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synced 2024-12-19 08:32:39 +03:00
Unflops the spur in +en-beam, +de-beam, and everything that calls either of those, or works with the consequences of their output. This includes clay's interface for mounting and unmounting, which now no longer expects the arguments to contain an old-style spur.
160 lines
3.8 KiB
160 lines
3.8 KiB
/+ default-agent
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ test ?(%agents %marks %generators)
+$ state
$: app=(set path)
mar=(set path)
gen=(set path)
=, format
^- agent:gall
=| =state
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save on-save:def
++ on-load on-load:def
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- [(list card) _this]
=+ !<(=test vase)
?- test
%marks test-marks
%agents test-agents
%generators test-generators
++ test-marks
=| fex=(list card)
^+ [fex this]
?> =(~ mar.state)
=. mar-ok.state %.y
=+ .^(paz=(list path) ct+(en-beam now-beak /mar))
|- ^+ [fex this]
?~ paz [fex this]
=/ xap=path (flop i.paz)
?. ?=([%hoon *] xap)
$(paz t.paz)
=/ mak=^mark
%- crip
%+ turn (tail (spud (tail (flop (tail xap)))))
|=(c=@tD `@tD`?:(=('/' c) '-' c))
=/ sing=card
:+ %pass /build/mar/[mak]
[%arvo %c %warp our.bowl %home ~ %sing %b da+now.bowl /[mak]]
%_ $
paz t.paz
fex [sing fex]
mar.state (~(put in mar.state) /mar/[mak])
++ test-agents
=| fex=(list card)
^+ [fex this]
?> =(~ app.state)
=. app-ok.state %.y
=+ .^(app-arch=arch cy+(en-beam now-beak /app))
=/ daz ~(tap in ~(key by dir.app-arch))
|- ^+ [fex this]
?~ daz [fex this]
=/ dap-pax=path /app/[i.daz]/hoon
=/ dap-arch .^(arch cy+(en-beam now-beak dap-pax))
?~ fil.dap-arch
$(daz t.daz)
=/ sing=card
:+ %pass /build/app/[i.daz]
[%arvo %c %warp our.bowl %home ~ %sing %a da+now.bowl dap-pax]
%_ $
daz t.daz
fex [sing fex]
app.state (~(put in app.state) /app/[i.daz])
++ test-generators
=| fex=(list card)
^+ [fex this]
?> =(~ gen.state)
=. gen-ok.state %.y
=+ .^(paz=(list path) ct+(en-beam now-beak /gen))
|- ^+ [fex this]
?~ paz [fex this]
=/ xap=path (flop i.paz)
?. ?=([%hoon *] xap)
$(paz t.paz)
=/ sing=card
:+ %pass build+i.paz
[%arvo %c %warp our.bowl %home ~ %sing %a da+now.bowl i.paz]
%_ $
paz t.paz
fex [sing fex]
gen.state (~(put in gen.state) i.paz)
++ now-beak %_(byk.bowl r [%da now.bowl])
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- [(list card) _this]
?. ?=([%build *] wire)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
?. ?=(%writ +<.sign-arvo)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
=/ =path t.wire
?+ path ~|(path+path !!)
[%app *]
=/ ok
?~ p.sign-arvo |
(~(nest ut -:!>(*agent:gall)) | -:!<(vase q.r.u.p.sign-arvo))
~& ?: ok
=? app-ok.state !ok %.n
=. app.state (~(del in app.state) path)
~? =(~ app.state)
?: app-ok.state
[~ this]
[%mar *]
=/ ok ?=(^ p.sign-arvo)
~& ?: ok
=? mar-ok.state !ok %.n
=. mar.state (~(del in mar.state) path)
~? =(~ mar.state)
?: mar-ok.state
[~ this]
[%gen *]
=/ ok ?=(^ p.sign-arvo)
~& ?: ok
=? gen-ok.state !ok %.n
=. gen.state (~(del in gen.state) path)
~? =(~ gen.state)
?: gen-ok.state
[~ this]
++ on-fail on-fail:def