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Low-Level Inferface for LMDB Event Log.
module Urbit.Vere.LMDB where
import Urbit.Prelude hiding (init)
import Data.RAcquire
import Database.LMDB.Raw
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke, sizeOf)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BU
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Env = MDB_env
type Val = MDB_val
type Txn = MDB_txn
type Dbi = MDB_dbi
type Cur = MDB_cursor
data VereLMDBExn
= NoLogIdentity
| MissingEvent EventId
| BadNounInLogIdentity ByteString DecodeErr ByteString
| BadKeyInEventLog
| BadWriteLogIdentity LogIdentity
| BadWriteEvent EventId
| BadWriteEffect EventId
deriving Show
instance Exception VereLMDBExn where
-- Transactions ----------------------------------------------------------------
A read-only transaction that commits at the end.
Use this when opening database handles.
openTxn :: Env -> RAcquire e Txn
openTxn env = mkRAcquire begin commit
begin = io $ mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
commit = io . mdb_txn_commit
A read-only transaction that aborts at the end.
Use this when reading data from already-opened databases.
readTxn :: Env -> RAcquire e Txn
readTxn env = mkRAcquire begin abort
begin = io $ mdb_txn_begin env Nothing True
abort = io . mdb_txn_abort
A read-write transaction that commits upon sucessful completion and
aborts on exception.
Use this when reading data from already-opened databases.
writeTxn :: Env -> RAcquire e Txn
writeTxn env = mkRAcquireType begin finalize
begin = io $ mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
finalize txn = io . \case
ReleaseNormal -> mdb_txn_commit txn
ReleaseEarly -> mdb_txn_commit txn
ReleaseException -> mdb_txn_abort txn
-- Cursors ---------------------------------------------------------------------
cursor :: Txn -> Dbi -> RAcquire e Cur
cursor txn dbi = mkRAcquire open close
open = io $ mdb_cursor_open txn dbi
close = io . mdb_cursor_close
-- Last Key In Dbi -------------------------------------------------------------
lastKeyWord64 :: Env -> Dbi -> Txn -> RIO e Word64
lastKeyWord64 env dbi txn =
rwith (cursor txn dbi) $ \cur ->
withKVPtrs' nullVal nullVal $ \pKey pVal ->
io $ mdb_cursor_get MDB_LAST cur pKey pVal >>= \case
False -> pure 0
True -> peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
-- Delete Rows -----------------------------------------------------------------
deleteAllRows :: Env -> Dbi -> RIO e ()
deleteAllRows env dbi =
rwith (writeTxn env) $ \txn ->
rwith (cursor txn dbi) $ \cur ->
withKVPtrs' nullVal nullVal $ \pKey pVal -> do
let loop = io (mdb_cursor_get MDB_LAST cur pKey pVal) >>= \case
False -> pure ()
True -> do io $ mdb_cursor_del (compileWriteFlags []) cur
deleteRowsFrom :: HasLogFunc e => Env -> Dbi -> Word64 -> RIO e ()
deleteRowsFrom env dbi start = do
rwith (writeTxn env) $ \txn -> do
last <- lastKeyWord64 env dbi txn
for_ [start..last] $ \eId -> do
withWordPtr eId $ \pKey -> do
let key = MDB_val 8 (castPtr pKey)
found <- io $ mdb_del txn dbi key Nothing
unless found $
throwIO (MissingEvent eId)
-- Append Rows to Sequence -----------------------------------------------------
appendToSequence :: Env -> Dbi -> Vector ByteString -> RIO e ()
appendToSequence env dbi events = do
numEvs <- readIORef (numEvents log)
next <- pure (numEvs + 1)
doAppend $ zip [next..] $ toList events
writeIORef (numEvents log) (numEvs + word (length events))
flags = compileWriteFlags [MDB_NOOVERWRITE]
doAppend = \kvs ->
rwith (writeTxn env) $ \txn ->
for_ kvs $ \(k,v) -> do
putBytes flags txn dbi k v >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> throwIO (BadWriteEvent k)
-- Insert ----------------------------------------------------------------------
insertWord64 :: Env -> Dbi -> Word64 -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
insertWord64 env dbi k v = do
rwith (writeTxn env) $ \txn ->
putBytes flags txn dbi k v >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> throwIO (BadWriteEffect k)
flags = compileWriteFlags []
-- Read Events -----------------------------------------------------------------
streamEvents :: HasLogFunc e
=> EventLog -> Word64
-> ConduitT () ByteString (RIO e) ()
streamEvents log first = do
last <- lift $ lastEv log
batch <- lift $ readBatch log first
unless (null batch) $ do
for_ batch yield
streamEvents log (first + word (length batch))
streamEffectsRows :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e
=> EventLog -> EventId
-> ConduitT () (Word64, ByteString) (RIO e) ()
streamEffectsRows log = go
go :: EventId -> ConduitT () (Word64, ByteString) (RIO e) ()
go next = do
batch <- lift $ readRowsBatch (env log) (effectsTbl log) next
unless (null batch) $ do
for_ batch yield
go (next + fromIntegral (length batch))
Read 1000 rows from the events table, starting from event `first`.
Throws `MissingEvent` if an event was missing from the log.
readBatch :: EventLog -> Word64 -> RIO e (V.Vector ByteString)
readBatch log first = start
start = do
last <- lastEv log
if (first > last)
then pure mempty
else readRows $ fromIntegral $ min 1000 $ ((last+1) - first)
assertFound :: EventId -> Bool -> RIO e ()
assertFound id found = do
unless found $ throwIO $ MissingEvent id
readRows count =
withWordPtr first $ \pIdx ->
withKVPtrs' (MDB_val 8 (castPtr pIdx)) nullVal $ \pKey pVal ->
rwith (readTxn $ env log) $ \txn ->
rwith (cursor txn $ eventsTbl log) $ \cur -> do
assertFound first =<< io (mdb_cursor_get MDB_SET_KEY cur pKey pVal)
fetchRows count cur pKey pVal
fetchRows count cur pKey pVal = do
env <- ask
V.generateM count $ \i -> runRIO env $ do
key <- io $ peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
val <- io $ peek pVal >>= mdbValToBytes
idx <- pure (first + word i)
unless (key == idx) $ throwIO $ MissingEvent idx
when (count /= succ i) $ do
assertFound idx =<< io (mdb_cursor_get MDB_NEXT cur pKey pVal)
pure val
Read 1000 rows from the database, starting from key `first`.
readRowsBatch :: ∀e. HasLogFunc e
=> Env -> Dbi -> Word64 -> RIO e (V.Vector (Word64, ByteString))
readRowsBatch env dbi first = readRows
readRows = do
logDebug $ display ("(readRowsBatch) From: " <> tshow first)
withWordPtr first $ \pIdx ->
withKVPtrs' (MDB_val 8 (castPtr pIdx)) nullVal $ \pKey pVal ->
rwith (readTxn env) $ \txn ->
rwith (cursor txn dbi) $ \cur ->
io (mdb_cursor_get MDB_SET_RANGE cur pKey pVal) >>= \case
False -> pure mempty
True -> V.unfoldrM (fetchBatch cur pKey pVal) 1000
fetchBatch :: Cur -> Ptr Val -> Ptr Val -> Word
-> RIO e (Maybe ((Word64, ByteString), Word))
fetchBatch cur pKey pVal 0 = pure Nothing
fetchBatch cur pKey pVal n = do
key <- io $ peek pKey >>= mdbValToWord64
val <- io $ peek pVal >>= mdbValToBytes
io $ mdb_cursor_get MDB_NEXT cur pKey pVal >>= \case
False -> pure $ Just ((key, val), 0)
True -> pure $ Just ((key, val), pred n)
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
withKVPtrs' :: (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Val -> Val -> (Ptr Val -> Ptr Val -> m a) -> m a
withKVPtrs' k v cb =
withRunInIO $ \run ->
withKVPtrs k v $ \x y -> run (cb x y)
nullVal :: MDB_val
nullVal = MDB_val 0 nullPtr
word :: Int -> Word64
word = fromIntegral
assertExn :: Exception e => Bool -> e -> IO ()
assertExn True _ = pure ()
assertExn False e = throwIO e
eitherExn :: Exception e => Either a b -> (a -> e) -> IO b
eitherExn eat exn = either (throwIO . exn) pure eat
byteStringAsMdbVal :: ByteString -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
byteStringAsMdbVal bs k =
BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr,sz) ->
k (MDB_val (fromIntegral sz) (castPtr ptr))
mdbValToWord64 :: MDB_val -> IO Word64
mdbValToWord64 (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
assertExn (sz == 8) BadKeyInEventLog
peek (castPtr ptr)
withWord64AsMDBval :: (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Word64 -> (MDB_val -> m a) -> m a
withWord64AsMDBval w cb = do
withWordPtr w $ \p ->
cb (MDB_val (fromIntegral (sizeOf w)) (castPtr p))
withWordPtr :: (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Word64 -> (Ptr Word64 -> m a) -> m a
withWordPtr w cb =
withRunInIO $ \run ->
allocaBytes (sizeOf w) (\p -> poke p w >> run (cb p))
-- Lower-Level Operations ------------------------------------------------------
getMb :: MonadIO m => Txn -> Dbi -> ByteString -> m (Maybe Noun)
getMb txn db key =
io $
byteStringAsMdbVal key $ \mKey ->
mdb_get txn db mKey >>= traverse (mdbValToNoun key)
mdbValToBytes :: MDB_val -> IO ByteString
mdbValToBytes (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
mdbValToNoun :: ByteString -> MDB_val -> IO Noun
mdbValToNoun key (MDB_val sz ptr) = do
bs <- BU.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral sz)
let res = cueBS bs
eitherExn res (\err -> BadNounInLogIdentity key err bs)
putNoun :: MonadIO m
=> MDB_WriteFlags -> Txn -> Dbi -> ByteString -> Noun -> m Bool
putNoun flags txn db key val =
io $
byteStringAsMdbVal key $ \mKey ->
byteStringAsMdbVal (jamBS val) $ \mVal ->
mdb_put flags txn db mKey mVal
putBytes :: MonadIO m
=> MDB_WriteFlags -> Txn -> Dbi -> Word64 -> ByteString -> m Bool
putBytes flags txn db id bs = io $
withWord64AsMDBval id $ \idVal ->
byteStringAsMdbVal bs $ \mVal ->
mdb_put flags txn db idVal mVal