mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 21:18:42 +03:00
* master: (99 commits) updates contact instructions erased some lines in raft updates libent submodule cleans up event error handling in _raft_lame Remove includes introduced for getentropy Use libent for getentropy Fix link in README remove old version of u3r_mug() renames test-hash removes temporary u3r_mug tests adds assertions to protect u3r_mug against stack overflow adds a u3_none explicit bottom stack frame to u3r_mug WIP simplified conditionals, still dies, appears stateful? WIP refactored but still dying WIP still dying WIP testing and printing WIP compiles but crashes updates CONTRIBUTING.md, removing obsolete instructions exit cleanly if $galaxy is already running (fake or real) corrects usage instructions ...
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1297 lines
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/* include/v/vere.h
** This file is in the public domain.
#include "h2o.h"
/** Quasi-tunable parameters.
/* First kernel this executable can boot.
# define FirstKernel 164
# define DefaultKernel 164
#define RECK
/** Data types.
/* u3_hhed: http header.
typedef struct _u3_hhed {
struct _u3_hhed* nex_u;
c3_w nam_w;
c3_c* nam_c;
c3_w val_w;
c3_c* val_c;
} u3_hhed;
/* u3_hbod: http body block. Also used for responses.
typedef struct _u3_hbod {
struct _u3_hbod* nex_u;
c3_w len_w;
c3_y hun_y[0];
} u3_hbod;
/* u3_rsat: http request state.
typedef enum {
u3_rsat_init = 0, // initialized
u3_rsat_plan = 1, // planned
u3_rsat_ripe = 2 // responded
} u3_rsat;
/* u3_hreq: incoming http request.
typedef struct _u3_hreq {
h2o_req_t* rec_u; // h2o request
c3_w seq_l; // sequence within connection
u3_rsat sat_e; // request state
uv_timer_t* tim_u; // timeout
struct _u3_hcon* hon_u; // connection backlink
struct _u3_hreq* nex_u; // next in connection's list
struct _u3_hreq* pre_u; // next in connection's list
} u3_hreq;
/* u3_hcon: incoming http connection.
typedef struct _u3_hcon {
uv_tcp_t wax_u; // client stream handler
h2o_conn_t* con_u; // h2o connection
h2o_socket_t* sok_u; // h2o connection socket
c3_w ipf_w; // client ipv4
c3_w coq_l; // connection number
c3_w seq_l; // next request number
struct _u3_http* htp_u; // server backlink
struct _u3_hreq* req_u; // request list
struct _u3_hcon* nex_u; // next in server's list
struct _u3_hcon* pre_u; // next in server's list
} u3_hcon;
/* u3_http: http server.
typedef struct _u3_http {
uv_tcp_t wax_u; // server stream handler
void* h2o_u; // libh2o configuration
struct _u3_prox* rox_u; // maybe proxied
c3_w sev_l; // server number
c3_w coq_l; // next connection number
c3_s por_s; // running port
c3_o sec; // logically secure
c3_o lop; // loopback-only
c3_o liv; // c3n == shutdown
struct _u3_hcon* hon_u; // connection list
struct _u3_http* nex_u; // next in list
} u3_http;
/* u3_form: http config from %eyre
typedef struct _u3_form {
c3_o pro; // proxy
c3_o log; // keep access log
c3_o red; // redirect to HTTPS
uv_buf_t key_u; // PEM RSA private key
uv_buf_t cer_u; // PEM certificate chain
} u3_form;
/* u3_hfig: general http configuration
typedef struct _u3_hfig {
u3_form* for_u; // config from %eyre
struct _u3_warc* cli_u; // rev proxy clients
struct _u3_pcon* con_u; // cli_u connections
} u3_hfig;
/* u3_proxy_type: proxy connection downstream type
typedef enum {
u3_ptyp_prox = 0, // connected to us
u3_ptyp_ward = 1 // we connected back to
} u3_proxy_type;
/* u3_pcon: established proxy connection
typedef struct _u3_pcon {
uv_tcp_t don_u; // downstream handle
uv_tcp_t* upt_u; // upstream handle
uv_buf_t buf_u; // pending buffer
c3_o sec; // yes == https
u3_proxy_type typ_e; // tagged
union { // union
struct _u3_warc* cli_u; // typ_e == ward
struct _u3_prox* lis_u; // typ_e == prox
} src_u; // connection source
struct _u3_pcon* nex_u; // next in list
struct _u3_pcon* pre_u; // previous in list
} u3_pcon;
/* u3_warc: server connecting back to u3_ward as client
typedef struct _u3_warc {
c3_w ipf_w; // ward ip
c3_s por_s; // ward port
c3_o sec; // secure connection
c3_d who_d[2]; // ward ship
c3_c* hot_c; // ward hostname
uv_buf_t non_u; // nonce
struct _u3_http* htp_u; // local server backlink
struct _u3_warc* nex_u; // next in list
struct _u3_warc* pre_u; // previous in list
} u3_warc;
/* u3_wcon: candidate u3_ward upstream connection
typedef struct _u3_wcon {
uv_tcp_t upt_u; // connection handle
struct _u3_ward* rev_u; // connecting to ward
struct _u3_wcon* nex_u; // next in list
} u3_wcon;
/* u3_ward: reverse, reverse TCP proxy (ship-specific listener)
typedef struct _u3_ward {
uv_tcp_t tcp_u; // listener handle
uv_timer_t tim_u; // expiration timer
c3_d who_d[2]; // reverse proxy for ship
c3_s por_s; // listening on port
uv_buf_t non_u; // nonce
struct _u3_wcon* won_u; // candidate upstream connections
struct _u3_pcon* con_u; // initiating connection
struct _u3_ward* nex_u; // next in list
struct _u3_ward* pre_u; // previous in list
} u3_ward;
/* u3_prox: reverse TCP proxy server
typedef struct _u3_prox {
uv_tcp_t sev_u; // server handle
c3_s por_s; // listening on port
c3_o sec; // yes == https
struct _u3_http* htp_u; // local server backlink
struct _u3_pcon* con_u; // active connection list
struct _u3_ward* rev_u; // active reverse listeners
} u3_prox;
/* u3_csat: client connection state.
typedef enum {
u3_csat_init = 0, // initialized
u3_csat_addr = 1, // address resolution begun
u3_csat_quit = 2, // cancellation requested
u3_csat_ripe = 3 // passed to libh2o
} u3_csat;
/* u3_cres: response to http client.
typedef struct _u3_cres {
c3_w sas_w; // status code
u3_noun hed; // headers
u3_hbod* bod_u; // exit of body queue
u3_hbod* dob_u; // entry of body queue
} u3_cres;
/* u3_creq: outgoing http request.
typedef struct _u3_creq { // client request
c3_l num_l; // request number
h2o_http1client_t* cli_u; // h2o client
u3_csat sat_e; // connection state
c3_o sec; // yes == https
c3_w ipf_w; // IP
c3_c* ipf_c; // IP (string)
c3_c* hot_c; // host
c3_s por_s; // port
c3_c* por_c; // port (string)
c3_m met_m; // method
c3_c* url_c; // url
u3_hhed* hed_u; // headers
u3_hbod* bod_u; // body
u3_hbod* rub_u; // exit of send queue
u3_hbod* bur_u; // entry of send queue
h2o_iovec_t* vec_u; // send-buffer array
u3_cres* res_u; // nascent response
struct _u3_creq* nex_u; // next in list
struct _u3_creq* pre_u; // previous in list
} u3_creq;
/* u3_chot: foreign host (not yet used).
typedef struct _u3_chot {
c3_w ipf_w; // ip address (or 0)
c3_c* hot_c; // hostname (no port) (or 0)
void* ins_u; // insecure connection (or 0)
void* sec_u; // secure connection (or 0)
} u3_chot;
/* u3_cttp: http client.
typedef struct _u3_cttp {
u3_creq* ceq_u; // request list
h2o_http1client_ctx_t* //
ctx_u; // h2o client ctx
void* tls_u; // client SSL_CTX*
} u3_cttp;
/* u3_pact: ames packet, coming or going.
typedef struct _u3_pact {
uv_udp_send_t snd_u; // udp send request
c3_w pip_w; // target IPv4 address
c3_s por_s; // target port
c3_w len_w; // length in bytes
c3_y* hun_y; // packet buffer
c3_y imp_y; // galaxy number (optional)
c3_c* dns_c; // galaxy fqdn (optional)
} u3_pact;
/* u3_poke: poke callback function.
typedef void (*u3_poke)(void*, u3_noun);
/* u3_bail: bailout callback function.
typedef void (*u3_bail)(void*, const c3_c* err_c);
/* u3_done: completion function.
typedef void (*u3_done)(void *);
/* u3_mess: blob message in process.
typedef struct _u3_mess {
c3_d len_d; // blob length in bytes
c3_d has_d; // currently held
struct _u3_meat* meq_u; // exit of message queue
struct _u3_meat* qem_u; // entry of message queue
} u3_mess;
/* u3_meat: blob message block.
typedef struct _u3_meat {
struct _u3_meat* nex_u;
c3_d len_d;
c3_y hun_y[0];
} u3_meat;
/* u3_moat: inbound message stream.
typedef struct _u3_moat {
uv_pipe_t pyp_u; // input stream
u3_bail bal_f; // error response function
void* vod_p; // callback pointer
u3_poke pok_f; // action function
struct _u3_mess* mes_u; // message in progress
c3_d len_d; // length of stray bytes
c3_y* rag_y; // stray bytes
} u3_moat;
/* u3_mojo: outbound message stream.
typedef struct _u3_mojo {
uv_pipe_t pyp_u; // output stream
u3_bail bal_f; // error response function
} u3_mojo;
/* u3_moor: two-way message stream, linked list */
typedef struct _u3_moor {
uv_pipe_t pyp_u;
u3_bail bal_f;
void* vod_p;
u3_poke pok_f;
struct _u3_mess* mes_u;
c3_d len_d;
c3_y* rag_y;
struct _u3_moor* nex_u;
} u3_moor;
/* u3_foil: abstract chub-addressed file.
typedef struct _u3_foil {
uv_file fil_u; // libuv file handle
struct _u3_dire* dir_u; // parent directory
c3_c* nam_c; // name within parent
c3_d end_d; // end of file
} u3_foil;
/* u3_dent: directory entry.
typedef struct _u3_dent {
c3_c* nam_c;
struct _u3_dent* nex_u;
} u3_dent;
/* u3_dire: simple directory state.
typedef struct _u3_dire {
c3_c* pax_c; // path of directory
uv_file fil_u; // file, opened read-only to fsync
u3_dent* all_u; // file list
} u3_dire;
/* u3_ames: ames networking.
typedef struct _u3_ames { // packet network state
union {
uv_udp_t wax_u;
uv_handle_t had_u;
c3_o liv; // listener on
c3_o alm; // alarm on
c3_w law_w; // last wakeup, unix time
c3_s por_s; // public IPv4 port
c3_c* dns_c; // domain XX multiple/fallback
c3_w imp_w[256]; // imperial IPs
time_t imp_t[256]; // imperial IP timestamps
} u3_ames;
/* u3_save: checkpoint control.
typedef struct _u3_save {
uv_timer_t tim_u; // checkpoint timer
uv_signal_t sil_u; // child signal
c3_d ent_d; // event number
c3_w pid_w; // pid of checkpoint process
} u3_save;
/* u3_ubuf: unix tty i/o buffer.
typedef struct _u3_ubuf {
struct _u3_ubuf* nex_u;
c3_w len_w;
c3_y hun_y[0]; // bytes to send
} u3_ubuf;
/* u3_utat: unix terminal state.
typedef struct {
struct {
c3_l col_l; // columns
c3_l row_l; // rows
} siz;
struct {
c3_w* lin_w; // current line (utf32)
c3_w len_w; // length of current line
c3_w cus_w; // cursor position
} mir;
struct { // escape code control
c3_o ape; // escape received
c3_o bra; // bracket or O received
} esc;
struct {
c3_y syb_y[5]; // utf8 code buffer
c3_w len_w; // present length
c3_w wid_w; // total width
} fut;
struct {
uv_thread_t* sit_u; // spinner thread
c3_o diz_o; // spinner activated
c3_d eve_d; // spinner start tick (unix μs)
c3_d end_d; // spinner end tick (unix μs)
c3_c* why_c; // spinner event wire (root only)
} sun;
uv_mutex_t mex_u; // mutex for non-daemon term state
} u3_utat;
struct _u3_umon;
struct _u3_udir;
struct _u3_ufil;
/* u3_unod: file or directory.
typedef struct _u3_unod {
c3_o dir; // c3y if dir, c3n if file
c3_o dry; // ie, unmodified
c3_c* pax_c; // absolute path
struct _u3_udir* par_u; // parent
struct _u3_unod* nex_u; // internal list
} u3_unod;
/* u3_ufil: synchronized file.
typedef struct _u3_ufil {
c3_o dir; // c3y if dir, c3n if file
c3_o dry; // ie, unmodified
c3_c* pax_c; // absolute path
struct _u3_udir* par_u; // parent
struct _u3_unod* nex_u; // internal list
c3_w mug_w; // mug of last %into
c3_w gum_w; // mug of last %ergo
} u3_ufil;
/* u3_ufil: synchronized directory.
typedef struct _u3_udir {
c3_o dir; // c3y if dir, c3n if file
c3_o dry; // ie, unmodified
c3_c* pax_c; // absolute path
struct _u3_udir* par_u; // parent
struct _u3_unod* nex_u; // internal list
u3_unod* kid_u; // subnodes
} u3_udir;
/* u3_ufil: synchronized mount point.
typedef struct _u3_umon {
u3_udir dir_u; // root directory, must be first
c3_c* nam_c; // mount point name
struct _u3_umon* nex_u; // internal list
} u3_umon;
/* u3_usig: receive signals.
typedef struct _u3_usig {
uv_signal_t sil_u;
c3_i num_i;
struct _u3_usig* nex_u;
} u3_usig;
/* u3_unix: clay support system, also
typedef struct _u3_unix {
u3_umon* mon_u; // mount points
c3_o alm; // timer set
c3_o dyr; // ready to update
#ifdef SYNCLOG
c3_w lot_w; // sync-slot
struct _u3_sylo {
c3_o unx; // from unix
c3_m wer_m; // mote saying where
c3_m wot_m; // mote saying what
c3_c* pax_c; // path
} sylo[1024];
} u3_unix;
/* u3_behn: just a timer for ever
typedef struct _u3_behn {
uv_timer_t tim_u; // behn timer
c3_o alm; // alarm
} u3_behn;
/* u2_utfo: unix terminfo strings.
typedef struct {
struct {
const c3_y* kcuu1_y; // key_up
const c3_y* kcud1_y; // key_down
const c3_y* kcub1_y; // key_back
const c3_y* kcuf1_y; // key_forward
c3_w max_w; // maximum input sequence length
} inn;
struct {
const c3_y* clear_y; // clear_screen
const c3_y* el_y; // clr_bol clear to beginning
// const c3_y* el1_y; // clr_eol clear to end
const c3_y* ed_y; // clear to end of screen
const c3_y* bel_y; // bel sound bell
const c3_y* cub1_y; // parm_left
const c3_y* cuf1_y; // parm_right
const c3_y* cuu1_y; // parm_up
const c3_y* cud1_y; // parm_down
// const c3_y* cub_y; // parm_left_cursor #num
// const c3_y* cuf_y; // parm_right_cursor #num
} out;
} u3_utfo;
#if 0
/* u3_uwen: unix alarm.
typedef struct _u3_uwen {
c3_y* pax_y; // printed path
c3_d wen_d[2]; // timer expire
/* u3_utim: unix timer control.
typedef struct _u3_utim {
uv_timer_t wat_u; // timer control
u3_uwen* wen_u; // timers in ascending order
/* u3_utty: unix tty.
typedef struct _u3_utty {
union {
uv_pipe_t pop_u;
uv_tcp_t wax_u;
struct _u3_utty* nex_u; // next in host list
c3_i fid_i; // file descriptor
c3_w tid_l; // terminal identity number
u3_utfo ufo_u; // terminfo strings
c3_i cug_i; // blocking fcntl flags
c3_i nob_i; // nonblocking fcntl flags
u3_utat tat_u; // control state
struct termios bak_u; // cooked terminal state
struct termios raw_u; // raw terminal state
} u3_utty;
/* u3_opts: command line configuration.
typedef struct _u3_opts {
// XX find a way to re-enable -A (fastboot)
// c3_c* arv_c; // -A, initial sync from
c3_o abo; // -a, abort aggressively
c3_c* pil_c; // -B, bootstrap from
c3_o bat; // -b, batch create
c3_o can; // -C, chain-only, no eth snapshot
c3_o nuu; // -c, new pier
c3_o dry; // -D, dry compute, no checkpoint
c3_o dem; // -d, daemon
c3_c* ets_c; // -E, eth snapshot
c3_c* eth_c; // -e, ethereum node url
c3_c* fak_c; // -F, fake ship
c3_w fuz_w; // -f, fuzz testing
c3_c* gen_c; // -G, czar generator
c3_o gab; // -g, test garbage collection
c3_c* dns_c; // -H, ames bootstrap domain
c3_c* lit_c; // -J, ivory (fastboot) kernel
c3_c* json_file_c; // -j, json trace
c3_w kno_w; // -K, kernel version
c3_c* key_c; // -k, private key file
c3_o net; // -L, local-only networking
c3_c* sap_c; // -m, eth snapshot url
c3_o pro; // -P, profile
c3_s por_s; // -p, ames port
c3_o qui; // -q, quiet
c3_o rep; // -R, report build info
c3_o has; // -S, Skip battery hashes
// XX find a way to re-enable -s (auto-pill)
// c3_o git; // -s, pill url from arvo git hash
c3_o etn; // -t, trust snapshot for pre-boot
c3_c* url_c; // -u, pill url
c3_o vno; // -V, replay without reboots
c3_o veb; // -v, verbose (inverse of -q)
c3_c* who_c; // -w, begin with ticket
c3_o tex; // -x, exit after loading
} u3_opts;
/* u3_host: entire host.
typedef struct _u3_host {
c3_w kno_w; // current executing stage
c3_c* dir_c; // pier path (no trailing /)
c3_d now_d; // event tick
uv_loop_t* lup_u; // libuv event loop
u3_usig* sig_u; // signal list
u3_hfig fig_u; // http configuration
u3_http* htp_u; // http servers
u3_cttp ctp_u; // http clients
u3_utty* uty_u; // linked terminal list
u3_opts ops_u; // commandline options
c3_o liv; // if u3_no, shut down
c3_i xit_i; // exit code for shutdown
void* tls_u; // server SSL_CTX*
FILE* trace_file_u; // trace file to write to
} u3_host; // host == computer == process
/** New pier system.
/* u3_writ: inbound event.
typedef struct _u3_writ {
struct _u3_pier* pir_u; // backpointer to pier
u3_noun job; // (pair date ovum)
c3_d evt_d; // event number
u3_noun now; // event time
c3_l msc_l; // ms to timeout
c3_l mug_l; // hash before executing
u3_foil* fol_u; // precommit file
u3_atom mat; // jammed $work, or 0
u3_noun act; // action list
struct _u3_writ* nex_u; // next in queue, or 0
} u3_writ;
/* u3_lord: working process controller.
typedef struct _u3_lord {
uv_process_t cub_u; // process handle
uv_process_options_t ops_u; // process configuration
uv_stdio_container_t cod_u[3]; // process options
time_t wen_t; // process creation time
u3_mojo inn_u; // client's stdin
u3_moat out_u; // client's stdout
c3_d sen_d; // last event dispatched
c3_d dun_d; // last event completed
c3_d rel_d; // last event released
c3_l mug_l; // mug after last completion
struct _u3_pier* pir_u; // pier backpointer
} u3_lord;
/* u3_disk: manage events on disk.
** any event once discovered should be in one of these sets.
** at present, all sets are ordered and can be defined by a
** simple counter. any events <= the counter is in the set.
typedef struct _u3_disk {
u3_dire* dir_u; // main pier directory
u3_dire* urb_u; // urbit system data
u3_dire* com_u; // log directory
u3_dire* pre_u; // precommit directory
u3_foil* fol_u; // logfile
c3_d end_d; // byte end of file
c3_d rep_d; // precommit requested
c3_d pre_d; // precommitted
c3_d moc_d; // commit requested
c3_d com_d; // committed
struct _u3_pier* pir_u; // pier backpointer
} u3_disk;
/* u3_boot: startup controller.
typedef struct _u3_boot {
} u3_boot;
/* u3_pier: ship controller.
typedef struct _u3_pier {
c3_c* pax_c; // pier directory
c3_c* sys_c; // pill file
c3_w wag_w; // config flags
c3_d gen_d; // last event discovered
c3_d but_d; // boot barrier
c3_d tic_d[1]; // ticket (unstretched)
c3_d sec_d[1]; // generator (unstretched)
c3_d key_d[4]; // secret (stretched)
c3_d who_d[2]; // identity
c3_c* who_c; // identity as C string
c3_s por_s; // UDP port
c3_o fak_o; // yes iff fake security
u3_noun bot; // boot event XX review
u3_disk* log_u; // event log
u3_lord* god_u; // computer
u3_ames* sam_u; // packet interface
u3_behn* teh_u; // behn timer
u3_unix* unx_u; // sync and clay
u3_save* sav_u; // autosave
u3_writ* ent_u; // entry of queue
u3_writ* ext_u; // exit of queue
uv_prepare_t pep_u; // preloop registration
} u3_pier;
/* u3_king: all executing piers.
typedef struct _u3_king {
c3_c* soc_c; // socket name
c3_w len_w; // number of lords used
c3_w all_w; // number of lords allocated
u3_pier** tab_u; // lord table
uv_pipe_t cmd_u; // command socket
u3_moor* cli_u; // connected clients
} u3_king;
# define u3L u3_Host.lup_u // global event loop
# define u3Z (&(u3_Raft))
# define u3K u3_King
/** Global variables.
c3_global u3_host u3_Host;
c3_global c3_c* u3_Local;
c3_global u3_king u3_King;
/** Functions.
/* Urbit time: 128 bits, leap-free.
** High 64 bits: 0x8000.000c.cea3.5380 + Unix time at leap 25 (Jul 2012)
** Low 64 bits: 1/2^64 of a second.
** Seconds per Gregorian 400-block: 12.622.780.800
** 400-blocks from 0 to 0AD: 730.692.561
** Years from 0 to 0AD:
** Seconds from 0 to 0AD: 9.223.372.029.693.628.800
** Seconds between 0A and Unix epoch:
** Seconds before Unix epoch: 9.223.372.091.860.848.000
** The same, in C hex notation: 0x8000000cce9e0d80ULL
** XX: needs to be adjusted to implement Google leap-smear time.
/* u3_time_sec_in(): urbit seconds from unix time.
** Adjust (externally) for future leap secs!
u3_time_sec_in(c3_w unx_w);
/* u3_time_sec_out(): unix time from urbit seconds.
** Adjust (externally) for future leap secs!
u3_time_sec_out(c3_d urs_d);
/* u3_time_fsc_in(): urbit fracto-seconds from unix microseconds.
u3_time_fsc_in(c3_w usc_w);
/* u3_time_fsc_out: unix microseconds from urbit fracto-seconds.
u3_time_fsc_out(c3_d ufc_d);
/* u3_time_in_tv(): urbit time from struct timeval.
u3_time_in_tv(struct timeval* tim_tv);
/* u3_time_out_tv(): struct timeval from urbit time.
u3_time_out_tv(struct timeval* tim_tv, u3_noun now);
/* u3_time_in_ts(): urbit time from struct timespec.
u3_time_in_ts(struct timespec* tim_ts);
#if defined(U3_OS_linux)
/* u3_time_t_in_ts(): urbit time from time_t.
u3_time_t_in_ts(time_t tim);
/* u3_time_out_ts(): struct timespec from urbit time.
u3_time_out_ts(struct timespec* tim_ts, u3_noun now);
/* u3_time_gap_ms(): (wen - now) in ms.
u3_time_gap_ms(u3_noun now, u3_noun wen);
/** Filesystem (new api).
/* u3_walk_load(): load file or bail.
u3_walk_load(c3_c* pas_c);
/* u3_walk_safe(): load file or 0.
u3_walk_safe(c3_c* pas_c);
/* u3_walk_save(): save file or bail.
u3_walk_save(c3_c* pas_c, u3_noun tim, u3_atom pad, c3_c* bas_c, u3_noun pax);
/* u3_sync_reck(): traverse filesystem for changes -> lamb
/* u3_walk(): traverse `dir_c` to produce an arch, updating `old`.
u3_walk(const c3_c* dir_c, u3_noun old);
/* u3_path(): C unix path in computer for file or directory.
u3_path(c3_o fyl, u3_noun pax);
/** Filesystem (old api).
/* u3_ve_file(): load internal file as atom from local or system.
u3_ve_file(c3_c* ext_c, u3_noun tah);
/* u3_ve_frep(): load [.~ %rep myp {now} tah].
** File is either ~ or [nbytes mdate atom].
u3_ve_frep(u3_noun myp, u3_noun tah);
/* u3_ve_date(): date internal file.
u3_ve_date(c3_c* ext_c, u3_noun tah);
/* u3_ve_save(): save internal file as atom.
u3_ve_save(c3_c* ext_c, u3_noun tah, u3_noun dat);
/* u3_ve_zeus(): prayer to internal file path. Return unit.
u3_ve_zeus(u3_noun hap);
/** Filesystem (async)
/* u3_foil_folder(): load directory, blockingly. create if nonexistent.
u3_foil_folder(const c3_c* pax_c); // directory object, or 0
/* u3_foil_create(): create a new, empty file, not syncing.
u3_foil_create(void (*fun_f)(void*, // context pointer
u3_foil*),// file object
void* vod_p, // context pointer
u3_dire* dir_u, // directory
const c3_c* nam_c); // name of new file
/* u3_foil_absorb(): absorb logfile, truncating to last good frame; block.
u3_foil_absorb(u3_dire* dir_u, // directory
c3_c* nam_c); // filename
/* u3_foil_delete(): delete a file; free descriptor.
u3_foil_delete(void (*fun_f)(void*), // context pointer
void* vod_p, // context pointer
u3_foil* fol_u); // file to delete
/* u3_foil_append(): write a frame at the end of a file, freeing buffer.
u3_foil_append(void (*fun_f)(void*), // context pointer
void* vod_p, // context pointer
u3_foil* fol_u, // file
c3_d* buf_d, // buffer to write from
c3_d len_d); // length in chubs
/* u3_foil_reveal(): read the frame before a position, blocking.
u3_foil_reveal(u3_foil* fol_u, // file from
c3_d* pos_d, // end position/prev end
c3_d* len_d); // length return
/* u3_foil_commit(): reveal from one file, append to another.
u3_foil_commit(void (*fun_f)(void*, // context pointer
u3_foil*, // file from
c3_d, // previous from
u3_foil*, // file to
c3_d), // end of to
void* vod_p, // context pointer
u3_foil* del_u, // file from
c3_d del_d, // end of from frame
u3_foil* unt_u, // file to
c3_d unt_d); // end of to frame
/* u3_foil_invent(): make new file with one frame; free buffer, sync.
u3_foil_invent(void (*fun_f)(void*, // context pointer
u3_foil*), // new file
void* vod_p, // context pointer
u3_dire* dir_u, // directory
c3_c* nam_c, // filename
c3_d* buf_d, // buffer (to free)
c3_d len_d); // length
/** Output.
/* u3_reck_kick(): handle effect.
u3_reck_kick(u3_pier* pir_u, u3_noun ovo);
/** Terminal, new style.
/* u3_term_get_blew(): return window size [columns rows].
u3_term_get_blew(c3_l tid_l);
/* u3_term_ef_boil(): initial effects for restored server.
/* u3_term_ef_verb(): initial effects for verbose events.
/* u3_term_ef_winc(): window change.
/* u3_term_ef_ctlc(): send ^C.
/* u3_term_ef_bake(): initial effects for new server.
/* u3_term_ef_blit(): send %blit effect to terminal.
u3_term_ef_blit(c3_l tid_l,
u3_noun blt);
/* u3_term_io_init(): initialize terminal I/O.
/* u3_term_io_talk(): start terminal listener.
/* u3_term_io_exit(): terminate terminal I/O.
/* u3_term_io_hija(): hijack console for cooked print.
/* u3_term_io_loja(): release console from cooked print.
u3_term_io_loja(int x);
/* uL, uH: wrap hijack/lojack around fprintf.
** uL(fprintf(uH, ...));
# define uH u3_term_io_hija()
# define uL(x) u3_term_io_loja(x)
/** Ames, packet networking.
/* u3_ames_ef_bake(): create ames duct.
u3_ames_ef_bake(u3_pier* pir_u);
/* u3_ames_ef_send(): send packet to network.
u3_ames_ef_send(u3_pier* pir_u,
u3_noun lan,
u3_noun pac);
/* u3_ames_ef_turf(): initialize ames I/O on domain(s).
u3_ames_ef_turf(u3_pier* pir_u,
u3_noun tuf);
/* u3_ames_io_init(): initialize ames I/O.
u3_ames_io_init(u3_pier* pir_u);
/* u3_ames_io_talk(): bring up listener.
u3_ames_io_talk(u3_pier* pir_u);
/* u3_ames_ef_bake(): send initial events.
u3_ames_io_bake(u3_pier* pir_u);
/* u3_ames_io_exit(): terminate ames I/O.
u3_ames_io_exit(u3_pier* pir_u);
/** Autosave.
/* u3_save_ef_chld(): report SIGCHLD.
u3_save_ef_chld(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_save_io_init(): initialize autosave.
u3_save_io_init(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_save_io_exit(): terminate autosave.
u3_save_io_exit(u3_pier *pir_u);
/** Storage, new school.
/* u3_unix_ef_hold():
/* u3_unix_ef_boot(): boot actions
u3_unix_ef_boot(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_unix_ef_bake(): initial effects for new process.
u3_unix_ef_bake(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_unix_ef_move():
/* u3_unix_initial_into(): intialize filesystem from urb/zod
u3_unix_ef_initial_into(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_unix_ef_look(): update filesystem from unix
u3_unix_ef_look(u3_pier *pir_u, u3_noun all);
/* u3_unix_ef_ergo(): update filesystem from urbit
u3_unix_ef_ergo(u3_pier *pir_u, u3_noun mon, u3_noun can);
/* u3_unix_ef_dirk(): mark mount dirty
u3_unix_ef_dirk(u3_pier *pir_u, u3_noun mon);
/* u3_unix_ef_ogre(): delete mount point
u3_unix_ef_ogre(u3_pier *pir_u, u3_noun mon);
/* u3_unix_ef_hill(): enumerate mount points
u3_unix_ef_hill(u3_pier *pir_u, u3_noun hil);
/* u3_unix_io_init(): initialize storage.
u3_unix_io_init(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_unix_io_talk(): start listening for fs events.
u3_unix_io_talk(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_unix_io_exit(): terminate storage.
u3_unix_io_exit(u3_pier *pir_u);
/** behn, just a timer.
/* u3_behn_io_init(): initialize behn timer.
u3_behn_io_init(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_behn_io_exit(): terminate timer.
u3_behn_io_exit(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_behn_ef_bake(): notify %behn that we're live
u3_behn_ef_bake(u3_pier *pir_u);
/* u3_behn_ef_doze(): set or cancel timer
u3_behn_ef_doze(u3_pier *pir_u, u3_noun wen);
/** HTTP server.
/* u3_http_ef_form: send %from effect to http.
u3_http_ef_form(u3_noun fig);
/* u3_http_ef_that: send %that effect to http.
u3_http_ef_that(u3_noun tat);
/* u3_http_ef_thou(): send %thou effect to http.
u3_http_ef_thou(c3_l sev_l,
c3_l coq_l,
c3_l seq_l,
u3_noun rep);
/* u3_cttp_ef_thus(): send %thus effect to cttp.
u3_cttp_ef_thus(c3_l num_l,
u3_noun req);
/* u3_http_ef_bake(): create new http server.
/* u3_http_io_init(): initialize http I/O.
/* u3_http_io_talk(): start http listener.
/* u3_http_io_exit(): terminate http I/O.
/** HTTP client.
/* u3_cttp_ef_thus(): send %thus effect to cttp.
u3_cttp_ef_thus(c3_l num_l,
u3_noun req);
/* u3_cttp_io_init(): initialize cttp I/O.
/* u3_cttp_io_exit(): terminate cttp I/O.
/** Stream messages.
/* u3_newt_write(): write atom to stream; free atom.
u3_newt_write(u3_mojo* moj_u,
u3_atom mat,
void* vod_p);
/* u3_newt_read(): activate reading on input stream.
u3_newt_read(u3_moat* mot_u);
/** Pier control.
/* u3_pier_create(): create a pier, loading existing.
u3_pier_create(c3_w wag_w, c3_c* pax_c, c3_c* sys_c);
/* u3_pier_interrupt(): interrupt running process.
u3_pier_interrupt(u3_pier* pir_u);
/* u3_pier_discover(): insert task into process controller.
u3_pier_discover(u3_pier* pir_u,
c3_l msc_l,
u3_noun job);
/* u3_pier_exit(): trigger a gentle shutdown.
/* u3_pier_work(): send event; real pier pointer.
u3_pier_work(u3_pier* pir_u, u3_noun pax, u3_noun fav);
/* u3_pier_stub(): get the One Pier for unreconstructed code.
/* u3_pier_plan(): submit event; fake pier
u3_pier_plan(u3_noun pax, u3_noun fav);
/* u3_pier_boot(): start the new pier system.
u3_pier_boot(c3_w wag_w, // config flags
u3_noun who, // identity
u3_noun ven, // boot event
u3_noun pil, // type-of/path-to pill
u3_noun pax); // path to pier
/* u3_pier_stay(): restart the new pier system.
u3_pier_stay(c3_w wag_w, u3_noun pax);
/* u3_pier_tank(): dump single tank.
u3_pier_tank(c3_l tab_l, u3_noun tac);
/* u3_pier_punt(): dump tank list.
u3_pier_punt(c3_l tab_l, u3_noun tac);
/* u3_pier_sway(): print trace.
u3_pier_sway(c3_l tab_l, u3_noun tax);
/* u3_dawn_come(): mine a comet
/* u3_dawn_vent(): validated boot event
u3_dawn_vent(u3_noun seed);
/* u3_king_commence(): start the daemon