Josh Lehman 48ea6c028e
Merge pull request #6328 from urbit/autoprop-link
Add |link step to %autoprop.
2023-03-16 08:46:20 -07:00

324 lines
8.2 KiB

:: autoprop: make pills & props when desk contents change
:: link at the dojo command line:
:: |link %autoprop
:: auto-build a new .urb/put/latest-solid.pill:
:: +latest-solid solid %kids %garden
:: stop auto-building latest-solid:
:: -latest-solid
:: auto-build a new .urb/put/somedesk.jam:
:: +some-desk desk %somedesk
:: see currently configured build tasks:
:: ?
:: run task right now:
:: !latest-solid
/+ libpill=pill, shoe, verb, dbug, default-agent
=, clay
+$ state-0
$: %0
make=(map @ta [next=(unit @da) =task]) :: things to make
hear=(set desk) :: observed desks
vers=path :: runtime version
sole=sole-id :: the way out
+$ sole-id sole-id:sole:shoe
+$ task
$% pill
+$ pill
$% [%ivory base=desk]
[%solid base=desk etc=(set desk)]
[%brass base=desk etc=(set desk)]
+$ prop
$% [%desk =desk]
+$ command
$% [%put name=@ta =task] :: configure pill build
[%del name=@ta] :: remove pill build
[%see ~] :: help & current config
[%run name=@ta] :: force build
+$ card card:shoe
++ delay ~d5
=| state-0
=* state -
%+ verb |
%- agent:dbug
^- agent:gall
%- (agent:shoe command)
^- (shoe:shoe command)
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
des ~(. (default:shoe this command) bowl)
rev rev:.^(vere %$ /(scot %p our.bowl)//(scot %da now.bowl)/zen/ver)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:_ this(vers rev)
[%pass /vers %arvo %b %wait (add now.bowl ~m5)]~
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
^- (quip card _this)
[~ this(state !<(state-0 old))]
++ command-parser
|= =sole-id
^+ |~(nail *(like [? command]))
%+ pick
(cold [%see ~] wut)
|^ ;~ pose
(stag %put ;~(plug (ifix [lus ace] sym) ;~(pose pil pro)))
;~(plug (cold %del hep) sym)
;~(plug (cold %run zap) sym)
++ pil
;~ pose
;~(plug (perk %ivory ~) ;~(pfix ace des))
;~(plug (perk %solid ~) ;~(pfix ace dez))
;~(plug (perk %brass ~) ;~(pfix ace dez))
++ pro
;~(plug (perk %desk ~) ;~(pfix ace des))
++ des
;~(pfix cen sym)
++ dez
;~ plug
;~ pose
;~(pfix ace (cook ~(gas in *(set desk)) (more ace des)))
(easy ~)
++ on-command
|= [=sole-id =command]
^- (quip card _this)
?- -.command
=* task task.command
=/ targ=(set desk)
?- -.task
%ivory [base.task ~ ~]
?(%solid %brass) (~(put in etc.task) base.task)
%desk [desk.task ~ ~]
=/ news (~(dif in targ) hear)
=. hear (~(uni in hear) targ)
=. make (~(put by make) name.command `now.bowl task.command)
:_ this
%+ turn ~(tap in news)
|= =desk
:+ %pass /desk/[desk]
[%arvo %c %warp our.bowl desk `[%next %z da+now.bowl /]]
::NOTE deletion from hear, if necessary, handled in +on-arvo
[~ this(make (~(del by make) name.command))]
:_ this
^- (list card)
=- [%shoe [sole-id]~ %sole %mor -]~
^- (list sole-effect:shoe)
:- [%txt "to add: +task-name type %args"]
:- [%txt " where type is one of: solid, brass, ivory, desk"]
:- [%txt "to del: -task-name"]
:- [%txt "to run: !task-name"]
?: =(~ make)
[%txt "no builds configured"]~
:- [%txt "--"]
:- [%txt "builds:"]
%+ turn ~(tap by make)
|= [name=@ta next=(unit @da) =task]
:- %txt
%- trip
%+ rap 3
:* name ' ('
?~(next 'up to date' (scot %da
') : +' -.task ' %'
?- -.task
%ivory [base.task ~]
?(%solid %brass) :- base.task
?: =(~ etc.task) ~
[' %' (join ' %' ~(tap in etc.task))]
%desk [desk.task ~]
== ==
=* name name.command
=+ (~(got by make) name)
:_ =- this(make (~(jab by make) name -))
|=([next=(unit @da) =^task] [~ task])
::TODO just poke hood instead?
=; sag=sole-effect:shoe
:_ ~
:+ %shoe [sole]~
:+ %sole %mor
:~ [%txt "{(trip dap.bowl)} built {(trip name)}"]
|^ =* base base.task
:+ %sag
=/ ver=@ta
=+ .^(vere %$ /(scot %p our.bowl)//(scot %da now.bowl)/zen/ver)
?. ?=([%vere @ ~] rev)
(rap 3 (join '-' rev))
(fall (slaw %ta i.t.rev) i.t.rev)
?- -.task
?(%solid %brass %ivory) /[dap.bowl]/[ver]/[name]/pill
%desk /[dap.bowl]/[ver]/[name]/jam
?- -.task
%ivory (ivory:libpill (sys base))
?(%solid %brass)
=/ dez=(list [desk path])
%+ turn ~(tap in etc.task)
|=(d=desk [d (bek d)])
?- -.task
%solid (solid:libpill (sys base) dez | now.bowl &)
%brass (brass:libpill (sys base) dez &)
=* desk desk.task
(install:events:libpill desk (byk desk) &)
++ sys
|= d=desk
`path`(snoc (bek d) %sys)
++ byk
|= d=desk
`beak`[our.bowl d da+now.bowl]
++ bek
|= d=desk
`path`(en-beam (byk d) /)
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire sign=sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?: ?=([%build ~] wire)
:: on-wake, build all tasks whose time has come
?> ?=(%wake +<.sign)
=/ tasks=(list @ta)
%+ murn ~(tap by make)
|= [name=@ta next=(unit @da) task]
?~ next ~
?:((lte now.bowl) (some name) ~)
?^ error.sign
((slog 'on-wake build failed' >tasks< u.error.sign) ~ this)
=| cards=(list card)
?~ tasks [cards this]
=^ caz this (on-command sole %run i.tasks)
$(tasks t.tasks, cards (weld cards caz))
?: ?=([%vers ~] wire)
:: on-wake, republish props if we're on a new runtime
?> ?=(%wake +<.sign)
=/ next=card
[%pass /vers %arvo %b %wait (add now.bowl ~m5)]
?^ error.sign
%- (slog 'on-wake vers failed' u.error.sign)
[[next]~ this]
?: =(rev vers) [[next]~ this]
=. vers rev
=/ tasks=(list @ta) ~(tap in ~(key by make))
=| cards=(list card)
?~ tasks [[next cards] this]
=^ caz this (on-command sole %run i.tasks)
$(tasks t.tasks, cards (weld cards caz))
?> ?=([%desk @ ~] wire)
=* desk i.t.wire
?. ?=(%writ +<.sign)
~& [dap.bowl %unexpected-sign +<.sign]
[~ this]
:: on-writ, bump build timers for all affected tasks
=/ tasks=(list @ta)
%+ murn ~(tap by make)
|= [name=@ta (unit @da) =task]
=- ?:(- (some name) ~)
?- -.task
%ivory =(desk base.task)
?(%solid %brass) |(=(desk base.task) (~(has in etc.task) desk))
%desk =(desk desk.task)
?: =(~ tasks)
[~ this(hear (~(del in hear) desk))]
=/ next=@da (add now.bowl delay)
:_ :: delay next build for affected tasks
|- ?~ tasks this
=. make
%+ ~(jab by make) i.tasks
|=([(unit @da) =task] [`next task])
$(tasks t.tasks)
:~ :: watch for the next change on this desk
:+ %pass /desk/[desk]
[%arvo %c %warp our.bowl desk `[%next %z da+now.bowl /]]
:: set a timer for building affected tasks
[%pass /build %arvo %b %wait next]
++ on-connect
|= =sole-id
^- (quip card _this)
::TODO actually should just poke drum to write
[~ this(sole sole-id)]
++ can-connect |=(* =(src our):bowl)
++ on-disconnect on-disconnect:des
++ tab-list tab-list:des
++ on-poke on-poke:def
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def