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{- |
Raw UDP Server used by Ames driver.
1. Opens a UDP socket and makes sure that it stays open.
- If can't open the port, wait and try again repeatedly.
- If there is an error reading or writting from the open socket,
close it and open another.
2. Receives packets from the socket.
- When packets come in from the socket, they go into a bounded queue.
- If the queue is full, the packet is dropped.
- If the socket is closed, wait and try again repeatedly.
- `usRecv` gets the first packet from the queue.
3. Sends packets to the socket.
- Packets sent to `usSend` enter a bounded queue.
- If that queue is full, the packet is dropped.
- Packets are taken off the queue one at a time.
- If the socket is closed (or broken), the packet is dropped.
4. Runs until `usKill` is run, then all threads are killed and the
socket is closed.
module Urbit.Vere.Ames.UDP
( UdpServ(..)
, fakeUdpServ
, realUdpServ
import Urbit.Prelude
import Urbit.Vere.Ports
import Network.Socket
import Control.Monad.STM (retry)
import Network.Socket.ByteString (recvFrom, sendTo)
import Urbit.Vere.Stat (AmesStat(..), bump)
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data UdpServ = UdpServ
{ usSend :: SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO ()
, usRecv :: STM (PortNumber, HostAddress, ByteString)
, usKill :: IO ()
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
Writes to queue and returns `True` unless the queue is full, then do
nothing and return `False`.
tryWriteTBQueue :: TBQueue x -> x -> STM Bool
tryWriteTBQueue q x = do
isFullTBQueue q >>= \case
True -> pure False
False -> writeTBQueue q x $> True
{- |
Open a UDP socket and bind it to a port
doBind :: PortNumber -> HostAddress -> IO (Either IOError Socket)
doBind por hos = tryIOError $ do
sok <- io $ socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
() <- io $ bind sok (SockAddrInet por hos)
pure sok
{- |
Open a UDP socket and bind it to a port.
If this fails, wait 250ms and repeat forever.
forceBind :: HasLogFunc e => PortNumber -> HostAddress -> RIO e Socket
forceBind por hos = go
go = do
logInfo (display ("AMES: UDP: Opening socket on port " <> tshow por))
io (doBind por hos) >>= \case
Right sk -> do
logInfo (display ("AMES: UDP: Opened socket on port " <> tshow por))
pure sk
Left err -> do
logInfo (display ("AMES: UDP: " <> tshow err))
logInfo ("AMES: UDP: Failed to open UDP socket. Waiting")
threadDelay 250_000
{- |
Attempt to send a packet to a socket.
If it fails, return `False`. Otherwise, return `True`.
sendPacket :: HasLogFunc e => ByteString -> SockAddr -> Socket -> RIO e Bool
sendPacket fullBytes adr sok = do
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Sending packet.")
res <- io $ tryIOError $ go fullBytes
case res of
Left err -> do
logError $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Failed to send packet", err)
pure False
Right () -> do
logDebug $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Packet sent.")
pure True
go byt = do
sent <- sendTo sok byt adr
when (sent /= length byt) $ do
go (drop sent byt)
{- |
Attempt to receive a packet from a socket.
- If an exception is throw, return `Left exn`.
- If it wasn't an IPv4 packet, return `Right Nothing`.
- Otherwise, return `Right (Just packet)`.
:: HasLogFunc e
=> Socket
-> RIO e (Either IOError (Maybe (ByteString, PortNumber, HostAddress)))
recvPacket sok = do
io (tryIOError $ recvFrom sok 4096) <&> \case
Left exn -> Left exn
Right (b, SockAddrInet p a) -> Right (Just (b, p, a))
Right (_, _ ) -> Right Nothing
-- Fake Server for No-Networking Mode ------------------------------------------
{- |
Fake UDP API for no-networking configurations.
fakeUdpServ :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e UdpServ
fakeUdpServ = do
logInfo $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "\"Starting\" fake UDP server.")
pure UdpServ { .. }
usSend = \_ _ -> pure ()
usRecv = retry
usKill = pure ()
-- Real Server -----------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
Real UDP server. See module-level docs.
:: forall e
. (HasLogFunc e, HasPortControlApi e)
=> PortNumber
-> HostAddress
-> AmesStat
-> RIO e UdpServ
realUdpServ por hos sat = do
logInfo $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP", "Starting real UDP server.")
env <- ask
vSock <- newTVarIO Nothing
vFail <- newEmptyTMVarIO
qSend <- newTBQueueIO 100 -- TODO Tuning
qRecv <- newTBQueueIO 100 -- TODO Tuning
If reading or writing to a socket fails, unbind it and tell the
socket-open thread to close it and open another.
This is careful about edge-cases. In any of these cases, do nothing.
- If vSock isn't set to the socket we used, do nothing.
- If vFail is already set (another thread signaled failure already).
let signalBrokenSocket :: Socket -> RIO e ()
signalBrokenSocket sock = do
logInfo $ displayShow ("AMES", "UDP"
, "Socket broken. Requesting new socket"
atomically $ do
mSock <- readTVar vSock
mFail <- tryReadTMVar vFail
when (mSock == Just sock && mFail == Nothing) $ do
putTMVar vFail sock
writeTVar vSock Nothing
enqueueRecvPacket :: PortNumber -> HostAddress -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
enqueueRecvPacket p a b = do
did <- atomically (tryWriteTBQueue qRecv (p, a, b))
when (did == False) $ do
bump (asUqf sat)
logWarn $ displayShow $ ("AMES", "UDP",)
"Dropping inbound packet because queue is full."
enqueueSendPacket :: SockAddr -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
enqueueSendPacket a b = do
did <- atomically (tryWriteTBQueue qSend (a, b))
when (did == False) $ do
logWarn "AMES: UDP: Dropping outbound packet because queue is full."
tOpen <- async $ forever $ do
sk <- forceBind por hos
sn <- io $ getSocketName sk
let waitForRelease = do
atomically (writeTVar vSock (Just sk))
broken <- atomically (takeTMVar vFail)
logWarn "AMES: UDP: Closing broken socket."
io (close broken)
case sn of
(SockAddrInet boundPort _) ->
-- When we're on IPv4, maybe port forward at the NAT.
rwith (requestPortAccess $ fromIntegral boundPort) $
\() -> waitForRelease
_ -> waitForRelease
tSend <- async $ forever $ join $ atomically $ do
(adr, byt) <- readTBQueue qSend
readTVar vSock <&> \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just sk -> do
okay <- sendPacket byt adr sk
unless okay (signalBrokenSocket sk)
tRecv <- async $ forever $ do
atomically (readTVar vSock) >>= \case
Nothing -> threadDelay 100_000
Just sk -> do
recvPacket sk >>= \case
Left exn -> do
bump (asUdf sat)
logError "AMES: UDP: Failed to receive packet"
signalBrokenSocket sk
Right Nothing -> do
bump (asUi6 sat)
logError "AMES: UDP: Dropping non-ipv4 packet"
pure ()
Right (Just (b, p, a)) -> do
logDebug "AMES: UDP: Received packet."
bump (asUdp sat)
enqueueRecvPacket p a b
let shutdown = do
logInfo "AMES: UDP: Shutting down. (killing threads)"
cancel tOpen
cancel tSend
cancel tRecv
logInfo "AMES: UDP: Shutting down. (closing socket)"
io $ join $ atomically $ do
res <- readTVar vSock <&> maybe (pure ()) close
writeTVar vSock Nothing
pure res
pure $ UdpServ { usSend = \a b -> runRIO env (enqueueSendPacket a b)
, usRecv = readTBQueue qRecv
, usKill = runRIO env shutdown