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RAcquire = ReaderT e Acquire a
module Data.RAcquire where
( RAcquire (..)
, Allocated (..)
, with
, mkRAcquire
, ReleaseType (..)
, mkRAcquireType
) where
import Prelude
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as C ()
import qualified Data.Acquire.Internal as Act
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadIO(..), MonadUnliftIO, withRunInIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import RIO (RIO, runRIO)
data ReleaseType
= ReleaseEarly
| ReleaseNormal
| ReleaseException
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable)
data Allocated e a
= Allocated !a !(ReleaseType -> RIO e ())
newtype RAcquire e a
= RAcquire ((forall b. RIO e b -> RIO e b) -> RIO e (Allocated e a))
deriving Typeable
class MonadRIO m where
liftRIO :: RIO e a -> m e a
instance MonadRIO RIO where
liftRIO = id
class MonadAcquire m where
liftAcquire :: Act.Acquire a -> m a
instance Functor (RAcquire e) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (RAcquire e) where
pure a = RAcquire (\_ -> return (Allocated a (const $ return ())))
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (RAcquire e) where
return = pure
RAcquire f >>= g' = RAcquire $ \restore -> do
env <- ask
Allocated x free1 <- f restore
let RAcquire g = g' x
Allocated y free2 <- liftIO $ E.onException
(runRIO env $ g restore)
(runRIO env $ free1 ReleaseException)
return $! Allocated y $ \rt ->
liftIO $ E.finally (runRIO env $ free2 rt)
(runRIO env $ free1 rt)
instance MonadReader e (RAcquire e) where
ask = liftRIO ask
local mod (RAcquire f) = RAcquire $ \restore -> local mod (f restore)
instance MonadRIO RAcquire where
liftRIO f = RAcquire $ \restore -> do
x <- restore f
return $! Allocated x (const $ return ())
instance MonadIO (RAcquire e) where
liftIO = liftRIO . liftIO
unTransRIO :: e -> (RIO e a -> RIO e a) -> IO a -> IO a
unTransRIO env trans act = runRIO env $ trans $ liftIO act
instance MonadAcquire (RAcquire e) where
liftAcquire (Act.Acquire f) = do
env <- liftRIO ask
RAcquire $ \restore -> do
fmap fixAllo $ liftIO $ f $ unTransRIO env restore
fixAllo (Act.Allocated x y) = Allocated x $ fmap liftIO (y . fixTy)
fixTy = \case
ReleaseEarly -> Act.ReleaseEarly
ReleaseNormal -> Act.ReleaseNormal
ReleaseException -> Act.ReleaseException
mkRAcquire :: RIO e a
-> (a -> RIO e ())
-> RAcquire e a
mkRAcquire create free = RAcquire $ \restore -> do
x <- restore create
return $! Allocated x (const $ free x)
:: RIO e a -- ^ acquire the resource
-> (a -> ReleaseType -> RIO e ()) -- ^ free the resource
-> RAcquire e a
mkRAcquireType create free = RAcquire $ \restore -> do
x <- restore create
return $! Allocated x (free x)
transRIO :: e -> (IO a -> IO a) -> RIO e a -> RIO e a
transRIO env trans act = liftIO $ trans $ runRIO env act
rwith :: (MonadUnliftIO (m e), MonadReader e (m e))
=> RAcquire e a
-> (a -> m e b)
-> m e b
rwith (RAcquire f) g = do
env <- ask
withRunInIO $ \run -> E.mask $ \restore -> do
Allocated x free <- runRIO env $ f $ transRIO env restore
res <- E.onException (restore $ run $ g x)
(runRIO env $ free ReleaseException)
runRIO env $ free ReleaseNormal
return res