
129 lines
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module King.API (kingAPI, readPortsFile) where
import UrbitPrelude
import Data.Aeson
import RIO.Directory
import King.App (HasConfigDir(..))
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Prelude (read)
import Vere.LockFile (lockFile)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Daemon state.
data King = King
{ kServer :: Async ()
data ShipStatus = Halted | Booting | Booted | Running | LandscapeUp
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
data KingStatus = Starting | Started
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
data StatusResp = StatusResp
{ king :: KingStatus
, ships :: Map Text ShipStatus
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
Get the filepath of the urbit config directory and the ports file.
portsFilePath :: HasConfigDir e => RIO e (FilePath, FilePath)
portsFilePath = do
dir <- view configDirL
fil <- pure (dir </> ".king.ports")
pure (dir, fil)
Write the ports file.
portsFile :: HasConfigDir e => Word -> RAcquire e (FilePath, FilePath)
portsFile por =
mkRAcquire mkFile (removeFile . snd)
mkFile = do
(dir, fil) <- portsFilePath
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
writeFile fil (encodeUtf8 $ tshow por)
pure (dir, fil)
Get the HTTP port for the running Urbit daemon.
readPortsFile :: HasConfigDir e => RIO e (Maybe Word)
readPortsFile = do
(_, fil) <- portsFilePath
bs <- readFile fil
evaluate (read $ unpack $ decodeUtf8 bs)
kingServer :: HasLogFunc e => (Int, Socket) -> RAcquire e King
kingServer is =
mkRAcquire (startKing is) (cancel . kServer)
startKing :: HasLogFunc e => (Int, Socket) -> RIO e King
startKing (port, sock) = do
let opts = W.defaultSettings & W.setPort port
tid <- async $ io $ W.runSettingsSocket opts sock $ app
pure (King tid)
Start the HTTP server and write to the ports file.
kingAPI :: (HasConfigDir e, HasLogFunc e)
=> RAcquire e King
kingAPI = do
(port, sock) <- io $ W.openFreePort
(dir, fil) <- portsFile (fromIntegral port)
lockFile dir
kingServer (port, sock)
stubStatus :: StatusResp
stubStatus = StatusResp Started $ mapFromList [("zod", Running)]
serveTerminal :: Ship -> Word -> W.Application
serveTerminal ship word =
WS.websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions placeholderWSApp fallback
fallback req respond =
respond $ W.responseLBS H.status500 []
$ "This endpoint uses websockets"
placeholderWSApp :: WS.ServerApp
placeholderWSApp _ = pure ()
data BadShip = BadShip Text
deriving (Show, Exception)
readShip :: Text -> IO Ship
readShip t = Ob.parsePatp t & \case
Left err -> throwIO (BadShip t)
Right pp -> pure $ Ship $ fromIntegral $ Ob.fromPatp pp
app :: W.Application
app req respond =
case W.pathInfo req of
["terminal", ship, session] -> do
session :: Word <- evaluate $ read $ unpack session
ship <- readShip ship
serveTerminal ship session req respond
["status"] ->
respond $ W.responseLBS H.status200 [] $ encode stubStatus
_ ->
respond $ W.responseLBS H.status404 [] "No implemented"