2019-10-04 13:47:05 -07:00

273 lines
9.1 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Vere.Dawn where
import Arvo.Common
import Arvo.Event hiding (Address)
import Azimuth.Azimuth
import UrbitPrelude hiding (Call, rights, to)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Solidity.Abi.Codec (encode)
import Data.Text (splitOn)
import Network.Ethereum.Account
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Eth
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Provider
import Network.Ethereum.Api.Types hiding (blockNumber)
import Network.Ethereum.Web3
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import qualified Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 as Ed
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Network.Ethereum.Ens as Ens
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
-- During boot, use the infura provider
provider = HttpProvider
-- Conversion Utilities --------------------------------------------------------
bsToAtom :: ByteString -> Atom
bsToAtom x = x ^. from atomBytes
-- Takes the web3's bytes representation and changes the endianness.
bytes32ToBS :: BytesN 32 -> ByteString
bytes32ToBS = reverse . BA.pack . BA.unpack
-- web3 doesn't export unAddress.
addressToBS :: Address -> ByteString
addressToBS = reverse . encode
addressToAtom = bsToAtom . addressToBS
toBloq :: Quantity -> Bloq
toBloq = fromIntegral . unQuantity
passFromEth :: BytesN 32 -> BytesN 32 -> UIntN 32 -> Pass
passFromEth enc aut sut | sut /= 1 =
Pass (Ed.PublicKey mempty) (Ed.PublicKey mempty)
passFromEth enc aut sut =
Pass (decode aut) (decode enc)
decode = Ed.PublicKey . bytes32ToBS
clanFromShip :: Ship -> Ob.Class
clanFromShip = Ob.clan . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
shipSein :: Ship -> Ship
shipSein = Ship . fromIntegral . Ob.fromPatp . Ob.sein . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
renderShip :: Ship -> Text
renderShip = Ob.renderPatp . Ob.patp . fromIntegral
-- Data Validation -------------------------------------------------------------
-- for =(who.seed `@`fix:ex:cub)
-- getFingerprintFromKey :: Ring -> Atom
-- getFingerprintFromKey = undefined
-- Derive public key structure from the key derivation seed structure
getPassFromRing :: Ring -> Pass
getPassFromRing Ring{..} = Pass{..}
passCrypt = decode ringCrypt
passSign = decode ringSign
decode = fst . fromJust . Ed.createKeypairFromSeed_
-- Azimuth Functions -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Perform a request to azimuth at a certain block number
withAzimuth :: Quantity
-> Address
-> DefaultAccount Web3 a
-> Web3 a
withAzimuth bloq azimuth action =
withAccount () $
withParam (to .~ azimuth) $
withParam (block .~ (BlockWithNumber bloq))
-- Retrieves the EthPoint information for an individual point.
retrievePoint :: Quantity -> Address -> Ship -> Web3 (EthPoint)
retrievePoint bloq azimuth ship =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ do
keyRevision, continuityNum) <- points (fromIntegral ship)
let escapeState = if escapeRequested
then Just $ Ship $ fromIntegral escapeTo
else Nothing
-- The hoon version also sets this to all 0s and then does nothing with it.
let epOwn = (0, 0, 0, 0)
let epNet = if (not active)
then Nothing
else Just (
(fromIntegral keyRevision),
(passFromEth encryptionKey authenticationKey cryptoSuite),
(fromIntegral continuityNum),
(hasSponsor, Ship (fromIntegral sponsor)),
let epKid = case clanFromShip ship of
Ob.Galaxy -> Just (0, setToHoonSet mempty)
Ob.Star -> Just (0, setToHoonSet mempty)
_ -> Nothing
pure EthPoint{..}
-- Retrieves information about all the galaxies from Ethereum.
retrieveGalaxyTable :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 (Map Ship (Rift, Life, Pass))
retrieveGalaxyTable bloq azimuth =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ M.fromList <$> mapM getRow [0..255]
getRow idx = do
(encryptionKey, authenticationKey, _, _, _, _, _, cryptoSuite,
keyRev, continuity) <- points idx
pure (fromIntegral idx,
(fromIntegral continuity,
fromIntegral keyRev,
(passFromEth encryptionKey authenticationKey cryptoSuite)))
-- Reads the three Ames domains from Ethereum, removing duplicates
readAmesDomains :: Quantity -> Address -> Web3 ([Turf])
readAmesDomains bloq azimuth =
withAzimuth bloq azimuth $ nub <$> mapM getTurf [0..2]
getTurf idx = do
str <- dnsDomains idx
pure $ Turf $ fmap Cord $ reverse $ splitOn "." str
validateShipAndGetImmediateSponsor :: Quantity -> Address -> Seed -> Web3 (Ship)
validateShipAndGetImmediateSponsor block azimuth (Seed ship life ring oaf) =
case clanFromShip ship of
Ob.Comet -> validateComet
Ob.Moon -> validateMoon
_ -> validateRest
validateComet = do
-- TODO: All validation of the comet.
-- A comet address is the fingerprint of the keypair
-- when (ship /= (x ring.seed)) (Left "todo: key mismatch")
-- A comet can never be breached
-- when live Left "comet already booted"
-- TODO: the parent must be launched check?
pure (shipSein ship)
validateMoon = do
-- TODO: The current code in zuse does nothing, but we should be able to
-- try to validate the oath against the current as exists planet on
-- chain.
pure $ shipSein ship
validateRest = do
print ("boot: retrieving " ++ (renderShip ship) ++ "'s public keys")
whoP <- retrievePoint block azimuth ship
case (epNet whoP) of
Nothing -> fail "ship not keyed"
Just (netLife, pass, contNum, (hasSponsor, who), _) -> do
when (netLife /= life) $
fail $ pack
("keyfile life mismatch; keyfile claims life " ++
(show life) ++ ", but Azimuth claims life " ++
(show netLife))
when ((getPassFromRing ring) /= pass) $
fail "keyfile does not match blockchain"
-- TODO: The hoon code does a breach check, but the C code never
-- supplies the data necessary for it to function.
pure who
-- Walk through the sponsorship chain retrieving the actual sponsorship chain
-- as it exists on Ethereum.
getSponsorshipChain :: Quantity -> Address -> Ship -> Web3 [(Ship,EthPoint)]
getSponsorshipChain block azimuth = loop
loop ship = do
print ("boot: retrieving keys for sponsor " ++ (renderShip ship))
ethPoint <- retrievePoint block azimuth ship
case clanFromShip ship of
Ob.Comet -> fail "Comets cannot be sponsors"
Ob.Moon -> fail "Moons cannot be sponsors"
Ob.Galaxy -> do
case (epNet ethPoint) of
Nothing -> fail $ unpack ("Galaxy " ++ (renderShip ship) ++
" not booted")
Just _ -> pure [(ship, ethPoint)]
_ -> do
case (epNet ethPoint) of
Nothing -> fail $ unpack ("Ship " ++ (renderShip ship) ++
" not booted")
Just (_, _, _, (has, sponsor), _) -> do
case has of
False -> fail $ unpack ("Ship " ++ (renderShip ship) ++
" has no sponsor")
True -> do
chain <- loop sponsor
pure $ chain ++ [(ship, ethPoint)]
-- Produces either an error or a validated boot event structure.
dawnVent :: Seed -> RIO e (Either Text Dawn)
dawnVent dSeed@(Seed ship life ring oaf) = do
ret <- runWeb3' provider $ do
block <- blockNumber
print ("boot: ethereum block #" ++ (show block))
print "boot: retrieving azimuth contract"
azimuth <- withAccount () $ Ens.resolve "azimuth.eth"
immediateSponsor <- validateShipAndGetImmediateSponsor block azimuth dSeed
dSponsor <- getSponsorshipChain block azimuth immediateSponsor
print "boot: retrieving galaxy table"
dCzar <- mapToHoonMap <$> retrieveGalaxyTable block azimuth
print "boot: retrieving network domains"
dTurf <- readAmesDomains block azimuth
let dBloq = toBloq block
let dNode = Nothing
pure $ MkDawn{..}
case ret of
Left x -> pure $ Left $ tshow x
Right y -> pure $ Right y
dawnCometList :: RIO e [Ship]
dawnCometList = do
-- Get the jamfile with the list of stars accepting comets right now.
manager <- io $ C.newManager tlsManagerSettings
request <- io $ C.parseRequest ""
response <- io $ C.httpLbs (C.setRequestCheckStatus request) manager
let body = toStrict $ C.responseBody response
noun <- cueBS body & either throwIO pure
fromNounErr noun & either (throwIO . uncurry ParseErr) pure
mineComet :: Set Ship -> Word128 -> Seed
mineComet ships = loop
loop eny =
loop (eny + 1)
-- dawnCome :: RIO e (Either Text Dawn)
-- dawnCome = do