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:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::: :::::: Postface ::::::
:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
~> %slog.[0 leaf+"%arvo-assembly"]
=- ~> %slog.[0 leaf+"%arvo-assembled"]
=< ::
:: Arvo formal interface
:: this lifecycle wrapper makes the arvo door (multi-armed core)
:: look like a gate (function or single-armed core), to fit
:: urbit's formal lifecycle function. a practical interpreter
:: can ignore it.
|= [now=@da ovo=*]
^- *
~> %slog.[0 leaf+"arvo-event"]
.(+> +:(poke now ovo))
:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::: :::::: volume 3, Arvo models and skeleton ::::::
:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+| %global
:: $arch: fundamental node
:: $beak: global context
:: $beam: global name
:: $bone: opaque duct handle
:: $case: global version
:: $cage: marked vase
:: +cask: marked data builder
:: $desk: local workspace
:: $dock: message target
:: $mark: symbolic content type
:: $ship: network identity
:: $sink: subscription
+$ arch [fil=(unit @uvI) dir=(map @ta ~)]
+$ beam [beak s=path]
+$ beak (trel ship desk case)
+$ bone @ud
+$ case
$% :: %da: date
:: %tas: label
:: %ud: sequence
[%da p=@da]
[%tas p=@tas]
[%ud p=@ud]
+$ cage (cask vase)
++ cask |$ [a] (pair mark a)
+$ desk @tas
+$ dock (pair @p term)
+$ mark @tas
+$ ship @p
+$ sink (trel bone ship path)
+| %meta
:: +hypo: type-associated builder
:: $meta: meta-vase
:: $maze: vase, or meta-vase
++ hypo
|$ [a]
(pair type a)
+$ meta (pair)
+$ maze (each vase meta)
+| %interface
:: $ball: dynamic kernel action
:: $curd: tagged, untyped event
:: $duct: causal history
:: +hobo: %soft task builder
:: $goof: crash label and trace XX fail/ruin/crud/flaw/lack/miss
:: $mass: memory usage
:: $monk: general identity
:: $move: cause and action
:: $ovum: card with cause
:: $scry-sample: vane +scry argument
:: $vane-sample: vane wrapper-gate aargument
:: $sley: namespace function
:: $slyd: super advanced
:: $slyt: old namespace
:: +wind: kernel action builder
:: $wire: event pretext
:: +wite: kernel action/error builder
+$ ball (wite [vane=term task=maze] maze)
+$ curd (cask)
+$ duct (list wire)
++ hobo
|$ [a]
$? $% [%soft p=*]
+$ goof [mote=term =tang]
+$ mass $~ $+|+~
(pair cord (each * (list mass)))
+$ monk (each ship (pair @tas @ta))
+$ move [=duct =ball]
+$ ovum (pair wire curd)
+$ scry-sample
[fur=(unit (set monk)) ren=@tas why=shop syd=desk lot=coin tyl=path]
+$ vane-sample
[our=ship now=@da eny=@uvJ ski=slyd]
+$ sley
$- [* (unit (set monk)) term beam]
(unit (unit cage))
+$ slyd
$~ =>(~ |~(* ~))
$- [* (unit (set monk)) term beam]
(unit (unit (cask meta)))
+$ slyt $-(^ (unit (unit)))
++ wind
|$ :: a: forward
:: b: reverse
[a b]
$% :: %pass: advance
:: %slip: lateral
:: %give: retreat
[%pass p=path q=a]
[%slip p=a]
[%give p=b]
+$ wire path
++ wite
|$ :: note: a routed $task
:: gift: a reverse action
:: NB: task: a forward action
:: sign: a sourced $gift
[note gift]
$% :: %hurl: action failed
:: %pass: advance
:: %slip: lateral
:: %give: retreat
[%hurl =goof wite=$;($>(?(%pass %give) $))]
[%pass =wire =note]
[%slip =note]
[%give =gift]
+| %implementation
:: $pane: kernel modules
:: $pone: kernel modules old
:: $vane: kernel module
:: $vile: reflexive constants
+$ pane (list (pair @tas vase))
+$ pone (list (pair @tas vise))
+$ vane [=vase =worm]
+$ vile
$: typ=type :: -:!>(*type)
duc=type :: -:!>(*duct)
wir=type :: -:!>(*wire)
dud=type :: -:!>(*(unit goof))
~% %hex +> ~
:: section 3bE, Arvo core ::
++ sloy
:: +sloy: adapter from old style scrys to new style scrys
:: This does path parsing which shows up hot, but removing the last +slay
:: here requires deeper interface changes.
~/ %sloy
|= sod/slyd
^- slyt
|= {ref/* raw/*}
=+ pux=((soft path) raw)
?~ pux ~
?. ?=({@ @ @ @ *} u.pux) ~
=+ :* hyr=(slaw %tas i.u.pux)
fal=(slaw %p i.t.u.pux)
dyc=(slaw %tas i.t.t.u.pux)
ved=(slay i.t.t.t.u.pux)
?~ hyr ~
?~ fal ~
?~ dyc ~
?. ?=(^ ved) ~
=/ ron=@tas u.hyr
=/ bed=beam
[[u.fal u.dyc (case p.u.ved)] (flop tyl)]
=/ bop=(unit (unit (cask meta)))
(sod ref ~ ron bed)
?~ bop ~
?~ u.bop [~ ~]
:: XX figure out wth to do about hoon-version
?. ?& ?=([?(%151 %141) *] ref)
-:(~(nets wa *worm) +.ref -.q.u.u.bop)
~>(%slog.[0 leaf+"arvo: scry-lost"] ~)
[~ ~ +.q.u.u.bop]
:: +sloy-light: minimal parsing version of sloy
:: There are several places inside vanes where we manually call the scry
:: function raw, instead of passing it into +mink. In those cases, we're
:: paying the price to render the arguments as text, and then are
:: immediately parsing the passed in data. We can avoid that.
:: TODO: The entire scrying system needs to be cleaned up in a more
:: permanent way. This hack fixes up some print/parse costs, but doesn't
:: recover the print/parse costs of the scry itself, which we could prevent
:: if we didn't send (list @ta), but instead sent (list dime).
++ sloy-light
~/ %sloy-light
|= sod/slyd
|= [ref=* ron=@tas fal=@p dyc=@tas ved=case tyl=path]
:: we do not flop tyl because tyl wouldn't have been flopped by +en-beam
=/ bed=beam
[[fal dyc ved] tyl]
=/ bop=(unit (unit (cask meta)))
(sod ref ~ ron bed)
?~ bop ~
?~ u.bop [~ ~]
:: XX figure out wth to do about hoon-version
?. ?& ?=([?(%151 %141) *] ref)
-:(~(nets wa *worm) +.ref -.q.u.u.bop)
~>(%slog.[0 leaf+"arvo: scry-dark"] ~)
[~ ~ +.q.u.u.bop]
:: |part: arvo structures and engines
++ part
=> |%
:: $card: tagged, untyped event
:: $ovum: card with cause
:: XX replace top-level structures
+$ card (cask)
+$ ovum [=wire =card]
~% %part +> ~
+| %utilities
:: XX move into |wa?
:: +slur: slam a vase with a maze
++ slur
|= [sac=worm gat=vase sam=maze]
^- [vase worm]
=^ cur sac (~(slot wa sac) 6 gat)
=^ hig sac
?- -.sam
%& (~(nest wa sac) p.cur p.p.sam)
%| (~(nets wa sac) p.cur p.p.sam)
?> hig
(~(slym wa sac) gat q.p.sam)
:: +slid: cons a vase onto a maze
++ slid
|= [hed=vase tal=maze]
^- maze
?- -.tal
%& [%& (slop hed p.tal)]
%| [%| [%cell p.hed p.p.tal] [q.hed q.p.tal]]
+| %engines
:: |me: dynamic analysis
++ me
~/ %me
|_ :: sac: compiler cache
:: pyt: cached types
[sac=worm vil=vile]
:: +refine-moves: move list from vase
++ refine-moves
|= vax=vase
^- (pair (list move) worm)
?: =(~ q.vax) [~ sac]
=^ hed sac (~(slot wa sac) 2 vax)
=^ tal sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 vax)
=^ mov sac (refine-move hed)
=^ moz sac $(vax tal)
[[mov moz] sac]
:: +refine-move: move from vase
++ refine-move
|= vax=vase
^- (pair move worm)
~> %mean.'bad-move'
=^ hip sac (~(nell wa sac) p.vax)
?. hip
~>(%mean.'not-cell' !!)
=/ duc
~> %mean.'bad-duct'
;;(duct -.q.vax)
:: yat: specialized ball vase
=^ yat sac (~(spot wa sac) 3 vax)
=^ del sac (refine-ball yat)
[[duc del] sac]
:: +refine-ball: ball from vase
++ refine-ball
|= vax=vase
^- (pair ball worm)
?+ q.vax
~> %mean.'bad-ball'
~_ (sell vax)
[%give card]
:: yed: vase containing card
:: hil: card as maze
=^ yed sac (~(spot wa sac) 3 vax)
=^ hil sac (refine-card yed)
[[%give hil] sac]
[%pass wire=* vane=term card]
=/ =wire
~> %mean.'bad-wire'
;;(wire wire.q.vax)
=/ vane
~> %mean.'bad-vane-label'
?> ((sane %tas) vane.q.vax)
:: yed: vase containing card
:: hil: card as maze
=^ xav sac (~(spot wa sac) 7 vax)
=^ yed sac (~(spot wa sac) 3 xav)
=^ hil sac (refine-card yed)
[[%pass wire vane hil] sac]
[%slip vane=term card]
=/ vane
~> %mean.'bad-vane-label'
?> ((sane %tas) vane.q.vax)
:: yed: vase containing card
:: hil: card as maze
=^ xav sac (~(spot wa sac) 3 vax)
=^ yed sac (~(spot wa sac) 3 xav)
=^ hil sac (refine-card yed)
[[%slip vane hil] sac]
[%hurl goof=^ ball=*]
=/ =goof
=/ mote -.goof.q.vax
?> ?& ?=(@ mote)
((sane %tas) mote)
[mote ;;(tang +.goof.q.vax)]
=^ bal sac
=^ lab sac (~(spot wa sac) 7 vax)
$(vax lab)
?> ?=(?(%pass %give) -.p.bal)
[[%hurl goof p.bal] sac]
:: +refine-card: card from vase
++ refine-card
|= vax=vase
^- (pair maze worm)
~> %mean.'bad-card'
=^ hip sac (~(nell wa sac) p.vax)
?> hip
?. ?=(%meta -.q.vax)
:: for a non-meta card, the maze is the vase
[[%& vax] sac]
~> %mean.'bad-meta'
:: tiv: vase of vase of card
:: typ: vase of span
=^ tiv sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 vax)
=^ hip sac (~(nell wa sac) p.tiv)
?> hip
=^ typ sac (~(slot wa sac) 2 tiv)
=. sac (~(neat wa sac) typ.vil [%& typ])
:: support for meta-meta-cards has been removed
?> ?=(meta q.tiv)
[[%| q.tiv] sac]
:: |va: vane engine
++ va
~/ %va
|_ [our=ship vil=vile vax=vase sac=worm]
:: |plow:va: operate in time and space
++ plow
|= [now=@da sky=slyd]
:: +peek:plow:va: read from a local namespace
++ peek
|= [fur=(unit (set monk)) ren=@t bed=beam]
^- (unit (unit (cask meta)))
:: namespace reads receive no entropy
=/ sam=vane-sample [our now *@uvJ sky]
=^ rig sac
~> %mean.'peek: activation failed'
(~(slym wa sac) vax sam)
=^ gat sac
~> %mean.'peek: call failed'
(~(slap wa sac) rig [%limb %scry])
;; (unit (unit (cask meta)))
%+ slum q.gat
^- scry-sample
:* fur
[%& p.bed]
`coin`[%$ r.bed]
(flop s.bed)
:: |spin:plow:va: move statefully
++ spin
|= [hen=duct eny=@uvJ dud=(unit goof)]
=* duc [duc.vil hen]
=* err [dud.vil dud]
=/ sam=vane-sample [our now eny sky]
=^ rig sac
~> %mean.'spin: activation failed'
(~(slym wa sac) vax sam)
:: +slix: en-hypo
++ slix
|= hil=maze
^- maze
?- -.hil
%& [%& (slop [typ.vil p.p.hil] p.hil)]
%| [%| [%cell typ.vil p.p.hil] p.hil]
:: +peel:spin:plow:va: extract products, finalize vane
++ peel
|= pro=vase
^- (pair [vase vase] worm)
=^ moz sac (~(slot wa sac) 2 pro)
=^ vem sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 pro)
:: replace vane sample with default to plug leak
=. +<.q.vem *vane-sample
[[moz vem] sac]
:: +call:spin:plow:va: advance statefully
++ call
|= task=maze
^- (pair [vase vase] worm)
~> %mean.'call: failed'
=^ gat sac
(~(slap wa sac) rig [%limb %call])
:: sample is [duct (unit goof) (hypo (hobo task))]
=/ sam=maze
(slid duc (slid err (slix task)))
=^ pro sac (slur sac gat sam)
(peel pro)
:: +take:spin:plow:va: retreat statefully
++ take
|= [=wire from=term gift=maze]
^- (pair [vase vase] worm)
~> %mean.'take: failed'
=^ gat sac
(~(slap wa sac) rig [%limb %take])
=/ src=vase
[[%atom %tas `from] from]
:: sample is [wire duct (unit goof) (hypo sign=[term gift])]
=/ sam=maze
=* tea [wir.vil wire]
(slid tea (slid duc (slid err (slix (slid src gift)))))
=^ pro sac (slur sac gat sam)
(peel pro)
:: |le: arvo event-loop engine
++ le
=> |%
:: $germ: worklist source and stack depth
:: $plan: worklist
+$ germ [vane=term depth=@ud]
+$ plan (pair germ (list move))
~% %le +>+> ~
=| $: :: run: list of worklists
:: out: pending output
:: gem: worklist metadata
:: dud: propagate error
run=(list plan)
out=(list ovum)
dud=(unit goof)
|_ $: our=ship
van=(map term vane)
+* this .
:: +abet: finalize loop
++ abet
^- (pair (list ovum) (list (pair term vane)))
:- (flop out)
%+ sort
~(tap by van)
|=([[a=@tas *] [b=@tas *]] (aor a b))
:: +emit: enqueue a worklist with source
++ emit
|= [src=term moz=(list move)]
=/ =plan [[src +(depth.gem)] moz]
this(run [plan run])
:: +poke: prepare a worklist-of-one from outside
++ poke
|= [vane=term =ovum]
^+ this
~> %mean.'arvo: poke crashed'
~? !lac ["" %unix p.card.ovum wire.ovum now]
=/ =maze
=/ =type [%cell [%atom %tas `%soft] %noun]
[%& type [%soft card.ovum]]
=/ =move
~| [%bad-wire wire.ovum]
?> ?=([%$ *] wire.ovum)
[duct=~ %pass t.wire.ovum vane maze]
(emit %$ move ~)
:: +crud: prepare a worklist-of-one with error report from outside
++ crud
|= [vane=term =goof =ovum]
^+ this
~> %mean.'arvo: crud crashed'
~? !lac ["" %unix %crud p.card.ovum wire.ovum now]
=/ =maze
=/ =type [%cell [%atom %tas `%soft] %noun]
[%& type [%soft card.ovum]]
=/ =move
~| [%bad-wire wire.ovum]
?> ?=([%$ *] wire.ovum)
[duct=~ %hurl goof %pass t.wire.ovum vane maze]
(emit %$ move ~)
:: +spam: prepare a worklist for all targets
++ spam
|= =ovum
^+ this
~> %mean.'arvo: spam crashed'
:: fix up wire on %vega from previous kernel
=? wire.ovum =(ovum [/ %vega ~]) //arvo
=/ ord=(list (pair term *))
%+ sort
~(tap by van)
|=([[a=@ *] [b=@ *]] (aor b a))
|- ^+ this
?~ ord
=. this (poke p.i.ord ovum)
$(ord t.ord)
:: +loop: until done
++ loop
^+ this
~> %mean.'arvo: loop crashed'
?~ run
?: =(~ q.i.run) :: XX TMI
loop(run t.run)
=. dud ~
=. gem p.i.run
=^ mov q.i.run q.i.run
loop:(step mov)
:: +step: advance the loop one step by routing a move
++ step
|= =move
^+ this
~? &(!lac ?=(^ dud)) %goof
?- -.ball.move
:: %pass: forward move
=* wire wire.ball.move
=* duct duct.move
=* vane vane.note.ball.move
=* task task.note.ball.move
~? &(!lac !=(%$ vane.gem))
:- (runt [(dec depth.gem) '|'] "")
:^ %pass [vane.gem vane]
?: ?=(?(%deal %deal-gall) +>-.task)
:- :- +>-.task
;;([[ship ship] term term] [+>+< +>+>- +>+>+<]:task)
[(symp +>-.task) wire]
:: cons source onto wire, and wire onto duct
(call [[vane.gem wire] duct] vane task)
:: %slip: lateral move
=* duct duct.move
=* vane vane.note.ball.move
=* task task.note.ball.move
~? !lac
:- (runt [(dec depth.gem) '|'] "")
[%slip vane.gem (symp +>-.task) duct]
(call duct vane task)
:: %give: return move
?. ?=(^ duct.move)
~>(%mean.'give-no-duct' !!)
=/ wire i.duct.move
=/ duct t.duct.move
=* gift gift.ball.move
?~ duct
:: the caller was Outside
~| [%xeno wire (symp -.q.p.gift)]
?> ?=([%$ *] wire)
(xeno wire gift)
:: the caller was a vane
=^ vane=term wire
~| [%give duct.move (symp -.q.p.gift)]
?>(?=(^ wire) wire)
~? &(!lac |(!=(%blit +>-.gift) !=(%d vane.gem)))
:- (runt [(dec depth.gem) '|'] "")
:^ %give vane.gem
?: ?=(%unto +>-.gift)
[+>-.gift (symp +>+<.gift)]
(symp +>-.gift)
(take duct wire vane gift)
:: %hurl: action with error
%= $
dud `goof.ball.move
ball.move wite.ball.move
:: +peek: read from the entire namespace
++ peek
^- slyd
|= [typ=* fur=(unit (set monk)) ron=term bed=beam]
^- (unit (unit (cask meta)))
:: XX identity is defaulted to ship from beam
=> .(fur ?^(fur fur `[[%& p.bed] ~ ~]))
:: XX vane and care are concatenated
=/ lal (end 3 1 ron)
=/ ren ;;(@t (rsh 3 1 ron))
?. (~(has by van) lal)
(peek:(plow lal) fur ren bed)
:: +xeno: stash pending output
++ xeno
|= [=wire gift=maze]
^+ this
this(out [[wire ;;(card q.p.gift)] out])
:: +call: advance to target
++ call
|= [=duct way=term task=maze]
^+ this
%+ push way
%. task
call:(spin:(plow way) duct eny dud)
:: +take: retreat along call-stack
++ take
|= [=duct =wire way=term gift=maze]
^+ this
%+ push way
:: cons source onto .gift to make a $sign
%. [wire [vane.gem gift]]
take:(spin:(plow way) duct eny dud)
:: +push: finalize an individual step
++ push
|= [way=term [zom=vase vax=vase] sac=worm]
^+ this
=^ moz sac
(~(refine-moves me sac vil) zom)
=. van (~(put by van) way [vax sac])
(emit way moz)
:: +plow: operate on a vane, in time and space
++ plow
|= way=term
~| [%plow-failed way]
=/ =vane
~| [%missing-vane way]
(~(got by van) way)
(~(plow va [our vil vane]) now peek)
++ symp :: symbol or empty
|= a=* ^- @tas
?.(&(?=(@ a) ((sane %tas) a)) %$ a)
++ vent :: vane core
|= [who=ship lal=@tas vil=vile bud=vase =vane]
~% %vent +>+ ~
++ ruck :: update vase
|= {pax/path txt/@ta}
^+ +>
=- ?:(?=(%| -.res) ((slog p.res) +>.$) p.res)
^= res %- mule |.
:: XX should use real entropy and the real date
=/ arg=vane-sample
[who ~2000.1.1 *@uvJ =>(~ |~(* ~))]
=+ rig=(slym vase.vane arg)
=+ gen=(rain pax txt)
=+ rev=(slym (slap bud gen) bud)
=+ syg=(slym rev arg)
:: update the vane itself
:: We don't cache the n+slap/+slam types because they're only used once
:: right here; they'll never be used again.
=. vase.vane
~| %load-lost
(slam (slap syg [%limb %load]) (slap rig [%limb %stay]))
:: prime the new compiler cache
:: reset and prime the worm cache for scrys
:: If the +slap/+slym in scry isn't cached, we spend the majority of
:: the time in a scry in the compiler. The +scry gate cannot have side
:: effects so we can't modify the cache at access time. So we seed the
:: cache with all the things +scry will need when we install the vane
++ prime
^+ ..prime
%_ ..prime
:: reset cache and add in vane activation entry
=^ rig worm.vane
(~(slym wa *worm) vase.vane *vane-sample)
:: cache the access of the %scry arm
+:(~(slap wa worm.vane) rig [%limb %scry])
++ vint :: create vane
|= $: who=ship
=- ?:(?=(%| -.res) ((slog p.res) ~) (some p.res))
^= res %- mule |.
~| [%failed-vint lal]
=+ gen=(rain pax txt)
~& [%vane-parsed `@p`(mug gen)]
=+ pro=(vent who lal vil bud [(slym (slap bud gen) bud) *worm])
~& [%vane-compiled `@p`(mug pro)]
++ viol :: vane tools
|= but/type
^- vile
=+ pal=|=(a/@t ^-(type (~(play ut but) (vice a))))
:* typ=(pal '$:type')
duc=(pal '$:duct')
wir=(pal '$:wire')
dud=(pal '=<($ (unit goof))') :: XX misparse
++ dint :: input routing
|= hap/path ^- @tas
?+ hap ~|([%bad-dint hap] !!)
{@ $ames *} %a
{@ $boat *} %c
{@ $newt *} %a
{@ $sync *} %c
{@ $term *} %d
{@ $http-client *} %i
{@ $http-server *} %e
{@ $behn *} %b
++ is &
=< :: Arvo larval stage
:: The true Arvo kernel knows who it is. It should not *maybe*
:: have an identity, nor should it contain multitudes. This outer
:: kernel exists to accumulate identity, entropy, and the
:: standard library. Upon having done so, it upgrades itself into
:: the true Arvo kernel. Subsequent upgrades will fall through
:: the larval stage directly into the actual kernel.
:: For convenience, this larval stage also supports hoon compilation
:: with +wish and vane installation with the %veer event.
=/ pit=vase !>(..is)
=| $: :: who: our identity once we know it
:: eny: entropy once we learn it
:: bod: %zuse once we receive it
who=(unit ship)
eny=(unit @)
bod=(unit vase)
:: larval Arvo structural interface
++ come ^come :: 4
++ load ^load :: 10
++ peek |=(* ~) :: 46
++ poke |= * :: 47
^- [(list ovum) *]
=> .(+< ;;([now=@da ovo=ovum] +<))
^- [(list ovum) *]
=. +>.$
?+ -.q.ovo
:: ignore unrecognized
~& [%larval-ignore p.ovo -.q.ovo]
:: install %zuse or vane
^+ +>.$
:: use the maximum comet if we don't know who we are yet
=/ our
?^ who
=/ fip=ship (dec (bex 128))
~>(%slog.[0 leaf+"arvo: larval identity {(scow %p fip)}"] fip)
=. ..veer (veer our now q.ovo)
+>.$(bod ?^(bod bod `bud.^poke))
:: add entropy
^+ +>.$
?> ?=(@ q.q.ovo)
+>.$(eny `q.q.ovo)
:: become who you were born to be
^+ +>.$
?> ?=(@ q.q.ovo)
+>.$(who `q.q.ovo)
:: upgrade once we've accumulated identity, entropy, and %zuse
?. &(?=(^ who) ?=(^ eny) ?=(^ bod))
[~ +>.$]
~> %slog.[0 leaf+"arvo: metamorphosis"]
=/ nyf
(turn vanes.^poke |=([label=@tas =vane] [label vase.vane]))
(load u.who now u.eny ova=~ u.bod nyf)
++ wish |= txt=* :: 22
?> ?=(@ txt)
q:(slap ?~(bod pit u.bod) (ream txt))
:: persistent arvo state
=/ pit=vase !>(..is) ::
=/ vil=vile (viol p.pit) :: cached reflexives
=| $: lac=_& :: laconic bit
eny=@ :: entropy
our=ship :: identity
bud=vase :: %zuse
vanes=(list [label=@tas =vane]) :: modules
== ::
=< :: Arvo structural interface
++ come |= [@ @ @ (list ovum) vise pone] :: 4
^- [(list ovum) _+>]
~& %hoon-come
=^ rey +>+ (^come +<)
[rey +>.$]
++ load |= [@ @ @ (list ovum) vase pane] :: 10
^- [(list ovum) _+>]
~& %hoon-load
=^ rey +>+ (^load +<)
[rey +>.$]
++ peek |= * :: 46
=/ rob (^peek ;;([@da path] +<))
?~ rob ~
?~ u.rob ~
[~ u.u.rob]
++ poke |= * :: 47
=> .(+< ;;([now=@da ovo=ovum] +<))
=^ ova +>+.$ (^poke now ovo)
=| out=(list ovum)
|- ^- [(list ovum) *]
?~ ova
[(flop out) +>.^$]
:: upgrade the kernel
?: ?=(%lyra -.q.i.ova)
%+ fall
(vega now t.ova ;;([@ @] +.q.i.ova))
[~ +>.^$]
:: iterate over effects, handling those on arvo proper
:: and passing the rest through as output
=^ vov +>+.^$ (feck now i.ova)
=? out ?=(^ vov) [+.vov out]
$(ova t.ova)
++ wish |=(* (^wish ;;(@ta +<))) :: 22
:: Arvo implementation core
++ come :: load incompatible
|= [who=ship now=@da yen=@ ova=(list ovum) dub=vise nyf=pone]
^+ [ova +>]
=/ fyn (turn nyf |=([a=@tas b=vise] [a (slim b)]))
(load who now yen ova (slim dub) fyn)
++ load :: load compatible
|= [who=ship now=@da yen=@ ova=(list ovum) dub=vase nyf=pane]
^+ [ova +>]
=: our who
eny yen
bud dub
vanes (turn nyf |=({a/@tas b/vise} [a [b *worm]]))
=| out=(list ovum)
|- ^- [(list ovum) _+>.^$]
?~ ova
[(flop out) +>.^$]
:: iterate over effects, handling those on arvo proper
:: and passing the rest through as output
:: In practice, the pending effects after an upgrade
:: are the %veer moves to install %zuse and the vanes,
:: plus a %vega notification that the upgrade is complete.
:: N.B. this implementation assumes that %vega will be
:: at the end of :ova.
?: ?=(%vega -.q.i.ova)
=^ zef=(list ovum) vanes
=< abet:loop
%. i.ova
%~ spam le:part
[our now eny lac vil (~(gas by *(map term vane)) vanes)]
$(out [i.ova out], ova (weld t.ova zef))
=^ vov +>.^$ (feck now i.ova)
=? out ?=(^ vov) [+.vov out]
$(ova t.ova)
++ peek :: external inspect
|= {now/@da hap/path}
^- (unit (unit))
?~ hap [~ ~ hoon-version]
%. [[151 %noun] hap]
%- sloy
%~ peek le:part
[our now eny lac vil (~(gas by *(map term vane)) vanes)]
++ poke :: external apply
|= [now=@da ovo=ovum]
=. eny (shaz (cat 3 eny now))
^- [(list ovum) _+>.$]
:: These external events are actually effects on arvo proper.
:: They can also be produced as the effects of other events.
:: In either case, they fall through here to be handled
:: after the fact in +feck.
?: ?=(?(%veer %verb %wack %warn) -.q.ovo)
[[ovo ~] +>.$]
:: These external events (currently only %trim) are global
:: notifications, spammed to every vane
?: ?=(%trim -.q.ovo)
=> .(ovo ;;((pair wire [%trim p=@ud]) ovo))
=^ zef vanes
^- (pair (list ovum) (list (pair term vane)))
=< abet:loop
%. ovo
%~ spam le:part
[our now eny lac vil (~(gas by *(map term vane)) vanes)]
:: clear compiler caches if high-priority
=? vanes =(0 p.q.ovo)
~> %slog.[0 leaf+"arvo: trim: clearing caches"]
(turn vanes |=([a=@tas =vane] [a vase.vane *worm]))
[zef +>.$]
:: Error notifications are unwrapped and routed as usual
?: ?=(%crud p.q.ovo)
?. ?=(^ q.q.ovo)
~|([%unknown-crud q.ovo] !!)
=^ zef vanes
=* el
~(. le:part [our now eny lac vil (~(gas by *(map term vane)) vanes)])
=< abet:loop
?@ -.q.q.ovo
:: legacy %crud, directly routed
(poke:el (dint p.ovo) ovo)
:: modern %crud, unwrapped and routed w/ $goof
=/ =goof ;;(goof -.q.q.ovo)
=/ =curd ;;(curd +.q.q.ovo)
(crud:el (dint p.ovo) goof p.ovo curd)
[zef +>.$]
:: Normal events are routed to a single vane
=^ zef vanes
=< abet:loop
%. [(dint p.ovo) ovo]
%~ poke le:part
[our now eny lac vil (~(gas by *(map term vane)) vanes)]
[zef +>.$]
:: +feck: handle an arvo effect
++ feck
|= [now=@da ovo=ovum]
^- [(unit ovum) _+>.$]
?+ -.q.ovo
:: pass through unrecognized effect
[[~ ovo] +>.$]
:: toggle event verbose event printfs
[~ +>.$(lac !lac)]
:: install %zuse or vane
[~ (veer our now q.ovo)]
:: add data to memory profile
=. q.q.ovo
:- %userspace
:- %|
:~ hoon+&+pit
:+ %caches %|
%+ turn
%+ sort vanes
|=([a=[lab=@tas *] b=[lab=@tas *]] (aor lab.a lab.b))
|=([label=@tas =vane] [(cat 3 %vane- label) %& worm.vane])
:+ %vases %|
%+ turn
%+ sort vanes
|=([a=[lab=@tas *] b=[lab=@tas *]] (aor lab.a lab.b))
|=([label=@tas =vane] [(cat 3 %vane- label) %& vase.vane])
[[~ ovo] +>.$]
:: add entropy
?> ?=(@ q.q.ovo)
=. eny (shaz (cat 3 eny q.q.ovo))
[~ +>.$]
:: learn of event-replacement failure
:_ +>.$
?. ?=(^ +.q.ovo)
=/ msg=tape
:(weld "(for %" (trip (symp +<.q.ovo)) ") failed")
~> %slog.[0 leaf+(weld "arvo: replacement event " msg)]
?: lac
=/ rep
%- mule |.
((slog (tang +>.q.ovo)) ~)
?.(?=(%& -.rep) ~ p.rep)
++ vega :: reboot kernel
|= $: :: now: current date
:: ova: actions to process after reboot
:: hun: hoon.hoon source
:: arv: arvo.hoon source
ova=(list ovum)
^- (unit (pair (list ovum) *))
:: virtualize; dump error if we fail
=- ?:(?=(%| -.res) ((slog p.res) ~) `p.res)
^= res %- mule |.
:: produce a new kernel and an effect list
^- (pair (list ovum) *)
:: compile the hoon.hoon source with the current compiler
=/ raw
~& [%hoon-compile `@p`(mug hun)]
(ride %noun hun)
:: activate the new compiler gate, producing +ride
=/ cop .*(0 +.raw)
:: find the hoon version number of the new kernel
=/ nex
(@ .*(cop q:(~(mint ut p.raw) %noun [%limb %hoon-version])))
?> |(=(nex hoon-version) =(+(nex) hoon-version))
:: if we're upgrading language versions, recompile the compiler
:: hot: raw compiler formula
=> ?: =(nex hoon-version)
[hot=`*`raw .]
~& [%hoon-compile-upgrade nex]
=/ hot (slum cop [%noun hun])
.(cop .*(0 +.hot))
:: extract the hoon core from the outer gate (+ride)
=/ hoc .*(cop [%0 7])
:: compute the type of the hoon.hoon core
=/ hyp -:(slum cop [-.hot '+>'])
:: compile arvo
=/ rav
~& [%arvo-compile `@p`(mug hyp) `@p`(mug van)]
(slum cop [hyp van])
:: activate arvo, and extract the arvo core from the outer gate
=/ voc .*(hoc [%7 +.rav %0 7])
:: entry gate: ++load for the normal case, ++come for upgrade
=/ gat
=/ arm ?:(=(nex hoon-version) 'load' 'come')
:: compute the type of the arvo.hoon core
=/ vip -:(slum cop [-.rav '+>'])
:: compute the formula for the upgrade gate
=/ fol +:(slum cop [vip arm])
:: produce the upgrade gate
.*(voc fol)
:: upgrade gate sample
=/ sam
:* our
:: tack a notification onto the pending effects
(weld ova [`ovum`[//arvo %vega ~] ~])
(turn vanes |=([label=@tas =vane] [label vase.vane]))
:: call into the new kernel
=/ out (slum gat sam)
:: add types to the product
[((list ovum) -.out) +.out]
:: +veer: install %zuse or a vane
:: Identity is in the sample so the larval stage
:: can use this as well.
++ veer
|= [who=ship now=@da fav=curd]
=> .(fav ;;({$veer lal/@ta pax/path txt/@t} fav))
=- ?:(?=(%| -.res) ((slog p.res) +>.$) p.res)
^= res %- mule |.
?: =(%$ lal.fav)
~& [%tang pax.fav `@p`(mug txt.fav)]
=+ gen=(rain pax.fav txt.fav)
=+ vax=(slap pit gen)
+>.^$(bud vax)
%_ +>.^$
|- ^+ vanes
?~ vanes
~& [%vane `@tas`lal.fav pax.fav `@p`(mug txt.fav)]
=+ vin=(vint who lal.fav vil bud pax.fav txt.fav)
?~ vin
[[lal.fav vane:u.vin] vanes]
?. =(lal.fav label.i.vanes)
[i.vanes $(vanes t.vanes)]
~& [%vane `@tas`lal.fav pax.fav `@p`(mug txt.fav)]
:_ t.vanes
:- label.i.vanes
~| [%failed-vane-activation now lal.fav]
vane:(ruck:(vent who lal.fav vil bud [vase.vane.i.vanes *worm]) pax.fav txt.fav)
++ wish :: external compute
|= txt/@
q:(slap bud (ream txt))