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module Vere.Term (initializeLocalTerminal, term, TerminalSystem(..)) where
import Arvo hiding (Term)
import UrbitPrelude
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Char
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Terminal
import RIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import RIO.FilePath
import System.Console.Terminfo.Base
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Output to the attached terminal is either a series of vere blits, or it is an
-- injected printf line from the interpreter.
data VereOutput = VereBlitOutput [Blit]
| VerePrintOutput String
| VereBlankLine
data LineState = LineState String Int
-- A record used in reading data from stdInput.
data ReadData = ReadData
{ rdBuf :: Ptr Word8
, rdEscape :: Bool
, rdBracket :: Bool
, rdUTF8 :: ByteString
, rdUTF8width :: Int
-- Minimal terminal interface.
-- A Terminal can either be local or remote. Either way, the Terminal, from the
-- view of the caller, a terminal has a thread which when exits indicates that
-- the session is over, and has a general in/out queue in the types of the
-- vere/arvo interface.
data TerminalSystem e = TerminalSystem
{ tsReadQueue :: TQueue Belt
, tsWriteQueue :: TQueue VereOutput
, tsStderr :: Text -> RIO e ()
-- Private data to the TerminalSystem that we keep around for stop().
data Private = Private
{ pReaderThread :: Async ()
, pWriterThread :: Async ()
, pPreviousConfiguration :: TerminalAttributes
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
initialBlew w h = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBlew (UD 1, ()) w h
initialHail = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvHail (UD 1, ()) ()
-- Version one of this is punting on the ops_u.dem flag: whether we're running
-- in daemon mode.
runMaybeTermOutput :: Terminal -> (Terminal -> Maybe TermOutput) -> RIO e ()
runMaybeTermOutput t getter = case (getter t) of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just x -> io $ runTermOutput t x
rioAllocaBytes :: (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Int -> (Ptr a -> m b) -> m b
rioAllocaBytes size action =
withRunInIO $ \run ->
allocaBytes size $ \x -> run (action x)
-- Because of legacy reasons, some file operations are in the terminal
-- driver. These should be filtered out and handled locally instead of in any
-- abstractly connected terminal.
isTerminalBlit :: Blit -> Bool
isTerminalBlit (Sav _ _) = False
isTerminalBlit (Sag _ _) = False
isTerminalBlit _ = True
-- Initializes the generalized input/output parts of the terminal.
initializeLocalTerminal :: HasLogFunc e => RAcquire e (TerminalSystem e)
initializeLocalTerminal = do
(a, b) <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure a
start :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e (TerminalSystem e, Private)
start = do
-- Initialize the writing side of the terminal
t <- io $ setupTermFromEnv
-- TODO: We still need to actually get the size from the terminal somehow.
tsWriteQueue <- newTQueueIO
pWriterThread <- asyncBound (writeTerminal t tsWriteQueue)
pPreviousConfiguration <- io $ getTerminalAttributes stdInput
-- Create a new configuration where we put the terminal in raw mode and
-- disable a bunch of preprocessing.
let newTermSettings =
flip withTime 0 .
flip withMinInput 1 $
foldl' withoutMode pPreviousConfiguration disabledFlags
io $ setTerminalAttributes stdInput newTermSettings Immediately
tsReadQueue <- newTQueueIO
pReaderThread <- asyncBound
(readTerminal tsReadQueue tsWriteQueue (bell tsWriteQueue))
let tsStderr = \txt ->
atomically $ writeTQueue tsWriteQueue $ VerePrintOutput $ unpack txt
pure (TerminalSystem{..}, Private{..})
stop :: HasLogFunc e
=> (TerminalSystem e, Private) -> RIO e ()
stop (TerminalSystem{..}, Private{..}) = do
-- Note that we don't `cancel pReaderThread` here. This is a deliberate
-- decision because fdRead calls into a native function which the runtime
-- can't kill. If we were to cancel here, the internal `waitCatch` would
-- block until the next piece of keyboard input. Since this only happens
-- at shutdown, just leak the file descriptor.
cancel pWriterThread
-- take the terminal out of raw mode
io $ setTerminalAttributes stdInput pPreviousConfiguration Immediately
-- A list of terminal flags that we disable
disabledFlags = [
-- lflag
StartStopOutput, KeyboardInterrupts, EnableEcho, EchoLF,
ProcessInput, ExtendedFunctions,
-- iflag
MapCRtoLF, CheckParity, StripHighBit,
-- cflag, todo: Terminal library missing CSIZE?
-- oflag
getCap term cap =
getCapability term (tiGetOutput1 cap) :: Maybe TermOutput
vtClearScreen t = getCap t "clear"
vtClearToBegin t = getCap t "el"
vtSoundBell t = getCap t "bel"
vtParmLeft t = getCap t "cub1"
vtParmRight t = getCap t "cuf1"
-- Writes data to the terminal. Both the terminal reading, normal logging,
-- and effect handling can all emit bytes which go to the terminal.
writeTerminal :: Terminal -> TQueue VereOutput -> RIO e ()
writeTerminal t q = loop (LineState "" 0)
loop s = do
x <- atomically $ readTQueue q
case x of
VereBlitOutput blits -> do
s <- foldM (writeBlit t) s blits
loop s
VerePrintOutput p -> do
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r"
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearToBegin
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText p
s <- termRefreshLine t s
loop s
VereBlankLine -> do
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r\n"
loop s
-- Writes an individual blit to the screen
writeBlit :: Terminal -> LineState -> Blit -> RIO e LineState
writeBlit t ls = \case
Bel () -> do
runMaybeTermOutput t vtSoundBell
pure ls
Clr () -> do
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearScreen
termRefreshLine t ls
(Hop w) -> do
termShowCursor t ls (fromIntegral w)
(Lin c) -> do
ls2 <- termShowClear t ls
termShowLine t ls2 (pack c)
(Mor ()) -> do
termShowMore t ls
(Sag path noun) -> pure ls
(Sav path atom) -> pure ls
(Url url) -> pure ls
-- Moves the cursor to the requested position
termShowCursor :: Terminal -> LineState -> Int -> RIO e LineState
termShowCursor t (LineState line pos) newPos = do
if newPos < pos then do
replicateM_ (pos - newPos) (runMaybeTermOutput t vtParmLeft)
pure (LineState line newPos)
else if newPos > pos then do
replicateM_ (newPos - pos) (runMaybeTermOutput t vtParmRight)
pure (LineState line newPos)
pure (LineState line pos)
-- Displays and sets the current line
termShowLine :: Terminal -> LineState -> String -> RIO e LineState
termShowLine t ls newStr = do
-- TODO: Really think about how term.c munged cus_w. Amidoinitrit?
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText newStr
pure (LineState newStr (length newStr))
termShowClear :: Terminal -> LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowClear t ls = do
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r"
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearToBegin
pure (LineState "" 0)
-- New Current Line
termShowMore :: Terminal -> LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowMore t ls = do
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r\n"
pure (LineState "" 0)
-- Redraw the current LineState, moving cursor to the end.
termRefreshLine :: Terminal -> LineState -> RIO e LineState
termRefreshLine t ls@(LineState line pos) = do
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearToBegin
newLs <- termShowLine t ls line
termShowCursor t newLs pos
-- ring my bell
bell :: TQueue VereOutput -> RIO e ()
bell q = atomically $ writeTQueue q $ VereBlitOutput [Bel ()]
-- Reads data from stdInput and emit the proper effect
-- This entire path is a divergence from how term.c does things,
-- probably. First, the vtime is 0, not 1 in term.c. So (IIUC), we'll
-- always have a latency of 1/10 of a second.
-- A better way to do this would be to get some sort of epoll on stdInput,
-- since that's kinda closer to what libuv does?
readTerminal :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
=> TQueue Belt -> TQueue VereOutput -> (RIO e ()) -> RIO e ()
readTerminal rq wq bell =
rioAllocaBytes 1 $ \ buf -> loop (ReadData buf False False B.empty 0)
loop :: ReadData -> RIO e ()
loop rd@ReadData{..} = do
-- The problem with using fdRead raw is that it will text encode
-- things like \ESC instead of 27. That makes it broken for our
-- purposes.
t <- io $ try (fdReadBuf stdInput rdBuf 1)
case t of
Left (e :: IOException) -> do
-- Ignore EAGAINs when doing reads
loop rd
Right 0 -> loop rd
Right _ -> do
w <- io $ peek rdBuf
-- print ("{" ++ (show w) ++ "}")
let c = w2c w
if rdEscape then
if rdBracket then do
case c of
'A' -> sendBelt $ Aro U
'B' -> sendBelt $ Aro D
'C' -> sendBelt $ Aro R
'D' -> sendBelt $ Aro L
_ -> bell
loop rd { rdEscape = False, rdBracket = False}
else if isAsciiLower c then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord $ pack [c]
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if c == '.' then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord "dot"
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if w == 8 || w == 127 then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord "bac"
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if c == '[' || c == '0' then do
loop rd { rdBracket = True }
else do
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
else if rdUTF8width /= 0 then do
-- continue reading into the utf8 accumulation buffer
rd@ReadData{..} <- pure rd { rdUTF8 = snoc rdUTF8 w }
if length rdUTF8 /= rdUTF8width then loop rd
else do
case UTF8.decode rdUTF8 of
Nothing ->
error "empty utf8 accumulation buffer"
Just (c, bytes) | bytes /= rdUTF8width ->
error "utf8 character size mismatch?!"
Just (c, bytes) -> sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
loop rd { rdUTF8 = B.empty, rdUTF8width = 0 }
else if w >= 32 && w < 127 then do
sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
loop rd
else if w == 0 then do
loop rd
else if w == 8 || w == 127 then do
sendBelt $ Bac ()
loop rd
else if w == 13 then do
sendBelt $ Ret ()
loop rd
else if w == 3 then do
-- ETX (^C)
logDebug $ displayShow "Ctrl-c interrupt"
atomically $ do
writeTQueue wq $ VerePrintOutput "interrupt\r\n"
writeTQueue rq $ Ctl $ Cord "c"
loop rd
else if w <= 26 then do
sendBelt $ Ctl $ Cord $ pack [w2c (w + 97 - 1)]
loop rd
else if w == 27 then do
loop rd { rdEscape = True }
else do
-- start the utf8 accumulation buffer
loop rd { rdUTF8 = singleton w,
rdUTF8width = if w < 224 then 2
else if w < 240 then 3
else 4 }
sendBelt :: HasLogFunc e => Belt -> RIO e ()
sendBelt b = do
logDebug $ displayShow ("terminalBelt", b)
atomically $ writeTQueue rq b
term :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
=> TerminalSystem e -> (STM ()) -> FilePath -> KingId -> QueueEv
-> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e TermEf))
term TerminalSystem{..} shutdownSTM pierPath king enqueueEv =
(initialEvents, runTerm)
initialEvents = [(initialBlew 80 24), initialHail]
runTerm :: RAcquire e (EffCb e TermEf)
runTerm = do
tim <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure handleEffect
start :: RIO e (Async ())
start = async readBelt
stop :: Async () -> RIO e ()
stop rb = cancel rb
readBelt :: RIO e ()
readBelt = forever $ do
b <- atomically $ readTQueue tsReadQueue
let blip = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBelt (UD 1, ()) $ b
atomically $ enqueueEv $ blip
handleEffect :: TermEf -> RIO e ()
handleEffect = \case
TermEfBlit _ blits -> do
let (termBlits, fsWrites) = partition isTerminalBlit blits
atomically $ writeTQueue tsWriteQueue (VereBlitOutput termBlits)
for_ fsWrites handleFsWrite
TermEfInit _ _ -> pure ()
TermEfLogo path _ -> do
atomically $ shutdownSTM
TermEfMass _ _ -> pure ()
handleFsWrite :: Blit -> RIO e ()
handleFsWrite (Sag path noun) = performPut path (jamBS noun)
handleFsWrite (Sav path atom) = performPut path (atom ^. atomBytes)
handleFsWrite _ = pure ()
performPut :: Path -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
performPut path bs = do
let putOutFile = pierPath </> ".urb" </> "put" </> (pathToFilePath path)
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory putOutFile)
writeFile putOutFile bs