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synced 2024-12-23 02:41:35 +03:00
568 lines
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568 lines
15 KiB
:: contact-hook:
/- group-hook,
/+ *contact-json, default-agent, dbug, group-store, verb, resource, grpl=group
~% %contact-hook-top ..is ~
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ versioned-state
$% state-zero
+$ state-zero [%0 state-base]
+$ state-one [%1 state-base]
+$ state-two [%2 state-base]
+$ state-three [%3 state-base]
+$ state-base
$: =synced
=| state-three
=* state -
%- agent:dbug
%+ verb |
^- agent:gall
|_ bol=bowl:gall
+* this .
contact-core +>
cc ~(. contact-core bol)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bol)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:_ this(invite-created %.y)
:~ (invite-poke:cc [%create /contacts])
[%pass /inv %agent [our.bol %invite-store] %watch /invitatory/contacts]
[%pass /group %agent [our.bol %group-store] %watch /groups]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old-vase=vase
^- (quip card _this)
=/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase)
=| cards=(list card)
|- ^- (quip card _this)
?: ?=(%3 -.old)
[cards this(state old)]
?: ?=(%2 -.old)
%_ $
old [%3 +.old]
%+ welp
%- zing
%+ turn
~(tap by synced.old)
|= [=path =ship]
^- (list card)
?. =(ship our.bol)
?> ?=([%ship *] path)
:~ (pass-store contacts+t.path %leave ~)
(pass-store contacts+path %watch contacts+path)
?: ?=(%1 -.old)
%_ $
-.old %2
%- malt
%+ turn
~(tap by synced.old)
|= [=path =ship]
[ship+path ship]
^- (list card)
;: welp
:~ [%pass /group %agent [our.bol %group-store] %leave ~]
[%pass /group %agent [our.bol %group-store] %watch /groups]
%_ $
-.old %1
:_ cards
[%pass /group %agent [our.bol %group-store] %watch /updates]
++ kick-old-subs
=/ paths
%+ turn
~(val by sup.bol)
|=([=ship =path] path)
?~ paths ~
[%give %kick paths ~]~
++ pass-store
|= [=wire =task:agent:gall]
^- card
[%pass wire %agent [our.bol %contact-store] task]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
(poke-json:cc !<(json vase))
(poke-contact-action:cc !<(contact-action vase))
(poke-hook-action:cc !<(contact-hook-action vase))
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
?+ path (on-watch:def path)
[%contacts *] [(watch-contacts:cc t.path) this]
[%synced *] [(watch-synced:cc t.path) this]
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
%kick [(kick:cc wire) this]
=^ cards state
(watch-ack:cc wire p.sign)
[cards this]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=^ cards state
(fact-contact-update:cc wire !<(contact-update q.cage.sign))
[cards this]
=^ cards state
(fact-group-update:cc wire !<(update:group-store q.cage.sign))
[cards this]
=^ cards state
(fact-invite-update:cc wire !<(invite-update q.cage.sign))
[cards this]
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ bol=bowl:gall
++ grp ~(. grpl bol)
++ poke-json
|= jon=json
^- (quip card _state)
(poke-contact-action (json-to-action jon))
++ poke-contact-action
|= act=contact-action
^- (quip card _state)
:_ state
?+ -.act !!
%edit (handle-contact-action path.act ship.act act)
%add (handle-contact-action path.act ship.act act)
%remove (handle-contact-action path.act ship.act act)
++ handle-contact-action
|= [=path =ship act=contact-action]
^- (list card)
:: local
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?. |(=(path /~/default) (~(has by synced) path)) ~
=/ shp ?:(=(path /~/default) our.bol (~(got by synced) path))
=/ appl ?:(=(shp our.bol) %contact-store %contact-hook)
[%pass / %agent [shp appl] %poke %contact-action !>(act)]~
:: foreign
=/ shp (~(got by synced) path)
?. |(=(shp our.bol) =(src.bol ship)) ~
:: scry group to check if ship is a member
=/ =group (need (group-scry path))
?. (~(has in members.group) shp) ~
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %poke %contact-action !>(act)]~
++ poke-hook-action
|= act=contact-hook-action
^- (quip card _state)
?- -.act
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
=/ contact-path [%contacts path.act]
?: (~(has by synced) path.act)
[~ state]
=. synced (~(put by synced) path.act our.bol)
:_ state
:~ [%pass contact-path %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %watch contact-path]
[%give %fact [/synced]~ %contact-hook-update !>([%initial synced])]
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?: (~(has by synced) path.act) [~ state]
=. synced (~(put by synced) path.act ship.act)
=/ contact-path [%contacts path.act]
:_ state
:~ [%pass contact-path %agent [ship.act %contact-hook] %watch contact-path]
[%give %fact [/synced]~ %contact-hook-update !>([%initial synced])]
=/ ship (~(get by synced) path.act)
?~ ship [~ state]
?: &(=(u.ship our.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: delete one of our.bol own paths
:_ state(synced (~(del by synced) path.act))
%- zing
:~ (pull-wire [%contacts path.act])
[%give %kick ~[[%contacts path.act]] ~]~
[%give %fact [/synced]~ %contact-hook-update !>([%initial synced])]~
?. |(=(u.ship src.bol) (team:title our.bol src.bol))
:: if neither ship = source or source = us, do nothing
[~ state]
:: delete a foreign ship's path
=/ cards
(handle-contact-action path.act our.bol [%remove path.act our.bol])
:_ state(synced (~(del by synced) path.act))
%- zing
:~ (pull-wire [%contacts path.act])
[%give %fact [/synced]~ %contact-hook-update !>([%initial synced])]~
++ watch-contacts
|= pax=path
^- (list card)
?> ?=(^ pax)
?> (~(has by synced) pax)
:: scry groups to check if ship is a member
=/ =group (need (group-scry pax))
?> (~(has in members.group) src.bol)
=/ contacts (need (contacts-scry pax))
[%give %fact ~ %contact-update !>([%contacts pax contacts])]~
++ watch-synced
|= pax=path
^- (list card)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
[%give %fact ~ %contact-hook-update !>([%initial synced])]~
++ watch-ack
|= [wir=wire saw=(unit tang)]
^- (quip card _state)
?~ saw
[~ state]
?> ?=(^ wir)
[~ state(synced (~(del by synced) t.wir))]
++ migrate
|= wir=wire
^- wire
?> ?=([%contacts @ @ *] wir)
[%contacts %ship t.wir]
++ kick
|= wir=wire
^- (list card)
?+ wir !!
[%inv ~]
[%pass /inv %agent [our.bol %invite-store] %watch /invitatory/contacts]~
[%group ~]
[%pass /group %agent [our.bol %group-store] %watch /groups]~
[%contacts @ *]
=/ wir
?: =(%ship i.t.wir)
(migrate wir)
?> ?=([%contacts @ @ *] wir)
?. (~(has by synced) t.wir) ~
=/ =ship (~(got by synced) t.wir)
?: =(ship our.bol)
[%pass wir %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %watch wir]~
[%pass wir %agent [ship %contact-hook] %watch wir]~
++ fact-contact-update
|= [wir=wire fact=contact-update]
^- (quip card _state)
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol)
(local fact)
:_ state
(foreign fact)
++ give-fact
|= [=path update=contact-update]
^- (list card)
[%give %fact ~[[%contacts path]] %contact-update !>(update)]~
++ local
|= fact=contact-update
^- (quip card _state)
?+ -.fact [~ state]
:_ state
(give-fact path.fact [%add path.fact ship.fact contact.fact])
:_ state
(give-fact path.fact [%edit path.fact ship.fact edit-field.fact])
=. synced (~(del by synced) path.fact)
++ foreign
|= fact=contact-update
^- (list card)
?+ -.fact ~
=/ owner (~(got by synced) path.fact)
?> =(owner src.bol)
=/ have-contacts=(unit contacts)
(contacts-scry path.fact)
?~ have-contacts
:: if we don't have any contacts yet,
:: create the entry, and %add every contact
:- (contact-poke [%create path.fact])
%+ turn ~(tap by contacts.fact)
|= [=ship =contact]
(contact-poke [%add path.fact ship contact])
:: if we already have some, decide between %add, %remove and recreate
:: on a per-contact basis
%- zing
%+ turn
%~ tap in
%- ~(uni in ~(key by contacts.fact))
~(key by u.have-contacts)
|= =ship
^- (list card)
=/ have=(unit contact) (~(get by u.have-contacts) ship)
=/ want=(unit contact) (~(get by contacts.fact) ship)
?~ have
[(contact-poke %add path.fact ship (need want))]~
?~ want
[(contact-poke %remove path.fact ship)]~
?: =(u.want u.have) ~
::TODO probably want an %all edit-field that resolves to more granular
:: updates within the contact-store?
:~ (contact-poke %remove path.fact ship)
(contact-poke %add path.fact ship u.want)
=/ owner (~(get by synced) path.fact)
?~ owner ~
?> |(=(u.owner src.bol) =(src.bol ship.fact))
~[(contact-poke [%add path.fact ship.fact contact.fact])]
=/ owner (~(get by synced) path.fact)
?~ owner ~
?> |(=(u.owner src.bol) =(src.bol ship.fact))
~[(contact-poke [%remove path.fact ship.fact])]
=/ owner (~(got by synced) path.fact)
?> |(=(owner src.bol) =(src.bol ship.fact))
~[(contact-poke [%edit path.fact ship.fact edit-field.fact])]
++ fact-group-update
|= [wir=wire fact=update:group-store]
^- (quip card _state)
?: ?=(%initial -.fact)
[~ state]
=/ group=(unit group)
(scry-group:grp resource.fact)
?+ -.fact [~ state]
%initial-group (initial-group +.fact)
%remove-members (remove +.fact)
%remove-group (unbundle +.fact)
++ initial-group
|= [rid=resource =^group]
^- (quip card _state)
?: hidden.group [~ state]
=/ =path
(en-path:resource rid)
?: (~(has by synced) path)
[~ state]
(poke-hook-action %add-synced entity.rid path)
++ unbundle
|= [rid=resource ~]
^- (quip card _state)
=/ =path
(en-path:resource rid)
?. (~(has by synced) path)
?~ (contacts-scry path)
[~ state]
:_ state
[(contact-poke [%delete path])]~
:_ state(synced (~(del by synced) path))
:~ [%pass [%contacts path] %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %leave ~]
[(contact-poke [%delete path])]
++ remove
|= [rid=resource ships=(set ship)]
^- (quip card _state)
:: if pax is synced, remove member from contacts and kick their sub
?~ group
[~ state]
?: hidden.u.group [~ state]
=/ =path
(en-path:resource rid)
=/ owner=(unit ship) (~(get by synced) path)
?~ owner
:_ state
%+ turn ~(tap in ships)
|= =ship
(contact-poke [%remove path ship])
:_ state
%- zing
%+ turn ~(tap in ships)
|= =ship
:~ [%give %kick ~[[%contacts path]] `ship]
?: =(ship our.bol)
(contact-poke [%delete path])
(contact-poke [%remove path ship])
++ send-invite-poke
|= [=path =ship]
^- card
=/ =invite
:* our.bol %contact-hook
path ship ''
=/ act=invite-action [%invite /contacts (shaf %msg-uid eny.bol) invite]
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %invite-hook] %poke %invite-action !>(act)]
++ fact-invite-update
|= [wir=wire fact=invite-update]
^- (quip card _state)
?+ -.fact [~ state]
=/ rid=resource
(de-path:resource path.invite.fact)
:_ state
~[(contact-view-poke %join rid)]
++ group-hook-poke
|= =action:group-hook
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-hook] %poke %group-hook-action !>(action)]
++ invite-poke
|= act=invite-action
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %invite-store] %poke %invite-action !>(act)]
++ contact-poke
|= act=contact-action
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %poke %contact-action !>(act)]
++ contact-view-poke
|= act=contact-view-action
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %contact-view] %poke %contact-view-action !>(act)]
++ group-poke
|= act=action:group-store
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-store] %poke %group-action !>(act)]
++ metadata-poke
|= act=metadata-action
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-store] %poke %metadata-action !>(act)]
++ metadata-hook-poke
|= act=metadata-hook-action
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %metadata-hook] %poke %metadata-hook-action !>(act)]
++ contacts-scry
|= pax=path
^- (unit contacts)
=. pax
;: weld
/(scot %p our.bol)/contact-store/(scot %da now.bol)/contacts
.^((unit contacts) %gx pax)
++ invite-scry
|= uid=serial
^- (unit invite)
=/ pax
;: weld
/(scot %p our.bol)/invite-store/(scot %da now.bol)
/invite/contacts/(scot %uv uid)/noun
.^((unit invite) %gx pax)
++ group-scry
|= pax=path
.^ (unit group)
;:(weld /(scot %p our.bol)/group-store/(scot %da now.bol) /groups pax /noun)
++ pull-wire
|= pax=path
^- (list card)
?> ?=(^ pax)
=/ shp (~(get by synced) t.pax)
?~ shp ~
?: =(u.shp our.bol)
[%pass pax %agent [our.bol %contact-store] %leave ~]~
[%pass pax %agent [u.shp %contact-hook] %leave ~]~