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synced 2024-12-19 08:32:39 +03:00
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:: hark-store: notifications and unread counts [landscape]
:: hark-store can store unread counts differently, depending on the
:: resource.
:: - last seen. This way, hark-store simply stores an index into
:: graph-store, which represents the last "seen" item, useful for
:: high-volume applications which are intrinsically time-ordered. i.e.
:: chats, comments
:: - each. Hark-store will store an index for each item that is unread.
:: Usefull for non-linear, low-volume applications, i.e. blogs,
:: collections
/- post, group-store, metadata-store, store=hark-store
/+ resource, metadata, default-agent, dbug, graph-store, graphl=graph, verb, store=hark-store
~% %hark-store-top ..part ~
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ versioned-state
$% state:state-zero:store
+$ unread-stats
[indices=(set index:graph-store) last=@da]
+$ base-state
$: unreads-each=(jug stats-index:store index:graph-store)
unreads-count=(map stats-index:store @ud)
last-seen=(map stats-index:store @da)
+$ state-2
[%2 state-two:store]
+$ state-3
[%3 state-two:store]
+$ state-4
[%4 base-state]
+$ inflated-state
$: state-4
:: $cache: useful to have precalculated, but can be derived from state
:: albeit expensively
+$ cache
$: by-index=(jug stats-index:store [time=@da =index:store])
++ orm ((ordered-map @da timebox:store) gth)
=| inflated-state
=* state -
%+ verb |
%- agent:dbug
^- agent:gall
~% %hark-store-agent ..card ~
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
ha ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
met ~(. metadata bowl)
gra ~(. graphl bowl)
++ on-init
:_ this
++ on-save !>(-.state)
++ on-load
|= =old=vase
^- (quip card _this)
=/ old
!<(versioned-state old-vase)
=| cards=(list card)
?- -.old
:- (flop cards)
this(-.state old, +.state (inflate-cache:ha old))
%_ $
-.old %4
notifications.old (convert-notifications-3 notifications.old)
archive.old (convert-notifications-3 archive.old)
%_ $
-.old %3
:_ cards
[%pass / %agent [our dap]:bowl %poke noun+!>(%fix-dangling)]
%_ $
%* . *state-2
unreads-each ((convert-unread ,(set index:graph-store)) uni-by unreads-each.old)
unreads-count ((convert-unread ,@ud) add unreads-count.old)
last-seen ((convert-unread ,@da) max last-seen.old)
notifications notifications.old
archive archive.old
current-timebox current-timebox.old
dnd dnd.old
%_ $
%* . *state:state-one:store
notifications (convert-notifications-1 notifications.old)
archive (convert-notifications-1 archive.old)
current-timebox current-timebox.old
dnd dnd.old
++ convert-notifications-3
|= old=notifications:state-two:store
%+ gas:orm *notifications:store
^- (list [@da timebox:store])
%+ murn
(tap:orm:state-two:store old)
|= [time=@da =timebox:state-two:store]
^- (unit [@da timebox:store])
=/ new-timebox=timebox:store
(convert-timebox-3 timebox)
?: =(0 ~(wyt by new-timebox))
`[time new-timebox]
++ convert-timebox-3
|= =timebox:state-two:store
^- timebox:store
%- ~(gas by *timebox:store)
^- (list [index:store notification:store])
%+ murn
~(tap by timebox)
|= [=index:store =notification:state-two:store]
^- (unit [index:store notification:store])
=/ new-notification=(unit notification:store)
(convert-notification-3 notification)
?~ new-notification ~
`[index u.new-notification]
++ convert-notification-3
|= =notification:state-two:store
^- (unit notification:store)
?: ?=(%graph -.contents.notification)
=/ con=(list group-contents:store)
(convert-group-contents-3 list.contents.notification)
?: =(~ con) ~
=, notification
`[date read %group con]
++ convert-group-contents-3
|= con=(list group-contents:state-two:store)
^- (list group-contents:store)
%+ murn con
|= =group-contents:state-two:store
^- (unit group-contents:store)
?. ?=(?(%add-members %remove-members) -.group-contents) ~
++ uni-by
|= [a=(set index:graph-store) b=(set index:graph-store)]
=/ merged
(~(uni in a) b)
%- ~(gas in *(set index:graph-store))
%+ skip ~(tap in merged)
|=(=index:graph-store &(=((lent index) 3) !=(-:(flop index) 1)))
++ convert-unread
|* value=mold
|= [combine=$-([value value] value) unreads=(map index:store value)]
^- (map stats-index:store value)
%+ roll
~(tap in unreads)
|= [[=index:store val=value] out=(map stats-index:store value)]
=/ old=value
(~(gut by unreads) index (combine))
=/ =stats-index:store
(to-stats-index:store index)
(~(put by out) stats-index (combine old val))
++ convert-notifications-1
|= old=notifications:state-zero:store
%+ gas:orm:state-two:store *notifications:state-two:store
^- (list [@da timebox:state-two:store])
%+ murn
(tap:orm:state-zero:store old)
|= [time=@da =timebox:state-zero:store]
^- (unit [@da timebox:state-two:store])
=/ new-timebox=timebox:state-two:store
(convert-timebox-1 timebox)
?: =(0 ~(wyt by new-timebox))
`[time new-timebox]
++ convert-timebox-1
|= =timebox:state-zero:store
^- timebox:state-two:store
%- ~(gas by *timebox:state-two:store)
^- (list [index:store notification:state-two:store])
%+ murn
~(tap by timebox)
|= [=index:state-zero:store =notification:state-zero:store]
^- (unit [index:store notification:state-two:store])
=/ new-index=(unit index:store)
(convert-index-1 index)
=/ new-notification=(unit notification:state-two:store)
(convert-notification-1 notification)
?~ new-index ~
?~ new-notification ~
`[u.new-index u.new-notification]
++ convert-index-1
|= =index:state-zero:store
^- (unit index:store)
?+ -.index `index
%chat ~
=, index
`[%graph group graph module description ~]
++ convert-notification-1
|= =notification:state-zero:store
^- (unit notification:state-two:store)
?: ?=(%chat -.contents.notification)
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
?> (team:title [src our]:bowl)
?+ path (on-watch:def path)
[%updates ~]
:_ this
[%give %fact ~ hark-update+!>(initial-updates)]~
++ initial-updates
^- update:store
:- %more
^- (list update:store)
:- give-unreads
[%set-dnd dnd]~
++ give-since-unreads
^- (list [stats-index:store stats:store])
%+ turn
~(tap by unreads-count)
|= [=stats-index:store count=@ud]
?> ?=(%graph -.stats-index)
:* stats-index
~(wyt in (~(gut by by-index) stats-index ~))
[%count count]
(~(gut by last-seen) stats-index *time)
++ give-each-unreads
^- (list [stats-index:store stats:store])
%+ turn
~(tap by unreads-each)
|= [=stats-index:store indices=(set index:graph-store)]
:* stats-index
~(wyt in (~(gut by by-index) stats-index ~))
[%each indices]
(~(gut by last-seen) stats-index *time)
++ give-unreads
^- update:store
:- %unreads
(weld give-each-unreads give-since-unreads)
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%x %recent ?(%archive %inbox) @ @ ~]
=/ is-archive
=(%archive i.t.t.path)
=/ offset=@ud
(slav %ud i.t.t.t.path)
=/ length=@ud
(slav %ud i.t.t.t.t.path)
:^ ~ ~ %hark-update
!> ^- update:store
:- %more
%+ turn
%+ scag length
%+ slag offset
%- tap-nonempty:ha
?:(is-archive archive notifications)
|= [time=@da =timebox:store]
^- update:store
:^ %timebox time is-archive
~(tap by timebox)
++ on-poke
~/ %hark-store-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
%hark-action (hark-action !<(action:store vase))
%noun (poke-noun !<(* vase))
[cards this]
++ poke-noun
|= val=*
?+ val ~|(%bad-noun-poke !!)
%fix-dangling fix-dangling
%print ~&(+.state [~ state])
++ fix-dangling
=/ graphs get-keys:gra
:_ state
%+ roll
~(tap by unreads-each)
|= $: [=stats-index:store indices=(set index:graph-store)]
out=(list card)
?. ?=(%graph -.stats-index) out
?. (~(has in graphs) graph.stats-index)
:_(out (poke-us %remove-graph graph.stats-index))
%+ welp out
%+ turn
%+ skip
~(tap in indices)
|= =index:graph-store
(check-node-existence:gra graph.stats-index index)
|=(=index:graph-store (poke-us %read-each stats-index index))
++ poke-us
|= =action:store
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our dap]:bowl %poke hark-action+!>(action)]
++ hark-action
|= =action:store
^- (quip card _state)
abet:translate:(abed:poke-engine:ha action)
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%autoseen ~] wire)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
?> ?=([%behn %wake *] sign-arvo)
:_ this(current-timebox now.bowl)
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ =bowl:gall
+* met ~(. metadata bowl)
++ poke-engine
|_ [in=action:store out=(list update:store) cards=(list card)]
++ poke-core .
++ abed
|= =action:store poke-core(in action)
++ abet
^- (quip card _state)
:_ state
%+ snoc (flop cards)
[%give %fact ~[/updates] %hark-update !>([%more (flop out)])]
++ give
|= =update:store poke-core(out [update out])
++ emit
|= =card poke-core(cards [card cards])
++ translate
^+ poke-core
?- -.in
%add-note (add-note +.in)
%archive (do-archive +.in)
%unread-count (unread-count +.in)
%read-count (read-count +.in)
%read-each (read-each +.in)
%unread-each (unread-each +.in)
%read-note (read-note +.in)
%unread-note (unread-note +.in)
%seen-index (seen-index +.in)
%remove-graph (remove-graph +.in)
%set-dnd (set-dnd +.in)
%seen seen
%read-all read-all
:: +| %note
:: notification tracking
++ upd-cache
|= [read=? time=@da =index:store]
poke-core(+.state (^upd-cache read time index))
++ rebuild-cache
poke-core(+.state (inflate-cache -.state))
++ put-notifs
|= [time=@da =timebox:store]
poke-core(notifications (put:orm notifications time timebox))
++ add-note
|= [=index:store =notification:store]
^+ poke-core
=/ =timebox:store
(gut-orm notifications current-timebox)
=/ existing-notif
(~(get by timebox) index)
=/ new=notification:store
(merge-notification existing-notif notification)
=/ new-read=?
?~ existing-notif %.y
=/ new-timebox=timebox:store
(~(put by timebox) index new)
=. poke-core (put-notifs current-timebox new-timebox)
=? poke-core new-read
(upd-cache %.n current-timebox index)
(give %added current-timebox index new)
++ do-archive
|= [time=@da =index:store]
^+ poke-core
=/ =timebox:store
(gut-orm notifications time)
=/ =notification:store
(~(got by timebox) index)
=/ new-timebox=timebox:store
(~(del by timebox) index)
=? poke-core !read.notification
(upd-cache %.y time index)
=. poke-core
(put-notifs time new-timebox)
=. archive
%^ jub-orm archive time
|= archive-box=timebox:store
(~(put by archive-box) index notification(read %.y))
(give %archive time index)
:: if we detect cache inconsistencies, wipe and rebuild
++ change-read-status
|= [time=@da =index:store read=?]
^+ poke-core
=. poke-core (upd-cache read time index)
=/ tib=(unit timebox:store)
(get:orm notifications time)
?~ tib poke-core
=/ not=(unit notification:store)
(~(get by u.tib) index)
?~ not poke-core
=? poke-core
:: cache is inconsistent iff we didn't directly
:: call this through %read-note or %unread-note
&(=(read read.u.not) !?=(?(%read-note %unread-note) -.in))
~& >> "Inconsistent hark cache, rebuilding"
?< &(=(read read.u.not) ?=(?(%read-note %unread-note) -.in))
=. u.tib
(~(put by u.tib) index u.not(read read))
=. notifications
(put:orm notifications time u.tib)
++ read-note
|= [time=@da =index:store]
%. [%read-note time index]
give:(change-read-status time index %.y)
++ unread-note
|= [time=@da =index:store]
%. [%unread-note time index]
give:(change-read-status time index %.n)
:: +| %each
:: each unread tracking
++ unread-each
|= [=stats-index:store unread=index:graph-store time=@da]
=. poke-core (seen-index time stats-index)
%+ jub-unreads-each:(give %unread-each stats-index unread time)
|= indices=(set index:graph-store)
(~(put ^in indices) unread)
++ read-index-each
|= [=stats-index:store ref=index:graph-store]
%- read-indices
%+ skim
~(tap ^in (~(get ju by-index) stats-index))
|= [time=@da =index:store]
=/ =timebox:store
(gut-orm notifications time)
=/ not=notification:store
(~(got by timebox) index)
?. ?=(%graph -.index) %.n
?. ?=(%graph -.contents.not) %.n
(lien list.contents.not |=(p=post:post =(index.p ref)))
++ read-each
|= [=stats-index:store ref=index:graph-store]
=. poke-core (read-index-each stats-index ref)
%+ jub-unreads-each:(give %read-each stats-index ref)
|= indices=(set index:graph-store)
(~(del ^in indices) ref)
++ jub-unreads-each
|= $: =stats-index:store
f=$-((set index:graph-store) (set index:graph-store))
poke-core(unreads-each (jub stats-index f))
++ unread-count
|= [=stats-index:store time=@da]
=/ new-count
+((~(gut by unreads-count) stats-index 0))
=. unreads-count
(~(put by unreads-count) stats-index new-count)
(seen-index:(give %unread-count stats-index time) time stats-index)
++ read-count
|= =stats-index:store
=. unreads-count (~(put by unreads-count) stats-index 0)
=/ times=(list [@da index:store])
~(tap ^in (~(get ju by-index) stats-index))
(give:(read-indices times) %read-count stats-index)
++ read-indices
|= times=(list [time=@da =index:store])
?~ times poke-core
=/ core
(read-note i.times)
$(poke-core core, times t.times)
++ seen-index
|= [time=@da =stats-index:store]
=/ new-time=@da
(max time (~(gut by last-seen) stats-index 0))
=. last-seen
(~(put by last-seen) stats-index new-time)
(give %seen-index new-time stats-index)
++ remove-graph
|= rid=resource
=/ indices get-stats-indices
=. poke-core
(give %remove-graph rid)
=. poke-core
(remove-notifications indices)
=. unreads-count
((dif-map-by-key ,@ud) unreads-count indices)
=. unreads-each
%+ (dif-map-by-key ,(set index:graph-store))
unreads-each indices
=. last-seen
((dif-map-by-key ,@da) last-seen indices)
=. by-index
((dif-map-by-key ,(set [@da =index:store])) by-index indices)
++ get-stats-indices
%- ~(gas ^in *(set stats-index:store))
%+ skim
;: weld
~(tap ^in ~(key by unreads-count))
~(tap ^in ~(key by last-seen))
~(tap ^in ~(key by unreads-each))
~(tap ^in ~(key by by-index))
|= =stats-index:store
?. ?=(%graph -.stats-index) %.n
=(graph.stats-index rid)
++ dif-map-by-key
|* value=mold
|= [=(map stats-index:store value) =(set stats-index:store)]
=/ to-remove ~(tap ^in set)
?~ to-remove map
=. map
(~(del by map) i.to-remove)
$(to-remove t.to-remove)
++ remove-notifications
|= =(set stats-index:store)
^+ poke-core
=/ indices
~(tap ^in set)
?~ indices poke-core
=/ times=(list [time=@da =index:store])
~(tap ^in (~(get ju by-index) i.indices))
=. poke-core
(read-indices times)
$(indices t.indices)
++ seen
=> (emit cancel-autoseen)
=> (emit autoseen-timer)
poke-core(current-timebox now.bowl)
++ read-all
=: unreads-count (~(run by unreads-count) _0)
unreads-each (~(run by unreads-each) _~)
notifications (~(run by notifications) _~)
=> rebuild-cache
++ set-dnd
|= d=?
(give:poke-core(dnd d) %set-dnd d)
++ merge-notification
|= [existing=(unit notification:store) new=notification:store]
^- notification:store
?~ existing new
?- -.contents.u.existing
?> ?=(%graph -.contents.new)
u.existing(read %.n, list.contents (weld list.contents.u.existing list.contents.new))
?> ?=(%group -.contents.new)
u.existing(read %.n, list.contents (weld list.contents.u.existing list.contents.new))
:: +key-orm: +key:by for ordered maps
++ key-orm
|= =notifications:store
^- (list @da)
(turn (tap:orm notifications) |=([@da *] +<-))
:: +jub-orm: combo +jab/+gut for ordered maps
:: TODO: move to zuse.hoon
++ jub-orm
|= [=notifications:store time=@da fun=$-(timebox:store timebox:store)]
^- notifications:store
=/ =timebox:store
(fun (gut-orm notifications time))
(put:orm notifications time timebox)
++ jub
|= [=stats-index:store f=$-((set index:graph-store) (set index:graph-store))]
^- (jug stats-index:store index:graph-store)
=/ val=(set index:graph-store)
(~(gut by unreads-each) stats-index ~)
(~(put by unreads-each) stats-index (f val))
:: +gut-orm: +gut:by for ordered maps
:: TODO: move to zuse.hoon
++ gut-orm
|= [=notifications:store time=@da]
^- timebox:store
(fall (get:orm notifications time) ~)
++ autoseen-interval ~h3
++ cancel-autoseen
^- card
[%pass /autoseen %arvo %b %rest (add current-timebox autoseen-interval)]
++ autoseen-timer
^- card
[%pass /autoseen %arvo %b %wait (add now.bowl autoseen-interval)]
++ scry
|* [=mold p=path]
?> ?=(^ p)
?> ?=(^ t.p)
.^(mold i.p (scot %p our.bowl) i.t.p (scot %da now.bowl) t.t.p)
++ give
|= [paths=(list path) update=update:store]
^- (list card)
[%give %fact paths [%hark-update !>(update)]]~
++ tap-nonempty
|= =notifications:store
^- (list [@da timebox:store])
%+ skim (tap:orm notifications)
|=([@da =timebox:store] !=(~(wyt by timebox) 0))
++ upd-cache
|= [read=? time=@da =index:store]
^+ +.state
%_ +.state
%. [(to-stats-index:store index) time index]
?: read
~(del ju by-index)
~(put ju by-index)
++ inflate-cache
|= state-4
^+ +.state
=/ nots=(list [p=@da =timebox:store])
(tap:orm notifications)
|- =* outer $
?~ nots +.state
=/ unreads ~(tap by timebox.i.nots)
|- =* inner $
?~ unreads
outer(nots t.nots)
=* notification q.i.unreads
=* index p.i.unreads
?: read.notification
inner(unreads t.unreads)
=. +.state
(upd-cache %.n p.i.nots index)
inner(unreads t.unreads)