mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
419 lines
10 KiB
419 lines
10 KiB
:: Pass-through Eyre driver
/- spider, *aquarium
/+ ph-io, util=ph-util, threadio
=, thread=thread:spider
+$ state
$: logs=(list az-log) :: oldest logs first
lives=(map ship [lyfe=life rut=rift])
+$ azimuth-command
$% [%spawn =ship]
[%create-ship =ship]
[%breach =ship]
+$ az-log [topics=(lest @) data=@t]
=; core
^- imp:spider
|= [=bowl:spider args=vase]
=/ m (thread ,vase)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (watch-our:threadio /effects %aqua /effect)
;< ~ bind:m
%- (main-loop:threadio ,state)
:~ |=(=state ~(handle-unix-effect core state))
|=(=state ~(handle-poke core state))
pure:(thread ,state)
(pure:m *vase)
|_ =state
++ handle-unix-effect
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
;< [her=ship =unix-effect] bind:m
((handle:threadio ,[ship unix-effect]) take-unix-effect:ph-io)
;< our=ship bind:m get-our:ph-io
=/ card (router our her unix-effect)
?~ card
(pure:m state)
:: send in next event to avoid inverting subscription flow. real
:: solution is probably for gall to drip subscription updates.
;< ~ bind:m (sleep:threadio ~s0)
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-cards:threadio u.card ~)
(pure:m state)
++ router
|= [our=ship her=ship uf=unix-effect]
^- (unit card:agent:mall)
=, enjs:format
=/ ask (extract-request:util uf 'http://localhost:8545/')
?~ ask
?~ body.request.u.ask
=/ req q.u.body.request.u.ask
|^ ^- (unit card:agent:mall)
=/ method (get-method req)
?: =(method 'eth_blockNumber')
:- ~
%+ answer-request req
s+(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum latest-block))
?: =(method 'eth_getBlockByNumber')
:- ~
%+ answer-request req
:- %o
=/ number (hex-to-num:ethereum (get-first-param req))
=/ hash (number-to-hash number)
=/ parent-hash (number-to-hash ?~(number number (dec number)))
%- malt
^- (list (pair term json))
:~ hash+s+(crip (prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 hash)))
number+s+(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum number))
'parentHash'^s+(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum parent-hash))
?: =(method 'eth_getLogs')
:- ~
%+ answer-request req
?^ (get-param-obj-maybe req 'blockHash')
%- logs-by-hash
(get-param-obj req 'blockHash')
%+ logs-by-range
(get-param-obj req 'fromBlock')
(get-param-obj req 'toBlock')
~& [%ph-azimuth-miss req]
++ latest-block
(add launch:contracts:azimuth (dec (lent logs.state)))
++ get-id
|= req=@t
=, dejs:format
%. (need (de-json:html req))
(ot id+so ~)
++ get-method
|= req=@t
=, dejs:format
%. (need (de-json:html req))
(ot method+so ~)
++ get-param-obj
|= [req=@t param=@t]
=, dejs:format
%- hex-to-num:ethereum
=/ array
%. (need (de-json:html req))
(ot params+(ar (ot param^so ~)) ~)
?> ?=([* ~] array)
++ get-param-obj-maybe
|= [req=@t param=@t]
^- (unit @ud)
=, dejs-soft:format
=/ array
%. (need (de-json:html req))
(ot params+(ar (ot param^so ~)) ~)
?~ array
:- ~
?> ?=([* ~] u.array)
%- hex-to-num:ethereum
++ get-first-param
|= req=@t
=, dejs:format
=/ id
%. (need (de-json:html req))
(ot params+(at so bo ~) ~)
++ answer-request
|= [req=@t result=json]
^- card:agent:mall
=/ resp
%- crip
%- en-json:html
%- pairs
:~ id+s+(get-id req)
=/ events=(list aqua-event)
:_ ~
:* %event
[%start [200 ~] `(as-octs:mimes:html resp) &]
:* %pass /aqua-events
%agent [our %aqua]
%poke %aqua-events
++ number-to-hash
|= =number:block:able:jael
^- @
?: (lth number launch:contracts:azimuth)
(cat 3 0x5364 (sub launch:contracts:azimuth number))
(cat 3 0x5363 (sub number launch:contracts:azimuth))
++ hash-to-number
|= =hash:block:able:jael
(add launch:contracts:azimuth (div hash 0x1.0000))
++ logs-by-range
|= [from-block=@ud to-block=@ud]
%+ logs-to-json (max launch:contracts:azimuth from-block)
?: (lth to-block launch:contracts:azimuth)
%+ swag
?: (lth from-block launch:contracts:azimuth)
[0 +((sub to-block launch:contracts:azimuth))]
:- (sub from-block launch:contracts:azimuth)
+((sub to-block from-block))
++ logs-by-hash
|= =hash:block:able:jael
=/ =number:block:able:jael (hash-to-number hash)
(logs-by-range number number)
++ logs-to-json
|= [count=@ud selected-logs=(list az-log)]
^- json
:- %a
|- ^- (list json)
?~ selected-logs
:_ $(selected-logs t.selected-logs, count +(count))
%- pairs
:~ 'logIndex'^s+'0x0'
:+ 'transactionHash' %s
(crip (prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`0x5362)))
:+ 'blockHash' %s
=/ hash (number-to-hash count)
(crip (prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 hash)))
:+ 'blockNumber' %s
(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum count))
:+ 'address' %s
(crip (address-to-hex:ethereum azimuth:contracts:azimuth))
:+ 'topics' %a
%+ turn topics.i.selected-logs
|= topic=@ux
^- json
:- %s
%- crip
%- prefix-hex:ethereum
(render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`topic)
++ handle-poke
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
;< =vase bind:m ((handle:ph-io ,vase) (take-poke:ph-io %azimuth-command))
=/ command !<(azimuth-command vase)
?- -.command
%spawn (spawn +.command)
%create-ship (raw-real-ship +.command)
%breach (breach +.command)
++ raw-real-ship
|= who=ship
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
?. =(%earl (clan:title who))
;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship:ph-io who `(dawn who ~))
(pure:m state)
=/ spon=ship (^sein:title who)
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 (shaz (jam who life=1 %entropy)))
=/ =seed:able:jael
[who 1 sec:ex:cub ~]
=/ =pass pub:ex:cub
=/ com=tape "|moon {(scow %p who)}, =public-key {(scow %uw pass)}"
;< ~ bind:m (dojo:ph-io spon com)
;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship:ph-io who `(dawn who `seed))
(pure:m state)
++ dawn
|= [who=ship seed=(unit seed:able:jael)]
^- dawn-event:able:jael
=/ spon=(list [ship point:azimuth])
|- ^- (list [ship point:azimuth])
=/ =ship (^sein:title who)
=/ a-point=[^ship point:azimuth]
=/ spon-spon [& (^sein:title ship)]
=/ life-rift ~|([ship lives.state] (~(got by lives.state) ship))
=/ =life lyfe.life-rift
=/ =rift rut.life-rift
=/ =pass
%^ pass-from-eth:azimuth
(as-octs:mimes:html (get-public ship life %crypt))
(as-octs:mimes:html (get-public ship life %auth))
:^ ship
*[address address address address]:azimuth
`[life=life pass rift spon-spon ~]
?: ?=(%czar (clan:title ship))
[a-point $(who ship)]
=/ =seed:able:jael
?^ seed
=/ life-rift (~(got by lives.state) who)
=/ =life lyfe.life-rift
[who life sec:ex:(get-keys who life) ~]
:* seed
~[~['arvo' 'netw' 'ork']]
`(need (de-purl:html 'http://localhost:8545'))
:: Should only do galaxies
++ get-czars
^- (map ship [rift life pass])
%- malt
%+ murn
~(tap by lives.state)
|= [who=ship lyfe=life rut=rift]
?. =(%czar (clan:title who))
%- some
:^ who rut lyfe
%^ pass-from-eth:azimuth
(as-octs:mimes:html (get-public who lyfe %crypt))
(as-octs:mimes:html (get-public who lyfe %auth))
++ spawn
|= who=@p
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
?< (~(has by lives.state) who)
=. lives.state (~(put by lives.state) who [1 0])
=. logs.state
%+ weld logs.state
:~ %- changed-keys:lo
:* who
(get-public who 1 %crypt)
(get-public who 1 %auth)
(spam-logs 30)
++ cycle-keys
|= who=@p
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
=/ prev (~(got by lives.state) who)
=/ lyfe +(lyfe.prev)
=. lives.state (~(put by lives.state) who [lyfe rut.prev])
=. logs.state
%+ weld logs.state
:_ ~
%- changed-keys:lo
:* who
(get-public who lyfe %crypt)
(get-public who lyfe %auth)
(pure:m state)
++ breach
|= who=@p
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
;< =new=^state bind:m (cycle-keys who)
=. state new-state
=/ prev (~(got by lives.state) who)
=/ rut +(rut.prev)
=. lives.state (~(put by lives.state) who [lyfe.prev rut])
=. logs.state
%+ weld logs.state
[(broke-continuity:lo who rut) ~]
(spam-logs 30)
++ spam-logs
|= n=@
=/ m (thread ,_state)
^- form:m
=* loop $
?: =(n 0)
(pure:m state)
;< =new=^state bind:m
?. (~(has by lives.state) ~fes)
(spawn ~fes)
(cycle-keys ~fes)
=. state new-state
loop(n (dec n))
++ get-keys
|= [who=@p lyfe=life]
^- acru:ames
%+ pit:nu:crub:crypto 32
(can 5 [1 (scot %p who)] [1 (scot %ud lyfe)] ~)
++ get-public
|= [who=@p lyfe=life typ=?(%auth %crypt)]
=/ bod (rsh 3 1 pub:ex:(get-keys who lyfe))
=+ [enc=(rsh 8 1 bod) aut=(end 8 1 bod)]
?: =(%auth typ)
:: Generate logs
++ lo
=, azimuth-events:azimuth
++ broke-continuity
|= [who=ship rut=rift]
^- az-log
:- ~[^broke-continuity who]
%- crip
%- prefix-hex:ethereum
(render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`rut)
++ changed-keys
|= [who=ship enc=@ux aut=@ux crypto=@ud lyfe=life]
^- az-log
:- ~[^changed-keys who]
%- crip
%- prefix-hex:ethereum
;: welp
(render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`enc)
(render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`aut)
(render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`crypto)
(render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`lyfe)