
382 lines
11 KiB

# Booting a Ship
- TODO Correctly setup the Pier directory.
- TODO Hook up CLI command.
- TODO Don't just boot, also run the ship (unless `-x` is set).
- TODO Figure out why ships booted by us don't work.
# Event Pruning
- `king discard-events NUM_EVENTS`: Delete the last `n` events from
the event log.
- `king discard-events-interactive`: Iterate through the events in
the event log, from last to first, pretty-print each event, and
ask if it should be pruned.
# `-L` -- Local-Only Networking
Localhost-only networking, even on real ships.
# `-O` -- Networking Disabled
Run networking drivers, but configure them to never send any packages
and to never open any ports.
# `-N` -- Dry Run
Disable all persistence and use no-op networking.
# `-x` -- Exit Immediately
When creating a new ship, or booting an existing one, simply get to
a good state, snapshot, and then exit. Don't do anything that has
any effect on the outside world, just boot or catch the snapshot up
to the event log.
# Proper Logging
- TODO Consider using RIO's logging infrastructure.
- TODO If that's too heavy, figure out what the best way to do
logging is now.
- TODO Convert all existing logging to the chosen logging system.
- TODO Add more logging to all the places. Logging is super useful.
# Implement subcommands to test event and effect parsing.
- `king * --collect-fx`: All effects that come from the serf get
written into the `effects` LMDB database.
- `king parse-events PIER`: Run through the event log, and parse all
events, print failures.
- `king parse-effects PIER`: Run through the event log, and parse all
effects, print any failures.
- `king clear-fx PIER`: Deletes all collected effects.
- `king full-replay PIER`: Replays the whole event log events, print
any failures. On success, replace the snapshot.
# Validate Pill Files
- `king validate-pill PILL`: Parse a pill file. Print an error on
exit, and print a description of the pill on success.
# Full Replay -- An Integration Test
- Copy the event log:
- Create a new event log at the destination.
- Stream events from the first event log.
- Parse each event.
- Re-Serialize each event.
- Verify that the round-trip was successful.
- Write the event into the new database.
- Replay the event log at the destination.
- If `--collect-fx` is set, then record effects as well.
- Snapshot.
- Verify that the final mug is the same as it was before.
# Implement Remaining Serf Flags
- `DebugRam`: Memory debugging.
- `DebugCpu`: Profiling
- `CheckCorrupt`: Heap Corruption Tests
- `CheckFatal`: TODO What is this?
- `Verbose`: TODO Just the `-v` flag?
- `DryRun`: TODO Just the `-N` flag?
- `Quiet`: TODO Just the `-q` flag?
- `Hashless`: Don't use hashboard for jets.
- `Trace`: TODO What does this do?
module Main where
import ClassyPrelude
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty
import Arvo
import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate)
import Data.Acquire
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (replicate)
import Noun hiding (Parser)
import Vere.Pier
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Vere.Serf
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Lens ((&))
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
import qualified CLI
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
import qualified Vere.Pier as Pier
import qualified Vere.Serf as Serf
zod :: Ship
zod = 0
removeFileIfExists :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFileIfExists pax = do
exists <- doesFileExist pax
when exists $ do
removeFile pax
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny = Control.Exception.catch
wipeSnapshot :: FilePath -> IO ()
wipeSnapshot shipPath = do
removeFileIfExists (shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/north.bin")
removeFileIfExists (shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/south.bin")
print (shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/north.bin")
print (shipPath <> "/.urb/chk/south.bin")
tryBootFromPill :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Ship -> IO ()
tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship = do
wipeSnapshot shipPath
with (Pier.booted pillPath shipPath serfFlags ship) $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
print "lul"
print ss
threadDelay 500000
shutdown serf 0 >>= print
putStrLn "[tryBootFromPill] Booted!"
runAcquire act = with act pure
tryPlayShip :: FilePath -> IO ()
tryPlayShip shipPath = do
runAcquire $ do
sls <- Pier.resumed shipPath serfFlags
Pier.pier shipPath Nothing sls
tryResume :: FilePath -> IO ()
tryResume shipPath = do
with (Pier.resumed shipPath serfFlags) $ \(serf, log, ss) -> do
print ss
threadDelay 500000
shutdown serf 0 >>= print
putStrLn "[tryResume] Resumed!"
tryFullReplay :: FilePath -> IO ()
tryFullReplay shipPath = do
wipeSnapshot shipPath
tryResume shipPath
tryParseEvents :: FilePath -> EventId -> IO ()
tryParseEvents dir first = do
vPax <- newIORef []
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
let ident = Log.identity log
print ident
runConduit $ Log.streamEvents log first
.| showEvents vPax first (fromIntegral $ lifecycleLen ident)
paths <- sort . ordNub <$> readIORef vPax
for_ paths print
showEvents :: IORef [Path] -> EventId -> EventId
-> ConduitT ByteString Void IO ()
showEvents vPax eId cycle = await >>= \case
Nothing -> print "Done!"
Just bs -> do
-- print ("got event", eId)
n <- liftIO $ cueBSExn bs
-- print ("done cue", eId)
when (eId <= cycle) $ do
putStrLn ("[tryParseEvents] lifecycle nock: " <> tshow eId)
when (eId > cycle) $ liftIO $ do
(mug, wen, evNoun) <- unpackJob n
case fromNounErr evNoun of
Left err -> liftIO $ do
-- pPrint err
-- pPrint evNoun
print err
Right (ev :: Ev) -> do
-- print ev
pure ()
-- pPrint ev
-- paths <- readIORef vPax
-- let pax = case ev of Ovum pax _ -> pax
-- writeIORef vPax (pax:paths)
-- print ("done from noun", eId)
-- print (Job eId mug $ DateOvum date ev)
-- unless (eId - first > 1000) $
showEvents vPax (succ eId) cycle
unpackJob :: Noun -> IO (Mug, Wen, Noun)
unpackJob n = fromNounExn n
serfFlags :: Serf.Flags
serfFlags = [Serf.Hashless, Serf.DryRun] -- [Serf.Verbose, Serf.Trace]
collectedFX :: FilePath -> Acquire ()
collectedFX top = do
log <- Log.existing (top <> "/.urb/log")
serf <- (Serf.Config top serfFlags)
liftIO (Serf.collectFX serf log)
collectAllFx :: FilePath -> IO ()
collectAllFx top = do
wipeSnapshot top
with (collectedFX top) $ \() ->
putStrLn "[collectAllFx] Done collecting effects!"
tryDoStuff :: FilePath -> IO ()
tryDoStuff shipPath = runInBoundThread $ do
let pillPath = "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/bin/solid.pill"
ship = zod
-- collectAllFx "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/s/testnet-zod/"
-- tryParseEvents "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/s/zod/.urb/log" 1
-- tryParseEvents "/home/benjamin/r/urbit/s/testnet-zod/.urb/log" 1
-- tryParseFX "/home/benjamin/zod-fx" 1 100000000
-- tryParseFX "/home/benjamin/testnet-zod-fx" 1 100000000
-- tryBootFromPill pillPath shipPath ship
-- tryResume shipPath
tryPlayShip shipPath
-- tryFullReplay shipPath
pure ()
newShip :: CLI.New -> CLI.Opts -> IO ()
newShip CLI.New{..} _ = do
tryBootFromPill nPillPath nPierPath (Ship 0)
runShip :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> IO ()
runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) _ = tryPlayShip pierPath
main :: IO ()
main = CLI.parseArgs >>= \case
CLI.CmdRun r o -> runShip r o
CLI.CmdNew r o -> pPrint (CLI.CmdNew r o)
CLI.CmdTry p -> tryDoStuff p
tryParseFX :: FilePath -> Word -> Word -> IO ()
tryParseFX pax first last =
runConduit $ streamFX pax first last
.| tryParseFXStream
streamFX :: FilePath -> Word -> Word -> ConduitT () ByteString IO ()
streamFX dir first last = loop first
loop n = do
-- when (n `mod` 1000 == 0) $ do
-- print n
let fil = dir <> "/" <> show n
exists <- liftIO (doesFileExist fil)
when (exists && n <= last) $ do
liftIO (readFile fil) >>= yield
loop (n+1)
tryParseFXStream :: ConduitT ByteString Void IO ()
tryParseFXStream = loop 0 (mempty :: Set (Text, Noun))
loop 1 pax = for_ (setToList pax) print
loop errors pax =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> for_ (setToList pax) $ \(t,n) ->
putStrLn (t <> ": " <> tshow n)
Just bs -> do
n <- liftIO (cueBSExn bs)
fromNounErr n & \case
Left err -> print err >> loop (errors + 1) pax
Right [] -> loop errors pax
Right (fx :: FX) -> do
-- pax <- pure $ Set.union pax
-- $ setFromList
-- $ fx <&> \(Effect p v) -> (getTag v, toNoun p)
loop errors pax
-- getTag :: Effect -> Text
-- getTag fx =
-- let n = toNoun fx
-- in case n of
-- A _ -> maybe "ERR" unCord (fromNoun n)
-- C h _ -> maybe "ERR" unCord (fromNoun h)
tryCopyLog :: IO ()
tryCopyLog = do
let logPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog/"
falselogPath = "/Users/erg/src/urbit/zod/.urb/falselog2/"
persistQ <- newTQueueIO
releaseQ <- newTQueueIO
(ident, nextEv, events) <-
with (do { log <- Log.existing logPath
; Pier.runPersist log persistQ (writeTQueue releaseQ)
; pure log
\log -> do
ident <- pure $ Log.identity log
events <- runConduit (Log.streamEvents log 1 .| consume)
nextEv <- Log.nextEv log
pure (ident, nextEv, events)
print ident
print nextEv
print (length events)
persistQ2 <- newTQueueIO
releaseQ2 <- newTQueueIO
with (do { log <- falselogPath ident
; Pier.runPersist log persistQ2 (writeTQueue releaseQ2)
; pure log
$ \log2 -> do
let writs = zip [1..] events <&> \(id, a) ->
(Writ id Nothing a, [])
print "About to write"
for_ writs $ \w ->
atomically (writeTQueue persistQ2 w)
print "About to wait"
replicateM_ 100 $ do
atomically $ readTQueue releaseQ2
print "Done"