
236 lines
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-- TODO: Make sure transaction closed in all error cases
-- TODO: Don't allow writing non-contiguous events
module Vere.Log (
-- we don't export write; you use the queue
) where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (init)
import Control.Lens hiding ((<|))
import Data.Noun
import Data.Noun.Atom
import Data.Noun.Jam
import Data.Noun.Pill
import Data.Void
import Database.LMDB.Raw
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke, sizeOf)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
-- TODO: Handle throws on the async
init :: FilePath -> TQueue (Writ [Effect]) -> (Writ [Effect] -> STM ())
-> IO LogState
init dir inp cb = do
env <- mdb_env_create
mdb_env_set_maxdbs env 3
mdb_env_set_mapsize env (40 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
mdb_env_open env dir []
writer <- persistThread env inp cb
pure (LogState env inp cb writer)
-- TODO: properly handle shutdowns during write
shutdown :: LogState -> IO ()
shutdown s = do
void $ waitCancel (writer s)
mdb_env_close (env s)
waitCancel :: Async a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
waitCancel async = cancel async >> waitCatch async
Read one or more items from a TQueue, only blocking on the first item.
readQueue :: TQueue a -> STM (NonNull [a])
readQueue q =
readTQueue q >>= go . singleton
go acc =
tryReadTQueue q >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)
byteStringAsMdbVal :: ByteString -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
byteStringAsMdbVal bs k =
BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs \(ptr,sz) ->
k (MDB_val (fromIntegral sz) (castPtr ptr))
mdbValToAtom :: MDB_val -> IO Atom
mdbValToAtom (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
pure (bs ^. from (pill . pillBS))
maybeErr :: Maybe a -> String -> IO a
maybeErr (Just x) _ = pure x
maybeErr Nothing msg = error msg
mdbValToNoun :: MDB_val -> IO Noun
mdbValToNoun (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
let res = (bs ^? from pillBS . from pill . _Cue)
maybeErr res "mdb bad cue"
putRaw :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> MDB_val -> MDB_val -> IO ()
putRaw flags txn db key val =
mdb_put flags txn db key val >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> error "mdb bad put"
putNoun :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> ByteString -> Noun -> IO ()
putNoun flags txn db key val =
byteStringAsMdbVal key $ \mKey ->
byteStringAsMdbVal (val ^. re _CueBytes) $ \mVal ->
putRaw flags txn db mKey mVal
putJam :: MDB_WriteFlags -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> Word64 -> Jam -> IO ()
putJam flags txn db id (Jam atom) = do
withWord64AsMDBval id $ \idVal -> do
let !bs = atom ^. pill . pillBS
byteStringAsMdbVal bs $ \mVal -> do
putRaw flags txn db idVal mVal
get :: MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi -> ByteString -> IO Noun
get txn db key =
byteStringAsMdbVal key \mKey ->
mdb_get txn db mKey >>= maybe (error "mdb bad get") mdbValToNoun
mdbValToWord64 :: MDB_val -> IO Word64
mdbValToWord64 (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
assertErr (sz == 8) "wrong size in mdbValToWord64"
peek (castPtr ptr)
withWord64AsMDBval :: Word64 -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
withWord64AsMDBval w cb = do
withWordPtr w $ \p ->
cb (MDB_val (fromIntegral (sizeOf w)) (castPtr p))
withWordPtr :: Word64 -> (Ptr Word64 -> IO a) -> IO a
withWordPtr w cb = do
allocaBytes (sizeOf w) (\p -> poke p w >> cb p)
-- TODO: We need to be able to send back an exception to the main thread on an
-- exception on the persistence thread.
persistThread :: MDB_env
-> TQueue (Writ [Effect])
-> (Writ [Effect] -> STM ())
-> IO (Async ())
persistThread env inputQueue onPersist = asyncBound $
forever do
writs <- atomically $ readQueue inputQueue
writeEvents writs
atomically $ traverse_ onPersist writs
writeEvents writs = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
let flags = compileWriteFlags [MDB_NOOVERWRITE]
for_ writs $ \w -> do
putJam flags txn db (eventId w) (event w)
mdb_txn_commit txn
deriving instance Show MDB_val
-- TODO: This will read len items and will error if there are less than that
-- available. This differs from the current pier.c's expectations.
readEvents :: LogState -> Word64 -> Word64 -> IO (V.Vector (Word64,Atom))
readEvents (LogState env _ _ _) first len =
withWordPtr first $ \pIdx ->
withKVPtrs (MDB_val 8 (castPtr pIdx)) (MDB_val 0 nullPtr) $ \pKey pVal ->
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
cur <- mdb_cursor_open txn db
found <- mdb_cursor_get MDB_SET_KEY cur pKey pVal
assertErr found "mdb could not read initial event of sequence"
vec <- V.generateM (int len) \i -> do
key <- peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
val <- peek pVal >>= mdbValToAtom
let idx = first + (fromIntegral i)
assertErr (key == idx) ("missing event in database " <> (show idx))
when (i + 1 /= (int len)) do
found <- mdb_cursor_get MDB_NEXT cur pKey pVal
assertErr found "lmdb: next event not found"
pure (idx, val)
mdb_cursor_close cur
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure vec
int :: Word64 -> Int
int = fromIntegral
assertErr :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
assertErr True _ = pure ()
assertErr False m = error m
latestEventNumber :: LogState -> IO Word64
latestEventNumber (LogState env _ _ _) =
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
cur <- mdb_cursor_open txn db
res <- fetch txn db cur
mdb_cursor_close cur
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure res
key = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
val = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
fetch txn db cur =
withKVPtrs key val $ \pKey pVal ->
mdb_cursor_get MDB_LAST cur pKey pVal >>= \case
False -> pure 0
True -> peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
readLogIdentity :: LogState -> IO LogIdentity
readLogIdentity (LogState env _ _ _) = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "META") []
who <- get txn db "who"
is_fake <- get txn db "is-fake"
life <- get txn db "life"
mdb_txn_abort txn
pure (LogIdentity who is_fake life)
writeLogIdentity :: LogState -> LogIdentity -> IO ()
writeLogIdentity (LogState env _ _ _) LogIdentity{..} = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "META") [MDB_CREATE]
let flags = compileWriteFlags []
putNoun flags txn db "who" who
putNoun flags txn db "is-fake" is_fake
putNoun flags txn db "life" life
mdb_txn_commit txn
pure ()