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182 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, UnboxedTuples #-}
module Data.Noun.Atom where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Lens
-- import Prelude ((^))
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
import GHC.Natural
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Int
import Data.Bits
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Text.Printf
import Data.Flat
newtype Atom = MkAtom { unAtom :: Natural }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Bits, Enum, Real, Integral, Flat)
instance Show Atom where
show (MkAtom a) = show a
An Atom with a bit-offset.
data Cursor = Cursor
{ _cOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, _cBuffer :: !Atom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Slice = Slice
{ _sOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, _sWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, _sBuffer :: !Atom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
makeLenses ''Cursor
makeLenses ''Slice
-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Arbitrary Natural where
arbitrary = fromInteger . abs <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Atom where
arbitrary = do
arbitrary >>= \case
False -> MkAtom <$> arbitrary
True -> arbitrary <&> ((`mod` 16) . MkAtom)
-- Conversion ------------------------------------------------------------------
class IsAtom a where
toAtom :: a -> Atom
fromAtom :: Atom -> a
instance IsAtom Atom where
toAtom = id
fromAtom = id
instance IsAtom Natural where
toAtom = MkAtom
fromAtom (MkAtom a) = a
instance IsAtom Word8 where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Word16 where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Word32 where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Word64 where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Word where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Int where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
instance IsAtom Integer where
toAtom = fromIntegral
fromAtom = fromIntegral
TODO Support 32-bit archetectures.
wordBitWidth# :: Word# -> Word#
wordBitWidth# w = minusWord# 64## (clz# w)
bigNatBitWidth# :: BigNat -> Word#
bigNatBitWidth# nat =
lswBits `plusWord#` ((int2Word# lastIdx) `timesWord#` 64##)
(# lastIdx, _ #) = subIntC# (sizeofBigNat# nat) 1#
lswBits = wordBitWidth# (indexBigNat# nat lastIdx)
atomBitWidth# :: Atom -> Word#
atomBitWidth# (MkAtom (NatS# gl)) = wordBitWidth# gl
atomBitWidth# (MkAtom (NatJ# bn)) = bigNatBitWidth# bn
bitWidth :: Num a => Atom -> a
bitWidth a = fromIntegral (W# (atomBitWidth# a))
cursor :: Atom -> Atom -> Cursor
cursor offset buf = Cursor (fromIntegral offset) buf
fromCursor :: Cursor -> Atom
fromCursor (Cursor off buf) = shiftR buf off
bumpCursor :: Word -> Cursor -> Cursor
bumpCursor off = over cOffset (+ fromIntegral off)
instance IsAtom Cursor where
toAtom (Cursor off bits) = shiftR bits off
fromAtom = Cursor 0
slice :: (Atom, Atom) -> Atom -> Atom
slice (offset, size) buf =
fromSlice (Slice (fromAtom offset) (fromAtom size) buf)
fromSlice :: Slice -> Atom
fromSlice (Slice off wid buf) = mask .&. (shiftR buf off)
where mask = shiftL (MkAtom 1) wid - 1
takeBits :: Int -> Atom -> Atom
takeBits wid buf = mask .&. buf
where mask = shiftL (MkAtom 1) wid - 1
bitIdx :: Int -> Atom -> Bool
bitIdx idx buf = testBit buf idx
bitConcat :: Atom -> Atom -> Atom
bitConcat x y = x .|. shiftL y (bitWidth x)
-- Bit Buffers -----------------------------------------------------------------
data Buf = Buf !Int !Atom
instance Show Buf where
show (Buf sz bits) = "0b"
<> replicate (sz - bitWidth bits) '0'
<> printf "%b (%d bits)" (toInteger bits) sz
instance Semigroup Buf where
Buf xSz xBuf <> Buf ySz yBuf = Buf (xSz+ySz) (xBuf .|. shiftL yBuf xSz)
instance Monoid Buf where
mempty = Buf 0 0
instance IsAtom Buf where
toAtom (Buf _ bits) = bits
fromAtom bits = Buf (bitWidth bits) bits