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synced 2025-01-04 18:43:46 +03:00
This changes startup so we get the size of the current terminal to send to Urbit on startup. We then subscribe to terminal size change notifications and send those to your Urbit via the terminal muxing system. In the case where there are multiple terminal connections to your Urbit, set the terminal size to the minimum of the widths.
142 lines
4.2 KiB
142 lines
4.2 KiB
TODO This has a bunch of stub logic that was intended for an
architecture with a single Urbit daemon running multiple
ships. Do it or strip it out.
module Urbit.King.API
( King(..)
, TermConn
, TermConnAPI
, kingAPI
, readPortsFile
import RIO.Directory
import Urbit.Prelude
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Prelude (read)
import Urbit.King.App (HasPierPath(..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Urbit.Vere.NounServ as NounServ
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term.API as Term
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type TermConn = NounServ.Conn Term.ClientTake [Term.Ev]
type TermConnAPI = TVar (Maybe (TermConn -> STM ()))
Daemon state.
data King = King
{ kServer :: Async ()
, kTermConn :: TermConnAPI
Get the filepath of the urbit config directory and the ports file.
portsFilePath :: HasPierPath e => RIO e (FilePath, FilePath)
portsFilePath = do
dir <- view pierPathL
fil <- pure (dir </> ".king.ports")
pure (dir, fil)
Write the ports file.
portsFile :: HasPierPath e => Word -> RAcquire e (FilePath, FilePath)
portsFile por =
mkRAcquire mkFile (removeFile . snd)
mkFile = do
(dir, fil) <- portsFilePath
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
writeFile fil (encodeUtf8 $ tshow por)
pure (dir, fil)
Get the HTTP port for the running Urbit daemon.
readPortsFile :: HasPierPath e => RIO e (Maybe Word)
readPortsFile = do
(_, fil) <- portsFilePath
bs <- readFile fil
evaluate (readMay $ unpack $ decodeUtf8 bs)
kingServer :: HasLogFunc e => (Int, Socket) -> RAcquire e King
kingServer is =
mkRAcquire (startKing is) (cancel . kServer)
startKing :: HasLogFunc e => (Int, Socket) -> RIO e King
startKing (port, sock) = do
api <- newTVarIO Nothing
let opts = W.defaultSettings & W.setPort port
env <- ask
tid <- async $ io $ W.runSettingsSocket opts sock $ app env api
pure (King tid api)
Start the HTTP server and write to the ports file.
kingAPI :: (HasPierPath e, HasLogFunc e)
=> RAcquire e King
kingAPI = do
(port, sock) <- io $ W.openFreePort
(dir, fil) <- portsFile (fromIntegral port)
-- lockFile dir
kingServer (port, sock)
serveTerminal :: HasLogFunc e => e -> TermConnAPI -> Word -> W.Application
serveTerminal env api word =
WS.websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions wsApp fallback
fallback req respond =
respond $ W.responseLBS H.status500 []
$ "This endpoint uses websockets"
wsApp pen =
atomically (readTVar api) >>= \case
Nothing -> WS.rejectRequest pen "Ship not running"
Just sp -> do
wsc <- io $ WS.acceptRequest pen
inp <- io $ newTBMChanIO 5
out <- io $ newTBMChanIO 5
atomically $ sp $ NounServ.mkConn inp out
let doit = runRIO env
$ NounServ.wsConn "NOUNSERV (wsServ) " inp out wsc
-- If `wai` kills this thread for any reason, the TBMChans
-- need to be closed. If they are not closed, the
-- terminal will not know that they disconnected.
finally doit $ atomically $ do
closeTBMChan inp
closeTBMChan out
data BadShip = BadShip Text
deriving (Show, Exception)
app :: HasLogFunc e => e -> TermConnAPI -> W.Application
app env api req respond =
case W.pathInfo req of
["terminal", session] -> do
session :: Word <- evaluate $ read $ unpack session
serveTerminal env api session req respond
["status"] ->
respond $ W.responseLBS H.status200 [] "{}"
_ ->
respond $ W.responseLBS H.status404 [] "No implemented"