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module Language.Conq where
import ClassyPrelude hiding ((<.>), Left, Right, hash, cons)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Flat
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (generate)
import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState, runState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
type Tup a b = (a, b)
data Sum a b = L a | R b
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- SHA256
newtype SHA256 = SHA256 { unSHA256 :: ByteString }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Flat, Show, Hashable, NFData)
data Val
= VV -- Void
| VN -- Null
| V0 !Val -- Left
| V1 !Val -- Right
| VP !Val !Val -- Pair
| VT !Val !Exp Val
| VR !SHA256
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Flat)
instance Show Val where
show = show . valExp
crash :: Exp
crash = EEval <> EEval <> ENull
grainery :: IORef (HashMap SHA256 ByteString)
grainery = unsafePerformIO (newIORef grainsFromJets)
grainsFromJets :: HashMap SHA256 ByteString
grainsFromJets = do
mapFromList $ jetReg <&> \(h,e,_) -> (h, flat (forVal e))
jetReg :: [(SHA256, Exp, Val -> Val)]
jetReg =
[ ( SHA256 (encodeBase58 "FWz5mTGmuVz2b4TLNa7yMjTKL7wihsEWakoUD2nzqP6q")
, ESubj
, id
jets :: HashMap SHA256 (Val -> Val)
jets = mapFromList (jetReg <&> \(h,_,f) -> (h,f))
runTent :: SHA256 -> Exp -> Val -> Val
runTent k exp arg =
lookup k jets & \case
Nothing -> runExp arg exp
Just fn -> trace ("running jet " <> show (ETent k)) (fn arg)
decodeBase58 :: ByteString -> Text
decodeBase58 = decodeUtf8 . Base58.encodeBase58 Base58.bitcoinAlphabet
fromJust (Just x) = x
fromJust _ = error "fromJust: Nothing"
encodeBase58 :: Text -> ByteString
encodeBase58 = fromJust
. Base58.decodeBase58 Base58.bitcoinAlphabet
. encodeUtf8
putGrain :: Val -> Val
putGrain v = unsafePerformIO $ do
(bs, k) <- evaluate $ force (hashVal v)
traceM ("Putting Grain: " <> unpack (decodeBase58 $ unSHA256 k))
atomicModifyIORef' grainery (\t -> (insertMap k bs t, ()))
evaluate (VR k)
getGrain :: SHA256 -> Val
getGrain k = unsafePerformIO $ do
traceM ("Getting Grain: " <> unpack (decodeBase58 $ unSHA256 k))
t <- readIORef grainery
Just (P.Right v) <- pure (unflat <$> lookup k t)
pure v
valExp :: Val -> Exp
valExp VN = ENull
valExp VV = crash
valExp v = go v <> ENull
go = \case
VV → crash
VN → ESubj
V0 VN → ELeft
V1 VN → EWrit
V0 l → ELeft <> go l
V1 r → EWrit <> go r
VP x y → ECons (go x) (go y)
VT _ _ v → go v
VR k → EHash <> go (getGrain k)
hashVal :: Val -> (ByteString, SHA256)
hashVal x = (bs, SHA256 (SHA256.hash bs))
where bs = flat x
data TyExp
= TENil
| TESum TyExp TyExp
| TETup TyExp TyExp
| TEFor TyExp TyExp
| TEAll TyExp
| TEFix TyExp
| TERef Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Flat)
instance Show TyExp where
show = \case
TESum TENil TENil -> "?"
TENil -> "~"
TESum x y -> "<" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ">"
TETup x y -> "[" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> "]"
TEFor x y -> "(" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ")"
TEAll x -> "A" <> show x
TEFix x -> "F" <> show x
TERef x -> show x
data Ty
= TNil
| TSum Ty Ty
| TTup Ty Ty
| TFor Ty Ty
| TVar Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)
tBit :: TyExp
tBit = TESum TENil TENil
tBitOp :: TyExp
tBitOp = TEFor tBit tBit
instance Show Ty where
show = \case
TNil -> "~"
TSum x y -> "<" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ">"
TTup x y -> "[" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> "]"
TFor x y -> "(" <> show x <> " => " <> show y <> ")"
TVar x -> show x
tyExpTy :: TyExp -> Infer Ty
tyExpTy = go []
go :: [Int] -> TyExp -> Infer Ty
go t = \case
TENil -> pure TNil
TESum x y -> TSum <$> go t x <*> go t y
TETup x y -> TTup <$> go t x <*> go t y
TEFor x y -> TFor <$> go t x <*> go t y
TEAll x -> do t' <- (:t) <$> mkTVar
go t' x
TEFix x -> do t' <- (:t) <$> mkTVar
go t' x
TERef i -> pure $ TVar (t P.!! i)
declare :: Ty -> TyExp -> Infer Ty
declare t e = do
te <- tyExpTy e
unify t te
checkType :: Exp -> Either Text Ty
checkType e = runInfer (infer e >>= finalize)
type Unique = Int
type Infer a = ExceptT Text (State (Map Int Ty, Unique)) a
type Unify a = Maybe a
mkTVar :: Infer Int
mkTVar = do
(env, n) <- get
put (env, n+1)
pure n
forAll :: Infer Ty
forAll = TVar <$> mkTVar
varIs :: Int -> Ty -> Infer Ty
varIs v (TVar x) | x==v = do
pure (TVar x)
varIs v t = do
(env, n) <- get
put (insertMap v t env, n)
pure t
finalize :: Ty -> Infer Ty
finalize (TVar v) = resolve v >>= finalize'
finalize t = finalize' t
finalize' :: Ty -> Infer Ty
finalize' = \case
TNil -> pure TNil
TVar x -> pure (TVar x)
TSum x y -> TSum <$> finalize x <*> finalize y
TTup x y -> TTup <$> finalize x <*> finalize y
TFor x y -> TFor <$> finalize x <*> finalize y
unify :: Ty -> Ty -> Infer Ty
unify x y = do
-- traceM $ "UNIFY " <> show x <> " " <> show y
x <- case x of { TVar v -> resolve v; x -> pure x }
y <- case y of { TVar v -> resolve v; y -> pure y }
unify' x y
unify' :: Ty -> Ty -> Infer Ty
unify' = curry \case
( TNil, TNil ) → pure TNil
( TSum a1 b1, TSum a2 b2 ) → TSum <$> unify a1 a2 <*> unify b1 b2
( TTup a1 b1, TTup a2 b2 ) → TTup <$> unify a1 a2 <*> unify b1 b2
( TFor a1 b1, TFor a2 b2 ) → TFor <$> unify a1 a2 <*> unify b1 b2
( ty, TVar x ) → varIs x ty
( TVar x, ty ) → varIs x ty
( x, y ) → throwE
$ "Bad unify: " <> tshow x <> " " <> tshow y
resolve :: Int -> Infer Ty
resolve v = do
(env, _) <- get
lookup v env & \case
Nothing -> pure (TVar v)
Just (TVar x) -> resolve x
Just x -> pure x
expectFor :: Ty -> Infer (Ty, Ty, Ty)
expectFor = \case
ty@(TFor x y) -> pure (ty, x, y)
t -> throwE ("Not a formula: " <> tshow t)
runInfer :: Infer a -> Either Text a
runInfer = flip evalState ((∅), 0) . runExceptT
infer :: Exp -> Infer Ty
infer = \case
ENull -> do
a <- forAll
pure (TFor a TNil)
ESubj -> do
a <- forAll
pure (TFor a a)
ELeft -> do
(a, b) <- (,) <$> forAll <*> forAll
pure (TFor a (TSum a b))
EWrit -> do
(a, b) <- (,) <$> forAll <*> forAll
pure (TFor b (TSum a b))
EHead -> do
(a, b) <- (,) <$> forAll <*> forAll
pure $ TFor (TTup a b) a
ETail -> do
(a, b) <- (,) <$> forAll <*> forAll
pure $ TFor (TTup a b) b
EDist -> do
(a, b, c) <- (,,) <$> forAll <*> forAll <*> forAll
pure $ TFor (TTup (TSum a b) c) (TSum (TTup a c) (TTup b c))
EEval -> do
(a, b) <- (,) <$> forAll <*> forAll
pure $ TFor (TTup a (TFor a b)) b
EWith x y -> do
(xt, xi, xo) <- infer x >>= expectFor
(yt, yi, yo) <- infer y >>= expectFor
unify xo yi
pure (TFor xi yo)
ECons x y -> do
(xt, xi, xo) <- infer x >>= expectFor
(yt, yi, yo) <- infer y >>= expectFor
unify xi yi
pure (TFor xi (TTup xo yo))
ECase p q -> do
(pt, pi, po) <- infer p >>= expectFor
(qt, qi, qo) <- infer q >>= expectFor
unify po qo
pure (TFor (TSum pi qi) po)
EType t -> do
tt <- tyExpTy t
pure (TFor tt tt)
EPush -> throwE "infer: EPush" -- TODO
EPull -> throwE "infer: EPull" -- TODO
EHash -> throwE "infer: EHash" -- TODO
EFall -> throwE "infer: EFall" -- TODO
ETent _ -> throwE "infer: ETent" -- TODO
data Exp
= ESubj
| ENull
| EEval
| ELeft
| EWrit
| EHead
| ETail
| EDist
| EWith Exp Exp
| ECons Exp Exp
| ECase Exp Exp
| EType TyExp
| ETent SHA256
| EPush
| EPull
| EHash
| EFall
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Flat)
instance Semigroup Exp where
ENull <> ESubj = ENull
x <> ESubj = x
ESubj <> y = y
x <> y = EWith y x
instance Monoid Exp where
mempty = ESubj
runExp :: Val -> Exp -> Val
runExp s ESubj = s
runExp s e = uncurry runExp (step s e)
-- Get a formula from a Val ----------------------------------------------------
for = <opk [opk for]>
opk = <<dir get> <<sim hin> <otr plx>>
opk-alt = <dir <get <<sim hin> <otr plx>>>
dir = <L R>
get = <- +>
sim = <~ .>
otr = <! %>
plx = <◆ ●>
hin = <<? *> <@ <^ |>>>
flattenExp :: Exp -> Exp
flattenExp = go
go (EWith (EWith x y) z) = go (EWith x (EWith y z))
go (EWith x y) = EWith x (go y)
go x = x
forVal :: Exp -> Val
forVal = \e ->
case flattenExp e of
EWith x y -> V1 $ VP (opkVal x) (forVal y)
x -> V0 (opkVal x)
opkVal :: Exp -> Val
opkVal = \case
EWith _ _ -> error "forVal: broken invariant"
ELeft -> V0 $ V0 $ V0 VN
EWrit -> V0 $ V0 $ V1 VN
EHead -> V0 $ V1 $ V0 VN
ETail -> V0 $ V1 $ V1 VN
ENull -> V1 $ V0 $ V0 $ V0 VN
ESubj -> V1 $ V0 $ V0 $ V1 VN
EPush -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ V0 $ V0 VN
EPull -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ V0 $ V1 VN
EHash -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ V1 $ V0 VN
EFall -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ V1 $ V1 VN
ETent ref -> VR ref
EEval -> V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ V0 VN
EDist -> V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ V1 VN
ECase x y -> V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ VP (forVal x) (forVal y)
ECons x y -> V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ VP (forVal x) (forVal y)
EType _ -> opkVal ESubj
valFor :: Val -> Exp
valFor (V0 l) = valOpk l
valFor (VR r) = ETent r
valFor (V1 (VP x y)) = EWith (valOpk x) (valFor y)
valFor _ = ENull
valOpk :: Val -> Exp
valOpk (V0 (V0 x)) = valDir x
valOpk (V0 (V1 x)) = valGet x
valOpk (V1 (V0 (V0 x))) = valSim x
valOpk (V1 (V0 (V1 x))) = valHin x
valOpk (V1 (V1 (V0 x))) = valOtr x
valOpk (V1 (V1 (V1 x))) = valPlx x
valOpk _ = ENull
valDir :: Val -> Exp
valDir (V0 VN) = ELeft
valDir (V1 VN) = EWrit
valDir _ = ENull
valGet :: Val -> Exp
valGet (V0 VN) = EHead
valGet (V1 VN) = ETail
valGet _ = ENull
valSim :: Val -> Exp
valSim (V0 VN) = ENull
valSim (V1 VN) = ESubj
valSim _ = ENull
valOtr :: Val -> Exp
valOtr (V0 VN) = EEval
valOtr (V1 VN) = EDist
valOtr _ = ENull
valPlx :: Val -> Exp
valPlx (V0 (VP x y)) = ECase (valFor x) (valFor y)
valPlx (V1 (VP x y)) = ECons (valFor x) (valFor y)
valPlx _ = ENull
valHin :: Val -> Exp
valHin = \case
V0 (V0 VN) -> EPush
V0 (V1 VN) -> EPull
V1 (V0 VN) -> EHash
V1 (V1 VN) -> EFall
_ -> crash
-- tag :: Bool -> Val -> Val
-- tag False = V0
-- tag True = V1
-- unTag :: Val -> (Bool, Val)
-- unTag (V0 x) = (False, x)
-- unTag (V1 x) = (True, x)
-- unTag _ = error "unTag"
-- toBits :: (Bits b, FiniteBits b) => b -> Vector Bool
-- toBits b =
-- generate (finiteBitSize b) (testBit b)
-- byteVal :: Word8 -> Val
-- byteVal b =
-- foldl' (flip tag) VN (toBits b)
-- valByte :: Val -> Word8
-- valByte v = runIdentity $ do
-- (a, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (b, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (c, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (d, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (e, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (f, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (g, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- (h, v) <- pure $ unTag v
-- let bits = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
-- unless (VN == v) (error "valByte: bad byte")
-- pure $ foldl' (\acc (i, x) -> if x then setBit acc (7-i) else acc)
-- 0
-- (zip [0..] bits)
-- data Pair a = Pair a a
-- deriving (Functor)
-- data Quad a = Quad (Pair a) (Pair a)
-- deriving (Functor)
-- data Oct a = Oct (Quad a) (Quad a)
-- deriving (Functor)
-- pairVal :: Pair Val -> Val
-- pairVal (Pair x y) = VP x y
-- quadVal :: Quad Val -> Val
-- quadVal (Quad x y) = VP (pairVal x) (pairVal y)
-- octVal :: Oct Val -> Val
-- octVal (Oct x y) = VP (quadVal x) (quadVal y)
-- -- Needs to be four times as big -- This throws away data
-- hashOct :: SHA256 -> Oct Word8
-- hashOct (SHA256 bs) =
-- Oct (Quad (Pair a b) (Pair c d))
-- (Quad (Pair e f) (Pair g h))
-- where
-- a = B.unsafeIndex bs 0
-- b = B.unsafeIndex bs 1
-- c = B.unsafeIndex bs 2
-- d = B.unsafeIndex bs 3
-- e = B.unsafeIndex bs 4
-- f = B.unsafeIndex bs 5
-- g = B.unsafeIndex bs 6
-- h = B.unsafeIndex bs 7
-- valHash :: Val -> SHA256
-- valHash = \case
-- VP (VP (VP a b) (VP c d)) (VP (VP e f) (VP g h)) ->
-- SHA256 (B.pack $ valByte <$> [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h])
-- _ ->
-- SHA256 ""
-- hashToVal :: SHA256 -> Val
-- hashToVal = octVal . fmap byteVal . hashOct
-- Small-Step Interpreter ------------------------------------------------------
step :: Val -> Exp -> (Val, Exp)
step VV = const (VV, ESubj)
step s = \case
ENull -> (VN, ESubj)
ESubj -> (s, ESubj)
EWith ESubj y -> (s, y)
EWith x y -> case step s x of
(s', ESubj) -> (s', y)
(s', x' ) -> (s', EWith x' y)
ETent ref ->
(runTent ref (valFor (getGrain ref)) s, ESubj)
EEval ->
case s of
VP s' f' -> (s', valFor f')
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
ECons ESubj ESubj -> (VP s s, ESubj)
ECons x y -> (VP (runExp s x) (runExp s y), ESubj)
ELeft -> (V0 s, ESubj)
EWrit -> (V1 s, ESubj)
EHead -> case s of
VP x _ -> (x, ESubj)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
ETail -> case s of
VP _ y -> (y, ESubj)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
EDist -> case s of
VP (V0 l) x -> (V0 (VP l x), ESubj)
VP (V1 r) x -> (V1 (VP r x), ESubj)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
ECase p q -> case s of
V0 l -> (l, p)
V1 r -> (r, q)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
EType _ -> (s, ESubj)
EPush -> case s of
VP s' f' -> let e = valFor f'
in traceShowId (VT s' e (runExp s' e), ESubj)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
EPull -> case s of
VT _ _ x -> (x, ESubj)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
EHash -> (putGrain s, ESubj)
EFall -> case s of
VR k -> (getGrain k, ESubj)
_ -> (VV, ESubj)
displayExp :: Exp -> String
displayExp (EWith x y) = displayExp x <> "\n" <> displayExp y
displayExp x = "\t" <> show x
traceRunExp :: Val -> Exp -> IO Val
traceRunExp s e = do
putStrLn (tshow (valExp s))
putStrLn (pack $ displayExp e)
void getLine
case e of
ESubj -> do putStrLn "DONE"
pure s
_ -> uncurry traceRunExp (step s e)
traceRun :: Conq () r -> IO Val
traceRun = traceRunExp VN . toExp
flattenCons :: Exp -> Exp -> [Exp]
flattenCons = \x -> go [x]
go acc (ECons x y) = go (x:acc) y
go acc x = reverse (x:acc)
instance Show Exp where
show = \case
ESubj -> "."
ENull -> "~"
EEval -> "!"
ELeft -> "0"
EWrit -> "1"
EHead -> "-"
ETail -> "+"
EDist -> "%"
EWith x y -> show y <> show x
ECons x y -> "[" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> "]"
ECase x y -> "<" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ">"
EType t -> "{" <> show t <> "}"
EPush -> "?"
EPull -> "*"
EHash -> "@"
EFall -> "^"
ETent ref -> "|" <> take 8 (unpack $ decodeBase58 $ unSHA256 ref) <> "|"
parseSimpl :: String -> Maybe (Exp, String)
parseSimpl = \case
'.' : xs -> pure (ESubj, xs)
'~' : xs -> pure (ENull, xs)
'!' : xs -> pure (EEval, xs)
'0' : xs -> pure (ELeft, xs)
'1' : xs -> pure (EWrit, xs)
'-' : xs -> pure (EHead, xs)
'+' : xs -> pure (ETail, xs)
'%' : xs -> pure (EDist, xs)
'?' : xs -> pure (EPush, xs)
'*' : xs -> pure (EPull, xs)
'@' : xs -> pure (EHash, xs)
'^' : xs -> pure (EFall, xs)
_ -> Nothing
parseHash :: String -> Either String (SHA256, String)
parseHash b = do
let (h,r) = splitAt 44 b
let sha = SHA256 (encodeBase58 $ pack h)
when (length h /= 44) (P.Left "short tent")
pure (sha, r)
parseExp :: String -> Either String (Exp, String)
parseExp str = do
case parseSimpl str of
Just (e, xs) -> pure (e, xs)
Nothing ->
case str of
'[':xs -> parseTwo ECons ']' xs
'<':xs -> parseTwo ECase '>' xs
'(':xs -> parseSeq ')' xs <&> \case
(e,cs) -> (valExp (forVal e), cs)
'|':xs -> parseHash xs >>= \case
(s, '|':xs) -> pure (ETent s, xs)
(_, _ ) -> P.Left "bad tent"
_ -> P.Left "bad"
repl :: IO ()
repl = r VN
r sut = do
ln <- unpack <$> getLine
parseSeq '\n' ln & \case
P.Right (e,"") -> do
epl sut e
P.Right (e,cs) -> do
traceM ("ignoring trailing chars: " <> cs)
epl sut e
P.Left msg -> do
traceM msg
traceM "Try again\n"
r sut
epl sut exp = do
sut' <- pure (runExp sut exp)
if (sut' == VV)
then do
putStrLn "Crash! Try again\n"
r sut
else do
putStrLn ("-> " <> tshow sut')
putStrLn ""
r sut'
parseSeq :: Char -> String -> Either String (Exp, String)
parseSeq end = go >=> \case
(Just x, buf) -> pure (x, buf)
(Nothing, buf) -> P.Left "empty sequence"
go :: String -> Either String (Maybe Exp, String)
go = \case
[] -> pure (Nothing, [])
c : cd | c == end -> pure (Nothing, cd)
cs -> do
(x, buf) <- parseExp cs
(y, buf) <- go buf
case y of
Nothing -> pure (Just x, buf)
Just y -> pure (Just (x <> y), buf)
parseTwo :: (Exp -> Exp -> Exp) -> Char -> String
-> Either String (Exp, String)
parseTwo cntr end buf = do
(xs, buf) <- parseSeq ' ' buf
(ys, buf) <- parseSeq end buf
pure (cntr xs ys, buf)
-- Thunks are Easy -------------------------------------------------------------
data Thunk a = forall s. Thunk !s !(Conq s a) a
push :: s -> Conq s a -> Thunk a
push s f = Thunk s f (run s f)
pull :: Thunk a -> a
pull (Thunk _ _ r) = r
-- Refs need Serialization -----------------------------------------------------
data Ref a = Ref Int a -- TODO s/Int/Sha256/
hash :: a -> Ref a
hash x = Ref 0 x
fall :: Ref a -> a
fall (Ref h x) = x
data Conq s r where
Subj :: Conq s s
Null :: Conq s ()
Left :: Conq a (Sum a b)
Writ :: Conq b (Sum a b)
Head :: Conq (Tup a b) a
Tail :: Conq (Tup a b) b
Cons :: Conq s a -> Conq s b -> Conq s (Tup a b)
Case :: Conq a r -> Conq b r -> Conq (Sum a b) r
Dist :: Conq (Tup (Sum a b) s) (Sum (Tup a s) (Tup b s))
With :: (Conq s a) -> ((Conq a r) -> (Conq s r))
Eval :: Conq (Tup a (Conq a r)) r
Hash :: Conq a (Ref a)
Fall :: Conq (Ref a) a
Push :: Conq (Tup s (Conq s a)) (Thunk a)
Pull :: Conq (Thunk a) a
instance Category Conq where
id = Subj
(.) = flip With
instance Show (Conq s r) where
show c = show (toExp c)
run :: s -> Conq s r -> r
run sut = \case
Null -> ()
Subj -> sut
With x y -> run (run sut x) y
Eval -> case sut of (s,f) -> run s f
Cons x y -> (run sut x, run sut y)
Left -> L sut
Writ -> R sut
Head -> fst sut
Tail -> snd sut
Dist -> case sut of (L l, x) -> L (l, x); (R r, x) -> R (r, x)
Case p q -> case sut of L l -> run l p; R r -> run r q
Push -> uncurry push sut
Pull -> pull sut
Hash -> hash sut
Fall -> fall sut
times :: Int -> Conq s s -> Conq s s
times 0 _ = id
times 1 f = f
times n f = With f (times (n-1) f)
runTimes :: Int -> s -> Conq s s -> s
runTimes n sut conq = go n
go 0 = sut
go 1 = run sut conq
go n = run (go (n-1)) conq
toExp :: Conq s r -> Exp
toExp = \case
Subj -> ESubj
Null -> ENull
Eval -> EEval
Left -> ELeft
Writ -> EWrit
Head -> EHead
Tail -> ETail
Dist -> EDist
Cons x y -> ECons (toExp x) (toExp y)
Case l r -> ECase (toExp l) (toExp r)
With x y -> EWith (toExp x) (toExp y)
Push -> EPush
Pull -> EPull
Hash -> EHash
Fall -> EFall
fromExp :: forall s r. (Typeable s, Typeable r) => Exp -> Maybe (Conq s r)
fromExp = \case
ESubj ->
case testEquality (typeRep @s) (typeRep @r) of
Just Refl -> Just (coerce Subj)
Nothing -> Nothing
_ ->
-- Axis Lookup -----------------------------------------------------------------
a1 :: Conq a a
a1 = Subj
a2 :: Conq (Tup a b) a
a2 = Head
a3 :: Conq (Tup a b) b
a3 = Tail
a4 :: Conq (Tup (Tup a b) c) a
a4 = Head . Head
a5 :: Conq (Tup (Tup a b) c) b
a5 = Tail . Head
a6 :: Conq (Tup a (Tup b c)) b
a6 = Head . Tail
a7 :: Conq (Tup a (Tup b c)) c
a7 = Tail . Tail
a8 :: Conq (((a, b), c), d) a
a8 = Head . Head . Head
-- Eat Operations --------------------------------------------------------------
nothing :: Conq s (Sum () a)
nothing = Left . Null
just :: Conq a (Sum () a)
just = Writ
case' :: Conq (a,s) r -> Conq (b,s) r -> Conq (Sum a b,s) r
case' x y = Case x y . Dist
previewLeft :: Conq (Sum a b) (Sum () a)
previewLeft = Case just nothing
previewWrit :: Conq (Sum a b) (Sum () b)
previewWrit = Case nothing just
-- Pair Operations -------------------------------------------------------------
curry' :: Conq (a, b) c -> Conq s a -> Conq s b -> Conq s c
curry' f x y = With (Cons x y) f
both :: Conq a b -> Conq (a, a) (b, b)
both x = Cons (With Head x) (With Tail x)
dub_equal :: Conq (a, a) Bit -> Conq ((a, a), (a, a)) Bit
dub_equal cmp = With results bit_and
results = Cons (With (both Head) cmp) (With (both Tail) cmp)
dub_test :: Conq a Bit -> Conq (a, a) Bit
dub_test test = curry' bit_and (With Head test) (With Tail test)
dub_inc :: Conq a a -> Conq a Bit -> Conq (a, a) (a, a)
dub_inc inc null = With bump_low (if' low_zero bump_hig id)
bump_low = Cons (inc . Head) Tail
bump_hig = Cons Head (inc . Tail)
low_zero = null . Head
type Tag a = Sum a a -- Tag with a bit: <0 1>
type Inc a = Conq a (Tag a)
bit_incer :: Inc Bit
bit_incer = Case (Left . Writ) (Writ . Left)
duo_incer' :: Inc Duo
duo_incer' = incer bit_incer
duo_incer :: Inc Duo
duo_incer = Case (Left . Cons true Tail) carry . Dist
carry = Case (Left . Cons Left Writ) (Writ . Cons Left Left) . Tail
incer :: forall a. Inc a -> Inc (a, a)
incer i =
Case Left hig . low
low, hig :: Inc (a, a)
low = Dist . Cons (i . Head) Tail
hig = Case (Left . flip') Writ . Dist . Cons (i . Tail) Head
nyb_incer :: Inc Nyb
nyb_incer = incer duo_incer
byt_incer :: Inc Byt
byt_incer = incer nyb_incer
short_incer :: Inc Short
short_incer = incer byt_incer
wide_incer :: Inc Wide
wide_incer = incer short_incer
long_incer :: Inc Long
long_incer = incer wide_incer
bit :: Int -> Bit
bit n = runTimes n val_bit_zero bit_inc
-- Random Combinators ----------------------------------------------------------
dup :: Conq a (a, a)
dup = Cons Subj Subj
eat :: Conq (Sum a a) a
eat = Case Subj Subj
flip' :: Conq (a, b) (b, a)
flip' = Cons Tail Head
if' :: Conq s Bit -> Conq s r -> Conq s r -> Conq s r
if' c t f = case' (f . Tail) (t . Tail) . Cons c Subj
factor :: Conq (Sum (a, c) (b, c)) (Sum a b, c)
factor = Case (Cons (Left . Head) Tail)
(Cons (Writ . Head) Tail)
-- Boolean Operations ----------------------------------------------------------
type Bit = Sum () ()
true :: Conq s Bit
true = Writ . Null
false :: Conq s Bit
false = Left . Null
bit_not :: Conq Bit Bit
bit_not = Case Writ Left
bit_id :: Conq Bit Bit
bit_id = Case Left Writ
bit_and :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
bit_and = Case false Tail . Dist
bit_or :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
bit_or = Case Tail true . Dist
bit_xor :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
bit_xor = Case Tail (bit_not . Tail) . Dist
bit_equal :: Conq (Bit, Bit) Bit
bit_equal = Case (bit_not . Tail) Tail . Dist
bit_zero :: Conq s Bit
bit_zero = false
val_bit_zero :: Bit
val_bit_zero = run () bit_zero
bit_is_zero :: Conq Bit Bit
bit_is_zero = bit_not
bit_inc :: Conq Bit Bit
bit_inc = bit_not
-- Duo Operations (2 bit) ------------------------------------------------------
type Duo = (Bit, Bit)
duo_zero :: Conq s Duo
duo_zero = Cons bit_zero bit_zero
duo_is_zero :: Conq Duo Bit
duo_is_zero = dub_test bit_is_zero
duo_inc :: Conq Duo Duo
duo_inc = Case (Cons true Tail) (Cons false (bit_not . Tail)) . Dist
duo :: Int -> Duo
duo n = runTimes n (run () duo_zero) duo_inc
duo_equal :: Conq (Duo, Duo) Bit
duo_equal = dub_equal bit_equal
-- Nibble Operations (4 bit) ---------------------------------------------------
type Nyb = (Duo, Duo)
nyb_zero :: Conq a Nyb
nyb_zero = Cons duo_zero duo_zero
nyb_is_zero :: Conq Nyb Bit
nyb_is_zero = dub_test duo_is_zero
nyb_inc :: Conq Nyb Nyb
nyb_inc = dub_inc duo_inc duo_is_zero
nyb :: Int -> Nyb
nyb n = runTimes n (run () nyb_zero) nyb_inc
nyb_equal :: Conq (Nyb, Nyb) Bit
nyb_equal = dub_equal duo_equal
-- Byte Operations (8 bit) -----------------------------------------------------
type Byt = (Nyb, Nyb)
byt_zero :: Conq a Byt
byt_zero = Cons nyb_zero nyb_zero
byt_is_zero :: Conq Byt Bit
byt_is_zero = dub_test nyb_is_zero
byt_inc :: Conq Byt Byt
byt_inc = dub_inc nyb_inc nyb_is_zero
byt :: Int -> Byt
byt n = runTimes n (run () byt_zero) byt_inc
byt_equal :: Conq (Byt, Byt) Bit
byt_equal = dub_equal nyb_equal
-- Short Operations (16 bit) ---------------------------------------------------
type Short = (Byt, Byt)
short_zero :: Conq a Short
short_zero = Cons byt_zero byt_zero
short_is_zero :: Conq Short Bit
short_is_zero = dub_test byt_is_zero
short_inc :: Conq Short Short
short_inc = dub_inc byt_inc byt_is_zero
short :: Int -> Short
short n = runTimes n (run () short_zero) short_inc
short_equal :: Conq (Short, Short) Bit
short_equal = dub_equal byt_equal
-- Wide Operations (32 bit) ----------------------------------------------------
type Wide = (Short, Short)
wide_zero :: Conq a Wide
wide_zero = Cons short_zero short_zero
wide_is_zero :: Conq Wide Bit
wide_is_zero = dub_test short_is_zero
wide_inc :: Conq Wide Wide
wide_inc = dub_inc short_inc short_is_zero
wide :: Int -> Wide
wide n = runTimes n (run () wide_zero) wide_inc
wide_equal :: Conq (Wide, Wide) Bit
wide_equal = dub_equal short_equal
-- Long Operations (64 bit) ----------------------------------------------------
type Long = (Wide, Wide)
long_zero :: Conq a Long
long_zero = Cons wide_zero wide_zero
long_is_zero :: Conq Long Bit
long_is_zero = dub_test wide_is_zero
long_inc :: Conq Long Long
long_inc = dub_inc wide_inc wide_is_zero
long :: Int -> Long
long n = runTimes n (run () long_zero) long_inc
long_equal :: Conq (Long, Long) Bit
long_equal = dub_equal wide_equal
n0 :: Conq a (Sum () a)
n0 = Left . Null
n1 :: Conq a (Sum () (Sum () a))
n1 = Writ . n0
n2 = Writ . n1
n3 = Writ . n2
n4 = Writ . n3
n5 = Writ . n4
n6 = Writ . n5
n7 = Writ . n6
n8 = Writ . n7
n9 = Writ . n8
n10 = Writ . n9
-- ((arg (ctx for)) fireTramp) -> <fireTramp ->%(!((arg ctx) for) (ctx for))
-- fireTramp = Payload
-- fireTramp = undefined
-- [Lx y] -> R[x y]
-- [R[x y] z] -> R[x (compose y z)]
compose :: Exp
compose = ECase EWrit (EWrit <> recur) <> EDist
recur = ECons (EHead <> EHead)
(ECons (ETail <> EHead) ETail)
-- ctx for -> (ctx for)
gate :: Val -> Exp -> Val
gate v e = VP v (forVal e)
-- `$-(a a)`: Identity
identFn :: Val
identFn = gate VN (toExp Head)
-- `$-(a b)`: Trivial-Loop
spinFn :: Val
spinFn = gate VN fire
call :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
call g a = fire <> ECons a g
spin :: Exp
spin = call (valExp spinFn) ENull
-- `$-((list a) @)`: List-Length
lenFn :: Val
lenFn = gate (V0 VN) lenFnBody
caseHead x y = ECase x y <> EDist
hep, lus :: Exp
hep = EHead
lus = ETail
zer = ELeft
one = EWrit
cons :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
cons = ECons
lenFnBody :: Exp
lenFnBody = caseHead (hep <> lus)
$ (fire <>)
$ cons (lus <> hep)
$ cons (one<>hep) lus <> lus
swapFn :: Val
swapFn = gate VN (toExp swapFnBody)
swapFnBody :: Conq ((a,b),x) (b,a)
swapFnBody = Cons Tail Head . Head
-- ctx lFor rFor -> (ctx (lfor rfor))
coreTwo :: Val -> Exp -> Exp -> Val
coreTwo v l r = VP v (VP (forVal l) (forVal r))
evenOddCore :: Val
evenOddCore = coreTwo VN evArm odArm
evArm, odArm :: Exp
evArm = caseHead (toExp true) fireRit
odArm = caseHead (toExp false) fireLef
-- (arg (ctx for)) -> ((arg (ctx for)) for)!
fire :: Exp
fire = EEval <> cons (∅) (lus <> lus)
-- (arg (ctx (lfor rfor))) -> ((arg (ctx (lfor rfor))) lfor)!
fireLef :: Exp
fireLef = EEval <> toExp reOrg
reOrg :: Conq (a,(c,(l,r))) ((a,(c,(l,r))),l)
reOrg = Cons Subj (Head . Tail . Tail)
-- (arg (ctx (lfor rfor))) -> ((arg (ctx (lfor rfor))) rfor)!
fireRit :: Exp
fireRit = EEval <> toExp reOrg
reOrg :: Conq (a,(c,(l,r))) ((a,(c,(l,r))),r)
reOrg = Cons Subj (Tail . Tail . Tail)
-- Demos -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Payload = (Val, Exp)
demo :: Payload -> IO Val
demo (s,f) = traceRunExp s f
dumbLoop :: Exp
dumbLoop = EEval <> ECons (∅) (∅)
dumbLoopP :: Payload
dumbLoopP = (forVal dumbLoop, dumbLoop)
demo_dumb_loop :: IO Val
demo_dumb_loop = demo dumbLoopP
demo_duo_overflow :: IO Val
demo_duo_overflow = traceRun (duo_incer . times 3 (eat . duo_incer) . duo_zero)
demo_nat_constr :: IO Val
demo_nat_constr = traceRun n10
-- [[-e +] +]!
fix :: Val -> Exp -> Payload
fix x e = (VP x (forVal fe), fe)
fe = EEval <> cons (cons (e <> hep) lus) lus
natOverflow :: Exp
natOverflow = EEval <> cons (cons (one <> hep) lus) lus
natOverflowPay :: Payload
natOverflowPay = fix (V0 VN) EWrit
demo_nat_inc_loop :: IO Val
demo_nat_inc_loop = demo natOverflowPay
duo_zero_val :: Val
duo_zero_val = VP (V0 VN) (V0 (VN))
short_zero_val :: Val
short_zero_val = runExp VN (toExp short_zero)
short_inc_loop :: IO Val
short_inc_loop = demo $ fix (V0 short_zero_val) (toExp (short_incer . eat))