mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 18:01:32 +03:00
401 lines
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401 lines
10 KiB
:: btc-provider.hoon
:: Proxy that serves a BTC full node and ElectRS address indexer
:: Subscriptions: none
:: To Subscribers: /clients
:: current connection state
:: results/errors of RPC calls
:: Scrys
:: x/is-whitelisted/SHIP: bool, whether ship is whitelisted
/- *bitcoin, json-rpc, *btc-provider
/+ dbug, default-agent, bl=btc, groupl=group, resource
~% %btc-provider-top ..part ~
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ versioned-state
$% state-0
+$ state-0 [%0 =host-info =whitelist]
+$ state-1 [%1 =host-info =whitelist timer=(unit @da)]
+$ state-2 [%2 =host-info =whitelist timer=(unit @da) interval=@dr]
%- agent:dbug
=| state-2
=* state -
^- agent:gall
~% %btc-provider-agent ..send-status ~
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
hc ~(. +> bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
=| wl=^whitelist
:- ~
%_ this
host-info ['' connected=%.n %main block=0 clients=*(set ship)]
whitelist wl(public %.n, kids %.n)
timer ~
interval ~m1
++ on-save
^- vase
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card _this)
=/ old !<(versioned-state old-state)
?- -.old
[~ this(state old)]
`this(state [%2 host-info.old whitelist.old timer.old ~m1])
:_ this(state [%2 host-info.old whitelist.old ~ ~m1])
?: =('' api-url.host-info.old) ~
~[(start-ping-timer:hc ~s0)]
++ on-poke
~/ %on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> ?|((team:title our.bowl src.bowl) (is-client:hc src.bowl))
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
(handle-command !<(command vase))
(handle-action !<(action vase))
?. =(q.vase %kick-timer) `state
:_ state(timer `now.bowl)
:* (start-ping-timer ~s0)
?~ timer ~
[[%pass /block-time %arvo %b %rest u.timer] ~]
[cards this]
++ handle-command
|= comm=command
^- (quip card _state)
?- -.comm
:_ %_ state
host-info [api-url.comm %.n network.comm 0 *(set ship)]
timer `now.bowl
:* (start-ping-timer:hc ~s0)
?~ timer ~
[[%pass /block-time %arvo %b %rest u.timer] ~]
:- ~
?- -.wt.comm
state(public.whitelist %.y)
state(kids.whitelist %.y)
state(users.whitelist (~(uni in users.whitelist) users.wt.comm))
state(groups.whitelist (~(uni in groups.whitelist) groups.wt.comm))
=. state
?- -.wt.comm
state(public.whitelist %.n)
state(kids.whitelist %.n)
state(users.whitelist (~(dif in users.whitelist) users.wt.comm))
state(groups.whitelist (~(dif in groups.whitelist) groups.wt.comm))
`state(interval inte.comm)
:: +clean-client-list: remove clients who are no longer whitelisted
:: called after a whitelist change
++ clean-client-list
^- (quip card _state)
=/ to-kick=(set ship)
%- silt
%+ murn ~(tap in clients.host-info)
|= c=ship ^- (unit ship)
?:((is-whitelisted:hc c) ~ `c)
:_ state(clients.host-info (~(dif in clients.host-info) to-kick))
%+ turn ~(tap in to-kick)
|=(c=ship [%give %kick ~[/clients] `c])
:: if not connected, only %ping action is allowed
++ handle-action
|= act=action
^- (quip card _state)
:_ state
?. ?|(connected.host-info ?=(%ping -.act))
~[(send-update:hc [%| %not-connected 500] ~)]
:_ ~
%+ req-card act
^- action:rpc-types
?- -.act
%address-info [%get-address-info address.act]
%tx-info [%get-tx-vals txid.act]
%raw-tx [%get-raw-tx txid.act]
%broadcast-tx [%broadcast-tx rawtx.act]
%ping [%get-block-info ~]
%block-info [%get-block-info block.act]
++ req-card
|= [act=action ract=action:rpc-types]
=/ req=request:http
(gen-request:bl host-info ract)
[%pass (rpc-wire act) %arvo %i %request req *outbound-config:iris]
++ rpc-wire
|= act=action
^- wire
/[-.act]/(scot %p src.bowl)/(scot %ux (cut 3 [0 20] eny.bowl))
++ on-watch
~/ %on-watch
|= pax=path
^- (quip card _this)
:: checking provider permissions before trying to subscribe
:: terrible hack until we have cross-ship scries
?: ?=([%permitted @ ~] pax)
:_ this
=/ jon=json
%+ frond:enjs:format
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ provider+s+(scot %p our.bowl)
permitted+b+(is-whitelisted:hc src.bowl)
[%give %fact ~ %json !>(jon)]~
?> ?| ?=([%clients ~] pax)
?& ?=([%clients @ ~] pax)
=(src.bowl (slav %p i.t.pax))
?. (is-whitelisted:hc src.bowl)
~|("btc-provider: blocked client {<src.bowl>}" !!)
~& > "btc-provider: accepted client {<src.bowl>}"
`this(clients.host-info (~(put in clients.host-info) src.bowl))
++ on-arvo
~/ %on-arvo
|= [wir=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
:: check for connectivity every 30 seconds
?: ?=([%ping-timer *] wir)
?: ?=([%block-ping *] wir)
:_ this(timer `(add now.bowl interval))
:~ do-ping
(start-ping-timer:hc interval)
=^ cards state
?+ +<.sign-arvo (on-arvo:def wir sign-arvo)
(handle-rpc-response wir client-response.sign-arvo)
[cards this]
++ do-ping
^- card
=/ act=action [%ping ~]
:* %pass /ping/[(scot %da now.bowl)] %agent
[our.bowl %btc-provider] %poke
%btc-provider-action !>(act)
:: Handles HTTP responses from RPC servers. Parses for errors,
:: then handles response. For actions that require collating multiple
:: RPC calls, uses req-card to call out to RPC again if more
:: information is required.
++ handle-rpc-response
|= [=wire response=client-response:iris]
^- (quip card _state)
?. ?=(%finished -.response) `state
=* status status-code.response-header.response
:: handle error types: connection errors, RPC errors (in order)
=^ conn-err state
(connection-error status)
?^ conn-err
:_ state(connected.host-info %.n)
:~ (send-status:hc [%disconnected ~] ~)
(send-update:hc [%| u.conn-err] ~)
%+ handle-rpc-result wire
%- parse-result:rpc:bl
(get-rpc-response:bl response)
++ handle-rpc-result
|= [=wire r=result:rpc-types]
^- (quip card _state)
=/ ship=(unit ship)
(slaw %p (snag 1 wire))
?+ -.wire ~|("Unexpected HTTP response" !!)
?> ?=([%get-address-info *] r)
:_ state
~[(send-update:hc [%.y %address-info +.r] ship)]
?> ?=([%get-tx-vals *] r)
:_ state
~[(send-update:hc [%.y %tx-info +.r] ship)]
?> ?=([%get-raw-tx *] r)
:_ state
~[(send-update:hc [%.y %raw-tx +.r] ship)]
?> ?=([%broadcast-tx *] r)
:_ state
~[(send-update:hc [%.y %broadcast-tx +.r] ship)]
?> ?=([%get-block-info *] r)
:_ state(connected.host-info %.y, block.host-info block.r)
:_ ~
%- send-status:hc
:_ ~
?: =(block.host-info block.r)
[%connected network.host-info block.r fee.r]
[%new-block network.host-info block.r fee.r blockhash.r blockfilter.r]
?> ?=([%get-block-info *] r)
:_ state
~[(send-update:hc [%.y %block-info network.host-info +.r] ship)]
++ connection-error
|= status=@ud
^- [(unit error) _state]
?+ status [`[%rpc-error ~] state]
%200 [~ state]
%400 [`[%bad-request status] state]
%401 [`[%no-auth status] state(connected.host-info %.n)]
%502 [`[%not-connected status] state(connected.host-info %.n)]
%504 [`[%not-connected status] state(connected.host-info %.n)]
++ on-peek
~/ %on-peek
|= pax=path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?+ pax (on-peek:def pax)
[%x %is-whitelisted @t ~]
``noun+!>((is-whitelisted:hc (ship (slav %p +>-.pax))))
[%x %is-client @t ~]
``noun+!>((is-client:hc (ship (slav %p +>-.pax))))
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
:: helper core
~% %btc-provider-helper ..card ~
|_ =bowl:gall
+* grp ~(. groupl bowl)
++ send-status
|= [=status ship=(unit ship)]
^- card
%- ?: ?=(%new-block -.status)
~&(>> "%new-block: {<block.status>}" same)
=- [%give %fact ~[-] %btc-provider-status !>(status)]
?~ ship /clients
/clients/(scot %p u.ship)
++ send-update
|= [=update ship=(unit ship)]
^- card
%- ?: ?=(%.y -.update)
~&(>> "prov. err: {<p.update>}" same)
=- [%give %fact ~[-] %btc-provider-update !>(update)]
?~ ship /clients
/clients/(scot %p u.ship)
++ is-whitelisted
~/ %is-whitelisted
|= user=ship
^- ?
?| public.whitelist
=(our.bowl user)
?&(kids.whitelist is-kid)
(~(has in users.whitelist) user)
++ is-kid
=(our.bowl (sein:title our.bowl now.bowl user))
++ in-group
=/ gs ~(tap in groups.whitelist)
?. is-running:grp %.n
?~ gs %.n
?: (is-member:grp user i.gs)
$(gs t.gs)
++ is-client
|= user=ship
^- ?
(~(has in clients.host-info) user)
++ start-ping-timer
|= interval=@dr
^- card
[%pass /block-ping %arvo %b %wait (add now.bowl interval)]