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module ArvoTests (tests) where
import Data.Acquire
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List
import Data.Ord.Unicode
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
import Urbit.Arvo
import Urbit.Prelude
import Urbit.Time
import Urbit.Vere.Log
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread, threadDelay)
import Data.LargeWord (LargeKey(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import Network.Socket (tupleToHostAddress)
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Log as Log
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
roundTrip :: forall a. (Eq a, ToNoun a, FromNoun a) => a -> Bool
roundTrip x = Just x == fromNoun (toNoun x)
nounEq :: (ToNoun a, ToNoun b) => a -> b -> Bool
nounEq x y = toNoun x == toNoun y
data EvExample = EvEx Ev Noun
deriving (Eq, Show)
eventSanity :: [EvExample] -> Bool
eventSanity = all $ \(EvEx e n) -> toNoun e == n
instance Arbitrary EvExample where
arbitrary = oneof $ fmap pure $
[ EvEx (EvVane $ VaneVane $ VEVeer (Jael, ()) "" (Path []) "")
(toNoun (Path ["vane", "vane", "jael"], Cord "veer", (), (), ()))
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Arvo Events and Effects"
[ testProperty "Round Trip Effect" (roundTrip @Ef)
, testProperty "Round Trip Event" (roundTrip @Ev)
, testProperty "Round Trip AmesDest" (roundTrip @AmesDest)
, testProperty "Basic Event Sanity" eventSanity
-- Arbitrary Instances ---------------------------------------------------------
instance Arbitrary Natural where
arbitrary = (fromIntegral . abs @Integer) <$> arb
newtype DumbChar = Dumb { unDumb :: Char }
instance Arbitrary DumbChar where
arbitrary = Dumb <$> choose ('a', 'z')
instance Arbitrary Text where
arbitrary = pack . fmap unDumb <$> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (LargeKey a b) where
arbitrary = LargeKey <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary ByteString where
arbitrary = encodeUtf8 <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary EvilPath where arbitrary = EvilPath <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Path where arbitrary = Path <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Knot where arbitrary = MkKnot <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Tape where arbitrary = Tape <$> arb
instance Arbitrary BigTape where arbitrary = BigTape <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Bytes where arbitrary = MkBytes <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Octs where arbitrary = Octs <$> arb
instance Arbitrary File where arbitrary = File <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Cord where arbitrary = Cord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Wen where arbitrary = Wen <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Gap where arbitrary = Gap . abs <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Ship where arbitrary = Ship <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Address where arbitrary = AAmes <$> arb
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Patp a) where
arbitrary = Patp <$> arb
genIpv4 :: Gen Ipv4
genIpv4 = do
x <- arbitrary
if (x == 0 || (x≥256 && x≤512))
then genIpv4
else pure (Ipv4 x)
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Each a b) where
arbitrary = oneof [ EachNo <$> arb, EachYes <$> arb ]
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Jammed a) where
arbitrary = Jammed <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Ef where
arbitrary = oneof [ EfVega <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary AmesEv where
arbitrary = oneof [ AmesEvHear () <$> arb <*> arb
, AmesEvHole () <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary HttpRequest where
arbitrary = HttpRequest <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary HttpServerReq where
arbitrary = HttpServerReq <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary HttpServerEv where
arbitrary = oneof [ HttpServerEvRequest <$> arb <*> arb
, HttpServerEvLive <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary BlipEv where
arbitrary = oneof [ BlipEvAmes <$> arb
, BlipEvHttpServer <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Ev where
arbitrary = oneof [ EvVane <$> arb
, EvBlip <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Vane where
arbitrary = oneof [ VaneVane <$> arb
, VaneZuse <$> arb
instance Arbitrary VaneName where
arbitrary = oneof $ pure <$> [minBound .. maxBound]
instance Arbitrary VaneEv where
arbitrary = VEVeer <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary ZuseEv where
arbitrary = ZEVeer () <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary StdMethod where
arbitrary = oneof $ pure <$> [ minBound .. maxBound ]
instance Arbitrary Header where
arbitrary = Header <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary BigCord where
arbitrary = BigCord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary ServId where arbitrary = ServId <$> arb
instance Arbitrary UD where arbitrary = UD <$> arb
instance Arbitrary UV where arbitrary = UV <$> arb
instance Arbitrary AmesAddress where
arbitrary = AAIpv4 <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary Ipv4 where arbitrary = Ipv4 <$> arb
-- Generate Arbitrary Values ---------------------------------------------------
arb :: Arbitrary a => Gen a
arb = arbitrary