mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
431 lines
11 KiB
431 lines
11 KiB
:: claz: command line azimuth, for the power-user
/+ *claz, *ethereum, *azimuth, verb, default-agent
+$ state-0
$: %0
in-progress=(unit command)
+$ rpc-result [id=@t res=@t]
+$ card card:agent:gall
++ node-url 'http://eth-mainnet.urbit.org:8545'
=| state-0
=* state -
%+ verb |
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
do ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load on-load:def
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=(%noun mark) [~ this]
?^ in-progress
~& %still-running-please-try-again-later
[~ this]
=/ =command !<(command vase)
:_ this(in-progress `command)
(prepare-for-command:do command)
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%prepare *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?- -.sign
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} couldn't start thread" u.p.sign)
:_ this(in-progress ~)
[(leave-spider:do wire our.bowl)]~
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
=/ =tank leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} couldn't start listen to thread"
%- (slog tank u.p.sign)
[~ this(in-progress ~)]
[~ this(in-progress ~)]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
%- (slog leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} failed" leaf+<term> tang)
[~ this(in-progress ~)]
=+ prep=!<(prep-result q.cage.sign)
?~ in-progress
~& [dap.bowl 'did preparations, but lost command']
[~ this]
:_ this(in-progress ~)
[(generate:do u.in-progress prep)]~
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ =bowl:gall
++ poke-spider
|= [=path our=@p =cage]
^- card
[%pass path %agent [our %spider] %poke cage]
++ watch-spider
|= [=path our=@p =sub=path]
^- card
[%pass path %agent [our %spider] %watch sub-path]
++ leave-spider
|= [=path our=@p]
^- card
[%pass path %agent [our %spider] %leave ~]
++ prepare-for-command
|= =command
^- (list card)
=/ new-tid=@ta
:((cury cat 3) dap.bowl '--' (scot %uv eny.bowl))
=/ args
[~ `new-tid %claz-prep-command !>([node-url command])]
:~ (watch-spider /prepare our.bowl /thread-result/[new-tid])
(poke-spider /prepare our.bowl %spider-start !>(args))
:: transaction generation logic
++ generate
|= [=command prep=prep-result]
^- card
?> ?=(%nonce -.prep)
?- -.command
%+ write-file-transactions
(batch-to-transactions nonce.prep [network as batch]:command)
++ batch-to-transactions
|= [nonce=@ud =network as=address =batch]
^- (list transaction:rpc)
?- -.batch
%single [(single nonce network as +.batch) ~]
%deed (deed nonce network as +.batch)
%invites (invites nonce network as +.batch)
%lock-prep (lock-prep nonce network as +.batch)
%lock (lock nonce network as +.batch)
=| txs=(list transaction:rpc)
=* batches batches.batch
?~ batches txs
=/ new-txs=(list transaction:rpc)
^$(batch i.batches)
%_ $
txs (weld txs new-txs)
nonce (add nonce (lent new-txs))
batches t.batches
++ tape-to-ux
|= t=tape
(scan t zero-ux)
++ zero-ux
;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex)
++ write-file-transactions
|= [=path tox=(list transaction:rpc)]
^- card
?> ?=([@ desk @ *] path)
=- [%pass [%write path] %arvo %c %info -]
:- `desk`i.t.path
=- &+[t.t.t.path -]~
=/ y .^(arch %cy path)
?~ fil.y
++ do
::TODO maybe reconsider encode-call interface, if we end up wanting @ux
:: as or more often than we want tapes
|= [=network nonce=@ud to=address dat=$@(@ux tape)]
^- transaction:rpc
:* nonce
| ::TODO global config
600.000 ::TODO global config
`@`?@(dat dat (tape-to-ux dat))
?- network
%mainnet 0x1
%ropsten 0x3
%fakenet `@ux``@`1.337
[%other *] id.network
++ single
|= [nonce=@ud =network as=address =call]
^- transaction:rpc
=- (do network nonce contract data)
^- [data=tape contract=address]
:- (encode-claz-call call)
=/ contracts (get-contracts network)
?+ -.call ecliptic:contracts
%send-point delegated-sending:contracts
++ deed
|= [nonce=@ud =network as=address deeds-json=cord]
^- (list transaction:rpc)
=/ deeds=(list [=ship rights])
(parse-registration deeds-json)
::TODO split per spawn proxy
=| txs=(list transaction:rpc)
|^ :: $
?~ deeds (flop txs)
=* deed i.deeds
=. txs
?. ?=(%czar (clan:title ship.deed))
%- do-here
(spawn:dat ship.deed as)
~| %galaxy-held-by-ceremony
?> =(0x740d.6d74.1711.163d.3fca.cecf.1f11.b867.9a7c.7964 as)
~& [%assuming-galaxy-owned-by-ceremony ship.deed]
=? txs ?=(^ net.deed)
%- do-here
(configure-keys:dat [ship u.net]:deed)
=? txs ?=(^ manage.deed)
%- do-here
(set-management-proxy:dat [ship u.manage]:deed)
=? txs ?=(^ voting.deed)
%- do-here
(set-voting-proxy:dat [ship u.voting]:deed)
=? txs ?=(^ spawn.deed)
%- do-here
(set-spawn-proxy:dat [ship u.spawn]:deed)
=. txs
%- do-here
(transfer-ship:dat [ship own]:deed)
$(deeds t.deeds)
::TODO maybe-do, take dat gat and unit argument
++ do-here
|= dat=tape
:_ txs
(do network (add nonce (lent txs)) ecliptic:(get-contracts network) dat)
++ invites
|= [nonce=@ud =network as=address as-who=ship file=path]
^- (list transaction:rpc)
=/ friends=(list [=ship @q =address])
(read-invites file)
=| txs=(list transaction:rpc)
?~ friends (flop txs)
=* friend i.friends
=; tx=transaction:rpc
$(txs [tx txs], friends t.friends)
%- do
:* network
(add nonce (lent txs))
delegated-sending:(get-contracts network)
(send-point:dat as-who [ship address]:friend)
++ parse-registration
|= reg=cord
^- (list [=ship rights])
~| %registration-json-insane
=+ jon=(need (de-json:html reg))
~| %registration-json-invalid
?> ?=(%o -.jon)
=. p.jon (~(del by p.jon) 'idCode')
%+ turn ~(tap by p.jon)
|= [who=@t deed=json]
^- [ship rights]
:- (rash who dum:ag)
?> ?=(%a -.deed)
:: array has contents of:
:: [owner, transfer, spawn, mgmt, delegate, auth_key, crypt_key]
~| [%registration-incomplete deed (lent p.deed)]
?> =(7 (lent p.deed))
=< :* (. 0 %address) :: owner
(. 3 %unit-address) :: management
(. 4 %unit-address) :: voting
(. 1 %unit-address) :: transfer
(. 2 %unit-address) :: spawn
(both (. 6 %key) (. 5 %key)) :: crypt, auth
|* [i=@ud what=?(%address %unit-address %key)]
=+ j=(snag i p.deed)
~| [%registration-invalid-value what j]
?> ?=(%s -.j)
%+ rash p.j
=+ adr=;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex)
?- what
%address adr
%unit-address ;~(pose (stag ~ adr) (cold ~ (jest '')))
%key ;~(pose (stag ~ hex) (cold ~ (jest '')))
++ lock-prep
|= [nonce=@ud =network as=address what=(list ship)]
^- (list transaction:rpc)
~& %assuming-lockup-on-mainnet
=| txs=(list transaction:rpc)
?~ what (flop txs)
=. txs
%- do-here
(spawn:dat i.what as)
=. txs
%- do-here
%+ transfer-ship:dat i.what
~& %assuming-lockup-done-by-ceremony
$(what t.what)
++ do-here
|= dat=tape
:_ txs
(do network (add nonce (lent txs)) ecliptic:mainnet-contracts dat)
::TODO support distinguishing/switching between usable lockup methods
:: automagically
++ lock
|= $: nonce=@ud
how=?(%spawn %transfer)
what=(list ship)
^- (list transaction:rpc)
:: verify lockup sanity
~| %invalid-lockup-ships
?> ?| ?=(%linear -.lockup)
=(`@`(lent what) :(add b1.lockup b2.lockup b3.lockup))
:: expand galaxies into stars
=. what
%- zing
%+ turn what
|= s=ship
^- (list ship)
?. =(%czar (clan:title s)) [s]~
(turn (gulf 1 255) |=(k=@ud (cat 3 s k)))
=/ lockup-contract=address
?- -.lockup
%linear 0x86cd.9cd0.992f.0423.1751.e376.1de4.5cec.ea5d.1801
%conditional 0x8c24.1098.c3d3.498f.e126.1421.633f.d579.86d7.4aea
%- flop
=| txs=(list transaction:rpc)
^+ txs
:: registration
=. txs
%+ do-here lockup-contract
?- -.lockup
%linear (register-linear to (lent what) +.lockup)
%conditional (register-conditional to +.lockup)
:: context-dependent setup
=. txs
?- how
:: %spawn: set spawn proxy of parents
~& %assuming-ceremony-controls-parents
=/ parents
=- ~(tap in -)
%+ roll what
|= [s=ship ss=(set ship)]
?> =(%king (clan:title s))
(~(put in ss) (^sein:title s))
?~ parents txs
=. txs
%+ do-here ecliptic:mainnet-contracts
(set-spawn-proxy:dat i.parents lockup-contract)
$(parents t.parents)
:: %transfer: set transfer proxy of stars
~& %assuming-ceremony-controls-stars
?~ what txs
=. txs
%+ do-here ecliptic:mainnet-contracts
(set-transfer-proxy:dat i.what lockup-contract)
$(what t.what)
:: depositing
?~ what txs
=. txs
%+ do-here lockup-contract
(deposit:dat to i.what)
$(what t.what)
++ do-here
|= [contract=address dat=tape]
:_ txs
(do network (add nonce (lent txs)) contract dat)
++ register-linear
|= [to=address stars=@ud windup-years=@ud unlock-years=@ud]
%- register-linear:dat
:* to
(mul windup-years yer:yo)
(div (mul unlock-years yer:yo) stars)
++ register-conditional
|= [to=address [b1=@ud b2=@ud b3=@ud] unlock-years-per-batch=@ud]
%- register-conditional:dat
:* to
b1 b2 b3
(div (mul unlock-years-per-batch yer:yo) :(add b1 b2 b3))