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synced 2024-12-19 08:32:39 +03:00
Including these in pkg/arvo has caused many minor problems over the years. We don't want to include them in releases, but this often meant excluding them manually, which was error-prone. Here, we move them out of /pkg/arvo/tests and into /tests. CI will have to be updated to match, since we'll still want to include tests there.
873 lines
25 KiB
873 lines
25 KiB
:: tests for html
/+ *test
=, html
=, de-xml:html
=, en-xml:html
:: de-xml takes a cord but en-xml returns a tape?
++ test-de-xml
;: weld
:: Basic use
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- manx +:(de-xml:html (crip "<html><head><title>My first webpage</title></head><body><h1>Welcome!</h1>Hello, world! We are on the web.\0a<div></div><script src=\"http://unsafely.tracking.you/cookiemonster.js\"></script></body></html>"))
!> ^- manx
;title: My first webpage
;h1: Welcome!
; Hello, world! We are on the web.
;script(src "http://unsafely.tracking.you/cookiemonster.js");
:: CDATA sections
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- manx
+:(de-xml:html (crip "<elem><![CDATA[text]]></elem>"))
!> ^- manx
;elem: text
:: comments
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- manx
;elem: text
!> +:(de-xml:html (crip "<elem>text<!-- comment --></elem>"))
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- manx
!> +:(de-xml:html (crip "<elem><!-- comment --></elem>"))
:: entities
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- manx
+:(de-xml:html (crip "<elem>></elem>"))
!> ^- manx
;elem: >
:: self-closing tag
%+ expect-eq
!> ^- manx
+:(de-xml:html (crip "<img />"))
!> ^- manx
++ test-en-xml
;: weld
:: Entities
%+ expect-eq
!> "<elem>></elem>"
!> %- en-xml:html
;elem: >
:: Basic use
%+ expect-eq
!> %- en-xml:html
;title: My first webpage
;h1: Welcome!
; Hello, world!
; We are on the web.
!> "<html><head><title>My first webpage</title></head><body><h1>Welcome!</h1>Hello, world!\0aWe are on the web.\0a<div></div><script src=\"http://unsafely.tracking.you/cookiemonster.js\"></script></body></html>"
:: Attributes
%+ expect-eq
!> "<input type=\"submit\">Submit</input>"
!> %- en-xml:html
;input(type "submit"): Submit
:: JSON encoding/decoding
++ from-code-points
|= points=(list @)
(tufa `(list @c)`points)
++ from-code-point
|= point=@
(tuft point)
+$ json-parse-spec [name=tape input=cord expected=json]
+$ json-parse-rejection-spec [input=cord name=tape]
:: For checking a large list of examples against expected values.
:: It also nicely formats any failures.
++ run-parse-specs
:: legend tells of a man who made the Kessel run in less than 12
:: parse-specs...
|= specs=(list json-parse-spec)
%- zing
%- turn
:- specs
|= spec=json-parse-spec
^- tang
=+ result=(expect-eq !>(`expected.spec) !>((de-json:html input.spec)))
?~ result ~
`tang`[[%leaf "in {name.spec}:"] result]
:: Checks that a list of examples all fail to parse
++ run-parse-rejection-specs
|= specs=(list json-parse-rejection-spec)
%- zing
%- turn
:- specs
|= spec=json-parse-rejection-spec
^- tang
=+ result=(expect-eq !>(~) !>((de-json:html input.spec)))
?~ result ~
`tang`[[%leaf "in {name.spec}:"] result]
:: example values used in tests
++ ex
++ two `json`[%n '2']
++ tru `json`[%b &]
:: encoding naked values
++ test-en-json-basics
;: weld
%+ expect-eq
!> "true"
!> (en-json [%b &])
%+ expect-eq
!> "false"
!> (en-json [%b |])
%+ expect-eq
!> "null"
!> (en-json ~)
%+ expect-eq
!> "123.45"
!> (en-json [%n '123.45'])
:: encoding strings, with proper escaping rules
++ test-en-json-strings
:: A less-confusing representation of theses strings are included in comments
:: Things get confusing with hoon string literal escapes. The
:: version included as a comment is if you opened the json output
:: in a simple text editor.
;: weld
:: "hello"
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"hello\""
!> (en-json [%s 'hello'])
:: it escapes quotes
:: "he said \"wow\""
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"he said \\\"wow\\\"\""
!> (en-json [%s 'he said "wow"'])
:: it escapes backslashes
:: "Delete C:\\Windows\\System32"
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"Delete C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\""
!> (en-json [%s 'Delete C:\\Windows\\System32'])
:: it uses \n for newlines
:: "hello\nworld"
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"hello\\nworld\""
!> (en-json [%s 'hello\0aworld'])
:: it uses \u encoding for control characters (0x1f and below)
:: "ding!\u0007"
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"ding!\\u0007\""
!> (en-json [%s 'ding!\07'])
:: it supports null bytes
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"null\\u0000byte\\u0000separator\""
!> (en-json [%s 'null\00byte\00separator'])
:: inline unicode characters
%+ expect-eq
!> "\"lmao 🤣\""
!> (en-json [%s 'lmao 🤣'])
:: encoding arrays
++ test-en-json-arrays
;: weld
:: empty array
%+ expect-eq
!> "[]"
!> (en-json [%a ~])
:: 1 element
%+ expect-eq
!> "[2]"
!> (en-json [%a ~[two:ex]])
:: multiple elements are comma-separated
%+ expect-eq
!> "[2,2,2]"
!> (en-json [%a ~[two:ex two:ex two:ex]])
:: encoding basic objects
++ test-en-json-objects
:: opening curly braces are escaped to avoid urbit string literal
:: interpolation
;: weld
:: empty object
%+ expect-eq
!> "\{}"
!> (en-json [%o ~])
:: one property
%+ expect-eq
!> "\{\"foo\":2}"
!> (en-json [%o (molt ~[['foo' two:ex]])])
:: multiple properties are comma-separated
%+ expect-eq
!> "\{\"foo\":2,\"bar\":true}"
!> (en-json [%o (molt ~[['foo' two:ex] ['bar' tru:ex]])])
:: object keys use same encoding logic as strings
%+ expect-eq
:: {"\u0007\"\n\\":true}
!> "\{\"\\u0007\\\"\\n\\\\\":true}"
!> (en-json [%o (molt ~[['\07"\0a\\' tru:ex]])])
:: object encoding stress-test
++ test-en-json-complex-structure
%+ expect-eq
:: [{}, 4, [[], [{foo: {"4": 4, "true": true}}]]]
!> "[\{},4,[[],[\{\"foo\":\{\"4\":4,\"true\":true}}]]]"
!> %- en-json:html
:- %a
:~ [%o ~]
[%n '4']
:- %a
:~ [%a ~]
:- %a
:~ %+ frond:enjs:format
(pairs:enjs:format ~[['4' [%n '4']] ['true' [%b &]]])
:: decoding naked values
++ test-de-json-simple-values
=, html
;: weld
%+ expect-eq
!> `~
!> (de-json 'null')
%+ expect-eq
!> `[%b &]
!> (de-json 'true')
%+ expect-eq
!> `[%b |]
!> (de-json 'false')
:: The following parser test suite (test-de-json-bad-examples and
:: test-en-json-suite) is adapted from https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite/
:: (Copyright (c) 2016 Nicolas Seriot) under the terms of the MIT license.
:: These are all inputs that should be rejected by a valid json parser
++ test-de-json-bad-examples
%- run-parse-rejection-specs
['[1 true]' "n_array_1_true_without_comma"]
['[aÂ]' "n_array_a_invalid_utf8"]
['["": 1]' "n_array_colon_instead_of_comma"]
['[""],' "n_array_comma_after_close"]
['[,1]' "n_array_comma_and_number"]
['[1,,2]' "n_array_double_comma"]
['["x",,]' "n_array_double_extra_comma"]
['["x"]]' "n_array_extra_close"]
['["",]' "n_array_extra_comma"]
['["x"' "n_array_incomplete"]
['[x' "n_array_incomplete_invalid_value"]
['[3[4]]' "n_array_inner_array_no_comma"]
['[ˇ]' "n_array_invalid_utf8"]
['[1:2]' "n_array_items_separated_by_semicolon"]
['[,]' "n_array_just_comma"]
['[-]' "n_array_just_minus"]
['[ , ""]' "n_array_missing_value"]
['["a",\0a4\0a,1,' "n_array_newlines_unclosed"]
['[1,]' "n_array_number_and_comma"]
['[1,,]' "n_array_number_and_several_commas"]
['["\0b"\\f]' "n_array_spaces_vertical_tab_formfeed"]
['[*]' "n_array_star_inside"]
['[""' "n_array_unclosed"]
['[1,' "n_array_unclosed_trailing_comma"]
['[1,\0a1\0a,1' "n_array_unclosed_with_new_lines"]
['[{}' "n_array_unclosed_with_object_inside"]
['[fals]' "n_incomplete_false"]
['[nul]' "n_incomplete_null"]
['[tru]' "n_incomplete_true"]
['[++1234]' "n_number_++"]
['[+1]' "n_number_+1"]
['[+Inf]' "n_number_+Inf"]
['[-01]' "n_number_-01"]
['[-1.0.]' "n_number_-1.0."]
['[-NaN]' "n_number_-NaN"]
['[.-1]' "n_number_.-1"]
['[.2e-3]' "n_number_.2e-3"]
['[0.1.2]' "n_number_0.1.2"]
['[1 000.0]' "n_number_1_000"]
['[1eE2]' "n_number_1eE2"]
['[Inf]' "n_number_Inf"]
['[NaN]' "n_number_NaN"]
['[1]' "n_number_U+FF11_fullwidth_digit_one"]
['[1+2]' "n_number_expression"]
['[0x1]' "n_number_hex_1_digit"]
['[0x42]' "n_number_hex_2_digits"]
['[Infinity]' "n_number_infinity"]
['[0e+-1]' "n_number_invalid+-"]
['[-123.123foo]' "n_number_invalid-negative-real"]
['[123Â]' "n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-bigger-int"]
['[1e1Â]' "n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-exponent"]
['[0Â]' "n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-int"]
['[-Infinity]' "n_number_minus_infinity"]
['[-foo]' "n_number_minus_sign_with_trailing_garbage"]
['[- 1]' "n_number_minus_space_1"]
['[-012]' "n_number_neg_int_starting_with_zero"]
['[-.123]' "n_number_neg_real_without_int_part"]
['[-1x]' "n_number_neg_with_garbage_at_end"]
['[1ea]' "n_number_real_garbage_after_e"]
['[1eÂ]' "n_number_real_with_invalid_utf8_after_e"]
['[.123]' "n_number_starting_with_dot"]
['[1.2a-3]' "n_number_with_alpha"]
['[1.8011670033376514H-308]' "n_number_with_alpha_char"]
['[012]' "n_number_with_leading_zero"]
['["x", truth]' "n_object_bad_value"]
['{[: "x"}' "n_object_bracket_key"]
['{"x", null}' "n_object_comma_instead_of_colon"]
['{"x"::"b"}' "n_object_double_colon"]
['{üá®üá≠}' "n_object_emoji"]
['{"a":"a" 123}' "n_object_garbage_at_end"]
['{key: \'value\'}' "n_object_key_with_single_quotes"]
['{"π":"0",}' "n_object_lone_continuation_byte_in_key_and_trailing_comma"]
['{"a" b}' "n_object_missing_colon"]
['{:"b"}' "n_object_missing_key"]
['{"a" "b"}' "n_object_missing_semicolon"]
['{"a":' "n_object_missing_value"]
['{"a"' "n_object_no-colon"]
['{1:1}' "n_object_non_string_key"]
['{9999E9999:1}' "n_object_non_string_key_but_huge_number_instead"]
['{null:null,null:null}' "n_object_repeated_null_null"]
['{"id":0,,,,,}' "n_object_several_trailing_commas"]
['{\'a\':0}' "n_object_single_quote"]
['{"id":0,}' "n_object_trailing_comma"]
['{"a":"b"}/**/' "n_object_trailing_comment"]
['{"a":"b"}/**//' "n_object_trailing_comment_open"]
['{"a":"b"}//' "n_object_trailing_comment_slash_open"]
['{"a":"b"}/' "n_object_trailing_comment_slash_open_incomplete"]
['{"a":"b",,"c":"d"}' "n_object_two_commas_in_a_row"]
['{a: "b"}' "n_object_unquoted_key"]
['{"a":"a' "n_object_unterminated-value"]
['{ "foo" : "bar", "a" }' "n_object_with_single_string"]
['{"a":"b"}#' "n_object_with_trailing_garbage"]
[' ' "n_single_space"]
['["\\uD800\\"]' "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape"]
['["\\uD800\\u"]' "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u"]
['["\\uD800\\u1"]' "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1"]
['["\\uD800\\u1x"]' "n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1x"]
['[é]' "n_string_accentuated_char_no_quotes"]
['["\\x00"]' "n_string_escape_x"]
['["\\\\\\"]' "n_string_escaped_backslash_bad"]
['["\\\09"]' "n_string_escaped_ctrl_char_tab"]
['["\\üåÄ"]' "n_string_escaped_emoji"]
['["\\"]' "n_string_incomplete_escape"]
['["\\u00A"]' "n_string_incomplete_escaped_character"]
['["\\uD834\\uDd"]' "n_string_incomplete_surrogate"]
['["\\uD800\\uD800\\x"]' "n_string_incomplete_surrogate_escape_invalid"]
['["\\uÂ"]' "n_string_invalid-utf-8-in-escape"]
['["\\a"]' "n_string_invalid_backslash_esc"]
['["\\uqqqq"]' "n_string_invalid_unicode_escape"]
['["\\Â"]' "n_string_invalid_utf8_after_escape"]
['[\\u0020"asd"]' "n_string_leading_uescaped_thinspace"]
['[\\n]' "n_string_no_quotes_with_bad_escape"]
['"' "n_string_single_doublequote"]
['[\'single quote\']' "n_string_single_quote"]
['abc' "n_string_single_string_no_double_quotes"]
['["\\' "n_string_start_escape_unclosed"]
['["new' "n_string_unescaped_newline"]
['line"]' "n_string_unescaped_newline"]
['["\09"]' "n_string_unescaped_tab"]
['"\\UA66D"' "n_string_unicode_CapitalU"]
['""x' "n_string_with_trailing_garbage"]
['[⁠]' "n_structure_U+2060_word_joined"]
['Ôªø' "n_structure_UTF8_BOM_no_data"]
['<.>' "n_structure_angle_bracket_."]
['[<null>]' "n_structure_angle_bracket_null"]
['[1]x' "n_structure_array_trailing_garbage"]
['[1]]' "n_structure_array_with_extra_array_close"]
['["asd]' "n_structure_array_with_unclosed_string"]
['aå' "n_structure_ascii-unicode-identifier"]
['[True]' "n_structure_capitalized_True"]
['1]' "n_structure_close_unopened_array"]
['{"x": true,' "n_structure_comma_instead_of_closing_brace"]
['[][]' "n_structure_double_array"]
[']' "n_structure_end_array"]
['Ôª{}' "n_structure_incomplete_UTF8_BOM"]
['Â' "n_structure_lone-invalid-utf-8"]
['[' "n_structure_lone-open-bracket"]
['["a\00a"]' "n_string_unescaped_crtl_char"]
['["\\00"]' "n_string_backslash_00"]
:: TODO: de-json is accepting a slew of number formats it shouldn't.
:: Tracking issue here: https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/1775
:: Re-enable this test by removing the disable- prefix
++ disable-test-reject-invalid-numbers
%- run-parse-rejection-specs
['123\00' "n_multidigit_number_then_00"]
['[1.]' "n_number_real_without_fractional_part"]
['[2.e+3]' "n_number_2.e+3"]
['[2.e-3]' "n_number_2.e-3"]
['[2.e3]' "n_number_2.e3"]
['[9.e+]' "n_number_9.e+"]
['[0.3e+]' "n_number_0.3e+"]
['[0.3e]' "n_number_0.3e"]
['[0.e1]' "n_number_0.e1"]
['[0E+]' "n_number_0_capital_E+"]
['[0E]' "n_number_0_capital_E"]
['[0e+]' "n_number_0e+"]
['[0e]' "n_number_0e"]
['[1.0e+]' "n_number_1.0e+"]
['[1.0e-]' "n_number_1.0e-"]
['[1.0e]' "n_number_1.0e"]
['[-2.]' "n_number_-2."]
:: these are all inputs that should be accepted by a valid parser
++ test-en-json-suite
=+ frond=frond:enjs:format
=+ pairs=pairs:enjs:format
%- run-parse-specs
:* "y_array_arraysWithSpaces"
'[[] ]'
[%a ~[[%a ~]]]
:* "y_array_empty-string"
[%a ~[[%s '']]]
:* "y_array_empty"
[%a ~]
:* "y_array_ending_with_newline"
[%a ~[[%s 'a']]]
:* "y_array_false"
[%a ~[[%b |]]]
:* "y_array_heterogeneous"
'[null, 1, "1", {}]'
[%a ~[~ [%n '1'] [%s '1'] [%o ~]]]
:* "y_array_null"
[%a ~[~]]
:* "y_array_with_1_and_newline"
[%a ~[[%n '1']]]
:* "y_array_with_leading_space"
' [1]'
[%a ~[[%n '1']]]
:* "y_array_with_several_null"
[%a ~[[%n '1'] ~ ~ ~ [%n '2']]]
:* "y_array_with_trailing_space"
'[2] '
[%a ~[[%n '2']]]
:* "y_number"
[%a ~[[%n '123e65']]]
:* "y_number_0e+1"
[%a ~[[%n '0e+1']]]
:* "y_number_0e1"
[%a ~[[%n '0e1']]]
:* "y_number_after_space"
'[ 4]'
[%a ~[[%n '4']]]
:* "y_number_double_close_to_zero"
[%a ~[[%n '-0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\
:* "y_number_int_with_exp"
[%a ~[[%n '20e1']]]
:* "y_number_minus_zero"
[%a ~[[%n '-0']]]
:* "y_number_negative_int"
[%a ~[[%n '-123']]]
:* "y_number_negative_one"
[%a ~[[%n '-1']]]
:* "y_number_negative_zero"
[%a ~[[%n '-0']]]
:* "y_number_real_capital_e"
[%a ~[[%n '1E22']]]
:* "y_number_real_capital_e_neg_exp"
[%a ~[[%n '1E-2']]]
:* "y_number_real_capital_e_pos_exp"
[%a ~[[%n '1E+2']]]
:* "y_number_real_exponent"
[%a ~[[%n '123e45']]]
:* "y_number_real_fraction_exponent"
[%a ~[[%n '123.456e78']]]
:* "y_number_real_neg_exp"
[%a ~[[%n '1e-2']]]
:* "y_number_real_pos_exponent"
[%a ~[[%n '1e+2']]]
:* "y_number_simple_int"
[%a ~[[%n '123']]]
:* "y_number_simple_real"
[%a ~[[%n '123.456789']]]
:* "y_object"
'{"asd":"sdf", "dfg":"fgh"}'
(pairs ~[['asd' [%s 'sdf']] ['dfg' [%s ['fgh']]]])
:* "y_object_basic"
(frond ['asd' [%s 'sdf']])
:: duplicated keys, it takes the latest one.
:* "y_object_duplicated_key"
(frond ['a' [%s 'c']])
:* "y_object_duplicated_key_and_value"
(frond ['a' [%s 'b']])
:* "y_object_empty"
[%o ~]
:* "y_object_empty_key"
(frond ['' [%n '0']])
:* "y_object_extreme_numbers"
'{ "min": -1.0e+28, "max": 1.0e+28 }'
(pairs ~[['min' [%n '-1.0e+28']] ['max' [%n '1.0e+28']]])
=/ long=@t 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
:* "y_object_long_strings"
'{"x":[{"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}], \
/"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}'
(pairs ~[['id' [%s long]] ['x' [%a ~[(frond ['id' [%s long]])]]]])
:* "y_object_simple"
(frond 'a' [%a ~])
:* "y_object_string_unicode"
'{"title":"\\u041f\\u043e\\u043b\\u0442\\u043e\\u0440\\u0430 \
/\\u0417\\u0435\\u043c\\u043b\\u0435\\u043a\\u043e\\u043f\\u0430" }'
(frond 'title' [%s 'Полтора Землекопа'])
:* "y_object_with_newlines"
'{\0a"a": "b"\0a}'
(frond 'a' [%s 'b'])
:* "y_string_allowed_escapes"
[%a ~[[%s '"\\/\08\0c\0a\0d\09']]]
:* "y_string_backslash_and_u_escaped_zero"
[%a ~[[%s '\\u0000']]]
:* "y_string_backslash_doublequotes"
[%a ~[[%s '"']]]
:* "y_string_comments"
[%a ~[[%s 'a/*b*/c/*d//e']]]
:* "y_string_double_escape_a"
[%a ~[[%s '\\a']]]
:* "y_string_double_escape_n"
[%a ~[[%s '\\n']]]
:* "y_string_escaped_control_character"
[%a ~[[%s '\12']]]
:* "y_string_in_array_with_leading_space"
'[ "asd"]'
[%a ~[[%s 'asd']]]
:* "y_string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+10FFFF"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x10.ffff)]]]
:* "y_string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+FFFF"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0xffff)]]]
:* "y_string_null_escape"
[%a ~[[%s '\00']]]
:* "y_string_one-byte-utf-8"
[%a ~[[%s '\2c']]]
:* "y_string_pi"
[%a ~[[%s 'π']]]
:* "y_string_reservedCharacterInUTF-8_U+1BFFF"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x1.bfff)]]]
:* "y_string_simple_ascii"
'["asd "]'
[%a ~[[%s 'asd ']]]
:* "y_string_space"
'" "'
[%s ' ']
:* "y_string_three-byte-utf-8"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x821)]]]
:* "y_string_two-byte-utf-8"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x123)]]]
:* "y_string_u+2028_line_sep"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x2028)]]]
:* "y_string_u+2029_par_sep"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x2029)]]]
:* "y_string_unicode_2"
[%a ~[[%s '⍂㈴⍂']]]
:* "y_string_unicode_U+2064_invisible_plus"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x2064)]]]
:* "y_string_unicode_escaped_double_quote"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x22)]]]
:* "y_string_utf8"
[%a ~[[%s '€𝄞']]]
:* "y_structure_lonely_false"
[%b |]
:* "y_structure_lonely_int"
[%n '42']
:* "y_structure_lonely_negative_real"
[%n '-0.1']
:* "y_structure_lonely_null"
:* "y_structure_lonely_string"
[%s 'asd']
:* "y_structure_lonely_true"
[%b &]
:* "y_structure_string_empty"
[%s '']
:* "y_structure_trailing_newline"
[%a ~[[%s 'a']]]
:* "y_structure_true_in_array"
[%a ~[[%b &]]]
:* "y_structure_whitespace_array"
' [] '
[%a ~]
:: TODO: de-json is rejecting or dropping unicode escape sequences
:: Tracking issue here: https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/1776
:: Re-enable this test by removing the disable- prefix
++ disable-test-parse-unicode-escape-sequences
=+ frond=frond:enjs:format
=+ pairs=pairs:enjs:format
%- run-parse-specs
:* "y_string_with_del_character"
[%a ~[[%s 'a\7fa']]]
:* "y_string_unicode_U+FDD0_nonchar"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0xfdd0)]]]
:* "y_string_unicode_U+FFFE_nonchar"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0xfffe)]]]
:* "y_string_unicode_U+10FFFE_nonchar"
[%a ~[[%s (crip (from-code-points ~[0xdbff 0xdffe]))]]]
:* "y_string_unicode_U+1FFFE_nonchar"
[%a ~[[%s (crip (from-code-points ~[0xd83f 0xdffe]))]]]
:* "y_string_unicode_U+200B_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x200b)]]]
:* "y_string_uEscape"
[%a ~[[%s (crip (from-code-points ~[0x61 0x30af 0x30ea 0x30b9]))]]]
:* "y_string_uescaped_newline"
[%a ~[[%s 'new\0aline']]]
:* "y_string_unescaped_char_delete"
[%a ~[[%s '\7f']]]
:* "y_string_unicode"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0xa66d)]]]
:* "y_string_unicodeEscapedBackslash"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0x5c)]]]
:* "y_string_surrogates_U+1D11E_MUSICAL_SYMBOL_G_CLEF"
[%a ~[[%s (crip (from-code-points ~[0xd834 0xdd1e]))]]]
:* "y_string_last_surrogates_1_and_2"
[%a ~[[%s (crip (from-code-points ~[0xdbff 0xdfff]))]]]
:* "y_string_nbsp_uescaped"
[%a ~[[%s (crip "new{(from-code-points ~[0xa0])}line")]]]
:* "y_string_escaped_noncharacter"
[%a ~[[%s (from-code-point 0xffff)]]]
:* "y_string_escaped_null"
[%s 'foo\00bar']
:* "y_object_escaped_null_in_key"
'{"foo\\u0000bar": 42}'
(frond ['foo\00bar' [%n '42']])
:* "y_string_1_2_3_bytes_UTF-8_sequences"
[%a ~[[%s '`Īካ']]]
:* "y_string_accepted_surrogate_pair"
[%a ~[[%s '𐐷']]]
:* "y_string_accepted_surrogate_pairs"
[%a ~[[%s '😹💍']]]