromTuple xs)
toTuple :: Noun -> [Noun]
toTuple (Cell x xs) = x : toTuple xs
toTuple atom = [atom]
-- Lists -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fromList :: [Noun] -> Noun
fromList [] = Atom 0
fromList (x:xs) = Cell x (fromList xs)
toList :: Noun -> Maybe [Noun]
toList (Atom 0) = Just []
toList (Atom _) = Nothing
toList (Cell x xs) = (x:) <$> toList xs
example :: Noun
example = fromTuple [Atom 1337, Atom 1338, Atom 0]
exampleIO :: IO ()
exampleIO = do
print example