Elliot Glaysher 8a09262092 Separate the config into pier and network sections.
Make the ames tests compile again, reading from a test instance of
HasNetworkConfig without phony HasPierConfig data.
2019-10-22 11:25:04 -07:00

93 lines
2.4 KiB

module KingApp
( App
, runApp
, runPierApp
, HasAppName(..)
) where
import Config
import RIO.Directory
import UrbitPrelude
class HasAppName env where
appNameL :: Lens' env Utf8Builder
data App = App
{ _appLogFunc :: !LogFunc
, _appName :: !Utf8Builder
makeLenses ''App
instance HasLogFunc App where
logFuncL = appLogFunc
instance HasAppName App where
appNameL = appName
withLogFileHandle :: (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogFileHandle act = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let logDir = home <> "/log"
createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir
withTempFile logDir "king-" $ \_tmpFile handle -> do
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
act handle
runApp :: RIO App a -> IO a
runApp inner = do
withLogFileHandle $ \logFile -> do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle logFile True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ App { _appLogFunc = logFunc
, _appName = "Vere"
go app = runRIO app inner
-- A PierApp is like an App, except that it also provides a PierConfig
data PierApp = PierApp
{ _shipAppLogFunc :: !LogFunc
, _shipAppName :: !Utf8Builder
, _shipAppPierConfig :: !PierConfig
, _shipAppNetworkConfig :: !NetworkConfig
makeLenses ''PierApp
instance HasLogFunc PierApp where
logFuncL = shipAppLogFunc
instance HasAppName PierApp where
appNameL = shipAppName
instance HasPierConfig PierApp where
pierConfigL = shipAppPierConfig
instance HasNetworkConfig PierApp where
networkConfigL = shipAppNetworkConfig
runPierApp :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> RIO PierApp a -> IO a
runPierApp pierConfig networkConfig inner = do
withLogFileHandle $ \logFile -> do
logOptions <- logOptionsHandle logFile True
<&> setLogUseTime True
<&> setLogUseLoc False
withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc ->
go $ PierApp { _shipAppLogFunc = logFunc
, _shipAppName = "Vere"
, _shipAppPierConfig = pierConfig
, _shipAppNetworkConfig = networkConfig
go app = runRIO app inner