mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 08:32:39 +03:00
14678 lines
439 KiB
14678 lines
439 KiB
:::: /sys/hoon ::
:: ::
=< ride
=> %141 =>
:: ::
:::: 0: version stub ::
:: ::
~% %k.141 ~ ~ ::
++ hoon-version 141
-- =>
~% %one + ~
:: # %base
:: basic mathematical operations
:: # %math
:: unsigned arithmetic
+| %math
++ add
~/ %add
:: unsigned addition
:: a: augend
:: b: addend
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: sum
^- @
?: =(0 a) b
$(a (dec a), b +(b))
++ dec
~/ %dec
:: unsigned decrement by one.
|= a=@
~_ leaf+"decrement-underflow"
?< =(0 a)
=+ b=0
:: decremented integer
|- ^- @
?: =(a +(b)) b
$(b +(b))
++ div
~/ %div
:: unsigned divide
:: a: dividend
:: b: divisor
|: [a=`@`1 b=`@`1]
:: quotient
^- @
~_ leaf+"divide-by-zero"
?< =(0 b)
=+ c=0
?: (lth a b) c
$(a (sub a b), c +(c))
++ dvr
~/ %dvr
:: unsigned divide with remainder
:: a: dividend
:: b: divisor
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: p: quotient
:: q: remainder
^- [p=@ q=@]
[(div a b) (mod a b)]
++ gte
~/ %gte
:: unsigned greater than or equals
:: returns whether {a >= b}.
:: a: left hand operand (todo: name)
:: b: right hand operand
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: greater than or equal to?
^- ?
!(lth a b)
++ gth
~/ %gth
:: unsigned greater than
:: returns whether {a > b}
:: a: left hand operand (todo: name)
:: b: right hand operand
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: greater than?
^- ?
!(lte a b)
++ lte
~/ %lte
:: unsigned less than or equals
:: returns whether {a >= b}.
:: a: left hand operand (todo: name)
:: b: right hand operand
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: less than or equal to?
|(=(a b) (lth a b))
++ lth
~/ %lth
:: unsigned less than
:: a: left hand operand (todo: name)
:: b: right hand operand
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: less than?
^- ?
?& !=(a b)
?| =(0 a)
?& !=(0 b)
$(a (dec a), b (dec b))
== == ==
++ max
~/ %max
:: unsigned maximum
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: the maximum
^- @
?: (gth a b) a
++ min
~/ %min
:: unsigned minimum
|= [a=@ b=@]
:: the minimum
^- @
?: (lth a b) a
++ mod
~/ %mod
:: unsigned modulus
:: a: dividend
:: b: divisor
|: [a=`@`1 b=`@`1]
:: the remainder
^- @
?< =(0 b)
(sub a (mul b (div a b)))
++ mul
~/ %mul
:: unsigned multiplication
:: a: multiplicand
:: b: multiplier
|: [a=`@`1 b=`@`1]
:: product
^- @
=+ c=0
?: =(0 a) c
$(a (dec a), c (add b c))
++ sub
~/ %sub
:: unsigned subtraction
:: a: minuend
:: b: subtrahend
|= [a=@ b=@]
~_ leaf+"subtract-underflow"
:: difference
^- @
?: =(0 b) a
$(a (dec a), b (dec b))
:: # %tree
:: tree addressing
+| %tree
++ cap
~/ %cap
:: tree head
:: tests whether an `a` is in the head or tail of a noun. produces %2 if it
:: is within the head, or %3 if it is within the tail.
|= a=@
^- ?($2 $3)
?- a
$2 %2
$3 %3
?($0 $1) !!
* $(a (div a 2))
++ mas
~/ %mas
:: axis within head/tail
:: computes the axis of `a` within either the head or tail of a noun
:: (depends whether `a` lies within the the head or tail).
|= a=@
^- @
?- a
?(%2 %3) 1
?(%0 %1) !!
* (add (mod a 2) (mul $(a (div a 2)) 2))
++ peg
~/ %peg
:: axis within axis
:: computes the axis of {b} within axis {a}.
|= [a=@ b=@]
?< =(0 a)
:: a composed axis
^- @
?- b
$1 a
$2 (mul a 2)
$3 +((mul a 2))
* (add (mod b 2) (mul $(b (div b 2)) 2))
:: ::
:::: 2n: functional hacks ::
:: ::
++ aftr |*(a/$-(* *) |*(b/$-(* *) (pair b a))) :: pair after
++ cork |*({a/$-(* *) b/$-(* *)} (corl b a)) :: compose forward
++ corl :: compose backwards
|* {a/$-(* *) b/$-(* *)}
=< +:|.((a (b))) :: type check
=+ c=+<.b
|@ ++ $ (a (b c))
++ cury :: curry left
|* {a/$-(^ *) b/*}
=+ c=+<+.a
|@ ++ $ (a b c)
++ curr :: curry right
|* {a/$-(^ *) c/*}
=+ b=+<+.a
|@ ++ $ (a b c)
++ fore |*(a/$-(* *) |*(b/$-(* *) (pair a b))) :: pair before
++ head |*(^ ,:+<-) :: get head
++ same |*(* +<) :: identity
++ tail |*(^ ,:+<+) :: get tail
++ test |=(^ =(+<- +<+)) :: equality
:: # %containers
:: the most basic of data types
+| %containers
++ bloq
:: blocksize
:: a blocksize is the power of 2 size of an atom. ie, 3 is a byte as 2^3 is
:: 8 bits.
++ each
|$ [this that]
:: either {a} or {b}, defaulting to {a}.
:: mold generator: produces a discriminated fork between two types,
:: defaulting to {a}.
$% [%| p=that]
[%& p=this]
++ gate
:: function
:: a core with one arm, `$`--the empty name--which transforms a sample noun
:: into a product noun. If used dryly as a type, the subject must have a
:: sample type of `*`.
$-(* *)
++ list
|$ [item]
:: null-terminated list
:: mold generator: produces a mold of a null-terminated list of the
:: homogeneous type {a}.
$@(~ [i=item t=(list item)])
++ lone
|$ [item]
:: single item tuple
:: mold generator: puts the face of `p` on the passed in mold.
++ lest
|$ [item]
:: null-terminated non-empty list
:: mold generator: produces a mold of a null-terminated list of the
:: homogeneous type {a} with at least one element.
[i/item t/(list item)]
++ mold
:: normalizing gate
:: a gate that accepts any noun, and validates its shape, producing the
:: input if it fits or a default value if it doesn't.
:: examples: * @ud ,[p=time q=?(%a %b)]
$~(* $-(* *))
++ pair
|$ [head tail]
:: dual tuple
:: mold generator: produces a tuple of the two types passed in.
:: a: first type, labeled {p}
:: b: second type, labeled {q}
[p=head q=tail]
++ pole
|$ [item]
:: faceless list
:: like ++list, but without the faces {i} and {t}.
$@(~ [item (pole item)])
++ qual
|$ [first second third fourth]
:: quadruple tuple
:: mold generator: produces a tuple of the four types passed in.
[p=first q=second r=third s=fourth]
++ quip
|$ [item state]
:: pair of list of first and second
:: a common pattern in hoon code is to return a ++list of changes, along with
:: a new state.
:: a: type of list item
:: b: type of returned state
[(list item) state]
++ trap
|$ [product]
:: a core with one arm `$`
++ tree
|$ [node]
:: tree mold generator
:: a `++tree` can be empty, or contain a node of a type and
:: left/right sub `++tree` of the same type. pretty-printed with `{}`.
$@(~ [n=node l=(tree node) r=(tree node)])
++ trel
|$ [first second third]
:: triple tuple
:: mold generator: produces a tuple of the three types passed in.
[p=first q=second r=third]
++ unit
|$ [item]
:: maybe
:: mold generator: either `~` or `[~ u=a]` where `a` is the
:: type that was passed in.
$@(~ [~ u=item])
-- =>
:: ::
:::: 2: layer two ::
:: ::
:: 2a: unit logic ::
:: 2b: list logic ::
:: 2c: bit arithmetic ::
:: 2d: bit logic ::
:: 2e: insecure hashing ::
:: 2f: noun ordering ::
:: 2g: unsigned powers ::
:: 2h: set logic ::
:: 2i: map logic ::
:: 2j: jar and jug logic ::
:: 2k: queue logic ::
:: 2l: container from container ::
:: 2m: container from noun ::
:: 2n: functional hacks ::
:: 2o: normalizing containers ::
:: 2p: serialization ::
:: 2q: molds and mold builders ::
~% %two + ~
:: ::
:::: 2a: unit logic ::
:: ::
:: biff, bind, bond, both, clap, drop, ::
:: fall, flit, lift, mate, need, some ::
++ biff :: apply
|* {a/(unit) b/$-(* (unit))}
?~ a ~
(b u.a)
++ bind :: argue
|* {a/(unit) b/gate}
?~ a ~
[~ u=(b u.a)]
++ bond :: replace
|* a/(trap)
|* b/(unit)
?~ b $:a
++ both :: all the above
|* {a/(unit) b/(unit)}
?~ a ~
?~ b ~
[~ u=[u.a u.b]]
++ clap :: combine
|* {a/(unit) b/(unit) c/_=>(~ |=(^ +<-))}
?~ a b
?~ b a
[~ u=(c u.a u.b)]
++ clef :: compose
|* {a/(unit) b/(unit) c/_=>(~ |=(^ `+<-))}
?~ a ~
?~ b ~
(c u.a u.b)
++ drop :: enlist
|* a/(unit)
?~ a ~
[i=u.a t=~]
++ fall :: default
|* {a/(unit) b/*}
?~(a b u.a)
++ flit :: make filter
|* a/$-(* ?)
|* b/*
?.((a b) ~ [~ u=b])
++ hunt :: first of units
|* [ord=$-(^ ?) a=(unit) b=(unit)]
^- %- unit
$? _?>(?=(^ a) u.a)
_?>(?=(^ b) u.b)
?~ a b
?~ b a
?:((ord u.a u.b) a b)
++ lift :: lift mold (fmap)
|* a/mold :: flipped
|* b/(unit) :: curried
(bind b a) :: bind
++ mate :: choose
|* {a/(unit) b/(unit)}
?~ b a
?~ a b
?.(=(u.a u.b) ~>(%mean.'mate' !!) a)
++ need :: demand
~/ %need
|* a/(unit)
?~ a ~>(%mean.'need' !!)
++ some :: lift (pure)
|* a/*
[~ u=a]
:::: 2b: list logic ::
:: ::
:: ::
:: +snoc: append an element to the end of a list
++ snoc
|* [a/(list) b/*]
(weld a ^+(a [b]~))
++ fand :: all indices
~/ %fand
|= {nedl/(list) hstk/(list)}
=| i/@ud
=| fnd/(list @ud)
|- ^+ fnd
=+ [n=nedl h=hstk]
?: |(?=(~ n) ?=(~ h))
(flop fnd)
?: =(i.n i.h)
?~ t.n
^$(i +(i), hstk +.hstk, fnd [i fnd])
$(n t.n, h t.h)
^$(i +(i), hstk +.hstk)
++ find :: first index
~/ %find
|= {nedl/(list) hstk/(list)}
=| i/@ud
|- ^- (unit @ud)
=+ [n=nedl h=hstk]
?: |(?=(~ n) ?=(~ h))
?: =(i.n i.h)
?~ t.n
$(n t.n, h t.h)
^$(i +(i), hstk +.hstk)
++ flop :: reverse
~/ %flop
|* a/(list)
=> .(a (homo a))
^+ a
=+ b=`_a`~
?~ a b
$(a t.a, b [i.a b])
++ gulf :: range inclusive
|= {a/@ b/@}
?> (lte a b)
|- ^- (list @)
?:(=(a +(b)) ~ [a $(a +(a))])
++ homo :: homogenize
|* a/(list)
^+ =< $
|@ ++ $ ?:(*? ~ [i=(snag 0 a) t=$])
:: +join: construct a new list, placing .sep between every pair in .lit
++ join
|* [sep=* lit=(list)]
=. sep `_?>(?=(^ lit) i.lit)`sep
?~ lit ~
=| out=(list _?>(?=(^ lit) i.lit))
|- ^+ out
?~ t.lit
(flop [i.lit out])
$(out [sep i.lit out], lit t.lit)
:: +bake: convert wet gate to dry gate by specifying argument mold
++ bake
|* [f=gate a=mold]
|= arg=a
(f arg)
++ lent :: length
~/ %lent
|= a/(list)
^- @
=+ b=0
?~ a b
$(a t.a, b +(b))
++ levy
~/ %levy :: all of
|* {a/(list) b/$-(* ?)}
|- ^- ?
?~ a &
?. (b i.a) |
$(a t.a)
++ lien :: some of
~/ %lien
|* {a/(list) b/$-(* ?)}
|- ^- ?
?~ a |
?: (b i.a) &
$(a t.a)
++ limo :: listify
|* a/*
^+ =< $
|@ ++ $ ?~(a ~ ?:(*? [i=-.a t=$] $(a +.a)))
++ murn :: maybe transform
~/ %murn
|* {a/(list) b/$-(* (unit))}
?~ a ~
=+ c=(b i.a)
?~ c
$(a t.a)
[i=u.c t=$(a t.a)]
++ oust :: remove
~/ %oust
|* {{a/@ b/@} c/(list)}
(weld (scag +<-< c) (slag (add +<-< +<->) c))
++ reap :: replicate
~/ %reap
|* {a/@ b/*}
|- ^- (list _b)
?~ a ~
[b $(a (dec a))]
++ reel :: right fold
~/ %reel
|* {a/(list) b/_=>(~ |=({* *} +<+))}
|- ^+ ,.+<+.b
?~ a
(b i.a $(a t.a))
++ roll :: left fold
~/ %roll
|* {a/(list) b/_=>(~ |=({* *} +<+))}
|- ^+ ,.+<+.b
?~ a
$(a t.a, b b(+<+ (b i.a +<+.b)))
++ scag :: prefix
~/ %scag
|* {a/@ b/(list)}
|- ^+ b
?: |(?=(~ b) =(0 a)) ~
[i.b $(b t.b, a (dec a))]
++ skid :: separate
~/ %skid
|* {a/(list) b/$-(* ?)}
|- ^+ [p=a q=a]
?~ a [~ ~]
=+ c=$(a t.a)
?:((b i.a) [[i.a p.c] q.c] [p.c [i.a q.c]])
++ skim :: only
~/ %skim
|* {a/(list) b/$-(* ?)}
^+ a
?~ a ~
?:((b i.a) [i.a $(a t.a)] $(a t.a))
++ skip :: except
~/ %skip
|* {a/(list) b/$-(* ?)}
^+ a
?~ a ~
?:((b i.a) $(a t.a) [i.a $(a t.a)])
++ slag :: suffix
~/ %slag
|* {a/@ b/(list)}
|- ^+ b
?: =(0 a) b
?~ b ~
$(b t.b, a (dec a))
++ snag :: index
~/ %snag
|* {a/@ b/(list)}
|- ^+ ?>(?=(^ b) i.b)
?~ b
~_ leaf+"snag-fail"
?: =(0 a) i.b
$(b t.b, a (dec a))
++ sort !. :: quicksort
~/ %sort
|* {a/(list) b/$-({* *} ?)}
=> .(a ^.(homo a))
|- ^+ a
?~ a ~
=+ s=(skid t.a |:(c=i.a (b c i.a)))
%+ weld
$(a p.s)
^+ t.a
[i.a $(a q.s)]
++ spin :: stateful turn
:: a: list
:: b: state
:: c: gate from list-item and state to product and new state
~/ %spin
|* [a=(list) b=* c=_|=(^ [** +<+])]
=> .(c `$-([_?>(?=(^ a) i.a) _b] [_-:(c) _b])`c)
=/ acc=(list _-:(c)) ~
:: transformed list and updated state
|- ^- (pair _acc _b)
?~ a
[(flop acc) b]
=^ res b (c i.a b)
$(acc [res acc], a t.a)
++ spun :: internal spin
:: a: list
:: b: gate from list-item and state to product and new state
~/ %spun
|* [a=(list) b=_|=(^ [** +<+])]
:: transformed list
p:(spin a +<+.b b)
++ swag :: slice
|* {{a/@ b/@} c/(list)}
(scag +<-> (slag +<-< c))
:: +turn: transform each value of list :a using the function :b
++ turn
~/ %turn
|* [a=(list) b=gate]
=> .(a (homo a))
^- (list _?>(?=(^ a) (b i.a)))
?~ a ~
[i=(b i.a) t=$(a t.a)]
++ weld :: concatenate
~/ %weld
|* {a/(list) b/(list)}
=> .(a ^.(homo a), b ^.(homo b))
|- ^+ b
?~ a b
[i.a $(a t.a)]
++ snap :: replace item
~/ %snap
|* [a=(list) b=@ c=*]
^+ a
(weld (scag b a) [c (slag +(b) a)])
++ into :: insert item
~/ %into
|* [a=(list) b=@ c=*]
^+ a
(weld (scag b a) [c (slag b a)])
++ welp :: faceless weld
=| {* *}
++ $
?~ +<-
+<-(. +<+)
+<-(+ $(+<- +<->))
++ zing :: promote
=| *
++ $
?~ +<
(welp +<- $(+< +<+))
:: ::
:::: 2c: bit arithmetic ::
:: ::
++ bex :: binary exponent
~/ %bex
|= a/@
^- @
?: =(0 a) 1
(mul 2 $(a (dec a)))
++ can :: assemble
~/ %can
|= {a/bloq b/(list {p/@u q/@})}
^- @
?~ b 0
(add (end a p.i.b q.i.b) (lsh a p.i.b $(b t.b)))
++ cat :: concatenate
~/ %cat
|= {a/bloq b/@ c/@}
(add (lsh a (met a b) c) b)
++ cut :: slice
~/ %cut
|= {a/bloq {b/@u c/@u} d/@}
(end a c (rsh a b d))
++ end :: tail
~/ %end
|= {a/bloq b/@u c/@}
(mod c (bex (mul (bex a) b)))
++ fil :: fill bloqstream
|= {a/bloq b/@u c/@}
=+ n=0
=+ d=c
|- ^- @
?: =(n b)
(rsh a 1 d)
$(d (add c (lsh a 1 d)), n +(n))
++ lsh :: left-shift
~/ %lsh
|= {a/bloq b/@u c/@}
(mul (bex (mul (bex a) b)) c)
++ met :: measure
~/ %met
|= {a/bloq b/@}
^- @
=+ c=0
?: =(0 b) c
$(b (rsh a 1 b), c +(c))
++ rap :: assemble nonzero
~/ %rap
|= {a/bloq b/(list @)}
^- @
=+ ~ ::REMOVEME jet dashboard bump
?~ b 0
(cat a i.b $(b t.b))
++ rep :: assemble single
~/ %rep
|= {a/bloq b/(list @)}
^- @
=+ c=0
?~ b 0
(add (lsh a c (end a 1 i.b)) $(c +(c), b t.b))
++ repn
~/ %repn
|= [bits=@ud x=(list @)]
=| c=@ud
|- ^- @
?~ x 0
(add (lsh 0 (mul bits c) (end 0 bits i.x)) $(c +(c), x t.x))
++ rev
:: reverses block order, accounting for leading zeroes
:: boz: block size
:: len: size of dat, in boz
:: dat: data to flip
~/ %rev
|= [boz=bloq len=@ud dat=@]
^- @
=. dat (end boz len dat)
%^ lsh boz
(sub len (met boz dat))
(swp boz dat)
:: Like `rip` but produces n-bit blocks instead of 2^n bit blocks.
++ ripn
~/ %ripn
|= {bits=@ud x=@}
^- (list @)
?: =(0 x) ~
[(end 0 bits x) $(x (rsh 0 bits x))]
++ rip :: disassemble
~/ %rip
|= {=bloq x=@}
^- (list @)
?: =(0 x) ~
[(end bloq 1 x) $(x (rsh bloq 1 x))]
++ rsh :: right-shift
~/ %rsh
|= {a/bloq b/@u c/@}
(div c (bex (mul (bex a) b)))
++ swp :: naive rev bloq order
~/ %swp
|= {a/bloq b/@}
(rep a (flop (rip a b)))
++ xeb :: binary logarithm
~/ %xeb
|= a/@
^- @
(met 0 a)
++ fe :: modulo bloq
|_ a/bloq
++ dif :: difference
|=({b/@ c/@} (sit (sub (add out (sit b)) (sit c))))
++ inv |=(b/@ (sub (dec out) (sit b))) :: inverse
++ net |= b/@ ^- @ :: flip byte endianness
=> .(b (sit b))
?: (lte a 3)
=+ c=(dec a)
%+ con
(lsh c 1 $(a c, b (cut c [0 1] b)))
$(a c, b (cut c [1 1] b))
++ out (bex (bex a)) :: mod value
++ rol |= {b/bloq c/@ d/@} ^- @ :: roll left
=+ e=(sit d)
=+ f=(bex (sub a b))
=+ g=(mod c f)
(sit (con (lsh b g e) (rsh b (sub f g) e)))
++ ror |= {b/bloq c/@ d/@} ^- @ :: roll right
=+ e=(sit d)
=+ f=(bex (sub a b))
=+ g=(mod c f)
(sit (con (rsh b g e) (lsh b (sub f g) e)))
++ sum |=({b/@ c/@} (sit (add b c))) :: wrapping add
++ sit |=(b/@ (end a 1 b)) :: enforce modulo
:: ::
:::: 2d: bit logic ::
:: ::
++ con :: binary or
~/ %con
|= {a/@ b/@}
=+ [c=0 d=0]
|- ^- @
?: ?&(=(0 a) =(0 b)) d
%= $
a (rsh 0 1 a)
b (rsh 0 1 b)
c +(c)
d %+ add d
%^ lsh 0 c
?& =(0 (end 0 1 a))
=(0 (end 0 1 b))
++ dis :: binary and
~/ %dis
|= {a/@ b/@}
=| {c/@ d/@}
|- ^- @
?: ?|(=(0 a) =(0 b)) d
%= $
a (rsh 0 1 a)
b (rsh 0 1 b)
c +(c)
d %+ add d
%^ lsh 0 c
?| =(0 (end 0 1 a))
=(0 (end 0 1 b))
++ mix :: binary xor
~/ %mix
|= {a/@ b/@}
^- @
=+ [c=0 d=0]
?: ?&(=(0 a) =(0 b)) d
%= $
a (rsh 0 1 a)
b (rsh 0 1 b)
c +(c)
d (add d (lsh 0 c =((end 0 1 a) (end 0 1 b))))
++ not |= {a/bloq b/@ c/@} :: binary not (sized)
(mix c (dec (bex (mul b (bex a)))))
:: ::
:::: 2e: insecure hashing ::
:: ::
++ muk :: standard murmur3
~% %muk ..muk ~
=+ ~(. fe 5)
|= {syd/@ len/@ key/@}
?> &((lte (met 5 syd) 1) (lte (met 0 len) 31))
=/ pad (sub len (met 3 key))
=/ data (weld (rip 3 key) (reap pad 0))
=/ nblocks (div len 4) :: intentionally off-by-one
=/ h1 syd
=+ [c1=0xcc9e.2d51 c2=0x1b87.3593]
=/ blocks (rip 5 key)
=/ i nblocks
=. h1 =/ hi h1 |-
?: =(0 i) hi
=/ k1 (snag (sub nblocks i) blocks) :: negative array index
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
=. hi (mix hi k1)
=. hi (rol 0 13 hi)
=. hi (sum (sit (mul hi 5)) 0xe654.6b64)
$(i (dec i))
=/ tail (slag (mul 4 nblocks) data)
=/ k1 0
=/ tlen (dis len 3)
=. h1
?+ tlen h1 :: fallthrough switch
$3 =. k1 (mix k1 (lsh 0 16 (snag 2 tail)))
=. k1 (mix k1 (lsh 0 8 (snag 1 tail)))
=. k1 (mix k1 (snag 0 tail))
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
(mix h1 k1)
$2 =. k1 (mix k1 (lsh 0 8 (snag 1 tail)))
=. k1 (mix k1 (snag 0 tail))
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
(mix h1 k1)
$1 =. k1 (mix k1 (snag 0 tail))
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
(mix h1 k1)
=. h1 (mix h1 len)
|^ (fmix32 h1)
++ fmix32
|= h/@
=. h (mix h (rsh 0 16 h))
=. h (sit (mul h 0x85eb.ca6b))
=. h (mix h (rsh 0 13 h))
=. h (sit (mul h 0xc2b2.ae35))
=. h (mix h (rsh 0 16 h))
++ mug :: mug with murmur3
~/ %mug
|= a/*
|^ (trim ?@(a a (mix $(a -.a) (mix 0x7fff.ffff $(a +.a)))))
++ trim :: 31-bit nonzero
|= key/@
=+ syd=0xcafe.babe
|- ^- @
=+ haz=(muk syd (met 3 key) key)
=+ ham=(mix (rsh 0 31 haz) (end 0 31 haz))
?.(=(0 ham) ham $(syd +(syd)))
:: ::
:::: 2f: noun ordering ::
:: ::
:: aor, dor, gor, mor ::
:: +aor: alphabetical order
:: Orders atoms before cells, and atoms in ascending LSB order.
++ aor
~/ %aor
|= {a/* b/*}
^- ?
?: =(a b) &
?. ?=(@ a)
?: ?=(@ b) |
?: =(-.a -.b)
$(a +.a, b +.b)
$(a -.a, b -.b)
?. ?=(@ b) &
=+ [c=(end 3 1 a) d=(end 3 1 b)]
?: =(c d)
$(a (rsh 3 1 a), b (rsh 3 1 b))
(lth c d)
:: +dor: depth order
:: Orders in ascending tree depth.
++ dor
~/ %dor
|= {a/* b/*}
^- ?
?: =(a b) &
?. ?=(@ a)
?: ?=(@ b) |
?: =(-.a -.b)
$(a +.a, b +.b)
$(a -.a, b -.b)
?. ?=(@ b) &
(lth a b)
:: +gor: mug order
:: Orders in ascending +mug hash order, collisions fall back to +dor.
++ gor
~/ %gor
|= {a/* b/*}
^- ?
=+ [c=(mug a) d=(mug b)]
?: =(c d)
(dor a b)
(lth c d)
:: +mor: (more) mug order
:: Orders in ascending double +mug hash order, collisions fall back to +dor.
++ mor
~/ %mor
|= {a/* b/*}
^- ?
=+ [c=(mug (mug a)) d=(mug (mug b))]
?: =(c d)
(dor a b)
(lth c d)
:: ::
:::: ::
:: 2g: unsigned powers ::
:: ::
++ pow :: unsigned exponent
~/ %pow
|= {a/@ b/@}
?: =(b 0) 1
|- ?: =(b 1) a
=+ c=$(b (div b 2))
=+ d=(mul c c)
?~ (dis b 1) d (mul d a)
++ sqt :: unsigned sqrt/rem
~/ %sqt
|= a/@ ^- {p/@ q/@}
?~ a [0 0]
=+ [q=(div (dec (xeb a)) 2) r=0]
=- [-.b (sub a +.b)]
^= b |-
=+ s=(add r (bex q))
=+ t=(mul s s)
?: =(q 0)
?:((lte t a) [s t] [r (mul r r)])
?: (lte t a)
$(r s, q (dec q))
$(q (dec q))
:: ::
:::: ::
:: ::
:: 2h: set logic ::
:: ::
++ in :: set engine
~/ %in
=| a/(tree) :: (set)
++ all :: logical AND
~/ %all
|* b/$-(* ?)
|- ^- ?
?~ a
?&((b n.a) $(a l.a) $(a r.a))
++ any :: logical OR
~/ %any
|* b/$-(* ?)
|- ^- ?
?~ a
?|((b n.a) $(a l.a) $(a r.a))
++ apt :: check correctness
=| {l/(unit) r/(unit)}
|- ^- ?
?~ a &
?& ?~(l & (gor n.a u.l))
?~(r & (gor u.r n.a))
?~(l.a & ?&((mor n.a n.l.a) $(a l.a, l `n.a)))
?~(r.a & ?&((mor n.a n.r.a) $(a r.a, r `n.a)))
++ bif :: splits a by b
~/ %bif
|* b/*
^+ [l=a r=a]
=< +
|- ^+ a
?~ a
[b ~ ~]
?: =(b n.a)
?: (gor b n.a)
=+ c=$(a l.a)
?> ?=(^ c)
c(r a(l r.c))
=+ c=$(a r.a)
?> ?=(^ c)
c(l a(r l.c))
++ del :: b without any a
~/ %del
|* b/*
|- ^+ a
?~ a
?. =(b n.a)
?: (gor b n.a)
a(l $(a l.a))
a(r $(a r.a))
|- ^- {$?(~ _a)}
?~ l.a r.a
?~ r.a l.a
?: (mor n.l.a n.r.a)
l.a(r $(l.a r.l.a))
r.a(l $(r.a l.r.a))
++ dif :: difference
~/ %dif
=+ b=a
++ $
|- ^+ a
?~ b
=+ c=(bif n.b)
?> ?=(^ c)
=+ d=$(a l.c, b l.b)
=+ e=$(a r.c, b r.b)
|- ^- {$?(~ _a)}
?~ d e
?~ e d
?: (mor n.d n.e)
d(r $(d r.d))
e(l $(e l.e))
++ dig :: axis of a in b
|= b/*
=+ c=1
|- ^- (unit @)
?~ a ~
?: =(b n.a) [~ u=(peg c 2)]
?: (gor b n.a)
$(a l.a, c (peg c 6))
$(a r.a, c (peg c 7))
++ gas :: concatenate
~/ %gas
|= b/(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))
|- ^+ a
?~ b
$(b t.b, a (put i.b))
:: +has: does :b exist in :a?
++ has
~/ %has
|* b=*
^- ?
:: wrap extracted item type in a unit because bunting fails
:: If we used the real item type of _?^(a n.a !!) as the sample type,
:: then hoon would bunt it to create the default sample for the gate.
:: However, bunting that expression fails if :a is ~. If we wrap it
:: in a unit, the bunted unit doesn't include the bunted item type.
:: This way we can ensure type safety of :b without needing to perform
:: this failing bunt. It's a hack.
%. [~ b]
|= b=(unit _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))
=> .(b ?>(?=(^ b) u.b))
|- ^- ?
?~ a
?: =(b n.a)
?: (gor b n.a)
$(a l.a)
$(a r.a)
++ int :: intersection
~/ %int
=+ b=a
++ $
|- ^+ a
?~ b
?~ a
?. (mor n.a n.b)
$(a b, b a)
?: =(n.b n.a)
a(l $(a l.a, b l.b), r $(a r.a, b r.b))
?: (gor n.b n.a)
%- uni(a $(a l.a, r.b ~)) $(b r.b)
%- uni(a $(a r.a, l.b ~)) $(b l.b)
++ put :: puts b in a, sorted
~/ %put
|* b/*
|- ^+ a
?~ a
[b ~ ~]
?: =(b n.a)
?: (gor b n.a)
=+ c=$(a l.a)
?> ?=(^ c)
?: (mor n.a n.c)
a(l c)
c(r a(l r.c))
=+ c=$(a r.a)
?> ?=(^ c)
?: (mor n.a n.c)
a(r c)
c(l a(r l.c))
++ rep :: reduce to product
|* b/_=>(~ |=({* *} +<+))
?~ a +<+.b
$(a r.a, +<+.b $(a l.a, +<+.b (b n.a +<+.b)))
++ run :: apply gate to values
~/ %run
|* b/gate
=+ c=`(set _?>(?=(^ a) (b n.a)))`~
|- ?~ a c
=. c (~(put in c) (b n.a))
=. c $(a l.a, c c)
$(a r.a, c c)
++ tap :: convert to list
=< $
~/ %tap
=+ b=`(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))`~
|. ^+ b
?~ a
$(a r.a, b [n.a $(a l.a)])
++ uni :: union
~/ %uni
=+ b=a
++ $
?: =(a b) a
|- ^+ a
?~ b
?~ a
?: =(n.b n.a)
b(l $(a l.a, b l.b), r $(a r.a, b r.b))
?: (mor n.a n.b)
?: (gor n.b n.a)
$(l.a $(a l.a, r.b ~), b r.b)
$(r.a $(a r.a, l.b ~), b l.b)
?: (gor n.a n.b)
$(l.b $(b l.b, r.a ~), a r.a)
$(r.b $(b r.b, l.a ~), a l.a)
++ wyt :: size of set
=< $
~% %wyt + ~
|. ^- @
?~(a 0 +((add $(a l.a) $(a r.a))))
:: ::
:::: 2i: map logic ::
:: ::
++ by :: map engine
~/ %by
=| a/(tree (pair)) :: (map)
=* node ?>(?=(^ a) n.a)
++ all :: logical AND
~/ %all
|* b/$-(* ?)
|- ^- ?
?~ a
?&((b q.n.a) $(a l.a) $(a r.a))
++ any :: logical OR
~/ %any
|* b/$-(* ?)
|- ^- ?
?~ a
?|((b q.n.a) $(a l.a) $(a r.a))
++ bif :: splits a by b
~/ %bif
|* {b/* c/*}
^+ [l=a r=a]
=< +
|- ^+ a
?~ a
[[b c] ~ ~]
?: =(b p.n.a)
?: =(c q.n.a)
a(n [b c])
?: (gor b p.n.a)
=+ d=$(a l.a)
?> ?=(^ d)
d(r a(l r.d))
=+ d=$(a r.a)
?> ?=(^ d)
d(l a(r l.d))
++ del :: delete at key b
~/ %del
|* b/*
|- ^+ a
?~ a
?. =(b p.n.a)
?: (gor b p.n.a)
a(l $(a l.a))
a(r $(a r.a))
|- ^- {$?(~ _a)}
?~ l.a r.a
?~ r.a l.a
?: (mor p.n.l.a p.n.r.a)
l.a(r $(l.a r.l.a))
r.a(l $(r.a l.r.a))
++ dif :: difference
~/ %dif
=+ b=a
++ $
|- ^+ a
?~ b
=+ c=(bif p.n.b q.n.b)
?> ?=(^ c)
=+ d=$(a l.c, b l.b)
=+ e=$(a r.c, b r.b)
|- ^- {$?(~ _a)}
?~ d e
?~ e d
?: (mor p.n.d p.n.e)
d(r $(d r.d))
e(l $(e l.e))
++ dig :: axis of b key
|= b/*
=+ c=1
|- ^- (unit @)
?~ a ~
?: =(b p.n.a) [~ u=(peg c 2)]
?: (gor b p.n.a)
$(a l.a, c (peg c 6))
$(a r.a, c (peg c 7))
++ apt :: check correctness
=| {l/(unit) r/(unit)}
|- ^- ?
?~ a &
?& ?~(l & &((gor p.n.a u.l) !=(p.n.a u.l)))
?~(r & &((gor u.r p.n.a) !=(u.r p.n.a)))
?~ l.a &
&((mor p.n.a p.n.l.a) !=(p.n.a p.n.l.a) $(a l.a, l `p.n.a))
?~ r.a &
&((mor p.n.a p.n.r.a) !=(p.n.a p.n.r.a) $(a r.a, r `p.n.a))
++ gas :: concatenate
~/ %gas
|* b/(list {p/* q/*})
=> .(b `(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))`b)
|- ^+ a
?~ b
$(b t.b, a (put p.i.b q.i.b))
++ get :: grab value by key
~/ %get
|* b=*
=> .(b `_?>(?=(^ a) p.n.a)`b)
|- ^- (unit _?>(?=(^ a) q.n.a))
?~ a
?: =(b p.n.a)
(some q.n.a)
?: (gor b p.n.a)
$(a l.a)
$(a r.a)
++ got :: need value by key
|* b/*
(need (get b))
++ gut :: fall value by key
|* [b=* c=*]
(fall (get b) c)
++ has :: key existence check
~/ %has
|* b/*
!=(~ (get b))
++ int :: intersection
~/ %int
=+ b=a
++ $
|- ^+ a
?~ b
?~ a
?: (mor p.n.a p.n.b)
?: =(p.n.b p.n.a)
b(l $(a l.a, b l.b), r $(a r.a, b r.b))
?: (gor p.n.b p.n.a)
%- uni(a $(a l.a, r.b ~)) $(b r.b)
%- uni(a $(a r.a, l.b ~)) $(b l.b)
?: =(p.n.a p.n.b)
b(l $(b l.b, a l.a), r $(b r.b, a r.a))
?: (gor p.n.a p.n.b)
%- uni(a $(b l.b, r.a ~)) $(a r.a)
%- uni(a $(b r.b, l.a ~)) $(a l.a)
++ jab
~/ %jab
|* [key=_?>(?=(^ a) p.n.a) fun=$-(_?>(?=(^ a) q.n.a) _?>(?=(^ a) q.n.a))]
^+ a
?~ a !!
?: =(key p.n.a)
a(q.n (fun q.n.a))
?: (gor key p.n.a)
a(l $(a l.a))
a(r $(a r.a))
++ mar :: add with validation
|* {b/* c/(unit *)}
?~ c
(del b)
(put b u.c)
++ put :: adds key-value pair
~/ %put
|* {b/* c/*}
|- ^+ a
?~ a
[[b c] ~ ~]
?: =(b p.n.a)
?: =(c q.n.a)
a(n [b c])
?: (gor b p.n.a)
=+ d=$(a l.a)
?> ?=(^ d)
?: (mor p.n.a p.n.d)
a(l d)
d(r a(l r.d))
=+ d=$(a r.a)
?> ?=(^ d)
?: (mor p.n.a p.n.d)
a(r d)
d(l a(r l.d))
++ rep :: reduce to product
|* b/_=>(~ |=({* *} +<+))
?~ a +<+.b
$(a r.a, +<+.b $(a l.a, +<+.b (b n.a +<+.b)))
++ rib :: transform + product
|* {b/* c/gate}
|- ^+ [b a]
?~ a [b ~]
=+ d=(c n.a b)
=. n.a +.d
=+ e=$(a l.a, b -.d)
=+ f=$(a r.a, b -.e)
[-.f a(l +.e, r +.f)]
++ run :: apply gate to values
|* b/gate
?~ a a
[n=[p=p.n.a q=(b q.n.a)] l=$(a l.a) r=$(a r.a)]
++ rut :: apply gate to nodes
|* b/gate
?~ a a
[n=[p=p.n.a q=(b p.n.a q.n.a)] l=$(a l.a) r=$(a r.a)]
++ tap :: listify pairs
=< $
~/ %tap
=+ b=`(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))`~
|. ^+ b
?~ a
$(a r.a, b [n.a $(a l.a)])
++ uni :: union, merge
~/ %uni
=+ b=a
++ $
|- ^+ a
?~ b
?~ a
?: =(p.n.b p.n.a)
b(l $(a l.a, b l.b), r $(a r.a, b r.b))
?: (mor p.n.a p.n.b)
?: (gor p.n.b p.n.a)
$(l.a $(a l.a, r.b ~), b r.b)
$(r.a $(a r.a, l.b ~), b l.b)
?: (gor p.n.a p.n.b)
$(l.b $(b l.b, r.a ~), a r.a)
$(r.b $(b r.b, l.a ~), a l.a)
++ uno :: general union
=+ b=a
++ $
|= meg/$-({_p:node _q:node _q:node} _q:node)
|- ^+ a
?~ b
?~ a
?: =(p.n.b p.n.a)
:+ [p.n.a (meg p.n.a q.n.a q.n.b)]
$(b l.b, a l.a)
$(b r.b, a r.a)
?: (mor p.n.a p.n.b)
?: (gor p.n.b p.n.a)
$(l.a $(a l.a, r.b ~), b r.b)
$(r.a $(a r.a, l.b ~), b l.b)
?: (gor p.n.a p.n.b)
$(l.b $(b l.b, r.a ~), a r.a)
$(r.b $(b r.b, l.a ~), a l.a)
++ urn :: apply gate to nodes
|* b/$-({* *} *)
?~ a ~
a(n n.a(q (b p.n.a q.n.a)), l $(a l.a), r $(a r.a))
++ wyt :: depth of map
|- ^- @
?~(a 0 +((add $(a l.a) $(a r.a))))
++ key :: set of keys
=+ b=`(set _?>(?=(^ a) p.n.a))`~
|- ^+ b
?~ a b
$(a r.a, b $(a l.a, b (~(put in b) p.n.a)))
++ val :: list of vals
=+ b=`(list _?>(?=(^ a) q.n.a))`~
|- ^+ b
?~ a b
$(a r.a, b [q.n.a $(a l.a)])
:: ::
:::: 2j: jar and jug logic ::
:: ::
++ ja :: jar engine
=| a/(tree (pair * (list))) :: (jar)
++ get :: gets list by key
|* b/*
=+ c=(~(get by a) b)
?~(c ~ u.c)
++ add :: adds key-list pair
|* {b/* c/*}
=+ d=(get b)
(~(put by a) b [c d])
++ ju :: jug engine
=| a/(tree (pair * (tree))) :: (jug)
++ del :: del key-set pair
|* {b/* c/*}
^+ a
=+ d=(get b)
=+ e=(~(del in d) c)
?~ e
(~(del by a) b)
(~(put by a) b e)
++ gas :: concatenate
|* b/(list {p/* q/*})
=> .(b `(list _?>(?=({{* ^} ^} a) [p=p q=n.q]:n.a))`b)
|- ^+ a
?~ b
$(b t.b, a (put p.i.b q.i.b))
++ get :: gets set by key
|* b/*
=+ c=(~(get by a) b)
?~(c ~ u.c)
++ has :: existence check
|* {b/* c/*}
^- ?
(~(has in (get b)) c)
++ put :: add key-set pair
|* {b/* c/*}
^+ a
=+ d=(get b)
(~(put by a) b (~(put in d) c))
:: ::
:::: 2k: queue logic ::
:: ::
++ to :: queue engine
=| a/(tree) :: (qeu)
++ apt :: check correctness
|- ^- ?
?~ a &
?& ?~(l.a & ?&((mor n.a n.l.a) $(a l.a)))
?~(r.a & ?&((mor n.a n.r.a) $(a r.a)))
++ bal
|- ^+ a
?~ a ~
?. |(?=(~ l.a) (mor n.a n.l.a))
$(a l.a(r $(a a(l r.l.a))))
?. |(?=(~ r.a) (mor n.a n.r.a))
$(a r.a(l $(a a(r l.r.a))))
++ dep :: max depth of queue
|- ^- @
?~ a 0
+((max $(a l.a) $(a r.a)))
++ gas :: insert list to que
|= b/(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))
|- ^+ a
?~(b a $(b t.b, a (put i.b)))
++ get :: head-rest pair
|- ^+ ?>(?=(^ a) [p=n.a q=*(tree _n.a)])
?~ a
?~ r.a
[n.a l.a]
=+ b=$(a r.a)
:- p.b
?: |(?=(~ q.b) (mor n.a n.q.b))
a(r q.b)
a(n n.q.b, l a(r l.q.b), r r.q.b)
++ nip :: removes root
|- ^+ a
?~ a ~
?~ l.a r.a
?~ r.a l.a
?: (mor n.l.a n.r.a)
l.a(r $(l.a r.l.a))
r.a(l $(r.a l.r.a))
++ nap :: removes root
?> ?=(^ a)
?: =(~ l.a) r.a
=+ b=get(a l.a)
bal(n.a p.b, l.a q.b)
++ put :: insert new tail
|* b/*
|- ^+ a
?~ a
[b ~ ~]
bal(l.a $(a l.a))
++ tap :: adds list to end
=+ b=`(list _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))`~
|- ^+ b
=+ 0 :: hack for jet match
?~ a
$(a r.a, b [n.a $(a l.a)])
++ top :: produces head
|- ^- (unit _?>(?=(^ a) n.a))
?~ a ~
?~(r.a [~ n.a] $(a r.a))
:::: 2o: containers ::
:: ::
++ jar |$ [key value] (map key (list value)) :: map of lists
++ jug |$ [key value] (map key (set value)) :: map of sets
++ map
|$ [key value] :: table
$| (tree (pair key value))
|=(a=(tree (pair)) ~(apt by a))
++ qeu
|$ [item] :: queue
$| (tree item)
|=(a=(tree) ~(apt to a))
++ set
|$ [item] :: set
$| (tree item)
|=(a=(tree) ~(apt in a))
:::: 2l: container from container ::
:: ::
++ malt :: map from list
|* a/(list)
(molt `(list {p/_-<.a q/_->.a})`a)
++ molt :: map from pair list
|* a/(list (pair)) :: ^- =,(i.-.a (map _p _q))
(~(gas by `(tree {p/_p.i.-.a q/_q.i.-.a})`~) a)
++ silt :: set from list
|* a/(list) :: ^- (set _i.-.a)
=+ b=*(tree _?>(?=(^ a) i.a))
(~(gas in b) a)
:: ::
:::: 2m: container from noun ::
:: ::
++ ly :: list from raw noun
++ my :: map from raw noun
++ sy :: set from raw noun
++ nl
:: ::
++ le :: construct list
|* a/(list)
^+ =< $
|@ ++ $ ?:(*? ~ [i=(snag 0 a) t=$])
:: ::
++ my :: construct map
|* a/(list (pair))
=> .(a ^+((le a) a))
(~(gas by `(map _p.i.-.a _q.i.-.a)`~) a)
:: ::
++ si :: construct set
|* a/(list)
=> .(a ^+((le a) a))
(~(gas in `(set _i.-.a)`~) a)
:: ::
++ snag :: index
|* {a/@ b/(list)}
?~ b
~_ leaf+"snag-fail"
?: =(0 a) i.b
$(b t.b, a (dec a))
:: ::
++ weld :: concatenate
|* {a/(list) b/(list)}
=> .(a ^+((le a) a), b ^+((le b) b))
=+ 42
?~ a b
[i=i.a t=$(a t.a)]
:::: 2q: molds and mold builders ::
:: ::
+$ axis @ :: tree address
+$ bean ? :: 0=&=yes, 1=|=no
+$ flag ?
+$ char @t :: UTF8 byte
+$ cord @t :: UTF8, LSB first
+$ byts [wid=@ud dat=@] :: bytes, MSB first
+$ deco ?($bl $br $un $~) :: text decoration
+$ date {{a/? y/@ud} m/@ud t/tarp} :: parsed date
+$ knot @ta :: ASCII text
+$ noun * :: any noun
+$ path (list knot) :: like unix path
+$ stud :: standard name
$@ mark=@tas :: auth=urbit
$: auth=@tas :: standards authority
type=path :: standard label
== ::
+$ stub (list (pair stye (list @c))) :: styled unicode
+$ stye (pair (set deco) (pair tint tint)) :: decos/bg/fg
+$ styl :: cascading style
%+ pair (unit deco) ::
(pair (unit tint) (unit tint)) ::
:: ::
+$ styx (list $@(@t (pair styl styx))) :: styled text
+$ tile :: XX: ?@(knot (pair styl knot))
+$ tint ?($r $g $b $c $m $y $k $w $~) :: text color
:: A `plum` is the intermediate representation for the pretty-printer. It
:: encodes hoon-shaped data with the least amount of structured needed
:: for formating.
:: A `plum` is either a
:: - `cord`: A simple cord
:: - `[%para *]`: A wrappable paragraph.
:: - `[%tree *]`: A formatted plum tree
:: - `[%sbrk *]`: An indication of a nested subexpression.
:: The formatter will use the tall mode unless:
:: - A plum has only a `wide` style.
:: - The plum is in `%sbrk` form and its subplum (`kid`), when
:: formatted in wide mode, can fit on a single line.
+$ plum
$@ cord
$% [%para prefix=tile lines=(list @t)]
[%tree fmt=plumfmt kids=(list plum)]
[%sbrk kid=plum]
:: A `plumfmt` is a description of how to render a `plum`. A `plumfmt`
:: must include a `wide`, a `tall`, or both.
:: A `wide` is a description of how to render a plum in a single
:: line. The nested (`kids`) sub-plums will be interleaved with `delimit`
:: strings, and, if `enclose` is set, then the output will be enclosed
:: with `p.u.enclose` abnd `q.u.enclose`.
:: For example, to build a plumfmt for string literals, we could write:
:: [wide=[~ '' [~ '"' '"']] tall=~]
:: A `tall` is a description of how to render a plum across multiple
:: lines. The output will be prefixed by `intro`, suffixed by
:: `final.u.indef`, and each subplum prefixed by `sigil.u.indef`.
:: For example, to build a plumfmt for cores, we could write:
:: [wide=~ tall=`['' `['++' '--']]]
+$ plumfmt
$: wide=(unit [delimit=tile enclose=(unit (pair tile tile))])
tall=(unit [intro=tile indef=(unit [sigil=tile final=tile])])
++ tang (list tank) :: bottom-first error
++ tank $~ [%leaf ~] ::
$% {$leaf p/tape} :: printing formats
{$plum p/plum} ::
$: $palm :: backstep list
p/{p/tape q/tape r/tape s/tape} ::
q/(list tank) ::
== ::
$: $rose :: flat list
p/{p/tape q/tape r/tape} :: mid open close
q/(list tank) ::
== ::
== ::
++ tape (list @tD) :: utf8 string as list
++ tour (list @c) :: utf32 clusters
++ tarp {d/@ud h/@ud m/@ud s/@ud f/(list @ux)} :: parsed time
++ term @tas :: ascii symbol
++ wain (list cord) :: text lines
++ wall (list tape) :: text lines
:::: 2p: serialization ::
:: ::
++ cue :: unpack
~/ %cue
|= a/@
^- *
=+ b=0
=+ m=`(map @ *)`~
=< q
|- ^- {p/@ q/* r/(map @ *)}
?: =(0 (cut 0 [b 1] a))
=+ c=(rub +(b) a)
[+(p.c) q.c (~(put by m) b q.c)]
=+ c=(add 2 b)
?: =(0 (cut 0 [+(b) 1] a))
=+ u=$(b c)
=+ v=$(b (add p.u c), m r.u)
=+ w=[q.u q.v]
[(add 2 (add p.u p.v)) w (~(put by r.v) b w)]
=+ d=(rub c a)
[(add 2 p.d) (need (~(get by m) q.d)) m]
++ jam :: pack
~/ %jam
|= a/*
^- @
=+ b=0
=+ m=`(map * @)`~
=< q
|- ^- {p/@ q/@ r/(map * @)}
=+ c=(~(get by m) a)
?~ c
=> .(m (~(put by m) a b))
?: ?=(@ a)
=+ d=(mat a)
[(add 1 p.d) (lsh 0 1 q.d) m]
=> .(b (add 2 b))
=+ d=$(a -.a)
=+ e=$(a +.a, b (add b p.d), m r.d)
[(add 2 (add p.d p.e)) (mix 1 (lsh 0 2 (cat 0 q.d q.e))) r.e]
?: ?&(?=(@ a) (lte (met 0 a) (met 0 u.c)))
=+ d=(mat a)
[(add 1 p.d) (lsh 0 1 q.d) m]
=+ d=(mat u.c)
[(add 2 p.d) (mix 3 (lsh 0 2 q.d)) m]
++ mat :: length-encode
~/ %mat
|= a/@
^- {p/@ q/@}
?: =(0 a)
[1 1]
=+ b=(met 0 a)
=+ c=(met 0 b)
:- (add (add c c) b)
(cat 0 (bex c) (mix (end 0 (dec c) b) (lsh 0 (dec c) a)))
++ rub :: length-decode
~/ %rub
|= {a/@ b/@}
^- {p/@ q/@}
=+ ^= c
=+ [c=0 m=(met 0 b)]
|- ?< (gth c m)
?. =(0 (cut 0 [(add a c) 1] b))
$(c +(c))
?: =(0 c)
[1 0]
=+ d=(add a +(c))
=+ e=(add (bex (dec c)) (cut 0 [d (dec c)] b))
[(add (add c c) e) (cut 0 [(add d (dec c)) e] b)]
++ fn :: float, infinity, or NaN
:: s=sign, e=exponent, a=arithmetic form
:: (-1)^s * a * 2^e
$% {$f s/? e/@s a/@u}
{$i s/?}
{$n ~}
++ dn :: decimal float, infinity, or NaN
:: (-1)^s * a * 10^e
$% {$d s/? e/@s a/@u}
{$i s/?}
{$n ~}
++ rn :: parsed decimal float
$% {$d a/? b/{c/@ {d/@ e/@} f/? i/@}}
{$i a/?}
{$n ~}
-- =>
:: ::
:::: 3: layer three ::
:: ::
:: 3a: signed and modular ints ::
:: 3b: floating point ::
:: 3c: urbit time ::
:: 3d: SHA hash family ::
:: 3e: (reserved) ::
:: 3f: scrambling ::
:: 3g: molds and mold builders ::
:: ::
~% %tri + ~
:::: 3a: signed and modular ints ::
:: ::
++ egcd :: schneier's egcd
|= {a/@ b/@}
=+ si
=+ [c=(sun a) d=(sun b)]
=+ [u=[c=(sun 1) d=--0] v=[c=--0 d=(sun 1)]]
|- ^- {d/@ u/@s v/@s}
?: =(--0 c)
[(abs d) d.u d.v]
:: ?> ?& =(c (sum (pro (sun a) c.u) (pro (sun b) c.v)))
:: =(d (sum (pro (sun a) d.u) (pro (sun b) d.v)))
:: ==
=+ q=(fra d c)
%= $
c (dif d (pro q c))
d c
u [(dif d.u (pro q c.u)) c.u]
v [(dif d.v (pro q c.v)) c.v]
++ fo :: modulo prime
|_ a/@
++ dif
|= {b/@ c/@}
(sit (sub (add a b) (sit c)))
++ exp
|= {b/@ c/@}
?: =(0 b)
=+ d=$(b (rsh 0 1 b))
=+ e=(pro d d)
?:(=(0 (end 0 1 b)) e (pro c e))
++ fra
|= {b/@ c/@}
(pro b (inv c))
++ inv
|= b/@
=+ c=(dul:si u:(egcd b a) a)
++ pro
|= {b/@ c/@}
(sit (mul b c))
++ sit
|= b/@
(mod b a)
++ sum
|= {b/@ c/@}
(sit (add b c))
++ si :: signed integer
++ abs |=(a/@s (add (end 0 1 a) (rsh 0 1 a))) :: absolute value
++ dif |= {a/@s b/@s} :: subtraction
(sum a (new !(syn b) (abs b)))
++ dul |= {a/@s b/@} :: modulus
=+(c=(old a) ?:(-.c (mod +.c b) (sub b +.c)))
++ fra |= {a/@s b/@s} :: divide
(new =(0 (mix (syn a) (syn b))) (div (abs a) (abs b)))
++ new |= {a/? b/@} :: [sign value] to @s
`@s`?:(a (mul 2 b) ?:(=(0 b) 0 +((mul 2 (dec b)))))
++ old |=(a/@s [(syn a) (abs a)]) :: [sign value]
++ pro |= {a/@s b/@s} :: multiplication
(new =(0 (mix (syn a) (syn b))) (mul (abs a) (abs b)))
++ rem |=({a/@s b/@s} (dif a (pro b (fra a b)))) :: remainder
++ sum |= {a/@s b/@s} :: addition
=+ [c=(old a) d=(old b)]
?: -.c
?: -.d
(new & (add +.c +.d))
?: (gte +.c +.d)
(new & (sub +.c +.d))
(new | (sub +.d +.c))
?: -.d
?: (gte +.c +.d)
(new | (sub +.c +.d))
(new & (sub +.d +.c))
(new | (add +.c +.d))
++ sun |=(a/@u (mul 2 a)) :: @u to @s
++ syn |=(a/@s =(0 (end 0 1 a))) :: sign test
++ cmp |= {a/@s b/@s} :: compare
^- @s
?: =(a b)
?: (syn a)
?: (syn b)
?: (gth a b)
?: (syn b)
?: (gth a b)
:: ::
:::: 3b: floating point ::
:: ::
++ fl :: arb. precision fp
=/ {{p/@u v/@s w/@u} r/$?($n $u $d $z $a) d/$?($d $f $i)}
[[113 -16.494 32.765] %n %d]
:: p=precision: number of bits in arithmetic form; must be at least 2
:: v=min exponent: minimum value of e
:: w=width: max - min value of e, 0 is fixed point
:: r=rounding mode: nearest (ties to even), up, down, to zero, away from zero
:: d=behavior: return denormals, flush denormals to zero,
:: infinite exponent range
~% %cofl +> ~
:: internal functions; mostly operating on {e/@s a/@u}, in other words
:: positive numbers. many of these error out if a=0.
++ rou
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- fn (rau a &)
++ rau
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} t/?} ^- fn
?- r
$z (lug %fl a t) $d (lug %fl a t)
$a (lug %ce a t) $u (lug %ce a t)
$n (lug %ne a t)
++ add :: add; exact if e
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} b/{e/@s a/@u} e/?} ^- fn
=+ q=(dif:si e.a e.b)
|- ?. (syn:si q) $(b a, a b, q +(q)) :: a has larger exp
?: e
[%f & e.b (^add (lsh 0 (abs:si q) a.a) a.b)]
=+ [ma=(met 0 a.a) mb=(met 0 a.b)]
=+ ^= w %+ dif:si e.a %- sun:si :: expanded exp of a
?: (gth prc ma) (^sub prc ma) 0
=+ ^= x %+ sum:si e.b (sun:si mb) :: highest exp for b
?: =((cmp:si w x) --1) :: don't need to add
?- r
$z (lug %fl a &) $d (lug %fl a &)
$a (lug %lg a &) $u (lug %lg a &)
$n (lug %na a &)
(rou [e.b (^add (lsh 0 (abs:si q) a.a) a.b)])
++ sub :: subtract; exact if e
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} b/{e/@s a/@u} e/?} ^- fn
=+ q=(dif:si e.a e.b)
|- ?. (syn:si q)
(fli $(b a, a b, q +(q), r swr))
=+ [ma=(met 0 a.a) mb=(met 0 a.b)]
=+ ^= w %+ dif:si e.a %- sun:si
?: (gth prc ma) (^sub prc ma) 0
=+ ^= x %+ sum:si e.b (sun:si +(mb))
?: &(!e =((cmp:si w x) --1))
?- r
$z (lug %sm a &) $d (lug %sm a &)
$a (lug %ce a &) $u (lug %ce a &)
$n (lug %nt a &)
=+ j=(lsh 0 (abs:si q) a.a)
|- ?. (gte j a.b)
(fli $(a.b j, j a.b, r swr))
=+ i=(^sub j a.b)
?~ i [%f & zer]
?: e [%f & e.b i] (rou [e.b i])
++ mul :: multiply
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} b/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- fn
(rou (sum:si e.a e.b) (^mul a.a a.b))
++ div :: divide
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} b/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- fn
=+ [ma=(met 0 a.a) mb=(met 0 a.b)]
=+ v=(dif:si (sun:si ma) (sun:si +((^add mb prc))))
=. a ?: (syn:si v) a
a(e (sum:si v e.a), a (lsh 0 (abs:si v) a.a))
=+ [j=(dif:si e.a e.b) q=(dvr a.a a.b)]
(rau [j p.q] =(q.q 0))
++ sqt :: square root
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- fn
=. a
=+ [w=(met 0 a.a) x=(^mul +(prc) 2)]
=+ ?:((^lth w x) (^sub x w) 0)
=+ ?: =((dis - 1) (dis (abs:si e.a) 1)) -
(^add - 1)
a(e (dif:si e.a (sun:si -)), a (lsh 0 - a.a))
=+ [y=(^sqt a.a) z=(fra:si e.a --2)]
(rau [z p.y] =(q.y 0))
++ lth :: less-than
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} b/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- ?
?: =(e.a e.b) (^lth a.a a.b)
=+ c=(cmp:si (ibl a) (ibl b))
?: =(c -1) & ?: =(c --1) |
?: =((cmp:si e.a e.b) -1)
(^lth (rsh 0 (abs:si (dif:si e.a e.b)) a.a) a.b)
(^lth (lsh 0 (abs:si (dif:si e.a e.b)) a.a) a.b)
++ equ :: equals
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u} b/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- ?
?. =((ibl a) (ibl b)) |
?: =((cmp:si e.a e.b) -1)
=((lsh 0 (abs:si (dif:si e.a e.b)) a.b) a.a)
=((lsh 0 (abs:si (dif:si e.a e.b)) a.a) a.b)
:: integer binary logarithm: 2^ibl(a) <= |a| < 2^(ibl(a)+1)
++ ibl
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- @s
(sum:si (sun:si (dec (met 0 a.a))) e.a)
:: change to a representation where a.a is odd
:: every fn has a unique representation of this kind
++ uni
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}}
|- ?: =((end 0 1 a.a) 1) a
$(a.a (rsh 0 1 a.a), e.a (sum:si e.a --1))
:: expands to either full precision or to denormalized
++ xpd
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}}
=+ ma=(met 0 a.a)
?: (gte ma prc) a
=+ ?: =(den %i) (^sub prc ma)
=+ ^= q
=+ w=(dif:si e.a emn)
?: (syn:si w) (abs:si w) 0
(min q (^sub prc ma))
a(e (dif:si e.a (sun:si -)), a (lsh 0 - a.a))
:: central rounding mechanism
:: can perform: floor, ceiling, smaller, larger,
:: nearest (round ties to: even, away from 0, toward 0)
:: s is sticky bit: represents a value less than ulp(a) = 2^(e.a)
++ lug
~/ %lug
|= {t/$?($fl $ce $sm $lg $ne $na $nt) a/{e/@s a/@u} s/?} ^- fn
?< =(a.a 0)
?. =(den %f) - :: flush denormals
?. ?=({$f *} -) -
?: =((met 0 ->+>) prc) - [%f & zer]
=+ m=(met 0 a.a)
?> |(s (gth m prc)) :: require precision
=+ ^= q %+ max
?: (gth m prc) (^sub m prc) 0 :: reduce precision
%- abs:si ?: =(den %i) --0 :: enforce min. exp
?: =((cmp:si e.a emn) -1) (dif:si emn e.a) --0
=^ b a :- (end 0 q a.a)
a(e (sum:si e.a (sun:si q)), a (rsh 0 q a.a))
?~ a.a
?< =(den %i)
?- t
$fl [%f & zer]
$sm [%f & zer]
$ce [%f & spd]
$lg [%f & spd]
$ne ?: s [%f & ?:((lte b (bex (dec q))) zer spd)]
[%f & ?:((^lth b (bex (dec q))) zer spd)]
$nt ?: s [%f & ?:((lte b (bex (dec q))) zer spd)]
[%f & ?:((^lth b (bex (dec q))) zer spd)]
$na [%f & ?:((^lth b (bex (dec q))) zer spd)]
=. a (xpd a)
=. a
?- t
$fl a
$lg a(a +(a.a))
$sm ?. &(=(b 0) s) a
?: &(=(e.a emn) !=(den %i)) a(a (dec a.a))
=+ y=(dec (^mul a.a 2))
?. (lte (met 0 y) prc) a(a (dec a.a))
[(dif:si e.a --1) y]
$ce ?: &(=(b 0) s) a a(a +(a.a))
$ne ?~ b a
=+ y=(bex (dec q))
?: &(=(b y) s) :: round halfs to even
?~ (dis a.a 1) a a(a +(a.a))
?: (^lth b y) a a(a +(a.a))
$na ?~ b a
=+ y=(bex (dec q))
?: (^lth b y) a a(a +(a.a))
$nt ?~ b a
=+ y=(bex (dec q))
?: =(b y) ?: s a a(a +(a.a))
?: (^lth b y) a a(a +(a.a))
=. a ?. =((met 0 a.a) +(prc)) a
a(a (rsh 0 1 a.a), e (sum:si e.a --1))
?~ a.a [%f & zer]
?: =(den %i) [%f & a]
?: =((cmp:si emx e.a) -1) [%i &] [%f & a] :: enforce max. exp
++ drg :: dragon4; get
~/ %drg :: printable decimal;
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- {@s @u} :: guaranteed accurate
?< =(a.a 0) :: for rounded floats
=. a (xpd a)
=+ r=(lsh 0 ?:((syn:si e.a) (abs:si e.a) 0) a.a)
=+ s=(lsh 0 ?.((syn:si e.a) (abs:si e.a) 0) 1)
=+ mn=(lsh 0 ?:((syn:si e.a) (abs:si e.a) 0) 1)
=+ mp=mn
=> ?.
?& =(a.a (bex (dec prc))) :: if next smallest
|(!=(e.a emn) =(den %i)) :: float is half ULP,
== :: tighten lower bound
%= .
mp (lsh 0 1 mp)
r (lsh 0 1 r)
s (lsh 0 1 s)
=+ [k=--0 q=(^div (^add s 9) 10)]
|- ?: (^lth r q)
%= $
k (dif:si k --1)
r (^mul r 10)
mn (^mul mn 10)
mp (^mul mp 10)
|- ?: (gte (^add (^mul r 2) mp) (^mul s 2))
$(s (^mul s 10), k (sum:si k --1))
=+ [u=0 o=0]
|- :: r/s+o = a*10^-k
=+ v=(dvr (^mul r 10) s)
=> %= .
k (dif:si k --1)
u p.v
r q.v
mn (^mul mn 10)
mp (^mul mp 10)
=+ l=(^lth (^mul r 2) mn) :: in lower bound
=+ ^= h :: in upper bound
?| (^lth (^mul s 2) mp)
(gth (^mul r 2) (^sub (^mul s 2) mp))
?: &(!l !h)
$(o (^add (^mul o 10) u))
=+ q=&(h |(!l (gth (^mul r 2) s)))
=. o (^add (^mul o 10) ?:(q +(u) u))
[k o]
++ toj :: round to integer
|= {a/{e/@s a/@u}} ^- fn
?. =((cmp:si e.a --0) -1) [%f & a]
=+ x=(abs:si e.a)
=+ y=(rsh 0 x a.a)
?: |(=(r %d) =(r %z)) [%f & --0 y]
=+ z=(end 0 x a.a)
?: |(=(r %u) =(r %a)) [%f & --0 ?~(z y +(y))]
=+ i=(bex (dec x))
?: &(=(z i) =((dis y 1) 0)) [%f & --0 y]
?: (^lth z i) [%f & --0 y] [%f & --0 +(y)]
++ ned :: require ?=({$f *} a)
|= {a/fn} ^- {$f s/? e/@s a/@u}
?: ?=({$f *} a) a
~_ leaf+"need-float"
++ shf :: a * 2^b; no rounding
|= {a/fn b/@s}
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$i *} a)) a
a(e (sum:si e.a b))
++ fli :: flip sign
|= {a/fn} ^- fn
?-(-.a $f a(s !s.a), $i a(s !s.a), $n a)
++ swr ?+(r r $d %u, $u %d) :: flipped rounding
++ prc ?>((gth p 1) p) :: force >= 2 precision
++ den d :: denorm+flush+inf exp
++ emn v :: minimum exponent
++ emx (sum:si emn (sun:si w)) :: maximum exponent
++ spd [e=emn a=1] :: smallest denormal
++ spn [e=emn a=(bex (dec prc))] :: smallest normal
++ lfn [e=emx a=(fil 0 prc 1)] :: largest
++ lfe (sum:si emx (sun:si prc)) :: 2^lfe is > than all
++ zer [e=--0 a=0]
++ rou :: round
|= {a/fn} ^- fn
?. ?=({$f *} a) a
?~ a.a [%f s.a zer]
?: s.a (^rou +>.a)
=.(r swr (fli (^rou +>.a)))
++ syn :: get sign
|= {a/fn} ^- ?
?-(-.a $f s.a, $i s.a, $n &)
++ abs :: absolute value
|= {a/fn} ^- fn
?: ?=({$f *} a) [%f & e.a a.a]
?: ?=({$i *} a) [%i &] [%n ~]
++ add :: add
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- fn
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) [%n ~]
?: |(?=({$i *} a) ?=({$i *} b))
?: &(?=({$i *} a) ?=({$i *} b))
?: =(a b) a [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a) a b
?: |(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0))
?. &(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0)) %- rou ?~(a.a b a)
[%f ?:(=(r %d) &(s.a s.b) |(s.a s.b)) zer]
%- |= {a/fn}
?. ?=({$f *} a) a
?. =(a.a 0) a
[%f !=(r %d) zer]
?: =(s.a s.b)
?: s.a (^add +>.a +>.b |)
=.(r swr (fli (^add +>.a +>.b |)))
?: s.a (^sub +>.a +>.b |)
(^sub +>.b +>.a |)
++ ead :: exact add
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- fn
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) [%n ~]
?: |(?=({$i *} a) ?=({$i *} b))
?: &(?=({$i *} a) ?=({$i *} b))
?: =(a b) a [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a) a b
?: |(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0))
?. &(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0)) ?~(a.a b a)
[%f ?:(=(r %d) &(s.a s.b) |(s.a s.b)) zer]
%- |= {a/fn}
?. ?=({$f *} a) a
?. =(a.a 0) a
[%f !=(r %d) zer]
?: =(s.a s.b)
?: s.a (^add +>.a +>.b &)
(fli (^add +>.a +>.b &))
?: s.a (^sub +>.a +>.b &)
(^sub +>.b +>.a &)
++ sub :: subtract
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- fn (add a (fli b))
++ mul :: multiply
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- fn
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a)
?: ?=({$i *} b)
[%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: =(a.b 0) [%n ~] [%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: ?=({$i *} b)
?: =(a.a 0) [%n ~] [%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: |(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0)) [%f =(s.a s.b) zer]
?: =(s.a s.b) (^mul +>.a +>.b)
=.(r swr (fli (^mul +>.a +>.b)))
++ emu :: exact multiply
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- fn
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a)
?: ?=({$i *} b)
[%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: =(a.b 0) [%n ~] [%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: ?=({$i *} b)
?: =(a.a 0) [%n ~] [%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: |(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0)) [%f =(s.a s.b) zer]
[%f =(s.a s.b) (sum:si e.a e.b) (^^mul a.a a.b)]
++ div :: divide
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- fn
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a)
?: ?=({$i *} b) [%n ~] [%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: ?=({$i *} b) [%f =(s.a s.b) zer]
?: =(a.a 0) ?: =(a.b 0) [%n ~] [%f =(s.a s.b) zer]
?: =(a.b 0) [%i =(s.a s.b)]
?: =(s.a s.b) (^div +>.a +>.b)
=.(r swr (fli (^div +>.a +>.b)))
++ fma :: fused multiply-add
|= {a/fn b/fn c/fn} ^- fn :: (a * b) + c
(add (emu a b) c)
++ sqt :: square root
|= {a/fn} ^- fn
?: ?=({$n *} a) [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a) ?:(s.a a [%n ~])
?~ a.a [%f s.a zer]
?: s.a (^sqt +>.a) [%n ~]
++ inv :: inverse
|= {a/fn} ^- fn
(div [%f & --0 1] a)
++ sun :: uns integer to float
|= {a/@u} ^- fn
(rou [%f & --0 a])
++ san :: sgn integer to float
|= {a/@s} ^- fn
=+ b=(old:si a)
(rou [%f -.b --0 +.b])
:: comparisons return ~ in the event of a NaN
++ lth :: less-than
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- (unit ?)
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) ~ :- ~
?: =(a b) |
?: ?=({$i *} a) !s.a ?: ?=({$i *} b) s.b
?: |(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0))
?: &(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0)) |
?: =(a.a 0) s.b !s.a
?: !=(s.a s.b) s.b
?: s.a (^lth +>.a +>.b) (^lth +>.b +>.a)
++ lte :: less-equal
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- (unit ?)
%+ bind (lth b a) |= a/? !a
++ equ :: equal
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- (unit ?)
?: |(?=({$n *} a) ?=({$n *} b)) ~ :- ~
?: =(a b) &
?: |(?=({$i *} a) ?=({$i *} b)) |
?: |(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0))
?: &(=(a.a 0) =(a.b 0)) & |
?: |(=(e.a e.b) !=(s.a s.b)) |
(^equ +>.a +>.b)
++ gte :: greater-equal
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- (unit ?) (lte b a)
++ gth :: greater-than
|= {a/fn b/fn} ^- (unit ?) (lth b a)
++ drg :: float to decimal
|= {a/fn} ^- dn
?: ?=({$n *} a) [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a) [%i s.a]
?~ a.a [%d s.a --0 0]
[%d s.a (^drg +>.a)]
++ grd :: decimal to float
|= {a/dn} ^- fn
?: ?=({$n *} a) [%n ~]
?: ?=({$i *} a) [%i s.a]
=> .(r %n)
=+ q=(abs:si e.a)
?: (syn:si e.a)
(mul [%f s.a --0 a.a] [%f & e.a (pow 5 q)])
(div [%f s.a --0 a.a] [%f & (sun:si q) (pow 5 q)])
++ toi :: round to integer @s
|= {a/fn} ^- (unit @s)
=+ b=(toj a)
?. ?=({$f *} b) ~ :- ~
=+ c=(^^mul (bex (abs:si e.b)) a.b)
(new:si s.b c)
++ toj :: round to integer fn
|= {a/fn} ^- fn
?. ?=({$f *} a) a
?~ a.a [%f s.a zer]
?: s.a (^toj +>.a)
=.(r swr (fli (^toj +>.a)))
++ ff :: ieee 754 format fp
|_ {{w/@u p/@u b/@s} r/$?($n $u $d $z $a)}
:: this core has no use outside of the functionality
:: provided to ++rd, ++rs, ++rq, and ++rh
:: w=width: bits in exponent field
:: p=precision: bits in fraction field
:: b=bias: added to exponent when storing
:: r=rounding mode: same as in ++fl
++ sb (bex (^add w p)) :: sign bit
++ me (dif:si (dif:si --1 b) (sun:si p)) :: minimum exponent
++ pa
%*(. fl p +(p), v me, w (^sub (bex w) 3), d %d, r r)
++ sea :: @r to fn
|= {a/@r} ^- fn
=+ [f=(cut 0 [0 p] a) e=(cut 0 [p w] a)]
=+ s=(sig a)
?: =(e 0)
?: =(f 0) [%f s --0 0] [%f s me f]
?: =(e (fil 0 w 1))
?: =(f 0) [%i s] [%n ~]
=+ q=:(sum:si (sun:si e) me -1)
=+ r=(^add f (bex p))
[%f s q r]
++ bit |= {a/fn} (bif (rou:pa a)) :: fn to @r w+ rounding
++ bif :: fn to @r no rounding
|= {a/fn} ^- @r
?: ?=({$i *} a)
=+ q=(lsh 0 p (fil 0 w 1))
?: s.a q (^add q sb)
?: ?=({$n *} a) (lsh 0 (dec p) (fil 0 +(w) 1))
?~ a.a ?: s.a `@r`0 sb
=+ ma=(met 0 a.a)
?. =(ma +(p))
?> =(e.a me)
?> (^lth ma +(p))
?: s.a `@r`a.a (^add a.a sb)
=+ q=(sum:si (dif:si e.a me) --1)
=+ r=(^add (lsh 0 p (abs:si q)) (end 0 p a.a))
?: s.a r (^add r sb)
++ sig :: get sign
|= {a/@r} ^- ?
=(0 (cut 0 [(^add p w) 1] a))
++ exp :: get exponent
|= {a/@r} ^- @s
(dif:si (sun:si (cut 0 [p w] a)) b)
++ add :: add
|= {a/@r b/@r}
(bif (add:pa (sea a) (sea b)))
++ sub :: subtract
|= {a/@r b/@r}
(bif (sub:pa (sea a) (sea b)))
++ mul :: multiply
|= {a/@r b/@r}
(bif (mul:pa (sea a) (sea b)))
++ div :: divide
|= {a/@r b/@r}
(bif (div:pa (sea a) (sea b)))
++ fma :: fused multiply-add
|= {a/@r b/@r c/@r}
(bif (fma:pa (sea a) (sea b) (sea c)))
++ sqt :: square root
|= {a/@r}
(bif (sqt:pa (sea a)))
++ lth :: less-than
|= {a/@r b/@r} (fall (lth:pa (sea a) (sea b)) |)
++ lte :: less-equals
|= {a/@r b/@r} (fall (lte:pa (sea a) (sea b)) |)
++ equ :: equals
|= {a/@r b/@r} (fall (equ:pa (sea a) (sea b)) |)
++ gte :: greater-equals
|= {a/@r b/@r} (fall (gte:pa (sea a) (sea b)) |)
++ gth :: greater-than
|= {a/@r b/@r} (fall (gth:pa (sea a) (sea b)) |)
++ sun :: uns integer to @r
|= {a/@u} (bit [%f & --0 a])
++ san :: signed integer to @r
|= {a/@s} (bit [%f (syn:si a) --0 (abs:si a)])
++ toi :: round to integer
|= {a/@r} (toi:pa (sea a))
++ drg :: @r to decimal float
|= {a/@r} (drg:pa (sea a))
++ grd :: decimal float to @r
|= {a/dn} (bif (grd:pa a))
++ rlyd |= a/@rd ^- dn (drg:rd a) :: prep @rd for print
++ rlys |= a/@rs ^- dn (drg:rs a) :: prep @rs for print
++ rlyh |= a/@rh ^- dn (drg:rh a) :: prep @rh for print
++ rlyq |= a/@rq ^- dn (drg:rq a) :: prep @rq for print
++ ryld |= a/dn ^- @rd (grd:rd a) :: finish parsing @rd
++ ryls |= a/dn ^- @rs (grd:rs a) :: finish parsing @rs
++ rylh |= a/dn ^- @rh (grd:rh a) :: finish parsing @rh
++ rylq |= a/dn ^- @rq (grd:rq a) :: finish parsing @rq
++ rd :: double precision fp
~% %rd +> ~
|_ r/$?($n $u $d $z)
:: round to nearest, round up, round down, round to zero
++ ma
%*(. ff w 11, p 52, b --1.023, r r)
++ sea :: @rd to fn
|= {a/@rd} (sea:ma a)
++ bit :: fn to @rd
|= {a/fn} ^- @rd (bit:ma a)
++ add ~/ %add :: add
|= {a/@rd b/@rd} ^- @rd
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(add:ma a b)
++ sub ~/ %sub :: subtract
|= {a/@rd b/@rd} ^- @rd
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(sub:ma a b)
++ mul ~/ %mul :: multiply
|= {a/@rd b/@rd} ^- @rd
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(mul:ma a b)
++ div ~/ %div :: divide
|= {a/@rd b/@rd} ^- @rd
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(div:ma a b)
++ fma ~/ %fma :: fused multiply-add
|= {a/@rd b/@rd c/@rd} ^- @rd
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(fma:ma a b c)
++ sqt ~/ %sqt :: square root
|= {a/@rd} ^- @rd ~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(sqt:ma a)
++ lth ~/ %lth :: less-than
|= {a/@rd b/@rd}
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(lth:ma a b)
++ lte ~/ %lte :: less-equals
|= {a/@rd b/@rd}
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(lte:ma a b)
++ equ ~/ %equ :: equals
|= {a/@rd b/@rd}
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(equ:ma a b)
++ gte ~/ %gte :: greater-equals
|= {a/@rd b/@rd}
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(gte:ma a b)
++ gth ~/ %gth :: greater-than
|= {a/@rd b/@rd}
~_ leaf+"rd-fail"
(gth:ma a b)
++ sun |= {a/@u} ^- @rd (sun:ma a) :: uns integer to @rd
++ san |= {a/@s} ^- @rd (san:ma a) :: sgn integer to @rd
++ sig |= {a/@rd} ^- ? (sig:ma a) :: get sign
++ exp |= {a/@rd} ^- @s (exp:ma a) :: get exponent
++ toi |= {a/@rd} ^- (unit @s) (toi:ma a) :: round to integer
++ drg |= {a/@rd} ^- dn (drg:ma a) :: @rd to decimal float
++ grd |= {a/dn} ^- @rd (grd:ma a) :: decimal float to @rd
++ rs :: single precision fp
~% %rs +> ~
|_ r/$?($n $u $d $z)
:: round to nearest, round up, round down, round to zero
++ ma
%*(. ff w 8, p 23, b --127, r r)
++ sea :: @rs to fn
|= {a/@rs} (sea:ma a)
++ bit :: fn to @rs
|= {a/fn} ^- @rs (bit:ma a)
++ add ~/ %add :: add
|= {a/@rs b/@rs} ^- @rs
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(add:ma a b)
++ sub ~/ %sub :: subtract
|= {a/@rs b/@rs} ^- @rs
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(sub:ma a b)
++ mul ~/ %mul :: multiply
|= {a/@rs b/@rs} ^- @rs
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(mul:ma a b)
++ div ~/ %div :: divide
|= {a/@rs b/@rs} ^- @rs
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(div:ma a b)
++ fma ~/ %fma :: fused multiply-add
|= {a/@rs b/@rs c/@rs} ^- @rs
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(fma:ma a b c)
++ sqt ~/ %sqt :: square root
|= {a/@rs} ^- @rs
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(sqt:ma a)
++ lth ~/ %lth :: less-than
|= {a/@rs b/@rs}
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(lth:ma a b)
++ lte ~/ %lte :: less-equals
|= {a/@rs b/@rs}
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(lte:ma a b)
++ equ ~/ %equ :: equals
|= {a/@rs b/@rs}
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(equ:ma a b)
++ gte ~/ %gte :: greater-equals
|= {a/@rs b/@rs}
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(gte:ma a b)
++ gth ~/ %gth :: greater-than
|= {a/@rs b/@rs}
~_ leaf+"rs-fail"
(gth:ma a b)
++ sun |= {a/@u} ^- @rs (sun:ma a) :: uns integer to @rs
++ san |= {a/@s} ^- @rs (san:ma a) :: sgn integer to @rs
++ sig |= {a/@rs} ^- ? (sig:ma a) :: get sign
++ exp |= {a/@rs} ^- @s (exp:ma a) :: get exponent
++ toi |= {a/@rs} ^- (unit @s) (toi:ma a) :: round to integer
++ drg |= {a/@rs} ^- dn (drg:ma a) :: @rs to decimal float
++ grd |= {a/dn} ^- @rs (grd:ma a) :: decimal float to @rs
++ rq :: quad precision fp
~% %rq +> ~
|_ r/$?($n $u $d $z)
:: round to nearest, round up, round down, round to zero
++ ma
%*(. ff w 15, p 112, b --16.383, r r)
++ sea :: @rq to fn
|= {a/@rq} (sea:ma a)
++ bit :: fn to @rq
|= {a/fn} ^- @rq (bit:ma a)
++ add ~/ %add :: add
|= {a/@rq b/@rq} ^- @rq
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(add:ma a b)
++ sub ~/ %sub :: subtract
|= {a/@rq b/@rq} ^- @rq
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(sub:ma a b)
++ mul ~/ %mul :: multiply
|= {a/@rq b/@rq} ^- @rq
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(mul:ma a b)
++ div ~/ %div :: divide
|= {a/@rq b/@rq} ^- @rq
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(div:ma a b)
++ fma ~/ %fma :: fused multiply-add
|= {a/@rq b/@rq c/@rq} ^- @rq
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(fma:ma a b c)
++ sqt ~/ %sqt :: square root
|= {a/@rq} ^- @rq
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(sqt:ma a)
++ lth ~/ %lth :: less-than
|= {a/@rq b/@rq}
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(lth:ma a b)
++ lte ~/ %lte :: less-equals
|= {a/@rq b/@rq}
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(lte:ma a b)
++ equ ~/ %equ :: equals
|= {a/@rq b/@rq}
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(equ:ma a b)
++ gte ~/ %gte :: greater-equals
|= {a/@rq b/@rq}
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(gte:ma a b)
++ gth ~/ %gth :: greater-than
|= {a/@rq b/@rq}
~_ leaf+"rq-fail"
(gth:ma a b)
++ sun |= {a/@u} ^- @rq (sun:ma a) :: uns integer to @rq
++ san |= {a/@s} ^- @rq (san:ma a) :: sgn integer to @rq
++ sig |= {a/@rq} ^- ? (sig:ma a) :: get sign
++ exp |= {a/@rq} ^- @s (exp:ma a) :: get exponent
++ toi |= {a/@rq} ^- (unit @s) (toi:ma a) :: round to integer
++ drg |= {a/@rq} ^- dn (drg:ma a) :: @rq to decimal float
++ grd |= {a/dn} ^- @rq (grd:ma a) :: decimal float to @rq
++ rh :: half precision fp
~% %rh +> ~
|_ r/$?($n $u $d $z)
:: round to nearest, round up, round down, round to zero
++ ma
%*(. ff w 5, p 10, b --15, r r)
++ sea :: @rh to fn
|= {a/@rh} (sea:ma a)
++ bit :: fn to @rh
|= {a/fn} ^- @rh (bit:ma a)
++ add ~/ %add :: add
|= {a/@rh b/@rh} ^- @rh
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(add:ma a b)
++ sub ~/ %sub :: subtract
|= {a/@rh b/@rh} ^- @rh
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(sub:ma a b)
++ mul ~/ %mul :: multiply
|= {a/@rh b/@rh} ^- @rh
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(mul:ma a b)
++ div ~/ %div :: divide
|= {a/@rh b/@rh} ^- @rh
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(div:ma a b)
++ fma ~/ %fma :: fused multiply-add
|= {a/@rh b/@rh c/@rh} ^- @rh
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(fma:ma a b c)
++ sqt ~/ %sqt :: square root
|= {a/@rh} ^- @rh
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(sqt:ma a)
++ lth ~/ %lth :: less-than
|= {a/@rh b/@rh}
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(lth:ma a b)
++ lte ~/ %lte :: less-equals
|= {a/@rh b/@rh}
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(lte:ma a b)
++ equ ~/ %equ :: equals
|= {a/@rh b/@rh}
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(equ:ma a b)
++ gte ~/ %gte :: greater-equals
|= {a/@rh b/@rh}
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(gte:ma a b)
++ gth ~/ %gth :: greater-than
|= {a/@rh b/@rh}
~_ leaf+"rh-fail"
(gth:ma a b)
++ tos :: @rh to @rs
|= {a/@rh} (bit:rs (sea a))
++ fos :: @rs to @rh
|= {a/@rs} (bit (sea:rs a))
++ sun |= {a/@u} ^- @rh (sun:ma a) :: uns integer to @rh
++ san |= {a/@s} ^- @rh (san:ma a) :: sgn integer to @rh
++ sig |= {a/@rh} ^- ? (sig:ma a) :: get sign
++ exp |= {a/@rh} ^- @s (exp:ma a) :: get exponent
++ toi |= {a/@rh} ^- (unit @s) (toi:ma a) :: round to integer
++ drg |= {a/@rh} ^- dn (drg:ma a) :: @rh to decimal float
++ grd |= {a/dn} ^- @rh (grd:ma a) :: decimal float to @rh
:: 3c: urbit time ::
:::: ::
:: year, yore, yell, yule, yall, yawn, yelp, yo ::
++ year :: date to @d
|= det/date
^- @da
=+ ^= yer
?: a.det
(add y.det)
(sub (dec y.det))
=+ day=(yawn yer m.det d.t.det)
(yule day h.t.det m.t.det s.t.det f.t.det)
++ yore :: @d to date
|= now/@da
^- date
=+ rip=(yell now)
=+ ger=(yall d.rip)
:- ?: (gth y.ger
[a=& y=(sub y.ger]
[a=| y=+((sub y.ger))]
[m.ger d.ger h.rip m.rip s.rip f.rip]
++ yell :: tarp from @d
|= now/@d
^- tarp
=+ sec=(rsh 6 1 now)
=+ ^= fan
=+ [muc=4 raw=(end 6 1 now)]
|- ^- (list @ux)
?: |(=(0 raw) =(0 muc))
=> .(muc (dec muc))
[(cut 4 [muc 1] raw) $(raw (end 4 muc raw))]
=+ day=(div sec day:yo)
=> .(sec (mod sec day:yo))
=+ hor=(div sec hor:yo)
=> .(sec (mod sec hor:yo))
=+ mit=(div sec mit:yo)
=> .(sec (mod sec mit:yo))
[day hor mit sec fan]
++ yule :: time atom
|= rip/tarp
^- @d
=+ ^= sec ;: add
(mul d.rip day:yo)
(mul h.rip hor:yo)
(mul m.rip mit:yo)
=+ ^= fac =+ muc=4
|- ^- @
?~ f.rip
=> .(muc (dec muc))
(add (lsh 4 muc i.f.rip) $(f.rip t.f.rip))
(con (lsh 6 1 sec) fac)
++ yall :: day / to day of year
|= day/@ud
^- {y/@ud m/@ud d/@ud}
=+ [era=0 cet=0 lep=*?]
=> .(era (div day era:yo), day (mod day era:yo))
=> ^+ .
?: (lth day +(cet:yo))
.(lep &, cet 0)
=> .(lep |, cet 1, day (sub day +(cet:yo)))
.(cet (add cet (div day cet:yo)), day (mod day cet:yo))
=+ yer=(add (mul 400 era) (mul 100 cet))
|- ^- {y/@ud m/@ud d/@ud}
=+ dis=?:(lep 366 365)
?. (lth day dis)
=+ ner=+(yer)
$(yer ner, day (sub day dis), lep =(0 (end 0 2 ner)))
|- ^- {y/@ud m/@ud d/@ud}
=+ [mot=0 cah=?:(lep moy:yo moh:yo)]
|- ^- {y/@ud m/@ud d/@ud}
=+ zis=(snag mot cah)
?: (lth day zis)
[yer +(mot) +(day)]
$(mot +(mot), day (sub day zis))
++ yawn :: days since Jesus
|= {yer/@ud mot/@ud day/@ud}
^- @ud
=> .(mot (dec mot), day (dec day))
=> ^+ .
%= .
=+ cah=?:((yelp yer) moy:yo moh:yo)
|- ^- @ud
?: =(0 mot)
$(mot (dec mot), cah (slag 1 cah), day (add day (snag 0 cah)))
|- ^- @ud
?. =(0 (mod yer 4))
=+ ney=(dec yer)
$(yer ney, day (add day ?:((yelp ney) 366 365)))
?. =(0 (mod yer 100))
=+ nef=(sub yer 4)
$(yer nef, day (add day ?:((yelp nef) 1.461 1.460)))
?. =(0 (mod yer 400))
=+ nec=(sub yer 100)
$(yer nec, day (add day ?:((yelp nec) 36.525 36.524)))
(add day (mul (div yer 400) (add 1 (mul 4 36.524))))
++ yelp :: leap year
|= yer/@ud ^- ?
&(=(0 (mod yer 4)) |(!=(0 (mod yer 100)) =(0 (mod yer 400))))
++ yo :: time constants
|% ++ cet 36.524 :: (add 24 (mul 100 365))
++ day 86.400 :: (mul 24 hor)
++ era 146.097 :: (add 1 (mul 4 cet))
++ hor 3.600 :: (mul 60 mit)
++ jes 106.751.991.084.417 :: (mul 730.692.561 era)
++ mit 60
++ moh `(list @ud)`[31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ~]
++ moy `(list @ud)`[31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ~]
++ qad 126.144.001 :: (add 1 (mul 4 yer))
++ yer 31.536.000 :: (mul 365 day)
:: ::
:::: 3d: SHA hash family ::
:: ::
++ shad |=(ruz/@ (shax (shax ruz))) :: double sha-256
++ shaf :: half sha-256
|= {sal/@ ruz/@}
=+ haz=(shas sal ruz)
(mix (end 7 1 haz) (rsh 7 1 haz))
++ sham :: 128bit noun hash
|= yux/* ^- @uvH ^- @
?@ yux
(shaf %mash yux)
(shaf %sham (jam yux))
++ shas :: salted hash
~/ %shas
|= {sal/@ ruz/@}
(shax (mix sal (shax ruz)))
++ shax :: sha-256
~/ %shax
|= ruz/@ ^- @
(shay [(met 3 ruz) ruz])
++ shay :: sha-256 with length
~/ %shay
|= {len/@u ruz/@} ^- @
=> .(ruz (cut 3 [0 len] ruz))
=+ [few==>(fe .(a 5)) wac=|=({a/@ b/@} (cut 5 [a 1] b))]
=+ [sum=sum.few ror=ror.few net=net.few inv=inv.few]
=+ ral=(lsh 0 3 len)
=+ ^= ful
%+ can 0
:~ [ral ruz]
[8 128]
[(mod (sub 960 (mod (add 8 ral) 512)) 512) 0]
[64 (~(net fe 6) ral)]
=+ lex=(met 9 ful)
=+ ^= kbx 0xc671.78f2.bef9.a3f7.a450.6ceb.90be.fffa.
=+ ^= hax 0x5be0.cd19.1f83.d9ab.9b05.688c.510e.527f.
=+ i=0
|- ^- @
?: =(i lex)
(rep 5 (turn (rip 5 hax) net))
=+ ^= wox
=+ dux=(cut 9 [i 1] ful)
=+ wox=(rep 5 (turn (rip 5 dux) net))
=+ j=16
|- ^- @
?: =(64 j)
=+ :* l=(wac (sub j 15) wox)
m=(wac (sub j 2) wox)
n=(wac (sub j 16) wox)
o=(wac (sub j 7) wox)
=+ x=:(mix (ror 0 7 l) (ror 0 18 l) (rsh 0 3 l))
=+ y=:(mix (ror 0 17 m) (ror 0 19 m) (rsh 0 10 m))
=+ z=:(sum n x o y)
$(wox (con (lsh 5 j z) wox), j +(j))
=+ j=0
=+ :* a=(wac 0 hax)
b=(wac 1 hax)
c=(wac 2 hax)
d=(wac 3 hax)
e=(wac 4 hax)
f=(wac 5 hax)
g=(wac 6 hax)
h=(wac 7 hax)
|- ^- @
?: =(64 j)
%= ^$
i +(i)
hax %+ rep 5
:~ (sum a (wac 0 hax))
(sum b (wac 1 hax))
(sum c (wac 2 hax))
(sum d (wac 3 hax))
(sum e (wac 4 hax))
(sum f (wac 5 hax))
(sum g (wac 6 hax))
(sum h (wac 7 hax))
=+ l=:(mix (ror 0 2 a) (ror 0 13 a) (ror 0 22 a)) :: s0
=+ m=:(mix (dis a b) (dis a c) (dis b c)) :: maj
=+ n=(sum l m) :: t2
=+ o=:(mix (ror 0 6 e) (ror 0 11 e) (ror 0 25 e)) :: s1
=+ p=(mix (dis e f) (dis (inv e) g)) :: ch
=+ q=:(sum h o p (wac j kbx) (wac j wox)) :: t1
$(j +(j), a (sum q n), b a, c b, d c, e (sum d q), f e, g f, h g)
++ shaw :: hash to nbits
|= {sal/@ len/@ ruz/@}
(~(raw og (shas sal (mix len ruz))) len)
++ shaz :: sha-512
|= ruz/@ ^- @
(shal [(met 3 ruz) ruz])
++ shal :: sha-512 with length
~/ %shal
|= {len/@ ruz/@} ^- @
=> .(ruz (cut 3 [0 len] ruz))
=+ [few==>(fe .(a 6)) wac=|=({a/@ b/@} (cut 6 [a 1] b))]
=+ [sum=sum.few ror=ror.few net=net.few inv=inv.few]
=+ ral=(lsh 0 3 len)
=+ ^= ful
%+ can 0
:~ [ral ruz]
[8 128]
[(mod (sub 1.920 (mod (add 8 ral) 1.024)) 1.024) 0]
[128 (~(net fe 7) ral)]
=+ lex=(met 10 ful)
=+ ^= kbx 0x6c44.198c.4a47.5817.5fcb.6fab.3ad6.faec.
=+ ^= hax 0x5be0.cd19.137e.2179.1f83.d9ab.fb41.bd6b.
=+ i=0
|- ^- @
?: =(i lex)
(rep 6 (turn (rip 6 hax) net))
=+ ^= wox
=+ dux=(cut 10 [i 1] ful)
=+ wox=(rep 6 (turn (rip 6 dux) net))
=+ j=16
|- ^- @
?: =(80 j)
=+ :* l=(wac (sub j 15) wox)
m=(wac (sub j 2) wox)
n=(wac (sub j 16) wox)
o=(wac (sub j 7) wox)
=+ x=:(mix (ror 0 1 l) (ror 0 8 l) (rsh 0 7 l))
=+ y=:(mix (ror 0 19 m) (ror 0 61 m) (rsh 0 6 m))
=+ z=:(sum n x o y)
$(wox (con (lsh 6 j z) wox), j +(j))
=+ j=0
=+ :* a=(wac 0 hax)
b=(wac 1 hax)
c=(wac 2 hax)
d=(wac 3 hax)
e=(wac 4 hax)
f=(wac 5 hax)
g=(wac 6 hax)
h=(wac 7 hax)
|- ^- @
?: =(80 j)
%= ^$
i +(i)
hax %+ rep 6
:~ (sum a (wac 0 hax))
(sum b (wac 1 hax))
(sum c (wac 2 hax))
(sum d (wac 3 hax))
(sum e (wac 4 hax))
(sum f (wac 5 hax))
(sum g (wac 6 hax))
(sum h (wac 7 hax))
=+ l=:(mix (ror 0 28 a) (ror 0 34 a) (ror 0 39 a)) :: S0
=+ m=:(mix (dis a b) (dis a c) (dis b c)) :: maj
=+ n=(sum l m) :: t2
=+ o=:(mix (ror 0 14 e) (ror 0 18 e) (ror 0 41 e)) :: S1
=+ p=(mix (dis e f) (dis (inv e) g)) :: ch
=+ q=:(sum h o p (wac j kbx) (wac j wox)) :: t1
$(j +(j), a (sum q n), b a, c b, d c, e (sum d q), f e, g f, h g)
++ shan :: sha-1 (deprecated)
|= ruz/@
=+ [few==>(fe .(a 5)) wac=|=({a/@ b/@} (cut 5 [a 1] b))]
=+ [sum=sum.few ror=ror.few rol=rol.few net=net.few inv=inv.few]
=+ ral=(lsh 0 3 (met 3 ruz))
=+ ^= ful
%+ can 0
:~ [ral ruz]
[8 128]
[(mod (sub 960 (mod (add 8 ral) 512)) 512) 0]
[64 (~(net fe 6) ral)]
=+ lex=(met 9 ful)
=+ kbx=0xca62.c1d6.8f1b.bcdc.6ed9.eba1.5a82.7999
=+ hax=0xc3d2.e1f0.1032.5476.98ba.dcfe.efcd.ab89.6745.2301
=+ i=0
?: =(i lex)
(rep 5 (flop (rip 5 hax)))
=+ ^= wox
=+ dux=(cut 9 [i 1] ful)
=+ wox=(rep 5 (turn (rip 5 dux) net))
=+ j=16
|- ^- @
?: =(80 j)
=+ :* l=(wac (sub j 3) wox)
m=(wac (sub j 8) wox)
n=(wac (sub j 14) wox)
o=(wac (sub j 16) wox)
=+ z=(rol 0 1 :(mix l m n o))
$(wox (con (lsh 5 j z) wox), j +(j))
=+ j=0
=+ :* a=(wac 0 hax)
b=(wac 1 hax)
c=(wac 2 hax)
d=(wac 3 hax)
e=(wac 4 hax)
|- ^- @
?: =(80 j)
%= ^$
i +(i)
hax %+ rep 5
(sum a (wac 0 hax))
(sum b (wac 1 hax))
(sum c (wac 2 hax))
(sum d (wac 3 hax))
(sum e (wac 4 hax))
=+ fx=(con (dis b c) (dis (not 5 1 b) d))
=+ fy=:(mix b c d)
=+ fz=:(con (dis b c) (dis b d) (dis c d))
=+ ^= tem
?: &((gte j 0) (lte j 19))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fx e (wac 0 kbx) (wac j wox))
?: &((gte j 20) (lte j 39))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fy e (wac 1 kbx) (wac j wox))
?: &((gte j 40) (lte j 59))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fz e (wac 2 kbx) (wac j wox))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fy e (wac 3 kbx) (wac j wox))
$(j +(j), a tem, b a, c (rol 0 30 b), d c, e d)
++ og :: shax-powered rng
~/ %og
|_ a/@
++ rad :: random in range
|= b/@ ^- @
~_ leaf+"rad-zero"
?< =(0 b)
=+ c=(raw (met 0 b))
?:((lth c b) c $(a +(a)))
++ rads :: random continuation
|= b/@
=+ r=(rad b)
[r +>.$(a (shas %og-s (mix a r)))]
++ raw :: random bits
~/ %raw
|= b/@ ^- @
%+ can
=+ c=(shas %og-a (mix b a))
|- ^- (list {@ @})
?: =(0 b)
=+ d=(shas %og-b (mix b (mix a c)))
?: (lth b 256)
[[b (end 0 b d)] ~]
[[256 d] $(c d, b (sub b 256))]
++ raws :: random bits
|= b/@ :: continuation
=+ r=(raw b)
[r +>.$(a (shas %og-s (mix a r)))]
++ sha :: correct byte-order
~% %sha ..sha ~
=> |%
++ flin |=(a=@ (swp 3 a)) :: flip input
++ flim |=(byts [wid (rev 3 wid dat)]) :: flip input w/ length
++ flip |=(w=@u (cury (cury rev 3) w)) :: flip output of size
++ meet |=(a=@ [(met 3 a) a]) :: measure input size
:: use with @
++ sha-1 (cork meet sha-1l)
++ sha-256 :(cork flin shax (flip 32))
++ sha-512 :(cork flin shaz (flip 64))
:: use with byts
++ sha-256l :(cork flim shay (flip 32))
++ sha-512l :(cork flim shal (flip 64))
++ sha-1l
~/ %sha1
|= byts
^- @
=+ [few==>(fe .(a 5)) wac=|=({a/@ b/@} (cut 5 [a 1] b))]
=+ [sum=sum.few ror=ror.few rol=rol.few net=net.few inv=inv.few]
=+ ral=(lsh 0 3 wid)
=+ ^= ful
%+ can 0
:~ [ral (rev 3 wid dat)]
[8 128]
[(mod (sub 960 (mod (add 8 ral) 512)) 512) 0]
[64 (~(net fe 6) ral)]
=+ lex=(met 9 ful)
=+ kbx=0xca62.c1d6.8f1b.bcdc.6ed9.eba1.5a82.7999
=+ hax=0xc3d2.e1f0.1032.5476.98ba.dcfe.efcd.ab89.6745.2301
=+ i=0
?: =(i lex)
(rep 5 (flop (rip 5 hax)))
=+ ^= wox
=+ dux=(cut 9 [i 1] ful)
=+ wox=(rep 5 (turn (rip 5 dux) net))
=+ j=16
|- ^- @
?: =(80 j)
=+ :* l=(wac (sub j 3) wox)
m=(wac (sub j 8) wox)
n=(wac (sub j 14) wox)
o=(wac (sub j 16) wox)
=+ z=(rol 0 1 :(mix l m n o))
$(wox (con (lsh 5 j z) wox), j +(j))
=+ j=0
=+ :* a=(wac 0 hax)
b=(wac 1 hax)
c=(wac 2 hax)
d=(wac 3 hax)
e=(wac 4 hax)
|- ^- @
?: =(80 j)
%= ^$
i +(i)
hax %+ rep 5
(sum a (wac 0 hax))
(sum b (wac 1 hax))
(sum c (wac 2 hax))
(sum d (wac 3 hax))
(sum e (wac 4 hax))
=+ fx=(con (dis b c) (dis (not 5 1 b) d))
=+ fy=:(mix b c d)
=+ fz=:(con (dis b c) (dis b d) (dis c d))
=+ ^= tem
?: &((gte j 0) (lte j 19))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fx e (wac 0 kbx) (wac j wox))
?: &((gte j 20) (lte j 39))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fy e (wac 1 kbx) (wac j wox))
?: &((gte j 40) (lte j 59))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fz e (wac 2 kbx) (wac j wox))
:(sum (rol 0 5 a) fy e (wac 3 kbx) (wac j wox))
$(j +(j), a tem, b a, c (rol 0 30 b), d c, e d)
:: ::
:::: 3e: AES encryption (XX removed) ::
:: ::
:: ::
:::: 3f: scrambling ::
:: ::
:: ob ::
++ un :: =(x (wred (wren x)))
++ wren :: conceal structure
|= pyn/@ ^- @
=+ len=(met 3 pyn)
?: =(0 len)
=> .(len (dec len))
=+ mig=(zaft (xafo len (cut 3 [len 1] pyn)))
%+ can 3
%- flop ^- (list {@ @})
:- [1 mig]
|- ^- (list {@ @})
?: =(0 len)
=> .(len (dec len))
=+ mog=(zyft :(mix mig (end 3 1 len) (cut 3 [len 1] pyn)))
[[1 mog] $(mig mog)]
++ wred :: restore structure
|= cry/@ ^- @
=+ len=(met 3 cry)
?: =(0 len)
=> .(len (dec len))
=+ mig=(cut 3 [len 1] cry)
%+ can 3
%- flop ^- (list {@ @})
:- [1 (xaro len (zart mig))]
|- ^- (list {@ @})
?: =(0 len)
=> .(len (dec len))
=+ mog=(cut 3 [len 1] cry)
[[1 :(mix mig (end 3 1 len) (zyrt mog))] $(mig mog)]
++ xafo |=({a/@ b/@} +((mod (add (dec b) a) 255)))
++ xaro |=({a/@ b/@} +((mod (add (dec b) (sub 255 (mod a 255))) 255)))
++ zaft :: forward 255-sbox
|= a/@D
=+ ^= b
(cut 3 [(dec a) 1] b)
++ zart :: reverse 255-sbox
|= a/@D
=+ ^= b
(cut 3 [(dec a) 1] b)
++ zyft :: forward 256-sbox
|= a/@D
=+ ^= b
(cut 3 [a 1] b)
++ zyrt :: reverse 256-sbox
|= a/@D
=+ ^= b
(cut 3 [a 1] b)
++ ob
:: +fein: conceal structure, v3.
:: +fein conceals planet-sized atoms. The idea is that it should not be
:: trivial to tell which planet a star has spawned under.
++ fein
|= pyn/@ ^- @
?: &((gte pyn 0x1.0000) (lte pyn 0xffff.ffff))
(add 0x1.0000 (feis (sub pyn 0x1.0000)))
?: &((gte pyn 0x1.0000.0000) (lte pyn 0xffff.ffff.ffff.ffff))
=/ lo (dis pyn 0xffff.ffff)
=/ hi (dis pyn 0xffff.ffff.0000.0000)
%+ con hi
$(pyn lo)
:: +fynd: restore structure, v3.
:: Restores obfuscated values that have been enciphered with +fein.
++ fynd
|= cry/@ ^- @
?: &((gte cry 0x1.0000) (lte cry 0xffff.ffff))
(add 0x1.0000 (tail (sub cry 0x1.0000)))
?: &((gte cry 0x1.0000.0000) (lte cry 0xffff.ffff.ffff.ffff))
=/ lo (dis cry 0xffff.ffff)
=/ hi (dis cry 0xffff.ffff.0000.0000)
%+ con hi
$(cry lo)
:: +feis: a four-round generalised Feistel cipher over the domain
:: [0, 2^32 - 2^16 - 1].
:: See: Black & Rogaway (2002), Ciphers for arbitrary finite domains.
++ feis
|= m=@
^- @
(fee 4 0xffff 0x1.0000 (mul 0xffff 0x1.0000) eff m)
:: +tail: reverse +feis.
++ tail
|= m=@
^- @
(feen 4 0xffff 0x1.0000 (mul 0xffff 0x1.0000) eff m)
:: +fee: "Fe" in B&R (2002).
:: A Feistel cipher given the following parameters:
:: r: number of Feistel rounds
:: a, b: parameters such that ab >= k
:: k: value such that the domain of the cipher is [0, k - 1]
:: prf: a gate denoting a family of pseudorandom functions indexed by
:: its first argument and taking its second argument as input
:: m: an input value in the domain [0, k - 1]
++ fee
|= [r=@ a=@ b=@ k=@ prf=$-([j=@ r=@] @) m=@]
^- @
=/ c (fe r a b prf m)
?: (lth c k)
(fe r a b prf c)
:: +feen: "Fe^-1" in B&R (2002).
:: Reverses a Feistel cipher constructed with parameters as described in
:: +fee.
++ feen
|= [r=@ a=@ b=@ k=@ prf=$-([j=@ r=@] @) m=@]
^- @
=/ c (fen r a b prf m)
?: (lth c k)
(fen r a b prf c)
:: +fe: "fe" in B&R (2002).
:: An internal function to +fee.
:: Note that this implementation differs slightly from the reference paper
:: to support some legacy behaviour. See urbit/arvo#1105.
++ fe
|= [r=@ a=@ b=@ prf=$-([j=@ r=@] @) m=@]
=/ j 1
=/ ell (mod m a)
=/ arr (div m a)
|- ^- @
?: (gth j r)
?. =((mod r 2) 0)
(add (mul arr a) ell)
:: Note that +fe differs from B&R (2002)'s "fe" below, as a previous
:: implementation of this cipher contained a bug such that certain inputs
:: could encipher to the same output.
:: To correct these problem cases while also preserving the cipher's
:: legacy behaviour on most inputs, we check for a problem case (which
:: occurs when 'arr' is equal to 'a') and, if detected, use an alternate
:: permutation instead.
?: =(arr a)
(add (mul arr a) ell)
(add (mul ell a) arr)
=/ f (prf (sub j 1) arr)
=/ tmp
?. =((mod j 2) 0)
(mod (add f ell) a)
(mod (add f ell) b)
$(j +(j), ell arr, arr tmp)
:: +fen: "fe^-1" in B&R (2002).
:: Note that this implementation differs slightly from the reference paper
:: to support some legacy behaviour. See urbit/arvo#1105.
++ fen
|= [r=@ a=@ b=@ prf=$-([j=@ r=@] @) m=@]
=/ j r
=/ ahh
?. =((mod r 2) 0)
(div m a)
(mod m a)
=/ ale
?. =((mod r 2) 0)
(mod m a)
(div m a)
:: Similar to the comment in +fe, +fen differs from B&R (2002)'s "fe^-1"
:: here in order to preserve the legacy cipher's behaviour on most inputs.
:: Here problem cases can be identified by 'ahh' equating with 'a'; we
:: correct those cases by swapping the values of 'ahh' and 'ale'.
=/ ell
?: =(ale a)
=/ arr
?: =(ale a)
|- ^- @
?: (lth j 1)
(add (mul arr a) ell)
=/ f (prf (sub j 1) ell)
:: Note that there is a slight deviation here to avoid dealing with
:: negative values. We add 'a' or 'b' to arr as appropriate and reduce
:: 'f' modulo the same number before performing subtraction.
=/ tmp
?. =((mod j 2) 0)
(mod (sub (add arr a) (mod f a)) a)
(mod (sub (add arr b) (mod f b)) b)
$(j (sub j 1), ell tmp, arr ell)
:: +eff: a murmur3-based pseudorandom function. 'F' in B&R (2002).
++ eff
|= [j=@ r=@]
^- @
(muk (snag j raku) 2 r)
:: +raku: seeds for eff.
++ raku
^- (list @ux)
:~ 0xb76d.5eed
:::: 3g: molds and mold builders
++ coin $~ [%$ %ud 0] :: print format
$% {$$ p/dime} ::
{$blob p/*} ::
{$many p/(list coin)} ::
== ::
++ dime {p/@ta q/@} ::
++ edge {p/hair q/(unit {p/* q/nail})} :: parsing output
++ hair {p/@ud q/@ud} :: parsing trace
++ like |* a/$-(* *) :: generic edge
|: b=`*`[(hair) ~] ::
:- p=(hair -.b) ::
^= q ::
?@ +.b ~ ::
:- ~ ::
u=[p=(a +>-.b) q=[p=(hair -.b) q=(tape +.b)]] ::
++ nail {p/hair q/tape} :: parsing input
++ pint {p/{p/@ q/@} q/{p/@ q/@}} :: line+column range
++ rule _|:($:nail $:edge) :: parsing rule
++ spot {p/path q/pint} :: range in file
++ tone $% {$0 p/*} :: success
{$1 p/(list)} :: blocks
{$2 p/(list {@ta *})} :: error report
== ::
++ toon $% {$0 p/*} :: success
{$1 p/(list)} :: blocks
{$2 p/(list tank)} :: stack trace
== ::
++ wonk =+ veq=$:edge :: product from edge
|@ ++ $ ?~(q.veq !! p.u.q.veq) ::
-- ::
-- =>
:: ::
:::: 4: layer four ::
:: ::
:: 4a: exotic bases ::
:: 4b: text processing ::
:: 4c: tank printer ::
:: 4d: parsing (tracing) ::
:: 4e: parsing (combinators) ::
:: 4f: parsing (rule builders) ::
:: 4g: parsing (outside caller) ::
:: 4h: parsing (ascii glyphs) ::
:: 4i: parsing (useful idioms) ::
:: 4j: parsing (bases and base digits) ::
:: 4k: atom printing ::
:: 4l: atom parsing ::
:: 4m: formatting functions ::
:: 4n: virtualization ::
:: 4o: molds and mold builders ::
~% %qua
%mute mute
%show show
:::: 4a: exotic bases
++ po :: phonetic base
~/ %po
=+ :- ^= sis :: prefix syllables
^= dex :: suffix syllables
++ ins ~/ %ins :: parse prefix
|= a/@tas
=+ b=0
|- ^- (unit @)
?:(=(256 b) ~ ?:(=(a (tos b)) [~ b] $(b +(b))))
++ ind ~/ %ind :: parse suffix
|= a/@tas
=+ b=0
|- ^- (unit @)
?:(=(256 b) ~ ?:(=(a (tod b)) [~ b] $(b +(b))))
++ tos ~/ %tos :: fetch prefix
|=(a/@ ?>((lth a 256) (cut 3 [(mul 3 a) 3] sis)))
++ tod ~/ %tod :: fetch suffix
|=(a/@ ?>((lth a 256) (cut 3 [(mul 3 a) 3] dex)))
++ fa :: base58check
=+ key='123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
=/ yek/@ux ~+
=- yek:(roll (rip 3 key) -)
=+ [a=*char b=*@ yek=`@ux`(fil 3 256 0xff)]
[+(b) (mix yek (lsh 3 `@u`a (~(inv fe 3) b)))]
++ cha |=(a/char `(unit @uF)`=+(b=(cut 3 [`@`a 1] yek) ?:(=(b 0xff) ~ `b)))
++ tok
|= a/@ux ^- @ux
=+ b=(pad a)
=- (~(net fe 5) (end 3 4 (shay 32 -)))
(shay (add b (met 3 a)) (lsh 3 b (swp 3 a)))
++ pad |=(a/@ =+(b=(met 3 a) ?:((gte b 21) 0 (sub 21 b))))
++ enc |=(a/@ux `@ux`(mix (lsh 3 4 a) (tok a)))
++ den
|= a/@ux ^- (unit @ux)
=+ b=(rsh 3 4 a)
?. =((tok b) (end 3 4 a))
:::: 4b: text processing
++ at :: basic printing
|_ a/@
++ r
?: ?& (gte (met 3 a) 2)
?: =(0 a)
=+ vis=(end 3 1 a)
?& ?|(=('-' vis) ?&((gte vis 'a') (lte vis 'z')))
$(a (rsh 3 1 a))
?: (lte (met 3 a) 2)
++ rf `tape`[?-(a %& '&', %| '|', * !!) ~]
++ rn `tape`[?>(=(0 a) '~') ~]
++ rt `tape`['\'' (weld (mesc (trip a)) `tape`['\'' ~])]
++ rta rt
++ rtam `tape`['%' (trip a)]
++ rub `tape`['0' 'b' (rum 2 ~ |=(b/@ (add '0' b)))]
++ rud (rum 10 ~ |=(b/@ (add '0' b)))
++ rum
|= {b/@ c/tape d/$-(@ @)}
^- tape
?: =(0 a)
[(d 0) c]
=+ e=0
|- ^- tape
?: =(0 a)
=+ f=&(!=(0 e) =(0 (mod e ?:(=(10 b) 3 4))))
%= $
a (div a b)
c [(d (mod a b)) ?:(f [?:(=(10 b) ',' '-') c] c)]
e +(e)
++ rup
=+ b=(met 3 a)
^- tape
:- '-'
|- ^- tape
?: (gth (met 5 a) 1)
%+ weld
$(a (rsh 5 1 a), b (sub b 4))
`tape`['-' '-' $(a (end 5 1 a), b 4)]
?: =(0 b)
['~' ~]
?: (lte b 1)
(trip (tos:po a))
|- ^- tape
?: =(2 b)
=+ c=(rsh 3 1 a)
=+ d=(end 3 1 a)
(weld (trip (tod:po c)) (trip (tos:po (mix c d))))
=+ c=(rsh 3 2 a)
=+ d=(end 3 2 a)
(weld ^$(a c, b (met 3 c)) `tape`['-' $(a (mix c d), b 2)])
++ ruv
^- tape
:+ '0'
%^ rum
|= b/@
?: =(63 b)
?: =(62 b)
?:((lth b 26) (add 65 b) ?:((lth b 52) (add 71 b) (sub b 4)))
++ rux `tape`['0' 'x' (rum 16 ~ |=(b/@ (add b ?:((lth b 10) 48 87))))]
++ cass :: lowercase
|= vib/tape
^- tape
(turn vib |=(a/@ ?.(&((gte a 'A') (lte a 'Z')) a (add 32 a))))
++ cuss :: uppercase
|= vib/tape
^- tape
(turn vib |=(a/@ ?.(&((gte a 'a') (lte a 'z')) a (sub a 32))))
++ crip |=(a/tape `@t`(rap 3 a)) :: tape to cord
++ mesc :: ctrl code escape
|= vib/tape
^- tape
?~ vib
?: =('\\' i.vib)
['\\' '\\' $(vib t.vib)]
?: ?|((gth i.vib 126) (lth i.vib 32) =(`@`39 i.vib))
['\\' (welp ~(rux at i.vib) '/' $(vib t.vib))]
[i.vib $(vib t.vib)]
++ runt :: prepend repeatedly
|= {{a/@ b/@} c/tape}
^- tape
?: =(0 a)
[b $(a (dec a))]
++ sand :: atom sanity
|= a/@ta
(flit (sane a))
++ sane :: atom sanity
|= a/@ta
|= b/@ ^- ?
?. =(%t (end 3 1 a))
:: XX more and better sanity
=+ [inx=0 len=(met 3 b)]
?: =(%tas a)
|- ^- ?
?: =(inx len) &
=+ cur=(cut 3 [inx 1] b)
?& ?| &((gte cur 'a') (lte cur 'z'))
&(=('-' cur) !=(0 inx) !=(len inx))
&(&((gte cur '0') (lte cur '9')) !=(0 inx))
$(inx +(inx))
?: =(%ta a)
|- ^- ?
?: =(inx len) &
=+ cur=(cut 3 [inx 1] b)
?& ?| &((gte cur 'a') (lte cur 'z'))
&((gte cur '0') (lte cur '9'))
|(=('-' cur) =('~' cur) =('_' cur) =('.' cur))
$(inx +(inx))
|- ^- ?
?: =(0 b) &
=+ cur=(end 3 1 b)
?: &((lth cur 32) !=(10 cur)) |
=+ len=(teff cur)
?& |(=(1 len) =+(i=1 |-(|(=(i len) &((gte (cut 3 [i 1] b) 128) $(i +(i)))))))
$(b (rsh 3 len b))
++ ruth :: biblical sanity
|= {a/@ta b/*}
^- @
?^ b !!
:: ?. ((sane a) b) !!
++ trim :: tape split
|= {a/@ b/tape}
^- {p/tape q/tape}
?~ b
[~ ~]
?: =(0 a)
[~ b]
=+ c=$(a (dec a), b t.b)
[[i.b p.c] q.c]
++ trip :: cord to tape
~/ %trip
|= a/@ ^- tape
?: =(0 (met 3 a))
[^-(@ta (end 3 1 a)) $(a (rsh 3 1 a))]
++ teff :: length utf8
|= a/@t ^- @
=+ b=(end 3 1 a)
?: =(0 b)
?>(=(`@`0 a) 0)
?> |((gte b 32) =(10 b))
?:((lte b 127) 1 ?:((lte b 223) 2 ?:((lte b 239) 3 4)))
++ taft :: utf8 to utf32
|= a/@t
^- @c
%+ rap 5
|- ^- (list @c)
=+ b=(teff a)
?: =(0 b) ~
=+ ^= c
%+ can 0
%+ turn
^- (list {p/@ q/@})
?+ b !!
$1 [[0 7] ~]
$2 [[8 6] [0 5] ~]
$3 [[16 6] [8 6] [0 4] ~]
$4 [[24 6] [16 6] [8 6] [0 3] ~]
|=({p/@ q/@} [q (cut 0 [p q] a)])
?> =((tuft c) (end 3 b a))
[c $(a (rsh 3 b a))]
++ tuba :: utf8 to utf32 tape
|= a/tape
^- (list @c)
(rip 5 (taft (rap 3 a))) :: XX horrible
++ tufa :: utf32 to utf8 tape
|= a/(list @c)
^- tape
?~ a ""
(weld (rip 3 (tuft i.a)) $(a t.a))
++ tuft :: utf32 to utf8 text
|= a/@c
^- @t
%+ rap 3
|- ^- (list @)
?: =(`@`0 a)
=+ b=(end 5 1 a)
=+ c=$(a (rsh 5 1 a))
?: (lte b 0x7f)
[b c]
?: (lte b 0x7ff)
:* (mix 0b1100.0000 (cut 0 [6 5] b))
(mix 0b1000.0000 (end 0 6 b))
?: (lte b 0xffff)
:* (mix 0b1110.0000 (cut 0 [12 4] b))
(mix 0b1000.0000 (cut 0 [6 6] b))
(mix 0b1000.0000 (end 0 6 b))
:* (mix 0b1111.0000 (cut 0 [18 3] b))
(mix 0b1000.0000 (cut 0 [12 6] b))
(mix 0b1000.0000 (cut 0 [6 6] b))
(mix 0b1000.0000 (end 0 6 b))
++ wack :: knot escape
|= a/@ta
^- @ta
=+ b=(rip 3 a)
%+ rap 3
|- ^- tape
?~ b
?: =('~' i.b) ['~' '~' $(b t.b)]
?: =('_' i.b) ['~' '-' $(b t.b)]
[i.b $(b t.b)]
++ wick :: knot unescape
|= a/@
^- (unit @ta)
=+ b=(rip 3 a)
=- ?^(b ~ (some (rap 3 (flop c))))
=| c/tape
|- ^- {b/tape c/tape}
?~ b [~ c]
?. =('~' i.b)
$(b t.b, c [i.b c])
?~ t.b [b ~]
?- i.t.b
$'~' $(b t.t.b, c ['~' c])
$'-' $(b t.t.b, c ['_' c])
@ [b ~]
++ woad :: cord unescape
|= a/@ta
^- @t
%+ rap 3
|- ^- (list @)
?: =(`@`0 a)
=+ b=(end 3 1 a)
=+ c=(rsh 3 1 a)
?: =('.' b)
[' ' $(a c)]
?. =('~' b)
[b $(a c)]
=> .(b (end 3 1 c), c (rsh 3 1 c))
?+ b =- (weld (rip 3 (tuft p.d)) $(a q.d))
^= d
=+ d=0
|- ^- {p/@ q/@}
?: =('.' b)
[d c]
?< =(0 c)
%= $
b (end 3 1 c)
c (rsh 3 1 c)
d %+ add (mul 16 d)
%+ sub b
?: &((gte b '0') (lte b '9')) 48
?>(&((gte b 'a') (lte b 'z')) 87)
$'.' ['.' $(a c)]
$'~' ['~' $(a c)]
++ wood :: cord escape
|= a/@t
^- @ta
%+ rap 3
|- ^- (list @)
?: =(`@`0 a)
=+ b=(teff a)
=+ c=(taft (end 3 b a))
=+ d=$(a (rsh 3 b a))
?: ?| &((gte c 'a') (lte c 'z'))
&((gte c '0') (lte c '9'))
=(`@`'-' c)
[c d]
?+ c
:- '~'
=+ e=(met 2 c)
|- ^- tape
?: =(0 e)
['.' d]
=. e (dec e)
=+ f=(rsh 2 e c)
[(add ?:((lte f 9) 48 87) f) $(c (end 2 e c))]
$' ' ['.' d]
$'.' ['~' '.' d]
$'~' ['~' '~' d]
:::: 4c: tank printer
++ wash :: render tank at width
|= {{tab/@ edg/@} tac/tank} ^- wall
(~(win re tac) tab edg)
:: This library includes `plume`, the actual pretty printing logic,
:: and a handful of utilities for constructing plums.
:: Generally, you'll just use `plume` like this:
:: ~(plume tall plum) :: Pretty print `plum` in tall mode.
:: ~(plume flat plum) :: Pretty print `plum` in wide mode.
:: There is probably no reason to look at the utility routines unless
:: you are writing something to generate `plum`s.
:: This is the pretty-printer. Use the `flat` arm to render a plum
:: into a single line and use the `tall` arm to get a nice multi-line
:: rendering that switches to wide mode if there's enough space.
:: For details about how this works and what exactly it does in various
:: cases, take a look at the docs for `plum`, `plumfmt`, and at the
:: docs on the arms of this door.
++ plume
|_ =plum
:: An line, indented by `indent` spaces.
+$ line [indent=@ud text=tape]
:: An sequence of indented lines.
+$ block (list line)
:: +flat: print as a single line
++ flat
^- wain
:: +tall: print as multiple lines
++ tall
^- wain
%+ turn window
|= line
(crip (runt [indent ' '] text))
:: +adjust: adjust lines to right
++ adjust
|= [tab=@ud =block] ^- ^block
(turn block |=([@ud tape] [(add tab +<-) +<+]))
:: Prepend `n` spaces to a tape.
++ prepend-spaces
|= [n=@ t=tape] ^- tape
(runt [n ' '] t)
:: +window: print as list of tabbed lines
++ window
^- block
~+ :: for random access
?@ plum [0 (trip plum)]~ :: trivial text
?- -.plum
:: %para: Line-wrappable paragraph. This is a stub; it should
:: wrap text to 40 characters.
[0 +:linear]~
:: %sbrk: nested subexpression
:: This is an opportunity to switch to wide mode. First, try
:: rendered in wide mode. If that's possible and the result
:: isn't too big, use that. Otherwise recurse into the subplum
:: without switching to wide mode.
=/ sub kid.plum
?+ sub
window(plum sub)
[%tree *]
=/ wideresult
?~(wide.fmt.sub ~ [~ u=linear])
?: ?&(?=(^ wideresult) (lte length.u.wideresult 40))
[0 text.u.wideresult]~
window(plum sub)
:: %tree: Try to render a text tree in tall mode.
:: We want to render this in tall mode. First, verify that there
:: the plum has a tall render (if not, fall back to `linear`
:: formatting), then render all the subplums, and then render
:: them in one of three ways:
:: - If the `plumfmt` contains an `indef` and that indef has
:: no prefix, then this is a variable-arity rune with a
:: terminator: Use vertical formatting.
:: - If the `plumfmt` contains an `indef` and that indef DOES have
:: a prefix, then this is something that looks like a core: Use
:: `core-like` formatting.
:: - Otherwise, this is a rune with a fixed number of arguments
:: Render the subplums using backstep indentation.
:: There's also a special case where something has exactly one sub-plum.
:: where something has exactly one sub-block. For example, we
:: want this output:
:: |-
:: foo
?~ tall.fmt.plum [0 text:linear]~
=/ prelude (trip intro.u.tall.fmt.plum)
|^ =/ blocks (turn kids.plum |=(=^plum window(plum plum)))
=/ prelude (trip intro.u.tall.fmt.plum)
?~ indef.u.tall.fmt.plum
?: =(1 (lent blocks))
[[0 prelude] (zing blocks)]
(backstep prelude blocks)
=/ prefix (trip sigil.u.indef.u.tall.fmt.plum)
=/ finale (trip final.u.indef.u.tall.fmt.plum)
?~ blocks %+ weld
?~(prelude ~ [0 prelude]~)
?~(finale ~ [0 finale]~)
?~ prefix (running prelude blocks finale)
(core-like prelude prefix blocks finale)
:: Render a plum in tall-mode using backstep indentation. Here,
:: we are rendering things that look something like this:
:: :+ foo
:: bar
:: baz
++ backstep
|= [prelude=tape blocks=(list block)]
^- block
%- zing
=/ nkids (lent blocks)
=/ idx 1
|- ^- (list block)
?~ blocks ~
:_ $(blocks t.blocks, idx +(idx))
^- block
=/ indent (mul 2 (sub nkids idx))
?. =(1 idx) (adjust indent i.blocks)
(rune-inline-with-block prelude indent i.blocks)
:: To make things look a bit nicer, we want to put the first
:: sub-block on the same line as the rune. We want this:
:: :- foo
:: baz
:: Instead of this:
:: :-
:: foo
:: baz
:: This handles the "foo" case.
++ rune-inline-with-block
|= [rune=tape indent=@ blk=block]
^- block
=. indent (max indent (add 2 (lent rune)))
=. blk (adjust indent blk)
?~ rune blk
?~ blk [0 rune]~
:_ t.blk
:- 0
%+ weld rune
=/ spaces-btwn (sub indent.i.blk (lent rune))
(prepend-spaces spaces-btwn text.i.blk)
:: Render a tall hoon with running indentation. Here, we are
:: rendering things that look sopmething like:
:: :~ foo
:: bar
:: baz
:: ==
:: So, there's basically three cases here: Either the prelude
:: is a rune, the prelude is empty, or prelude is some other
:: random-ass thing.
:: - If there is no prelude, then just combine all of the
:: sub-blocks together unaltered.
:: - If it's a rune (two-characters wide), then combine the
:: rune and the first line into one line (separated by two
:: spaces) and indent the rest of the lines by four spaces.
:: - If the rune is some other random-ass thing (has a length
:: that isn't 0 or 2), then render the prelude alone on the
:: first line and then combine the sub-blocks together,
:: all indented by another two spaces.
:: Regardless, if there's a finale, stick it on the end without
:: any indentation.
++ running
|= [prelude=tape blocks=(list block) finale=tape]
^- block
=/ result=block (zing blocks)
=. result
?+ (lent prelude)
[[0 prelude] (adjust 2 result)] :: unusual prelude
%0 :: empty prelude
%2 :: rune prelude
(rune-inline-with-block prelude 4 result)
?~ finale result
(snoc result [0 finale])
:: This renders sub-blocks where each sub-block needs to be
:: prefixed by some tape. For example:
:: |%
:: ++ foo
:: bar
:: ++ baz
:: qux
:: --
++ core-like
|= [prelude=tape prefix=tape blocks=(list block) finale=tape]
^- block
=/ clear (add 2 (lent prefix))
=/ result
^- block
%- zing
^- (list block)
%+ turn blocks
|= blk=block
^- block
^+ +<
=* tab ?~(blk 0 (sub clear (min clear indent.i.blk)))
=. blk (adjust tab blk)
?~ blk ~
:_ t.blk
:- 0
%+ weld prefix
(runt [(sub indent.i.blk (lent prefix)) ' '] text.i.blk)
=. result
?~ finale result
(snoc result [0 finale])
?~ prelude result
[[0 prelude] result]
:: +linear: Render a plum onto a single line, even if it only has a
:: wide form.
++ linear
^- [length=@ud text=tape]
~+ :: ~+ for random access
?@ plum [(met 3 plum) (trip plum)] :: Just a cord.
?- -.plum
:: This is already in wide mode, so %sbrk nodes don't matter here.
linear(plum kid.plum)
:: %para: To write a wrappable text paragraph to a single line,
:: we just combine all the lines into one, interspersing single
:: spaces chars.
|- ^- [length=@ud text=tape]
?~ lines.plum [0 ~]
=/ next $(lines.plum t.lines.plum)
=/ this [length=(met 3 i.lines.plum) text=(trip i.lines.plum)]
:- (add +(length.this) length.next)
(weld text.this `tape`[' ' text.next])
:: Render a text tree to a single line.
|^ ^- [length=@ud text=tape]
?~ wide.fmt.plum (force-wide window)
=/ body (render-body delimit.u.wide.fmt.plum kids.plum)
?~ enclose.u.wide.fmt.plum body
(wrap-with-enclose u.enclose.u.wide.fmt.plum body)
:: Given a list of subplums and a delimiter, render all the
:: subplums onto a single line, and combine them into a single
:: string by interspersing the delimiter.
++ render-body
|= [delimit=cord kids=(list ^plum)]
=/ stop (trip delimit)
|- ^- [length=@ud text=tape]
?~ kids [0 ~]
=/ next $(kids t.kids)
=/ this linear(plum i.kids)
?~ text.next this
:- :(add length.this (lent stop) length.next)
:(weld text.this stop text.next)
:: Wrap a wide-form-rendered result with the `enclose` cords
:: from its `plumefmt`.
++ wrap-with-enclose
|= [clamps=(pair cord cord) body=[length=@ text=tape]]
^- [length=@ud text=tape]
=/ close [(trip -.clamps) (trip +.clamps)]
:- :(add length.body (lent -.close) (lent +.close))
:(weld -.close text.body +.close)
:: Given the result of rendering a plum in tall form, combine
:: all the lines into one by separating each by two spaces.
++ force-wide
|= render=(list [@ud text=tape])
^- [length=@ud text=tape]
?~ render [0 ~]
=/ next (force-wide t.render)
:- :(add (lent text.i.render) 2 length.next)
?~(text.next text.i.render :(weld text.i.render " " text.next))
:: Convenience function to build a `plumfmt` for a rune with a fixed
:: number of parameters.
++ fixed
|= rune=@ta
^- plumfmt
[wide=`[' ' `[(cat 3 +< '(') ')']] tall=`[+< ~]]
:: Same as `fixed` but only outputs in `tall` mode.
++ tall-fixed
|= rune=cord
^- (unit [cord (unit [cord cord])])
`[rune ~]
:: Convenience function to build a the `tall` part of a `plumfmt` for
:: a running-style rune (one that takes a variable number of parameters
:: and has a terminator).
++ tall-running
|= [rune=cord sigil=cord term=cord]
^- (unit [cord (unit [cord cord])])
`[rune `[sigil term]]
:: Convenience function for rendering a rune into a plum. This takes
:: a rune, an optional tall-form terminator, optionally a short-form (if
:: you don't supply a short-form, it'll just construct the standard
:: wide-form (e.g. "?~(x x ~)") for you, and a list of sub-plums.
++ rune
|= $: rune=cord
term=(unit cord)
short=(unit [cord cord cord])
kids=(list plum)
^. plum
|^ :- %sbrk
:+ %tree
:- (rune-wide-form rune short)
?~ term (tall-fixed rune)
(tall-running rune '' u.term)
:: If you just give this a rune, it'll build the standard wide-form.
:: Otherwise, it'll just use the one that you gave it.
++ rune-wide-form
|= [rune=cord short=(unit [fst=cord mid=cord lst=cord])]
^- (unit (pair cord (unit [cord cord])))
=* fst (cat 3 rune '(')
=* std `[' ' `[fst ')']]
?~ short std
`[mid.u.short `[fst.u.short lst.u.short]]
:: Just a helper function for constructing a wide-form %tree plum.
++ simple-wide
|= [init=cord sep=cord end=cord kids=(list plum)]
^- plum
=/ fmt=plumfmt [wide=[~ sep [~ init end]] tall=~]
[%tree fmt kids]
:: Convenience function that builds a plum for a subexpression. The
:: `%sbrk` tells the pretty-printer that this is a valid place to
:: switch from tall mode to wide mode.
++ subtree
|= [p=plumfmt q=(list plum)]
^- plum
[%sbrk [%tree p q]]
:: Convenience for generating plums that look like s-expressions. Useful
:: for quickly getting decent-looking debug output.
++ sexp
|= [sym=cord kids=(list plum)]
^- plum
=/ head=cord (cat 3 '(' sym)
=/ headspc=cord (cat 3 head ' ')
=/ symcol=cord (cat 3 sym ':')
=/ fmt=plumfmt [[~ ' ' [~ headspc ')']] [~ symcol [~ '' '']]]
?~ kids (cat 3 '(' (cat 3 sym ')'))
[%sbrk [%tree fmt kids]]
++ re
|_ tac/tank
++ ram
^- tape
?- -.tac
$leaf p.tac
$plum ~(flat plume p.tac)
$palm ram(tac [%rose [p.p.tac (weld q.p.tac r.p.tac) s.p.tac] q.tac])
%+ weld
|- ^- tape
?~ q.tac
=+ voz=$(q.tac t.q.tac)
(weld ram(tac i.q.tac) ?~(t.q.tac voz (weld p.p.tac voz)))
++ ug :: horrible hack
++ ace :: strip ctrl chars
|= a=tape
^- tape
?~ a ~
?: |((lth i.a 32) =(127 `@`i.a))
$(a t.a)
[i.a $(a t.a)]
++ act :: pretend tapes
|= tac=tank
^- tank
?- -.tac
%leaf [%leaf (hew p.tac)]
%plum tac :: XX consider
%palm :+ %palm
[(hew p.p.tac) (hew q.p.tac) (hew r.p.tac) (hew s.p.tac)]
(turn q.tac act)
%rose :+ %rose
[(hew p.p.tac) (hew q.p.tac) (hew r.p.tac)]
(turn q.tac act)
++ fix :: restore tapes
|= wol=wall
%+ turn wol
|=(a=tape (tufa `(list @c)``(list @)`a))
++ hew :: pretend tape
|=(a=tape `tape``(list @)`(tuba (ace a)))
++ win
|= {tab/@ edg/@}
=. tac (act:ug tac)
%- fix:ug
=+ lug=`wall`~
|^ |- ^- wall
?- -.tac
$leaf (rig p.tac)
$plum (turn ~(tall plume p.tac) |=(=cord (trip cord)))
?: fit
(rig ram)
?~ q.tac
(rig q.p.tac)
?~ t.q.tac
(rig(tab (add 2 tab), lug $(tac i.q.tac)) q.p.tac)
=> .(q.tac `(list tank)`q.tac)
=+ lyn=(mul 2 (lent q.tac))
=+ ^= qyr
|- ^- wall
?~ q.tac
%= ^$
tac i.q.tac
tab (add tab (sub lyn 2))
lug $(q.tac t.q.tac, lyn (sub lyn 2))
(wig(lug qyr) q.p.tac)
?: fit
(rig ram)
=. lug
|- ^- wall
?~ q.tac
?:(=(~ r.p.tac) lug (rig r.p.tac))
^$(tac i.q.tac, lug $(q.tac t.q.tac), tab din)
?: =(~ q.p.tac)
(wig q.p.tac)
++ din (mod (add 2 tab) (mul 2 (div edg 3)))
++ fit (lte (lent ram) (sub edg tab))
++ rig
|= hom/tape
^- wall
?: (lte (lent hom) (sub edg tab))
[(runt [tab ' '] hom) lug]
=> .(tab (add tab 2), edg (sub edg 2))
=+ mut=(trim (sub edg tab) hom)
:- (runt [(sub tab 2) ' '] ['\\' '/' (weld p.mut `_hom`['\\' '/' ~])])
=> .(hom q.mut)
?~ hom
:- %+ runt
[(sub tab 2) ' ']
['\\' '/' (runt [(sub edg tab) ' '] ['\\' '/' ~])]
=> .(mut (trim (sub edg tab) hom))
[(runt [tab ' '] p.mut) $(hom q.mut)]
++ wig
|= hom/tape
^- wall
?~ lug
(rig hom)
=+ lin=(lent hom)
=+ wug=:(add 1 tab lin)
?. =+ mir=i.lug
|- ?~ mir
?|(=(0 wug) ?&(=(' ' i.mir) $(mir t.mir, wug (dec wug))))
(rig hom) :: ^ XX regular form?
[(runt [tab ' '] (weld hom `tape`[' ' (slag wug i.lug)])) t.lug]
++ show :: XX deprecated!
|= vem/*
|^ ^- tank
?: ?=(@ vem)
[%leaf (mesc (trip vem))]
?- vem
{s/~ c/*}
[%leaf '\'' (weld (mesc (tape +.vem)) `tape`['\'' ~])]
{s/$a c/@} [%leaf (mesc (trip c.vem))]
{s/$b c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(rub at a)))
{s/{$c p/@} c/*}
:+ %palm
[['.' ~] ['-' ~] ~ ~]
[[%leaf (mesc (trip p.s.vem))] $(vem c.vem) ~]
{s/$d c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(rud at a)))
{s/$k c/*} (tank c.vem)
{s/$h c/*}
:+ %rose
[['/' ~] ['/' ~] ~]
=+ yol=((list @ta) c.vem)
(turn yol |=(a/@ta [%leaf (trip a)]))
{s/$l c/*} (shol c.vem)
{s/$o c/*}
%= $
:- [%m '%h::[%d %d].[%d %d]>']
[-.c.vem +<-.c.vem +<+.c.vem +>-.c.vem +>+.c.vem ~]
{s/$p c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(rup at a)))
{s/$q c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(r at a)))
{s/$r c/*} $(vem [[%r ' ' '{' '}'] c.vem])
{s/$t c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(rt at a)))
{s/$v c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(ruv at a)))
{s/$x c/*} (shop c.vem |=(a/@ ~(rux at a)))
{s/{$m p/@} c/*} (shep p.s.vem c.vem)
{s/{$r p/@} c/*}
$(vem [[%r ' ' (cut 3 [0 1] p.s.vem) (cut 3 [1 1] p.s.vem)] c.vem])
{s/{$r p/@ q/@ r/@} c/*}
:+ %rose
:* p=(mesc (trip p.s.vem))
q=(mesc (trip q.s.vem))
r=(mesc (trip r.s.vem))
|- ^- (list tank)
?@ c.vem
[^$(vem -.c.vem) $(c.vem +.c.vem)]
{s/$z c/*} $(vem [[%r %$ %$ %$] c.vem])
* !!
++ shep
|= {fom/@ gar/*}
^- tank
=+ l=(met 3 fom)
=+ i=0
:- %leaf
|- ^- tape
?: (gte i l)
=+ c=(cut 3 [i 1] fom)
?. =(37 c)
(weld (mesc [c ~]) $(i +(i)))
=+ d=(cut 3 [+(i) 1] fom)
?. .?(gar)
['\\' '#' $(i (add 2 i))]
(weld ~(ram re (show d -.gar)) $(i (add 2 i), gar +.gar))
++ shop
|= {aug/* vel/$-(a/@ tape)}
^- tank
?: ?=(@ aug)
[%leaf (vel aug)]
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['[' ~] [']' ~]]
=> .(aug `*`aug)
|- ^- (list tank)
?: ?=(@ aug)
[^$ ~]
[^$(aug -.aug) $(aug +.aug)]
++ shol
|= lim/*
:+ %rose
[['.' ~] ~ ~]
|- ^- (list tank)
?: ?=(@ lim) ~
:_ $(lim +.lim)
?+ -.lim (show '#')
~ (show '$')
c/@ (show c.lim)
{%& $1} (show '.')
{%& c/@}
[%leaf '+' ~(rud at c.lim)]
{%| @ ~} (show ',')
{%| n/@ ~ c/@}
[%leaf (weld (reap n.lim '^') ?~(c.lim "$" (trip c.lim)))]
:::: 4d: parsing (tracing)
++ last |= {zyc/hair naz/hair} :: farther trace
^- hair
?: =(p.zyc p.naz)
?:((gth q.zyc q.naz) zyc naz)
?:((gth p.zyc p.naz) zyc naz)
++ lust |= {weq/char naz/hair} :: detect newline
^- hair
?:(=(`@`10 weq) [+(p.naz) 1] [p.naz +(q.naz)])
:::: 4e: parsing (combinators)
++ bend :: conditional comp
~/ %bend
=+ raq=|*({a/* b/*} [~ u=[a b]])
++ $
~/ %fun
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
?~ q.vex
=+ yit=(sab q.u.q.vex)
=+ yur=(last p.vex p.yit)
?~ q.yit
[p=yur q=q.vex]
=+ vux=(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit)
?~ vux
[p=yur q=q.vex]
[p=yur q=[~ u=[p=u.vux q=q.u.q.yit]]]
++ comp
~/ %comp
=+ raq=|*({a/* b/*} [a b]) :: arbitrary compose
++ $
~/ %fun
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
~! +<
?~ q.vex
=+ yit=(sab q.u.q.vex)
=+ yur=(last p.vex p.yit)
?~ q.yit
[p=yur q=q.yit]
[p=yur q=[~ u=[p=(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit) q=q.u.q.yit]]]
++ fail |=(tub/nail [p=p.tub q=~]) :: never parse
++ glue :: add rule
~/ %glue
|* bus/rule
~/ %fun
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
(plug vex ;~(pfix bus sab))
++ less :: no first and second
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
?~ q.vex
=+ roq=(sab)
[p=(last p.vex p.roq) q=q.roq]
(fail +<.sab)
++ pfix :: discard first rule
~/ %pfix
|* sam={vex/edge sab/rule}
%. sam
(comp |*({a/* b/*} b))
++ plug :: first then second
~/ %plug
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
?~ q.vex
=+ yit=(sab q.u.q.vex)
=+ yur=(last p.vex p.yit)
?~ q.yit
[p=yur q=q.yit]
[p=yur q=[~ u=[p=[p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit] q=q.u.q.yit]]]
++ pose :: first or second
~/ %pose
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
?~ q.vex
=+ roq=(sab)
[p=(last p.vex p.roq) q=q.roq]
++ simu :: first and second
|* {vex/edge sab/rule}
?~ q.vex
=+ roq=(sab)
++ sfix :: discard second rule
~/ %sfix
|* sam={vex/edge sab/rule}
%. sam
(comp |*({a/* b/*} a))
:::: 4f: parsing (rule builders)
++ bass :: leftmost base
|* {wuc/@ tyd/rule}
%+ cook
|= waq/(list @)
%+ roll
=|({p/@ q/@} |.((add p (mul wuc q))))
++ boss :: rightmost base
|* {wuc/@ tyd/rule}
%+ cook
|= waq/(list @)
%+ reel
=|({p/@ q/@} |.((add p (mul wuc q))))
++ cold :: replace w+ constant
~/ %cold
|* {cus/* sef/rule}
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
=+ vex=(sef tub)
?~ q.vex
[p=p.vex q=[~ u=[p=cus q=q.u.q.vex]]]
++ cook :: apply gate
~/ %cook
|* {poq/gate sef/rule}
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
=+ vex=(sef tub)
?~ q.vex
[p=p.vex q=[~ u=[p=(poq p.u.q.vex) q=q.u.q.vex]]]
++ easy :: always parse
~/ %easy
|* huf/*
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
^- (like _huf)
[p=p.tub q=[~ u=[p=huf q=tub]]]
++ fuss
|= {sic/@t non/@t}
;~(pose (cold %& (jest sic)) (cold %| (jest non)))
++ full :: has to fully parse
|* sef/rule
|= tub/nail
=+ vex=(sef tub)
?~(q.vex vex ?:(=(~ q.q.u.q.vex) vex [p=p.vex q=~]))
++ funk :: add to tape first
|* {pre/tape sef/rule}
|= tub/nail
(sef p.tub (weld pre q.tub))
++ here :: place-based apply
~/ %here
=+ [hez=|=({a/pint b/*} [a b]) sef=*rule]
++ $
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
=+ vex=(sef tub)
?~ q.vex
[p=p.vex q=[~ u=[p=(hez [p.tub p.q.u.q.vex] p.u.q.vex) q=q.u.q.vex]]]
++ inde |* sef/rule :: indentation block
|= nail ^+ (sef)
=+ [har tap]=[p q]:+<
=+ lev=(fil 3 (dec q.har) ' ')
=+ eol=(just `@t`10)
=+ =- roq=((star ;~(pose prn ;~(sfix eol (jest lev)) -)) har tap)
;~(simu ;~(plug eol eol) eol)
?~ q.roq roq
=+ vex=(sef har(q 1) p.u.q.roq)
=+ fur=p.vex(q (add (dec q.har) q.p.vex))
?~ q.vex vex(p fur)
=- vex(p fur, u.q -)
:+ &3.vex
&4.vex(q.p (add (dec q.har) q.p.&4.vex))
=+ res=|4.vex
|- ?~ res |4.roq
?. =(10 -.res) [-.res $(res +.res)]
(welp [`@t`10 (trip lev)] $(res +.res))
++ ifix
|* {fel/{rule rule} hof/rule}
~! +<
~! +<:-.fel
~! +<:+.fel
;~(pfix -.fel ;~(sfix hof +.fel))
++ jest :: match a cord
|= daf/@t
|= tub/nail
=+ fad=daf
|- ^- (like @t)
?: =(`@`0 daf)
[p=p.tub q=[~ u=[p=fad q=tub]]]
?: |(?=(~ q.tub) !=((end 3 1 daf) i.q.tub))
(fail tub)
$(p.tub (lust i.q.tub p.tub), q.tub t.q.tub, daf (rsh 3 1 daf))
++ just :: XX redundant, jest
~/ %just :: match a char
|= daf/char
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
^- (like char)
?~ q.tub
(fail tub)
?. =(daf i.q.tub)
(fail tub)
(next tub)
++ knee :: callbacks
=| {gar/* sef/_|.(*rule)}
|@ ++ $
|= tub/nail
^- (like _gar)
((sef) tub)
++ mask :: match char in set
~/ %mask
|= bud/(list char)
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
^- (like char)
?~ q.tub
(fail tub)
?. (lien bud |=(a/char =(i.q.tub a)))
(fail tub)
(next tub)
++ more :: separated, *
|* {bus/rule fel/rule}
;~(pose (most bus fel) (easy ~))
++ most :: separated, +
|* {bus/rule fel/rule}
;~(plug fel (star ;~(pfix bus fel)))
++ next :: consume a char
|= tub/nail
^- (like char)
?~ q.tub
(fail tub)
=+ zac=(lust i.q.tub p.tub)
[zac [~ i.q.tub [zac t.q.tub]]]
++ perk :: parse cube fork
|* a/(pole @tas)
?~ a fail
;~ pose
(cold -.a (jest -.a))
$(a +.a)
++ pick :: rule for ++each
|* {a/rule b/rule}
;~ pose
(stag %& a)
(stag %| b)
++ plus |*(fel/rule ;~(plug fel (star fel))) ::
++ punt |*({a/rule} ;~(pose (stag ~ a) (easy ~))) ::
++ sear :: conditional cook
|* {pyq/$-(* (unit)) sef/rule}
|= tub/nail
=+ vex=(sef tub)
?~ q.vex
=+ gey=(pyq p.u.q.vex)
?~ gey
[p=p.vex q=~]
[p=p.vex q=[~ u=[p=u.gey q=q.u.q.vex]]]
++ shim :: match char in range
~/ %shim
|= {les/@ mos/@}
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
^- (like char)
?~ q.tub
(fail tub)
?. ?&((gte i.q.tub les) (lte i.q.tub mos))
(fail tub)
(next tub)
++ stag :: add a label
~/ %stag
|* {gob/* sef/rule}
~/ %fun
|= tub/nail
=+ vex=(sef tub)
?~ q.vex
[p=p.vex q=[~ u=[p=[gob p.u.q.vex] q=q.u.q.vex]]]
++ stet ::
|* leh/(list {?(@ {@ @}) rule})
?~ leh
[i=[p=-.i.leh q=+.i.leh] t=$(leh t.leh)]
++ stew :: switch by first char
~/ %stew
|* leh/(list {p/?(@ {@ @}) q/rule}) :: char+range keys
=+ ^= wor :: range complete lth
|= {ort/?(@ {@ @}) wan/?(@ {@ @})}
?@ ort
?@(wan (lth ort wan) (lth ort -.wan))
?@(wan (lth +.ort wan) (lth +.ort -.wan))
=+ ^= hel :: build parser map
=+ hel=`(tree _?>(?=(^ leh) i.leh))`~
|- ^+ hel
?~ leh
=+ yal=$(leh t.leh)
|- ^+ hel
?~ yal
[i.leh ~ ~]
?: (wor p.i.leh p.n.yal)
=+ nuc=$(yal l.yal)
?> ?=(^ nuc)
?: (mor p.n.yal p.n.nuc)
[n.yal nuc r.yal]
[n.nuc l.nuc [n.yal r.nuc r.yal]]
=+ nuc=$(yal r.yal)
?> ?=(^ nuc)
?: (mor p.n.yal p.n.nuc)
[n.yal l.yal nuc]
[n.nuc [n.yal l.yal l.nuc] r.nuc]
~% %fun ..^$ ~
|= tub/nail
?~ q.tub
(fail tub)
?~ hel
(fail tub)
?: ?@ p.n.hel
=(p.n.hel i.q.tub)
?&((gte i.q.tub -.p.n.hel) (lte i.q.tub +.p.n.hel))
:: (q.n.hel [(lust i.q.tub p.tub) t.q.tub])
(q.n.hel tub)
?: (wor i.q.tub p.n.hel)
$(hel l.hel)
$(hel r.hel)
++ slug ::
|* raq/_=>(~ |*({a/* b/*} [a b]))
|* {bus/rule fel/rule}
;~((comp raq) fel (stir +<+.raq raq ;~(pfix bus fel)))
++ star :: 0 or more times
|* fel/rule
(stir `(list _(wonk *fel))`~ |*({a/* b/*} [a b]) fel)
++ stir
~/ %stir
|* [rud=* raq=_=>(~ |*([a=* b=*] [a b])) fel=rule]
~/ %fun
|= tub=nail
^- (like _rud)
:: lef: successful interim parse results (per .fel)
:: wag: initial accumulator (.rud in .tub at farthest success)
=+ ^= [lef wag]
=| lef=(list _(fel tub))
|- ^- [_lef (pair hair [~ u=(pair _rud nail)])]
=+ vex=(fel tub)
?~ q.vex
:- lef
[p.vex [~ rud tub]]
$(lef [vex lef], tub q.u.q.vex)
:: fold .lef into .wag, combining results with .raq
%+ roll lef
|= _[vex=(fel tub) wag=wag] :: q.vex is always (some)
^+ wag
:- (last p.vex p.wag)
[~ (raq p.u.+.q.vex p.u.q.wag) q.u.q.wag]
++ stun :: parse several times
|* {lig/{@ @} fel/rule}
|= tub/nail
^- (like (list _(wonk (fel))))
?: =(0 +.lig)
[p.tub [~ ~ tub]]
=+ vex=(fel tub)
?~ q.vex
?: =(0 -.lig)
[p.vex [~ ~ tub]]
=+ ^= wag %= $
-.lig ?:(=(0 -.lig) 0 (dec -.lig))
+.lig ?:(=(0 +.lig) 0 (dec +.lig))
tub q.u.q.vex
?~ q.wag
[p.wag [~ [p.u.q.vex p.u.q.wag] q.u.q.wag]]
:::: 4g: parsing (outside caller)
++ rash |*({naf/@ sab/rule} (scan (trip naf) sab))
++ rose |* {los/tape sab/rule}
=+ vex=(sab [[1 1] los])
=+ len=(lent los)
?. =(+(len) q.p.vex) [%| p=(dec q.p.vex)]
?~ q.vex
[%& p=~]
[%& p=[~ u=p.u.q.vex]]
++ rush |*({naf/@ sab/rule} (rust (trip naf) sab))
++ rust |* {los/tape sab/rule}
=+ vex=((full sab) [[1 1] los])
?~(q.vex ~ [~ u=p.u.q.vex])
++ scan |* {los/tape sab/rule}
=+ vex=((full sab) [[1 1] los])
?~ q.vex
~_ (show [%m '{%d %d}'] p.p.vex q.p.vex ~)
~_(leaf+"syntax error" !!)
:::: 4h: parsing (ascii glyphs)
++ ace (just ' ')
++ ban (just '>')
++ bar (just '|')
++ bas (just '\\') :: XX deprecated
++ bat (just '\\')
++ buc (just '$') :: XX deprecated
++ bus (just '$')
++ cab (just '_')
++ cen (just '%')
++ col (just ':')
++ com (just ',')
++ dot (just '.')
++ fas (just '/') :: XX deprecated?
++ gal (just '<') :: XX deprecated
++ gar (just '>') :: XX deprecated
++ vat (just '@') :: pronounced "at"
++ hax (just '#')
++ hep (just '-') :: pronounced "ep"
++ ket (just '^')
++ leb (just '{')
++ led (just '<')
++ lob (just '{')
++ lit (just '(')
++ lac (just '[')
++ lus (just '+')
++ mic (just ';') :: pronounced "mick"
++ net (just '/')
++ pad (just '&')
++ rac (just ']')
++ reb (just '}')
++ rob (just '}')
++ rit (just ')')
++ say (just '\'')
++ sig (just '~')
++ tar (just '*')
++ tec (just '`')
++ tis (just '=') :: pronounced "is"
++ toc (just '"') :: XX deprecated
++ yel (just '"')
++ wut (just '?')
++ zap (just '!')
:::: 4i: parsing (useful idioms)
++ alf ;~(pose low hig) :: alphabetic
++ aln ;~(pose low hig nud) :: alphanumeric
++ alp ;~(pose low hig nud hep) :: alphanumeric and -
++ bet ;~(pose (cold 2 hep) (cold 3 lus)) :: axis syntax - +
++ bin (bass 2 (most gon but)) :: binary to atom
++ but (cook |=(a/@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '1')) :: binary digit
++ cit (cook |=(a/@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '7')) :: octal digit
++ dem (bass 10 (most gon dit)) :: decimal to atom
++ dit (cook |=(a/@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '9')) :: decimal digit
++ dog ;~(plug dot gay) :: . number separator
++ dof ;~(plug hep gay) :: - @q separator
++ doh ;~(plug ;~(plug hep hep) gay) :: -- phon separator
++ dun (cold ~ ;~(plug hep hep)) :: -- (stop) to ~
++ duz (cold ~ ;~(plug tis tis)) :: == (stet) to ~
++ gah (mask [`@`10 ' ' ~]) :: newline or ace
++ gap (cold ~ ;~(plug gaq (star ;~(pose vul gah)))) :: plural space
++ gaq ;~ pose :: end of line
(just `@`10)
;~(plug gah ;~(pose gah vul))
++ gaw (cold ~ (star ;~(pose vul gah))) :: classic white
++ gay ;~(pose gap (easy ~)) ::
++ gon ;~(pose ;~(plug bat gay net) (easy ~)) :: long numbers \ /
++ gul ;~(pose (cold 2 led) (cold 3 ban)) :: axis syntax < >
++ hex (bass 16 (most gon hit)) :: hex to atom
++ hig (shim 'A' 'Z') :: uppercase
++ hit ;~ pose :: hex digits
(cook |=(a/char (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'f'))
(cook |=(a/char (sub a 55)) (shim 'A' 'F'))
++ iny :: indentation block
|* sef/rule
|= nail ^+ (sef)
=+ [har tap]=[p q]:+<
=+ lev=(fil 3 (dec q.har) ' ')
=+ eol=(just `@t`10)
=+ =- roq=((star ;~(pose prn ;~(sfix eol (jest lev)) -)) har tap)
;~(simu ;~(plug eol eol) eol)
?~ q.roq roq
=+ vex=(sef har(q 1) p.u.q.roq)
=+ fur=p.vex(q (add (dec q.har) q.p.vex))
?~ q.vex vex(p fur)
=- vex(p fur, u.q -)
:+ &3.vex
&4.vex(q.p (add (dec q.har) q.p.&4.vex))
=+ res=|4.vex
|- ?~ res |4.roq
?. =(10 -.res) [-.res $(res +.res)]
(welp [`@t`10 (trip lev)] $(res +.res))
++ low (shim 'a' 'z') :: lowercase
++ mes %+ cook :: hexbyte
|=({a/@ b/@} (add (mul 16 a) b))
;~(plug hit hit)
++ nix (boss 256 (star ;~(pose aln cab))) ::
++ nud (shim '0' '9') :: numeric
++ prn ;~(less (just `@`127) (shim 32 256)) :: non-control
++ qat ;~ pose :: chars in blockcord
;~(less ;~(plug (just `@`10) soz) (just `@`10))
++ qit ;~ pose :: chars in a cord
;~(less bat say prn)
;~(pfix bat ;~(pose bat say mes)) :: escape chars
++ qut ;~ simu say :: cord
;~ pose
;~ less soz
(ifix [say say] (boss 256 (more gon qit)))
=+ hed=;~(pose ;~(plug (plus ace) vul) (just '\0a'))
%- iny %+ ifix
:- ;~(plug soz hed)
;~(plug (just '\0a') soz)
(boss 256 (star qat))
++ soz ;~(plug say say say) :: delimiting '''
++ sym :: symbol
%+ cook
|=(a/tape (rap 3 ^-((list @) a)))
;~(plug low (star ;~(pose nud low hep)))
++ mixed-case-symbol
%+ cook
|=(a/tape (rap 3 ^-((list @) a)))
;~(plug alf (star alp))
++ ven ;~ (comp |=({a/@ b/@} (peg a b))) :: +>- axis syntax
=+ hom=`?`|
|= tub/nail
^- (like @)
=+ vex=?:(hom (bet tub) (gul tub))
?~ q.vex
[p.tub [~ 1 tub]]
=+ wag=$(p.tub p.vex, hom !hom, tub q.u.q.vex)
?> ?=(^ q.wag)
[p.wag [~ (peg p.u.q.vex p.u.q.wag) q.u.q.wag]]
++ vit :: base64 digit
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/@ (sub a 65)) (shim 'A' 'Z'))
(cook |=(a/@ (sub a 71)) (shim 'a' 'z'))
(cook |=(a/@ (add a 4)) (shim '0' '9'))
(cold 62 (just '-'))
(cold 63 (just '+'))
++ vul %+ cold ~ :: comments
;~ plug col col
(star prn)
(just `@`10)
:::: 4j: parsing (bases and base digits)
++ ab
++ bix (bass 16 (stun [2 2] six))
++ fem (sear |=(a/@ (cha:fa a)) aln)
++ haf (bass 256 ;~(plug tep tiq (easy ~)))
++ hef %+ sear |=(a/@ ?:(=(a 0) ~ (some a)))
%+ bass 256
;~(plug tip tiq (easy ~))
++ hif (bass 256 ;~(plug tip tiq (easy ~)))
++ hof (bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug hef (stun [1 3] ;~(pfix hep hif))))
++ huf (bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug hef (stun [0 3] ;~(pfix hep hif))))
++ hyf (bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug hif (stun [3 3] ;~(pfix hep hif))))
++ pev (bass 32 ;~(plug sev (stun [0 4] siv)))
++ pew (bass 64 ;~(plug sew (stun [0 4] siw)))
++ piv (bass 32 (stun [5 5] siv))
++ piw (bass 64 (stun [5 5] siw))
++ qeb (bass 2 ;~(plug seb (stun [0 3] sib)))
++ qex (bass 16 ;~(plug sex (stun [0 3] hit)))
++ qib (bass 2 (stun [4 4] sib))
++ qix (bass 16 (stun [4 4] six))
++ seb (cold 1 (just '1'))
++ sed (cook |=(a/@ (sub a '0')) (shim '1' '9'))
++ sev ;~(pose sed sov)
++ sew ;~(pose sed sow)
++ sex ;~(pose sed sox)
++ sib (cook |=(a/@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '1'))
++ sid (cook |=(a/@ (sub a '0')) (shim '0' '9'))
++ siv ;~(pose sid sov)
++ siw ;~(pose sid sow)
++ six ;~(pose sid sox)
++ sov (cook |=(a/@ (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'v'))
++ sow ;~ pose
(cook |=(a/@ (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'z'))
(cook |=(a/@ (sub a 29)) (shim 'A' 'Z'))
(cold 62 (just '-'))
(cold 63 (just '~'))
++ sox (cook |=(a/@ (sub a 87)) (shim 'a' 'f'))
++ ted (bass 10 ;~(plug sed (stun [0 2] sid)))
++ tep (sear |=(a/@ ?:(=(a 'doz') ~ (ins:po a))) til)
++ tip (sear |=(a/@ (ins:po a)) til)
++ tiq (sear |=(a/@ (ind:po a)) til)
++ tid (bass 10 (stun [3 3] sid))
++ til (boss 256 (stun [3 3] low))
++ urs %+ cook
|=(a/tape (rap 3 ^-((list @) a)))
(star ;~(pose nud low hep dot sig cab))
++ urt %+ cook
|=(a/tape (rap 3 ^-((list @) a)))
(star ;~(pose nud low hep dot sig))
++ urx %+ cook
|=(a/tape (rap 3 ^-((list @) a)))
%- star
;~ pose
(cold ' ' dot)
(cook tuft (ifix [sig dot] hex))
;~(pfix sig ;~(pose sig dot))
++ voy ;~(pfix bat ;~(pose bat say bix))
++ ag
++ ape |*(fel/rule ;~(pose (cold 0 (just '0')) fel))
++ bay (ape (bass 16 ;~(plug qeb:ab (star ;~(pfix dog qib:ab)))))
++ bip =+ tod=(ape qex:ab)
(bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug tod (stun [7 7] ;~(pfix dog tod))))
++ dem (ape (bass 1.000 ;~(plug ted:ab (star ;~(pfix dog tid:ab)))))
++ dim (ape dip)
++ dip (bass 10 ;~(plug sed:ab (star sid:ab)))
++ dum (bass 10 (plus sid:ab))
++ fed %+ cook fynd:ob
;~ pose
%+ bass 0x1.0000.0000.0000.0000 :: oversized
;~ plug
(plus ;~(pfix doh hyf:ab))
hof:ab :: planet or moon
haf:ab :: star
tiq:ab :: galaxy
++ feq %+ cook |=(a=(list @) (rep 4 (flop a)))
;~ plug
;~(pose hif:ab tiq:ab)
(star ;~(pfix dof hif:ab))
++ fim (sear den:fa (bass 58 (plus fem:ab)))
++ hex (ape (bass 0x1.0000 ;~(plug qex:ab (star ;~(pfix dog qix:ab)))))
++ lip =+ tod=(ape ted:ab)
(bass 256 ;~(plug tod (stun [3 3] ;~(pfix dog tod))))
++ mot ;~ pose
;~ pfix
(just '1')
(cook |=(a/@ (add 10 (sub a '0'))) (shim '0' '2'))
++ viz (ape (bass 0x200.0000 ;~(plug pev:ab (star ;~(pfix dog piv:ab)))))
++ vum (bass 32 (plus siv:ab))
++ wiz (ape (bass 0x4000.0000 ;~(plug pew:ab (star ;~(pfix dog piw:ab)))))
++ mu
|_ {top/@ bot/@}
++ zag [p=(end 4 1 (add top bot)) q=bot]
++ zig [p=(end 4 1 (add top (sub 0x1.0000 bot))) q=bot]
++ zug (mix (lsh 4 1 top) bot)
++ ne
|_ tig/@
++ c (cut 3 [tig 1] key:fa)
++ d (add tig '0')
++ x ?:((gte tig 10) (add tig 87) d)
++ v ?:((gte tig 10) (add tig 87) d)
++ w ?:(=(tig 63) '~' ?:(=(tig 62) '-' ?:((gte tig 36) (add tig 29) x)))
:::: 4k: atom printing
++ co
~% %co ..co ~
=< |_ lot/coin
++ rear |=(rom/tape =>(.(rep rom) rend))
++ rent `@ta`(rap 3 rend)
++ rend
^- tape
?: ?=($blob -.lot)
['~' '0' ((v-co 1) (jam p.lot))]
?: ?=($many -.lot)
:- '.'
|- ^- tape
?~ p.lot
['_' '_' rep]
['_' (weld (trip (wack rent(lot i.p.lot))) $(p.lot t.p.lot))]
=+ [yed=(end 3 1 p.p.lot) hay=(cut 3 [1 1] p.p.lot)]
|- ^- tape
?+ yed (z-co q.p.lot)
$c ['~' '-' (weld (rip 3 (wood (tuft q.p.lot))) rep)]
?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot)
=+ yod=(yore q.p.lot)
=> ^+(. .(rep ?~(f.t.yod rep ['.' (s-co f.t.yod)])))
=> ^+ .
%= .
?: &(=(~ f.t.yod) =(0 h.t.yod) =(0 m.t.yod) =(0 s.t.yod))
=> .(rep ['.' (y-co s.t.yod)])
=> .(rep ['.' (y-co m.t.yod)])
['.' '.' (y-co h.t.yod)]
=> .(rep ['.' (a-co d.t.yod)])
=> .(rep ['.' (a-co m.yod)])
=> .(rep ?:(a.yod rep ['-' rep]))
['~' (a-co y.yod)]
=+ yug=(yell q.p.lot)
=> ^+(. .(rep ?~(f.yug rep ['.' (s-co f.yug)])))
:- '~'
?: &(=(0 d.yug) =(0 m.yug) =(0 h.yug) =(0 s.yug))
['s' '0' rep]
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 s.yug) . .(rep ['.' 's' (a-co s.yug)])))
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 m.yug) . .(rep ['.' 'm' (a-co m.yug)])))
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 h.yug) . .(rep ['.' 'h' (a-co h.yug)])))
=> ^+(. ?:(=(0 d.yug) . .(rep ['.' 'd' (a-co d.yug)])))
?: =(& q.p.lot)
['.' 'y' rep]
?:(=(| q.p.lot) ['.' 'n' rep] (z-co q.p.lot))
$n ['~' rep]
?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot)
$f ((ro-co [3 10 4] |=(a/@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)
$s ((ro-co [4 16 8] |=(a/@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)
=+ sxz=(fein:ob q.p.lot)
=+ dyx=(met 3 sxz)
:- '~'
?: (lte dyx 1)
(weld (trip (tod:po sxz)) rep)
=+ dyy=(met 4 sxz)
=+ imp=*@
|- ^- tape
?: =(imp dyy)
%= $
sxz (rsh 4 1 sxz)
imp +(imp)
=+ log=(end 4 1 sxz)
;: weld
(trip (tos:po (rsh 3 1 log)))
(trip (tod:po (end 3 1 log)))
?:(=((mod imp 4) 0) ?:(=(imp 0) "" "--") "-")
=* val q.p.lot
:+ '.' '~'
=- =.(rep (weld - rep) rep)
%- tail
%+ roll ?:(=(0 val) ~[0] (rip 3 val))
|= [q=@ s=? r=tape]
:- !s
;: weld
(trip (?:(s tod:po tos:po) q))
?:(&(s !=(r "")) "-" ~)
?+ hay (z-co q.p.lot)
$d ['.' '~' (r-co (rlyd q.p.lot))]
$h ['.' '~' '~' (r-co (rlyh q.p.lot))]
$q ['.' '~' '~' '~' (r-co (rlyq q.p.lot))]
$s ['.' (r-co (rlys q.p.lot))]
?: ?=($c hay)
%+ welp ['0' 'c' (reap (pad:fa q.p.lot) '1')]
(c-co (enc:fa q.p.lot))
=- (weld p.gam ?:(=(0 q.p.lot) `tape`['0' ~] q.gam))
^= gam ^- {p/tape q/tape}
?+ hay [~ ((ox-co [10 3] |=(a/@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)]
$b [['0' 'b' ~] ((ox-co [2 4] |=(a/@ ~(d ne a))) q.p.lot)]
$i [['0' 'i' ~] ((d-co 1) q.p.lot)]
$x [['0' 'x' ~] ((ox-co [16 4] |=(a/@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)]
$v [['0' 'v' ~] ((ox-co [32 5] |=(a/@ ~(x ne a))) q.p.lot)]
$w [['0' 'w' ~] ((ox-co [64 5] |=(a/@ ~(w ne a))) q.p.lot)]
%+ weld
?:((syn:si q.p.lot) "--" "-")
$(yed 'u', q.p.lot (abs:si q.p.lot))
?: =('a' hay)
?: =('s' (cut 3 [2 1] p.p.lot))
(weld (rip 3 q.p.lot) rep)
['~' '.' (weld (rip 3 q.p.lot) rep)]
['~' '~' (weld (rip 3 (wood q.p.lot)) rep)]
=+ rep=*tape
=< |%
++ a-co |=(dat/@ ((d-co 1) dat))
++ c-co (em-co [58 1] |=({? b/@ c/tape} [~(c ne b) c]))
++ d-co |=(min/@ (em-co [10 min] |=({? b/@ c/tape} [~(d ne b) c])))
++ r-co
|= a/dn
?: ?=({$i *} a) (weld ?:(s.a "inf" "-inf") rep)
?: ?=({$n *} a) (weld "nan" rep)
=+ ^= e %+ ed-co [10 1]
|= {a/? b/@ c/tape}
?: a [~(d ne b) '.' c]
[~(d ne b) c]
=+ ^= f
=>(.(rep ~) (e a.a))
=. e.a (sum:si e.a (sun:si (dec +.f)))
=+ b=?:((syn:si e.a) "e" "e-")
=> .(rep ?~(e.a rep (weld b ((d-co 1) (abs:si e.a)))))
=> .(rep (weld -.f rep))
?:(s.a rep ['-' rep])
++ s-co
|= esc/(list @) ^- tape
?~ esc
:- '.'
=>(.(rep $(esc t.esc)) ((x-co 4) i.esc))
++ v-co |=(min/@ (em-co [32 min] |=({? b/@ c/tape} [~(v ne b) c])))
++ w-co |=(min/@ (em-co [64 min] |=({? b/@ c/tape} [~(w ne b) c])))
++ x-co |=(min/@ (em-co [16 min] |=({? b/@ c/tape} [~(x ne b) c])))
++ y-co |=(dat/@ ((d-co 2) dat))
++ z-co |=(dat/@ `tape`['0' 'x' ((x-co 1) dat)])
++ em-co
|= {{bas/@ min/@} par/$-({? @ tape} tape)}
|= hol/@
^- tape
?: &(=(0 hol) =(0 min))
=+ [rad=(mod hol bas) dar=(div hol bas)]
%= $
min ?:(=(0 min) 0 (dec min))
hol dar
rep (par =(0 dar) rad rep)
++ ed-co
|= {{bas/@ min/@} par/$-({? @ tape} tape)}
=+ [fir=& cou=0]
|= hol/@
^- {tape @}
?: &(=(0 hol) =(0 min))
[rep cou]
=+ [rad=(mod hol bas) dar=(div hol bas)]
%= $
min ?:(=(0 min) 0 (dec min))
hol dar
rep (par &(=(0 dar) !fir) rad rep)
fir |
cou +(cou)
++ ox-co
|= {{bas/@ gop/@} dug/$-(@ @)}
%+ em-co
[|-(?:(=(0 gop) 1 (mul bas $(gop (dec gop))))) 0]
|= {top/? seg/@ res/tape}
%+ weld
?:(top ~ `tape`['.' ~])
%. seg
%+ em-co(rep res)
[bas ?:(top 0 gop)]
|=({? b/@ c/tape} [(dug b) c])
++ ro-co
|= {{buz/@ bas/@ dop/@} dug/$-(@ @)}
|= hol/@
^- tape
?: =(0 dop)
=> .(rep $(dop (dec dop)))
:- '.'
%- (em-co [bas 1] |=({? b/@ c/tape} [(dug b) c]))
[(cut buz [(dec dop) 1] hol)]
:::: 4l: atom parsing
++ so
~% %so + ~
++ bisk
;~ pose
;~ pfix (just '0')
;~ pose
(stag %ub ;~(pfix (just 'b') bay:ag))
(stag %uc ;~(pfix (just 'c') fim:ag))
(stag %ui ;~(pfix (just 'i') dim:ag))
(stag %ux ;~(pfix (just 'x') hex:ag))
(stag %uv ;~(pfix (just 'v') viz:ag))
(stag %uw ;~(pfix (just 'w') wiz:ag))
(stag %ud dem:ag)
++ crub
;~ pose
(cook |=(det/date `dime`[%da (year det)]) when)
%+ cook
|= {a/(list {p/?($d $h $m $s) q/@}) b/(list @)}
=+ rop=`tarp`[0 0 0 0 b]
|- ^- dime
?~ a
[%dr (yule rop)]
?- p.i.a
$d $(a t.a, d.rop (add q.i.a d.rop))
$h $(a t.a, h.rop (add q.i.a h.rop))
$m $(a t.a, m.rop (add q.i.a m.rop))
$s $(a t.a, s.rop (add q.i.a s.rop))
;~ plug
%+ most
;~ pose
;~(pfix (just 'd') (stag %d dim:ag))
;~(pfix (just 'h') (stag %h dim:ag))
;~(pfix (just 'm') (stag %m dim:ag))
;~(pfix (just 's') (stag %s dim:ag))
;~(pose ;~(pfix ;~(plug dot dot) (most dot qix:ab)) (easy ~))
(stag %p fed:ag)
;~(pfix dot (stag %ta urs:ab))
;~(pfix sig (stag %t urx:ab))
;~(pfix hep (stag %c (cook taft urx:ab)))
++ nuck
~/ %nuck |= a/nail %. a
%+ knee *coin |. ~+
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ :- ['a' 'z'] (cook |=(a/@ta [%$ %tas a]) sym)
:- ['0' '9'] (stag %$ bisk)
:- '-' (stag %$ tash)
:- '.' ;~(pfix dot perd)
:- '~' ;~(pfix sig ;~(pose twid (easy [%$ %n 0])))
++ nusk
:(sear |=(a/@ta (rush a nuck)) wick urt:ab)
++ perd
;~ pose
(stag %$ zust)
(stag %many (ifix [cab ;~(plug cab cab)] (more cab nusk)))
++ royl
;~ pose
(stag %rh royl-rh)
(stag %rq royl-rq)
(stag %rd royl-rd)
(stag %rs royl-rs)
++ royl-rh (cook rylh ;~(pfix ;~(plug sig sig) (cook royl-cell royl-rn)))
++ royl-rq (cook rylq ;~(pfix ;~(plug sig sig sig) (cook royl-cell royl-rn)))
++ royl-rd (cook ryld ;~(pfix sig (cook royl-cell royl-rn)))
++ royl-rs (cook ryls (cook royl-cell royl-rn))
++ royl-rn
=/ moo
|= a=tape
:- (lent a)
(scan a (bass 10 (plus sid:ab)))
;~ pose
;~ plug
(easy %d)
;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &))
;~ plug dim:ag
;~ pose
;~(pfix dot (cook moo (plus (shim '0' '9'))))
(easy [0 0])
;~ pose
;~ pfix
(just 'e')
;~(plug ;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &)) dim:ag)
(easy [& 0])
;~ plug
(easy %i)
;~ sfix
;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &))
(jest 'inf')
;~ plug
(easy %n)
(cold ~ (jest 'nan'))
++ royl-cell
|= rn
^- dn
?. ?=({$d *} +<) +<
=+ ^= h
(dif:si (new:si f.b i.b) (sun:si d.b))
[%d a h (add (mul c.b (pow 10 d.b)) e.b)]
++ tash
=+ ^= neg
|= {syn/? mol/dime} ^- dime
?> =('u' (end 3 1 p.mol))
[(cat 3 's' (rsh 3 1 p.mol)) (new:si syn q.mol)]
;~ pfix hep
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/dime (neg | a)) bisk)
;~(pfix hep (cook |=(a/dime (neg & a)) bisk))
++ twid
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/@ [%blob (cue a)]) ;~(pfix (just '0') vum:ag))
(stag %$ crub)
++ when
;~ plug
%+ cook
|=({a/@ b/?} [b a])
;~(plug dim:ag ;~(pose (cold | hep) (easy &)))
;~(pfix dot mot:ag) :: month
;~(pfix dot dip:ag) :: day
;~ pose
;~ pfix
;~(plug dot dot)
;~ plug
;~(pfix dot dum:ag)
;~(pfix dot dum:ag)
;~(pose ;~(pfix ;~(plug dot dot) (most dot qix:ab)) (easy ~))
(easy [0 0 0 ~])
++ zust
;~ pose
(stag %is bip:ag)
(stag %if lip:ag)
(stag %f ;~(pose (cold & (just 'y')) (cold | (just 'n'))))
(stag %q ;~(pfix sig feq:ag))
:::: 4m: formatting functions
++ scot
~/ %scot
|=(mol/dime ~(rent co %$ mol))
++ scow
~/ %scow
|=(mol/dime ~(rend co %$ mol))
++ slat |=(mod/@tas |=(txt/@ta (slaw mod txt)))
++ slav |=({mod/@tas txt/@ta} (need (slaw mod txt)))
++ slaw
~/ %slaw
|= {mod/@tas txt/@ta}
^- (unit @)
?+ mod
:: slow fallback case to the full slay
=+ con=(slay txt)
?.(&(?=({~ $$ @ @} con) =(p.p.u.con mod)) ~ [~ q.p.u.con])
(rush txt ;~(pfix sig (cook year when:so)))
(rush txt ;~(pfix sig fed:ag))
(rush txt dem:ag)
(rush txt ;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex:ag))
(rush txt ;~(pfix (jest '0v') viz:ag))
(rush txt ;~(pfix ;~(plug sig dot) urs:ab))
(rush txt sym)
++ slay
|= txt/@ta ^- (unit coin)
=+ ^= vex
?: (gth 0x7fff.ffff txt) :: XX petty cache
~+ ((full nuck:so) [[1 1] (trip txt)])
((full nuck:so) [[1 1] (trip txt)])
?~ q.vex
[~ p.u.q.vex]
++ smyt :: pretty print path
|= bon/path ^- tank
:+ %rose [['/' ~] ['/' ~] ~]
(turn bon |=(a/@ [%leaf (trip a)]))
++ spat |=(pax/path (crip (spud pax))) :: render path to cord
++ spud |=(pax/path ~(ram re (smyt pax))) :: render path to tape
++ stab :: parse cord to path
=+ fel=;~(pfix net (more net urs:ab))
|=(zep/@t `path`(rash zep fel))
:::: 4n: virtualization
++ mack
|= {sub/* fol/*}
^- (unit)
=+ ton=(mink [sub fol] |=({* *} ~))
?.(?=({$0 *} ton) ~ [~ p.ton])
++ mink !.
~/ %mink
|= {{sub/* fol/*} gul/$-({* *} (unit (unit)))}
=+ tax=*(list {@ta *})
|- ^- tone
?@ fol
[%2 tax]
?: ?=(^ -.fol)
=+ hed=$(fol -.fol)
?: ?=($2 -.hed)
=+ tal=$(fol +.fol)
?- -.tal
$0 ?-(-.hed $0 [%0 p.hed p.tal], $1 hed)
$1 ?-(-.hed $0 tal, $1 [%1 (weld p.hed p.tal)])
$2 tal
?+ fol
[%2 tax]
{$0 b/@}
?: =(0 b.fol) [%2 tax]
?: =(1 b.fol) [%0 sub]
?: ?=(@ sub) [%2 tax]
=+ [now=(cap b.fol) lat=(mas b.fol)]
$(b.fol lat, sub ?:(=(2 now) -.sub +.sub))
{$1 b/*}
[%0 b.fol]
{$2 b/{^ *}}
=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
?>(?=(^ p.ben) $(sub -.p.ben, fol +.p.ben))
::?>(?=(^ p.ben) $([sub fol] p.ben)
{$3 b/*}
=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
[%0 .?(p.ben)]
{$4 b/*}
=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
?. ?=(@ p.ben) [%2 tax]
[%0 .+(p.ben)]
{$5 b/* c/*}
=+ hed=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.hed) hed
=+ tal=$(fol c.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.tal) tal
[%0 =(p.hed p.tal)]
{$6 b/* c/* d/*}
=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
?: =(& p.ben) $(fol c.fol)
?: =(| p.ben) $(fol d.fol)
[%2 tax]
{$7 b/* c/*}
=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
$(sub p.ben, fol c.fol)
{$8 b/* c/*}
=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
$(sub [p.ben sub], fol c.fol)
{$9 b/* c/*}
=+ ben=$(fol c.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
=. sub p.ben
=+ lof=$(fol [0 b.fol])
?. ?=($0 -.lof) lof
$(fol p.lof)
{$10 {b/@ c/*} d/*}
=+ bog=$(fol d.fol)
?. ?=({$0 *} bog) bog
=+ lot=$(fol c.fol)
?. ?=({$0 *} lot) lot
=+ [axe=b.fol big=p.bog lit=p.lot]
^- tone
:- %0
|- ^- p/*
?: =(2 axe) [lit +.big]
?: =(3 axe) [-.big lit]
=+ mor=(mas axe)
?: =(2 (cap axe))
[$(big -.big, axe mor) +.big]
[-.big $(big +.big, axe mor)]
{$11 @ c/*} $(fol c.fol)
{$11 {b/* c/*} d/*}
=+ ben=$(fol c.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
?: ?=(?($hunk $hand $lose $mean $spot) b.fol)
$(fol d.fol, tax [[b.fol p.ben] tax])
$(fol d.fol)
{$12 b/* c/*}
=+ ref=$(fol b.fol)
=+ ben=$(fol c.fol)
?. ?=($0 -.ref) ref
?. ?=($0 -.ben) ben
=+ val=(gul p.ref p.ben)
?~(val [%1 p.ben ~] ?~(u.val [%2 [[%hunk (mush p.ben)] tax]] [%0 u.u.val]))
++ mock
|= {{sub/* fol/*} gul/$-({* *} (unit (unit)))}
(mook (mink [sub fol] gul))
++ mook
|= ton/tone
^- toon
?. ?=({$2 *} ton) ton
:- %2
:: =. p.ton (moop p.ton)
=+ yel=(lent p.ton)
=. p.ton
?. (gth yel 1.024) p.ton
%+ weld
(scag 512 p.ton)
^- (list {@ta *})
:_ (slag (sub yel 512) p.ton)
:- %lose
%+ rap 3
"[skipped {(scow %ud (sub yel 1.024))} frames]"
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ p.ton ~
=+ rep=$(p.ton t.p.ton)
?+ -.i.p.ton rep
$hunk [(tank +.i.p.ton) rep]
$lose [[%leaf (rip 3 (@ +.i.p.ton))] rep]
$hand [[%leaf (scow %p (mug +.i.p.ton))] rep]
$mean :_ rep
?@ +.i.p.ton [%leaf (rip 3 (@ +.i.p.ton))]
=+ mac=(mack +.i.p.ton +<.i.p.ton)
?~(mac [%leaf "####"] (tank u.mac))
$spot :_ rep
=+ sot=(spot +.i.p.ton)
:+ %rose [":" ~ ~]
:~ (smyt p.sot)
=> [ud=|=(a/@u (scow %ud a)) q.sot]
leaf+"<[{(ud p.p)} {(ud q.p)}].[{(ud p.q)} {(ud q.q)}]>"
== ==
++ mush :: sane name to leaf
|= val/*
^- tank
:+ %rose
[['/' ~] ['/' ~] ~]
(turn ((list @ta) val) |=(a/@ta [%leaf (trip a)]))
++ mong
|= {{gat/* sam/*} gul/$-({* *} (unit (unit)))}
^- toon
?. &(?=(^ gat) ?=(^ +.gat))
[%2 ~]
(mock [gat(+< sam) %9 2 %0 1] gul)
++ mule :: typed virtual
~/ %mule
=+ taq=|.(**)
|@ ++ $
=+ mud=(mute taq)
?- -.mud
%& [%& p=$:taq]
%| [%| p=p.mud]
++ mute :: untyped virtual
|= taq/_=>(~ ^?(|.(**)))
^- (each * (list tank))
=/ ton (mock [taq %9 2 %0 1] |=((pair) ``.*(~ [%12 1+p 1+q])))
?- -.ton
$0 [%& p.ton]
$1 [%| (turn p.ton |=(a/* (smyt (path a))))]
$2 [%| p.ton]
:: +slum: slam a gate on a sample using raw nock, untyped
++ slum
~/ %slum
|= [gat=* sam=*]
^- *
.*(gat [%9 2 %10 [6 %1 sam] %0 1])
++ soft :: maybe remold
|* han/$-(* *)
|= fud/* ^- (unit han)
=+ result=(mule |.((han fud)))
?- -.result
%| ~
%& [~ p.result]
:::: 4o: molds and mold builders
+$ abel typo :: original sin: type
+$ alas (list (pair term hoon)) :: alias list
+$ atom @ :: just an atom
+$ aura @ta :: atom format
+$ base :: base mold
$@ $? $noun :: any noun
$cell :: any cell
$flag :: loobean
$null :: ~ == 0
$void :: empty set
== ::
{$atom p/aura} :: atom
+$ woof $@(@ {~ p/hoon}) :: simple embed
+$ chum $? lef/term :: jet name
{std/term kel/@} :: kelvin version
{ven/term pro/term kel/@} :: vendor and product
{ven/term pro/term ver/@ kel/@} :: all of the above
== ::
+$ coil $: p/garb :: name, wet/dry, vary
q/type :: context
r/(pair seminoun (map term tome)) :: chapters
== ::
+$ garb (trel (unit term) poly vair) :: core
+$ poly ?(%wet %dry) :: polarity
+$ foot $% {$dry p/hoon} :: dry arm, geometric
{$wet p/hoon} :: wet arm, generic
== ::
+$ link :: lexical segment
$% [%chat p/term] :: |chapter
[%cone p/aura q/atom] :: %constant
[%frag p/term] :: .leg
[%funk p/term] :: +arm
== ::
+$ crib [summary=cord details=(list sect)] ::
+$ help [links=(list link) =crib] :: documentation
+$ limb $@ term :: wing element
$% {%& p/axis} :: by geometry
{%| p/@ud q/(unit term)} :: by name
== ::
:: XX more and better sanity
+$ null ~ :: null, nil, etc
+$ onyx (list (pair type foot)) :: arm activation
+$ opal :: limb match
$% {%& p/type} :: leg
{%| p/axis q/(set {p/type q/foot})} :: arm
== ::
+$ pica (pair ? cord) :: & prose, | code
+$ palo (pair vein opal) :: wing trace, match
+$ plat ::
$? %hoon ::
%type ::
%nock ::
%tank ::
== ::
+$ pock (pair axis nock) :: changes
+$ port (each palo (pair type nock)) :: successful match
+$ spec :: structure definition
$~ [%base %null] ::
$% {$base p/base} :: base type
{$dbug p/spot q/spec} :: set debug
{$leaf p/term q/@} :: constant atom
{$like p/wing q/(list wing)} :: reference
{$loop p/term} :: hygienic reference
{$made p/(pair term (list term)) q/spec} :: annotate synthetic
{$make p/hoon q/(list spec)} :: composed spec
{$name p/term q/spec} :: annotate simple
{$over p/wing q/spec} :: relative to subject
:: ::
{$bsbn p/spec q/spec} :: $>, filter: require
{$bsbs p/spec q/(map term spec)} :: $$, recursion
{$bsbr p/spec q/hoon} :: $|, verify
{$bscb p/hoon} :: $_, example
{$bscl p/{i/spec t/(list spec)}} :: $:, tuple
{$bscn p/{i/spec t/(list spec)}} :: $%, head pick
{$bsdt p/spec q/(map term spec)} :: $., read-write core
{$bsld p/spec q/spec} :: $<, filter: exclude
{$bshp p/spec q/spec} :: $-, function core
{$bskt p/spec q/spec} :: $^, cons pick
{$bsls p/stud q/spec} :: $+, standard
{$bsnt p/spec q/(map term spec)} :: $/, write-only core
{$bsmc p/hoon} :: $;, manual
{$bspd p/spec q/hoon} :: $&, repair
{$bssg p/hoon q/spec} :: $~, default
{$bstc p/spec q/(map term spec)} :: $`, read-only core
{$bsts p/skin q/spec} :: $=, name
{$bsvt p/spec q/spec} :: $@, atom pick
{$bswt p/{i/spec t/(list spec)}} :: $?, full pick
{$bszp p/spec q/(map term spec)} :: $!, opaque core
== ::
+$ tent :: model builder
$% {%| p/wing q/tent r/(list spec)} :: ~(p q r...)
{%& p/(list wing)} :: a.b:c.d
== ::
+$ tiki :: test case
$% {%& p/(unit term) q/wing} :: simple wing
{%| p/(unit term) q/hoon} :: named wing
== ::
+$ skin :: texture
$@ =term :: name/~[term %none]
$% [%base =base] :: base match
[%cell =skin =skin] :: pair
[%dbug =spot =skin] :: trace
[%leaf =aura =atom] :: atomic constant
[%help =help =skin] :: describe
[%name =term =skin] :: apply label
[%over =wing =skin] :: relative to
[%spec =spec =skin] :: cast to
[%wash depth=@ud] :: strip faces
== ::
+$ tome (pair what (map term hoon)) :: core chapter
+$ tope :: topographic type
$@ $? %& :: cell or atom
%| :: atom
== ::
(pair tope tope) :: cell
++ hoot :: hoon tools
+$ beer $@(char {~ p/hoon}) :: simple embed
+$ mane $@(@tas {@tas @tas}) :: XML name+space
+$ manx $~([[%$ ~] ~] {g/marx c/marl}) :: dynamic XML node
+$ marl (list tuna) :: dynamic XML nodes
+$ mart (list {n/mane v/(list beer)}) :: dynamic XML attrs
+$ marx $~([%$ ~] {n/mane a/mart}) :: dynamic XML tag
+$ mare (each manx marl) :: node or nodes
+$ maru (each tuna marl) :: interp or nodes
+$ tuna :: maybe interpolation
$~ [[%$ ~] ~]
$^ manx
$: ?($tape $manx $marl $call)
-- ::
+$ hoon ::
$~ [%zpzp ~]
$^ {p/hoon q/hoon} ::
$% ::
{$$ p/axis} :: simple leg
:: ::
{$base p/base} :: base spec
{$bust p/base} :: bunt base
{$dbug p/spot q/hoon} :: debug info in trace
{$eror p/tape} :: assembly error
{$hand p/type q/nock} :: premade result
{$note p/note q/hoon} :: annotate
{$fits p/hoon q/wing} :: underlying ?=
{$knit p/(list woof)} :: assemble string
{$leaf p/(pair term @)} :: symbol spec
{$limb p/term} :: take limb
{$lost p/hoon} :: not to be taken
{$rock p/term q/*} :: fixed constant
{$sand p/term q/*} :: unfixed constant
{$tell p/(list hoon)} :: render as tape
{$tune p/$@(term tune)} :: minimal face
{$wing p/wing} :: take wing
{$yell p/(list hoon)} :: render as tank
{$xray p/manx:hoot} :: ;foo; templating
:: :::::: cores
{$brbs sample/(lest term) body/spec} :: |$
{$brcb p/spec q/alas r/(map term tome)} :: |_
{$brcl p/hoon q/hoon} :: |:
{$brcn p/(unit term) q/(map term tome)} :: |%
{$brdt p/hoon} :: |.
{$brkt p/hoon q/(map term tome)} :: |^
{$brhp p/hoon} :: |-
{$brsg p/spec q/hoon} :: |~
{$brtr p/spec q/hoon} :: |*
{$brts p/spec q/hoon} :: |=
{$brvt p/(unit term) q/(map term tome)} :: |@
{$brwt p/hoon} :: |?
:: :::::: tuples
{$clcb p/hoon q/hoon} :: :_ [q p]
{$clkt p/hoon q/hoon r/hoon s/hoon} :: :^ [p q r s]
{$clhp p/hoon q/hoon} :: :- [p q]
{$clls p/hoon q/hoon r/hoon} :: :+ [p q r]
{$clsg p/(list hoon)} :: :~ [p ~]
{$cltr p/(list hoon)} :: :* p as a tuple
:: :::::: invocations
{$cncb p/wing q/(list (pair wing hoon))} :: %_
{$cndt p/hoon q/hoon} :: %.
{$cnhp p/hoon q/hoon} :: %-
{$cncl p/hoon q/(list hoon)} :: %:
{$cntr p/wing q/hoon r/(list (pair wing hoon))} :: %*
{$cnkt p/hoon q/hoon r/hoon s/hoon} :: %^
{$cnls p/hoon q/hoon r/hoon} :: %+
{$cnsg p/wing q/hoon r/(list hoon)} :: %~
{$cnts p/wing q/(list (pair wing hoon))} :: %=
:: :::::: nock
{$dtkt p/spec q/hoon} :: .^ nock 11
{$dtls p/hoon} :: .+ nock 4
{$dttr p/hoon q/hoon} :: .* nock 2
{$dtts p/hoon q/hoon} :: .= nock 5
{$dtwt p/hoon} :: .? nock 3
:: :::::: type conversion
{$ktbr p/hoon} :: ^| contravariant
{$ktcn p/hoon} :: ^% enter test mode
{$ktdt p/hoon q/hoon} :: ^. self-cast
{$ktls p/hoon q/hoon} :: ^+ expression cast
{$kthp p/spec q/hoon} :: ^- structure cast
{$ktpd p/hoon} :: ^& covariant
{$ktsg p/hoon} :: ^~ constant
{$ktts p/skin q/hoon} :: ^= label
{$ktwt p/hoon} :: ^? bivariant
{$kttr p/spec} :: ^* example
{$ktcl p/spec} :: ^: filter
:: :::::: hints
{$sgbr p/hoon q/hoon} :: ~| sell on trace
{$sgcb p/hoon q/hoon} :: ~_ tank on trace
{$sgcn p/chum q/hoon r/tyre s/hoon} :: ~% general jet hint
{$sgnt p/chum q/hoon} :: ~/ function j-hint
{$sgld p/$@(term {p/term q/hoon}) q/hoon} :: ~< backward hint
{$sgbn p/$@(term {p/term q/hoon}) q/hoon} :: ~> forward hint
{$sgbs p/term q/hoon} :: ~$ profiler hit
{$sgls p/@ q/hoon} :: ~+ cache/memoize
{$sgpd p/@ud q/hoon r/hoon} :: ~& printf/priority
{$sgts p/hoon q/hoon} :: ~= don't duplicate
{$sgwt p/@ud q/hoon r/hoon s/hoon} :: ~? tested printf
{$sgzp p/hoon q/hoon} :: ~! type on trace
:: :::::: miscellaneous
{$mcts p/marl:hoot} :: ;= list templating
{$mccl p/hoon q/(list hoon)} :: ;: binary to nary
{$mcnt p/hoon} :: ;/ [%$ [%$ p ~] ~]
{$mcgl p/spec q/hoon r/hoon s/hoon} :: ;< bind
{$mcsg p/hoon q/(list hoon)} :: ;~ kleisli arrow
{$mcmc p/spec q/hoon} :: ;; normalize
:: :::::: compositions
{$tsbr p/spec q/hoon} :: =| push bunt
{$tscl p/(list (pair wing hoon)) q/hoon} :: =: q w/ p changes
{$tsnt p/skin q/hoon r/hoon} :: =/ typed variable
{$tsmc p/skin q/hoon r/hoon} :: =; =/(q p r)
{$tsdt p/wing q/hoon r/hoon} :: =. r with p as q
{$tswt p/wing q/hoon r/hoon s/hoon} :: =? conditional =.
{$tsld p/hoon q/hoon} :: =< =>(q p)
{$tshp p/hoon q/hoon} :: =- =+(q p)
{$tsbn p/hoon q/hoon} :: => q w/subject p
{$tskt p/skin q/wing r/hoon s/hoon} :: =^ state machine
{$tsls p/hoon q/hoon} :: =+ q w/[p subject]
{$tssg p/(list hoon)} :: =~ hoon stack
{$tstr p/(pair term (unit spec)) q/hoon r/hoon} :: =* new style
{$tscm p/hoon q/hoon} :: =, overload p in q
:: :::::: conditionals
{$wtbr p/(list hoon)} :: ?| loobean or
{$wthp p/wing q/(list (pair spec hoon))} :: ?- pick case in q
{$wtcl p/hoon q/hoon r/hoon} :: ?: if/then/else
{$wtdt p/hoon q/hoon r/hoon} :: ?. ?:(p r q)
{$wtkt p/wing q/hoon r/hoon} :: ?^ if p is a cell
{$wtld p/hoon q/hoon} :: ?< ?:(p !! q)
{$wtbn p/hoon q/hoon} :: ?> ?:(p q !!)
{$wtls p/wing q/hoon r/(list (pair spec hoon))} :: ?+ ?- w/default
{$wtpd p/(list hoon)} :: ?& loobean and
{$wtvt p/wing q/hoon r/hoon} :: ?@ if p is atom
{$wtsg p/wing q/hoon r/hoon} :: ?~ if p is null
{$wthx p/skin q/wing} :: ?# if q matches p
{$wtts p/spec q/wing} :: ?= if q matches p
{$wtzp p/hoon} :: ?! loobean not
:: :::::: special
{$zpcm p/hoon q/hoon} :: !,
{$zpbn p/hoon} :: !>
{$zpld p/spec q/hoon} :: !<
{$zpmc p/hoon q/hoon} :: !;
{$zpts p/hoon} :: !=
{$zpvt p/(list wing) q/hoon r/hoon} :: !@
{$zpwt p/$@(p/@ {p/@ q/@}) q/hoon} :: !?
{$zpzp ~} :: !!
== ::
+$ tyre (list {p/term q/hoon}) ::
+$ tyke (list (unit hoon)) ::
:: :::::: virtual nock
+$ nock $^ {p/nock q/nock} :: autocons
$% {$1 p/*} :: constant
{$2 p/nock q/nock} :: compose
{$3 p/nock} :: cell test
{$4 p/nock} :: increment
{$5 p/nock q/nock} :: equality test
{$6 p/nock q/nock r/nock} :: if, then, else
{$7 p/nock q/nock} :: serial compose
{$8 p/nock q/nock} :: push onto subject
{$9 p/@ q/nock} :: select arm and fire
{$10 p/{p/@ q/nock} q/nock} :: edit
{$11 p/$@(@ {p/@ q/nock}) q/nock} :: hint
{$12 p/nock q/nock} :: grab data from sky
{$0 p/@} :: axis select
== ::
+$ note :: type annotation
$% {$help p/help} :: documentation
{$know p/stud} :: global standard
{$made p/term q/(unit (list wing))} :: structure
== ::
+$ type $~ %noun ::
$@ $? $noun :: any nouns
$void :: no noun
== ::
$% {$atom p/term q/(unit @)} :: atom / constant
{$cell p/type q/type} :: ordered pair
{$core p/type q/coil} :: object
{$face p/$@(term tune) q/type} :: namespace
{$fork p/(set type)} :: union
{$hint p/(pair type note) q/type} :: annotation
{$hold p/type q/hoon} :: lazy evaluation
== ::
+$ tony :: ++tone done right
$% {$0 p/tine q/*} :: success
{$1 p/(set)} :: blocks
{$2 p/(list {@ta *})} :: error ~_s
== ::
+$ tine :: partial noun
$@ ~ :: open
$% {%& p/tine q/tine} :: half-blocked
{%| p/(set)} :: fully blocked
== ::
+$ tool $@(term tune) :: type decoration
+$ tune :: complex
$~ [~ ~] ::
$: p/(map term (unit hoon)) :: aliases
q/(list hoon) :: bridges
== ::
+$ typo type :: old type
+$ vase {p/type q/*} :: type-value pair
+$ vise {p/typo q/*} :: old vase
+$ vial ?($read $rite $both $free) :: co/contra/in/bi
+$ vair ?($gold $iron $lead $zinc) :: in/contra/bi/co
+$ vein (list (unit axis)) :: search trace
+$ sect (list pica) :: paragraph
+$ whit ::
$: lab/(unit term) :: label
boy/(unit (pair cord (list sect))) :: body
def/(map term (pair cord (list sect))) :: definitions
use/(set term) :: defs used
== ::
+$ what (unit (pair cord (list sect))) :: help slogan/section
+$ wing (list limb) :: search path
+$ worm :: compiler cache
$: nes/(set ^) :: ++nest
pay/(map (pair type hoon) type) :: ++play
mit/(map (pair type hoon) (pair type nock)) :: ++mint
== ::
:: +block: abstract identity of resource awaited
++ block
:: +result: internal interpreter result
++ result
$@(~ seminoun)
:: +thunk: fragment constructor
++ thunk
$-(@ud (unit noun))
:: +seminoun:
++ seminoun
:: partial noun; blocked subtrees are ~
$~ [[%full ~] ~]
{mask/stencil data/noun}
:: +stencil: noun knowledge map
++ stencil
$% ::
:: %half: noun has partial block substructure
[%half left=stencil rite=stencil]
:: %full: noun is either fully complete, or fully blocked
[%full blocks=(set block)]
:: %lazy: noun can be generated from virtual subtree
[%lazy fragment/axis resolve/thunk]
++ output
:: ~: interpreter stopped
%- unit
$% ::
:: %done: output is complete
[%done p/noun]
:: %wait: output is waiting for resources
[%wait p/(list block)]
:: profiling
++ doss
$: mon/moan :: sample count
hit/(map term @ud) :: hit points
cut/(map path hump) :: cut points
++ moan :: sample metric
$: fun/@ud :: samples in C
noc/@ud :: samples in nock
glu/@ud :: samples in glue
mal/@ud :: samples in alloc
far/@ud :: samples in frag
coy/@ud :: samples in copy
euq/@ud :: samples in equal
== ::
++ hump
$: mon/moan :: sample count
out/(map path @ud) :: calls out of
inn/(map path @ud) :: calls into
:: ::
:::: 5: layer five ::
:: ::
:: 5a: compiler utilities ::
:: 5b: macro expansion ::
:: 5c: compiler backend and prettyprinter ::
:: 5d: parser ::
:: 5e: caching compiler ::
:: 5f: molds and mold builders ::
:: 5g: profiling support (XX remove) ::
~% %pen
%ap ap
%ut ut
:::: 5aa: new partial nock interpreter
++ musk !. :: nock with block set
++ abet
:: simplify raw result
|= $: :: noy: raw result
^- output
:: propagate stop
?~ noy ~
:- ~
:: merge all blocking sets
=/ blocks (squash mask.noy)
?: =(~ blocks)
:: no blocks, data is complete
:: reduce block set to block list
wait/~(tap in blocks)
++ araw
:: execute nock on partial subject
|= $: :: bus: subject, a partial noun
:: fol: formula, a complete noun
:: interpreter loop
|- ^- result
?@ fol
:: bad formula, stop
?: ?=(^ -.fol)
:: hed: interpret head
=+ hed=$(fol -.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ hed ~
:: tal: interpret tail
=+ tal=$(fol +.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ tal ~
:: combine
(combine hed tal)
?+ fol
:: bad formula; stop
:: 0; fragment
{$0 b/@}
:: if bad axis, stop
?: =(0 b.fol) ~
:: reduce to fragment
(fragment b.fol bus)
:: 1; constant
{$1 b/*}
:: constant is complete
[full/~ b.fol]
:: 2; recursion
{$2 b/* c/*}
:: require complete formula
%+ require
:: compute formula with current subject
$(fol c.fol)
|= :: ryf: next formula
:: lub: next subject
=+ lub=^$(fol b.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ lub ~
:: recurse
^$(fol ryf, bus lub)
:: 3; probe
{$3 b/*}
%+ require
$(fol b.fol)
|= :: fig: probe input
:: yes if cell, no if atom
[full/~ .?(fig)]
:: 4; increment
{$4 b/*}
%+ require
$(fol b.fol)
|= :: fig: increment input
:: stop for cells, increment for atoms
?^(fig ~ [full/~ +(fig)])
:: 5; compare
{$5 b/* c/*}
%+ require
$(fol b.fol)
|= :: hed: left input
%+ require
^$(fol c.fol)
|= :: tal: right input
[full/~ =(hed tal)]
:: 6; if-then-else
{$6 b/* c/* d/*}
:: semantic expansion
%+ require
$(fol b.fol)
|= :: fig: boolean
:: apply proper booleans
?: =(& fig) ^$(fol c.fol)
?: =(| fig) ^$(fol d.fol)
:: stop on bad test
:: 7; composition
{$7 b/* c/*}
:: one: input
=+ one=$(fol b.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ one ~
:: complete composition
$(fol c.fol, bus one)
:: 8; introduction
{$8 b/* c/*}
:: one: input
=+ one=$(fol b.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ one ~
:: complete introduction
$(fol c.fol, bus (combine one bus))
:: 9; invocation
{$9 b/* c/*}
:: semantic expansion
?^ b.fol ~
:: one: core
=+ one=$(fol c.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ one ~
:: if core is constant
?: ?=([[%full ~] *] one)
:: then call virtual nock directly
=+ (mack data.one [%9 b.fol %0 1])
:: propagate stop
?~ - ~
:: produce result
[[%full ~] u.-]
:: else complete call
%+ require
:: retrieve formula
(fragment b.fol one)
:: continue
|=(noun ^$(bus one, fol +<))
:: 10; edit
{$10 {b/@ c/*} d/*}
:: tar: target of edit
=+ tar=$(fol d.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ tar ~
:: inn: inner value
=+ inn=$(fol c.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ inn ~
(mutate b.fol inn tar)
:: 11; static hint
{$11 @ c/*}
:: ignore hint
$(fol c.fol)
:: 11; dynamic hint
{$11 {b/* c/*} d/*}
:: noy: dynamic hint
=+ noy=$(fol c.fol)
:: propagate stop
?~ noy ~
:: if hint is a fully computed trace
?: &(?=($spot b.fol) ?=([[%full ~] *] noy))
:: compute within trace
~_((show %o +.noy) $(fol d.fol))
:: else ignore hint
$(fol d.fol)
++ apex
:: execute nock on partial subject
|= $: :: bus: subject, a partial noun
:: fol: formula, a complete noun
^- output
:: simplify result
(abet (araw bus fol))
++ combine
:: combine a pair of seminouns
|= $: :: hed: head of pair
:: tal: tail of pair
^- seminoun
?. ?& &(?=($full -.mask.hed) ?=($full -.mask.tal))
=(=(~ blocks.mask.hed) =(~ blocks.mask.tal))
:: default merge
[half/[mask.hed mask.tal] [data.hed data.tal]]
:: both sides total
?: =(~ blocks.mask.hed)
:: both sides are complete
[full/~ data.hed data.tal]
:: both sides are blocked
[full/(~(uni in blocks.mask.hed) blocks.mask.tal) ~]
++ complete
:: complete any laziness
|= bus/seminoun
^- seminoun
?- -.mask.bus
$full bus
$lazy :: fragment 1 is the whole thing
?: =(1 fragment.mask.bus)
:: blocked; we can't get fragment 1 while compiling it
[[%full [~ ~ ~]] ~]
:: execute thunk
=+ (resolve.mask.bus fragment.mask.bus)
:: if product is nil
?~ -
:: then blocked
[[%full [~ ~ ~]] ~]
:: else use value
[[%full ~] u.-]
$half :: recursive descent
%+ combine
$(bus [left.mask.bus -.data.bus])
$(bus [rite.mask.bus +.data.bus])
++ fragment
:: seek to an axis in a seminoun
|= $: :: axe: tree address of subtree
:: bus: partial noun
^- result
:: 1 is the root
?: =(1 axe) bus
:: now: top of axis (2 or 3)
:: lat: rest of axis
=+ [now=(cap axe) lat=(mas axe)]
?- -.mask.bus
%lazy :: propagate laziness
bus(fragment.mask (peg fragment.mask.bus axe))
%full :: if fully blocked, produce self
?^ blocks.mask.bus bus
:: descending into atom, stop
?@ data.bus ~
:: descend into complete cell
$(axe lat, bus [full/~ ?:(=(2 now) -.data.bus +.data.bus)])
%half :: descend into partial cell
%= $
axe lat
bus ?: =(2 now)
[left.mask.bus -.data.bus]
[rite.mask.bus +.data.bus]
== ==
++ mutate
:: change a single axis in a seminoun
|= $: :: axe: axis within big to change
:: lit: (little) seminoun to insert within big at axe
:: big: seminoun to mutate
^- result
:: stop on zero axis
?~ axe ~
:: edit root of big means discard it
?: =(1 axe) lit
:: decompose axis into path of head-tail
|- ^- result
?: =(2 axe)
:: mutate head of cell
=+ tal=(fragment 3 big)
:: propagate stop
?~ tal ~
(combine lit tal)
?: =(3 axe)
:: mutate tail of cell
=+ hed=(fragment 2 big)
:: propagate stop
?~ hed ~
(combine hed lit)
:: deeper axis: keep one side of big and
:: recurse into the other with smaller axe
=+ mor=(mas axe)
=+ hed=(fragment 2 big)
:: propagate stop
?~ hed ~
=+ tal=(fragment 3 big)
:: propagate stop
?~ tal ~
?: =(2 (cap axe))
:: recurse into the head
=+ mut=$(big hed, axe mor)
:: propagate stop
?~ mut ~
(combine mut tal)
:: recurse into the tail
=+ mut=$(big tal, axe mor)
:: propagate stop
?~ mut ~
(combine hed mut)
++ require
:: require complete intermediate step
|= $: noy/result
yen/$-(* result)
^- result
:: propagate stop
?~ noy ~
:: suppress laziness
=/ bus/seminoun (complete noy)
?< ?=($lazy -.mask.bus)
:: if partial block, squash blocks and stop
?: ?=($half -.mask.bus) [full/(squash mask.bus) ~]
:: if full block, propagate block
?: ?=(^ blocks.mask.bus) [mask.bus ~]
:: otherwise use complete noun
(yen data.bus)
++ squash
:: convert stencil to block set
|= tyn/stencil
^- (set block)
?- -.tyn
$lazy $(tyn -:(complete tyn ~))
$full blocks.tyn
$half (~(uni in $(tyn left.tyn)) $(tyn rite.tyn))
:::: 5a: compiler utilities
++ bool `type`(fork [%atom %f `0] [%atom %f `1] ~) :: make loobean
++ cell :: make %cell type
~/ %cell
|= {hed/type tal/type}
^- type
?:(=(%void hed) %void ?:(=(%void tal) %void [%cell hed tal]))
++ core :: make %core type
~/ %core
|= {pac/type con/coil}
^- type
?:(=(%void pac) %void [%core pac con])
++ hint
|= {p/(pair type note) q/type}
^- type
?: =(%void q) %void
?: =(%noun q) %noun
[%hint p q]
++ face :: make %face type
~/ %face
|= {giz/$@(term tune) der/type}
^- type
?: =(%void der)
[%face giz der]
++ fork :: make %fork type
~/ %fork
|= yed/(list type)
=| lez/(set type)
|- ^- type
?~ yed
?~ lez %void
?: ?=({* ~ ~} lez) n.lez
[%fork lez]
%= $
yed t.yed
?: =(%void i.yed) lez
?: ?=({$fork *} i.yed) (~(uni in lez) p.i.yed)
(~(put in lez) i.yed)
++ cove :: extract [0 *] axis
|= nug/nock
?- nug
{$0 *} p.nug
{$11 *} $(nug q.nug)
* ~_(leaf+"cove" !!)
++ comb :: combine two formulas
~/ %comb
|= {mal/nock buz/nock}
^- nock
?: ?&(?=({$0 *} mal) !=(0 p.mal))
?: ?&(?=({$0 *} buz) !=(0 p.buz))
[%0 (peg p.mal p.buz)]
?: ?=({$2 {$0 *} {$0 *}} buz)
[%2 [%0 (peg p.mal p.p.buz)] [%0 (peg p.mal p.q.buz)]]
[%7 mal buz]
?: ?=({^ {$0 $1}} mal)
[%8 p.mal buz]
?: =([%0 %1] buz)
[%7 mal buz]
++ cond :: ?: compile
~/ %cond
|= {pex/nock yom/nock woq/nock}
^- nock
?- pex
{$1 $0} yom
{$1 $1} woq
* [%6 pex yom woq]
++ cons :: make formula cell
~/ %cons
|= {vur/nock sed/nock}
^- nock
:: this optimization can remove crashes which are essential
:: ?: ?=([[%0 *] [%0 *]] +<)
:: ?: ?&(=(+(p.vur) p.sed) =((div p.vur 2) (div p.sed 2)))
:: [%0 (div p.vur 2)]
:: [vur sed]
?: ?=({{$1 *} {$1 *}} +<)
[%1 p.vur p.sed]
[vur sed]
++ fitz :: odor compatibility
~/ %fitz
|= {yaz/term wix/term}
=+ ^= fiz
|= mot/@ta ^- {p/@ q/@ta}
=+ len=(met 3 mot)
?: =(0 len)
[0 %$]
=+ tyl=(rsh 3 (dec len) mot)
?: &((gte tyl 'A') (lte tyl 'Z'))
[(sub tyl 64) (end 3 (dec len) mot)]
[0 mot]
=+ [yoz=(fiz yaz) wux=(fiz wix)]
?& ?| =(0 p.yoz)
=(0 p.wux)
&(!=(0 p.wux) (lte p.wux p.yoz))
|- ?| =(%$ p.yoz)
=(%$ p.wux)
?& =((end 3 1 p.yoz) (end 3 1 p.wux))
$(p.yoz (rsh 3 1 p.yoz), p.wux (rsh 3 1 p.wux))
++ flan :: loobean &
~/ %flan
|= {bos/nock nif/nock}
^- nock
?: =(bos nif) bos
?: =([%0 0] bos) nif
?: =([%0 0] nif) bos
?- bos
{$1 $1} bos
{$1 $0} nif
?- nif
{$1 $1} nif
{$1 $0} bos
* [%6 bos nif [%1 1]]
++ flip :: loobean negation
~/ %flip
|= dyr/nock
?: =([%0 0] dyr) dyr
[%6 dyr [%1 1] [%1 0]]
++ flor :: loobean |
~/ %flor
|= {bos/nock nif/nock}
^- nock
?: =(bos nif) bos
?: =([%0 0] bos) nif
?: =([%0 0] nif) bos
?- bos
{$1 $1} nif
{$1 $0} bos
?- nif
{$1 $1} bos
{$1 $0} nif
* [%6 bos [%1 0] nif]
++ hike
~/ %hike
|= [a=axis pac=(list (pair axis nock))]
|^ =/ rel=(map axis nock) (roll pac insert)
=/ ord=(list axis) (sort ~(tap in ~(key by rel)) gth)
|- ^- nock
?~ ord
[%0 a]
=/ b=axis i.ord
=/ c=nock (~(got by rel) b)
=/ d=nock $(ord t.ord)
[%10 [b c] d]
++ contains
|= [container=axis contained=axis]
^- ?
=/ big=@ (met 0 container)
=/ small=@ (met 0 contained)
?: (lte small big) |
=/ dif=@ (sub small big)
=(container (rsh 0 dif contained))
++ parent
|= a=axis
`axis`(rsh 0 1 a)
++ sibling
|= a=axis
^- axis
?~ (mod a 2)
(dec a)
++ insert
|= [e=[axe=axis fol=nock] n=(map axis nock)]
^- (map axis nock)
?: =/ a=axis axe.e
|- ^- ?
?: =(1 a) |
?: (~(has by n) a)
$(a (parent a))
:: parent already in
=. n
:: remove children
%+ roll ~(tap by n)
|= [[axe=axis fol=nock] m=_n]
?. (contains axe.e axe) m
(~(del by m) axe)
=/ sib (sibling axe.e)
=/ un (~(get by n) sib)
?~ un (~(put by n) axe.e fol.e)
:: replace sibling with parent
%= $
n (~(del by n) sib)
e :- (parent sib)
?: (gth sib axe.e)
(cons fol.e u.un)
(cons u.un fol.e)
++ jock
|= rad/?
|= lot/coin ^- hoon
?- -.lot
?:(rad [%rock p.lot] [%sand p.lot])
?: rad
[%rock %$ p.lot]
?@(p.lot [%sand %$ p.lot] [$(p.lot -.p.lot) $(p.lot +.p.lot)])
[%cltr (turn p.lot |=(a/coin ^$(lot a)))]
++ look
~/ %look
|= {cog/term dab/(map term hoon)}
=+ axe=1
|- ^- (unit {p/axis q/hoon})
?- dab
~ ~
{* ~ ~}
?:(=(cog p.n.dab) [~ axe q.n.dab] ~)
{* ~ *}
?: =(cog p.n.dab)
[~ (peg axe 2) q.n.dab]
?: (gor cog p.n.dab)
$(axe (peg axe 3), dab r.dab)
{* * ~}
?: =(cog p.n.dab)
[~ (peg axe 2) q.n.dab]
?: (gor cog p.n.dab)
$(axe (peg axe 3), dab l.dab)
{* * *}
?: =(cog p.n.dab)
[~ (peg axe 2) q.n.dab]
?: (gor cog p.n.dab)
$(axe (peg axe 6), dab l.dab)
$(axe (peg axe 7), dab r.dab)
++ loot
~/ %loot
|= {cog/term dom/(map term tome)}
=+ axe=1
|- ^- (unit {p/axis q/hoon})
?- dom
~ ~
{* ~ ~}
%+ bind (look cog q.q.n.dom)
|=((pair axis hoon) [(peg axe p) q])
{* ~ *}
=+ yep=(look cog q.q.n.dom)
?^ yep
[~ (peg (peg axe 2) p.u.yep) q.u.yep]
$(axe (peg axe 3), dom r.dom)
{* * ~}
=+ yep=(look cog q.q.n.dom)
?^ yep
[~ (peg (peg axe 2) p.u.yep) q.u.yep]
$(axe (peg axe 3), dom l.dom)
{* * *}
=+ yep=(look cog q.q.n.dom)
?^ yep
[~ (peg (peg axe 2) p.u.yep) q.u.yep]
=+ pey=$(axe (peg axe 6), dom l.dom)
?^ pey pey
$(axe (peg axe 7), dom r.dom)
:::: 5b: macro expansion
++ ah :: tiki engine
|_ tik/tiki
++ blue
|= gen/hoon
^- hoon
?. &(?=(%| -.tik) ?=(~ p.tik)) gen
[%tsbn [%$ 3] gen]
++ teal
|= mod/spec
^- spec
?: ?=(%& -.tik) mod
[%over [%& 3]~ mod]
++ tele
|= syn/skin
^- skin
?: ?=(%& -.tik) syn
[%over [%& 3]~ syn]
++ gray
|= gen/hoon
^- hoon
?- -.tik
%& ?~(p.tik gen [%tstr [u.p.tik ~] [%wing q.tik] gen])
%| [%tsls ?~(p.tik q.tik [%ktts u.p.tik q.tik]) gen]
++ puce
^- wing
?- -.tik
%& ?~(p.tik q.tik [u.p.tik ~])
%| [[%& 2] ~]
++ wthp |= opt/(list (pair spec hoon))
%+ gray %wthp
[puce (turn opt |=({a/spec b/hoon} [a (blue b)]))]
++ wtkt |=({sic/hoon non/hoon} (gray [%wtkt puce (blue sic) (blue non)]))
++ wtls |= {gen/hoon opt/(list (pair spec hoon))}
%+ gray %wtls
[puce (blue gen) (turn opt |=({a/spec b/hoon} [a (blue b)]))]
++ wtvt |=({sic/hoon non/hoon} (gray [%wtvt puce (blue sic) (blue non)]))
++ wtsg |=({sic/hoon non/hoon} (gray [%wtsg puce (blue sic) (blue non)]))
++ wthx |=(syn/skin (gray [%wthx (tele syn) puce]))
++ wtts |=(mod/spec (gray [%wtts (teal mod) puce]))
++ ax
=+ :* :: dom: axis to home
:: hay: wing to home
:: cox: hygienic context
:: bug: debug annotations
:: def: default expression
cox=*(map term spec)
bug=*(list spot)
nut=*(unit note)
def=*(unit hoon)
|_ {fab/? mod/spec}
++ autoname
:: derive name from spec
|- ^- (unit term)
?- -.mod
$base ?.(?=([%atom *] p.mod) ~ ?:(=(%$ p.p.mod) `%atom `p.p.mod))
$dbug $(mod q.mod)
$leaf `p.mod
$loop `p.mod
$like ?~(p.mod ~ ?^(i.p.mod ?:(?=(%& -.i.p.mod) ~ q.i.p.mod) `i.p.mod))
$make ~(name ap p.mod)
$made $(mod q.mod)
$over $(mod q.mod)
$name $(mod q.mod)
$bsbs $(mod p.mod)
$bsbr $(mod p.mod)
$bscb ~(name ap p.mod)
$bscl $(mod i.p.mod)
$bscn $(mod i.p.mod)
$bsdt ~
$bsld $(mod q.mod)
$bsbn $(mod q.mod)
$bshp $(mod p.mod)
$bskt $(mod q.mod)
$bsls $(mod q.mod)
$bsnt ~
$bsmc ~(name ap p.mod)
$bspd $(mod p.mod)
$bssg $(mod q.mod)
$bstc ~
$bsts $(mod q.mod)
$bsvt $(mod q.mod)
$bswt $(mod i.p.mod)
$bszp ~
++ hint
|= not/note
^+ +>
?>(?=(~ nut) +>.$(nut `not))
++ function
:: construct a function example
|= {fun/spec arg/spec}
^- hoon
:: minimal context as subject
:+ %tsbn
:: context is example of both specs
[example:clear(mod fun) example:clear(mod arg)]
:: produce an %iron (contravariant) core
:- %ktbr
:: make an actual gate
:+ %brcl
[%$ 2]
[%$ 15]
++ interface
:: construct a core example
|= {variance/vair payload/spec arms/(map term spec)}
^- hoon
:: attach proper variance control
=- ?- variance
%gold -
%lead [%ktwt -]
%zinc [%ktpd -]
%iron [%ktbr -]
^- hoon
:+ %tsbn example:clear(mod payload)
:+ %brcn ~
=- [[%$ ~ -] ~ ~]
%- ~(gas by *(map term hoon))
%+ turn
~(tap by arms)
|= [=term =spec]
:: note that we *don't* make arm specs in an interface
:: hygienic -- we leave them in context, to support
:: maximum programmer flexibility
[term example:clear(mod spec)]
++ home
:: express a hoon against the original subject
|= gen/hoon
^- hoon
=/ ,wing
?: =(1 dom)
(weld hay `wing`[[%& dom] ~])
?~ - gen
[%tsbn [%wing -] gen]
++ clear
:: clear annotations
^+ .
.(bug ~, def ~, nut ~)
++ basal
:: example base case
|= bas/base
?- bas
{$atom *}
:: we may want sped
[%sand p.bas ?:(=(%da p.bas) ~2000.1.1 0)]
:: raw nock produces noun type
=+([%rock %$ 0] [%ktls [%dttr - - [%rock %$ 1]] -])
:: reduce to pair of nouns
=+($(bas %noun) [- -])
:: comparison produces boolean type
=+([%rock %$ 0] [%ktls [%dtts - -] -])
[%rock %n 0]
[%zpzp ~]
++ unfold
|= [fun/hoon arg/(list spec)]
^- hoon
[%cncl fun (turn arg |=(spec ktcl/+<))]
++ unreel
|= [one/wing res/(list wing)]
^- hoon
?~(res [%wing one] [%tsld [%wing one] $(one i.res, res t.res)])
++ descend
:: record an axis to original subject
|= axe/axis
+>(dom (peg axe dom))
++ decorate
:: apply documentation to expression
|= gen/hoon
^- hoon
=- ?~(nut - [%note u.nut -])
^- hoon
|- ^- hoon
?~(bug gen [%dbug i.bug $(bug t.bug)])
++ pieces
:: enumerate tuple wings
|= =(list term)
^- (^list wing)
(turn list |=(=term `wing`[term ~]))
++ spore
:: build default sample
^- hoon
:: sample is always typeless
:+ %ktls
[%bust %noun]
:: consume debugging context
%- decorate
:: use home as subject
%- home
:: if default is set, use it
?^ def u.def
:: else map structure to expression
|- ^- hoon
?- mod
{$base *} ?:(=(%void p.mod) [%rock %n 0] (basal p.mod))
{$bsbs *} :: track hygienic recursion points lexically
%= $
mod p.mod
cox :: merge lexically and don't forget %$
(~(put by ^+(cox (~(uni by cox) q.mod))) %$ p.mod)
{$dbug *} [%dbug p.mod $(mod q.mod)]
{$leaf *} [%rock p.mod q.mod]
{$loop *} ~|([%loop p.mod] $(mod (~(got by cox) p.mod)))
{$like *} $(mod bsmc/(unreel p.mod q.mod))
{$made *} $(mod q.mod)
{$make *} $(mod bsmc/(unfold p.mod q.mod))
{$name *} $(mod q.mod)
{$over *} $(hay p.mod, mod q.mod)
{$bsbr *} $(mod p.mod)
{$bscb *} [%rock %n 0]
{$bscl *} |- ^- hoon
?~ t.p.mod ^$(mod i.p.mod)
:- ^$(mod i.p.mod)
$(i.p.mod i.t.p.mod, t.p.mod t.t.p.mod)
{$bscn *} :: use last entry
|- ^- hoon
?~ t.p.mod ^$(mod i.p.mod)
$(i.p.mod i.t.p.mod, t.p.mod t.t.p.mod)
{$bshp *} :: see under %bscb
[%rock %n 0]
{$bsld *} $(mod q.mod)
{$bsbn *} $(mod q.mod)
{$bskt *} $(mod q.mod)
{$bsls *} $(mod q.mod)
{$bsmc *} :: borrow sample
[%tsld [%$ 6] p.mod]
{$bspd *} $(mod p.mod)
{$bssg *} [%kthp q.mod p.mod]
{$bsts *} [%ktts p.mod $(mod q.mod)]
{$bsvt *} $(mod p.mod)
{$bswt *} :: use last entry
|- ^- hoon
?~ t.p.mod ^$(mod i.p.mod)
$(i.p.mod i.t.p.mod, t.p.mod t.t.p.mod)
{$bsdt *} [%rock %n 0]
{$bsnt *} [%rock %n 0]
{$bstc *} [%rock %n 0]
{$bszp *} [%rock %n 0]
++ example
:: produce a correctly typed default instance
^- hoon
?+ mod
:: in the general case, make and analyze a spore
:+ %tsls
~(relative analyze:(descend 3) 2)
{$base *} (decorate (basal p.mod))
{$dbug *} example(mod q.mod, bug [p.mod bug])
{$leaf *} (decorate [%rock p.mod q.mod])
{$like *} example(mod bsmc/(unreel p.mod q.mod))
{$loop *} [%limb p.mod]
{$made *} example(mod q.mod, nut `made/[p.p.mod `(pieces q.p.mod)])
{$make *} example(mod bsmc/(unfold p.mod q.mod))
{$name *} example(mod q.mod, nut `made/[p.mod ~])
{$over *} example(hay p.mod, mod q.mod)
{$bscb *} (decorate (home p.mod))
{$bscl *} %- decorate
|- ^- hoon
?~ t.p.mod
example:clear(mod i.p.mod)
:- example:clear(mod i.p.mod)
example:clear(i.p.mod i.t.p.mod, t.p.mod t.t.p.mod)
{$bshp *} (decorate (function:clear p.mod q.mod))
{$bsmc *} (decorate (home [%tsld [%limb %$] p.mod]))
{$bssg *} [%ktls example(mod q.mod) (home p.mod)]
{$bsls *} (decorate example(mod q.mod))
{$bsts *} (decorate [%ktts p.mod example:clear(mod q.mod)])
{$bsdt *} (decorate (home (interface %gold p.mod q.mod)))
{$bsnt *} (decorate (home (interface %iron p.mod q.mod)))
{$bszp *} (decorate (home (interface %lead p.mod q.mod)))
{$bstc *} (decorate (home (interface %zinc p.mod q.mod)))
++ factory
:: make a normalizing gate (mold)
^- hoon
:: process annotations outside construct, to catch default
?: ?=($dbug -.mod) factory(mod q.mod, bug [p.mod bug])
?: ?=($bssg -.mod) factory(mod q.mod, def `[%kthp q.mod p.mod])
^- hoon
:: if we recognize an indirection
?: &(=(~ def) ?=(?(%bsmc %like %loop %make) -.mod))
:: then short-circuit it
%- decorate
%- home
?- -.mod
%bsmc p.mod
%like (unreel p.mod q.mod)
%loop [%limb p.mod]
%make (unfold p.mod q.mod)
:: else build a gate
:+ %brcl
[%ktsg spore]
~(relative analyze:(descend 7) 6)
++ analyze
:: normalize a fragment of the subject
|_ $: :: axe: axis to fragment
++ basic
|= bas/base
^- hoon
?- bas
{%atom *}
:+ %ktls example
^- hoon
:^ %zpvt
[[[%| 0 `%ruth] ~] ~]
[%cnls [%limb %ruth] [%sand %ta p.bas] fetch]
[%wtvt fetch-wing fetch [%zpzp ~]]
:+ %ktls example
=+ fetch-wing
:- [%wing [[%& %2] -]]
[%wing [[%& %3] -]]
:^ %wtcl
[%dtts [%rock %$ &] [%$ axe]]
[%rock %f &]
:+ %wtbn
[%dtts [%rock %$ |] [%$ axe]]
[%rock %f |]
:+ %wtbn
[%dtts [%bust %noun] [%$ axe]]
[%rock %n ~]
[%zpzp ~]
++ clear
.(..analyze ^clear)
++ fetch
:: load the fragment
^- hoon
[%$ axe]
++ fetch-wing
:: load, as a wing
^- wing
[[%& axe] ~]
++ choice
:: match full models, by trying them
|= $: :: one: first option
:: rep: other options
rep/(list spec)
^- hoon
:: if no other choices, construct head
?~ rep relative:clear(mod one)
:: build test
:^ %wtcl
:: if we fit the type of this choice
[%fits example:clear(mod one) fetch-wing]
:: build with this choice
relative:clear(mod one)
:: continue through loop
$(one i.rep, rep t.rep)
++ switch
|= $: :: one: first format
:: two: more formats
rep/(list spec)
|- ^- hoon
:: if no other choices, construct head
?~ rep relative:clear(mod one)
:: fin: loop completion
=/ fin/hoon $(one i.rep, rep t.rep)
:: interrogate this instance
:^ %wtcl
:: test if the head matches this wing
:+ %fits
[%tsld [%$ 2] example:clear(mod one)]
fetch-wing(axe (peg axe 2))
:: if so, use this form
relative:clear(mod one)
:: continue in the loop
++ relative
:: local constructor
^- hoon
?- mod
:: base
{$base *}
(decorate (basic:clear p.mod))
:: debug
{$dbug *}
relative(mod q.mod, bug [p.mod bug])
:: constant
{$leaf *}
%- decorate
:+ %wtbn
[%dtts fetch [%rock %$ q.mod]]
[%rock p.mod q.mod]
:: composite
{$make *}
relative(mod bsmc/(unfold p.mod q.mod))
:: indirect
{$like *}
relative(mod bsmc/(unreel p.mod q.mod))
:: loop
{$loop *}
(decorate [%cnhp [%limb p.mod] fetch])
:: simple named structure
{$name *}
relative(mod q.mod, nut `made/[p.mod ~])
:: synthetic named structure
{$made *}
relative(mod q.mod, nut `made/[p.p.mod `(pieces q.p.mod)])
:: subjective
{$over *}
relative(hay p.mod, mod q.mod)
:: recursive, $$
{$bsbs *}
:: apply semantically
:+ %brkt
relative(mod p.mod, dom (peg 3 dom))
=- [[%$ ~ -] ~ ~]
%- ~(gas by *(map term hoon))
^- (list (pair term hoon))
%+ turn
~(tap by q.mod)
|= [=term =spec]
[term relative(mod spec, dom (peg 3 dom))]
:: normalize, $&
{$bspd *}
:: push the raw result
:+ %tsls relative(mod p.mod)
:: push repair function
:+ %tsls
[%tsbn $/3 q.mod]
:: push repaired product
:+ %tsls
[%cnhp $/2 $/6]
:: sanity-check repaired product
:+ %wtbn
:: either
:~ %wtbr
:: the repair did not change anything
[%dtts $/14 $/2]
:: when we fix it again, it stays fixed
[%dtts $/2 [%cnhp $/6 $/2]]
:: verify, $|
{$bsbr *}
^- hoon
:: push the raw product
:+ %tsls relative(mod p.mod)
^- hoon
:: assert
:+ %wtbn
:: run the verifier
[%cnhp [%tsbn $/3 q.mod] $/2]
:: produce verified product
:: special, $_
{$bscb *}
(decorate (home p.mod))
:: switch, $%
{$bscn *}
(decorate (switch i.p.mod t.p.mod))
:: tuple, $:
{$bscl *}
%- decorate
|- ^- hoon
?~ t.p.mod
relative:clear(mod i.p.mod)
:- relative:clear(mod i.p.mod, axe (peg axe 2))
%= relative
i.p.mod i.t.p.mod
t.p.mod t.t.p.mod
axe (peg axe 3)
:: exclude, $<
{$bsld *}
:+ %tsls
relative:clear(mod q.mod)
:+ %wtld
[%wtts [%over ~[&/3] p.mod] ~[&/4]]
:: require, $>
{$bsbn *}
:+ %tsls
relative:clear(mod q.mod)
:+ %wtbn
[%wtts [%over ~[&/3] p.mod] ~[&/4]]
:: function
{$bshp *}
%- decorate
=/ fun (function:clear p.mod q.mod)
?^ def
[%ktls fun u.def]
:: bridge, $^
{$bskt *}
%- decorate
:^ %wtcl
[%dtwt fetch(axe (peg axe 2))]
relative:clear(mod p.mod)
relative:clear(mod q.mod)
:: synthesis, $;
{$bsmc *}
(decorate [%cncl (home p.mod) fetch ~])
:: default
{$bssg *}
relative(mod q.mod, def `[%kthp q.mod p.mod])
:: choice, $?
{$bswt *}
(decorate (choice i.p.mod t.p.mod))
:: name, $=
{$bsts *}
[%ktts p.mod relative(mod q.mod)]
:: branch, $@
{$bsvt *}
%- decorate
:^ %wtcl
[%dtwt fetch]
relative:clear(mod q.mod)
relative:clear(mod p.mod)
{$bsls *} relative(mod q.mod)
{$bsdt *} (decorate (home (interface %gold p.mod q.mod)))
{$bsnt *} (decorate (home (interface %iron p.mod q.mod)))
{$bszp *} (decorate (home (interface %lead p.mod q.mod)))
{$bstc *} (decorate (home (interface %zinc p.mod q.mod)))
++ ap :: hoon engine
~% %ap
%open open
%rake rake
=+ fab=`?`&
|_ gen/hoon
++ grip
|= =skin
=| rel/wing
|- ^- hoon
?- skin
[%tsld [%tune skin] gen]
[%base *]
?: ?=(%noun base.skin)
[%kthp skin gen]
[%cell *]
=+ haf=~(half ap gen)
?^ haf
:- $(skin skin.skin, gen p.u.haf)
$(skin ^skin.skin, gen q.u.haf)
:+ %tsls
:- $(skin skin.skin, gen [%$ 4])
$(skin ^skin.skin, gen [%$ 5])
[%dbug *]
[%dbug spot.skin $(skin skin.skin)]
[%leaf *]
[%kthp skin gen]
[%help *]
[%note [%help help.skin] $(skin skin.skin)]
[%name *]
[%tsld [%tune term.skin] $(skin skin.skin)]
[%over *]
$(skin skin.skin, rel (weld wing.skin rel))
[%spec *]
:+ %kthp
?~(rel spec.skin [%over rel spec.skin])
$(skin skin.skin)
[%wash *]
:+ %tsld
:- %wing
|- ^- wing
?: =(0 depth.skin) ~
[[%| 0 ~] $(depth.skin (dec depth.skin))]
++ name
|- ^- (unit term)
?+ gen ~
{$wing *} ?~ p.gen ~
?^ i.p.gen
?:(?=(%& -.i.p.gen) ~ q.i.p.gen)
{$limb *} `p.gen
{$dbug *} $(gen ~(open ap gen))
{$tsld *} $(gen ~(open ap gen))
{$tsbn *} $(gen q.gen)
++ feck
|- ^- (unit term)
?- gen
{$sand $tas @} [~ q.gen]
{$dbug *} $(gen q.gen)
* ~
:: not used at present; see comment at $csng in ++open
::++ hail
:: |= axe/axis
:: =| air/(list (pair wing hoon))
:: |- ^+ air
:: =+ hav=half
:: ?~ hav [[[[%| 0 ~] [%& axe] ~] gen] air]
:: $(gen p.u.hav, axe (peg axe 2), air $(gen q.u.hav, axe (peg axe 3)))
++ half
|- ^- (unit (pair hoon hoon))
?+ gen ~
{^ *} `[p.gen q.gen]
{$dbug *} $(gen q.gen)
{$clcb *} `[q.gen p.gen]
{$clhp *} `[p.gen q.gen]
{$clkt *} `[p.gen %clls q.gen r.gen s.gen]
{$clsg *} ?~(p.gen ~ `[i.p.gen %clsg t.p.gen])
{$cltr *} ?~ p.gen ~
?~(t.p.gen $(gen i.p.gen) `[i.p.gen %cltr t.p.gen])
:: +flay: hoon to skin
++ flay
|- ^- (unit skin)
?+ gen
=+(open ?:(=(- gen) ~ $(gen -)))
[^ *]
=+ [$(gen p.gen) $(gen q.gen)]
?~(-< ~ ?~(-> ~ `[%cell -<+ ->+]))
[%base *]
[%rock *]
?@(q.gen `[%leaf p.gen q.gen] ~)
[%cnts [@ ~] ~]
[%tsbn *]
%+ biff reek(gen p.gen)
|= =wing
(bind ^$(gen q.gen) |=(=skin [%over wing skin]))
[%limb @]
:: [%rock *]
:: [%spec %leaf q.gen q.gen]
[%note [%help *] *]
(bind $(gen q.gen) |=(=skin [%help p.p.gen skin]))
[%wing *]
?: ?=([@ ~] p.gen)
=/ depth 0
|- ^- (unit skin)
?~ p.gen `[%wash depth]
?. =([%| 0 ~] i.p.gen) ~
$(p.gen t.p.gen)
[%kttr *]
`[%spec p.gen %base %noun]
[%ktts *]
%+ biff $(gen q.gen)
|= =skin
?@ p.gen `[%name p.gen skin]
?. ?=([%name @ [%base %noun]] p.gen) ~
`[%name term.p.gen skin]
++ open
^- hoon
?- gen
{~ *} [%cnts [[%& p.gen] ~] ~]
{$base *} ~(factory ax fab `spec`gen)
{$bust *} ~(example ax fab %base p.gen)
{$ktcl *} ~(factory ax fab p.gen)
{$dbug *} q.gen
{$eror *} ~>(%slog.[0 leaf/p.gen] !!)
{$knit *} ::
:+ %tsbn [%ktts %v %$ 1] :: => v=.
:- %brhp :: |-
:+ %ktls :: ^+
:- %brhp :: |-
:^ %wtcl :: ?:
[%bust %flag] :: ?
[%bust %null] :: ~
:- [%ktts %i [%sand 'tD' *@]] :: :- i=~~
[%ktts %t [%limb %$]] :: t=$
|- ^- hoon ::
?~ p.gen ::
[%bust %null] :: ~
=+ res=$(p.gen t.p.gen) ::
^- hoon ::
?@ i.p.gen ::
[[%sand 'tD' i.p.gen] res] :: [~~{i.p.gen} {res}]
:+ %tsls ::
:- :+ %ktts :: ^=
%a :: a
:+ %ktls :: ^+
[%limb %$] :: $
[%tsbn [%limb %v] p.i.p.gen] :: =>(v {p.i.p.gen})
[%ktts %b res] :: b={res}
^- hoon ::
:- %brhp :: |-
:^ %wtvt :: ?@
[%a ~] :: a
[%limb %b] :: b
:- [%tsld [%$ 2] [%limb %a]] :: :- -.a
:+ %cnts :: %=
[%$ ~] :: $
[[[%a ~] [%tsld [%$ 3] [%limb %a]]] ~] :: a +.a
{$leaf *} ~(factory ax fab `spec`gen)
{$limb *} [%cnts [p.gen ~] ~]
{$tell *} [%cncl [%limb %noah] [%zpbn [%cltr p.gen]] ~]
{$wing *} [%cnts p.gen ~]
{$yell *} [%cncl [%limb %cain] [%zpbn [%cltr p.gen]] ~]
{$note *} q.gen
{$brbs *} =- ?~ - !!
[%brtr [%bscl -] [%ktcl body.gen]]
%+ turn `(list term)`sample.gen
|= =term
^- spec
=/ tar [%base %noun]
[%bsts term [%bssg tar [%bshp tar tar]]]
{$brcb *} :+ %tsls [%kttr p.gen]
:+ %brcn ~
%- ~(run by r.gen)
|= =tome
:- p.tome
%- ~(run by q.tome)
|= =hoon
?~ q.gen hoon
[%tstr [p.i.q.gen ~] q.i.q.gen $(q.gen t.q.gen)]
{$brcl *} [%tsls p.gen [%brdt q.gen]]
{$brdt *} :+ %brcn ~
=- [[%$ ~ -] ~ ~]
(~(put by *(map term hoon)) %$ p.gen)
{$brkt *} :+ %tsld [%limb %$]
:+ %brcn ~
=+ zil=(~(get by q.gen) %$)
?~ zil
%+ ~(put by q.gen) %$
[*what [[%$ p.gen] ~ ~]]
%+ ~(put by q.gen) %$
[p.u.zil (~(put by q.u.zil) %$ p.gen)]
{$brhp *} [%tsld [%limb %$] [%brdt p.gen]]
{$brsg *} [%ktbr [%brts p.gen q.gen]]
{$brtr *} :+ %tsls [%kttr p.gen]
:+ %brvt ~
=- [[%$ ~ -] ~ ~]
(~(put by *(map term hoon)) %$ q.gen)
{$brts *} :+ %brcb p.gen
=- [~ [[%$ ~ -] ~ ~]]
(~(put by *(map term hoon)) %$ q.gen)
{$brwt *} [%ktwt %brdt p.gen]
{$clkt *} [p.gen q.gen r.gen s.gen]
{$clls *} [p.gen q.gen r.gen]
{$clcb *} [q.gen p.gen]
{$clhp *} [p.gen q.gen]
{$clsg *}
|- ^- hoon
?~ p.gen
[%rock %n ~]
[i.p.gen $(p.gen t.p.gen)]
{$cltr *}
|- ^- hoon
?~ p.gen
[%zpzp ~]
?~ t.p.gen
[i.p.gen $(p.gen t.p.gen)]
{$kttr *} [%ktsg ~(example ax fab p.gen)]
{$cncb *} [%ktls [%wing p.gen] %cnts p.gen q.gen]
{$cndt *} [%cncl q.gen [p.gen ~]]
{$cnkt *} [%cncl p.gen q.gen r.gen s.gen ~]
{$cnls *} [%cncl p.gen q.gen r.gen ~]
{$cnhp *} [%cncl p.gen q.gen ~]
:: this probably should work, but doesn't
:: {$cncl *} [%cntr [%$ ~] p.gen [[[[%& 6] ~] [%cltr q.gen]] ~]]
{$cncl *} [%cnsg [%$ ~] p.gen q.gen]
{$cnsg *}
:: this complex matching system is a leftover from the old
:: "electroplating" era. %cnsg should be removed and replaced
:: with the commented-out %cncl above. but something is broken.
:^ %cntr p.gen q.gen
=+ axe=6
|- ^- (list {wing hoon})
?~ r.gen ~
?~ t.r.gen [[[[%| 0 ~] [%& axe] ~] i.r.gen] ~]
:- [[[%| 0 ~] [%& (peg axe 2)] ~] i.r.gen]
$(axe (peg axe 3), r.gen t.r.gen)
{$cntr *}
?: =(~ r.gen)
[%tsbn q.gen [%wing p.gen]]
:+ %tsls
:+ %cnts
(weld p.gen `wing`[[%& 2] ~])
(turn r.gen |=({p/wing q/hoon} [p [%tsbn [%$ 3] q]]))
{$ktdt *} [%ktls [%cncl p.gen q.gen ~] q.gen]
{$kthp *} [%ktls ~(example ax fab p.gen) q.gen]
{$ktts *} (grip(gen q.gen) p.gen)
{$sgbr *}
:+ %sgbn
:- %mean
=+ fek=~(feck ap p.gen)
?^ fek [%rock %tas u.fek]
[%brdt [%cncl [%limb %cain] [%zpbn [%tsbn [%$ 3] p.gen]] ~]]
{$sgcb *} [%sgbn [%mean [%brdt p.gen]] q.gen]
{$sgcn *}
:+ %sgld
:- %fast
:- %clls
:+ [%rock %$ p.gen]
[%zpts q.gen]
:- %clsg
=+ nob=`(list hoon)`~
|- ^- (list hoon)
?~ r.gen
[[[%rock %$ p.i.r.gen] [%zpts q.i.r.gen]] $(r.gen t.r.gen)]
{$sgnt *} [%sgcn p.gen [%$ 7] ~ q.gen]
{$sgld *} [%tsld [%sgbn p.gen [%$ 1]] q.gen]
{$sgbs *} [%sgbn [%live [%rock %$ p.gen]] q.gen]
{$sgls *} [%sgbn [%memo %rock %$ p.gen] q.gen]
{$sgpd *}
:+ %sgbn
[%slog [%sand %$ p.gen] [%cncl [%limb %cain] [%zpbn q.gen] ~]]
{$sgts *} [%sgbn [%germ p.gen] q.gen]
{$sgwt *}
:+ %tsls [%wtdt q.gen [%bust %null] [[%bust %null] r.gen]]
:^ %wtsg [%& 2]~
[%tsbn [%$ 3] s.gen]
[%sgpd p.gen [%$ 5] [%tsbn [%$ 3] s.gen]]
{$mcts *}
?~ p.gen [%bust %null]
?- -.i.p.gen
^ [[%xray i.p.gen] $(p.gen t.p.gen)]
$manx [p.i.p.gen $(p.gen t.p.gen)]
$tape [[%mcnt p.i.p.gen] $(p.gen t.p.gen)]
$call [%cncl p.i.p.gen [$(p.gen t.p.gen)]~]
$marl =- [%cndt [p.i.p.gen $(p.gen t.p.gen)] -]
^- hoon
:+ %tsbr [%base %cell]
:+ %brvt ~
^- (map term tome)
=- [[%$ ~ -] ~ ~]
^- (map term hoon)
:_ [~ ~]
=+ sug=[[%& 12] ~]
:- %$
:^ %wtsg sug
[%cnts sug [[[[%& 1] ~] [%$ 13]] ~]]
[%cnts sug [[[[%& 3] ~] [%cnts [%$ ~] [[sug [%$ 25]] ~]]] ~]]
{$mccl *}
?- q.gen
~ [%zpzp ~]
{* ~} i.q.gen
:+ %tsls
=+ yex=`(list hoon)`q.gen
|- ^- hoon
?- yex
{* ~} [%tsbn [%$ 3] i.yex]
{* ^} [%cncl [%$ 2] [%tsbn [%$ 3] i.yex] $(yex t.yex) ~]
~ !!
{$mcnt *} =+(zoy=[%rock %ta %$] [%clsg [zoy [%clsg [zoy p.gen] ~]] ~])
{$mcgl *}
:^ %cnls
:+ %cnhp
[%ktcl p.gen]
:+ %brts
{$mcsg *} :: ;~
|- ^- hoon
?- q.gen
~ ~_(leaf+"open-mcsg" !!)
:+ %tsbn [%ktts %v %$ 1] :: => v=.
|- ^- hoon ::
?: ?=(~ t.q.gen) ::
[%tsbn [%limb %v] i.q.gen] :: =>(v {i.q.gen})
:+ %tsls [%ktts %a $(q.gen t.q.gen)] :: =+ ^= a
:+ %tsls :: {$(q.gen t.q.gen)}
[%ktts %b [%tsbn [%limb %v] i.q.gen]] :: =+ ^= b
:+ %tsls :: =>(v {i.q.gen})
:+ %ktts %c :: =+ c=,.+6.b
:+ %tsld ::
[%wing [%| 0 ~] [%& 6] ~] ::
[%limb %b] ::
:- %brdt :: |.
:^ %cnls :: %+
[%tsbn [%limb %v] p.gen] :: =>(v {p.gen})
[%cncl [%limb %b] [%limb %c] ~] :: (b c)
:+ %cnts [%a ~] :: a(,.+6 c)
[[[[%| 0 ~] [%& 6] ~] [%limb %c]] ~] ::
== ::
{$mcmc *} :: ;;
[%cnhp ~(factory ax fab p.gen) q.gen]
{$tsbr *}
[%tsls ~(example ax fab p.gen) q.gen]
{$tstr *}
:+ %tsld
[%tune [[p.p.gen ~ ?~(q.p.gen q.gen [%kthp u.q.p.gen q.gen])] ~ ~] ~]
{$tscl *}
[%tsbn [%cncb [[%& 1] ~] p.gen] q.gen]
{$tsnt *}
[%tsls [%ktts p.gen q.gen] r.gen]
{$tsmc *} [%tsnt p.gen r.gen q.gen]
{$tsdt *}
[%tsbn [%cncb [[%& 1] ~] [[p.gen q.gen] ~]] r.gen]
{$tswt *} :: =?
[%tsdt p.gen [%wtcl q.gen r.gen [%wing p.gen]] s.gen]
{$tskt *} :: =^
=+ wuy=(weld q.gen `wing`[%v ~]) ::
:+ %tsbn [%ktts %v %$ 1] :: => v=.
:+ %tsls [%ktts %a %tsbn [%limb %v] r.gen] :: =+ a==>(v \r.gen)
:^ %tsdt wuy [%tsld [%$ 3] [%limb %a]]
:+ %tsbn :- :+ %ktts [%over [%v ~] p.gen]
[%tsld [%$ 2] [%limb %a]]
[%limb %v]
{$tsld *} [%tsbn q.gen p.gen]
{$tsls *} [%tsbn [p.gen [%$ 1]] q.gen]
{$tshp *} [%tsls q.gen p.gen]
{$tssg *}
|- ^- hoon
?~ p.gen [%$ 1]
?~ t.p.gen i.p.gen
[%tsbn i.p.gen $(p.gen t.p.gen)]
{$wtbr *}
?~(p.gen [%rock %f 1] [%wtcl i.p.gen [%rock %f 0] $(p.gen t.p.gen)])
{$wtdt *} [%wtcl p.gen r.gen q.gen]
{$wtld *} [%wtcl p.gen [%zpzp ~] q.gen]
{$wtbn *} [%wtcl p.gen q.gen [%zpzp ~]]
{$wtkt *} [%wtcl [%wtts [%base %atom %$] p.gen] r.gen q.gen]
{$wthp *}
?~ q.gen
[%lost [%wing p.gen]]
:^ %wtcl
[%wtts p.i.q.gen p.gen]
$(q.gen t.q.gen)
{$wtls *}
[%wthp p.gen (weld r.gen `_r.gen`[[[%base %noun] q.gen] ~])]
{$wtpd *}
?~(p.gen [%rock %f 0] [%wtcl i.p.gen $(p.gen t.p.gen) [%rock %f 1]])
{$xray *}
|^ :- [(open-mane n.g.p.gen) %clsg (turn a.g.p.gen open-mart)]
[%mcts c.p.gen]
++ open-mane
|= a/mane:hoot
?@(a [%rock %tas a] [[%rock %tas -.a] [%rock %tas +.a]])
++ open-mart
|= {n/mane:hoot v/(list beer:hoot)}
[(open-mane n) %knit v]
{$wtvt *} [%wtcl [%wtts [%base %atom %$] p.gen] q.gen r.gen]
{$wtsg *} [%wtcl [%wtts [%base %null] p.gen] q.gen r.gen]
{$wtts *} [%fits ~(example ax fab p.gen) q.gen]
{$wtzp *} [%wtcl p.gen [%rock %f 1] [%rock %f 0]]
{$zpbn *}
[%cncl [%limb %onan] [%zpmc [%kttr [%bsmc %limb %abel]] p.gen] ~]
{$zpwt *}
?: ?: ?=(@ p.gen)
(lte hoon-version p.gen)
&((lte hoon-version p.p.gen) (gte hoon-version q.p.gen))
~_(leaf+"hoon-version" !!)
* gen
++ rake ~>(%mean.'rake-hoon' (need reek))
++ reek
^- (unit wing)
?+ gen ~
{~ *} `[[%& p.gen] ~]
{$limb *} `[p.gen ~]
{$wing *} `p.gen
{$cnts * ~} `p.gen
{$dbug *} reek(gen q.gen)
++ rusk
^- term
=+ wig=rake
?. ?=({@ ~} wig)
~>(%mean.'rusk-hoon' !!)
:::: 5c: compiler backend and prettyprinter
++ ut
~% %ut
%ar ar
%fan fan
%rib rib
%vet vet
%fab fab
%blow blow
%burp burp
%busk busk
%buss buss
%crop crop
%duck duck
%dune dune
%dunk dunk
%epla epla
%emin emin
%emul emul
%feel feel
%felt felt
%fine fine
%fire fire
%fish fish
%fond fond
%fund fund
%funk funk
%fuse fuse
%gain gain
%lose lose
%mile mile
%mine mine
%mint mint
%moot moot
%mull mull
%nest nest
%peel peel
%play play
%peek peek
%repo repo
%rest rest
%tack tack
%toss toss
%wrap wrap
=+ :* fan=*(set {type hoon})
rib=*(set {type type hoon})
=+ sut=`type`%noun
++ clip
|= ref/type
?> ?|(!vet (nest(sut ref) & sut))
:: +ar: texture engine
++ ar !:
~% %ar
%fish fish
%gain gain
%lose lose
|_ [ref=type =skin]
:: =fish: make a $nock that tests a .ref at .axis for .skin
++ fish
|= =axis
^- nock
?@ skin [%1 &]
?- -.skin
?- base.skin
%cell $(skin [%cell [%base %noun] [%base %noun]])
%flag ?: (~(nest ut bool) | ref)
[%1 &]
%+ flan
$(skin [%base %atom %$])
%+ flor
[%5 [%0 axis] [%1 &]]
[%5 [%0 axis] [%1 |]]
%noun [%1 &]
%null $(skin [%leaf %n ~])
%void [%1 |]
[%atom *] ?: (~(nest ut [%atom %$ ~]) | ref)
[%1 &]
?: (~(nest ut [%cell %noun %noun]) | ref)
[%1 |]
(flip [%3 %0 axis])
?: (~(nest ut [%atom %$ ~]) | ref) [%1 |]
%+ flan
?: (~(nest ut [%cell %noun %noun]) | ref)
[%1 &]
[%3 %0 axis]
%+ flan
$(ref (peek(sut ref) %free 2), skin skin.skin)
$(ref (peek(sut ref) %free 3), skin ^skin.skin)
?: (~(nest ut [%atom %$ `atom.skin]) | ref)
[%1 &]
[%5 [%1 atom.skin] [%0 axis]]
%dbug $(skin skin.skin)
%help $(skin skin.skin)
%name $(skin skin.skin)
%over $(skin skin.skin)
%spec $(skin skin.skin)
%wash [%1 1]
:: -gain: make a $type by restricting .ref to .skin
++ gain
|- ^- type
?@ skin [%face skin ref]
?- -.skin
?- base.skin
%cell $(skin [%cell [%base %noun] [%base %noun]])
%flag (fork $(skin [%leaf %f &]) $(skin [%leaf %f |]) ~)
%null $(skin [%leaf %n ~])
%void %void
%noun ?:((~(nest ut %void) | ref) %void ref)
[%atom *]
=| gil=(set type)
|- ^- type
?- ref
%void %void
%noun [%atom p.base.skin ~]
[%atom *] ?. (fitz p.base.skin p.ref)
~>(%mean.'atom-mismatch' !!)
:+ %atom
(max p.base.skin p.ref)
[%cell *] %void
[%core *] %void
[%face *] (face p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%fork *] (fork (turn ~(tap in p.ref) |=(=type ^$(ref type))))
[%hint *] (hint p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%hold *] ?: (~(has in gil) ref) %void
$(gil (~(put in gil) ref), ref repo(sut ref))
=| gil=(set type)
|- ^- type
?- ref
%void %void
%noun [%cell %noun %noun]
[%atom *] %void
[%cell *] =+ ^$(skin skin.skin, ref p.ref)
?: =(%void -) %void
(cell - ^$(skin ^skin.skin, ref q.ref))
[%core *] =+ ^$(skin skin.skin, ref p.ref)
?: =(%void -) %void
?. =(%noun ^skin.skin)
(cell - ^$(skin ^skin.skin, ref %noun))
[%core - q.ref]
[%face *] (face p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%fork *] (fork (turn ~(tap in p.ref) |=(=type ^$(ref type))))
[%hint *] (hint p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%hold *] ?: (~(has in gil) ref) %void
$(gil (~(put in gil) ref), ref repo(sut ref))
=| gil=(set type)
|- ^- type
?- ref
%void %void
%noun [%atom aura.skin `atom.skin]
[%atom *] ?: &(?=(^ q.ref) !=(atom.skin u.q.ref))
?. (fitz aura.skin p.ref)
~>(%mean.'atom-mismatch' !!)
:+ %atom
(max aura.skin p.ref)
[%cell *] %void
[%core *] %void
[%face *] (face p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%fork *] (fork (turn ~(tap in p.ref) |=(=type ^$(ref type))))
[%hint *] (hint p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%hold *] ?: (~(has in gil) ref) %void
$(gil (~(put in gil) ref), ref repo(sut ref))
%dbug $(skin skin.skin)
%help (hint [sut %help help.skin] $(skin skin.skin))
%name (face term.skin $(skin skin.skin))
%over $(skin skin.skin, sut (~(play ut sut) %wing wing.skin))
%spec =/ yon $(skin skin.skin)
=/ hit (~(play ut sut) ~(example ax fab spec.skin))
?> (~(nest ut hit) & yon)
%wash =- $(ref (~(play ut ref) -))
:- %wing
|- ^- wing
?: =(0 depth.skin) ~
[[%| 0 ~] $(depth.skin (dec depth.skin))]
:: -lose: make a $type by restricting .ref to exclude .skin
++ lose
|- ^- type
?@ skin [%face skin ref]
?- -.skin
?- base.skin
%cell $(skin [%cell [%base %noun] [%base %noun]])
%flag $(skin [%base %atom %f])
%null $(skin [%leaf %n ~])
%void ref
%noun %void
[%atom *]
=| gil=(set type)
|- ^- type
?- ref
%void %void
%noun [%cell %noun %noun]
[%atom *] %void
[%cell *] ref
[%core *] ref
[%face *] (face p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%fork *] (fork (turn ~(tap in p.ref) |=(=type ^$(ref type))))
[%hint *] (hint p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%hold *] ?: (~(has in gil) ref) %void
$(gil (~(put in gil) ref), ref repo(sut ref))
=| gil=(set type)
|- ^- type
?- ref
%void %void
%noun [%atom %$ ~]
[%atom *] ref
[%cell *] =+ ^$(skin skin.skin, ref p.ref)
?: =(%void -) %void
(cell - ^$(skin ^skin.skin, ref q.ref))
[%core *] =+ ^$(skin skin.skin, ref p.ref)
?: =(%void -) %void
?. =(%noun ^skin.skin)
(cell - ^$(skin ^skin.skin, ref %noun))
[%core - q.ref]
[%face *] (face p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%fork *] (fork (turn ~(tap in p.ref) |=(=type ^$(ref type))))
[%hint *] (hint p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%hold *] ?: (~(has in gil) ref) %void
$(gil (~(put in gil) ref), ref repo(sut ref))
=| gil=(set type)
|- ^- type
?- ref
%void %void
%noun %noun
[%atom *] ?: =(q.ref `atom.skin)
[%cell *] ref
[%core *] ref
[%face *] (face p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%fork *] (fork (turn ~(tap in p.ref) |=(=type ^$(ref type))))
[%hint *] (hint p.ref $(ref q.ref))
[%hold *] ?: (~(has in gil) ref) %void
$(gil (~(put in gil) ref), ref repo(sut ref))
%dbug $(skin skin.skin)
%help $(skin skin.skin)
%name $(skin skin.skin)
%over $(skin skin.skin)
%spec $(skin skin.skin)
%wash ref
++ bleu
|= {gol/type gen/hoon}
^- {type nock}
=+ pro=(mint gol gen)
=+ jon=(apex:musk bran q.pro)
?: |(?=(~ jon) ?=($wait -.u.jon))
?: &(!fab vet)
~& %bleu-fail
[p.pro q.pro]
[p.pro %1 p.u.jon]
++ blow
|= {gol/type gen/hoon}
^- {type nock}
=+ pro=(mint gol gen)
=+ jon=(apex:musk bran q.pro)
?: |(?=(~ jon) ?=($wait -.u.jon))
[p.pro q.pro]
[p.pro %1 p.u.jon]
++ bran
=+ gil=*(set type)
|- ~+ ^- seminoun:musk
?- sut
$noun [full/[~ ~ ~] ~]
$void [full/[~ ~ ~] ~]
{$atom *} ?~(q.sut [full/[~ ~ ~] ~] [full/~ u.q.sut])
{$cell *} (combine:musk $(sut p.sut) $(sut q.sut))
{$core *} %+ combine:musk
$(sut p.sut)
{$face *} $(sut repo)
{$fork *} [full/[~ ~ ~] ~]
{$hint *} $(sut repo)
{$hold *} ?: (~(has in gil) sut)
[full/[~ ~ ~] ~]
$(sut repo, gil (~(put in gil) sut))
++ burp
:: expel undigested seminouns
^- type
~= sut
?+ sut sut
[%cell *] [%cell burp(sut p.sut) burp(sut q.sut)]
[%core *] :+ %core
burp(sut p.sut)
:* p.q.sut
burp(sut q.q.sut)
:_ q.r.q.sut
?: ?=([[%full ~] *] p.r.q.sut)
[[%full ~ ~ ~] ~]
[%face *] [%face p.sut burp(sut q.sut)]
[%fork *] [%fork (~(run in p.sut) |=(type burp(sut +<)))]
[%hint *] (hint p.sut burp(sut q.sut))
[%hold *] [%hold burp(sut p.sut) q.sut]
++ busk
~/ %busk
|= gen/hoon
^- type
[%face [~ [gen ~]] sut]
++ buss
~/ %buss
|= {cog/term gen/hoon}
^- type
[%face [[[cog ~ gen] ~ ~] ~] sut]
++ crop
~/ %crop
|= ref/type
=+ bix=*(set {type type})
=< dext
++ dext
^- type
~_ leaf+"crop"
:: ~_ (dunk 'dext: sut')
:: ~_ (dunk(sut ref) 'dext: ref')
?: |(=(sut ref) =(%noun ref))
?: =(%void ref)
?- sut
{$atom *}
?+ ref sint
{$atom *} ?^ q.sut
?^(q.ref ?:(=(q.ref q.sut) %void sut) %void)
?^(q.ref sut %void)
{$cell *} sut
{$cell *}
?+ ref sint
{$atom *} sut
{$cell *} ?. (nest(sut p.ref) | p.sut) sut
(cell p.sut dext(sut q.sut, ref q.ref))
{$core *} ?:(?=(?({$atom *} {$cell *}) ref) sut sint)
{$face *} (face p.sut dext(sut q.sut))
{$fork *} (fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type dext(sut +<))))
{$hint *} (hint p.sut dext(sut q.sut))
{$hold *} ?< (~(has in bix) [sut ref])
dext(sut repo, bix (~(put in bix) [sut ref]))
$noun dext(sut repo)
$void %void
++ sint
^- type
?+ ref !!
{$core *} sut
{$face *} dext(ref repo(sut ref))
{$fork *} =+ yed=~(tap in p.ref)
|- ^- type
?~ yed sut
$(yed t.yed, sut dext(ref i.yed))
{$hint *} dext(ref repo(sut ref))
{$hold *} dext(ref repo(sut ref))
++ cool
|= {pol/? hyp/wing ref/type}
^- type
=+ fid=(find %both hyp)
?- -.fid
%| sut
%& =< q
%+ take p.p.fid
|=(a/type ?:(pol (fuse(sut a) ref) (crop(sut a) ref)))
++ duck ^-(tank ~(duck us sut))
++ dune |.(duck)
++ dunk
|= paz/term ^- tank
:+ %palm
[['.' ~] ['-' ~] ~ ~]
[[%leaf (mesc (trip paz))] duck ~]
++ elbo
|= {lop/palo rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- type
?: ?=(%& -.q.lop)
|- ^- type
?~ rig
=+ zil=(play q.i.rig)
=+ dar=(tack(sut p.q.lop) p.i.rig zil)
%= $
rig t.rig
p.q.lop q.dar
=+ hag=~(tap in q.q.lop)
%- fire
|- ^+ hag
?~ rig
=+ zil=(play q.i.rig)
=+ dix=(toss p.i.rig zil hag)
%= $
rig t.rig
hag q.dix
++ ergo
|= {lop/palo rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- (pair type nock)
=+ axe=(tend p.lop)
=| hej/(list (pair axis nock))
?: ?=(%& -.q.lop)
=- [p.- (hike axe q.-)]
|- ^- (pair type (list (pair axis nock)))
?~ rig
[p.q.lop hej]
=+ zil=(mint %noun q.i.rig)
=+ dar=(tack(sut p.q.lop) p.i.rig p.zil)
%= $
rig t.rig
p.q.lop q.dar
hej [[p.dar q.zil] hej]
=+ hag=~(tap in q.q.lop)
=- [(fire p.-) [%9 p.q.lop (hike axe q.-)]]
|- ^- (pair (list (pair type foot)) (list (pair axis nock)))
?~ rig
[hag hej]
=+ zil=(mint %noun q.i.rig)
=+ dix=(toss p.i.rig p.zil hag)
%= $
rig t.rig
hag q.dix
hej [[p.dix q.zil] hej]
++ endo
|= {lop/(pair palo palo) dox/type rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- (pair type type)
?: ?=(%& -.q.p.lop)
?> ?=(%& -.q.q.lop)
|- ^- (pair type type)
?~ rig
[p.q.p.lop p.q.q.lop]
=+ zil=(mull %noun dox q.i.rig)
=+ ^= dar
:- p=(tack(sut p.q.p.lop) p.i.rig p.zil)
q=(tack(sut p.q.q.lop) p.i.rig q.zil)
?> =(p.p.dar p.q.dar)
%= $
rig t.rig
p.q.p.lop q.p.dar
p.q.q.lop q.q.dar
?> ?=(%| -.q.q.lop)
?> =(p.q.p.lop p.q.q.lop)
=+ hag=[p=~(tap in q.q.p.lop) q=~(tap in q.q.q.lop)]
=- [(fire p.-) (fire(vet |) q.-)]
|- ^- (pair (list (pair type foot)) (list (pair type foot)))
?~ rig
=+ zil=(mull %noun dox q.i.rig)
=+ ^= dix
:- p=(toss p.i.rig p.zil p.hag)
q=(toss p.i.rig q.zil q.hag)
?> =(p.p.dix p.q.dix)
%= $
rig t.rig
hag [q.p.dix q.q.dix]
++ ad
++ arc
++ deft :: generic
++ bath * :: leg match type
++ claw * :: arm match type
++ form |*({* *} p=+<-) :: attach build state
++ skin |*(p/* p) :: reveal build state
++ meat |*(p/* p) :: remove build state
++ make :: for mint
++ bath type :: leg match type
++ claw onyx :: arm
++ form |*({* *} [p=+<- q=+<+]) ::
++ skin |*({p/* q/*} q) :: unwrap baggage
++ meat |*({p/* q/*} p) :: unwrap filling
++ def
=+ deft:arc
|@ ++ $
=> +<
++ pord |*(* (form +< *nock)) :: wrap mint formula
++ rosh |*(* (form +< *(list pock))) :: wrap mint changes
++ fleg _(pord $:bath) :: legmatch + code
++ fram _(pord $:claw) :: armmatch +
++ foat _(rosh $:bath) :: leg with changes
++ fult _(rosh $:claw) :: arm with changes
-- --
++ lib
++ deft
=> (def deft:arc)
++ halp ^|(|:($:hoon $:fleg))
++ vant
|% ++ trep ^|(|:($:{bath wing bath} $:{axis bath}))
++ tasp ^|(|:($:{{axis bath} fleg foat} $:foat))
++ tyle ^|(|:($:foat $:foat))
++ vunt
|% ++ trep ^|(|:($:{claw wing bath} $:{axis claw}))
++ tasp ^|(|:($:{{axis claw} fleg fult} $:fult))
++ tyle ^|(|:($:fult $:foat))
-- --
++ make
=> (def make:arc)
++ halp |~ a/hoon
^- fleg
(mint %noun a)
++ vant
|% ++ trep |: $:{a/type b/wing c/type}
^- {axis type}
(tack(sut a) b c)
++ tasp |: $:{a/(pair axis type) b/fleg c/foat}
^- foat
[q.a [[p.a (skin b)] (skin c)]]
++ tyle |:($:foat +<)
++ vunt
|% ++ trep |: $:{a/claw b/wing c/bath}
^- (pair axis claw)
(toss b c a)
++ tasp |: $:{a/(pair axis claw) b/fleg c/fult}
^- fult
[q.a [[p.a (skin b)] (skin c)]]
++ tyle |: $:fult
^- foat
[(fire +<-) +<+]
-- -- --
++ bin
=+ deft:lib
|@ ++ $
=> +<
++ rame
=> vant |%
++ clom bath
++ chog fleg
++ ceut foat
++ gelp
=> vunt |%
++ clom claw
++ chog fram
++ ceut fult
++ ecbo (ecco rame)
++ eclo (ecco gelp)
++ ecco
=+ rame
|@ ++ $
=> +<
|: $:{rum/clom rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- foat
%- tyle
|- ^- ceut
?~ rig (rosh rum)
=+ mor=$(rig t.rig)
=+ zil=(halp q.i.rig)
=+ dar=(trep (meat mor) p.i.rig (meat zil))
(tasp dar zil mor)
-- -- -- --
++ oc
=+ inc=(bin:ad)
|@ ++ $
=> inc
++ echo
|: $:{rum/bath rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
(ecbo rum rig)
++ ecmo
|: $:{hag/claw rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
(eclo hag rig)
-- --
++ etco
|= {lop/palo rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- (pair type nock)
=+ cin=(oc (bin:ad make:lib:ad))
=. rig (flop rig) :: XX this unbreaks, void order in devulc
=+ axe=(tend p.lop)
?: ?=(%& -.q.lop)
=- [p.- (hike axe q.-)]
(echo:cin p.q.lop rig)
=- [p.- [%9 p.q.lop (hike axe q.-)]]
(ecmo:cin ~(tap in q.q.lop) rig)
++ et
|_ {hyp/wing rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
++ play
^- type
=+ lug=(find %read hyp)
?: ?=(%| -.lug) ~>(%mean.'hoon' ?>(?=(~ rig) p.p.lug))
(elbo p.lug rig)
++ mint
|= gol/type
^- (pair type nock)
=+ lug=(find %read hyp)
?: ?=(%| -.lug) ~>(%mean.'hoon' ?>(?=(~ rig) p.lug))
=- ?>(?|(!vet (nest(sut gol) & p.-)) -)
(etco p.lug rig)
++ mull
|= {gol/type dox/type}
^- {type type}
=+ lug=[p=(find %read hyp) q=(find(sut dox) %read hyp)]
?: ?=(%| -.p.lug)
?> &(?=(%| -.q.lug) ?=(~ rig))
[p.p.p.lug p.p.q.lug]
?> ?=(%& -.q.lug)
=- ?>(?|(!vet (nest(sut gol) & p.-)) -)
(endo [p.p.lug p.q.lug] dox rig)
++ epla
~/ %epla
|= {hyp/wing rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- type
~(play et hyp rig)
++ emin
~/ %emin
|= {gol/type hyp/wing rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- (pair type nock)
(~(mint et hyp rig) gol)
++ emul
~/ %emul
|= {gol/type dox/type hyp/wing rig/(list (pair wing hoon))}
^- (pair type type)
(~(mull et hyp rig) gol dox)
++ felt
~/ %felt
|= lap/opal
^- type
?- -.lap
%& p.lap
%| %- fork
%+ turn ~(tap in q.lap)
|= [a=type *]
?> ?=([%core *] a)
[%core q.q.a q.a]
:: ::
++ feel :: detect existence
|= rot/(list wing)
^- ?
=. rot (flop rot)
|- ^- ?
?~ rot &
=/ yep (fond %free i.rot)
?~ yep |
?- -.yep
%& %= $
rot t.rot
sut p:(fine %& p.yep)
%| ?- -.p.yep
%& |
%| %= $
rot t.rot
sut p:(fine %| p.p.yep)
== ==
++ fond
~/ %fond
|= {way/vial hyp/wing}
=> |%
++ pony :: raw match
$@ ~ :: void
%+ each :: natural/abnormal
palo :: arm or leg
%+ each :: abnormal
@ud :: unmatched
(pair type nock) :: synthetic
^- pony
?~ hyp
[%& ~ %& sut]
=+ mor=$(hyp t.hyp)
?- -.mor
?- -.p.mor
%& mor
=+ fex=(mint(sut p.p.p.mor) %noun [%wing i.hyp ~])
[%| %| p.fex (comb q.p.p.mor q.fex)]
=. sut (felt q.p.mor)
=> :_ +
:* axe=`axis`1
heg=?^(i.hyp i.hyp [%| p=0 q=(some i.hyp)])
?: ?=(%& -.heg)
[%& [`p.heg lon] %& (peek way p.heg)]
=| gil/(set type)
=< $
|% ++ here ?: =(0 p.heg)
[%& [~ `axe lon] %& sut]
[%| %& (dec p.heg)]
++ lose [%| %& p.heg]
++ stop ?~(q.heg here lose)
++ twin |= {hax/pony yor/pony}
^- pony
~_ leaf+"find-fork"
?: =(hax yor) hax
?~ hax yor
?~ yor hax
?: ?=(%| -.hax)
?> ?& ?=(%| -.yor)
?=(%| -.p.hax)
?=(%| -.p.yor)
=(q.p.p.hax q.p.p.yor)
:+ %|
[(fork p.p.p.hax p.p.p.yor ~) q.p.p.hax]
?> ?=(%& -.yor)
?> =(p.p.hax p.p.yor)
?: &(?=(%& -.q.p.hax) ?=(%& -.q.p.yor))
:+ %& p.p.hax
[%& (fork p.q.p.hax p.q.p.yor ~)]
?> &(?=(%| -.q.p.hax) ?=(%| -.q.p.yor))
?> =(p.q.p.hax p.q.p.yor)
=+ wal=(~(uni in q.q.p.hax) q.q.p.yor)
:+ %& p.p.hax
[%| p.q.p.hax wal]
++ $
^- pony
?- sut
$void ~
$noun stop
{$atom *} stop
{$cell *}
?~ q.heg here
=+ taf=$(axe (peg axe 2), sut p.sut)
?~ taf ~
?: |(?=(%& -.taf) ?=(%| -.p.taf))
$(axe (peg axe 3), p.heg p.p.taf, sut q.sut)
{$core *}
?~ q.heg here
=^ zem p.heg
=+ zem=(loot u.q.heg q.r.q.sut)
?~ zem [~ p.heg]
?:(=(0 p.heg) [zem 0] [~ (dec p.heg)])
?^ zem
:+ %&
[`axe lon]
=/ zut ^- foot
?- q.p.q.sut
%wet [%wet q.u.zem]
%dry [%dry q.u.zem]
[%| (peg 2 p.u.zem) [[sut zut] ~ ~]]
=+ pec=(peel way r.p.q.sut)
?. sam.pec lose
?: con.pec $(sut p.sut, axe (peg axe 3))
$(sut (peek(sut p.sut) way 2), axe (peg axe 6))
{$hint *}
$(sut repo)
{$face *}
?: ?=(~ q.heg) here(sut q.sut)
=* zot p.sut
?@ zot
?:(=(u.q.heg zot) here(sut q.sut) lose)
=< main
++ main
^- pony
=+ tyr=(~(get by p.zot) u.q.heg)
?~ tyr
?~ u.tyr
$(sut q.sut, lon [~ lon], p.heg +(p.heg))
?. =(0 p.heg)
next(p.heg (dec p.heg))
=+ tor=(fund way u.u.tyr)
?- -.tor
%& [%& (weld p.p.tor `vein`[~ `axe lon]) q.p.tor]
%| [%| %| p.p.tor (comb [%0 axe] q.p.tor)]
++ next
|- ^- pony
?~ q.zot
^$(sut q.sut, lon [~ lon])
=+ tiv=(mint(sut q.sut) %noun i.q.zot)
=+ fid=^$(sut p.tiv, lon ~, axe 1, gil ~)
?~ fid ~
?: ?=({%| %& *} fid)
$(q.zot t.q.zot, p.heg p.p.fid)
=/ vat/(pair type nock)
?- -.fid
%& (fine %& p.fid)
%| (fine %| p.p.fid)
[%| %| p.vat (comb (comb [%0 axe] q.tiv) q.vat)]
{$fork *}
=+ wiz=(turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(a/type ^$(sut a)))
?~ wiz ~
|- ^- pony
?~ t.wiz i.wiz
(twin i.wiz $(wiz t.wiz))
{$hold *}
?: (~(has in gil) sut)
$(gil (~(put in gil) sut), sut repo)
++ find
~/ %find
|= {way/vial hyp/wing}
^- port
~_ (show [%c %find] %l hyp)
=- ?@ - !!
?- -<
%& [%& p.-]
%| ?- -.p.-
%| [%| p.p.-]
%& !!
== ==
(fond way hyp)
++ fund
~/ %fund
|= {way/vial gen/hoon}
^- port
=+ hup=~(reek ap gen)
?~ hup
[%| (mint %noun gen)]
(find way u.hup)
++ fine
~/ %fine
|= tor/port
^- (pair type nock)
?- -.tor
%| p.tor
%& =+ axe=(tend p.p.tor)
?- -.q.p.tor
%& [`type`p.q.p.tor %0 axe]
%| [(fire ~(tap in q.q.p.tor)) [%9 p.q.p.tor %0 axe]]
== ==
++ fire
|= hag/(list {p/type q/foot})
^- type
?: ?=({{* {$wet ~ $1}} ~} hag)
%- fork
%+ turn
|= {p/type q/foot}
?. ?=({$core *} p)
~_ (dunk %fire-type)
~_ leaf+"expected-fork-to-be-core"
~_ (dunk(sut p) %fork-type)
~>(%mean.'fire-core' !!)
:- %hold
=+ dox=[%core q.q.p q.p(r.p %gold)]
?: ?=($dry -.q)
:: ~_ (dunk(sut [%cell q.q.p p.p]) %fire-dry)
?> ?|(!vet (nest(sut q.q.p) & p.p))
[dox p.q]
?> ?=($wet -.q)
:: ~_ (dunk(sut [%cell q.q.p p.p]) %fire-wet)
:: =. p.p ?:(fab p.p (redo(sut p.p) q.q.p))
=. p.p (redo(sut p.p) q.q.p)
?> ?| !vet
(~(has in rib) [sut dox p.q])
!=(** (mull(sut p, rib (~(put in rib) sut dox p.q)) %noun dox p.q))
[p p.q]
++ fish
~/ %fish
|= axe/axis
=+ vot=*(set type)
|- ^- nock
?- sut
$void [%1 1]
$noun [%1 0]
{$atom *} ?~ q.sut
(flip [%3 %0 axe])
[%5 [%1 u.q.sut] [%0 axe]]
{$cell *}
%+ flan
[%3 %0 axe]
(flan $(sut p.sut, axe (peg axe 2)) $(sut q.sut, axe (peg axe 3)))
{$core *} ~>(%mean.'fish-core' !!)
{$face *} $(sut q.sut)
{$fork *} =+ yed=~(tap in p.sut)
|- ^- nock
?~(yed [%1 1] (flor ^$(sut i.yed) $(yed t.yed)))
{$hint *} $(sut q.sut)
{$hold *}
?: (~(has in vot) sut)
~>(%mean.'fish-loop' !!)
=> %=(. vot (~(put in vot) sut))
$(sut repo)
++ fuse
~/ %fuse
|= ref/type
=+ bix=*(set {type type})
|- ^- type
?: ?|(=(sut ref) =(%noun ref))
?- sut
{$atom *}
?- ref
{$atom *} =+ foc=?:((fitz p.ref p.sut) p.sut p.ref)
?^ q.sut
?^ q.ref
?: =(q.sut q.ref)
[%atom foc q.sut]
[%atom foc q.sut]
[%atom foc q.ref]
{$cell *} %void
* $(sut ref, ref sut)
{$cell *}
?- ref
{$cell *} (cell $(sut p.sut, ref p.ref) $(sut q.sut, ref q.ref))
* $(sut ref, ref sut)
{$core *} $(sut repo)
{$face *} (face p.sut $(sut q.sut))
{$fork *} (fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type ^$(sut +<))))
{$hint *} (hint p.sut $(sut q.sut))
{$hold *}
?: (~(has in bix) [sut ref])
~>(%mean.'fuse-loop' !!)
$(sut repo, bix (~(put in bix) [sut ref]))
$noun ref
$void %void
++ gain
~/ %gain
|= gen/hoon ^- type
(chip & gen)
++ hemp
:: generate formula from foot
|= [hud/poly gol/type gen/hoon]
^- nock
=+ %hemp-141
?- hud
$dry q:(mint gol gen)
$wet q:(mint(vet |) gol gen)
++ laze
:: produce lazy core generator for static execution
|= [nym=(unit term) hud=poly dom=(map term tome)]
:: only one layer of fabrication analysis
=. fab &
^- seminoun
=+ %hemp-141
:: tal: map from battery axis to foot
=; tal/(map @ud hoon)
:: produce lazy battery
:_ ~
:+ %lazy 1
|= axe/@ud
^- (unit noun)
%+ bind (~(get by tal) axe)
|= gen/hoon
%. [hud %noun gen]
hemp(sut (core sut [nym hud %gold] sut [[%lazy 1 ..^$] ~] dom))
%- ~(gas by *(map @ud hoon))
=| yeb/(list (pair @ud hoon))
=+ axe=1
|^ ?- dom
~ yeb
[* ~ ~] (chapter q.q.n.dom)
[* * ~] %= $
dom l.dom
axe (peg axe 3)
yeb (chapter(axe (peg axe 2)) q.q.n.dom)
[* ~ *] %= $
dom r.dom
axe (peg axe 3)
yeb (chapter(axe (peg axe 2)) q.q.n.dom)
[* * *] %= $
dom r.dom
axe (peg axe 7)
yeb %= $
dom l.dom
axe (peg axe 6)
yeb (chapter(axe (peg axe 2)) q.q.n.dom)
== == ==
++ chapter
|= dab/(map term hoon)
^+ yeb
?- dab
~ yeb
[* ~ ~] [[axe q.n.dab] yeb]
[* * ~] %= $
dab l.dab
axe (peg axe 3)
yeb [[(peg axe 2) q.n.dab] yeb]
[* ~ *] %= $
dab r.dab
axe (peg axe 3)
yeb [[(peg axe 2) q.n.dab] yeb]
[* * *] %= $
dab r.dab
axe (peg axe 7)
yeb %= $
dab l.dab
axe (peg axe 6)
yeb [[(peg axe 2) q.n.dab] yeb]
== == ==
++ lose
~/ %lose
|= gen/hoon ^- type
(chip | gen)
++ chip
~/ %chip
|= {how/? gen/hoon} ^- type
?: ?=({$wtts *} gen)
(cool how q.gen (play ~(example ax fab p.gen)))
?: ?=({$wthx *} gen)
=+ (play %wing q.gen)
~> %slog.[0 [%leaf "chipping"]]
?: how
=- ~> %slog.[0 (dunk(sut +<) 'chip: gain: ref')]
~> %slog.[0 (dunk(sut -) 'chip: gain: gain')]
~(gain ar - p.gen)
~(lose ar - p.gen)
?: ?&(how ?=({$wtpd *} gen))
|-(?~(p.gen sut $(p.gen t.p.gen, sut ^$(gen i.p.gen))))
?: ?&(!how ?=({$wtbr *} gen))
|-(?~(p.gen sut $(p.gen t.p.gen, sut ^$(gen i.p.gen))))
=+ neg=~(open ap gen)
?:(=(neg gen) sut $(gen neg))
++ bake
|= [dox/type hud/poly dab/(map term hoon)]
^- *
?: ?=(~ dab)
=+ ^= dov
:: this seems wrong but it's actually right
?- hud
$dry (mull %noun dox q.n.dab)
$wet ~
?- dab
{* ~ ~} dov
{* ~ *} [dov $(dab r.dab)]
{* * ~} [dov $(dab l.dab)]
{* * *} [dov $(dab l.dab) $(dab r.dab)]
++ balk
|= [dox/type hud/poly dom/(map term tome)]
^- *
?: ?=(~ dom)
=+ dov=(bake dox hud q.q.n.dom)
?- dom
{* ~ ~} dov
{* ~ *} [dov $(dom r.dom)]
{* * ~} [dov $(dom l.dom)]
{* * *} [dov $(dom l.dom) $(dom r.dom)]
++ mile
:: mull all chapters and feet in a core
|= [dox=type mel=vair nym=(unit term) hud=poly dom=(map term tome)]
^- (pair type type)
=+ yet=(core sut [nym hud %gold] sut (laze nym hud dom) dom)
=+ hum=(core dox [nym hud %gold] dox (laze nym hud dom) dom)
=+ (balk(sut yet) hum hud dom)
[yet hum]
++ mine
:: mint all chapters and feet in a core
|= [gol/type mel/vair nym/(unit term) hud/poly dom/(map term tome)]
^- (pair type nock)
=/ log (chapters-check (core-check gol))
=/ dog (get-tomes log)
=- :_ [%1 dez]
(core sut [nym hud mel] sut [[%full ~] dez] dom)
^= dez
=. sut (core sut [nym hud %gold] sut (laze nym hud dom) dom)
|- ^- ?(~ ^)
?: ?=(~ dom)
=/ dov/?(~ ^)
=/ dab/(map term hoon) q.q.n.dom
=/ dag (arms-check dab (get-arms dog p.n.dom))
|- ^- ?(~ ^)
?: ?=(~ dab)
=/ gog (get-arm-type log dag p.n.dab)
=+ vad=(hemp hud gog q.n.dab)
?- dab
{* ~ ~} vad
{* ~ *} [vad $(dab r.dab)]
{* * ~} [vad $(dab l.dab)]
{* * *} [vad $(dab l.dab) $(dab r.dab)]
?- dom
{* ~ ~} dov
{* ~ *} [dov $(dom r.dom)]
{* * ~} [dov $(dom l.dom)]
{* * *} [dov $(dom l.dom) $(dom r.dom)]
:: all the below arms are used for gol checking and should have no
:: effect other than giving more specific errors
:: all the possible types we could be expecting.
+$ gol-type
$~ %noun
$@ %noun
$% [%cell p=type q=type]
[%core p=type q=coil]
[%fork p=(set gol-type)]
:: check that we're looking for a core
++ core-check
|= log=type
|- ^- gol-type
?+ log $(log repo(sut log))
%noun (nice log &)
%void (nice %noun |)
[%atom *] (nice %noun |)
[%cell *] (nice log (nest(sut p.log) & %noun))
[%core *] (nice log(r.p.q %gold) &)
[%fork *]
=/ tys ~(tap in p.log)
:- %fork
|- ^- (set gol-type)
?~ tys
=/ a ^$(log i.tys)
=/ b $(tys t.tys)
(~(put in b) a)
:: check we have the expected number of chapters
++ chapters-check
|= log=gol-type
|- ^- gol-type
?- log
%noun (nice log &)
[%cell *] (nice log &)
[%core *] ~_ leaf+"core-number-of-chapters"
(nice log =(~(wyt by dom) ~(wyt by q.r.q.log)))
[%fork *]
=/ tys ~(tap in p.log)
|- ^- gol-type
?~ tys
=/ a ^$(log i.tys)
=/ b $(tys t.tys)
:: get map of tomes if exists
++ get-tomes
|= log=gol-type
^- (unit (map term tome))
?- log
%noun ~
[%cell *] ~
[%fork *] ~ :: maybe could be more aggressive
[%core *] `q.r.q.log
:: get arms in tome
++ get-arms
|= [dog=(unit (map term tome)) nam=term]
^- (unit (map term hoon))
%+ bind dog
|= a/(map term tome)
~_ leaf+"unexpcted-chapter.{(trip nam)}"
q:(~(got by a) nam)
:: check we have the expected number of arms
++ arms-check
|= [dab=(map term hoon) dag=(unit (map term hoon))]
?~ dag
=/ a
=/ exp ~(wyt by u.dag)
=/ hav ~(wyt by dab)
~_ =/ expt (scow %ud exp)
=/ havt (scow %ud hav)
~_ =/ missing ~(tap in (~(dif in ~(key by u.dag)) ~(key by dab)))
~_ =/ extra ~(tap in (~(dif in ~(key by dab)) ~(key by u.dag)))
~_ =/ have ~(tap in ~(key by dab))
(nice dag =(exp hav))
:: get expected type of this arm
++ get-arm-type
|= [log=gol-type dag=(unit (map term hoon)) nam=term]
^- type
%- fall :_ %noun
%+ bind dag
|= a=(map term hoon)
=/ gen=hoon
~_ leaf+"unexpected-arm.{(trip nam)}"
(~(got by a) nam)
(play(sut log) gen)
++ nice
|* [typ=* gud=?]
?: gud
~_ leaf+"core-nice"
++ mint
~/ %mint
|= {gol/type gen/hoon}
^- {p/type q/nock}
::~& %pure-mint
|^ ^- {p/type q/nock}
?: ?&(=(%void sut) !?=({$dbug *} gen))
?. |(!vet ?=({$lost *} gen) ?=({$zpzp *} gen))
~>(%mean.'mint-vain' !!)
[%void %0 0]
?- gen
{^ *}
=+ hed=$(gen p.gen, gol %noun)
=+ tal=$(gen q.gen, gol %noun)
[(nice (cell p.hed p.tal)) (cons q.hed q.tal)]
{$ktcn *} $(fab |, gen p.gen)
{$brcn *} (grow %gold p.gen %dry [%$ 1] q.gen)
{$brvt *} (grow %gold p.gen %wet [%$ 1] q.gen)
{$cnts *} (~(mint et p.gen q.gen) gol)
{$dtkt *}
=+ nef=$(gen [%kttr p.gen])
[p.nef [%12 [%1 %151 p.nef] q:$(gen q.gen, gol %noun)]]
{$dtls *} [(nice [%atom %$ ~]) [%4 q:$(gen p.gen, gol [%atom %$ ~])]]
{$sand *} [(nice (play gen)) [%1 q.gen]]
{$rock *} [(nice (play gen)) [%1 q.gen]]
{$dttr *}
[(nice %noun) [%2 q:$(gen p.gen, gol %noun) q:$(gen q.gen, gol %noun)]]
{$dtts *}
=+ [one two]=[$(gen p.gen, gol %noun) $(gen q.gen, gol %noun)]
[(nice bool) [%5 q:$(gen p.gen, gol %noun) q:$(gen q.gen, gol %noun)]]
{$dtwt *} [(nice bool) [%3 q:$(gen p.gen, gol %noun)]]
{$hand *} [p.gen q.gen]
{$ktbr *} =+(vat=$(gen p.gen) [(nice (wrap(sut p.vat) %iron)) q.vat])
{$ktls *}
=+(hif=(nice (play p.gen)) [hif q:$(gen q.gen, gol hif)])
{$ktpd *} =+(vat=$(gen p.gen) [(nice (wrap(sut p.vat) %zinc)) q.vat])
{$ktsg *} (blow gol p.gen)
{$tune *} [(face p.gen sut) [%0 %1]]
{$ktwt *} =+(vat=$(gen p.gen) [(nice (wrap(sut p.vat) %lead)) q.vat])
{$note *}
=+ hum=$(gen q.gen)
[(hint [sut p.gen] p.hum) q.hum]
{$sgzp *} ~_(duck(sut (play p.gen)) $(gen q.gen))
{$sgbn *}
=+ hum=$(gen q.gen)
:: ?: &(huz !?=(%|(@ [?(%sgcn %sgls) ^]) p.gen))
:: hum
:- p.hum
:+ %11
?- p.gen
@ p.gen
^ [p.p.gen q:$(gen q.p.gen, gol %noun)]
{$tsbn *}
=+ fid=$(gen p.gen, gol %noun)
=+ dov=$(sut p.fid, gen q.gen)
[p.dov (comb q.fid q.dov)]
{$tscm *}
$(gen q.gen, sut (busk p.gen))
{$wtcl *}
=+ nor=$(gen p.gen, gol bool)
=+ fex=(gain p.gen)
=+ wux=(lose p.gen)
=+ ^= duy
?: =(%void fex)
?:(=(%void wux) [%0 0] [%1 1])
?:(=(%void wux) [%1 0] q.nor)
=+ hiq=$(sut fex, gen q.gen)
=+ ran=$(sut wux, gen r.gen)
[(fork p.hiq p.ran ~) (cond duy q.hiq q.ran)]
{$wthx *}
:- (nice bool)
=+ fid=(find %read [[%& 1] q.gen])
~> %mean.'mint-fragment'
?> &(?=(%& -.fid) ?=(%& -.q.p.fid))
(~(fish ar `type`p.q.p.fid `skin`p.gen) (tend p.p.fid))
{$fits *}
:- (nice bool)
=+ ref=(play p.gen)
=+ fid=(find %read q.gen)
~| [%test q.gen]
|- ^- nock
?- -.fid
%& ?- -.q.p.fid
%& (fish(sut ref) (tend p.p.fid))
%| $(fid [%| (fine fid)])
%| [%7 q.p.fid (fish(sut ref) 1)]
{$dbug *}
~_ (show %o p.gen)
=+ hum=$(gen q.gen)
[p.hum [%11 [%spot %1 p.gen] q.hum]]
{$zpcm *} [(nice (play p.gen)) [%1 q.gen]] :: XX validate!
{$lost *}
?: vet
~_ (dunk(sut (play p.gen)) 'lost')
~>(%mean.'mint-lost' !!)
[%void [%0 0]]
{$zpmc *}
=+ vos=$(gol %noun, gen q.gen)
=+ ref=p:$(gol %noun, gen p.gen)
[(nice (cell ref p.vos)) (cons [%1 burp(sut p.vos)] q.vos)]
{$zpld *}
=/ typ (nice (play [%kttr p.gen]))
=/ val
=< q
%_ $
gol %noun
:^ %wtcl
:+ %cncl [%limb %levi]
:~ [%tsbn [%zpbn [%kttr p.gen]] [%$ 2]]
[%tsbn q.gen [%$ 2]]
[%tsbn q.gen [%$ 3]]
[%zpzp ~]
[typ val]
{$zpts *} [(nice %noun) [%1 q:$(vet |, gen p.gen)]]
{$zpvt *} ?:((feel p.gen) $(gen q.gen) $(gen r.gen))
{$zpzp ~} [%void [%0 0]]
=+ doz=~(open ap gen)
?: =(doz gen)
~_ (show [%c 'hoon'] [%q gen])
~>(%mean.'mint-open' !!)
$(gen doz)
++ nice
|= typ/type
~_ leaf+"mint-nice"
?> ?|(!vet (nest(sut gol) & typ))
++ grow
|= {mel/vair nym/(unit term) hud/poly ruf/hoon dom/(map term tome)}
^- {p/type q/nock}
=+ dan=^$(gen ruf, gol %noun)
=+ pul=(mine gol mel nym hud dom)
[(nice p.pul) (cons q.pul q.dan)]
++ moot
=+ gil=*(set type)
|- ^- ?
?- sut
{$atom *} |
{$cell *} |($(sut p.sut) $(sut q.sut))
{$core *} $(sut p.sut)
{$face *} $(sut q.sut)
{$fork *} (levy ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type ^$(sut +<)))
{$hint *} $(sut q.sut)
{$hold *} |((~(has in gil) sut) $(gil (~(put in gil) sut), sut repo))
$noun |
$void &
++ mull
~/ %mull
|= {gol/type dox/type gen/hoon}
|^ ^- {p/type q/type}
?: =(%void sut)
~>(%mean.'mull-none' !!)
?- gen
{^ *}
=+ hed=$(gen p.gen, gol %noun)
=+ tal=$(gen q.gen, gol %noun)
[(nice (cell p.hed p.tal)) (cell q.hed q.tal)]
{$ktcn *} $(fab |, gen p.gen)
{$brcn *} (grow %gold p.gen %dry [%$ 1] q.gen)
{$brvt *} (grow %gold p.gen %wet [%$ 1] q.gen)
{$cnts *} (~(mull et p.gen q.gen) gol dox)
{$dtkt *} =+($(gen q.gen, gol %noun) $(gen [%kttr p.gen]))
{$dtls *} =+($(gen p.gen, gol [%atom %$ ~]) (beth [%atom %$ ~]))
{$sand *} (beth (play gen))
{$rock *} (beth (play gen))
{$dttr *}
=+([$(gen p.gen, gol %noun) $(gen q.gen, gol %noun)] (beth %noun))
{$dtts *}
=+([$(gen p.gen, gol %noun) $(gen q.gen, gol %noun)] (beth bool))
{$dtwt *} =+($(gen p.gen, gol %noun) (beth bool)) :: XX =|
{$hand *} [p.gen p.gen]
{$ktbr *}
=+(vat=$(gen p.gen) [(wrap(sut p.vat) %iron) (wrap(sut q.vat) %iron)])
{$ktls *}
=+ hif=[p=(nice (play p.gen)) q=(play(sut dox) p.gen)]
=+($(gen q.gen, gol p.hif) hif)
{$ktpd *}
=+(vat=$(gen p.gen) [(wrap(sut p.vat) %zinc) (wrap(sut q.vat) %zinc)])
{$tune *}
[(face p.gen sut) (face p.gen dox)]
{$ktwt *}
=+(vat=$(gen p.gen) [(wrap(sut p.vat) %lead) (wrap(sut q.vat) %lead)])
{$note *}
=+ vat=$(gen q.gen)
[(hint [sut p.gen] p.vat) (hint [dox p.gen] q.vat)]
{$ktsg *} $(gen p.gen)
{$sgzp *} ~_(duck(sut (play p.gen)) $(gen q.gen))
{$sgbn *} $(gen q.gen)
{$tsbn *}
=+ lem=$(gen p.gen, gol %noun)
$(gen q.gen, sut p.lem, dox q.lem)
{$tscm *}
=/ boc (busk p.gen)
=/ nuf (busk(sut dox) p.gen)
$(gen q.gen, sut boc, dox nuf)
{$wtcl *}
=+ nor=$(gen p.gen, gol bool)
=+ ^= hiq ^- {p/type q/type}
=+ fex=[p=(gain p.gen) q=(gain(sut dox) p.gen)]
?: =(%void p.fex)
:- %void
?: =(%void q.fex)
~>(%mean.'if-z' (play(sut q.fex) q.gen))
?: =(%void q.fex)
~>(%mean.'mull-bonk-b' !!)
$(sut p.fex, dox q.fex, gen q.gen)
=+ ^= ran ^- {p/type q/type}
=+ wux=[p=(lose p.gen) q=(lose(sut dox) p.gen)]
?: =(%void p.wux)
:- %void
?: =(%void q.wux)
~>(%mean.'if-a' (play(sut q.wux) r.gen))
?: =(%void q.wux)
~>(%mean.'mull-bonk-c' !!)
$(sut p.wux, dox q.wux, gen r.gen)
[(nice (fork p.hiq p.ran ~)) (fork q.hiq q.ran ~)]
{$fits *}
=+ waz=[p=(play p.gen) q=(play(sut dox) p.gen)]
=+ ^= syx :- p=(cove q:(mint %noun [%wing q.gen]))
q=(cove q:(mint(sut dox) %noun [%wing q.gen]))
=+ pov=[p=(fish(sut p.waz) p.syx) q=(fish(sut q.waz) q.syx)]
?. &(=(p.syx q.syx) =(p.pov q.pov))
~>(%mean.'mull-bonk-a' !!)
(beth bool)
{$wthx *}
~> %mean.'mull-bonk-x'
=+ :- =+ (find %read [[%& 1] q.gen])
?> &(?=(%& -.-) ?=(%& -.q.p.-))
new=[type=p.q.p.- axis=(tend p.p.-)]
=+ (find(sut dox) %read [%& 1] q.gen)
?> &(?=(%& -.-) ?=(%& -.q.p.-))
old=[type=p.q.p.- axis=(tend p.p.-)]
?> =(axis.old axis.new)
?> (nest(sut type.old) & type.new)
(beth bool)
{$dbug *} ~_((show %o p.gen) $(gen q.gen))
{$zpcm *} [(nice (play p.gen)) (play(sut dox) p.gen)]
{$lost *}
?: vet
:: ~_ (dunk(sut (play p.gen)) 'also')
~>(%mean.'mull-skip' !!)
(beth %void)
{$zpts *} (beth %noun)
{$zpmc *}
=+ vos=$(gol %noun, gen q.gen) :: XX validate!
[(nice (cell (play p.gen) p.vos)) (cell (play(sut dox) p.gen) q.vos)]
{$zpld *}
:: XX is this right?
(beth (play [%kttr p.gen]))
{$zpvt *}
=+ [(feel p.gen) (feel(sut dox) p.gen)]
?. =(-< ->)
~>(%mean.'mull-bonk-f' !!)
?: -<
$(gen q.gen)
$(gen r.gen)
{$zpzp *} (beth %void)
=+ doz=~(open ap gen)
?: =(doz gen)
~_ (show [%c 'hoon'] [%q gen])
~>(%mean.'mull-open' !!)
$(gen doz)
++ beth
|= typ/type
[(nice typ) typ]
++ nice
|= typ/type
:: ~_ (dunk(sut gol) 'need')
:: ~_ (dunk(sut typ) 'have')
~_ leaf+"mull-nice"
?> ?|(!vet (nest(sut gol) & typ))
++ grow
|= {mel/vair nym/(unit term) hud/poly ruf/hoon dom/(map term tome)}
:: make al
~_ leaf+"mull-grow"
^- {p/type q/type}
=+ dan=^$(gen ruf, gol %noun)
=+ yaz=(mile(sut p.dan) q.dan mel nym hud dom)
[(nice p.yaz) q.yaz]
++ meet |=(ref/type &((nest | ref) (nest(sut ref) | sut)))
:: ::
++ miss :: nonintersection
|= $: :: ref: symmetric type
:: intersection of sut and ref is empty
^- ?
=| gil/(set (set type))
=< dext
++ dext
^- ?
?: =(ref sut)
(nest(sut %void) | sut)
?- sut
$void &
$noun (nest(sut %void) | ref)
{$atom *} sint
{$cell *} sint
{$core *} sint(sut [%cell %noun %noun])
{$fork *} %+ levy ~(tap in p.sut)
|=(type dext(sut +<))
{$face *} dext(sut q.sut)
{$hint *} dext(sut q.sut)
{$hold *} =+ (~(gas in *(set type)) `(list type)`[sut ref ~])
?: (~(has in gil) -)
%= dext
sut repo
gil (~(put in gil) -)
== ==
++ sint
?+ ref dext(sut ref, ref sut)
{$atom *} ?. ?=({$atom *} sut) &
?& ?=(^ q.ref)
?=(^ q.sut)
!=(q.ref q.sut)
{$cell *} ?. ?=({$cell *} sut) &
?| dext(sut p.sut, ref p.ref)
dext(sut q.sut, ref q.ref)
== ==
++ mite |=(ref/type |((nest | ref) (nest(sut ref) & sut)))
++ nest
~/ %nest
|= {tel/? ref/type}
=| $: seg/(set type) :: degenerate sut
reg/(set type) :: degenerate ref
gil/(set {p/type q/type}) :: assume nest
=< dext
~% %nest-in ..$ ~
++ deem
|= {mel/vair ram/vair}
^- ?
?. |(=(mel ram) =(%lead mel) =(%gold ram)) |
?- mel
%lead &
%gold meet
%iron dext(sut (peek(sut ref) %rite 2), ref (peek %rite 2))
%zinc dext(sut (peek %read 2), ref (peek(sut ref) %read 2))
++ deep
|= $: dom/(map term tome)
vim/(map term tome)
^- ?
?: ?=(~ dom) =(vim ~)
?: ?=(~ vim) |
?& =(p.n.dom p.n.vim)
$(dom l.dom, vim l.vim)
$(dom r.dom, vim r.vim)
=+ [dab hem]=[q.q.n.dom q.q.n.vim]
|- ^- ?
?: ?=(~ dab) =(hem ~)
?: ?=(~ hem) |
?& =(p.n.dab p.n.hem)
$(dab l.dab, hem l.hem)
$(dab r.dab, hem r.hem)
%= dext
sut (play q.n.dab)
ref (play(sut ref) q.n.hem)
== == ==
++ dext
=< $
~% %nest-dext + ~
^- ?
=- ?: - &
?. tel |
:: ~_ (dunk %need)
:: ~_ (dunk(sut ref) %have)
~> %mean.'nest-fail'
?: =(sut ref) &
?- sut
$void sint
$noun &
{$atom *} ?. ?=({$atom *} ref) sint
?& (fitz p.sut p.ref)
|(?=(~ q.sut) =(q.sut q.ref))
{$cell *} ?. ?=({$cell *} ref) sint
?& dext(sut p.sut, ref p.ref, seg ~, reg ~)
dext(sut q.sut, ref q.ref, seg ~, reg ~)
{$core *} ?. ?=({$core *} ref) sint
?: =(q.sut q.ref) dext(sut p.sut, ref p.ref)
?& =(q.p.q.sut q.p.q.ref) :: same wet/dry
meet(sut q.q.sut, ref p.sut)
dext(sut q.q.ref, ref p.ref)
(deem(sut q.q.sut, ref q.q.ref) r.p.q.sut r.p.q.ref)
?: =(%wet q.p.q.sut) =(q.r.q.sut q.r.q.ref)
?| (~(has in gil) [sut ref])
%. [q.r.q.sut q.r.q.ref]
%= deep
gil (~(put in gil) [sut ref])
sut sut(p q.q.sut, r.p.q %gold)
ref ref(p q.q.ref, r.p.q %gold)
== ==
{$face *} dext(sut q.sut)
{$fork *} ?. ?=(?({$atom *} $noun {$cell *} {$core *}) ref) sint
(lien ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type dext(tel |, sut +<)))
{$hint *} dext(sut q.sut)
{$hold *} ?: (~(has in seg) sut) |
?: (~(has in gil) [sut ref]) &
%= dext
sut repo
seg (~(put in seg) sut)
gil (~(put in gil) [sut ref])
== ==
++ meet &(dext dext(sut ref, ref sut))
++ sint
^- ?
?- ref
$noun |
$void &
{$atom *} |
{$cell *} |
{$core *} dext(ref repo(sut ref))
{$face *} dext(ref q.ref)
{$fork *} (levy ~(tap in p.ref) |=(type dext(ref +<)))
{$hint *} dext(ref q.ref)
{$hold *} ?: (~(has in reg) ref) &
?: (~(has in gil) [sut ref]) &
%= dext
ref repo(sut ref)
reg (~(put in reg) ref)
gil (~(put in gil) [sut ref])
== ==
++ peek
~/ %peek
|= {way/?($read $rite $both $free) axe/axis}
^- type
?: =(1 axe)
=+ [now=(cap axe) lat=(mas axe)]
=+ gil=*(set type)
|- ^- type
?- sut
{$atom *} %void
{$cell *} ?:(=(2 now) ^$(sut p.sut, axe lat) ^$(sut q.sut, axe lat))
{$core *}
?. =(3 now) %noun
=+ pec=(peel way r.p.q.sut)
=/ tow
?: =(1 lat) 1
(cap lat)
%= ^$
axe lat
?: ?| =([& &] pec)
&(sam.pec =(tow 2))
&(con.pec =(tow 3))
~_ leaf+"payload-block"
?. =(way %read) !!
%+ cell
?.(sam.pec %noun ^$(sut p.sut, axe 2))
?.(con.pec %noun ^$(sut p.sut, axe 3))
{$fork *} (fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type ^$(sut +<))))
{$hold *}
?: (~(has in gil) sut)
$(gil (~(put in gil) sut), sut repo)
$void %void
$noun %noun
* $(sut repo)
++ peel
|= {way/vial met/?($gold $iron $lead $zinc)}
^- {sam/? con/?}
?: ?=($gold met) [& &]
?- way
$both [| |]
$free [& &]
$read [?=($zinc met) |]
$rite [?=($iron met) |]
++ play
~/ %play
=> .(vet |)
|= gen/hoon
^- type
?- gen
{^ *} (cell $(gen p.gen) $(gen q.gen))
{$ktcn *} $(fab |, gen p.gen)
{$brcn *} (core sut [p.gen %dry %gold] sut *seminoun q.gen)
{$brvt *} (core sut [p.gen %wet %gold] sut *seminoun q.gen)
{$cnts *} ~(play et p.gen q.gen)
{$dtkt *} $(gen [%kttr p.gen])
{$dtls *} [%atom %$ ~]
{$rock *} |- ^- type
?@ q.gen [%atom p.gen `q.gen]
[%cell $(q.gen -.q.gen) $(q.gen +.q.gen)]
{$sand *} ?@ q.gen
?: =(%n p.gen) ?>(=(0 q.gen) [%atom p.gen `q.gen])
?: =(%f p.gen) ?>((lte q.gen 1) bool)
[%atom p.gen ~]
$(-.gen %rock)
{$tune *} (face p.gen sut)
{$dttr *} %noun
{$dtts *} bool
{$dtwt *} bool
{$hand *} p.gen
{$ktbr *} (wrap(sut $(gen p.gen)) %iron)
{$ktls *} $(gen p.gen)
{$ktpd *} (wrap(sut $(gen p.gen)) %zinc)
{$ktsg *} $(gen p.gen)
{$ktwt *} (wrap(sut $(gen p.gen)) %lead)
{$note *} (hint [sut p.gen] $(gen q.gen))
{$sgzp *} ~_(duck(sut ^$(gen p.gen)) $(gen q.gen))
{$sgbn *} $(gen q.gen)
{$tsbn *} $(gen q.gen, sut $(gen p.gen))
{$tscm *} $(gen q.gen, sut (busk p.gen))
{$wtcl *} =+ [fex=(gain p.gen) wux=(lose p.gen)]
%- fork :~
?:(=(%void fex) %void $(sut fex, gen q.gen))
?:(=(%void wux) %void $(sut wux, gen r.gen))
{$fits *} bool
{$wthx *} bool
{$dbug *} ~_((show %o p.gen) $(gen q.gen))
{$zpcm *} $(gen p.gen)
{$lost *} %void
{$zpmc *} (cell $(gen p.gen) $(gen q.gen))
{$zpld *} (play [%kttr p.gen])
{$zpts *} %noun
{$zpvt *} ?:((feel p.gen) $(gen q.gen) $(gen r.gen))
{$zpzp *} %void
* =+ doz=~(open ap gen)
?: =(doz gen)
~_ (show [%c 'hoon'] [%q gen])
~> %mean.'play-open'
$(gen doz)
:: ::
++ redo :: refurbish faces
|= $: :: ref: raw payload
:: :type: subject refurbished to reference namespace
^- type
:: hos: subject tool stack
:: wec: reference tool stack set
:: gil: repetition set
=| hos/(list tool)
=/ wec/(set (list tool)) [~ ~ ~]
=| gil/(set (pair type type))
=< :: errors imply subject/reference mismatch
~| %redo-match
:: reduce by subject
:: ::
++ dear :: resolve tool stack
:: :(unit (list tool)): unified tool stack
^- (unit (list tool))
:: empty implies void
?~ wec `~
:: any reference faces must be clear
?. ?=({* ~ ~} wec)
~& [%dear-many wec]
:- ~
:: har: single reference tool stack
=/ har n.wec
:: len: lengths of [sut ref] face stacks
=/ len [p q]=[(lent hos) (lent har)]
:: lip: length of sut-ref face stack overlap
:: AB
:: BC
:: +lip is (lent B), where +hay is forward AB
:: and +liv is forward BC (stack BA and CB).
:: overlap is a weird corner case. +lip is
:: almost always 0. brute force is fine.
=/ lip
=| lup/(unit @ud)
=| lip/@ud
|- ^- @ud
?: |((gth lip p.len) (gth lip q.len))
(fall lup 0)
:: lep: overlap candidate: suffix of subject face stack
=/ lep (slag (sub p.len lip) hos)
:: lap: overlap candidate: prefix of reference face stack
=/ lap (scag lip har)
:: save any match and continue
$(lip +(lip), lup ?.(=(lep lap) lup `lip))
:: ~& [har+har hos+hos len+len lip+lip]
:: produce combined face stack (forward ABC, stack CBA)
(weld hos (slag lip har))
:: ::
++ dext :: subject traverse
:: :type: refurbished subject
^- type
:: check for trivial cases
?: ?| =(sut ref)
?=(?($noun $void {?($atom $core) *}) ref)
:: ~_ (dunk 'redo: dext: sut')
:: ~_ (dunk(sut ref) 'redo: dext: ref')
?- sut
?($noun $void {?($atom $core) *})
:: reduce reference and reassemble leaf
done:(sint &)
{$cell *}
:: reduce reference to match subject
=> (sint &)
?> ?=({$cell *} sut)
:: leaf with possible recursive descent
%= done
:: clear face stacks for descent
=: hos ~
wec [~ ~ ~]
:: descend into cell
:+ %cell
dext(sut p.sut, ref (peek(sut ref) %free 2))
dext(sut q.sut, ref (peek(sut ref) %free 3))
{$face *}
:: push face on subject stack, and descend
dext(hos [p.sut hos], sut q.sut)
{$hint *}
:: work through hint
(hint p.sut dext(sut q.sut))
{$fork *}
:: reconstruct each case in fork
(fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type dext(sut +<))))
{$hold *}
:: reduce to hard
=> (sint |)
?> ?=({$hold *} sut)
?: (~(has in fan) [p.sut q.sut])
:: repo loop; redo depends on its own product
done:(sint &)
?: (~(has in gil) [sut ref])
:: type recursion, stop renaming
done:(sint |)
:: restore unchanged holds
=+ repo
=- ?:(=(- +<) sut -)
dext(sut -, gil (~(put in gil) sut ref))
:: ::
++ done :: complete assembly
^- type
:: :type: subject refurbished
:: lov: combined face stack
=/ lov
=/ lov dear
?~ lov
:: ~_ (dunk 'redo: dear: sut')
:: ~_ (dunk(sut ref) 'redo: dear: ref')
~& [%wec wec]
(need lov)
:: recompose faces
|- ^- type
?~ lov sut
$(lov t.lov, sut (face i.lov sut))
:: ::
++ sint :: reduce by reference
|= $: :: hod: expand holds
:: ::.: reference with face/fork/hold reduced
^+ .
:: =- ~> %slog.[0 (dunk 'sint: sut')]
:: ~> %slog.[0 (dunk(sut ref) 'sint: ref')]
:: ~> %slog.[0 (dunk(sut =>(- ref)) 'sint: pro')]
:: -
?+ ref .
{$hint *} $(ref q.ref)
{$face *}
:: extend all stacks in set
%= $
ref q.ref
wec (~(run in wec) |=((list tool) [p.ref +<]))
{$fork *}
:: reconstruct all relevant cases
=- :: ~> %slog.[0 (dunk 'fork: sut')]
:: ~> %slog.[0 (dunk(sut ref) 'fork: ref')]
:: ~> %slog.[0 (dunk(sut (fork ->)) 'fork: pro')]
+(wec -<, ref (fork ->))
=/ moy ~(tap in p.ref)
|- ^- (pair (set (list tool)) (list type))
?~ moy [~ ~]
:: head recurse
=/ mor $(moy t.moy)
:: prune reference cases outside subject
?: (miss i.moy) mor
:: unify all cases
=/ dis ^$(ref i.moy)
[(~(uni in p.mor) wec.dis) [ref.dis q.mor]]
{$hold *}
?. hod .
$(ref repo(sut ref))
++ repo
^- type
?- sut
{$core *} [%cell %noun p.sut]
{$face *} q.sut
{$hint *} q.sut
{$hold *} (rest [[p.sut q.sut] ~])
$noun (fork [%atom %$ ~] [%cell %noun %noun] ~)
* ~>(%mean.'repo-fltt' !!)
++ rest
~/ %rest
|= leg/(list {p/type q/hoon})
^- type
?: (lien leg |=({p/type q/hoon} (~(has in fan) [p q])))
~>(%mean.'rest-loop' !!)
=> .(fan (~(gas in fan) leg))
%- fork
%~ tap in
%- ~(gas in *(set type))
(turn leg |=({p/type q/hoon} (play(sut p) q)))
++ take
|= {vit/vein duz/$-(type type)}
^- (pair axis type)
:- (tend vit)
=. vit (flop vit)
|- ^- type
?~ vit (duz sut)
?~ i.vit
|- ^- type
?+ sut ^$(vit t.vit)
{$face *} (face p.sut ^$(vit t.vit, sut q.sut))
{$hint *} (hint p.sut ^$(sut q.sut))
{$fork *} (fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type ^$(sut +<))))
{$hold *} $(sut repo)
=+ vil=*(set type)
|- ^- type
?: =(1 u.i.vit)
^$(vit t.vit)
=+ [now lat]=(cap u.i.vit)^(mas u.i.vit)
?- sut
$noun $(sut [%cell %noun %noun])
$void %void
{$atom *} %void
{$cell *} ?: =(2 now)
(cell $(sut p.sut, u.i.vit lat) q.sut)
(cell p.sut $(sut q.sut, u.i.vit lat))
{$core *} ?: =(2 now)
$(sut repo)
(core $(sut p.sut, u.i.vit lat) q.sut)
{$face *} (face p.sut $(sut q.sut))
{$fork *} (fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type ^$(sut +<))))
{$hint *} (hint p.sut $(sut q.sut))
{$hold *} ?: (~(has in vil) sut)
$(sut repo, vil (~(put in vil) sut))
++ tack
|= {hyp/wing mur/type}
~_ (show [%c %tack] %l hyp)
=+ fid=(find %rite hyp)
?> ?=(%& -.fid)
(take p.p.fid |=(type mur))
++ tend
|= vit/vein
^- axis
?~(vit 1 (peg $(vit t.vit) ?~(i.vit 1 u.i.vit)))
++ toss
~/ %toss
|= {hyp/wing mur/type men/(list {p/type q/foot})}
^- {p/axis q/(list {p/type q/foot})}
=- [(need p.wib) q.wib]
^= wib
|- ^- {p/(unit axis) q/(list {p/type q/foot})}
?~ men
[*(unit axis) ~]
=+ geq=(tack(sut p.i.men) hyp mur)
=+ mox=$(men t.men)
[(mate p.mox `_p.mox`[~ p.geq]) [[q.geq q.i.men] q.mox]]
++ wrap
~/ %wrap
|= yoz/?($lead $iron $zinc)
~_ leaf+"wrap"
^- type
?+ sut sut
{$cell *} (cell $(sut p.sut) $(sut q.sut))
{$core *} ?>(|(=(%gold r.p.q.sut) =(%lead yoz)) sut(r.p.q yoz))
{$face *} (face p.sut $(sut q.sut))
{$fork *} (fork (turn ~(tap in p.sut) |=(type ^$(sut +<))))
{$hint *} (hint p.sut $(sut q.sut))
{$hold *} $(sut repo)
++ us :: prettyprinter
=> |%
++ cape {p/(map @ud wine) q/wine} ::
++ wine ::
$@ $? $noun ::
$path ::
$type ::
$void ::
$wall ::
$wool ::
$yarn ::
== ::
$% {$mato p/term} ::
{$core p/(list @ta) q/wine} ::
{$face p/term q/wine} ::
{$list p/term q/wine} ::
{$pear p/term q/@} ::
{$bswt p/(list wine)} ::
{$plot p/(list wine)} ::
{$stop p/@ud} ::
{$tree p/term q/wine} ::
{$unit p/term q/wine} ::
== ::
|_ sut/type
++ dash
|= {mil/tape lim/char lam/tape}
^- tape
=/ esc (~(gas in *(set @tD)) lam)
:- lim
|- ^- tape
?~ mil [lim ~]
?: ?| =(lim i.mil)
=('\\' i.mil)
(~(has in esc) i.mil)
['\\' i.mil $(mil t.mil)]
?: (lte ' ' i.mil)
[i.mil $(mil t.mil)]
['\\' ~(x ne (rsh 2 1 i.mil)) ~(x ne (end 2 1 i.mil)) $(mil t.mil)]
++ deal |=(lum/* (dish dole lum))
++ dial
|= ham/cape
=+ gid=*(set @ud)
=< `tank`-:$
++ many
|= haz/(list wine)
^- {(list tank) (set @ud)}
?~ haz [~ gid]
=^ mor gid $(haz t.haz)
=^ dis gid ^$(q.ham i.haz)
[[dis mor] gid]
++ $
^- {tank (set @ud)}
?- q.ham
$noun :_(gid [%leaf '*' ~])
$path :_(gid [%leaf '/' ~])
$type :_(gid [%leaf '#' 't' ~])
$void :_(gid [%leaf '#' '!' ~])
$wool :_(gid [%leaf '*' '"' '"' ~])
$wall :_(gid [%leaf '*' '\'' '\'' ~])
$yarn :_(gid [%leaf '"' '"' ~])
{$mato *} :_(gid [%leaf '@' (trip p.q.ham)])
{$core *}
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_ gid
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' ~] ['>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ p.q.ham [cox ~]
[[%leaf (rip 3 i.p.q.ham)] $(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham)]
{$face *}
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%palm [['/' ~] ~ ~ ~] [%leaf (trip p.q.ham)] cox ~])
{$list *}
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [" " (weld (trip p.q.ham) "(") ")"] cox ~])
{$bswt *}
=^ coz gid (many p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [[' ' ~] ['?' '(' ~] [')' ~]] coz])
{$plot *}
=^ coz gid (many p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [[' ' ~] ['{' ~] ['}' ~]] coz])
{$pear *}
:_(gid [%leaf '$' ~(rend co [%$ p.q.ham q.q.ham])])
{$stop *}
=+ num=~(rend co [%$ %ud p.q.ham])
?: (~(has in gid) p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%leaf '#' num])
=^ cox gid
%= $
gid (~(put in gid) p.q.ham)
q.ham (~(got by p.ham) p.q.ham)
:_(gid [%palm [['.' ~] ~ ~ ~] [%leaf ['^' '#' num]] cox ~])
{$tree *}
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [" " (weld (trip p.q.ham) "(") ")"] cox ~])
{$unit *}
=^ cox gid $(q.ham q.q.ham)
:_(gid [%rose [" " (weld (trip p.q.ham) "(") ")"] cox ~])
++ dish !:
|= {ham/cape lum/*} ^- tank
~| [%dish-h ?@(q.ham q.ham -.q.ham)]
~| [%lump lum]
~| [%ham ham]
%- need
=| gil/(set {@ud *})
|- ^- (unit tank)
?- q.ham
%= $
?: ?=(@ lum)
[%mato %$]
:- %plot
|- ^- (list wine)
[%noun ?:(?=(@ +.lum) [[%mato %$] ~] $(lum +.lum))]
:- ~
:+ %rose
[['/' ~] ['/' ~] ~]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ lum ~
?@ lum !!
?> ?=(@ -.lum)
[[%leaf (rip 3 -.lum)] $(lum +.lum)]
=+ tyr=|.((dial dole))
=+ vol=tyr(sut lum)
=+ cis=;;(tank .*(vol [%9 2 %0 1]))
:^ ~ %palm
[~ ~ ~ ~]
[[%leaf '#' 't' '/' ~] cis ~]
:- ~
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' '|' ~] ['|' '>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ lum ~
?@ lum !!
[[%leaf (trip ;;(@ -.lum))] $(lum +.lum)]
:- ~
:+ %rose
[[' ' ~] ['<' '<' ~] ['>' '>' ~]]
|- ^- (list tank)
?~ lum ~
?@ lum !!
[(need ^$(q.ham %yarn, lum -.lum)) $(lum +.lum)]
[~ %leaf (dash (tape lum) '"' "\{")]
{$mato *}
?. ?=(@ lum)
:+ ~
?+ (rash p.q.ham ;~(sfix (cook crip (star low)) (star hig)))
~(rend co [%$ p.q.ham lum])
$$ ~(rend co [%$ %ud lum])
$t (dash (rip 3 lum) '\'' ~)
$tas ['%' ?.(=(0 lum) (rip 3 lum) ['$' ~])]
{$core *}
:: XX needs rethinking for core metal
:: ?. ?=(^ lum) ~
:: => .(lum `*`lum)
:: =- ?~(tok ~ [~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['<' ~] ['>' ~]] u.tok])
:: ^= tok
:: |- ^- (unit (list tank))
:: ?~ p.q.ham
:: =+ den=^$(q.ham q.q.ham)
:: ?~(den ~ [~ u.den ~])
:: =+ mur=$(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham, lum +.lum)
:: ?~(mur ~ [~ [[%leaf (rip 3 i.p.q.ham)] u.mur]])
[~ (dial ham)]
{$face *}
=+ wal=$(q.ham q.q.ham)
?~ wal
[~ %palm [['=' ~] ~ ~ ~] [%leaf (trip p.q.ham)] u.wal ~]
{$list *}
?: =(~ lum)
[~ %leaf '~' ~]
=- ?~ tok
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['~' '[' ~] [']' ~]] u.tok]
^= tok
|- ^- (unit (list tank))
?: ?=(@ lum)
?.(=(~ lum) ~ [~ ~])
=+ [for=^$(q.ham q.q.ham, lum -.lum) aft=$(lum +.lum)]
?. &(?=(^ for) ?=(^ aft))
[~ u.for u.aft]
{$bswt *}
|- ^- (unit tank)
?~ p.q.ham
=+ wal=^$(q.ham i.p.q.ham)
?~ wal
$(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham)
{$plot *}
=- ?~ tok
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['[' ~] [']' ~]] u.tok]
^= tok
|- ^- (unit (list tank))
?~ p.q.ham
?: ?=({* ~} p.q.ham)
=+ wal=^$(q.ham i.p.q.ham)
?~(wal ~ [~ [u.wal ~]])
?@ lum
=+ gim=^$(q.ham i.p.q.ham, lum -.lum)
?~ gim
=+ myd=$(p.q.ham t.p.q.ham, lum +.lum)
?~ myd
[~ u.gim u.myd]
{$pear *}
?. =(lum q.q.ham)
=. p.q.ham
(rash p.q.ham ;~(sfix (cook crip (star low)) (star hig)))
=+ fox=$(q.ham [%mato p.q.ham])
?> ?=({~ $leaf ^} fox)
?: ?=(?($n $tas) p.q.ham)
[~ %leaf '%' p.u.fox]
{$stop *}
?: (~(has in gil) [p.q.ham lum]) ~
=+ kep=(~(get by p.ham) p.q.ham)
?~ kep
~|([%stop-loss p.q.ham] !!)
$(gil (~(put in gil) [p.q.ham lum]), q.ham u.kep)
{$tree *}
=- ?~ tok
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['{' ~] ['}' ~]] u.tok]
^= tok
=+ tuk=*(list tank)
|- ^- (unit (list tank))
?: =(~ lum)
[~ tuk]
?. ?=({n/* l/* r/*} lum)
=+ rol=$(lum r.lum)
?~ rol
=+ tim=^$(q.ham q.q.ham, lum n.lum)
?~ tim
$(lum l.lum, tuk [u.tim u.rol])
{$unit *}
?@ lum
?.(=(~ lum) ~ [~ %leaf '~' ~])
?. =(~ -.lum)
=+ wal=$(q.ham q.q.ham, lum +.lum)
?~ wal
[~ %rose [[' ' ~] ['[' ~] [']' ~]] [%leaf '~' ~] u.wal ~]
++ doge
|= ham/cape
=- ?+ woz woz
{$list * {$mato $'ta'}} %path
{$list * {$mato $'t'}} %wall
{$list * {$mato $'tD'}} %yarn
{$list * $yarn} %wool
^= woz
^- wine
?. ?=({$stop *} q.ham)
?: ?& ?= {$bswt {$pear $n $0} {$plot {$pear $n $0} {$face *} ~} ~}
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.p.i.t.p.q.ham))
[%unit =<([p q] i.t.p.i.t.p.q.ham)]
=+ may=(~(get by p.ham) p.q.ham)
?~ may
=+ nul=[%pear %n 0]
?. ?& ?=({$bswt *} u.may)
?=({* * ~} p.u.may)
|(=(nul i.p.u.may) =(nul i.t.p.u.may))
=+ din=?:(=(nul i.p.u.may) i.t.p.u.may i.p.u.may)
?: ?& ?=({$plot {$face *} {$face * $stop *} ~} din)
=(p.q.ham p.q.i.t.p.din)
=(1 (met 3 p.i.p.din))
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.p.din))
:+ %list
(cat 3 p.i.p.din p.i.t.p.din)
?: ?& ?= $: $plot
{$face *}
{$face * $stop *}
{{$face * $stop *} ~}
=(p.q.ham p.q.i.t.p.din)
=(p.q.ham p.q.i.t.t.p.din)
=(1 (met 3 p.i.p.din))
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.p.din))
=(1 (met 3 p.i.t.t.p.din))
:+ %tree
%^ cat
(cat 3 p.i.t.p.din p.i.t.t.p.din)
++ dole
^- cape
=+ gil=*(set type)
=+ dex=[p=*(map type @) q=*(map @ wine)]
=< [q.p q]
|- ^- {p/{p/(map type @) q/(map @ wine)} q/wine}
=- [p.tez (doge q.p.tez q.tez)]
^= tez
^- {p/{p/(map type @) q/(map @ wine)} q/wine}
?: (~(meet ut sut) -:!>(*type))
[dex %type]
?- sut
$noun [dex sut]
$void [dex sut]
{$atom *} [dex ?~(q.sut [%mato p.sut] [%pear p.sut u.q.sut])]
{$cell *}
=+ hin=$(sut p.sut)
=+ yon=$(dex p.hin, sut q.sut)
:- p.yon
:- %plot
?:(?=({$plot *} q.yon) [q.hin p.q.yon] [q.hin q.yon ~])
{$core *}
=+ yad=$(sut p.sut)
:- p.yad
=+ ^= doy ^- {p/(list @ta) q/wine}
?: ?=({$core *} q.yad)
[p.q.yad q.q.yad]
[~ q.yad]
:- %core
:_ q.doy
:_ p.doy
%^ cat 3
%~ rent co
:+ %$ %ud
%- ~(rep by (~(run by q.r.q.sut) |=(tome ~(wyt by q.+<))))
|=([[@ a=@u] b=@u] (add a b))
%^ cat 3
?-(r.p.q.sut $gold '.', $iron '|', $lead '?', $zinc '&')
=+ gum=(mug q.r.q.sut)
%+ can 3
:~ [1 (add 'a' (mod gum 26))]
[1 (add 'a' (mod (div gum 26) 26))]
[1 (add 'a' (mod (div gum 676) 26))]
{$hint *}
$(sut q.sut)
{$face *}
=+ yad=$(sut q.sut)
?^(p.sut yad [p.yad [%face p.sut q.yad]])
{$fork *}
=+ yed=(sort ~(tap in p.sut) aor)
=- [p [%bswt q]]
|- ^- {p/{p/(map type @) q/(map @ wine)} q/(list wine)}
?~ yed
[dex ~]
=+ mor=$(yed t.yed)
=+ dis=^$(dex p.mor, sut i.yed)
[p.dis q.dis q.mor]
{$hold *}
=+ hey=(~(get by p.dex) sut)
?^ hey
[dex [%stop u.hey]]
?: (~(has in gil) sut)
=+ dyr=+(~(wyt by p.dex))
[[(~(put by p.dex) sut dyr) q.dex] [%stop dyr]]
=+ rom=$(gil (~(put in gil) sut), sut ~(repo ut sut))
=+ rey=(~(get by p.p.rom) sut)
?~ rey
[[p.p.rom (~(put by q.p.rom) u.rey q.rom)] [%stop u.rey]]
++ duck (dial dole)
++ cain sell :: $-(vase tank)
++ noah text :: $-(vase tape)
++ onan seer :: $-(vise vase)
++ levi :: $-([type type] ?)
|= [a=type b=type]
(~(nest ut a) & b)
++ text :: tape pretty-print
|= vax/vase ^- tape
~(ram re (sell vax))
++ seem |=(toy/typo `type`toy) :: promote typo
++ seer |=(vix/vise `vase`vix) :: promote vise
:: +sell Pretty-print a vase to a tank using `deal`.
++ sell
~/ %sell
|= vax/vase
^- tank
~| %sell
(~(deal us p.vax) q.vax)
:: These are the public types for the `xray` library. Analysing a type
:: yields an `ximage`, and everything else here is just some structure
:: within that.
:: `ximage`s can be printed as specs (hoon syntax for types), and can
:: be used to pretty-print typed data.
:: |%
:: An `xtable` is a graph of types referenced by the top-level type,
:: and the `root` `key` points to the node which corresponds to the
:: type under analysis.
+$ ximage [root=xkey =xtable]
:: A `xkey` is just an identifier for a node in the xray graph.
+$ xkey @
:: An `xtable` is the xray graph itself. It contains one node for for
:: the type that was analyzed and one node for every type referenced
:: within that type.
:: The `next` field is the the next available xkey (used when inserting
:: new xrays), `xrays` maps keys to graph nodes and `type-map` gives
:: the xkey corresponding to a type.
:: The `type-map` is basically just the reverse of the `xrays` map. It
:: doesn't contain any new information, but is needed for performance
:: reasons.
+$ xtable [next=xkey xrays=(map xkey xray) =type=(map type xkey)]
:: An `xray` is a node in the `ximage` graph. It contains everything
:: we know about a certain `type`. `key` is its identifier in the graph,
:: `type` is the type that it's an xray of, and `xdat` is the basic
:: information we derived about the type. The basic references to other
:: nodes are inside the `xdat` structure, though some of the other
:: fields may contain references as well.
:: - `xshape` is some more information about the xshape of data within
:: a cell.
:: - `xrole` expands on `xshape`, adding further information about the
:: xrole that a node has within a fork.
:: - `pats` is used for printing data: we want to know if this type
:: can be printed as a list, as json, as a tape literal, etc.
:: - `recipes` contains information about how a type was
:: constructed. It's used to get much nicer output when printing types.
:: - `studs` contains "standards names". I actually don't know what this is.
:: - `helps` contains all the documentation about a type.
:: - `loop` indicates whether or not a node references itself. The list
:: type is cyclical, for example. This is used when printing an
:: `ximage`.
+$ xray
$: =xkey
xdat=(unit xdat)
xrole=(unit xrole)
pats=(unit xpat)
studs=(set stud)
recipes=(set recipe)
helps=(set help)
xshape=(unit xshape)
loop=(unit ?)
:: - `%void` -- impossible to create.
:: - `%noun` -- could be any noun.
:: - `%atom` -- An atom of some aura, possibly constant
:: - `%cell` -- A cell with a head and a tail.
:: - `%core` -- A core, its garb, its context type, and the types of
:: each of its arms.
:: - `%face` -- A face on another type.
:: - `%fork` -- Could be one or more other types.
:: - `%pntr` -- This is an internal hack, it should never survive
:: analysis; ignore.
+$ xdat
$@ ?(%noun %void)
$% [%atom =aura constant=(unit @)]
[%cell head=xkey tail=xkey]
[%core =garb xray=xkey batt=xbat]
[%face face=$@(term tune) xray=xkey]
[%fork =(set xkey)]
[%pntr xray=xkey]
:: The basic xshape of a type:
:: - `%void` -- impossible to create.
:: - `%noun` -- could be any noun.
:: - `%atom` -- always some type of atom; never a cell
:: - `%cell` -- always some type of cell; never an atom.
:: - `%junc` -- is a fork of a cell type and an atom type.
+$ xshape ?(%void %noun %atom %cell %junc)
:: A `xrole` is the of a type, including a more refined understanding
:: of what xrole it plays within a fork.
:: Nodes referenced within a `xrole` often do not actually exist in the
:: original type, since we need to reorganize forks in order to make
:: them more coherent.
:: - `%void` -- impossible to create.
:: - `%noun` -- could be any noun.
:: - `%atom` -- always some type of atom; never a cell
:: - `%constant` -- a cell type whose head is a constant atom.
:: - `%tall` -- a cell type whose head is an atom.
:: - `%wide` -- a cell type whose head is also a cell
:: - `%instance` -- a cell type whose head is a constant atom.
:: - `%option` -- a union of types which are all constant atoms.
:: - `%union` -- a union of types which are all instances (cells whose
:: head is a constant atom).
:: - `%junction` -- a union of an atom type and a cell type.
:: - `%conjunction` -- a union of two cell types, one of them %wide
:: and the other %tall.
:: - `%misjunction` -- any other union type. There's no efficient way
:: to tell which branch to take when analyzing a fork which is a
:: %misjunction, and the type is probably improperly constructed.
+$ xrole
$@ $? %void %noun %atom %tall %wide ==
$% [%constant =atom]
[%instance =atom]
[%option =(map atom xkey)]
[%union =(map atom xkey)]
[%junction flat=xkey deep=xkey]
[%conjunction wide=xkey tall=xkey]
[%misjunction one=xkey two=xkey]
:: This is just a utility type, it encodes the "battery" structure
:: within a core.
:: It's a map from chapter names to the documentation and arms within
:: that chapter.
+$ xbat (map term (pair what (map term xkey)))
:: A recipe tells us how a type was constructed.
:: - `%direct` is a simple type like `term`, or `xray`.
:: - `%synthetic` is a constructed type, like `(list @)`.
+$ recipe
$% [%direct =term]
[%synthetic =term =(list xkey)]
:: A `xpat` is high-level information about the shape of a type. This
:: is used for printing data.
:: This is fairly heuristic. [%a %b %c ~] is recognized as a `path`,
:: `[3 ~[4 5 6]]` is recognized as a list, etc.
:: Most of the xpats have names that make their purpose obvious:
:: for example, the %tape xpat means that data of type type can be
:: printed as if it had the `tape` type. However, `%gear` and `%gate`
:: might not be entirely obvious.
:: - The %gear xpat is any core with a cell subject.
:: - The %gate xpat is a core that looks like a gate.
+$ xpat
$@ ?(%hoon %manx %json %nock %path %plum %skin %spec %tape %tour %type %vase)
$% [%gate sample=xkey product=xkey]
[%gear sample=xkey context=xkey batt=xbat]
[%list item=xkey]
[%tree item=xkey]
[%unit item=xkey]
:: Left-fold over a list.
:: This is `roll`, but with explicit type parameters.
++ fold
|* [state=mold elem=mold]
|= [[st=state xs=(list elem)] f=$-([state elem] state)]
^- state
?~ xs st
$(xs t.xs, st (f st i.xs))
:: This is basically a `mapM` over a list using the State monad.
:: Another way to think about this is that it is the same as `turn`,
:: except that a state variable `st` is threaded through the
:: execution. The list is processed from left to right.
:: This is `spin`, but with explicit type parameters.
++ traverse
|* [state=mold in=mold out=mold]
|= [[st=state xs=(list in)] f=$-([state in] [out state])]
^- [(list out) state]
?~ xs [~ st]
=^ r st (f st i.xs)
=^ rs st $(xs t.xs, st st)
[[r rs] st]
:: `traverse` over a set.
++ traverse-set
|* [state=mold input=mold out=mold]
|= [[st=state xs=(set input)] f=$-([state input] [out state])]
^- [(set out) state]
=^ elems st ((traverse state input out) [st ~(tap in xs)] f)
:_ st (~(gas in *(set out)) elems)
:: `traverse` over a map, also passing the key to the folding function.
++ traverse-map
|* [state=mold key=mold in=mold out=mold]
|= [[st=state dict=(map key in)] f=$-([state key in] [out state])]
^- [(map key out) state]
=^ pairs=(list (pair key out)) st
%+ (traverse state (pair key in) (pair key out))
[st ~(tap by dict)]
|= [st=state k=key x=in]
^- [(pair key out) state]
=^ v st (f st k x)
[[k v] st]
:_ st
(~(gas by *(map key out)) pairs)
:: Given a map, return its inverse: For each value, what are the set
:: of associated keys?
++ reverse-map
|* [key=mold val=mold]
|= tbl=(map key val)
=/ init *(map val (set key))
^- _init
%+ (fold _init (pair key val))
[init ~(tap by tbl)]
|= [acc=_init k=key v=val]
^- _init
=/ mb-keys (~(get by acc) v)
=/ keys=(set key) ?~(mb-keys ~ u.mb-keys)
(~(put by acc) v (~(put in keys) k))
++ json :: normal json value
$@ ~ :: null
$% {$a p/(list json)} :: array
{$b p/?} :: boolean
{$o p/(map @t json)} :: object
{$n p/@ta} :: number
{$s p/@t} :: string
== ::
:: +skol $-(type tank) using `duck`.
++ skol
|= typ/type
^- tank
~(duck ut typ)
++ slam :: slam a gate
|= {gat/vase sam/vase} ^- vase
=+ :- ^= typ ^- type
[%cell p.gat p.sam]
^= gen ^- hoon
[%cnsg [%$ ~] [%$ 2] [%$ 3] ~]
=+ gun=(~(mint ut typ) %noun gen)
[p.gun (slum q.gat q.sam)]
:: +slab: states whether you can access an arm in a type.
:: -- way: the access type ($vial): read, write, or read-and-write.
:: The fourth case of $vial, %free, is not permitted because it would
:: allow you to discover "private" information about a type,
:: information which you could not make use of in (law-abiding) hoon anyway.
++ slab :: test if contains
|= [way=?(%read %rite %both) cog=@tas typ=type]
?= [%& *]
(~(fond ut typ) way ~[cog])
++ slap
|= {vax/vase gen/hoon} ^- vase :: untyped vase .*
=+ gun=(~(mint ut p.vax) %noun gen)
[p.gun .*(q.vax q.gun)]
++ slog :: deify printf
=| pri/@ :: priority level
|= a/tang ^+ same :: .= ~&(%a 1)
?~(a same ~>(%slog.[pri i.a] $(a t.a))) :: ((slog ~[>%a<]) 1)
:: ::
++ mean :: crash with trace
|= a/tang
^+ !!
?~ a !!
~_(i.a $(a t.a))
++ road
|* =(trap *)
^+ $:trap
=/ res (mule trap)
?- -.res
%& p.res
%| (mean leaf+"road: new" p.res)
++ slew :: get axis in vase
|= {axe/@ vax/vase} ^- (unit vase)
?. |- ^- ?
?: =(1 axe) &
?. ?=(^ q.vax) |
$(axe (mas axe), q.vax .*(q.vax [0 (cap axe)]))
`[(~(peek ut p.vax) %free axe) .*(q.vax [0 axe])]
++ slim :: identical to seer?
|= old/vise ^- vase
++ slit :: type of slam
|= {gat/type sam/type}
?> (~(nest ut (~(peek ut gat) %free 6)) & sam)
(~(play ut [%cell gat sam]) [%cnsg [%$ ~] [%$ 2] [%$ 3] ~])
++ slob :: superficial arm
|= {cog/@tas typ/type}
^- ?
?+ typ |
{$hold *} $(typ ~(repo ut typ))
{$hint *} $(typ ~(repo ut typ))
{$core *}
|- ^- ?
?~ q.r.q.typ |
?| (~(has by q.q.n.q.r.q.typ) cog)
$(q.r.q.typ l.q.r.q.typ)
$(q.r.q.typ r.q.r.q.typ)
++ sloe :: get arms in core
|= typ/type
^- (list term)
?+ typ ~
{$hold *} $(typ ~(repo ut typ))
{$hint *} $(typ ~(repo ut typ))
{$core *}
%- zing
%+ turn ~(tap by q.r.q.typ)
|= {* b/tome}
%+ turn ~(tap by q.b)
|= {a/term *}
++ slop :: cons two vases
|= {hed/vase tal/vase}
^- vase
[[%cell p.hed p.tal] [q.hed q.tal]]
++ slot :: got axis in vase
|= {axe/@ vax/vase} ^- vase
[(~(peek ut p.vax) %free axe) .*(q.vax [0 axe])]
++ slym :: slam w+o sample-type
|= {gat/vase sam/*} ^- vase
(slap gat(+<.q sam) [%limb %$])
++ sped :: reconstruct type
|= vax/vase
^- vase
:_ q.vax
?@ q.vax (~(fuse ut p.vax) [%atom %$ ~])
?@ -.q.vax
^= typ
%- ~(play ut p.vax)
[%wtbn [%wtts [%leaf %tas -.q.vax] [%& 2]~] [%$ 1]]
(~(fuse ut p.vax) [%cell %noun %noun])
:::: 5d: parser
++ vang :: set ++vast params
|= {bug/? wer/path} :: bug: debug mode
%*(. vast bug bug, wer wer) :: wer: where we are
++ vast :: main parsing core
=+ [bug=`?`| wer=*path]
++ gash %+ cook :: parse path
|= a/(list tyke) ^- tyke
?~(a ~ (weld i.a $(a t.a)))
(more net limp)
++ gasp ;~ pose :: parse =path= etc.
%+ cook
|=({a/tyke b/tyke c/tyke} :(weld a b c))
;~ plug
(cook |=(a/(list) (turn a |=(b/* ~))) (star tis))
(cook |=(a/hoon [[~ a] ~]) hasp)
(cook |=(a/(list) (turn a |=(b/* ~))) (star tis))
(cook |=(a/(list) (turn a |=(b/* ~))) (plus tis))
++ glam ~+((glue ace))
++ hasp ;~ pose :: path element
(ifix [lac rac] wide)
(stag %cncl (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wide)))
(stag %sand (stag %tas (cold %$ bus)))
(stag %sand (stag %t qut))
%+ cook
|=(a/coin [%sand ?:(?=({~ $tas *} a) %tas %ta) ~(rent co a)])
++ limp %+ cook
|= {a/(list) b/tyke}
?~ a b
$(a t.a, b [`[%sand %tas %$] b])
;~(plug (star net) gasp)
++ mota %+ cook
|=({a/tape b/tape} (rap 3 (weld a b)))
;~(plug (star low) (star hig))
++ glom
|= {wit/whit taw/whit}
^- whit
:* ?~(lab.wit lab.taw lab.wit)
?~(boy.wit boy.taw boy.wit)
(~(uni by def.wit) def.taw)
(~(uni in use.wit) use.taw)
++ docs
:: above core
++ apex
;~ plug
=/ ron (punt (indo noel))
(punt (ifix [ron ron] (into head))) :: label
=/ ron (punt (indo null))
(ifix [ron ron] (punt body)) :: body
(cook malt (star fill)) :: definitions
(easy ~) :: defs used (none)
:: backward line
++ apse
;~ pose
%+ cook |=({a/term b/cord} %*(. *whit def (my [a b ~] ~)))
(exit fine)
%+ cook |=(a/cord %*(. *whit boy `[a ~]))
(exit line)
(easy *whit)
++ beer
|= $: lab/(unit term)
boy/(unit (pair cord (list sect)))
def/(list (pair (pair term cord) (list sect)))
^- whit
=; def [lab boy (malt def) ~]
(turn def |=({{a/term b/cord} c/(list sect)} [a [b c]]))
++ body
;~ pose
;~ plug :: can duplicate ::
(into ;~(pfix (punt ;~(plug null col ban step)) line))
(easy ~)
;~ plug
(into ;~(pfix step line))
(rant text)
++ text (pick line code) :: text line
++ line ;~(less ace (cook crip (star prn))) :: prose line
++ code ;~(pfix step step (cook crip (star prn))) :: code line
++ noel ;~(plug (punt ;~(pfix step hax)) null) :: header padding
++ head ;~(pfix hax step cen sym) :: header line
++ null (cold ~ (star ace)) :: blank line
++ fine :: definition line
;~ (glue ;~(plug col ace))
(cook crip (star prn))
:: step: indent
:: into: :: and indent to end of line, consuming following space.
:: indo: :: to end of line, consuming following space.
:: exit: :: to end of line, not consuming following space.
++ step ;~(plug ace ace)
++ into |*(bod/rule (indo ;~(pfix step bod)))
++ indo
|* bod/rule
;~(pfix col ban ;~(sfix bod (just `@`10) (punt gap)))
++ exit
|* bod/rule
;~(pfix (star ace) col led step bod)
:: fill: full definition
++ fill
%+ cook |=({{a/term b/cord} c/(list sect) (unit ~)} [a b c])
;~ plug
(into fine)
(rant ;~(pfix step text))
(punt (indo null))
:: rant: series of sections.
++ rant
|* sec/rule
%- star
;~ pfix
(indo null)
(plus (into sec))
++ plex :: reparse static path
|= gen/hoon ^- (unit path)
?: ?=({$dbug *} gen) :: unwrap $dbug
$(gen q.gen)
?. ?=({$clsg *} gen) ~ :: require :~ hoon
%+ reel p.gen :: build using elements
|= {a/hoon b/_`(unit path)`[~ u=/]} :: starting from just /
?~ b ~
?. ?=({$sand ?($ta $tas) @} a) ~ :: /foo constants
`[q.a u.b]
++ phax
|= ruw/(list (list woof))
=+ [yun=*(list hoon) cah=*(list @)]
=+ wod=|=({a/tape b/(list hoon)} ^+(b ?~(a b [[%mcnt %knit (flop a)] b])))
|- ^+ yun
?~ ruw
(flop (wod cah yun))
?~ i.ruw $(ruw t.ruw)
?@ i.i.ruw
$(i.ruw t.i.ruw, cah [i.i.ruw cah])
$(i.ruw t.i.ruw, cah ~, yun [p.i.i.ruw (wod cah yun)])
++ posh
|= {pre/(unit tyke) pof/(unit {p/@ud q/tyke})}
^- (unit (list hoon))
=- ?^(- - ~&(%posh-fail -))
=+ wom=(poof wer)
%+ biff
?~ pre `u=wom
%+ bind (poon wom u.pre)
|= moz/(list hoon)
?~(pof moz (weld moz (slag (lent u.pre) wom)))
|= yez/(list hoon)
?~ pof `yez
=+ zey=(flop yez)
=+ [moz=(scag p.u.pof zey) gul=(slag p.u.pof zey)]
=+ zom=(poon (flop moz) q.u.pof)
?~(zom ~ `(weld (flop gul) u.zom))
++ poof :: path -> (list hoon)
|=(pax/path ^-((list hoon) (turn pax |=(a/@ta [%sand %ta a]))))
:: tyke is =foo== as ~[~ `foo ~ ~]
:: interpolate '=' path components
++ poon :: try to replace '='s
|= {pag/(list hoon) goo/tyke} :: default to pag
^- (unit (list hoon)) :: for null goo's
?~ goo `~ :: keep empty goo
%+ both :: otherwise head comes
?^(i.goo i.goo ?~(pag ~ `u=i.pag)) :: from goo or pag
$(goo t.goo, pag ?~(pag ~ t.pag)) :: recurse on tails
++ poor
%+ sear posh
;~ plug
(stag ~ gash)
;~(pose (stag ~ ;~(pfix cen porc)) (easy ~))
++ porc
;~ plug
(cook |=(a/(list) (lent a)) (star cen))
;~(pfix net gash)
++ rump
%+ sear
|= {a/wing b/(unit hoon)} ^- (unit hoon)
?~(b [~ %wing a] ?.(?=({@ ~} a) ~ [~ [%rock %tas i.a] u.b]))
;~(plug rope ;~(pose (stag ~ wede) (easy ~)))
++ rood
;~ pfix net
(stag %clsg poor)
++ rupl
%+ cook
|= {a/? b/(list hoon) c/?}
?: a
?: c
[%clsg [%clsg b] ~]
[%clsg b]
?: c
[%clsg [%cltr b] ~]
[%cltr b]
;~ plug
;~ pose
(cold | (just '['))
(cold & (jest '~['))
;~ pose
(ifix [ace gap] (most gap tall))
(most ace wide)
;~ pose
(cold & (jest ']~'))
(cold | (just ']'))
++ sail :: xml template
|= in-tall-form/? =| lin/?
++ apex :: product hoon
%+ cook
|= tum/(each manx:hoot marl:hoot) ^- hoon
?- -.tum
%& [%xray p.tum]
%| [%mcts p.tum]
++ top-level :: entry-point
;~(pfix mic ?:(in-tall-form tall-top wide-top))
++ inline-embed :: brace interpolation
%+ cook |=(a/tuna:hoot a)
;~ pose
;~(pfix mic bracketed-elem(in-tall-form |))
;~(plug tuna-mode sump)
(stag %tape sump)
++ script-or-style :: script or style
%+ cook |=(a/marx:hoot a)
;~ plug
;~(pose (jest %script) (jest %style))
++ tuna-mode :: xml node(s) kind
;~ pose
(cold %tape hep)
(cold %manx lus)
(cold %marl tar)
(cold %call cen)
++ wide-top :: wide outer top
%+ knee *(each manx:hoot marl:hoot) |. ~+
;~ pose
(stag %| wide-quote)
(stag %| wide-paren-elems)
(stag %& ;~(plug tag-head wide-tail))
++ wide-inner-top :: wide inner top
%+ knee *(each tuna:hoot marl:hoot) |. ~+
;~ pose
(stag %& ;~(plug tuna-mode wide))
++ wide-attrs :: wide attributes
%+ cook |=(a/(unit mart:hoot) (fall a ~))
%- punt
%+ ifix [lit rit]
%+ more (jest ', ')
;~((glue ace) a-mane hopefully-quote)
++ wide-tail :: wide elements
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
;~(pose ;~(pfix col wrapped-elems) (cold ~ mic) (easy ~))
++ wide-elems :: wide elements
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
%+ cook join-tops
(star ;~(pfix ace wide-inner-top))
++ wide-paren-elems :: wide flow
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
%+ cook join-tops
(ifix [lit rit] (more ace wide-inner-top))
++ drop-top
|= a/(each tuna:hoot marl:hoot) ^- marl:hoot
?- -.a
%& [p.a]~
%| p.a
++ join-tops
|= a/(list (each tuna:hoot marl:hoot)) ^- marl:hoot
(zing (turn a drop-top))
++ wide-quote :: wide quote
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
;~ pose
;~ less (jest '"""')
(ifix [yel yel] (cook collapse-chars quote-innards))
%- inde
%+ ifix [(jest '"""\0a') (jest '\0a"""')]
(cook collapse-chars quote-innards(lin |))
++ quote-innards :: wide+tall flow
%+ cook |=(a/(list $@(@ tuna:hoot)) a)
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose (mask "-+*%;\{") bas yel bix:ab))
;~(less bas lob ?:(in-tall-form fail toc) prn)
?:(lin fail ;~(less (jest '\0a"""') (just '\0a')))
++ bracketed-elem :: bracketed element
%+ ifix [lob rob]
;~(plug tag-head wide-elems)
++ wrapped-elems :: wrapped tuna
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
;~ pose
(cook |=(@t `marl`[;/((trip +<))]~) qut)
(cook drop-top wide-top)
++ a-mane :: mane as hoon
%+ cook
|= {a/@tas b/(unit @tas)}
?~(b a [a u.b])
;~ plug
;~ pose
%+ stag ~
;~(pfix cab mixed-case-symbol)
(easy ~)
++ en-class
|= a/(list {$class p/term})
^- (unit {$class tape})
?~ a ~
%- some
:- %class
%+ welp (trip p.i.a)
?~ t.a ~
[' ' $(a t.a)]
++ tag-head :: tag head
%+ cook
|= {a/mane:hoot b/mart:hoot c/mart:hoot}
^- marx:hoot
[a (weld b c)]
;~ plug
%+ cook
|= a/(list (unit {term (list beer:hoot)}))
^- (list {term (list beer:hoot)})
:: discard nulls
(murn a same)
;~ plug
(punt ;~(plug (cold %id hax) (cook trip sym)))
(cook en-class (star ;~(plug (cold %class dot) sym)))
(punt ;~(plug ;~(pose (cold %href net) (cold %src vat)) soil))
(easy ~)
++ tall-top :: tall top
%+ knee *(each manx:hoot marl:hoot) |. ~+
;~ pose
(stag %| ;~(pfix (plus ace) (cook collapse-chars quote-innards)))
(stag %& ;~(plug script-or-style script-style-tail))
(stag %& tall-elem)
(stag %| wide-quote)
(stag %| ;~(pfix tis tall-tail))
(stag %& ;~(pfix ban gap (stag [%div ~] cram)))
(stag %| ;~(plug ;~((glue gap) tuna-mode tall) (easy ~)))
(easy %| [;/("\0a")]~)
++ tall-attrs :: tall attributes
%- star
;~ pfix ;~(plug gap tis)
;~((glue gap) a-mane hopefully-quote)
++ tall-elem :: tall preface
%+ cook
|= {a/{p/mane:hoot q/mart:hoot} b/mart:hoot c/marl:hoot}
^- manx:hoot
[[p.a (weld q.a b)] c]
;~(plug tag-head tall-attrs tall-tail)
::REVIEW is there a better way to do this?
++ hopefully-quote :: prefer "quote" form
%+ cook |=(a/(list beer:hoot) a)
%+ cook |=(a/hoon ?:(?=($knit -.a) p.a [~ a]~))
++ script-style-tail :: unescaped tall tail
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
%+ ifix [gap ;~(plug gap duz)]
%+ most gap
;~ pfix mic
%+ cook |=(a/tape ;/(a))
;~ pose
;~(pfix ace (star prn))
(easy "\0a")
++ tall-tail :: tall tail
?> in-tall-form
%+ cook |=(a/marl:hoot a)
;~ pose
(cold ~ mic)
;~(pfix col wrapped-elems(in-tall-form |))
;~(pfix col ace (cook collapse-chars(in-tall-form |) quote-innards))
(ifix [gap ;~(plug gap duz)] tall-kids)
++ tall-kids :: child elements
%+ cook join-tops
:: look for sail first, or markdown if not
(most gap ;~(pose top-level (stag %| cram)))
++ collapse-chars :: group consec chars
|= reb/(list $@(@ tuna:hoot))
^- marl:hoot
=| {sim/(list @) tuz/marl:hoot}
|- ^- marl:hoot
?~ reb
=. sim
?. in-tall-form sim
[10 |-(?~(sim sim ?:(=(32 i.sim) $(sim t.sim) sim)))]
?~(sim tuz [;/((flop sim)) tuz])
?@ i.reb
$(reb t.reb, sim [i.reb sim])
?~ sim [i.reb $(reb t.reb, sim ~)]
[;/((flop sim)) i.reb $(reb t.reb, sim ~)]
++ cram :: parse unmark
=> |%
++ item (pair mite marl:hoot) :: xml node generator
++ colm @ud :: column
++ tarp marl:hoot :: node or generator
++ mite :: context
$? $down :: outer embed
$lunt :: unordered list
$lime :: list item
$lord :: ordered list
$poem :: verse
$bloc :: blockquote
$head :: heading
== ::
++ trig :: line style
$: col/@ud :: start column
sty/trig-style :: style
== ::
++ trig-style :: type of parsed line
$% $: $end :: terminator
$? $done :: end of input
$stet :: == end of markdown
$dent :: outdent
== == ::
$: $one :: leaf node
$? $rule :: --- horz rule
$fens :: ``` code fence
$expr :: ;sail expression
== == ::
{$new p/trig-new} :: open container
{$old $text} :: anything else
== ::
++ trig-new :: start a
$? $lite :: + line item
$lint :: - line item
$head :: # heading
$bloc :: > block-quote
$poem :: [ ]{8} poem
== ::
++ graf :: paragraph element
$% {$bold p/(list graf)} :: *bold*
{$talc p/(list graf)} :: _italics_
{$quod p/(list graf)} :: "double quote"
{$code p/tape} :: code literal
{$text p/tape} :: text symbol
{$link p/(list graf) q/tape} :: URL
{$mage p/tape q/tape} :: image
{$expr p/tuna:hoot} :: interpolated hoon
=< (non-empty:parse |=(nail `(like tarp)`~($ main +<)))
++ main
:: state of the parsing loop. we maintain a construction
:: stack for elements and a line stack for lines in the
:: current block. a blank line causes the current block
:: to be parsed and thrown in the current element. when
:: the indent column retreats, the element stack rolls up.
:: verbose: debug printing enabled
:: err: error position
:: ind: outer and inner indent level
:: hac: stack of items under construction
:: cur: current item under construction
:: par: current "paragraph" being read in
:: [loc txt]: parsing state
=/ verbose &
=| err/(unit hair)
=| ind/{out/@ud inr/@ud}
=| hac/(list item)
=/ cur/item [%down ~]
=| par/(unit (pair hair wall))
|_ {loc/hair txt/tape}
++ $ :: resolve
^- (like tarp)
=> line
:: if error position is set, produce error
?. =(~ err)
~& err+err
[+.err ~]
:: all data was consumed
=- [loc `[- [loc txt]]]
=> close-par
|- ^- tarp
:: fold all the way to top
?~ hac cur-to-tarp
$(..^$ close-item)
++ cur-indent
?- p.cur
$down 2
$head 0
$lunt 0
$lime 2
$lord 0
$poem 8
$bloc 2
++ back :: column retreat
|= luc/@ud
^+ +>
?: (gte luc inr.ind) +>
:: nex: next backward step that terminates this context
=/ nex/@ud cur-indent :: REVIEW code and poem blocks are
:: handled elsewhere
?: (gth nex (sub inr.ind luc))
:: indenting pattern violation
~? verbose indent-pattern-violation+[p.cur nex inr.ind luc]
..^$(inr.ind luc, err `[p.loc luc])
=. ..^$ close-item
$(inr.ind (sub inr.ind nex))
++ cur-to-tarp :: item to tarp
^- tarp
?: ?=(?($down $head $expr) p.cur)
(flop q.cur)
=- [[- ~] (flop q.cur)]~
?- p.cur
$lunt %ul
$lord %ol
$lime %li
$poem %div ::REVIEW actual container element?
$bloc %blockquote
++ close-item ^+ . :: complete and pop
?~ hac .
%= .
hac t.hac
cur [p.i.hac (weld cur-to-tarp q.i.hac)]
++ read-line :: capture raw line
=| lin/tape
|- ^+ [[lin *(unit _err)] +<.^$] :: parsed tape and halt/error
:: no unterminated lines
?~ txt
~? verbose %unterminated-line
[[~ ``loc] +<.^$]
?. =(`@`10 i.txt)
?: (gth inr.ind q.loc)
?. =(' ' i.txt)
~? verbose expected-indent+[inr.ind loc txt]
[[~ ``loc] +<.^$]
$(txt t.txt, q.loc +(q.loc))
:: save byte and repeat
$(txt t.txt, q.loc +(q.loc), lin [i.txt lin])
=. lin
:: trim trailing spaces
|- ^- tape
?: ?=({$' ' *} lin)
$(lin t.lin)
(flop lin)
=/ eat-newline/nail [[+(p.loc) 1] t.txt]
=/ saw look(+<.$ eat-newline)
?: ?=({~ @ $end ?($stet $dent)} saw) :: stop on == or dedent
[[lin `~] +<.^$]
[[lin ~] eat-newline]
++ look :: inspect line
^- (unit trig)
%+ bind (wonk (look:parse loc txt))
|= a/trig ^+ a
:: treat a non-terminator as a terminator
:: if it's outdented
?: =(%end -.sty.a) a
?: (lth col.a out.ind)
a(sty [%end %dent])
++ close-par :: make block
^+ .
:: empty block, no action
?~ par .
:: if block is verse
?: ?=($poem p.cur)
:: add break between stanzas
=. q.cur ?~(q.cur q.cur [[[%br ~] ~] q.cur])
=- close-item(par ~, q.cur (weld - q.cur), inr.ind (sub inr.ind 8))
%+ turn q.u.par
|= tape ^- manx
:: each line is a paragraph
:- [%p ~]
:_ ~
:: yex: block recomposed, with newlines
=/ yex/tape
%- zing
%+ turn (flop q.u.par)
|= a/tape
(runt [(dec inr.ind) ' '] "{a}\0a")
:: vex: parse of paragraph
=/ vex/(like tarp)
:: either a one-line header or a paragraph
%. [p.u.par yex]
?: ?=($head p.cur)
(full head:parse)
(full para:parse)
:: if error, propagate correctly
?~ q.vex
~? verbose [%close-par p.cur yex]
..$(err `p.vex)
:: finish tag if it's a header
=< ?:(?=($head p.cur) close-item ..$)
:: save good result, clear buffer
..$(par ~, q.cur (weld p.u.q.vex q.cur))
++ line ^+ . :: body line loop
:: abort after first error
?: !=(~ err) .
:: saw: profile of this line
=/ saw look
~? [debug=|] [%look ind=ind saw=saw txt=txt]
:: if line is blank
?~ saw
:: break section
=^ a/{tape fin/(unit _err)} +<.$ read-line
?^ fin.a
..$(err u.fin.a)
=>(close-par line)
:: line is not blank
=> .(saw u.saw)
:: if end of input, complete
?: ?=($end -.sty.saw)
..$(q.loc col.saw)
=. ind ?~(out.ind [col.saw col.saw] ind) :: init indents
?: ?| ?=(~ par) :: if after a paragraph or
?& ?=(?($down $lime $bloc) p.cur) :: unspaced new container
|(!=(%old -.sty.saw) (gth col.saw inr.ind))
== ==
=> .(..$ close-par)
:: if column has retreated, adjust stack
=. ..$ (back col.saw)
=^ col-ok sty.saw
?+ (sub col.saw inr.ind) [| sty.saw] :: columns advanced
$0 [& sty.saw]
$8 [& %new %poem]
?. col-ok
~? verbose [%columns-advanced col.saw inr.ind]
..$(err `[p.loc col.saw])
=. inr.ind col.saw
:: unless adding a matching item, close lists
=. ..$
?: ?| &(?=($lunt p.cur) !?=($lint +.sty.saw))
&(?=($lord p.cur) !?=($lite +.sty.saw))
=< line(par `[loc ~]) ^+ ..$ :: continue with para
?- -.sty.saw
$one (read-one +.sty.saw) :: parse leaves
$new (open-item p.sty.saw) :: open containers
$old ..$ :: just text
::- - - foo
:: detect bad block structure
?. :: first line of container is legal
?~ q.u.par &
?- p.cur
:: can't(/directly) contain text
?($lord $lunt) ~|(bad-leaf-container+p.cur !!)
:: only one line in a header
$head |
:: indented literals need to end with a blank line
$poem (gte col.saw inr.ind)
:: text tarps must continue aligned
?($down $lunt $lime $lord $bloc) =(col.saw inr.ind)
~? verbose bad-block-structure+[p.cur inr.ind col.saw]
..$(err `[p.loc col.saw])
:: accept line and maybe continue
=^ a/{lin/tape fin/(unit _err)} +<.$ read-line
=. par par(q.u [lin.a q.u.par])
?^ fin.a ..$(err u.fin.a)
++ parse-block :: execute parser
|= fel/$-(nail (like tarp)) ^+ +>
=/ vex/(like tarp) (fel loc txt)
?~ q.vex
~? verbose [%parse-block txt]
+>.$(err `p.vex)
=+ [res loc txt]=u.q.vex
%_ +>.$
loc loc
txt txt
q.cur (weld (flop `tarp`res) q.cur) :: prepend to the stack
++ read-one :: read %one item
|= sty/?($expr $rule $fens) ^+ +>
?- sty
$expr (parse-block expr:parse)
$rule (parse-block hrul:parse)
$fens (parse-block (fens:parse inr.ind))
++ open-item :: enter list/quote
|= saw/trig-new
=< +>.$:apex
++ apex ^+ . :: open container
?- saw
$poem (push %poem) :: verse literal
$head (push %head) :: heading
$bloc (entr %bloc) :: blockquote line
$lint (lent %lunt) :: unordered list
$lite (lent %lord) :: ordered list
++ push :: push context
|=(mite +>(hac [cur hac], cur [+< ~]))
++ entr :: enter container
|= typ/mite
^+ +>
:: indent by 2
=. inr.ind (add 2 inr.ind)
:: "parse" marker
=. txt (slag (sub inr.ind q.loc) txt)
=. q.loc inr.ind
(push typ)
++ lent :: list entry
|= ord/?($lord $lunt)
^+ +>
=> ?:(=(ord p.cur) +>.$ (push ord)) :: push list if new
(entr %lime)
++ parse :: individual parsers
++ look :: classify line
%+ cook |=(a/(unit trig) a)
;~ pfix (star ace)
%+ here :: report indent
|=({a/pint b/?(~ trig-style)} ?~(b ~ `[q.p.a b]))
;~ pose
(cold ~ (just `@`10)) :: blank line
(full (easy [%end %done])) :: end of input
(cold [%end %stet] duz) :: == end of markdown
(cold [%one %rule] ;~(plug hep hep hep)) :: --- horizontal ruler
(cold [%one %fens] ;~(plug tec tec tec)) :: ``` code fence
(cold [%one %expr] mic) :: ;sail expression
(cold [%new %head] ;~(plug (star hax) ace)) :: # heading
(cold [%new %lint] ;~(plug hep ace)) :: - line item
(cold [%new %lite] ;~(plug lus ace)) :: + line item
(cold [%new %bloc] ;~(plug ban ace)) :: > block-quote
(easy [%old %text]) :: anything else
++ calf :: cash but for tec tec
|* tem=rule
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas tem)
;~(less tem prn)
++ cash :: escaped fence
|* tem/rule
%- echo
%- star
;~ pose
;~(plug bas tem)
;~(less tem prn)
++ cool :: reparse
|* $: :: fex: primary parser
:: sab: secondary parser
|= {loc/hair txt/tape}
^+ *sab
:: vex: fenced span
=/ vex/(like tape) (fex loc txt)
?~ q.vex vex
:: hav: reparse full fenced text
=/ hav ((full sab) [loc p.u.q.vex])
:: reparsed error position is always at start
?~ q.hav [loc ~]
:: the complete type with the main product
:- p.vex
`[p.u.q.hav q.u.q.vex]
::REVIEW surely there is a less hacky "first or after space" solution
++ easy-sol :: parse start of line
|* a/*
|= b/nail
?: =(1 q.p.b) ((easy a) b)
(fail b)
++ echo :: hoon literal
|* sab/rule
|= {loc/hair txt/tape}
^- (like tape)
:: vex: result of parsing wide hoon
=/ vex (sab loc txt)
:: use result of expression parser
?~ q.vex vex
=- [p.vex `[- q.u.q.vex]]
:: but replace payload with bytes consumed
|- ^- tape
?: =(q.q.u.q.vex txt) ~
?~ txt ~
[i.txt $(txt +.txt)]
++ non-empty
|* a/rule
|= tub/nail ^+ (a)
=/ vex (a tub)
~! vex
?~ q.vex vex
?. =(tub q.u.q.vex) vex
(fail tub)
++ word :: tarp parser
%+ knee *(list graf) |. ~+
%+ cook
|= a/$%(graf [%list (list graf)])
^- (list graf)
?:(?=(%list -.a) +.a [a ~])
;~ pose
:: ordinary word
%+ stag %text
;~(plug ;~(pose low hig) (star ;~(pose nud low hig hep)))
:: naked \escape
(stag %text ;~(pfix bas (cook trip ;~(less ace prn))))
:: trailing \ to add <br>
(stag %expr (cold [[%br ~] ~] ;~(plug bas (just '\0a'))))
:: *bold literal*
(stag %bold (ifix [tar tar] (cool (cash tar) werk)))
:: _italic literal_
(stag %talc (ifix [cab cab] (cool (cash cab) werk)))
:: "quoted text"
(stag %quod (ifix [yel yel] (cool (cash yel) werk)))
:: `classic markdown quote`
(stag %code (ifix [tec tec] (calf tec)))
:: ++arm, +-arm, +$arm, +*arm, ++arm:core, ...
%+ stag %code
;~ plug
lus ;~(pose lus hep bus tar)
low (star ;~(pose nud low hep col))
:: [arbitrary *content*](url)
%+ stag %link
;~ (glue (punt whit))
(ifix [lac rac] (cool (cash rac) werk))
(ifix [lit rit] (cash rit))
%+ stag %mage
;~ pfix zap
;~ (glue (punt whit))
(ifix [lac rac] (cash rac))
(ifix [lit rit] (cash rit))
:: #hoon
%+ stag %list
;~ plug
(stag %text ;~(pose (cold " " whit) (easy-sol ~)))
(stag %code ;~(pfix hax (echo wide)))
;~(simu whit (easy ~))
:: direct hoon constant
%+ stag %list
;~ plug
(stag %text ;~(pose (cold " " whit) (easy-sol ~)))
%+ stag %code
%- echo
;~ pose
::REVIEW just copy in 0x... parsers directly?
;~(simu ;~(plug (just '0') alp) bisk:so)
;~(pfix dot perd:so)
;~(pfix sig ;~(pose twid:so (easy [%$ %n 0])))
;~(pfix cen ;~(pose sym bus pad bar qut nuck:so))
;~(simu whit (easy ~))
:: whitespace
(stag %text (cold " " whit))
:: {interpolated} sail
(stag %expr inline-embed:(sail |))
:: just a byte
(stag %text (cook trip ;~(less ace prn)))
++ werk (cook zing (star word)) :: indefinite tarp
++ down :: parse inline tarp
%+ knee *tarp |. ~+
=- (cook - werk)
:: collect raw tarp into xml tags
|= gaf/(list graf)
^- tarp
=< main
++ main
^- tarp
?~ gaf ~
?. ?=($text -.i.gaf)
(weld (item i.gaf) $(gaf t.gaf))
:: fip: accumulate text blocks
=/ fip/(list tape) [p.i.gaf]~
|- ^- tarp
?~ t.gaf [;/((zing (flop fip))) ~]
?. ?=($text -.i.t.gaf)
[;/((zing (flop fip))) ^$(gaf t.gaf)]
$(gaf t.gaf, fip :_(fip p.i.t.gaf))
++ item
|= nex/graf
^- tarp ::CHECK can be tuna:hoot?
?- -.nex
$text !! :: handled separately
$expr [p.nex]~
$bold [[%b ~] ^$(gaf p.nex)]~
$talc [[%i ~] ^$(gaf p.nex)]~
$code [[%code ~] ;/(p.nex) ~]~
$quod ::
:: smart quotes
%= ^$
:- [%text (tufa ~-~201c. ~)]
%+ weld p.nex
`(list graf)`[%text (tufa ~-~201d. ~)]~
$link [[%a [%href q.nex] ~] ^$(gaf p.nex)]~
$mage [[%img [%src q.nex] ?~(p.nex ~ [%alt p.nex]~)] ~]~
++ hrul :: empty besides fence
%+ cold [[%hr ~] ~]~
;~(plug (star ace) hep hep hep (star hep) (just '\0a'))
++ tecs
;~(plug tec tec tec (just '\0a'))
++ fens
|= col/@u ~+
=/ ind (stun [(dec col) (dec col)] ace)
=/ ind-tecs ;~(plug ind tecs)
%+ cook |=(txt/tape `tarp`[[%pre ~] ;/(txt) ~]~)
:: leading outdent is ok since container may
:: have already been parsed and consumed
%+ ifix [;~(plug (star ace) tecs) ind-tecs]
%^ stir "" |=({a/tape b/tape} "{a}\0a{b}")
;~ pose
%+ ifix [ind (just '\0a')]
;~(less tecs (star prn))
(cold "" ;~(plug (star ace) (just '\0a')))
++ para :: paragraph
%+ cook
|=(a/tarp ?~(a ~ [[%p ~] a]~))
;~(pfix (punt whit) down)
++ expr :: expression
=> (sail &) :: tall-form
%+ ifix [(star ace) ;~(simu gap (easy))] :: look-ahead for gap
(cook drop-top top-level) :: list of tags
++ whit :: whitespace
(cold ' ' (plus ;~(pose (just ' ') (just '\0a'))))
++ head :: parse heading
%+ cook
|= {haxes/tape kids/tarp} ^- tarp
=/ tag (crip 'h' <(lent haxes)>) :: e.g. ### -> %h3
=/ id (contents-to-id kids)
[[tag [%id id]~] kids]~
;~(pfix (star ace) ;~((glue whit) (stun [1 6] hax) down))
++ contents-to-id :: # text into elem id
|= a/(list tuna:hoot) ^- tape
=; raw/tape
%+ turn raw
|= @tD
^- @tD
?: ?| &((gte +< 'a') (lte +< 'z'))
&((gte +< '0') (lte +< '9'))
?: &((gte +< 'A') (lte +< 'Z'))
(add 32 +<)
:: collect all text in header tarp
|- ^- tape
?~ a ~
%+ weld
^- tape
?- i.a
{{$$ {$$ *} ~} ~} :: text node contents
(murn v.i.a.g.i.a |=(a/beer:hoot ?^(a ~ (some a))))
{^ *} $(a c.i.a) :: concatenate children
{@ *} ~ :: ignore interpolation
$(a t.a)
++ scad
%+ knee *spec |. ~+
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:- '_'
;~(pfix cab (stag %bscb wide))
:- ','
;~(pfix com (stag %bsmc wide))
:- '$'
;~ pose
;~ pfix bus
;~ pose
:: XX all three deprecated
(stag %leaf (stag %tas (cold %$ bus)))
(stag %leaf (stag %t qut))
(stag %leaf (sear |=(a/coin ?:(?=($$ -.a) (some +.a) ~)) nuck:so))
(stag %like (most col rope))
:- '%'
;~ pose
;~ pfix cen
;~ pose
(stag %leaf (stag %tas (cold %$ bus)))
(stag %leaf (stag %f (cold & pad)))
(stag %leaf (stag %f (cold | bar)))
(stag %leaf (stag %t qut))
(stag %leaf (sear |=(a/coin ?:(?=($$ -.a) (some +.a) ~)) nuck:so))
:- '('
%+ cook |=(spec +<)
%+ stag %make
%+ ifix [lit rit]
;~ plug
;~(pose ;~(pfix ace (most ace wyde)) (easy ~))
:- '{'
:: XX deprecated
(stag %bscl (ifix [lob rob] (most ace wyde)))
:- '['
(stag %bscl (ifix [lac rac] (most ace wyde)))
:- '*'
(cold [%base %noun] tar)
:- '/'
;~(pfix net (stag %loop ;~(pose (cold %$ bus) sym)))
:- '@'
;~(pfix vat (stag %base (stag %atom mota)))
:- '?'
;~ pose
%+ stag %bswt
;~(pfix wut (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wyde)))
(cold [%base %flag] wut)
:- '~'
(cold [%base %null] sig)
:- '!'
(cold [%base %void] ;~(plug zap zap))
:- '^'
;~ pose
(stag %like (most col rope))
(cold [%base %cell] ket)
:- '='
;~ pfix tis
%+ sear
|= [=(unit term) =spec]
%+ bind
~(autoname ax & spec)
|= =term
=* name ?~(unit term (cat 3 u.unit (cat 3 '-' term)))
[%bsts name spec]
;~ pose
;~(plug (stag ~ ;~(sfix sym tis)) wyde)
(stag ~ wyde)
:- ['a' 'z']
;~ pose
(stag %bsts ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix ;~(pose net tis) wyde)))
(stag %like (most col rope))
++ scat
%+ knee *hoon |. ~+
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:- ','
;~ pose
(stag %ktcl ;~(pfix com wyde))
(stag %wing rope)
:- '!'
;~ pose
(stag %wtzp ;~(pfix zap wide))
(stag %zpzp (cold ~ ;~(plug zap zap)))
:- '_'
;~(pfix cab (stag %ktcl (stag %bscb wide)))
:- '$'
;~ pose
;~ pfix bus
;~ pose
:: XX: these are all obsolete in hoon 142
(stag %leaf (stag %tas (cold %$ bus)))
(stag %leaf (stag %t qut))
(stag %leaf (sear |=(a/coin ?:(?=($$ -.a) (some +.a) ~)) nuck:so))
:- '%'
;~ pfix cen
;~ pose
(stag %clsg (sear |~({a/@ud b/tyke} (posh ~ ~ a b)) porc))
(stag %rock (stag %tas (cold %$ bus)))
(stag %rock (stag %f (cold & pad)))
(stag %rock (stag %f (cold | bar)))
(stag %rock (stag %t qut))
(cook (jock &) nuck:so)
(stag %clsg (sear |=(a/(list) (posh ~ ~ (lent a) ~)) (star cen)))
:- '&'
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/wing [%cnts a ~]) rope)
(stag %wtpd ;~(pfix pad (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wide))))
;~(plug (stag %rock (stag %f (cold & pad))) wede)
(stag %sand (stag %f (cold & pad)))
:- '\''
(stag %sand (stag %t qut))
:- '('
(stag %cncl (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wide)))
:- '{'
(stag %ktcl (stag %bscl (ifix [lob rob] (most ace wyde))))
:- '*'
;~ pose
(stag %kttr ;~(pfix tar wyde))
(cold [%base %noun] tar)
:- '@'
;~(pfix vat (stag %base (stag %atom mota)))
:- '+'
;~ pose
(stag %dtls ;~(pfix lus (ifix [lit rit] wide)))
%+ cook
|= a/(list (list woof))
:- %mcnt
[%knit |-(^-((list woof) ?~(a ~ (weld i.a $(a t.a)))))]
(most dog ;~(pfix lus soil))
(cook |=(a/wing [%cnts a ~]) rope)
:- '-'
;~ pose
(stag %sand tash:so)
%+ cook
|= a/(list (list woof))
[%clsg (phax a)]
(most dog ;~(pfix hep soil))
(cook |=(a/wing [%cnts a ~]) rope)
:- '.'
;~ pose
(cook (jock |) ;~(pfix dot perd:so))
(cook |=(a/wing [%cnts a ~]) rope)
:- ['0' '9']
%+ cook
|= {a/dime b/(unit hoon)}
?~(b [%sand a] [[%rock a] u.b])
;~(plug bisk:so (punt wede))
:- ':'
;~ pfix col
;~ pose
(stag %mccl (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wide)))
;~(pfix net (stag %mcnt wide))
:- '='
;~ pfix tis
;~ pose
(stag %dtts (ifix [lit rit] ;~(glam wide wide)))
%+ sear
:: mainly used for +skin formation
|= =spec
^- (unit hoon)
%+ bind ~(autoname ax & spec)
|=(=term `hoon`[%ktts term %kttr spec])
:- '?'
;~ pose
%+ stag %ktcl
(stag %bswt ;~(pfix wut (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wyde))))
(cold [%base %flag] wut)
:- '['
:- '^'
;~ pose
(stag %wing rope)
(cold [%base %cell] ket)
:- '`'
;~ pfix tec
;~ pose
%+ cook
|=({a/@ta b/hoon} [%ktls [%sand a 0] [%ktls [%sand %$ 0] b]])
;~(pfix vat ;~(plug mota ;~(pfix tec wide)))
;~ pfix tar
(stag %kthp (stag [%base %noun] ;~(pfix tec wide)))
(stag %kthp ;~(plug wyde ;~(pfix tec wide)))
(stag %ktls ;~(pfix lus ;~(plug wide ;~(pfix tec wide))))
(cook |=(a/hoon [[%rock %n ~] a]) wide)
:- '"'
%+ cook
|= a/(list (list woof))
[%knit |-(^-((list woof) ?~(a ~ (weld i.a $(a t.a)))))]
(most dog soil)
:- ['a' 'z']
:- '|'
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/wing [%cnts a ~]) rope)
(stag %wtbr ;~(pfix bar (ifix [lit rit] (most ace wide))))
;~(plug (stag %rock (stag %f (cold | bar))) wede)
(stag %sand (stag %f (cold | bar)))
:- '~'
;~ pose
;~ pfix sig
;~ pose
(stag %clsg (ifix [lac rac] (most ace wide)))
%+ stag %cnsg
%+ ifix
[lit rit]
;~(glam rope wide (most ace wide))
(cook (jock |) twid:so)
(stag [%bust %null] wede)
(easy [%bust %null])
:- '/'
:- '<'
(ifix [led ban] (stag %tell (most ace wide)))
:- '>'
(ifix [ban led] (stag %yell (most ace wide)))
++ soil
;~ pose
;~ less (jest '"""')
%+ ifix [yel yel]
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose bas yel lob bix:ab))
;~(less yel bas lob prn)
(stag ~ sump)
%- iny %+ ifix
[(jest '"""\0a') (jest '\0a"""')]
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose bas lob bix:ab))
;~(less bas lob prn)
;~(less (jest '\0a"""') (just `@`10))
(stag ~ sump)
++ sump (ifix [lob rob] (stag %cltr (most ace wide)))
++ norm :: rune regular form
|= tol/?
++ structure
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ :- '$'
;~ pfix bus
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ [':' (rune col %bscl exqs)]
['%' (rune cen %bscn exqs)]
['<' (rune led %bsld exqb)]
['>' (rune ban %bsbn exqb)]
['^' (rune ket %bskt exqb)]
['~' (rune sig %bssg exqd)]
['|' (rune bar %bsbr exqc)]
['&' (rune pad %bspd exqc)]
['@' (rune vat %bsvt exqb)]
['_' (rune cab %bscb expa)]
['-' (rune hep %bshp exqb)]
['=' (rune tis %bsts exqg)]
['?' (rune wut %bswt exqs)]
[';' (rune mic %bsmc expa)]
:- '%'
;~ pfix cen
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ :- '^'
%+ cook
|= [%cnkt a/hoon b/spec c/spec d/spec]
[%make a b c d ~]
(rune ket %cnkt exqy)
:- '+'
%+ cook
|= [%cnls a/hoon b/spec c/spec]
[%make a b c ~]
(rune lus %cnls exqx)
:- '-'
%+ cook
|= [%cnhp a/hoon b/spec]
[%make a b ~]
(rune hep %cnhp exqd)
:- ':'
%+ cook
|= [%cncl a/hoon b/(list spec)]
[%make a b]
(rune col %cncl exqz)
++ expression
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ :- '|'
;~ pfix bar
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['_' (rune cab %brcb exqr)]
['%' (runo cen %brcn ~ expe)]
['@' (runo vat %brvt ~ expe)]
[':' (rune col %brcl expb)]
['.' (rune dot %brdt expa)]
['-' (rune hep %brhp expa)]
['^' (rune ket %brkt expx)]
['~' (rune sig %brsg exqc)]
['*' (rune tar %brtr exqc)]
['=' (rune tis %brts exqc)]
['?' (rune wut %brwt expa)]
['$' (rune bus %brbs exqe)]
:- '$'
;~ pfix bus
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['@' (stag %ktcl (rune vat %bsvt exqb))]
['_' (stag %ktcl (rune cab %bscb expa))]
[':' (stag %ktcl (rune col %bscl exqs))]
['%' (stag %ktcl (rune cen %bscn exqs))]
['<' (stag %ktcl (rune led %bsld exqb))]
['>' (stag %ktcl (rune ban %bsbn exqb))]
['|' (stag %ktcl (rune bar %bsbr exqc))]
['&' (stag %ktcl (rune pad %bspd exqc))]
['^' (stag %ktcl (rune ket %bskt exqb))]
['~' (stag %ktcl (rune sig %bssg exqd))]
['-' (stag %ktcl (rune hep %bshp exqb))]
['=' (stag %ktcl (rune tis %bsts exqg))]
['?' (stag %ktcl (rune wut %bswt exqs))]
['.' (rune dot %kttr exqa)]
[',' (rune com %ktcl exqa)]
:- '%'
;~ pfix cen
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['_' (rune cab %cncb exph)]
['.' (rune dot %cndt expb)]
['^' (rune ket %cnkt expd)]
['+' (rune lus %cnls expc)]
['-' (rune hep %cnhp expb)]
[':' (rune col %cncl expi)]
['~' (rune sig %cnsg expn)]
['*' (rune tar %cntr expm)]
['=' (rune tis %cnts exph)]
:- ':'
;~ pfix col
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['_' (rune cab %clcb expb)]
['^' (rune ket %clkt expd)]
['+' (rune lus %clls expc)]
['-' (rune hep %clhp expb)]
['~' (rune sig %clsg exps)]
['*' (rune tar %cltr exps)]
:- '.'
;~ pfix dot
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['+' (rune lus %dtls expa)]
['*' (rune tar %dttr expb)]
['=' (rune tis %dtts expb)]
['?' (rune wut %dtwt expa)]
['^' (rune ket %dtkt exqn)]
:- '^'
;~ pfix ket
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %ktbr expa)]
['.' (rune dot %ktdt expb)]
['-' (rune hep %kthp exqc)]
['+' (rune lus %ktls expb)]
['&' (rune pad %ktpd expa)]
['~' (rune sig %ktsg expa)]
['=' (rune tis %ktts expj)]
['?' (rune wut %ktwt expa)]
['%' (rune cen %ktcn expa)]
['*' (rune tar %kttr exqa)]
[':' (rune col %ktcl exqa)]
:- '~'
;~ pfix sig
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %sgbr expb)]
['$' (rune bus %sgbs expf)]
['_' (rune cab %sgcb expb)]
['%' (rune cen %sgcn hind)]
['/' (rune net %sgnt hine)]
['<' (rune led %sgld hinb)]
['>' (rune ban %sgbn hinb)]
['+' (rune lus %sgls hinc)]
['&' (rune pad %sgpd hinf)]
['?' (rune wut %sgwt hing)]
['=' (rune tis %sgts expb)]
['!' (rune zap %sgzp expb)]
:- ';'
;~ pfix mic
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ [':' (rune col %mccl expi)]
['/' (rune net %mcnt expa)]
['<' (rune gal %mcgl exp1)]
['~' (rune sig %mcsg expi)]
[';' (rune mic %mcmc exqc)]
:- '='
;~ pfix tis
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %tsbr exqc)]
['.' (rune dot %tsdt expq)]
['?' (rune wut %tswt expw)]
['^' (rune ket %tskt expt)]
[':' (rune col %tscl expp)]
['/' (rune net %tsnt expo)]
[';' (rune mic %tsmc expo)]
['<' (rune led %tsld expb)]
['>' (rune ban %tsbn expb)]
['-' (rune hep %tshp expb)]
['*' (rune tar %tstr expg)]
[',' (rune com %tscm expb)]
['+' (rune lus %tsls expb)]
['~' (rune sig %tssg expi)]
:- '?'
;~ pfix wut
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ ['|' (rune bar %wtbr exps)]
[':' (rune col %wtcl expc)]
['.' (rune dot %wtdt expc)]
['<' (rune led %wtld expb)]
['>' (rune ban %wtbn expb)]
['-' ;~(pfix hep (toad txhp))]
['^' ;~(pfix ket (toad tkkt))]
['=' ;~(pfix tis (toad txts))]
['#' ;~(pfix hax (toad txhx))]
['+' ;~(pfix lus (toad txls))]
['&' (rune pad %wtpd exps)]
['@' ;~(pfix vat (toad tkvt))]
['~' ;~(pfix sig (toad tksg))]
['!' (rune zap %wtzp expa)]
:- '!'
;~ pfix zap
%- stew
^. stet ^. limo
:~ [':' ;~(pfix col (toad expz))]
['.' ;~(pfix dot (toad |.(loaf(bug |))))]
[',' (rune com %zpcm expb)]
[';' (rune mic %zpmc expb)]
['>' (rune ban %zpbn expa)]
['<' (rune led %zpld exqc)]
['@' (rune vat %zpvt expy)]
['=' (rune tis %zpts expa)]
['?' (rune wut %zpwt hinh)]
++ boog !: :: core arms
%+ knee [p=*term q=*hoon] |. ~+
;~ pose
;~ pfix ;~ pose
(jest '++')
(jest '+-') :: XX deprecated
;~ plug
;~(pfix gap ;~(pose (cold %$ bus) sym))
;~(pfix gap loaf)
%+ cook
|= {b/term d/spec}
[b [%ktcl [%name b d]]]
;~ pfix ;~(pose (jest '+=') (jest '+$'))
;~ plug
;~(pfix gap sym)
;~(pfix gap loan)
%+ cook
|= [b=term c=(list term) e=spec]
^- [term hoon]
:- b
:+ %brtr
:- %bscl
=- ?>(?=(^ -) -)
:: for each .term in .c, produce $=(term $~(* $-(* *)))
:: ie {term}=mold
%+ turn c
|= =term
^- spec
=/ tar [%base %noun]
[%bsts term [%bssg tar [%bshp tar tar]]]
[%ktcl [%made [b c] e]]
;~ pfix (jest '+*')
;~ plug
;~(pfix gap sym)
;~(pfix gap (ifix [lac rac] (most ace sym)))
;~(pfix gap loan)
:: parses a or [a b c] or a b c ==
++ lynx
=/ wid (ifix [lac rac] (most ace sym))
=/ tal
;~ sfix
(most gap sym)
;~(plug gap duz)
=/ one
%- cook :_ sym
|= a=term
`(list term)`~[a]
%- cook
:_ ;~(pose (runq wid tal) one)
:: lestify
|= a=(list term)
?~(a !! a)
++ whap !: :: chapter
%+ cook
|= a=(list (pair term hoon))
|- ^- (map term hoon)
?~ a ~
=+ $(a t.a)
%+ ~(put by -)
?: (~(has by -) p.i.a)
[%eror (weld "duplicate arm: +" (trip p.i.a))]
(most muck boog)
++ whip :: chapter declare
;~ plug
(ifix [cen gap] sym)
++ wasp :: $brcb aliases
;~ pose
%+ ifix
[;~(plug lus tar muck) muck]
(most muck ;~(gunk sym loaf))
(easy ~)
++ wisp !: :: core tail
?. tol fail
%+ cook
|= a=(list (pair term (map term hoon)))
^- (map term tome)
=< p
|- ^- (pair (map term tome) (map term hoon))
?~ a [~ ~]
=/ mor $(a t.a)
=. q.i.a
%- ~(urn by q.i.a)
|= b=(pair term hoon) ^+ +.b
?. (~(has by q.mor) p.b) +.b
[%eror (weld "duplicate arm: +" (trip p.b))]
:_ (~(uni by q.mor) q.i.a)
%+ ~(put by p.mor)
:- *what
?. (~(has by p.mor) p.i.a)
[[%$ [%eror (weld "duplicate chapter: |" (trip p.i.a))]] ~ ~]
;~ pose
;~ sfix
;~ pose
(most muck ;~(pfix (jest '+|') ;~(pfix gap whip)))
;~(plug (stag %$ whap) (easy ~))
++ toad :: untrap parser exp
=+ har=expa
|@ ++ $
=+ dur=(ifix [lit rit] $:har(tol |))
?:(tol ;~(pose ;~(pfix gap $:har(tol &)) dur) dur)
++ rune :: build rune
=+ [dif=*rule tuq=** har=expa]
|@ ++ $
;~(pfix dif (stag tuq (toad har)))
++ runo :: rune plus
=+ [dif=*rule hil=** tuq=** har=expa]
|@ ++ $
;~(pfix dif (stag hil (stag tuq (toad har))))
++ runq :: wide or tall if tol
|* [wid/rule tal/rule] :: else wide
?. tol
;~(pose wid tal)
++ glop ~+((glue mash)) :: separated by space
++ gunk ~+((glue muck)) :: separated list
++ butt |* zor/rule :: closing == if tall
?:(tol ;~(sfix zor ;~(plug gap duz)) zor)
++ ulva |* zor/rule :: closing -- and tall
?.(tol fail ;~(sfix zor ;~(plug gap dun)))
++ hank (most muck loaf) :: gapped hoons
++ hunk (most muck loan) :: gapped specs
++ lore (sear |=(=hoon ~(flay ap hoon)) loaf) :: skin
++ loaf ?:(tol tall wide) :: tall/wide hoon
++ loan ?:(tol till wyde) :: tall/wide spec
++ lomp ;~(plug sym (punt ;~(pfix tis wyde))) :: typeable name
++ mash ?:(tol gap ;~(plug com ace)) :: list separator
++ muck ?:(tol gap ace) :: general separator
++ teak %+ knee *tiki |. ~+ :: wing or hoon
=+ ^= gub
|= {a/term b/$%({%& p/wing} {%| p/hoon})}
^- tiki
?-(-.b %& [%& [~ a] p.b], %| [%| [~ a] p.b])
=+ ^= wyp
;~ pose
%+ cook gub
;~ plug
;~(pfix tis ;~(pose (stag %& rope) (stag %| wide)))
(stag %& (stag ~ rope))
(stag %| (stag ~ wide))
?. tol wyp
;~ pose
;~ pfix
;~(plug ket tis gap)
%+ cook gub
;~ plug
;~(pfix gap ;~(pose (stag %& rope) (stag %| tall)))
(stag %| (stag ~ tall))
++ rack (most mash ;~(gunk loaf loaf)) :: list [hoon hoon]
++ ruck (most mash ;~(gunk loan loaf)) :: list [spec hoon]
++ rick (most mash ;~(gunk rope loaf)) :: list [wing hoon]
:: hoon contents
++ expa |.(loaf) :: one hoon
++ expb |.(;~(gunk loaf loaf)) :: two hoons
++ expc |.(;~(gunk loaf loaf loaf)) :: three hoons
++ expd |.(;~(gunk loaf loaf loaf loaf)) :: four hoons
++ expe |.(wisp) :: core tail
++ expf |.(;~(gunk ;~(pfix cen sym) loaf)) :: %term and hoon
++ expg |.(;~(gunk lomp loaf loaf)) :: term/spec, two hoons
++ exph |.((butt ;~(gunk rope rick))) :: wing, [spec hoon]s
++ expi |.((butt ;~(gunk loaf hank))) :: one or more hoons
++ expj |.(;~(gunk lore loaf)) :: skin and hoon
++ expk |.(;~(gunk loaf ;~(plug loaf (easy ~)))) :: list of two hoons
++ expl |.(;~(gunk sym loaf loaf)) :: term, two hoons
++ expm |.((butt ;~(gunk rope loaf rick))) :: several [spec hoon]s
++ expn |. ;~ gunk rope loaf :: wing, hoon,
;~(plug loaf (easy ~)) :: list of one hoon
== ::
++ expo |.(;~(gunk wise loaf loaf)) :: =;
++ expp |.(;~(gunk (butt rick) loaf)) :: [wing hoon]s, hoon
++ expq |.(;~(gunk rope loaf loaf)) :: wing and two hoons
++ expr |.(;~(gunk loaf wisp)) :: hoon and core tail
++ exps |.((butt hank)) :: closed gapped hoons
++ expt |.(;~(gunk wise rope loaf loaf)) :: =^
++ expu |.(;~(gunk rope loaf (butt hank))) :: wing, hoon, hoons
++ expv |.((butt rick)) :: just changes
++ expw |.(;~(gunk rope loaf loaf loaf)) :: wing and three hoons
++ expx |.(;~(gunk loaf wisp)) :: hoon and core tail
++ expy |.(;~(gunk ropa loaf loaf)) :: wings and two hoons
++ expz |.(loaf(bug &)) :: hoon with tracing
++ exp1 |.(;~(gunk loan loaf loaf loaf)) :: spec and three hoons
:: spec contents
++ exqa |.(loan) :: one hoon
++ exqb |.(;~(gunk loan loan)) :: two specs
++ exqc |.(;~(gunk loan loaf)) :: spec then hoon
++ exqd |.(;~(gunk loaf loan)) :: hoon then spec
++ exqe |.(;~(gunk lynx loan)) :: list of names then spec
++ exqs |.((butt hunk)) :: closed gapped specs
++ exqg |.(;~(gunk sym loan)) :: term and spec
++ exqk |.(;~(gunk loaf ;~(plug loan (easy ~)))) :: hoon with one spec
++ exqr |.(;~(gunk loan ;~(plug wasp wisp))) :: spec/aliases?/tail
++ exqn |.(;~(gunk loan (stag %cltr (butt hank)))):: autoconsed hoons
++ exqw |.(;~(gunk loaf loan)) :: hoon and spec
++ exqx |.(;~(gunk loaf loan loan)) :: hoon, two specs
++ exqy |.(;~(gunk loaf loan loan loan)) :: hoon, three specs
++ exqz |.(;~(gunk loaf (butt hunk))) :: hoon, n specs
:: tiki expansion for %wt runes
++ txhp |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/(list (pair spec hoon))}
(~(wthp ah a) b)
(butt ;~(gunk teak ruck))
++ tkkt |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/hoon c/hoon}
(~(wtkt ah a) b c)
;~(gunk teak loaf loaf)
++ txls |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/hoon c/(list (pair spec hoon))}
(~(wtls ah a) b c)
(butt ;~(gunk teak loaf ruck))
++ tkvt |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/hoon c/hoon}
(~(wtvt ah a) b c)
;~(gunk teak loaf loaf)
++ tksg |. %+ cook |= {a/tiki b/hoon c/hoon}
(~(wtsg ah a) b c)
;~(gunk teak loaf loaf)
++ txts |. %+ cook |= {a/spec b/tiki}
(~(wtts ah b) a)
;~(gunk loan teak)
++ txhx |. %+ cook |= {a/skin b/tiki}
(~(wthx ah b) a)
;~(gunk lore teak)
:: hint syntax
++ hinb |.(;~(gunk bont loaf)) :: hint and hoon
++ hinc |. :: optional =en, hoon
;~(pose ;~(gunk bony loaf) (stag ~ loaf)) ::
++ hind |.(;~(gunk bonk loaf bonz loaf)) :: jet hoon "bon"s hoon
++ hine |.(;~(gunk bonk loaf)) :: jet-hint and hoon
++ hinf |. :: 0-3 >s, two hoons
;~ pose
;~(gunk (cook lent (stun [1 3] ban)) loaf loaf)
(stag 0 ;~(gunk loaf loaf))
++ hing |. :: 0-3 >s, three hoons
;~ pose
;~(gunk (cook lent (stun [1 3] ban)) loaf loaf loaf)
(stag 0 ;~(gunk loaf loaf loaf))
++ bonk :: jet signature
;~ pfix cen
;~ pose
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix col ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix dot ;~(pfix dot dem)))))
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix col ;~(plug sym ;~(pfix dot dem))))
;~(plug sym ;~(pfix dot dem))
++ hinh |. :: 1/2 numbers, hoon
;~ gunk
;~ pose
(ifix [lac rac] ;~(plug dem ;~(pfix ace dem)))
++ bont ;~ (bend) :: term, optional hoon
;~(pfix cen sym)
;~(pfix dot ;~(pose wide ;~(pfix muck loaf)))
++ bony (cook |=(a/(list) (lent a)) (plus tis)) :: base 1 =en count
++ bonz :: term-labelled hoons
;~ pose
(cold ~ sig)
%+ ifix
?:(tol [;~(plug duz gap) ;~(plug gap duz)] [lit rit])
(more mash ;~(gunk ;~(pfix cen sym) loaf))
++ lang :: lung sample
$: ros/hoon
$= vil
$% {$tis p/hoon}
{$col p/hoon}
{$ket p/hoon}
{$lit p/(list (pair wing hoon))}
++ lung
%- bend
|: $:lang
^- (unit hoon)
?- -.vil
$col ?:(=([%base %flag] ros) ~ [~ %tsld ros p.vil])
$lit (bind ~(reek ap ros) |=(hyp/wing [%cnts hyp p.vil]))
$ket [~ ros p.vil]
$tis =+ rud=~(flay ap ros)
?~(rud ~ `[%ktts u.rud p.vil])
++ long
%+ knee *hoon |. ~+
;~ lung
;~ pose
;~(plug (cold %tis tis) wide)
;~(plug (cold %col col) wide)
;~(plug (cold %ket ket) wide)
;~ plug
(easy %lit)
(ifix [lit rit] lobo)
++ lobo (most ;~(plug com ace) ;~(glam rope wide))
++ loon (most ;~(plug com ace) ;~(glam wide wide))
++ lute :: tall [] noun
%+ cook |=(hoon +<)
%+ stag %cltr
%+ ifix
[;~(plug lac gap) ;~(plug gap rac)]
(most gap tall)
++ ropa (most col rope)
++ rope :: wing form
%+ knee *wing
|. ~+
%+ (slug |=({a/limb b/wing} [a b]))
;~ pose
(cold [%| 0 ~] com)
%+ cook
|=({a/(list) b/term} ?~(a b [%| (lent a) `b]))
;~(plug (star ket) ;~(pose sym (cold %$ bus)))
%+ cook
|=(a/axis [%& a])
;~ pose
;~(pfix lus dim:ag)
;~(pfix pad (cook |=(a/@ ?:(=(0 a) 0 (mul 2 +($(a (dec a)))))) dim:ag))
;~(pfix bar (cook |=(a/@ ?:(=(0 a) 1 +((mul 2 $(a (dec a)))))) dim:ag))
(cold 1 dot)
++ wise
;~ pose
;~ pfix tis
%+ sear
|= =spec
^- (unit skin)
%+ bind ~(autoname ax & spec)
|= =term
[%name term %spec spec %base %noun]
%+ cook
|= [=term =(unit spec)]
^- skin
?~ unit
[%name term %spec u.unit %base %noun]
;~ plug sym
:: XX: net deprecated
(punt ;~(pfix ;~(pose net tis) wyde))
%+ cook
|= =spec
^- skin
[%spec spec %base %noun]
++ tall :: full tall form
%+ knee *hoon
|.(~+((wart ;~(pose expression:(norm &) long lute apex:(sail &)))))
++ till :: mold tall form
%+ knee *spec
|.(~+((wert ;~(pose structure:(norm &) scad))))
++ wede :: wide bulb
:: XX: lus deprecated
;~(pfix ;~(pose lus net) wide)
++ wide :: full wide form
%+ knee *hoon
|.(~+((wart ;~(pose expression:(norm |) long apex:(sail |)))))
++ wyde :: mold wide form
%+ knee *spec
|.(~+((wert ;~(pose structure:(norm |) scad))))
++ wart
|* zor/rule
%+ here
|= {a/pint b/hoon}
?:(bug [%dbug [wer a] b] b)
++ wert
|* zor/rule
%+ here
|= {a/pint b/spec}
?:(bug [%dbug [wer a] b] b)
++ vest
~/ %vest
|= tub/nail
^- (like hoon)
%. tub
%- full
(ifix [gay gay] tall:vast)
++ vice
|= txt/@ta
^- hoon
(rash txt wide:vast)
++ make :: compile cord to nock
|= txt/@
q:(~(mint ut %noun) %noun (ream txt))
++ rain :: parse with % path
|= {bon/path txt/@}
^- hoon
=+ vaz=vast
~| bon
(scan (trip txt) (full (ifix [gay gay] tall:vaz(wer bon))))
++ ream :: parse cord to hoon
|= txt/@
^- hoon
(rash txt vest)
++ reck :: parse hoon file
|= bon/path
(rain bon .^(@t %cx (weld bon `path`[%hoon ~])))
++ ride :: end-to-end compiler
|= {typ/type txt/@}
^- (pair type nock)
~> %slog.[0 leaf/"ride: parsing"]
=/ gen (ream txt)
~> %slog.[0 leaf/"ride: compiling"]
~< %slog.[0 leaf/"ride: compiled"]
(~(mint ut typ) %noun gen)
:::: 5e: caching compiler
++ wa :: cached compile
|_ worm
++ nell |=(ref/type (nest [%cell %noun %noun] ref)) :: nest in cell
++ nest :: nest:ut, cached
|= {sut/type ref/type}
^- {? worm}
?: (~(has in nes) [sut ref]) [& +>+<]
?. (~(nest ut sut) | ref)
~& %nest-failed
=+ foo=(skol ref)
=+ bar=(skol sut)
~& %nest-need
~> %slog.[0 bar]
~& %nest-have
~> %slog.[0 foo]
[| +>+<.$]
[& +>+<(nes (~(put in nes) [sut ref]))]
++ call :: call gate
|= {vax/vase nam/term som/(each vase ^)}
^- {vase worm}
=^ duf +>+<.$ (open vax nam som)
(slap duf [%limb %$])
++ open :: assemble door
|= {vax/vase nam/term som/(each vase ^)}
^- {vase worm}
=* key [%cncb [[%& 2] ~] [[[%& 6] ~] [%$ 3]] ~]
=^ dor +>+<.$ (slap vax [%limb nam])
=^ mes +>+<.$ (slot 6 dor)
=^ hip +>+<.$
?- -.som
%& (nest p.mes p.p.som)
%| (nets p.mes -.p.som)
?> hip
[[p.dor q.dor(+6 +7.som)] +>+<.$]
++ neat :: type compliance
|= {typ/type som/(each vase ^)}
^- worm
=^ hip +>+<.$
?- -.som
%& (nest typ p.p.som)
%| (nets typ -.p.som)
?> hip
++ nets :: typeless nest
|= {sut/* ref/*}
^- {? worm}
?: (~(has in nes) [sut ref]) [& +>+<]
=+ gat=|=({a/type b/type} (~(nest ut a) | b))
?. (? (slum gat [sut ref]))
~& %nets-failed
=+ tag=`*`skol
=+ foo=(tank (slum tag ref))
=+ bar=(tank (slum tag sut))
~& %nets-need
~> %slog.[0 bar]
~& %nets-have
~> %slog.[0 foo]
[| +>+<.$]
[& +>+<.$(nes (~(put in nes) [sut ref]))]
:: +play: +play:ut, cached
++ play
|= {sut/type gen/hoon}
^- {type worm}
=+ old=(~(get by pay) [sut gen])
?^ old [u.old +>+<.$]
=+ new=(~(play ut sut) gen)
[new +>+<.$(pay (~(put by pay) [sut gen] new))]
:: +mint: +mint:ut to noun, cached
++ mint
|= {sut/type gen/hoon}
^- {(pair type nock) worm}
=+ old=(~(get by mit) [sut gen])
?^ old [u.old +>+<.$]
=+ new=(~(mint ut sut) %noun gen)
[new +>+<.$(mit (~(put by mit) [sut gen] new))]
:: +slam: +slam:ut, cached
++ slam
|= [gat=vase sam=vase]
=/ sut=type [%cell p.gat p.sam]
=/ gen=hoon [%cnsg [%$ ~] [%$ 2] [%$ 3] ~]
=^ new=type +>+<.$ (play sut gen)
[[new (slum q.gat q.sam)] +>+<.$]
:: +slap: +slap:ut, cached
++ slap
|= {vax/vase gen/hoon}
^- {vase worm}
=^ gun +>+< (mint p.vax gen)
[[p.gun .*(q.vax q.gun)] +>+<.$]
:: +slot: +slot:ut, cached
++ slot
|= {axe/@ vax/vase}
^- {vase worm}
=^ gun +>+< (mint p.vax [%$ axe])
[[p.gun .*(q.vax [0 axe])] +>+<.$]
:: +slym: +slym:ut, cached
++ slym
|= {gat/vase sam/*}
^- [vase worm]
(slap gat(+<.q sam) [%limb %$])
++ sped :: specialize vase
|= vax/vase
^- {vase worm}
=+ ^= gen ^- hoon
?@ q.vax [%wtts [%base [%atom %$]] [%& 1]~]
?@ -.q.vax [%wtts [%leaf %tas -.q.vax] [%& 2]~]
[%wtts [%base %cell] [%& 1]~]
=^ typ +>+<.$ (play p.vax [%wtbn gen [%$ 1]])
[[typ q.vax] +>+<.$]
++ spot :: slot then sped
|= {axe/@ vax/vase}
^- {vase worm}
=^ xav +>+< (slot axe vax)
(sped xav)
++ stop :: sped then slot
|= {axe/@ vax/vase}
^- {vase worm}
=^ xav +>+< (sped vax)
(slot axe xav)
:::: 5f: molds and mold builders
++ mane $@(@tas {@tas @tas}) :: XML name+space
++ manx $~([[%$ ~] ~] {g/marx c/marl}) :: dynamic XML node
++ marl (list manx) :: XML node list
++ mars {t/{n/$$ a/{i/{n/$$ v/tape} t/~}} c/~} :: XML cdata
++ mart (list {n/mane v/tape}) :: XML attributes
++ marx $~([%$ ~] {n/mane a/mart}) :: dynamic XML tag
++ mite (list @ta) :: mime type
++ monk (each ship {p/@tas q/@ta}) :: general identity
++ pass @ :: public key
++ ring @ :: private key
++ ship @p :: network identity
++ shop (each ship (list @ta)) :: urbit/dns identity
++ spur path :: ship desk case spur
++ time @da :: galactic time
:::: 5g: profiling support (XX move)
++ pi-heck
|= {nam/@tas day/doss}
^- doss
=+ lam=(~(get by hit.day) nam)
day(hit (~(put by hit.day) nam ?~(lam 1 +(u.lam))))
++ pi-noon :: sample trace
|= {mot/term paz/(list path) day/doss}
=| lax/(unit path)
|- ^- doss
?~ paz day(mon (pi-mope mot mon.day))
%= $
paz t.paz
lax `i.paz
%+ ~(put by cut.day) i.paz
^- hump
=+ nax=`(unit path)`?~(t.paz ~ `i.t.paz)
=+ hup=`hump`=+(hup=(~(get by cut.day) i.paz) ?^(hup u.hup [*moan ~ ~]))
:+ (pi-mope mot mon.hup)
?~ lax out.hup
=+ hag=(~(get by out.hup) u.lax)
(~(put by out.hup) u.lax ?~(hag 1 +(u.hag)))
?~ nax inn.hup
=+ hag=(~(get by inn.hup) u.nax)
(~(put by inn.hup) u.nax ?~(hag 1 +(u.hag)))
++ pi-mope :: add sample
|= {mot/term mon/moan}
?+ mot mon
$fun mon(fun +(fun.mon))
$noc mon(noc +(noc.mon))
$glu mon(glu +(glu.mon))
$mal mon(mal +(mal.mon))
$far mon(far +(far.mon))
$coy mon(coy +(coy.mon))
$euq mon(euq +(euq.mon))
++ pi-moth :: count sample
|= mon/moan ^- @ud
:(add fun.mon noc.mon glu.mon mal.mon far.mon coy.mon euq.mon)
++ pi-mumm :: print sample
|= mon/moan ^- tape
=+ tot=(pi-moth mon)
;: welp
^- tape
?: =(0 noc.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 noc.mon) tot)) "n ")
^- tape
?: =(0 fun.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 fun.mon) tot)) "c ")
^- tape
?: =(0 glu.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 glu.mon) tot)) "g ")
^- tape
?: =(0 mal.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 mal.mon) tot)) "m ")
^- tape
?: =(0 far.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 far.mon) tot)) "f ")
^- tape
?: =(0 coy.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 coy.mon) tot)) "y ")
^- tape
?: =(0 euq.mon) ~
(welp (scow %ud (div (mul 100 euq.mon) tot)) "e ")
++ pi-tell :: produce dump
|= day/doss
^- (list tape)
?: =(day *doss) ~
=+ tot=(pi-moth mon.day)
;: welp
[(welp "events: " (pi-mumm mon.day)) ~]
%+ turn
%+ sort ~(tap by hit.day)
|= {a/{* @} b/{* @}}
(lth +.a +.b)
|= {nam/term num/@ud}
:(welp (trip nam) ": " (scow %ud num))
["" ~]
%- zing
^- (list (list tape))
%+ turn
%+ sort ~(tap by cut.day)
|= {one/(pair path hump) two/(pair path hump)}
(gth (pi-moth mon.q.one) (pi-moth mon.q.two))
|= {pax/path hup/hump}
=+ ott=(pi-moth mon.hup)
;: welp
[(welp "label: " (spud pax)) ~]
[(welp "price: " (scow %ud (div (mul 100 ott) tot))) ~]
[(welp "shape: " (pi-mumm mon.hup)) ~]
?: =(~ out.hup) ~
:- "into:"
%+ turn
%+ sort ~(tap by out.hup)
|=({{* a/@ud} {* b/@ud}} (gth a b))
|= {pax/path num/@ud}
^- tape
:(welp " " (spud pax) ": " (scow %ud num))
?: =(~ inn.hup) ~
:- "from:"
%+ turn
%+ sort ~(tap by inn.hup)
|=({{* a/@ud} {* b/@ud}} (gth a b))
|= {pax/path num/@ud}
^- tape
:(welp " " (spud pax) ": " (scow %ud num))
["" ~]