2016-09-08 09:29:38 -07:00

417 lines
15 KiB

:: %jael, secret
:::: /hoon/jael
!? 164
!: ::
|= pit/vase
=> =~
:: private structures :: ::
:::: :: ::
:: :: ::
++ jael-state :: all crypto state
$: ver/$0 :: %jael version
nav/jael-objective :: all universal state
:: nix/jael-subjective :: all derived state
== ::
++ jael-objective :: all universal state
$: urb/jael-urbit :: all urbit state
web/(map (list @ta) jael-web-domain) :: all web state
== ::
++ jael-web-domain :: per foreign app
$: sec/(map @t jael-web-app) :: client per api key
usr/(map @ta jael-web-user) :: direct user info
== ::
++ jael-web-app :: local app
$: key/(unit (pair @da @)) :: API key
tok/(map @t (pair @da @)) :: token by username
== ::
++ jael-web-user :: per-user secrets
$: pas/(unit @t) :: password
dey/(unit @t) :: display name
== ::
++ jael-urbit :: objective urbit
$: pub/gree :: all public state
pry/(map ship jael-ship) :: all private state
== ::
++ jael-ship :: objective by ship
$: rel/(map ship jael-friend) :: relationships
own/(map life ring) :: private keys
vew/(set duct) :: watchers
== ::
++ jael-friend :: relationship
$: luf/(unit life) :: life as known to
lab/(nap jael-right) :: promises to
vow/(set duct) :: watchers
== ::
++ jael-inference :: learning result
$% {$hard p/ship} :: rough update to
{$meet p/ship} :: first contact with
{$soft p/ship} :: soft update to
{$sign p/ship q/gree} :: return signature
++ jael-right :: urbit commitment
$% {$block p/pile} :: address block
{$email p/(set @ta)} :: email addresses
{$entry p/(map hand (pair @da code))} :: symmetric keys
{$final p/(map ship @uvG)} :: tickets
{$fungi p/(map term @ud)} :: fungibles
{$lived p/life} :: PKI commitment
== ::
++ jael-task :: operations on
$% {$give p/ship q/(nap jael-right)} :: add rights
{$line p/ship q/@da r/code} :: outbound symkey
{$link p/ship q/@da r/code} :: inbound symkey
{$meet p/gree} :: integrate truth
{$over p/ship q/jael-task} :: mirror operation
{$pall p/ship q/life} :: our life acked
{$ring p/? q/(map chip (pair @ta @t)) r/ring} :: update private key
{$take p/ship q/(nap jael-right)} :: subtract rights
{$vain $~} :: watch self
{$vest $~} :: watch assets
{$view p/ship} :: watch urbit
{$vile p/(list @ta)} :: watch website
{$west p/ship q/path r/*} :: remote request
{$wink p/@ta q/@t r/(unit (pair @da @))} :: set API key
{$wonk p/@ta q/@t r/@t s/(unit (pair @da @))} :: set API token
== ::
++ jael-report-them :: report on neighbor
$: gur/grue :: certificate
lab/(nap jael-right) :: our promises to
own/(nap jael-right) :: our promises from
== ::
++ jael-report-self :: report on self
$: gur/grue :: certificate
war/(map life ring) :: private keys
== ::
++ jael-report-cash :: neighbors/assets
$: has/(map ship (nap jael-right)) ::
== ::
++ jael-report-paid :: asset diff
$: dif/(list (trel ship ? (nap jael-right))) :: who, +/-, what
== ::
:: ::
++ jael-gift :: output
$? {$cash jael-report-cash} :: asset dump
{$clue jael-report-them} :: channel dump
{$paid jael-report-paid} :: asset update
{$self jael-report-self} :: self dump
{$well jael-web-domain} :: service update
== ::
++ jael-message :: p2p message
$% {$hail p/(nap jael-right)} :: re/set rights
{$ping $~} :: ping
{$seed p/gree} :: propagate
== ::
++ jael-effect :: propagation effect
$% {$cold p/ship q/life} :: breach to life
{$helo p/ship} :: intro neighbor
{$sign p/ship q/life} :: added signature
{$stir p/ship q/life} :: updated signature
{$sure p/ship q/life} :: signature confirmed
{$warm p/ship q/life} :: advance to life
{$yell p/gree} :: propagate
== ::
++ meet :: merge worlds
|= {via/@p new/gree old/gree}
^- (pair (list jael-effect) gree)
=+ wen=(~(tap by new))
|^ ^- (pair (list jael-effect) gree)
?~ wen [~ old]
=+ mor=$(wen t.wen)
=+ dis=(boat i.wen)
[(weld p.dis p.mor) (~(put by q.mor) p.i.wen q.dis)]
:: ::
++ boat :: merge per ship
|= {who/ship gur/grue}
^- (pair (list jael-effect) grue)
=+ rug=((bond |.(*grue)) (~(get by old) who))
?: =(gur rug) [~ rug]
=+ :* num=1
end=(max p.gur p.rug)
=| $: pre/(unit lace)
fex/(list jael-effect)
gum/(list (pair life lace))
=- [(flop p) `grue`[end (~(gas by *(map life lace)) q]]
|- ^+ [p=fex q=gum]
:: lives are 1 through n
?: (gth num end) [fex gum]
:: `lod` is the old deed, `wan` the new deed
=+ :- lod=(~(get by q.rug) num)
wan=(~(get by q.gur) num)
:: build a new deed and continue with it
=- $(num +(num), fex p, pre `q, gum :_(gum [num q]))
^- (pair (list jael-effect) lace)
:: if no new information, do nothing
?: |(?=($~ wan) =(wan lod))
?> ?=(^ lod)
[fex u.lod]]
:: if we have an old deed at this life, merge them
=+ ash=(sham dat.u.wan)
?: ?=(^ lod)
:: deed data must be identical
?> =(dat.u.wan dat.u.lod)
:: replace fresher signatures, add new ones
=+ sow=`(list (trel ship life @))`(~(tap by syg.u.wan))
|- ^- (pair (list jael-effect) lace)
?~ sow [fex u.lod]
=+ ect=(~(get by u.lod) p.i.sow)
:: ignore obsolete or equal signature
?. |(?=(~ ect) (gth q.i.sow p.u.ect))
$(sow t.sow)
:: merge new, or newer, signature
?> (good [p.i.sow q.i.sow] ash r.i.sow)
%= $
sow t.sow
fex [stir+who fex]
u.lod (~(put by u.lod) p.i.sow [q r]:i.sow)
:: new deed, if for an existing ship
?. =(1 num)
?> ?=(^ pre)
:: check that the previous deed has signed this one
=+ laz=(~(got by syg.u.wan) who)
?> =(p.laz (dec num))
?> =(ash (need (sure:as:(com:nu:crub pub.dat.u.pre) *code q.laz)))
:: check the parent has signed, if necessary
?> ?| ::
:: no parent signature if parent is unchanged, not a moon
?& (=(dad.dat.u.pre dad.dat.u.wan)
!=(%earl (clan who))
:: no parent signature if we got this deed from the parent
=(via dad.dat.u.wan)
:: valid parent signature required
=+ par=(~(got by syg.u.wan) dad.dat.u.wan)
(good [dad.dat.u.wan p.par] ash q.par)
:: new deed for new ship
?: (lth who 256)
:: initial galaxy public key must match hardcode
?> =(pub.dat.u.wan (zeno who))
:: initial parent is predefined
?> =(dad.dat.u.wan (sein who))
?> ?| =(via dad.dat.u.wan)
:: if there is an old deed
?^ lod
:: merge old and new
=^ wax ^- lama
?^ lod
:: ::
++ look :: get public key
|= myn/mind
^- @
:: first galaxy key is hardcoded
?: &((lth who.myn 256) =(1 lyf.myn))
(zeno who.myn)
:: cascade search over old and new, new first
|^ (need ((bond |.((find myn))) (find(old new) myn)))
++ find
^- (unit @)
%+ biff (~(get by old) who.myn)
|= gur/grue
:: crash if this life is revoked
?> =(p.gur lyf.myn)
%+ biff (~(get by q.gur) lyf.myn)
|=(lace `pub.dat)
:: ::
++ good :: verify signature
|= {myn/mind ash/@ val/@}
^- ?
?>(=(ash (need (sure:as:(com:nu:crub (look myn)) *code val))) &)
++ move {p/duct q/{$gift jael-gift}} :: local move
-- ::
. == ::
=| lex/jael-state :: kernel state
|= {now/@da eny/@ ski/sley} :: current invocation
=< |% :: vane interface
++ call :: request
|= $: hen/duct
hic/(hypo (hobo jael-task))
=> .(q.hic ?.(?=($soft -.q.hic) q.hic ((hard jael-task) p.q.hic)))
^- {p/(list move) q/_..^$}
=^ did lex (^call hen q.hic)
[did ..^$]
++ doze :: sleep
|= {now/@da hen/duct}
^- (unit @da)
++ load :: upgrade
|= old/jael-state
^+ ..^$
~& %jael-reload
..^$(lex old)
++ scry
|= {fur/(unit (set monk)) ren/@tas why/shop syd/desk lot/coin tyl/path}
^- (unit (unit cage))
++ stay lex
++ take :: accept response
|= {tea/wire hen/duct hin/(hypo sign-arvo)}
^- {p/(list move) q/_..^$}
[~ ..^$]
++ call
|= {hen/duct tac/jael-task}
^- {(list move) jael-state}
?+ -.tac !!
=< abet
=< abet
(give:(unto:(from our) p.tac) q.tac)
=* ryt `jael-right`[%entry [[(shaf %hand r.tac) q.tac r.tac] ~ ~]]
=< abet
=< abet
(give:(unto:(from our) p.tac) `(nap jael-right)`[ryt ~ ~])
=* ryt `jael-right`[%entry [[(shaf %hand r.tac) q.tac r.tac] ~ ~]]
=< abet
=< abet
(give:(unto:(from p.tac) our) `(nap jael-right)`[ryt ~ ~])
=^ fur pub.urb.nav.lex (~(meet da pub.urb.nav.lex) p.tac)
[~ lex]
$(our p.tac, tac q.tac)
=< abet
=< abet
(pall:(unto:(from our) p.tac) q.tac)
++ meld
|= {new/gree old/gree}
=< work
|% ++ abet
++ work
=+ wen=(~(tap by new))
|- ^- {(list jael-inference
=+ wen=(~(tap by new))
|- ^- {gree gree}
?~ wen [~ old]
=+ mor=$(wen t.wen)
++ da :: pedigree core
|_ {via/ship ped/gree}
++ meet
|= new/gree
=+ wen=(~(tap by new))
|- ^- {(list jael-inference) gree}
?~ wen [~ ped]
=+ mor=$(wen t.wen)
++ from
|= rex/ship
=+ :* nex=*(list move)
((bond |.(*jael-ship)) (~(get by pry.urb.nav.lex) rex))
++ abet
^- {(list move) jael-state}
:- (flop nex)
lex(pry.urb.nav (~(put by pry.urb.nav.lex) rex `jael-ship`+<+))
++ unto
|= pal/ship
=+ ((bond |.(*jael-friend)) (~(get by rel) pal))
++ abet :: resolve
..unto(rel (~(put by rel) pal `jael-friend`+<))
++ give
|= lab/(nap jael-right)
^+ +>
++ pall
|= lyf/life
?> |(?=($~ luf) =(u.luf lyf) =(
+>(luf `lyf)
%= +>
?~ luf `lyf
?: =(u.luf