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Can de-duplication be orthogonal to serialization?
module Data.Noun.Zip where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (zip, unzip)
import Control.Lens
import Text.Printf
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Noun
import Data.Noun.Atom
import Data.Noun.Jam
import Data.Bits
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Data.Flat
import Data.Flat.Bits
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (forM_, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.TH
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.QuickCheck
-- External Types --------------------------------------------------------------
data ZipNode
= ZipAtom !Atom
| ZipCell !ZipRef !ZipRef
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass Flat
data ZipRef
= ZRInline !ZipNode
| ZRIndex !Word
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass Flat
type Zip = [ZipNode]
-- Zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------
type ZipM a = State ([ZipNode], Word, Map Noun Word) a
findDups :: Noun -> Set Noun
findDups = keysSet . filterMap (> 1) . go mempty
ins :: Noun -> Map Noun Word -> Map Noun Word
ins = alterMap (Just . maybe 1 (+1))
go :: Map Noun Word -> Noun -> Map Noun Word
go acc a@(Atom _) = ins a acc
go acc c@(Cell l r) = go (go (ins c acc) l) r
zip :: Noun -> Zip
zip top = evalState (go top >> end) ([], 0, mempty)
dups :: Set Noun
dups = findDups top
end :: ZipM Zip
end = do
(acc, _, _) <- get
pure (reverse acc)
ins :: Noun -> ZipNode -> ZipM ZipRef
ins noun node = do
(acc, nex, tbl) <- get
put (node:acc, nex+1, insertMap noun nex tbl)
pure (ZRIndex nex)
doAtom :: Atom -> ZipM ZipRef
doAtom a = do
if a >= 128 && member (Atom a) dups
then ins (Atom a) (ZipAtom a)
else pure (ZRInline (ZipAtom a))
doCell :: (Noun, Noun) -> ZipM ZipRef
doCell (l,r) = do
lRef <- loop l
rRef <- loop r
let res = ZipCell lRef rRef
if member (Cell l r) dups
then ins (Cell l r) res
else pure (ZRInline res)
loop :: Noun -> ZipM ZipRef
loop noun = do
(acc, nex, tbl) <- get
case (lookup noun tbl, noun) of
(Just w, _) -> pure (ZRIndex w)
(Nothing, Atom atm) -> doAtom atm
(Nothing, Cell l r) -> doCell (l,r)
go :: Noun -> ZipM ZipRef
go noun = do
loop noun >>= \case
ZRInline x -> ins noun x
ZRIndex _ -> error "Impossible -- duplicate top-level node"
-- Unzip -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type UnZipM a = MaybeT (State (Word, Map Word Noun)) a
unzip :: Zip -> Maybe Noun
unzip = \case [] -> Nothing
zs -> L.last <$> cvt zs
cvt :: [ZipNode] -> Maybe [Noun]
cvt nodes = evalState (runMaybeT $ go nodes) (0, mempty)
ins :: Noun -> UnZipM Noun
ins noun = do
modify $ \(nex, tbl) -> (nex+1, insertMap nex noun tbl)
pure noun
find :: ZipRef -> UnZipM Noun
find (ZRInline (ZipAtom a)) = pure (Atom a)
find (ZRInline (ZipCell l r)) = Cell <$> find l <*> find r
find (ZRIndex idx) = do (nex, tbl) <- get
(MaybeT . pure) $ lookup idx tbl
go :: [ZipNode] -> UnZipM [Noun]
go = mapM $ \case ZipAtom a -> ins (Atom a)
ZipCell l r -> ins =<< Cell <$> find l <*> find r
-- Tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------
compareSize :: Noun -> Int
compareSize n = flatSz - jamSz
Buf jamSz _ = fromAtom (jam n)
flatSz = UV.length (bits (zip n))
prop_zipUnzip :: Noun -> Bool
prop_zipUnzip n = Just n == unzip (zip n)
zipFlat :: Noun -> ByteString
zipFlat = flat . zip
unZipFlat :: ByteString -> Maybe Noun
unZipFlat = (>>= unzip) . eitherToMaybe . unflat
prop_zipFlatRoundTrip :: Noun -> Bool
prop_zipFlatRoundTrip n = Just n == (unZipFlat . zipFlat) n
main :: IO ()
main = $(defaultMainGenerator)
dub :: Noun -> Noun
dub x = Cell x x
testSizes :: IO ()
testSizes = do
nouns <- join <$> (replicateM 50 (sample' (arbitrary :: Gen Noun)) :: IO [[Noun]])
traverse_ print $ reverse
$ ordNub
$ sort
$ fmap ((`div` 64) . compareSize)
$ nouns
-- traverse_ print $ filter ((> 1000) . abs . compareSize) nouns