
302 lines
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Eyre: Http Server Driver
module Urbit.Vere.Eyre
( eyre
import Urbit.Prelude hiding (Builder)
import Urbit.Arvo hiding (ServerId, reqUrl, secure)
import Urbit.King.Config
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.PortsFile
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Serv
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Service
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Multi
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Wai
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.PEM (pemParseBS, pemWriteBS)
import RIO.Prelude (decodeUtf8Lenient)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Urbit.Vere.Http (convertHeaders, unconvertHeaders)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type HasShipEnv e = (HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasPierConfig e)
type ReqId = UD
newtype Drv = Drv (MVar (Maybe Serv))
data SockOpts = SockOpts
{ soLocalhost :: Bool
, soWhich :: ServPort
data PortsToTry = PortsToTry
{ pttSec :: SockOpts
, pttIns :: SockOpts
, pttLop :: SockOpts
data Serv = Serv
{ sServId :: ServId
, sConfig :: HttpServerConf
, sLop :: ServApi
, sIns :: ServApi
, sSec :: Maybe ServApi
, sPorts :: Ports
, sPortsFile :: FilePath
, sLiveReqs :: TVar LiveReqs
-- Utilities for Constructing Events -------------------------------------------
servEv :: HttpServerEv -> Ev
servEv = EvBlip . BlipEvHttpServer
bornEv :: KingId -> Ev
bornEv king = servEv $ HttpServerEvBorn (king, ()) ()
liveEv :: ServId -> Ports -> Ev
liveEv sId Ports {..} = servEv $ HttpServerEvLive (sId, ()) pHttp pHttps
cancelEv :: ServId -> ReqId -> Ev
cancelEv sId reqId = servEv $ HttpServerEvCancelRequest (sId, reqId, 1, ()) ()
reqEv :: ServId -> ReqId -> WhichServer -> Address -> HttpRequest -> Ev
reqEv sId reqId which addr req = case which of
Loopback -> servEv $ HttpServerEvRequestLocal (sId, reqId, 1, ())
$ HttpServerReq False addr req
_ -> servEv $ HttpServerEvRequest (sId, reqId, 1, ())
$ HttpServerReq (which == Secure) addr req
-- Based on Pier+Config, which ports should each server run? -------------------
httpServerPorts :: HasShipEnv e => Bool -> RIO e PortsToTry
httpServerPorts fak = do
ins <- view (networkConfigL . ncHttpPort . to (fmap fromIntegral))
sec <- view (networkConfigL . ncHttpsPort . to (fmap fromIntegral))
lop <- view (networkConfigL . ncLocalPort . to (fmap fromIntegral))
localMode <- view (networkConfigL . ncNetMode . to (== NMLocalhost))
let local = localMode || fak
let pttSec = case (sec, fak) of
(Just p , _ ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices $ singleton p)
(Nothing, False) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (443 :| [8443 .. 8453]))
(Nothing, True ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (8443 :| [8444 .. 8453]))
let pttIns = case (ins, fak) of
(Just p , _ ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices $ singleton p)
(Nothing, False) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (80 :| [8080 .. 8090]))
(Nothing, True ) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices (8080 :| [8081 .. 8090]))
let pttLop = case (lop, fak) of
(Just p , _) -> SockOpts local (SPChoices $ singleton p)
(Nothing, _) -> SockOpts local SPAnyPort
pure (PortsToTry { .. })
-- Convert Between Urbit and WAI types. ----------------------------------------
parseTlsConfig :: (Key, Cert) -> Maybe TlsConfig
parseTlsConfig (PEM key, PEM certs) = do
let (cerByt, keyByt) = (wainBytes certs, wainBytes key)
pems <- pemParseBS cerByt & either (const Nothing) Just
(cert, chain) <- case pems of
[] -> Nothing
p : ps -> pure (pemWriteBS p, pemWriteBS <$> ps)
pure $ TlsConfig keyByt cert chain
wainBytes :: Wain -> ByteString
wainBytes = encodeUtf8 . unWain
parseHttpEvent :: HttpEvent -> [RespAct]
parseHttpEvent = \case
Start h b True -> [RAFull (hSta h) (hHdr h) (fByt $ fromMaybe "" b)]
Start h b False -> [RAHead (hSta h) (hHdr h) (fByt $ fromMaybe "" b)]
Cancel () -> [RADone]
Continue b done -> toList (RABloc . fByt <$> b)
<> if done then [RADone] else []
hHdr :: ResponseHeader -> [H.Header]
hHdr = unconvertHeaders . headers
hSta :: ResponseHeader -> H.Status
hSta = toEnum . fromIntegral . statusCode
fByt :: File -> ByteString
fByt = unOcts . unFile
requestEvent :: ServId -> WhichServer -> Word64 -> ReqInfo -> Ev
requestEvent srvId which reqId ReqInfo{..} = reqEv srvId reqUd which riAdr evReq
evBod = bodFile riBod
evHdr = convertHeaders riHdr
evUrl = Cord (decodeUtf8Lenient riUrl)
evReq = HttpRequest riMet evUrl evHdr evBod
reqUd = fromIntegral reqId
bodFile :: ByteString -> Maybe File
bodFile "" = Nothing
bodFile bs = Just $ File $ Octs bs
-- Running Servers -------------------------------------------------------------
execRespActs :: HasLogFunc e => Drv -> Ship -> Word64 -> HttpEvent -> RIO e ()
execRespActs (Drv v) who reqId ev = readMVar v >>= \case
Nothing -> logError "Got a response to a request that does not exist."
Just sv -> do
logTrace $ displayShow ev
for_ (parseHttpEvent ev) $ \act -> do
atomically (routeRespAct who (sLiveReqs sv) reqId act)
:: (HasPierConfig e, HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e)
=> MultiEyreApi
-> Ship
-> Bool
-> HttpServerConf
-> (Ev -> STM ())
-> RIO e Serv
startServ multi who isFake conf plan = do
logTrace "startServ"
srvId <- io $ ServId . UV . fromIntegral <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
let mTls = hscSecure conf >>= parseTlsConfig
ptt <- httpServerPorts isFake
TODO If configuration requests a redirect, get the HTTPS port (if
configuration specifies a specific port, use that. Otherwise, wait
for the HTTPS server to start and then use the port that it chose).
and run an HTTP server that simply redirects to the HTTPS server.
let secRedi = Nothing
let soHost :: SockOpts -> ServHost
soHost so = if soLocalhost so then SHLocalhost else SHAnyHostOk
vLive <- newTVarIO emptyLiveReqs
let onReq :: WhichServer -> Ship -> Word64 -> ReqInfo -> STM ()
onReq which _ship reqId reqInfo =
plan (requestEvent srvId which reqId reqInfo)
let onKilReq :: Ship -> Word64 -> STM ()
onKilReq _ship = plan . cancelEv srvId . fromIntegral
atomically (joinMultiEyre multi who mTls onReq onKilReq)
logTrace "Starting loopback server"
lop <- serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttLop ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttLop ptt)
, scRedi = Nothing
, scType = STHttp who $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Loopback
, rcKil = onKilReq
logTrace "Starting insecure server"
ins <- serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttIns ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttIns ptt)
, scRedi = secRedi
, scType = STHttp who $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Insecure
, rcKil = onKilReq
mSec <- for mTls $ \tls -> do
logTrace "Starting secure server"
serv vLive $ ServConf
{ scHost = soHost (pttSec ptt)
, scPort = soWhich (pttSec ptt)
, scRedi = Nothing
, scType = STHttps who tls $ ReqApi
{ rcReq = onReq Secure
, rcKil = onKilReq
pierPath <- view pierPathL
lopPor <- atomically (fmap fromIntegral $ saPor lop)
insPor <- atomically (fmap fromIntegral $ saPor ins)
secPor <- for mSec (fmap fromIntegral . atomically . saPor)
let por = Ports secPor insPor lopPor
fil = pierPath <> "/.http.ports"
logTrace $ displayShow ("EYRE", "All Servers Started.", srvId, por, fil)
pure (Serv srvId conf lop ins mSec por fil vLive)
-- Eyre Driver -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: forall e
. HasShipEnv e
=> KingId
-> MultiEyreApi
-> Ship
-> QueueEv
-> Bool
-> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpServerEf))
eyre king multi who plan isFake = (initialEvents, runHttpServer)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
initialEvents = [bornEv king]
runHttpServer :: RAcquire e (EffCb e HttpServerEf)
runHttpServer = handleEf <$> mkRAcquire
(Drv <$> newMVar Nothing)
(\(Drv v) -> stopService v kill >>= fromEither)
kill :: HasLogFunc e => Serv -> RIO e ()
kill Serv{..} = do
atomically (leaveMultiEyre multi who)
atomically (saKil sLop)
atomically (saKil sIns)
for_ sSec (\sec -> atomically (saKil sec))
io (removePortsFile sPortsFile)
restart :: Drv -> HttpServerConf -> RIO e Serv
restart (Drv var) conf = do
logDebug "Restarting http server"
let startAct = startServ multi who isFake conf plan
res <- fromEither =<< restartService var startAct kill
logDebug "Done restating http server"
pure res
handleEf :: Drv -> HttpServerEf -> RIO e ()
handleEf drv = \case
HSESetConfig (i, ()) conf -> do
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "%set-config"))
Serv {..} <- restart drv conf
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "%set-config", "Sending %live"))
atomically $ plan (liveEv sServId sPorts)
logDebug "Write ports file"
io (writePortsFile sPortsFile sPorts)
HSEResponse (i, req, _seq, ()) ev -> do
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "%response"))
execRespActs drv who (fromIntegral req) ev