
214 lines
5.7 KiB

:: glob [landscape]:
:: prompts content delivery and Gall state storage for Landscape JS blob
/- glob
/+ default-agent, verb, dbug
++ hash 0v5.u5b0i.2ks0m.6ipcp.djea4.16n1h
+$ state-0 [%0 hash=@uv glob=(unit (each glob:glob tid=@ta))]
+$ all-states
$% state-0
+$ card card:agent:gall
++ wait-timeout
|= [=path now=@da]
^- card
[%pass [%timer path] %arvo %b %wait (add now ~m30)]
++ wait-start
|= now=@da
^- card
[%pass /start %arvo %b %wait now]
++ poke-file-server
|= [our=@p =cage]
^- card
[%pass /serving/(scot %uv hash) %agent [our %file-server] %poke cage]
++ poke-spider
|= [=path our=@p =cage]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %poke cage]
++ watch-spider
|= [=path our=@p =sub=path]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %watch sub-path]
++ leave-spider
|= [=path our=@p]
^- card
[%pass [%running path] %agent [our %spider] %leave ~]
=| state=state-0
=. hash.state hash
=/ serve-path=path /'~landscape'/js/bundle
^- agent:gall
%+ verb |
%- agent:dbug
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:: delay through timer to make sure %spider has started
[[(wait-start now.bowl) ~] this]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card _this)
=+ !<(old=all-states old-state)
?> ?=(%0 -.old)
?~ glob.old
?: ?=(%& -.u.glob.old)
?: =(hash.old hash.state)
`this(state old)
=/ cancel-cards
=/ args [tid.p.u.glob.old &]
:~ (leave-spider /(scot %uv hash.old) our.bowl)
(poke-spider /(scot %uv hash.old) our.bowl %spider-stop !>(args))
=^ init-cards this on-init
[(weld cancel-cards init-cards) this]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
:_ this
=/ home=path /(scot %p our.bowl)/home/(scot %da now.bowl)
=+ .^(=js=tube:clay %cc (weld home /js/mime))
=+ .^(=map=tube:clay %cc (weld home /map/mime))
=+ .^(arch %cy (weld home /app/landscape/js/bundle))
=/ bundle-hash=@t
%- need
^- (unit @t)
%- ~(rep by dir)
|= [[file=@t ~] out=(unit @t)]
?^ out out
?. ?& =((end 3 6 file) 'index.')
!=('sj.' (end 3 3 (swp 3 file)))
``@t`(rsh 3 6 file)
=/ js-name
(cat 3 'index.' bundle-hash)
=/ map-name
(cat 3 js-name '.js')
=+ .^(js=@t %cx :(weld home /app/landscape/js/bundle /[js-name]/js))
=+ .^(map=@t %cx :(weld home /app/landscape/js/bundle /[map-name]/map))
=+ !<(=js=mime (js-tube !>(js)))
=+ !<(=map=mime (map-tube !>(map)))
=/ =glob:glob
%- ~(gas by *glob:glob)
:~ /[js-name]/js^js-mime
=/ =path /(cat 3 'glob-' (scot %uv (sham glob)))/glob
[%pass /make %agent [our.bowl %hood] %poke %drum-put !>([path (jam glob)])]~
?: =(%kick q.vase)
(on-load !>(state(hash *@uv)))
(on-poke:def mark vase)
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?: ?=([%serving @ ~] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?: ?=([%make ~] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?. ?=([%running @ ~] wire)
%- (slog leaf+"glob: strange on-agent! {<wire -.sign>}" ~)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?- -.sign
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"glob: couldn't start thread; will retry" u.p.sign)
:_ this(glob.state ~) :_ ~
(leave-spider t.wire our.bowl)
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"glob: couldn't listen to thread; will retry" u.p.sign)
[~ this(glob.state ~)]
=? glob.state ?=([~ %| *] glob.state)
=/ produced-hash (slav %uv i.t.wire)
?. =(hash.state produced-hash)
[~ this]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
%- (slog leaf+"glob: thread failed; will retry" leaf+<term> tang)
[~ this(glob.state ~)]
=+ !<(=glob:glob q.cage.sign)
?. =(hash.state (sham glob))
%: mean
leaf+"glob: hash doesn't match!"
>got=(sham glob)<
:_ this(glob.state `[%& glob]) :_ ~
%+ poke-file-server our.bowl
[%file-server-action !>([%serve-glob serve-path glob %&])]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?: ?=([%start ~] wire)
=/ new-tid=@ta (cat 3 'glob--' (scot %uv eny.bowl))
=/ args [~ `new-tid %glob !>([hash.state ~])]
=/ action !>([%unserve-dir serve-path])
:_ this(glob.state `[%| new-tid])
:~ (poke-file-server our.bowl %file-server-action action)
(wait-timeout /[new-tid] now.bowl)
(watch-spider /(scot %uv hash.state) our.bowl /thread-result/[new-tid])
(poke-spider /(scot %uv hash.state) our.bowl %spider-start !>(args))
?. ?=([%timer @ ~] wire)
%- (slog leaf+"glob: strange on-arvo wire: {<wire [- +<]:sign-arvo>}" ~)
?. ?=(%wake +<.sign-arvo)
%- (slog leaf+"glob: strange on-arvo sign: {<wire [- +<]:sign-arvo>}" ~)
?: ?=([~ %& *] glob.state)
?. ?| ?=(~ glob.state)
=(i.t.wire tid.p.u.glob.state)
?^ error.sign-arvo
%- (slog leaf+"glob: timer handling failed; will retry" ~)
[[(wait-timeout t.wire now.bowl)]~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"glob: timed out; retrying" ~)
(on-load !>(state(hash *@uv)))
++ on-fail on-fail:def